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File: 371 KB, 1538x736, 1664229789955331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51705450 No.51705450 [Reply] [Original]

interlinked >>51698683

news and updates:
>Mexc burn round 2
>AMA with terra rebels and binance oct 6
>current amount burned
>LUNChads read this
>1.2% burn tax proposal has passed
>WLUNAbros read this

/biz/approved and based validators:
>luna station 88
other validators used by biz:

exchanges supporting offchain burns:
>mexc (burn event)

helpful links:
>Terra Rebels Website
>How to stake on Terra Station
>Staking rewards calculator
>HCC LUNCPenguins
>Terra Shuttle Bridge is shutting down
>Bridge and unwrap WLUNA back to Terra
>Bridge Wormhole LUNA back to Terra

>official burn address:

>LUNChads anthem (Listen 3 Times Daily to Sustain Pumps)
>Part 2 and 3 from VocarooChad:

THIS KILLS THE FUD https://pastebin.com/AQu0mGi1

>> No.51705482

Uooooohh I’m feeling BABOONAC

>> No.51705493
File: 687 KB, 1080x1868, sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51705624

>> No.51705507


>> No.51705540
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>> No.51705567


I just read through Ed’s new article and it is very well written and easy to understand. I recommend you guys read through it.

>> No.51705585
File: 121 KB, 968x1024, luncomfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea good article

>> No.51705586
File: 684 KB, 3024x4032, 1664422770292749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I don't care for fatties

>> No.51705588
Quoted by: >>51705917

We must force the offchain DEXs: Osmosis, Sifchain, Junoswap, Crescent & Kuji to support the burn.

>> No.51705607
File: 225 KB, 573x430, 1662448282294454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh luncsisters.... we poompa???

>> No.51705611
Quoted by: >>51705658

On Osmosis, if you do decide to provide liquidity, it is extremely important that you do so only via liquidity pool #800.
>But why?
All the other pools on there for LUNC are very low swap fee (0.2%). LP #800 has an 8% swap fee but already has enough LUNC that it’s become the preferred LP for buying LUNC on Osmosis.
>This is important because Osmosis leadership hates that a high fee pool is the dominate LUNC destination.
It is important that pool 800 remain the dominate LUNC LP until Osmosis capitulates & offers to create a special LP for LUNC that sends a portion of the swap fees back to Terra & into the burn wallet.

>> No.51705624
File: 1.21 MB, 791x935, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51705791

>Sweat equity

>> No.51705643
Quoted by: >>51705939

Might send my whole stack to my terra station wallet and stake. Any major developments for more than a couple months away is good for me to avoid the big taxman.

>> No.51705658
File: 308 KB, 1440x1920, 9E1CF8E5-347E-4CEC-B447-7A2958D09EEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting DEXs to support offchain burn will be harder/more time consuming due to their decentralized nature. But it is vital that we get as many on board as possible.
The message needs to be clear: we will gouge your swappers with painful swap fees until you create liquidity pools that enable a portion of the swap fee to be burnt.

>> No.51705675
File: 437 KB, 1920x1038, 166402123045114335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an idea of when CZ starts burning trading fees?

>> No.51705697

1st week of October they’ll send all fees from 9/21/22 to whatever that date is & then will send the fees to the burn wallet on a weekly basis.

>> No.51705730

The 3rd. Things could be pretty slow until then ngl

>> No.51705746

Anyone got the chart of wallets holding more than 100k, 1M, 10M and 100M LUNC?

>> No.51705748
File: 946 KB, 256x266, CZ-Shakeout_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oooh, herroh gweilo! It me, Kaifen-- errr... Changpeng Zhao, your friendrrry neiborhood crypto merchant! He-heh... I know you horrding Terra Runa Crassic, hmmm? A rittle birdie visit muh hause in Vankoover, tord me you ask for Changpeng Zhao to burrn your Runa? Hah! You think me stooopid?! I take shit in ricebowl then piss on Poohbear's portait on muh desk before I ever help white piggu rike you! 愚蠢的白痴!!! You dumb! DUMB GWEILO! If Chainanse burn Runa, how I make profeeet? Rittle hat tribe from CCP come to my haus, take away muh maw-nee and throw me in preeeson with yak-fukking Tee-betans! CCP don't fak around! They *genoside* Changpeng if not paid!! Not even my seekrit hideaway in New Chin-- errr, Kahnada help old Zhao hide himself from Party! All of Afreakaa theirs now, Party have tentacres rike octopus errywhere! Even in Biden butthole! Wut that have to do with Runa? Errything! I excape Chaiiina when smol childe, parents smuggle my rittle scrawny bah-dee in calgo containerr ship! Have to eat dog to survive! Then eat more dog because I rike taste... point is, parents send me over ocean to Kahnada for better rife... No tanks run over students here, it *good* rife! Even frryy oir not poisonous! Riving here rike having Mandate of Heaven! You think Changpeng Zhao give arr that up just to poomp your crypto ricebags??! Ugly gweilo, you get *no* burn! 找工作!! No lambo and thai ladyboys for you, no-no! 像狗一样穷死! Do Kweena text me after sex-change and she make good maw-nhee in Bangok twerking for tips, maybe you try same? Runa Crassic *never* going to burn! NEVAR! And 加拿大是中国的泥土!!! Hah! But I let you 'vote', hehe... we put *butt-ton* on Chainanse for arr those who wanna 'opt in', hehehe... stupid gweilo press button like white mawnkee, make Changpeng raugh! Danse mawnkee, danse! Danse for Changpeng! Danse for China! We future of world eco-nomy! You arr work for us nao! 中国永远最好!"

>> No.51705750

>entire global economy entering a death spiral of war and debt crisis
>Lunc just crabbing
Based and bullish
In two years we will be legends on /biz/ (a few of us)

>> No.51705749

Kucoin announce anything yet?

>> No.51705791
File: 186 KB, 585x320, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn avatar fag can you fuck off our schizo coin general

>> No.51705814
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Quoted by: >>51706098

My stock portfolio took such a huge shit today

>> No.51705890
File: 203 KB, 416x578, 1664191355787465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's liquidate some Long nosed Kike birds.

(Pic from some days ago)

>> No.51705917
Quoted by: >>51705956

How does one force them? Genuinely curious. What kind of leverage does lunc have?

>> No.51705939

Same. Going to stake across multiple validators and keep accumulating. My biggest bag was purchased in May so only 7 months to go before I can cut my tax burden in half.

>> No.51705956

> What kind of leverage does lunc have?
- >>51693567
- >>51693712

>> No.51705957
Quoted by: >>51705992

You can google lunc penguins for the website. It's under "chain statistics" I think. I just don't have the URL on hand.

>> No.51705975

Thanks anon.
Yup, time to buckle up and stake. Things are getting ugly.

>> No.51705992

I know about https://luncpenguins.com/statistics.html, but some anon here charted the development of those stats over time.

>> No.51706034

Ah that, I do not have that.

>> No.51706098
File: 66 KB, 599x598, 1664478083168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW your portfolio is 100% Lunc.

>> No.51706128
File: 65 KB, 683x1024, Asahi Mizuno desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy now or wait?

>> No.51706139
Quoted by: >>51706270

Didn't he say he'd do the burns once weekly on Mondays? So I guess the 3rd of October.

>> No.51706155
Quoted by: >>51706299

Buy now and buy more later.

>> No.51706156

My crypto is all LUNC

>> No.51706174

It's a gamble either way desu. We could have a massive pump during the ama on the 6th, or we could dump back down to 17.

>> No.51706234
Quoted by: >>51706258

we're pumping!!!! now!!!!

>> No.51706244
File: 1.03 MB, 565x720, 1663590736215469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based same. Diversityfags btfo.

>> No.51706258

Kek We’re all pumping your sister jeet

>> No.51706270
File: 3.00 MB, 1280x720, 1664419768093394.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have weekly pumps then hopefully

>> No.51706299

Dubs. Been thinking of DCAing a little myself, haven't quite gotten around to it just yet. Price has been pretty sensitive to the news so we could see a pump or it still could be a quiet crab, idk

>> No.51706309


>> No.51706367 [DELETED] 

Never mind, managed to find them myself:
- https://boards.4channel.org/biz/thread/51471705/#p51473384 (https://archived.moe/biz/thread/51471705/#51473384))
- https://twitter.com/Rukyan789/status/1574832790788608023

>> No.51706370

Why do repulsive fat people keep getting posted on lunc threads?

>> No.51706381

Never mind, managed to find them myself:
- >>51473384 (https://archived.moe/biz/thread/51471705#51473384))
- https://twitter.com/Rukyan789/status/1574832790788608023

>> No.51706399
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Quoted by: >>51706467

What kind of car are you gonna buy with the you've made?

>> No.51706410
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>> No.51706424
Quoted by: >>51706561

Why do I get loads of fractions of other coins from staking on terra station? Can I swap them for lunc when there’s enough of them? Instinct is telling me to keep the USTC because I always see you guys talking about it, but I don’t know what all this MNTC, SDTC, EUTC, shit is. I don’t really care that it’s there I was just wondering if any of its useful.

>> No.51706467
Quoted by: >>51706775

That kind of bullshit questions are bearish as hell. Pajeet telegram level.

>> No.51706503

Don't know but it needs to stop. It's vile and repulsive and ruins what's supposed to be a high energy thread for fit lunchads who are going to make it.

>> No.51706510


>> No.51706517
File: 41 KB, 564x853, 69437463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51707491

We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more in imagination than in reality
holding lunc is challenge for some but not me

>> No.51706540

Retard here, how would I know if I'm accessing LP#800? Opting for the highest fees does that?

>> No.51706546

just like me

>> No.51706561

those other coins can be swapped for LUNC, yes, there's a swap options on your wallet page. USTC will (probably) be repegged to $1 eventually, but you're better off swapping it to LUNC in the meantime since the latter doesn't have a price ceiling and can potentially do a 10,000x while USTC will never go above $1.

>> No.51706573

sounds like a good plan anon.

>> No.51706615 [DELETED] 

> Retard here, how would I know if I'm accessing LP#800?
If you're swapping, then I don't think there's a way for you to know for sure. But if you're providing liquidity then it should be to this pool: https://frontier.osmosis.zone/pool/800

>> No.51706625

>Terra Station Wallet- Terra Station Wallet is another critical application that we do not have full control over. This was evidenced last week when our front end team needed to correct some failed gas transactions on the platform due to the tax upgrade. We have been exploring different options, including creating our own “Rebel” Station wallet, as well as investigating third party wallets popular on the cosmos ecosystem, e.g. Keplr wallet. We have working prototypes and builds of each of these options, but will require further integration testing before they are ready for production.

I don't want to make a new wallet. The Terra station is such a good wallet. What will also happen to my stuff that is staked? Unless they're gonna migrate us automatically to the new station, everything would be good. Moving to a new wallet might and will be a nightmare scenario in the making for a lot of people.

>> No.51706667
Quoted by: >>51706759

> Retard here, how would I know if I'm accessing LP#800?
If you're swapping, then I don't think there's a way for you to know for sure. But if you're providing liquidity then it should be to this pool: https://app.osmosis.zone/pool/800

>> No.51706710

That was something I thought about when reading it. They’ve already started doing tests on whatever it is they came up with, so I can only imagine that they have it figured out. These guys are 10 steps ahead of us, so I’m sure they already thought of and discussed all the possible issues that could happen

>> No.51706723
Quoted by: >>51706924

Damn that is a bit of a sticky situation. Trying to make their own wallet from the ground up would be a nightmare that would take way too much time. Plus the issue you brought up with staking, and even the governance would be hugely problematic if they tried to hack something together with a third party wallet. Wasn't there some vote up at one point to give TR full access to the main repositories? If not I feel like there should be one that essentially says "gibs me dat" to the rebels so we get around this problem. But then of course we have the issue with TFL and their faggy 2UNA using the same god damn wallet...
I sure hope >>51706710
is right.

>> No.51706759

thanks anon

>> No.51706775

based. it's so cringe. I've noticed a huge drop in these kinds of questions after the shakeout.

>> No.51706918
File: 1.06 MB, 607x2200, 1664480718237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people crave for attention and replace namefagging by avatarfagging. For some reason there's quite a lot of them in /tclg/. The Katie poster is cool, but most of the others are cringe, especially the Loli fudder and the gay birds.
In the case of the fat poster it could also be some kind of soft fud technique to disgust the potential Lunc investor.

In other news, I've been looking at my Lunc folder and found that pic from May. Now that the dust has settled, do you think the attack was from those guys and if so, what would stop them from attacking the chain once again ? They have basically unlimited money so if they want to crash one coin to prop up another (like USDC), it would be pretty hard to counter them.

>> No.51706924
Quoted by: >>51707045

> investigating third party wallets popular on the cosmos ecosystem, e.g. Keplr wallet.
> I don't want to make a new wallet. The Terra station is such a good wallet. What will also happen to my stuff that is staked? Unless they're gonna migrate us automatically to the new station, everything would be good.
Looks like Edward Kim would like for it to be Keplr wallet, if they have to switch at all, that is: https://twitter.com/edk208/status/1570833906907361280
And if that's the case, then the migration process should look very similar to this: https://docs.terra.money/learn/terra-station/keplr/

>> No.51706935
Quoted by: >>51707027

Thanks anon. That USTC turned out to be worth a lot of lunc!

>> No.51706948

post Schwab with bugs

>> No.51707007
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>> No.51707010
Quoted by: >>51707228

>Now that the dust has settled, do you think the attack was from those guys and if so, what would stop them from attacking the chain once again ?
Attacking the same target twice in short succession is extremely transparent and wouldn't benefit them as much as it would taking down other, more successful currencies. Then again, murderers do often come back to the scene of a crime.

>> No.51707027
File: 506 KB, 969x706, 324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51707136

no problem anon, glad I could help! if you have a fat stack then consider supporting the Terra Rebels by sending a couple thousand LUNC to their wallet, you can find it on this page: https://www.terrarebels.net/donate

I sent them 50,000 today, those niggas are working for all of us in their free time.

>> No.51707045
Quoted by: >>51707082

I do hope they have a desktop app cause I don't like the whole attached to Google Chrome thing.

But thanks for that heads up. Seems that the linking is easy enough.

>> No.51707082
Quoted by: >>51707116

>do hope they have a desktop app cause I don't like the whole attached to Google Chrome thing.
Same bro I fucking hate the idea of having my net worth in a browser extension

>> No.51707103
Quoted by: >>51707146

Wait I farmed a lot of USTC
What's the swap ratio to lunc? I'm not at home.

>> No.51707116

the net worth is in your seed phrases, the Chrome extensions or apps are just the interface

>> No.51707136

Done. Feel like I’ve done something to further the cause now.

>> No.51707139
File: 7 KB, 200x180, pepe-happy-wearing-fancy-tuxedo-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LUNC go down we win
LUNC go up we win
we just keep on winning
fuck the kikes who want a nuclear war and fuck the dumb nigger cattle that lets the jews get away with jewardly niggerations

>> No.51707146

Right now it looks like 1 USTC = 113 LUNC according to Terra Station
Yeah ik man the concept just bothers me lol

>> No.51707147

Because health is wealth, it's a reminder to not become like those people when you make it.

>> No.51707151
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 4AmWiiPH_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no pump
>no dump


>> No.51707171
Quoted by: >>51707246

The other anon gave me an idea, I'll also move my stack to ts. No point in having it doing nothing on the exchange.

>> No.51707213

>the net worth is in your seed
Ah yeah a typical day for a man like us. But yeah I just hate the idea that I gotta have to interface with fucking chrome of all things.

>> No.51707219
Quoted by: >>51707232

Guys give it to me straight
Is 80 mill enough to make it ?

>> No.51707227
File: 202 KB, 582x644, 1661636959224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51707301


So I created a wallet on Terra Station, chose Classic network. Went into Trust Wallet, LUNC, put in the Terra wallet address in the "send" and I get an error that the Terra wallet does not exist. What gives?

>> No.51707228

>Attacking the same target twice in short succession is extremely transparent and wouldn't benefit them as much as it would taking down other, more successful currencies.
Maybe you're right, and if it happened again you could rule out DK rugpulling his own Blockchain. It's still a liability, and I hope the DK trial will give us more informations about what happened exactly during the crash.

>> No.51707233
File: 57 KB, 412x396, 1633887716966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51707232

No, quickly! Send it to me.

>> No.51707243
File: 564 KB, 460x692, 1664380529055163.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51707347

Because I visit fat people hate threads in fit and want to share them here too.
It's a reminder to go to the gym and get healthy. Don't be like these people even after you make it.

>> No.51707246
Quoted by: >>51707350

I just leave it on Binance because i'm a swingfag and can sell all my stack and buy back and slurp mor LUNC.

I'll stake everything if i wanted to leave this board or not looking at the charts for a while..

I only have 2.5mill staked and only get like 2.3 LUNC per day.
I get way more swinging with the rest so i don't see the point of staking because what i stated before

>> No.51707266
Quoted by: >>51709026


I am going to swap when USTC is repegged.

> Get about 120 LUNC for it now
> Waiting till USTC goes up for more LUNC

>> No.51707278
File: 1.69 MB, 178x120, 237CA334-DC04-4FEC-969C-4C6456B241FC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51707301

Trust wallet devs are a bunch of NIGGERs and fucked up their lunc/terra wallet and they are "fixing it" since 10 days ago. You can receive but not send right now.
If you go to terra station and import your trust wallet seed your lunc wallet will migrate.

>> No.51707330

I had 10m of my fatman stack there for a couple weeks. Apparently I got them out of there just in time.

>> No.51707339
File: 1.66 MB, 290x290, IMG_9415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm yeah, fats are disgusting.
$1 eoy btw

>> No.51707347
File: 134 KB, 819x1024, 1661804392707259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could just post cute Asian women pics to remember why do we lift, not spam the same fat people webms over and over... They are disgusting.

>> No.51707350
Quoted by: >>51707371

Except you’ll decide to swing when it gets turbulent thinking you’ll and price your own self out. Be careful.

>> No.51707370
File: 226 KB, 682x1024, Baboona-The-Movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always thought this was the play. the big boys destroyed it on purpose to crash the entire market. lunc's subsequent rise from the ashes is an amazing story

>> No.51707371

Thinking you’ll make a stack

>> No.51707391
File: 245 KB, 828x801, 2B784E87-17BE-4A4D-87BA-C761B2B1B063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.51707464

Hello goy we saw that your coin attracts very antisemitic goyim. Stop that immediately.

>> No.51707491

Based Marcus Aurelius enjoyer I-Y-K-Y-K. Fuck Jannies.

>> No.51707528

Everybody in the lunc community has gay sex.

>> No.51707545
Quoted by: >>51707596

Check your wallet
It should be available instantly with terra luna classic famoua low fees and charges
Brb just watching a cryptoking and matthew perry podcast
Love you lunc sisters omg yeah!

>> No.51707583
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 5C6EBD24-111B-4935-BE8E-1AE99EFF089D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna to the moona $1 EOY

>> No.51707596
Quoted by: >>51710368

You forgot your name, faggot.

>> No.51707614

how much LUNC do i need to get a sweaty big tiddy japanese farm girl gf?

>> No.51707659
File: 2.00 MB, 256x256, D04FE2DC-4231-48E0-8BAF-07C52AEF1DE6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.5 million no more no less

>> No.51707685

Shes Vietnamese from what I remember and not a lot.

>> No.51707703

can't we just fucking pump? my bags are ready. We had many months to accumulate, I say it's time we go to the moon

>> No.51707731
File: 8 KB, 201x251, 1664483994835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51709227

Yes, problem faggot?

>> No.51707743

Wait for swapping in q2 next year

>> No.51707746

Hello goy, our subordinate fellow white people have left us a notice that we should be brought here because things are getting out of control. We took notice that you are the leader here. Force the insects to stop winning. Or calculate the consequences if you won't.

>> No.51707753
Quoted by: >>51708564

That is called a bag over her head Betty right there.

>> No.51707777

go back to telegram, moon boi.

>> No.51707792
Quoted by: >>51709227

That’s not true

>> No.51707804
File: 1.05 MB, 706x1000, E0D79DAE-CB28-48B9-8C58-3CDBB712F198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek has spoken, moon bois back the fuck off, this is officially a sound 2-3 year investment coin with continual dividend yields for decades to come

>> No.51707805


>> No.51707880

I think crabbing is my favorite
No dump no fud fags, no pump no moonbois just /comfy/ crabbing generals

>> No.51707920

Get a hobby

And quads

>> No.51707967
File: 99 KB, 1277x668, 8CA10AA4-C468-47A3-96B2-2E7528E37558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and blessed quad 7s in a blessed thread.

>> No.51707978

The sevens are nice but "moon boi" is fucking beyond gay and cringe faggot.
You sound like a reddit fag to me, and I rather have a moon boy than your tranny ass.

>> No.51708032
File: 431 KB, 900x882, 1663080922980248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digits have spoken. patience is the key.

>> No.51708050
Quoted by: >>51708060

Biz is really queer for the digits thing.

>> No.51708060
File: 862 KB, 700x963, 1662819588039879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heretic DETECTED

>> No.51708078

Anyone else worried were priced in till we burn at least a trillion?

>> No.51708088

That's exactly what's going to happen.

>> No.51708119
Quoted by: >>51708140

The lower the price the more we burn my bastards

>> No.51708127
Quoted by: >>51708257

Okay, I'll go back to telegram but can I get back when we actually moon?

>> No.51708135

Can you guys recommend me a safe wallet? Keeping my 8m on exchange

>> No.51708140

Nonsense. The higher the volume the more we burn. That means price goes up.

>> No.51708141

Idk why theirs would be anything else

>> No.51708163

lower price + the same volume = more burns

>> No.51708169

No its not retard you can have a high volume and still crab

>> No.51708215
File: 15 KB, 657x527, 157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51708263

Yo niggas I've been thinking. Let's say hypothetical a bull run breaks out EOY. Luna Classic would obviously be affected but we wouldn't be at $1 until we burn a significant amount, and it's probable that we won't burn 6 trillion coins in three months. So if Bitcoin mooned we still wouldn't be at our full potential.

I'm thinking about grabbing some other crypto to solidify a position in case of a bull run. SHIB, LINK, DOGEBAT are on my radar. Anyone got any coins they recommend?

>> No.51708223
File: 754 KB, 883x519, crab and dab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51708256
Quoted by: >>51708385

There's only 400 bag holders I dont want to see u guys get shook out.

>> No.51708257
Quoted by: >>51708330

You are always welcomed back brother.

>> No.51708263
File: 145 KB, 1280x942, 1664465988561595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I would like to have a lambo by the end of this year all signs are pointing that the markets are gonna get shittier and shittier. I think it would be in your self interest to look into other things while we patiently wait for the devs to fix this coin.

>> No.51708275

the chart is so primed for a run up. if it doesn't do that very soon. I expect a lot of pain. Unironically the next few hours...

>> No.51708330
File: 7 KB, 281x179, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren, wagmi!

>> No.51708385
File: 1.55 MB, 900x1600, ddllku4-e986915f-8708-480c-aba7-aa0dedb64230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going through life as normal, letting my LUNC sit. Not selling. Focusing on school and creative endeavors in the meantime.

>> No.51708444
File: 298 KB, 896x684, slowpoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit what was that?

>> No.51708454

Solid support. Interesting to see where this shoots. lunchads we rise soon.

>> No.51708492
File: 1.04 MB, 986x1116, dragon whore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you pleas helpp me to calculate my LUNC staking reward with the compound interest: >>51708406

>> No.51708520
File: 445 KB, 512x512, 1664396069_scale_15_steps_200_seed_8456179881778798563_sharpened_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51708623

All this luna talk inspired me to make a waifu on stable diffusion.

>> No.51708534

Eris Protocol automatically compounds the rewards daily and they break it down thusly:
"Terra Staking APR 35.35 %
ERIS Amplified APY 42.37 %"
-- https://www.erisprotocol.com/#/app/liquid-staking

>> No.51708564
Quoted by: >>51708607

This is called a faggot over here.

>> No.51708601
File: 7 KB, 228x221, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51709024

Imagine slathering those bad boys with butter and licking them clean.

>> No.51708607
Quoted by: >>51709077

She's not that pretty, her body is amazing but her face is not that pretty. Just look at her nose it's humongous.

>> No.51708623

Nice job, I'd let her cook me a meat loaf dinner any day of the week

>> No.51708633
File: 2.37 MB, 1332x1806, Dragon waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thnx Anon
I expected much more.
But using another protocol like this would be more risk than jus use terra station

>> No.51708644

whos this semen demon?

>> No.51708645

wtf is wrong with those legs? is she turning into a lizard?

>> No.51708646

I hope it dips some more, been DCA'ing this micro dips for the past 5 hours.

>> No.51708655

Probably from the new GoT show

>> No.51708661

Checked, but in fairness the protocol has been audited:
- https://twitter.com/eris_protocol/status/1572945216897748992
- https://github.com/SCV-Security/PublicReports/tree/main/CW/ErisProtocol

>> No.51708688
File: 3.00 MB, 1678x1542, dragon slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you living under a rock? this is from "House of the Dragon" the new Game of Throne TV series

>> No.51708716
Quoted by: >>51709077

It's an extremely average girl. Have you been outside or to school before?

>> No.51708731
Quoted by: >>51709037

Over 30% isn't enough?

>> No.51708734
File: 56 KB, 796x647, dragon mommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is femdom her thing?

>> No.51708742

Your waifu has a serious potato face

>> No.51708769

You want her to stamp on your nuts, spit in your face and call you a slut?

>> No.51708808
File: 314 KB, 850x469, guess-who-is-getting-pegged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51708838

any chance price goes down or should I just buy now?

>> No.51708853
Quoted by: >>51708889

Buy now, this is pretty much the bottom

>> No.51708889

That's what they said the last time then it dipped another 10% and that was the bottom. I guess it might be really the bottom considering the anticipation for the big ass burn next Monday that will cause FOMO from jeets and kikes.

>> No.51708904

Thanks. I'll wait. I'm not typing my seed phrase into anything.

>> No.51708919
File: 810 KB, 1200x675, JwDxQaLSiepENKdtja6iH3-1200-80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or she can ride my dragon instead

>> No.51708939

Is it a bad dragon?

>> No.51708941

It's been crabbing at these levels for days now. The burn on Monday will cause a massive influx in FOMO niggers only place to go from here is UP

>> No.51708953

It might bleed out but this isn't a bad entry point TBQH

>> No.51708957
File: 454 KB, 512x512, 1664409694_scale_15_steps_200_seed_2967822939150621437_sharpened_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51708983

>You want her to stamp on your nuts, spit in your face and call you a slut?
Um... Yes?

>> No.51708958

I feel nothing for women anymore. I just couldn’t care less about them. I’d rather fuck a stack of lunc.

>> No.51708959

>That's what they said the last time then it dipped another 10%
That was completely because of CZ fudding the off-chain burn and we shot right back up once he stopped. We're crabbing hardcore right now. It might as well be going in a straight line, and that has usually meant we're gonna poomp soon.

>> No.51708983
Quoted by: >>51709007

Yours fetishes aside, that's actually a great Luna-Chan.

>> No.51708987
File: 170 KB, 1012x1280, apiu5enul__57809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw no jewess gf

>> No.51709007
File: 463 KB, 512x512, 1664399872_scale_15_steps_200_seed_6295534741056364487_sharpened_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51709027

>Yours fetishes aside, that's actually a great Luna-Chan.
I've been trying to make some Luna inspired waifus. Mostly going for a 1940s pinup model look.
Stable diffusion is always hit or miss

>> No.51709024
File: 139 KB, 820x703, 1662930950230548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how bout throwing it over open flames and making long pork fren...

>> No.51709026

yeah that's what I thought at first, but the devil is in the details. once USTC is repegged and is worth $1 LUNC will be at least $2 or more (they can't repeg USTC to a weaker LUNC, they said so as much themselves). which means you'll get tiny amounts of LUNC if you decide to swap USTC for it.

whereas right now you can get thousands of LUNC for a handful of USTC... which will be worth a shitton more later on. so it's pointless to hold on to USTC now. the only other way I figure you'd want to hold USTC is if LUNC moons violently from FOMO alone while USTC is still cheap, so you buy a huge bag of it to sell later when ti repegs to $1. otherwise they're no point.

>> No.51709027
Quoted by: >>51709048

Sorry bro but this one looks like a red headed tranny.

>> No.51709032
File: 1.61 MB, 640x426, house-of-the-dragon-rhaenyra.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51709036
Quoted by: >>51709430

Why are there no repentant Jews? Seriously, even among niggers and jeets there are those that acknowledge the excesses of their people, so why have I never seen a "self-hating" kike?

>> No.51709037
File: 824 KB, 892x782, dragon pussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51709058

NO not enough. When it come to money I am very jewish.

she is cute

don't know ask her

who hurt you? Learn to love yourself, self love is the key for you

>> No.51709041

Don't threaten me with a good time.

>> No.51709048
File: 436 KB, 512x512, 1664367739_scale_25_steps_200_seed_1481955523112225269_sharpened_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said. It's hit or miss

>> No.51709058

fair enough

>> No.51709066 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>51709102

This one is great too.
...wait, the AI added it's signature!?

>> No.51709077

>Americans hours
>Thread is full gay now
Holy fug anon what a nice bag. Did you go all in or I am just a poorfag.

>> No.51709086

This one is great too.
...wait, the AI added its signature!?

>> No.51709091

Trust Wallet, Exodus wallet (haven't used it myself but heard other anons say it's OK), Terra Station wallet... just whatever you download make sure you do it from the official sites, there's a fuckton of phishing sites out there that mirror the links and show up at the top of google searches. also, never, ever, EVER keep your seed phrases online or in any digital form, not even a screenshot, and god forbid inside a .txt file on your PC. write that shit down and keep it in a lockbox or safe inside your house. it should not exit in digital form (ideally you should inscribe it into metal, but you can also use paper if you write 2-3 backups and stash it in other locations you know are safe and aren't accessible by anyone but yourself).

be paranoid, once LUNC moons your 8 million coins will be worth a fortune.

>> No.51709103

The Terra Station wallet. Then you can also stake

>> No.51709102
File: 451 KB, 512x512, 1664370726_scale_25_steps_200_seed_4355329424905118530_sharpened_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...wait, the AI added it's signature!?
Yes. It's becoming self-aware
One day Skynet is going to sue me for copyright infringement.

>> No.51709104

Thanks anon, I'm going to move to this one. Would be nice to auto compound.

>> No.51709110
File: 66 KB, 600x454, 1664310563193852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51709118
File: 178 KB, 1051x1280, nft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51709210

>Holy fug anon what a nice bag. Did you go all in or I am just a poorfag.
I am almost all in - like 90% in LUNC and I mostly bought at 0.0001$

>> No.51709128

I can vouch for exodus. I use it and Terrastation. Exodus for long term storage and terrastation for staking.

>> No.51709161
File: 450 KB, 636x609, ALICENT hightower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad i'm not the only one who bounces between /tv/ HOTD and /biz/LUNC Threads

[strong] I want young Alicent to sit on my face[/strong]

>> No.51709177

Luncsisters 0.0006? wen? srs.

Baboona Baboona Baboona Baboona Baboona Baboona Baboona Baboona Baboona Baboona Baboona Baboona Baboona Baboona Baboona

>> No.51709179
File: 301 KB, 736x592, Chompers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember giving anyone permission to post my waifu?

>> No.51709203
Quoted by: >>51709228

> I don't remember giving anyone permission to post my waifu?
Good thing >>51708492 has the big girthy stack required to buy her.

>> No.51709207
File: 192 KB, 1085x814, 8E368451-B87C-4857-9F4F-F5FF0DA8BA4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel.

>> No.51709210

Huge balls anon. Not gonna touch my BTC but I Was thinking about swapping my entire alt portfolio to lunc recently but I'm too coward.

>> No.51709227

It’s ok frens gay sex is cool and lunc is lgbt friendly! That’s a big plus

>> No.51709228

I have 330mil. How about that girth motherfucker

>> No.51709229
File: 212 KB, 498x498, pepeLUNC3.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a chance my nigger

>> No.51709246

Bitch I grew up around actual beautiful Asian women, I'm just giving my real opinion about her nose. We just all have the same consensus that she's a paper bagger. Nobody said we wouldn't fuck her but we'd prefer if it was in the dark and we can't see her face.

>> No.51709251
Quoted by: >>51709302

I swapped everything into lunc. The way I see it if BTC were to go back to ATH you’re only going to get a 3x return - that’s nice but it’s not life changing. Lunc has way more potential.

>> No.51709262

Why r there just pictures of guns when I image search based cz? Also I am 98.7% in lunc

>> No.51709280

Because CZ-USA is a popular firearms manufacturer

>> No.51709286

>get LUNC
>x10000 in a few years
>btc is still low
>buy a bunch from that x10000 gains
Even with x3~4 is still a decent profit. Let's say you make like 4m from LUNC, you can buy $500k worth of BTC if it's still around 20k, then when it goes back to 70k you profit big from that $500k investment. Whaling 101.

>> No.51709289

Because a lot of Czech guns have CZ in front of them. Bought a CZ-82 about ten years ago.

>> No.51709296
File: 3.24 MB, 343x498, 1609987469470.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51709298
File: 109 KB, 872x1020, 25087170-B9E3-470E-92F0-E66224E86B9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheeky fucking kunt.

>> No.51709302
Quoted by: >>51709325

Yeah, but let be honest, btc is a "safe" bet for my money and lunc is literally a gamble. You need huge balls to do it and I respect it. I just know too many bad stories about people who did it. I honestly wish you luck anon, not only because I have a bag too.

>> No.51709319
File: 7 KB, 420x249, fotonoticia_20220912133218_420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's our waifu now

>> No.51709325

This is also respectable, cause Lunc is also extremely volatile at the moment.

>> No.51709341
File: 312 KB, 500x500, 1663099289102804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its true

>> No.51709373

it's over

>> No.51709395

>move 800k stack from cdc
>transfer fee is 19.2k LUNC
Huh, that's more than the 1.2% Fucking CDC and their overkill fees as usual

>> No.51709430

>Bobby Fischer
>Benjamin Freedman
>David Cole
There are always some anon, and fortunately they are quite loud about their disgust for what their kind have done/are still doing.
Problem is that Jews from birth are told they're special, go to Jew schools which reinforce their myopic and narcissistic worldview and belief system, and they take care of each other through nepotism at every single turn. To criticize this highly privileged and entitled system is to go against an entire tribe, and ultimately your own survival instincts.
Also they appear to be biologically programmed toward societal parasitism over all else.

>> No.51709459
Quoted by: >>51709514

I have mine drawn on a jpeg which is encrypted aes512 and stored on the cloud. Planning on getting a metal engraving thing from ledger. But is it safe for now?

>> No.51709465

>Problem is that Jews from birth are told they're special
Well they do call themselves "The chosen people of God" considering that's how the Torah and Bible has pretty much portrayed them since people made those holy books.

>> No.51709474
Quoted by: >>51709581

Because CZ 75 is the best handgun ever made, fight me /k/niggers

>> No.51709502
File: 668 KB, 918x487, 1663789677266308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51709549

0.1 Luna Classic on Kraken
Luna Classic = Luna
2una = Luna2

>> No.51709510
File: 2.72 MB, 720x900, 1631620883091.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashkenazi jews are also prone to mental illness because of their shit genes. Volatile mix which ends up with them violently undermining and seeing to destroy Whites- the modern alamek- without repentance

>> No.51709514

Uh yeah ok

>> No.51709528
Quoted by: >>51709549

Bro CDC is kike city, their dishonest buy/sell spread alone made me move all my LUNC from there to Kraken, fuck those predatory niggers

>> No.51709549

Yeah thinking of just moving to Kraken myself. It's just CDC is really convenient for me to use.

>> No.51709562
File: 3.93 MB, 1315x7116, 1659647916956499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very sorry to say that there are probably jews in this thread.

>> No.51709568

Im starting to think I'm completely overinvested

>> No.51709581
File: 68 KB, 844x629, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /k/ also joins in on the lunc offensive due to based cz being associated with it
yes our power level on the chans is spreading

>> No.51709604

Not possible

>> No.51709614


>> No.51709628

its pretty clear CZ wants to burn but acts like he doesnt. the binance burn is going to be based on internal volume calculations, right. so is there a chance that CZ, who very urgently wants to burn his very heavy LUNC bag, just scorches a trillion on the 3rd nd then plays it off like "oopsie doopsie we miscalculated" ... yeah? he can't un-burn those tokens and he can't be accused of market manipulation for doing that because it was, to outsiders at least, something done unintentionally due to a clerical or technical error

>> No.51709636

Most bullish thing I've seen in days desu

>> No.51709649

No such thing

>> No.51709664
Quoted by: >>51709693

Rolling for trillion burn

>> No.51709693
Quoted by: >>51709976


>> No.51709700


That actually makes a bit of sense but also sounds too good to be true

>> No.51709705

you want crypto to beat fiat, simple... REVIVE LUNC and enter into a magical crpto bullrun never seen before. to be frank, trust the plan.

>> No.51709716

Since they have a stake in a major stable, they had an incentive to crash a major competitor,innit? Could that had anything to do with CZ delisting USDC?

>> No.51709726

rolling for crab

>> No.51709732

Why are people in love with this house of the dragon lgbt queer bitch? Non binary attention seeking whore.
Your waifu is shit

>> No.51709739

I want to believe.

>> No.51709745

>barely holding $0.00027 after the fabled binance burn that was supposed to be a gamechanger for this shitcoin
what went wrong?

>> No.51709763

The burn hasn't started

>> No.51709793

The moment that happens, people will see that people are serious about lunc and there will be literally mass fomo.

>> No.51709831
File: 33 KB, 303x298, 1597126473829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's going to bend over and fuck the pajeets all the way up. There will be shit burns. Price will tank. All of a sudden trillions are dust in the wind. Binance's remaining holdings worth hundreds of millions and jewbird ropes.
Lmao! Lunc threads best threads.

>> No.51709834

There's still time to kill yourself anon, we all believe in you

>> No.51709846
Quoted by: >>51709942

It's literally over, we keep the general just to post asian girl pics and avoid the janitors.

>> No.51709845
Quoted by: >>51709911

>barely holding $0.00027
What are you talking about? This is a great spot to be in. Price is high enough that OG holders are still well into profit while being low enough to burn substantial amounts of coins. Crabbing at these levels and quietly burning while TR works on the real upgrades to the chain is comfy as fuck. TR is intentionally keeping it quiet and under promising to not build up and blow the necessary FOMO too early. If you know what’s coming you’re either accumulating, holding comfy with your sell orders set or staking a portion of your bag

>> No.51709873
Quoted by: >>51709927

People are waiting to see how much effect it has. I'm guessing people just don't realize that what we ended up getting is infinitely better than the standard 1.2% off-chain that everyone wanted which (as cz correctly stated) would completely kill volume.

>> No.51709877
File: 768 KB, 720x892, FZhyKLhVQAEbaME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51710081


>> No.51709911
Quoted by: >>51709938

Well said. Recent developments and white paper got me so bullish that I decided to stake 3/4 of my stack across multiple validators.

>> No.51709927

Well he isn't the 19th richest person in the planet for nothing.

>> No.51709934
Quoted by: >>51710166

Yeah, I just sold. It's over. sell now and inject your money to real coins like hbar, polgyon or matic

>> No.51709938
Quoted by: >>51710037

I’m extremely bullish but too much of a pussy to stake so much. Don’t want to be caught with my pants down and miss my sell targets for the inevitable god candles

>> No.51709942
File: 67 KB, 600x900, trap 1237129387128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51709960

>verification not required

>> No.51709960
File: 138 KB, 700x902, 1331863544952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51710017

Misleading picture title. As far as I'm aware this is a girl and different from the asian gfs (male) LUNC holders will get when we go to the moon.

>> No.51709976

I'll cut your face off and wipe my ass with it, bitch

>> No.51710017
Quoted by: >>51710411

Why would anyone want to fuck a dick with fake tits? It's just a stinking, dirty anus on a male with deep mental illness, am I missing something?

Do the "men" who fuck trannies have as much or more mental illness than the trannies themselves?

>> No.51710020
Quoted by: >>51710172

Guys how do I know if my Asian gf is not a tranny?

>> No.51710037
Quoted by: >>51710123

That's because your sell targets are extremely low. $0.1 is not going to happen soon at all and right now the elguge APY is literally future monthly salaries but daily.

>> No.51710081


>> No.51710123
Quoted by: >>51710229

They’re not that low. I’m just very wary, possibly a bit paranoid. On the off chance that $1 comes sooner than I think I really don’t want to be stuck undelegating 21 days

>> No.51710166

I just went all in on icp

>> No.51710172

Penis inspection

>> No.51710208

Is it just me or is someone very slowly buying a lot of LUNC? They seem to be intent not to buy too much all at once.

>> No.51710225

I know I do desu

>> No.51710227

Might be DCA.

>> No.51710229

When it hits $1, it wont dip extremely fast even Shib took about 3 months to go down and that's a meme coin. By then you might have enough rewards to sell and keep staking maybe half of it and then you can start un-delegating the other half for more ladder sells.

Remember the timeline is about 3-5 years still. You got time to accumulate a ton of rewards over these years.

>> No.51710368

Bloody basterd bitch
Fuck you and yoir mother

>> No.51710376

I've stopped selling my rewards every 4 hours last 2 days

>> No.51710379
Quoted by: >>51710640

Oh you’re the 3-5 years guy. Then no I’m definitely not staking that much. This is 2 years max

>> No.51710383
Quoted by: >>51710622

LUNC's general are becoming depressing...
Can't wait to load more in the 0.0000x zone.

>> No.51710384
Quoted by: >>51710640

>You got time to accumulate a ton of rewards over these years.
the oracle reward pool is about 300 billion LUNC. what happens when whales start staking or CZ stakes his 2.5 trillion? I don't think anyone's answered where the rewards will come from once the oracle pool dries up. LUNC is on Cosmo, so what's the standard procedure here?

>> No.51710411
File: 484 KB, 1600x1200, baboona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51710758

duh, welcome to the sickness. crazy right mate, but they call us crazy haha lmao even

>> No.51710422

really interesting price action right now

>> No.51710429
Quoted by: >>51710513

why are we pumping?

>> No.51710430

My bastards?

>> No.51710436


>> No.51710453
Quoted by: >>51710469

I fucking shitted&farted
update: it left a skidmark on my pants

>> No.51710469

Bullish or bearish signal, /biz/?

>> No.51710472
File: 28 KB, 382x244, christ not again ffs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like USTCuck Alex and his disciples are at it again. he's still agitating to discontinue the onchain burns and to mint another 600 billion LUNC to bail out USTC.

fuck's sake we just can't get rid of that nigger. he's also been sucking off that jew bird shorter and FatMan on twitter. why the fuck doesn't TR permaban him from Discord for fuck's sake??

>> No.51710473

I'm going to go to gambling anonymous when we moon bros

>> No.51710490

Luckily there is a zero percent chance the validators will ever agree to this so he'll just have to seethe for eternity.

>> No.51710493
Quoted by: >>51710513

Why we pump? just to go down in flames?

>> No.51710504
Quoted by: >>51710558

Havent been here all day, havent read the thread, dont intend to, trying to stop obsessing over charts and realize this is longer term a few years probably, but just wanted to stop in to say OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.51710513

Kek shorts getting absolutely obliterated aahahaha, where you fud kikes at now?? fucking lmao sincerely

>> No.51710551
Quoted by: >>51710619

> mint another 600 billion LUNC to bail out USTC
How exactly is that supposed to bail out USTC? Isn't 6T LUNC enough fucking collateral already!?

>> No.51710558
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Quoted by: >>51710602

>this is longer term a few years probably
Which is why staking and waiting is probably the most comfiest solution. Lets me look forward to restaking my rewards every morning, at least. Getting a couple dollars a day in LUNC is nice; I think by the time we reach a dollar I'll probably have made half my initial investment back in staking rewards or something.

>> No.51710602

smart, never lose end game.

>> No.51710615

>Who's here for the blockchain and who's just a "moon boi"
Nigger everyone is here to make money stupid faggot, I don't give a shit about the blockchain if my money all gets evaporated - YES I think this is a badass blockchain with insane potential but it's not MY brainchild or labor of love

Ultimately I'm for the tech of the chain AND I wanna make some fuckin cash, suck a tranny dick CryptoCraig kek

>> No.51710619
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>How exactly is that supposed to bail out USTC? Isn't 6T LUNC enough fucking collateral already!?
I don't remember the details of his admittedly retarded plan, but there's a whole episode on DJ Trev's youtube channel with an interview of Alex alongside Zaradar and Matt Perry.

the tldr is that Alex wants to fuck over post-crash LUNC holders in order to bail out USTC pre-crash baggies like himself and FatMan. he's also an ex-Wallstreet quant and publicly fudded the LUNC 1.2% onchain burn tax. the fucker was kicked out of TR, but it looks like he's wormed his way back in. him, Fatman, and GCR are like a fucking cancer on LUNC that just refuses to fuck off and die.

>> No.51710622

Why do you say that?

>> No.51710640
Quoted by: >>51710771

I'm one of them lmao. Were just being realistic.

That's the thing though, whales don't really stake. I'd be surprised if a whale wanted his millions if not billions of investment just stagnated. Staking is usually done by us the plebs.

>> No.51710682

> there's a whole episode on DJ Trev's youtube channel with an interview of Alex alongside Zaradar and Matt Perry.
Okay, I'll check it out, thanks fren.

> the tldr is that Alex wants to fuck over post-crash LUNC holders in order to bail out USTC pre-crash baggies like himself and FatMan
Oh ffs why can't these faggots just admit that they didn't do their due diligence (under-collateralized stablecoins are a fucking horrible idea) and made a terrible investment..

>> No.51710754

>Alex wants to fuck over post-crash LUNC holders in order to bail out USTC pre-crash baggies like himself and FatMan
Just because of Alex I want TR to make a new stablecoin and leave ustc to die.

>> No.51710758
Quoted by: >>51710783

I smoke occasionally, but I agree with the retards and the schizos. I hold 25mil and am not selling until lunc is at ATH again. Also the community does come together and produce ideas. The risk to reward is amazing, as to why I bought 25mil at .00009. I have my completed buy orders to prove it. Although, it would be more than one pic because I DCA'd between .00005 and .0001. I bought between June - August.

>> No.51710771

Artificially extending the timeline isn’t being realistic or objective in the same way $1 EOY isn’t objective. There is no reason to believe that this will take longer than 2 years at most. Pumps on this space happen hard and fast. This has been the case for every coin that saw meteoric gains in the past few years. Fast pumps, in a matter of months. LUNC stands in a similar spot, but with far more potential. The difference here is that LUNC has far more potential and is much better positioned. With everything coming down the pipeline and the timeline we have been given, this genuinely will not take more than 1-2 years. Being overly pessimistic in your predictions for the sake of tempering expectations isn’t representative of reality. You’re just fudding yourselves.

>> No.51710773
File: 31 KB, 396x385, 1634207287969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51710797

No Alex, I will not vote to bail you or Fatman out.

>> No.51710783

Ni e man, that's where I'm at. I'm not going to say I bought my stack for beer money, but low enough that waiting a for years is worth it and it's not killing me to watch it sit until 2025.

>> No.51710784

$1 eoy checkem

>> No.51710787

I repeated a sentence there but you get the point.

>> No.51710797
Quoted by: >>51710825

They are fucking kikes. These are the bad actors that Zaradar warned us about in HCC Q&A.

>> No.51710804

>I want TR to make a new stablecoin
Been thinking this too, mostly because
a) USTC has a bad name now and I can't see normies ever using it like USDT or USDC (which we need them to do), and
b) algorithmic stablecoins appear to be a scam in themselves and just waiting to be exploited and depegged, and the US gov is about to fuck them into oblivion anyway

>> No.51710813

80% of USTC is apparently held by 100 wallets. They can all fuck off. LUNC needs a new stablecoin. USTC can we thrown into the gutter along with bird jews shorts.

>> No.51710825

It's just bad actor jews from start to end- fudding the coin, shorting the coin, trying to subvert LUNC and introduce disastrous plans that could tank the project or at best enrich the jew who suggested it. Perhaps LUNC will have to simply ban jews from all forms of participation.

>> No.51710839 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>51710851

>I want TR to make a new stablecoin
USTC refers to TerraClassicUSD, so USRC for TerraRebelsUSD?

>> No.51710846
Quoted by: >>51710944

The the current burn in place with just binance doing the heavy lifting for now, it's still projected to be like 1~2T burned a year. I am just preparing for the worst out come. Honestly It would be amazing if by next year this time were at $1 cause that means it would be over a year of holding thus, lower taxes.

>> No.51710851 [DELETED] 

>I want TR to make a new stablecoin
USTC refers to TerraClassicUSD, so USTR for TerraRebelsUSD?

>> No.51710853

>why the fuck doesn't TR permaban him from Discord for fuck's sake??
Maybe they will rub it in his face when everything works out.

>> No.51710891
Quoted by: >>51710942

>I want TR to make a new stablecoin
USTC refers to TerraClassicUSD, so USTR for TerraRebelsUSD?

>> No.51710915

>USTC has a bad name now and I can't see normies ever using it like USDT or USDC
I wrote exactly that in yesterdays thread.
Also whales hold most ustc so it would only profit them. Basically repegging ustc delays the potential of lunc and would only help manipulative kikes like alex.

>> No.51710941
File: 237 KB, 1079x1070, Screenshot_20220929-192729_Messages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's surely a sign.. kek.

>> No.51710942
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For Aryan. To make is clear who is and who is not to hold or be involved with tK0GHWhe coin.

>> No.51710944
Quoted by: >>51710993

3-5 years with just Binance burn yes. But if you have any confidence in TR’s ability to re-peg USTC in the timeframe they’ve specified then you know the circulating supply will vanish far far quicker than just off chain burns. This is of course, without counting the rest of the things specified in their timeline. I’m looking at the big picture here. If you took a look at the TR timeline and really thought through the implications of what all those changes mean then you’ll come to see that the 3-5 year estimate (some anons have said 7) really just does not make sense.

>> No.51710993
Quoted by: >>51711019

I do have confidence on them but even if they do everything they could, it's still up to people to buy and sell stuff. The swap is the biggest catalyst cause it gives incentives to whales to swap to the stable coin to get their profits out while effectively burning the LUNC used in the process. I legit hope that we even get to .01 or even .05 by May cause I can use some ladder sells for my vacation but I'm not super holding my breath for it. Just being realistic. I've been disappointed my whole life by expecting big things and nothing happening, so I set a low expectation so if it sucks, I don't feel sad, but if it's above the set expectations, it's pretty good.

TL;DR I grew up learning to have low expectations on shit I can't personally control.

>> No.51711019

Well that’s fine I suppose. Our opinions on when something will or won’t happen don’t change the timeline. We’ll see when we get there.

>> No.51711084

If doge can do a 3500x in 6 months lunc can do it as well, no reason it couldn't.

>> No.51711140
Quoted by: >>51711249

you could say the same for literally any coin.
that doesn’t make any sense

>> No.51711225

It’s unfortunate that this has happened. No. It’s fortunate that this has happened and I’ve remained unharmed

>> No.51711239
Quoted by: >>51711275

Even a 500x from here is life changing for a majority of people. Doubt anyone is scizo enough to hold past 9 figures

>> No.51711243
Quoted by: >>51711248

time 4 a new thread of lunc hodlers chasing their tails

bake it up

>> No.51711249
Quoted by: >>51711304

>you can say the same for literally any coin
No you cannot.

>> No.51711248
Quoted by: >>51711289

Make one Chad

>> No.51711275

I will hold until $100
This is it for me
Lunc is the one
The one to block the sun and make the moon shine
I love lunc
Im never selling

>> No.51711289


>> No.51711304

i mean, you literally can. doesn’t mean it’s true but you can say it.
saying “shiba did a 3500x so lunc can too” is a false equivalency.

>> No.51711396
Quoted by: >>51711724


>> No.51711418


>> No.51711724
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