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File: 332 KB, 1450x1230, HOLDING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29667555 No.29667555 [Reply] [Original]

Any fellow /tv/chads here? Do your part as a fellow brother and buy the stock $AMC to support the /biz/ & /tv/ alliance.

We're about to go to the moon.

>> No.29668593

Checked, get in here.

>> No.29668647

i didn't notice those TRIPS

>> No.29668845
File: 19 KB, 225x350, e257465859083c007668b4be7e8d817830d59a62_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29669351

I'm so tempted to buy 10 shares when it dips down again. I have a problem.

>> No.29668946
File: 118 KB, 1024x861, sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29669103

41 shares at $7.1 average :)

>> No.29669351

I'm shooting for $9.50 to buy again, getting in below $10 is quickly becoming a missed opportunity.

>> No.29669368
File: 3.04 MB, 900x720, 1508443101868.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29675927

Just bought 20 shares. If this shit crashes I'll be peeved

>> No.29669512

Yeah 9.50 is what I'm thinking too. Even if it only goes up by 10%, If I can do it, I want to. Currently watching the graph like a hawk waiting for the right time.
But you definitely don't think it's too late?

>> No.29669660
Quoted by: >>29670019

Why would anyone here help out the kike film industry? Fucking boomer tier

>> No.29669744

I had got in at 6.70 and got out at 19.90. I think it hit 23 bucks before the jews put the restrictions on it. I thought about buying some more but honestly what do you think will happen when it keeps going up? They will just do the same shit again.

>> No.29669894

Watch any kino lately? Rewatched Twister a while ago

>> No.29669979
File: 55 KB, 828x1035, buy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you definitely don't think it's too late?
Of course not, my order is already placed, I'm in it mayne.

>> No.29670019

Ummm...to make money. The jews are gonna make it with or without you. Might as well make some fucking profits

>> No.29670098

The only reason AMC ever lags or stalls is because the hedge funds pressure the stock exchange to restrict buys on the stock because they realise its about to shoot through the roof.

Those kikes can't even play fair.

>> No.29670134

let the crabwalk begin

>> No.29670192

I wouldnt be surprised, but anything for the chance to give the wall street fucks heart attacks while making fat stacks is a win for me. Just dont put anything in you wouldnt be more than ticked off to lose.

>> No.29670264
Quoted by: >>29670449

This stock has been in the 5-6 range for how long now?
And all you faggots want to buy in now?

Be my guest, pump my bags. I'm dropping this shit off the second it hits anywhere near 15.

>> No.29670295
Quoted by: >>29670572


>> No.29670449

How many times do we have to explain to you that post-coof ticket sales will boost the stocks higher than they were pre-coof, plus a lot of AMC debt was relieved because of this so they are not going bankrupt.

>> No.29670572

shut up rubic pajeet

>> No.29670688
File: 446 KB, 808x767, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own 30 AMC stocks, what am I in for frens?

>> No.29670725
Quoted by: >>29670814

Is it going to tank after the earnings call?

>> No.29670788

best possible outcome you make 3 grand in the next few weeks

>> No.29670814

much more likely that "higher than expected" earnings (despite EPS being diluted somewhat by the recent stock sale) drive the price even higher

>> No.29670947
File: 53 KB, 800x599, 552334830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I bought more AMC today and now it's separated the stock I already had from the ones I just bought? It's listed twice in my app. What's up with that?

>> No.29671108

earned 70 bucks tick swinging this past hour on amc and gme

>> No.29671201
Quoted by: >>29671591

difference between AMC entertainment and AMC networks

>> No.29671357

Is it really though? Not sure.

>> No.29671591
Quoted by: >>29671748

They're both amc entertainment though

>> No.29671748
Quoted by: >>29672057


>> No.29672057
File: 559 KB, 699x518, Uh,_oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. Well in my app I can't screenshot and when I go to take one on a desktop they've merged like they're supposed to be. So I guess it's no problem. Odd. Thanks for the help anyway anon I appreciate

>> No.29672170

It isn't. Worst case you hold it and it grows safe 2-3x once society opens up.

>> No.29672217

I don't give a shit. Crypto has treated me to well to want to come back to kiked stonks.
AMC is literally the last thing I'm holding.

>> No.29672421

Stop spreading this shit. AMC was in terrible shape before the scamdenic

>> No.29672461


>> No.29672593

>AMC was in terrible shape before the scamdenic
I didn't say it was in good shape pre-covid. It's in much better shape now and after people are allowed to go to movies it won't take much to surpass those prices.

>> No.29672968


>> No.29674597

>whaat's the deal with AMC???

>> No.29675455
Quoted by: >>29677029


>> No.29675927
File: 77 KB, 640x360, bane-batman-dark-knight-rises-stock-exchange-640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29675992
Quoted by: >>29677029


>> No.29676141

you can’t even differentiate between to and too, literally stop posting your opinion and lurk only, or return to reddit promptly

>> No.29676955
Quoted by: >>29677719

I've got 9 shares. Am I going to make it?

>> No.29676970


>> No.29677029
Quoted by: >>29677205

>What's the deal with 17 year old girlfriends always wanting you to take them to the movie theater?
>Hello? I'm Millionaire celebrity Jerry Seinfeld. We can go to the actual theater or watch them in one of my own personal theater rooms

>> No.29677059

OP's trips don't lie boys, check em' and prepare for the moon shot!

>> No.29677104


>> No.29677123

why do people keep saying its gonna spike on monday

>> No.29677133
Quoted by: >>29677636

I bought $800 worth of AMC when it was about $8.

Am I a retard?

>> No.29677205
File: 34 KB, 306x575, shobooba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29677216

Gamma squeeze from call options expiring

>> No.29677275

Delusional fantasy cope

>> No.29677373

Reporting in

>> No.29677636

it's at about 10 dollars right now.

>> No.29677719

How's anywhere between $270 and $4500 sound?

>> No.29677771
File: 85 KB, 400x346, 1604292799622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Set a buy order for $500 worth of AMC
>It buys at $11
>Check the prices
>It never even reached $11 on opening before crashing down to $9.80 instantly
What a fucking scam. Fuck Robinhood, and fuck trusting any auto system to not screw you over.

>> No.29677934
Quoted by: >>29678240

>there are people here STILL using rh
you deserve everything that happens to you

>> No.29677961
Quoted by: >>29678187

>usually dips at lunch time
>didn't dip or move at all

Only going up from here.

>> No.29678133

>100 shares uvxy at $9.50
what do?

>> No.29678170
Quoted by: >>29678240

>off by 6
>using robinhood
and i thought i was retarded

>> No.29678187

it dipped a little. Once it hits 1PM it's moving towards $11 for sure and will close above EOD

>> No.29678214

Stay above 10$ you fucking bitch

>> No.29678240
Quoted by: >>29678357

I never transferred anything off of it because I didn't want my shit to be frozen and miss the squeeze that never came. Now AMC is the only thing I still have on it and the second this either pumps or truly dies I'm selling everything and deleting the account.

>> No.29678357

Yeah, this. Still on Robinhood also. I also have zero desire to pay them the transfer fee to move it to another site.

>> No.29678834
File: 29 KB, 472x472, oYf1azx0lcw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29678938
Quoted by: >>29679274

set a buy order for 8€. thats dumb isnt it?

>> No.29679274

Yes , using euro is peak nigger behavior

>> No.29679421

Im using cashapp
I bought 13$ in December with 5
shares (50$).
Then this janurary, 2 shares worth 5$.
I sold at 10$ today.
Should I be having 80$? All I got was 50??

>> No.29679636

13.15 Gigachad here

>> No.29679721
File: 1.32 MB, 379x400, 1591319623555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It isn't worth $30 yet

>> No.29679763
Quoted by: >>29680457

holding 300 shares
How high you think it will go AMChads?

>> No.29679790
Quoted by: >>29679904

You had almost all of February, yet you didn't transfer out.

>> No.29679904
File: 228 KB, 512x512, 1611799066720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29680608

How the fuck would i be able to predict when the pump would happen?

>> No.29679946
Quoted by: >>29680568

It seems like when bitcoin drops, amc rises.

>> No.29680457

Honestly? $15 tops

>> No.29680568

True dat

>> No.29680608

You literally can't predict when it'll happen anon. But when AMC started crabbing, that's when you should have transferred

>> No.29680630

>gme mooning all day
>amc crabbing hard all day
fuck this garbage stock

>> No.29680799

It's crabbing in an upward fashion this time, unlike a few weeks ago when it crabbed hard downward.

>> No.29681016
Quoted by: >>29681349

You realize that yesterday it kinda crabbed here and there but shot up from 7.00 to 9.11 from 3:00 to the End of the day right?

>> No.29681146

DCA'd down to 11,70. Permission to moon now you piece of shit stock

>> No.29681165

13$ EOD?

>> No.29681349

oh vey

>> No.29681572


>> No.29682078

>82 at $17

Any chance I can at least break even?

>> No.29682154

Not today, probably not next week unless it actually moons.

>> No.29682216

>he didn't average down

there is a chance you can break even and there is a strong likelihood that you could even go green.

>> No.29682529

34 at 14.50, same boat as you. just want to drop these fucking bags

>> No.29682768
Quoted by: >>29683000

Are they fucking halting it?

>> No.29683000

their systems broke yesterday. thats the only reason for this pump. this whole "cinemas are opening again" angle was already factored in at the last pump

>> No.29683074
File: 14 KB, 882x758, 400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29683359

why are we stalled out while GME is mooning? it's not fucking fair bros

>> No.29683304

How does $30,000 sound?

>> No.29683359

The game was rigged from the start.

>> No.29683461

Its all downhill from here, isn't it?

>> No.29683566

What's gonna happen tomorrow and Monday? Did AMC's earnings report come out today?

>> No.29683745

>Crabbing down now

>> No.29683781
Quoted by: >>29684197

nothing, AMC will fall to 7 dollars a share and stagnate around this price for a while.

>> No.29683853
Quoted by: >>29684532

I sold at 9 weeks ago. Hope this shit crashes so I don't feel even more retarded than I already feel from buying to begin with

>> No.29683881
File: 10 KB, 785x170, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry guys

>> No.29683905

apparently some call options expire monday

>> No.29684122


>> No.29684197

I doubt it. NYC theaters open, and people spend a shit ton of money just to go to the theaters and to be the first to be there. I see this going to 11-12, but no more than 13

>> No.29684306

Nothing. Sell that shit. It wont go past 20$ These threads are made by Reddit cucks.

>> No.29684532
Quoted by: >>29685628

Don't worry. The hype is made up by hedge funds and useful idiot Reddit cucks who want to dump their havy bags so they can buy more toys and a new car for their wives boyfriend. It is a complete fake OP. Hedgies are cashing in on you fools.

>> No.29685032
File: 64 KB, 400x400, 1517210107079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sell at $7
>It goes up to $11
>Buy back in to double down
>It instantly tanks to $9
AMC has taught me that I have a major gambling problem.

>> No.29685140

Explain this to a brainlet how can volume increase by hundred of millions in one day but it closes below market open?

>> No.29685264
File: 56 KB, 280x279, 1584341962494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you sell at $10 like I told you to? Why do you people REFUSE to listen??

>> No.29685356
Quoted by: >>29685451

Because my average is above that, retard.

>> No.29685389
Quoted by: >>29686141

It may not go past $20, that’s too much. But it will easily get to $12-$14 based on AMC reopening theaters.

>> No.29685394


>> No.29685451

Why didn't you average lower when it was literally bottom of the barrel $5? You only have yourself to blame

>> No.29685531


>> No.29685540
File: 790 KB, 1105x515, 1579024449838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't live with myself if I sold right before it rose to $20.

>> No.29685569
File: 8 KB, 300x168, COPIUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29685628

>t. Sold low

>> No.29685641
File: 3.21 MB, 348x388, 1606027314020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold, panic sellers, we're going to the moon

>> No.29685745
File: 378 KB, 545x724, 1581733451258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29691799

Gambling addicts.

>> No.29685847

It's gonna rip at EOD like it did yesterday. Just watch

>> No.29685967

fuck all this stress and its eating all my time up, i want to do other shit, fuck

81 @ 13 dollars, should i just sell all this shit at 10 for 300 in losses and move on with my life?

>> No.29685999

No it wont lmao, it was trending up yesterday, not down

>> No.29686011


>> No.29686023

>buying more when you're already down
nigga stop

>> No.29686105
Quoted by: >>29686197

>81 @ 13 dollars, should i just sell all this shit at 10 for 300 in losses and move on with my life?
Why would you sell to lose money..? No, you shouldn’t.

I have 179 shares at $15 and I will not sell at a loss

>> No.29686141
Quoted by: >>29686448

True. It is a 5$ to 7$ stock though and that was BEFORE the whole virus hit. The company was already fucked before 2020 too. It is a shitty company.

>> No.29686165
Quoted by: >>29688118

RED ON THE DAY hahahahaha get fucked once again bagholders

>> No.29686197
Quoted by: >>29686495

because the 300 dollar loss now if infinitely more worth for my time and health for a potential break even or small profit over the next week

>> No.29686247

Thanks for temporarily running the price up, dropping the cost of buying puts!

>> No.29686283

lol wut

>> No.29686302
File: 226 KB, 356x348, 1613985440889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What matters is our plan

>> No.29686389

I bought AMC to hold on to until sometime after the lockdown bullshit ends and people go to the theatres again

>> No.29686448
Quoted by: >>29686791

I agree that it’s a shitty company. I personally wouldn’t invest a penny into it. But I can see it going back up by Monday or next week due to the hype of the theaters. After that, it’s dead

>> No.29686495
Quoted by: >>29686573

How about you leave your money alone, and stop staring at the line? Just chill until next week, because you won’t be selling today or tomorrow anyways

>> No.29686546
File: 443 KB, 400x296, youre-fucked-and-so-is-your-waifu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lockdown bullshit ends
>people go to the theater again

>> No.29686573
Quoted by: >>29686809

how are you supposed to stop fucking staring all the time? what the fuck? what if this shit actually goes up and then crashes down? its so volatile

>> No.29686577


>> No.29686685
Quoted by: >>29686904

Right there with you, Im sick of this shit

Considering selling eod no matter what its at and never investing again

>> No.29686767

Exactly. Shaking out short sighted retail investors.

>> No.29686773

>put in a stop at 8.80 so that I don't get fucked while away
>it literally plummets right to 8.80
fuck off

>> No.29686791

Very likely.
I would not hold that over the weekend. Sell that shit if it pops over 10$ on Friday.

>> No.29686809

It’s not going to moon before Monday. I’m in at a higher cost than you and I’ve only glanced at the line twice today. Do something else with your time. Check back on Monday.

>> No.29686862

how is that related to the value of the stock? please share your thoughts

>> No.29686902

$CLF dips

>> No.29686904

.t idiot

>> No.29687140

damn yall niggas be panicking easily

>> No.29687230
Quoted by: >>29687533

Please tell me you didn't miss the $8.70 discount just now

>> No.29687529

I hate this stock

>> No.29687533
Quoted by: >>29687951

I bought at 9.50 like I said, it triggered my order. Guess I should have stuck to 9.15 like I had it last night but I wasn't sure it would go that low.

>> No.29687583
Quoted by: >>29687842

When will it hit $20?

>> No.29687594
File: 56 KB, 720x676, 1491534404754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babbies first stock

>> No.29687714

It's fun to panic

>> No.29687807
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im crashing this ride... With no survivors!

>> No.29687813

You AMC virgins are retarded. Sell it all for GME, make insane profits that’ll supersede your loss in buying AMC at 16 like a retard, and then a month from now buy AMC for 2 dollars if you actually think the company is good. But holding on to it now when there’s a much more fruitful endeavor right next you is retarded

>> No.29687842

Right now

>> No.29687879

Thanks just sold

>> No.29687951
Quoted by: >>29688788

That's fair, and not a bad deal. I was already in at $5.50, still set an $8.99 buy last night for shits and giggles, now I'm giggling like a retard when it got tripped. Don't go paper hands anon, we're riding this together.

>> No.29687967
File: 207 KB, 1080x1318, 1597661013607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29688379

Bought at 16 in January. Been averaging down to 10 since then. When it went below 8 I lost hope and interest. Sold at 11 on market open today.

Crab legs for dinner tonight, fellow cineástes.

>> No.29688023
File: 140 KB, 680x680, 1459403511093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then turns around and climbs up

>> No.29688118



>> No.29688165

Just bought more

>> No.29688200


>> No.29688275

thanks anon

>> No.29688379
Quoted by: >>29688673

Pussy. I keep buying more

>> No.29688492

I am going to sell the shares at I purchased at $16 the moment this hits $13. IDGAF

>> No.29688558

More stocks for me to buy

>> No.29688629

"Buy high, sell low."

Jeez. To think some of y'all wonder why you never make any money in the stock market lmao

>> No.29688673

I'm gonna be real with you, I bought back in at 8.7

(You are welcome to buy those off me when we're back at 11)

>> No.29688686

I hate this stock so fucking much, its just been a headache for a month

>> No.29688725
File: 92 KB, 800x450, cover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29688827

Bought at 7 sold at 5

>> No.29688753
File: 8 KB, 259x194, mira esos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29688788

I never panic sell. I'm trying to get enough for a down payment on a house.

>> No.29688827
Quoted by: >>29688950

Why did you sell, idiot?

>> No.29688847


>> No.29688879

Eod bros

Screen cap this

>> No.29688920

Your mom is like a board. Flat and easy to nail.

>> No.29688950
Quoted by: >>29689049

You just answered your question

>> No.29689022
Quoted by: >>29690034

>I'm trying to get enough for a down payment on a house
Lmao good luck

>> No.29689049

Buy High Sell Low

>> No.29689073
Quoted by: >>29689183

I just bought 100 more

>> No.29689075

It's close enough away to be in your short term memory while also being far enough away to make you excited

>> No.29689122

Who is this SEC Mr. Wilson, dude?

>> No.29689159

Good to see someone with mature and specific goals, and not just meme tendies. Where are you buying, what price range?

>> No.29689167

It’s going back up right guys??

>> No.29689183

based. When the FOMO fags realize it was too late for GME, well you know which stock is next :^)

>> No.29689264
File: 481 KB, 1052x1072, 1581565443537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29689269

Buy the dips and hold, it’s literally that simple.

>> No.29689284
Quoted by: >>29689584

Buy 1 share to support the cause.

If everyone buys one share right now, it’ll go up

>> No.29689305

My digits will tell you it is going to 50 dollars a share.

>> No.29689351

I lost $24 on AMC. I’m hoping it bounces back. I’m rooting for you all.

>> No.29689402

What should I buy?

>> No.29689423
File: 712 KB, 537x716, 965864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, we will be closing at $9.50 which is great since we were at $6 3 days ago

>> No.29689527
Quoted by: >>29689589


>> No.29689584

>support the cause
You people belong in an asylum

>> No.29689589
Quoted by: >>29689681


>> No.29689681

free popcorn

>> No.29690034

>Where are you buying, what price range
The house? I've been looking at South Florida, there's going to be an opportunity for me to move there with my job and from what I can see it's less expensive there than where I live now. Probably less than $300k.

>> No.29690116
File: 71 KB, 1008x720, 1611472838424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking furious that my auto buy order bought at $11 and not at $9.50.

>> No.29690157
Quoted by: >>29690290

Bought AMC at 10
Wtf why are people shilling this shit? Its been sitting at 9 all day

>> No.29690172


>> No.29690188
Quoted by: >>29690373

Can't decide if I should buy in now or not, fuck. We are at 9 and a quarter.

>> No.29690290
Quoted by: >>29690488

because squeeze is not squoze

>> No.29690373
Quoted by: >>29691369

its definitely going down a dollar after you buy

>> No.29690488

you retarded nigger

>> No.29690574

hey bro





>> No.29691183

It only takes one like you to forget why it was in such bad shape. Nothing but shit movies for almost 3 years. The movies waiting to be released hold much promise. Also people are sick of being at home.

>> No.29691206

>Power Hour
>Still plummeting

So its officially dead right

>> No.29691230
File: 166 KB, 330x437, 1611447141306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought in at $14
>Sold at $7
>FOMO'd back in at $11
>It's now at $8.60

>> No.29691272

movies arent even open yet, buy and hold

>> No.29691302

I'm waiting to see tomorrow morning

>> No.29691369
Quoted by: >>29691583

just did lol

>> No.29691481

Already lost $40 on this. Fuck man.

>> No.29691583

I bought at 10 right before it dumped lmao

>> No.29691636

That's four trips to the kinoplex

>> No.29691732
Quoted by: >>29692034

holy shit I am down 3 dollars right now what the fuck biz bros you told me it was going up

>> No.29691740

>set a buy order for $10
>nah thats way too low lemme delete that and buy at $11
>minutes later it dumps
it should get a medal for how bad I am at trading

>> No.29691742

How did you lose money on it? Just don't sell.

>> No.29691799

You dare attack me

>> No.29691802

5 dollars let's goooooo

>> No.29691806

Bought 19 at 14 here. Still holding. We'll see if this actually spikes again. If not, I'm holding until it goes to 0

>> No.29691844
Quoted by: >>29691924

It will bounce back.

>> No.29691924

yeah just like your mom bounces on nigger dick

>> No.29691991
File: 83 KB, 750x751, 00EFE5FA-36FF-47C5-997F-44B2A5542AAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.29692034


>> No.29692107
Quoted by: >>29692231

My mom was murdered anon. 55 years old just walking to the supermarket, shot in the head for $20. It sucks.

>> No.29692140

>30 min until market close

>> No.29692199


>> No.29692231

>My mom was murdered anon.
doesnt mean she cant get it. she still got flesh right?

>> No.29692270
Quoted by: >>29692535

Every time i refresh it goes lower.
Fuck it.
I bought at $5 gonna sell all 1000 shares i have

>> No.29692301
Quoted by: >>29692430

I'm buying more. If you idiots want a squeeze you'll have to chip in

>> No.29692368
File: 39 KB, 567x504, 1612063978494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost so much money on this worthless fucking scam.

>> No.29692430

90% of shares owned institutional investors
>if you idiots want a squeeze you'll have to chip in

>> No.29692432


>> No.29692442

You should probably invest in partial shares of google, amazon and roku anon since you don't know how stocks work.

>> No.29692535


>> No.29692561
Quoted by: >>29693145

how can you sell for loss?

>> No.29692581

All these idiot panicking over 2 dollars


>> No.29692603
File: 50 KB, 410x305, AMCPOFO2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not feeling too good bros
pls cheer me up

>> No.29692672
File: 9 KB, 128x97, 1597538447815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry to say anons, I'm off this wild ride. After buying at 14 and having to average down during the dips while staying near -30% losses, I'm selling while I'm even. It's been fun guys.

>> No.29692785
Quoted by: >>29692927

certified retards

>> No.29692834

buy now and average out to 10?

>> No.29692849

The dip. Buy it

>> No.29692927

theyre larpers lol

>> No.29692955
Quoted by: >>29693141

Im gonna keep holding guys.

>> No.29693010

I’m at a $65 loss. What the fuck?

>> No.29693031

wow, who told you about these alts? This is shit dude, don’t believe these dumbs
if you wanna get income use your IQ and follow yield farming
I participated in metalex and they made a new model, a guarantee of 300% APY

>> No.29693104

I would average down if you can. The stock is heavily shorted. Volume is way up. Its possible they are shorting the stock further to keep it down.

>> No.29693141

of course you are but when are you ever selling

>> No.29693145

Why the fuck would I keep it when it's stuck in limbo for all eternity when I could try putting it into other things to recoup my losses? How the fuck was I supposed to know the fucking federal reserve was going to crash the next day and spontaneously cause AMC to rise by over 50% in the span of two hours? How the fuck was I supposed to know that not even 12 hours after that the entire stock market was about to crash because the U.S treasury yield went fucking insane? Everything involving the stock market the past month has been absolutely insane and I hate it with a passion.

>> No.29693215
File: 58 KB, 720x433, 20210225_143944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29693373

Uhhh buy dip bros? It's still shorted so wtf why not right. I'm already 500 bucks in at a 12 dollar avg.

>> No.29693283
File: 30 KB, 720x450, Vlad is pissing himself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this is one big dip for a couple of minutes haha

>> No.29693288
Quoted by: >>29693651

I literally bought at 10.80$.

Can someone explain why I did this? I seriously do not understand, it is like my brain wants to kill me

>> No.29693302
File: 147 KB, 750x546, 1583453380799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29693881


>> No.29693312
File: 23 KB, 638x547, 69840275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29693881

i cant watch this lmao

>> No.29693329

no I mean that literally. like do you have to give your broker more money or something. im new at this whole stocks thing

>> No.29693349
File: 10 KB, 300x168, download (1).jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally going to 0

>> No.29693373
Quoted by: >>29693950

time to drop that average down bro t. 8.43 my total return keeps flipping from red to green

>> No.29693485
File: 78 KB, 238x169, gt7865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a dip, it's a crush

>> No.29693499
File: 942 KB, 330x245, 1524254081799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29693514
File: 120 KB, 680x510, AMCFREN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 900 short shares available bros.... HODL

>> No.29693623


>> No.29693651

The Bogdanoff brothers dumped it as soon as you bought.

>> No.29693691
Quoted by: >>29695433

>tried to DCA
>bought the top AGAIN

>> No.29693757
File: 405 KB, 359x371, 1559291856574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29694312

just set my limit buy to 7.5 I dare you to keep dropping my average price will follow

>> No.29693831
Quoted by: >>29693897

this doesn't stop naked shorting/counterfeit shares

>> No.29693855
Quoted by: >>29694153

This is torture, I lose 1k if I sell now but it seems like its only going to get worse

>> No.29693873

Thread theme.

>> No.29693879

i buy at 9 dolrs


>> No.29693881

just buy the dip retards

>> No.29693897
Quoted by: >>29697330

how about when it hits 0? then what?

>> No.29693950
Quoted by: >>29694126

Eeessh dude I'm already 500 bucks in if I drop another 500 at 8 bucks rn my avg is like 10 bucks.

I'm pushing the amount of money I feel comfortable losing but AHHHHHH if this shit moons I'll wish I'd had more fuuuuuqqqq

>> No.29693971
Quoted by: >>29694476

what does this mean?

>> No.29694072

>bought at 9.70
>tfw got caught holding the bags yet again for this shit stock
you're welcome sirs please enjoy your day

>> No.29694126
Quoted by: >>29694344

I put down $400 & bought it at $9.69. How fucked am I?

>> No.29694153

just wait till everything opens up. amc shot up just because of NYC. imagine the entire country

>> No.29694208

Something I think I shouldnt have sole ownership of my money. Whats the easiest way to get legally declared retarded?

>> No.29694264

Shut up nigga is this your first 10% income ?
don’t be a tard who trashtalks here
share what bot u use for it
I am smart enough to realize how it’s working
Bot Ocean - the thing u need

>> No.29694267

i dont understand. why the FUCK isnt AMC like GME? obviously it wont go high as GME is, but AMC should be fucking higher.

>> No.29694268

post on /biz/

>> No.29694305

tell a state appointed shrink you post on /biz/

>> No.29694312
File: 254 KB, 500x715, 2234723457245723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695333

It won't. Vlad will purposely stop at 8.20 so it doesn't get short restricted so he can slaughter us from market open to close tomorrow.

>> No.29694316

Have faith and hold brothers. Just watch the order book if you have access. Its very telling of where the higher institutions have placed their shares.

>> No.29694344

Less fucked than me. You're only fucked if you sell. Dont get emotional over it it's hard but the facts are there. AMC is highly shorted.

>> No.29694374

I bought at 10.80$ in the first 10 minutes. What the fuck is wrong with me, I seriously don't understand how I have seen red for 3 fucking weeks and only yesterday there was a slight green day.


>> No.29694476

a squeeze should start once they run out of available short shares from my understanding but i could be wrong i guess

>> No.29694506

Buy the dip

>> No.29694509

A few hours ago AMC stopped following GME and stayed lower.

>> No.29694657
Quoted by: >>29694979

the timing. The AMC shorts dont get called on the same days as GME. AMC is like a month behind. If nothing happens on Fri and Monday, you'll know this endeavor is pointless.

>> No.29694722
File: 219 KB, 1667x1250, 1606961085085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695254

are you literally me? it's not like I can't afford to lose this money but after doing this twice over I feel like my lack of ability to get a job this past year is making me desperate in truly retarded ways. I just want some cash to do the things I enjoy before I rot away.

>> No.29694791
File: 112 KB, 731x437, 1612039104246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel so bad now. Broke even at least, but still upset that it's crashing so much.

>> No.29694960
File: 886 KB, 250x250, 1547691632029.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.29694979
Quoted by: >>29696156

so it will go up in a month?

>> No.29695039

How bad will the after hours be? I’m thinking of holding until Monday

>> No.29695238

Monday will be an even worse disaster desu

>> No.29695252


>> No.29695254
Quoted by: >>29695611

you're not going to do your plan by investing in meme stocks of a movie theater during a pandemic my friend. learn a skill, apply for jobs, etc.

>> No.29695285

Gme is dropping like a rock and we're still holding on

Are we free?

>> No.29695333

Like fucking pottery

>> No.29695362
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1563462620971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29695378
Quoted by: >>29695670

I bought in at $14 and averaged down to $7.22. I think we made the right move. This was soaring well into after hours and as far as posted orders go it is not far to $1000 from $10.

>> No.29695433

dca doesnt work ine one day lol

>> No.29695611
File: 67 KB, 768x663, 1596898283549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I know I'm being turbo retarded. I have a skill in IT but getting into work in that field is an absolute fucking nightmare especially as a Scotbong where there's far less going on. It's not like I'm not trying though, I'll just spam applications until I finally get lucky. It just sucks feeling like I have absolutely zero momentum right now but I also know I could be far worse off than I am since I have minimal expenses.

>> No.29695635
File: 97 KB, 1024x1024, 1614275692224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ends at 9% below market cap after being artificially revived by the federal reserve crashing and an entire day and night of hype
It's over.

>> No.29695670
Quoted by: >>29695850

GME is up AH right now.

>> No.29695697
File: 86 KB, 300x200, Bearisdriving.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over

>> No.29695724

Just hold people. It will go back to $10 by next week.

>> No.29695834

AH is going to be a fucking bloodbath

>> No.29695850

>304 / 54 / 129 / 2[U
AMC is doing the same too. Orders are clearing up fast.

>> No.29696102

Fuck I have so many shares from that dip. I should have just made it an even 500.

>> No.29696156

I literally just said. The forced buy backs will supposedly happen when the market opens on Monday. Hopefully driving the price up double it's worth and continue to snowball more and more. The higher the stock is on Friday, the more shorters will lose. This is what I've heard. If it doesnt happen, then everything I heard was bullshit.

>> No.29696288


Bought at $7 and holding 400 shares.

>> No.29696404

>this is what i've heard
pointing this out so other anons itt don't lose their mortgages relying on shit-tier insight like this

>> No.29696466

And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Before touchdown brings me round again to find
They're not the hands they think I have at home, oh no no no
I've got diamond hands
Diamond haaaaaaands
Burning out my funds up here alone

>> No.29696576
Quoted by: >>29697021

>GME and AMC shoot back up after hours

Hedgies are covering their asses during after and pre market hours so that normies can't do shit about it

>> No.29696578

what? we know what you said but youre failing to mention how the theatres havent fully reopened, and i think thats what anon is asking about. it was a 30 dollar stock on a shitty day precorona, and TheWalkingDead is coming out with movies and shit.. theres a lot of potential in this stock.. were still waiting for the report drop at 4:15

>> No.29696591
File: 45 KB, 609x587, 15452897356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ridiculed the guy that sold all his shares at 10.80 with the intent of buying back in when it bottomed at 5 again
>went in at 9.50 for 100 more shares

>> No.29696739

Why didn't you guys just buy when it crabbed 5-6? This is a meme stock but not THAT much of a meme.

>> No.29696917

10k shorts available now for AMC since market closed, was 900 right before close

>> No.29696933

AMC will be back to $6 next week

>> No.29697021
File: 33 KB, 620x348, 1511820399323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GME and AMC shoot back up after hours
Check again. This shit is officially dead, and I just lost another $200 because I OD'd on copium.

>> No.29697128

Dude stfu. 65$ is nothing. Don't be fucking buying stocks if you're not willing to take a loss especially for 65$... Fucking pathetic

>> No.29697151

Do you think AMC will ever go back to $10?

>> No.29697162

your pic related fits you well, KIKE

>> No.29697188

Accept that you will lose everything and don't half ass it at a loss? why do you think 90% of this board says "just hodl"

>> No.29697281

tomorrow for sure

>> No.29697313
Quoted by: >>29697536

I am so tired of this, I just want the money I started to invest with, I promisse I will never touch the market, I am sorry jews

>> No.29697330

Than the ones who shorted it make profit

>> No.29697334
File: 70 KB, 991x471, OHNONONONO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over AMCbros, the dream is dead and the jews won. It will dump tomorrow to 4 dollars a share and continue in a death spiral.

>> No.29697382

>I just lost another $200
oh no! 200 dollars???! how will you ever recover from this?

>> No.29697509
File: 54 KB, 733x706, D2eLQ-7XcAAYrTw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697660

>putting it into other things to recoup my losses
>actually just loses more like a retard

>> No.29697536

They dont accept apologies. They will make you suffer.

>> No.29697586

ill screencap this, I expect you to admit the fuckup later op. Respect ya either way

>> No.29697660
File: 66 KB, 680x689, 1542220883700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I put it back into AMC and AMC did what it does best- crab and die.

>> No.29697812
Quoted by: >>29697936

I will convert to judaism if you let me get my money back

>> No.29697859

I can see it hitting $11. Definitely not tomorrow, but $10 is not that far off. I’m thinking it will hit at least 9/9.90 tomorrow at best.

>> No.29697936
File: 234 KB, 406x397, YkCByQOk_VBrFUXlyAX4JsrLkB07Uni8FMx6NazFWcg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't want you

>> No.29697956

I want to hold until movie theatres start opening up. Just to see if anything will happen. Btw i bought 6 shares at $5.

>> No.29697973
File: 229 KB, 524x466, 1513866482160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29698051

This shit died a pitiful death. It'll stay below $10 until 2023.

>> No.29698051

>It'll stay below $10 until 2023.
and I'll still make money out of it because I'm not retarded