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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57224651 [View]
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The ride finally ends for me here. I am selling and never looking back. Best of luck to you all anons.

>> No.56312906 [View]
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Name one (1) ecosystem that isn't barren at this point in time. I'll wait.

>> No.54886388 [View]
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watch this shit dump right now boys

>> No.54810056 [View]
File: 109 KB, 872x1020, 25087170-B9E3-470E-92F0-E66224E86B9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got room for a third?

>> No.54717605 [View]
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I have an announcement for all LINKfudders, bulgarians on nexo payroll, price suppressors and everyone else:
Everything you say and do only makes me buy more LINK. I am never selling. I am never staking. I am only buying more. Capiche?
In near future, I plan to buy the entire country of Bulgaria, with 5% of my LINK, and turn it into the largest pig farm in the world. Nexo will be responsible for cleaning after the pigs.
So, once again:
>never selling
>never staking
>only buying more
>nexo the pig janitors
If you drive the price of BTC to 1 dollar, do you know what I will do? Buy more LINK.
My private keys will echo throughout space-time.

>> No.54518696 [View]
File: 109 KB, 872x1020, 25087170-B9E3-470E-92F0-E66224E86B9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please give feedback on my poverty-tier beginner portfolio.

1 share - Apple
1 share - Exelon ( largest electric provider in the country if I am not mistaken )
1 share - Google ( worst mistake ever )
1 share - MGM resorts
2 share - Rumble ( alternative to YouTube )
1 share - Southern company ( biggest Nat gas provider in the country if I am not mistaken )
2 share - Exxon mobile ( god tier stock )

Been thinking about adding a little bit more AAPL or MGM since they're both strong performers in my portfolio. Wanting to add to Exxon mobile too but worried that next administration might be a little more petrol friendly thus selling off. Would really like to sell out of my Google position if it can get anywhere close to break even. joxgtg

>> No.53743531 [View]
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I longed

>> No.53474073 [View]
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This is the last time in history when Bitcoin is under 23 thousand american dollars. Do with this information what you want.
Bobos and nocoiners - you will own nothing and you won't be happy.

>> No.52977748 [View]
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40% of my portfolio to be precise
wish me luck

>> No.52854051 [View]
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Open your shorts and remember to take profit before exchanges collapse. We are witnessing history - it's only downhill from here, straight to fucking zero.

>> No.52301817 [View]
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Yeah we are all going to make it, but for how long?

>> No.52297684 [View]
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The last dump. Only upwards from here. Bobos get fucked and seethe - BTC will be back over 20k tomorrow.

>> No.51709298 [View]
File: 109 KB, 872x1020, 25087170-B9E3-470E-92F0-E66224E86B9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheeky fucking kunt.

>> No.51602763 [View]
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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no, Son.

I am a lunCHAD afterall.

>> No.51490733 [View]
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dubs decide which 10x long or short I should take

>> No.51461946 [View]
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Cheeky cunt!

>> No.51425194 [View]
File: 109 KB, 872x1020, 25087170-B9E3-470E-92F0-E66224E86B9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dilate harder pls.


>Verification not required

>> No.51416339 [View]
File: 109 KB, 872x1020, 25087170-B9E3-470E-92F0-E66224E86B9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goyim don't know it's $5 EOY now. How funny schlomo. The gentile are so silly.

>> No.51403867 [View]
File: 109 KB, 872x1020, 03917616-F3D9-452A-8D72-0D1729A0EAB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you gentlemen didn’t get shaken out, we’re in for a wild ride

>> No.51351918 [View]
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>JEW id
Thanks for the mega buy signal

>> No.51146496 [View]
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Open your longs now, we're not going lower any time soon.

>> No.51049866 [View]
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Unironically hard work. And finding a job where they actually paid me. I went from not having money for food and nearly becoming homeless to deciding if I want a new RS5 or M4 in about 6 years. That is nowhere near "rich" but it sure isn't "coming home hungry and making up lies why I can't pay rent" like it used to be. 70+ hours of work every week isn't meme, unless of course you are waging at some corporate hell.
In my view, success depends on a lot of things - your age, your childhood, your motivations... If you're over 30 and had a comfy upbringing where you always had enough of everything, your parents never struggled and even paid for your stuff after you were 15, and now you have realized that you wasted your youth away wageslaving, playing vidya and cooming, tough shit.
My parents were always poor but taught me that nobody will ever give me anything for free and that I have to work hard to survive, telling me to pay for my own shit when I hit 15 and could do "summer jobs". It pissed me off to no end, growing up poor, wearing shit clothes, arriving with my parents in an embarrasing heap of a junk car, not being able to go on school trips, being the poorfag in every group, having a 9 m2 bedroom all my teenage years... Looking back, it was a blessing - most of my old mates who grew up in well off families are now stuck in some average salary shit with zero motivation to go any higher. Meanwhile, I still feel the same hunger I felt when I left high school and got my first job - to NEVER sleep in a 9 m2 bedroom again.
I simply "made it out" by working my ass off - which mostly means becoming as good as I could in my profession (IT), by studying, asking more experienced people about everything, being curious and trying shit out, working overtime to finish as much as I could in a day. And when the time came, I either moved to a higher position job (often by switching companies) or asked for a significant raise.
Thanks for reading my diary faggots

>> No.50513373 [View]
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Also, is E about to get suicided?

>> No.50204776 [View]
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*tink tink tink*
Gamestop pals, can I have your attention please?

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