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File: 40 KB, 527x455, monerobull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28633700 No.28633700 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized p2p privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and borderless, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT (hidden tx amounts) ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a Monero user willingly providing a view key for a specific transaction.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptos. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of txs increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier of entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward will gradually approach 0.6 XMR in May 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://youtu.be/aC9Uu5BUxII

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - https://web.getmonero.org



>Non KYC:
Local Monero
Crypto ATMs
see: kycnot.me



Gui/Cli (recommended)

IOS: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo

>> No.28634356


>> No.28634491 [DELETED] 

Wish me luck bros, going to start DCA on XMR and hopefully in 10 years I'll be rich enough to retire.

>> No.28634579

Whats the best way to buy Monero? I've been using Coinbase to buy LTC then sending it to cake wallet to transer, but thertes a lot of fees and it takes like 6 days to be able to transfer $3000 worth of LTC out of Coinbase into cake. I'm in Texas so I cant use Binance, and Kraken is taking forever for my application.

Should I just go to a Bitcoin ATM, buy Litecoin and then send to cake? I hate having to do all these transfers, but idk when Kraken is gonna let me buy stuff with fiat.

>> No.28634659
Quoted by: >>28663958

Use localmonero and send by cash.

>> No.28634871

kucoin is a nonkyc exchange you can use to swap for Monero.
Bisq is a great option for trading Bitcoin for Monero. Check the OP for other recs.
Those fees are a lot worse than what you are currently dealing with.

>> No.28635029
Quoted by: >>28638033

>bought $50 XMR last night
>now have $90
I like this coin.

>> No.28635143
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Quoted by: >>28635291

the slow bleed is coming, just as predicted

>> No.28635291

God I hope so I only caught wind of the monero bull case and started accumulating a month ago.

>> No.28635301
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>> No.28635449
File: 56 KB, 974x632, Screenshot_2021-02-13_13-51-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wtf are we about to moon?

>> No.28635606
File: 1.23 MB, 2960x2124, 1613137288939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28638033


>> No.28635656
Quoted by: >>28637055



>> No.28635873

fuck. I only bought like 1/5 of what I was planning.

>> No.28636474

The fuck do I do about exchanging xmr as an Ausfag. Fucking LNP ruins everything.

>> No.28636806
Quoted by: >>28638033

same here
I'll just get a few more and wait up until 1000$ I guess

>> No.28636856
File: 1.35 MB, 493x498, 5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...i-its going back down right?

>> No.28636869


>> No.28636932
Quoted by: >>28645214

>Local Monero
How likely will people start getting V&'d for this?

>> No.28637055
Quoted by: >>28637186

Settle down, cuck

>> No.28637186

I actually hold XMR, just having some fun

>> No.28637273

>that fucking btc ratio

Goddamn we have a LONG way to go.

>> No.28637295
File: 50 KB, 480x543, l4voo9ki0vk31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a friend that swears Monero will hit like a million one day and wants me to toss him 100k for telling me about it. Can anyone help me explain to him why he's a faggot and why i'm not investing in this shit coin? I need some pointers

>> No.28637325
File: 181 KB, 492x500, 1612875691423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypothetically speaking.... How useful will Monero be fore money laundering. This is entirely speculation of course...

>> No.28637396

Butcorn Maxis are shorting us. Their ass is wide open for the green dildo

>> No.28637397
Quoted by: >>28638407

You buy crypto with the numerous aud onramps, you trade on the numerous exchanges that dont require kyc from australian IPs... ????

>> No.28637488

I sold my eth for xmr yesterday night, might be the only good trade I ever made holy shit

>> No.28637557

Having a black hole to move cash through might have some benefits...

>> No.28637590
File: 8 KB, 243x250, pepchain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this bait

>> No.28637654

Your kinda glowing but at leat in minecraft the villigers don't know how much emeralds you hold or if you give them to another player

>> No.28637669
Quoted by: >>28637946

Buying monero at $200 is like buying BTC at $200

>> No.28637670

The best option retard.

>> No.28637818
Quoted by: >>28638835

oh this poor faggot, is someone going to tell him

>> No.28637931
Quoted by: >>28638407

hey ausfag, kraken litecoin > changenow

>> No.28637946
Quoted by: >>28638261

How long will it stay at around $200 is the question, the FOMO is getting too strong.

>> No.28637963

You are both faggots.

>> No.28638033

congrats and welcome

>BCHBTC +17%
>LTCBTC +15%
>EOSBTC + 14%
>ZEC BTC +21%
and XMRBTC only +19%

Calm down guys, it's not like suddenly everyone figured out how great XMR is a lot of coins got good gains in the last 24h

>> No.28638169

Curiously all the ETH-like coins are dumping now.

>> No.28638226
File: 559 KB, 1242x964, 4EDE728F-E454-470B-ABEE-C2A8E486AFB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They called me a madman...

>> No.28638243

good move

>> No.28638248
Quoted by: >>28659284

Good trade.

ETH is filled with bugs and a constantly changing code which billionaire investors are not happy investing in something so fragile and rapidly changing.

XMR's fundamentals are solid enough to make it a 100 year asset. I expect to beat the ATH this March.

Screencap this. I have been following it since 2016.

>> No.28638261
Quoted by: >>28638423

Just DCA. If you believe monero is the best crypto in the sense of Satoshi's original vision for bitcoin just accumulate. Literally don't look at the price and buy how much you can afford to lose on each paycheck.

>> No.28638376

Hmm, I don't see any massive dumps on kraken. AAVEBTC seems the worst with -6.1%

>> No.28638407

Thanks for the options lads

>> No.28638423

I understand, it just sucks that I'm late on everything. I hope I can make it.

>> No.28638432
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>> No.28638562
Quoted by: >>28640826

what's LNP?

>> No.28638676
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>> No.28638835
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just you wait... i assure you its going down soon

>> No.28638874
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Quoted by: >>28639003

Nothing about BTC fees are acceptable. In the end it will only be Monero and BSV.

>> No.28638916
Quoted by: >>28639603

The xmr generals have been so fucking comfy lately. I finally made a good move and exchanged out all my ETH and defi shitcoins for a fair amount of XMR when it was between 130-140$. Never looking back, ETH is a dogshit and defi is boring and gay.

>> No.28638949
File: 1010 KB, 1593x2460, monerochan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon, I never miss an opportunity to stack up more

>> No.28639003

BSV = Bitcoin Scam Variant

>> No.28639173

epic ownage, guy

>> No.28639308


>> No.28639471

TFW sitting comfy in the best technical coin in the entire crypto space

>> No.28639603
Quoted by: >>28639935

>ETH is a dogshit and defi is boring and gay.
Eth wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for high gas fees.

>> No.28639935

Sharding WHEN, though.

Vitalik needs to yell at people to code faster

>> No.28640826

It's a shitcoin peddled by an incompetent govt full of whales.

>> No.28640896
File: 3.99 MB, 650x650, d2gocjl-31ac04f6-ed36-40be-9ead-c04e198104cf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28651198

Depends on how good your opsec is. It's like using Tor: you can't just launch the Tor browser and assume "OmG LiTeRaLlY No OnE cAn FiGuRe OuT iT's Me!!", you have to account for
>where are you connecting to the internet from?
>what operating system are you using?
>are you using your own computer or a public one?
>are you in a locked room? a house with other family members or roommates? in a public place with surveillance cameras?
>is there anyone else who can access this computer?
>if there is, is there any way they can find out you were using TOR? did you download anything that they could possibly find in a file manager?
>if you downloaded a file that could contain a trojan that sends your real IP out, do you have any safeguards in place (i.e. disconnecting from the internet before opening the file, setting up a firewall, etc)?
>did you verify the PGP hash from the Tor Project before you downloaded the browser?
>is the software up to date?
>did you verify the security settings?
>when creating sock puppet accounts on websites, are you using personal identifying information? (think usernames you've used on other websites outside of TOR, did you use your personal email, did you post your real location, etc)
>are you mixing up linguistics/dialects between sock puppet accounts?

I could go on and on. But if anyone wants to completely hide their transactions for crimes in minecraft, they need good opsec. Tor can protect you but only if you use it right, and Monero can protect you only if you use it right. Some food for thought: there are some OG minecraft crime lords that can still use Bitcoin today because their opsec is so fucking good.

>> No.28641517


Also, I don't necessarily want to "use" it for anything, just invest, but do you think I need to do the LTC swap if I'm on Binance.com? I'm American and got an account cause I live in Europe.

>> No.28641632
File: 43 KB, 614x586, 3EC308B9-1F6E-4DBC-A39F-BD03F6056261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28642164

>bull flag on 1h

>> No.28642164
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>> No.28643128 [DELETED] 

comfyest crab in months

>> No.28643238
File: 524 KB, 220x220, xmr_general.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfyest crab in months

>> No.28643352


>> No.28643391
File: 32 KB, 858x725, C1qW3PlUQAIMiAd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28646005

>tfw sold my XMR stack for RBC

Never listening to XMR FUDers anymore.

>> No.28643442


>> No.28643774
Quoted by: >>28644374

hasn't worked for months and still doesn't work
stop recommending this

>> No.28644374
File: 327 KB, 700x500, 1612645692061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would you say we should change it to? I don't use coinswap services and I thought morph was what cakewallet uses.

>> No.28644532

why does everyone hate BSV? I'm very bearish on it, but the tribalism is pretty extreme. Like the guy that forked it seems kinda nuts, but in like a crazy genius way, and BSV has sound fundamentals. I always prize how XMR threads foster intellectual discussion. What are your guys thoughts?

>> No.28644773

fucking kekked and almost spewed water all over my computer at work

>> No.28644791

sideshift looks good

>> No.28644827

BSV = Butt Sex Victim

>> No.28644882
Quoted by: >>28644982

Lol bsv is trash and creg is not satoshi I thought India banned crypto what are you even doing here

>> No.28644924

right now I would say fixedfloat, had (slightly) the best rates there the last couple of times I swapped, but maybe other anons can share their experiences

>> No.28644982
Quoted by: >>28645200

Oh I forgot xmr is untraceable, so you are here to shill bsv and swap it for xmr?

>> No.28645065
Quoted by: >>28645445

I have 2 Monero from 2018 will I make it?

>> No.28645200

I'm a monero bull. I don't own any BSV and never will. I just don't understand why everyone hates on it so hard. As someone in a monero thread I am comfy assuming that you are quite crypto literate. So you must know that BSV has solid fundamentals right? Just trying to understand the h8 senpai

>> No.28645214

v&'d for losing your hard drive after receiving some crypto from a p2p trade for less than 10k dollars? you'll be fine, just don't make 10k and over ourchases off a fucking p2p platform

>> No.28645445

Never disclose your amount, anon.

>> No.28645519
Quoted by: >>28646108

craig wright is a conman, fuck off

>> No.28645837
Quoted by: >>28648767

>Buy BTC or Litecoin on coinnase.
>Transfer to Binance.
>use a vpn. Proton VPN is free.

>> No.28646005

dude. i know guys with a large xmr stack and they were fudding to accumulate lower. it is all part of the game. Same with link OG

>> No.28646108
Quoted by: >>28647938

This is exactly the aggression I don't understand.. but I'm happy to drop the subject anyways, I've never been comfier. Most of my net worth is in monero, and I'm sitting at work on the clock literally just watching the charts, and watching the snow falling heavily outside. It's a great day to be a monero bull :-)

>> No.28647003
Quoted by: >>28647204


>> No.28647145 [DELETED] 

ChangeNOW, CakeWallet uses it already.

>> No.28647204
Quoted by: >>28647298

excuse me sir, we don't condone cocaine use here

>> No.28647232


>> No.28647298

Speak for yourself

>> No.28647350

guys wanna do something about this or just let it die?

>> No.28647421
Quoted by: >>28647782

don't bump it, let it die

>> No.28647488
Quoted by: >>28647782

it's bait lol

>> No.28647767

>owner is a NEET who calls himself fluffy pony
Well this is just a buy signal for me bro(nie)s.

>> No.28647782

Bullish FUD. Not even good fud, just a paper thin layer to keep any browsing redditors poor.

>> No.28647938

I’ve been in monero since 2017. Just bought 5k usd worth last week at 150. Want to buy more since I have like 15k extra cash liquid right now. I’m hesitant to fomo purchase but I really believe this is cheap in the long run. Feels bad because I was going to buy at 200 and now it’s 240. I guess I’d rather have my asset in xmr than usd though... what do?

Most of my crypto is in monero, also snowing heavily here too.

>> No.28648072
Quoted by: >>28648413

i have about a $15k buy order at $203. i refuse to fomo in

>> No.28648413

I would be surprised if we didn't retrace. 215 seems like a solid zone of resistance turned support

>> No.28648467 [DELETED] 

Diversify with some boomer etfs

>> No.28648603

BAHAHAHAH BROS Paneer forgot to switch his IP, looking like a foool samefagging

>> No.28648767

The problem is it take 10 days for $3000 LTC to be able to be transferred out of coinbase. I'm probably just gonna have to wait for Kraken customer service to get back to me.

>> No.28648940
Quoted by: >>28649149

It's slightly off-topic but is bitfinex legit? I don't quite trust them.

>> No.28649149

Bitfinex is tether's front. It's safe enough, just don't hold their stablecoins

>> No.28649584
Quoted by: >>28649881

Thanks anon. They seem to offer most fiat-crypto pairs but I've seen they've been hacked and that they're located in Honk Kong, so it undermined my trust a bit.

>> No.28649881

It's headquartered in Hong Kong but registered in the British Virgin Islands

>> No.28650091
Quoted by: >>28656089

Tell him it's a shitcoin bubble, then invest the money yourself and don't tell him. Obviously.

>> No.28650227
Quoted by: >>28654817

same boat but not nearly as much money to buy in... shitty... ugh... oh well, I need to try and make a run for at least 5 xmr in the next coming weeks. Wish my luck

>> No.28650269

What's wrong with tether as a stablecoin?

>> No.28650321

capped for luls at 300

>> No.28650386
Quoted by: >>28656241

They have fractional reserves, it's not properly backed and Bitfinex is laundering their printing press. They're allegedly printing freely without restrictions, they stopped audits in 2018, no longer transparent, so they basically have a free money printing machine at this point, house of cards is bound to fall some time.

>> No.28650700


backed by BTC that was bought with tether that was bought with BTC that was bought with tether that was bought with BTC that was bought with tether.....

>> No.28651198
File: 354 KB, 1928x1240, 1610914174694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28653867

This. Get your opsec so flawless that you could be using BTC and still be anon. Then use XMR on top of that, and your money will be so clean only God could de-anonymize you.

>> No.28651350

I'm a poorfag, can I even get in on this?

>> No.28651570

Yeah man

>> No.28651732
File: 183 KB, 540x404, 1601323672669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28651854

Thanks bro.

>> No.28651854
File: 484 KB, 1082x695, 1590367618604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XMR is the comfiest hold and has the best community

>> No.28652660

Based indeed

>> No.28653165

Thanks for the hearty kek anon!

>> No.28653268

BNB is strong, trust the chinese.

>> No.28653867

but you won't be able to spend your gains on expensive shit if you have good opsec. its pay taxes and buy shit or don't pay taxes and just build your stack forever

>> No.28653979

Zcash or monero?

>> No.28654065

idk do your research on both and decide for yourself

>> No.28654187

XMR is the superior choice imo but you can still make money from Zcash

>> No.28654402


>> No.28654406
File: 278 KB, 930x534, unknown amount of Monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28654570

Well there we go.

>> No.28654685

Is XMR mining still worth it?

>> No.28654817

i might wait a little bit then...

good luck man. also i didn't realize this but i just checked and i'm actually still holding some monero that i bought for around 300 back in 2017. despite the price not even being there yet, monero is still my favorite and i will continue to accumulate, support it and use it

>> No.28654928

Fuck why does it keep going up?
I need to spend that shit you fucking niggers, I don't want this to become another investment type coin, where else am I gonna get a secure transaction?

>> No.28654963

It is likely retrace; a lot of people shorting it down. What is important is if the resistances will hold and new money comes flowing in eventually else we will bleed back down.

>> No.28654966

yeah mining is still worth it if you make a tiktok channel about it and scam kids

>> No.28654968

since we are privacy focused here, how do you guys post here? did you find a vpn provider that actually isn't banned? do you use that in combination with a 4chan pass? i noticed that the 4chan pass doesn't accept monero, how do i privately send btc to them? use a tumbler?

>> No.28655039


>> No.28655175
File: 18 KB, 225x225, 1612021161105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28655485
Quoted by: >>28656176

As demand grows, which it will. Since there is a lot of fucking demand. So will price. Currently XMR has 5% of BTC transactions. Which means a valuation of 2000 or more once the market catches up.

All in all the price will correct upwards as more and more people join the network. It is just a matter of time.

If in a few years it has half or 1/3 of BTC's transactions can you really see it being value at 200? That is is to nonsensical even for the crypto market and to much volume for any one whale to or institute to manipulate it.

IT WILL GO UP. Do 't hand over your XMR to FUD. You will regret it forever.

>> No.28655551

so i converted some XMR ive been holding for a while into DAI on kraken to hedge.
how does taxing work if i convert dai to XMR using Cake wallet?
Is this traced?

>> No.28655631

you won't make money from it at hobbyist level but it might be fun if your electricity is cheap

>> No.28656089
File: 223 KB, 550x550, birbbbb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine disclosing your monero holdings. Hearty KEK

>> No.28656176

Yeah I know, I just miss the golden days where it was cheap darknet money

>> No.28656241

>house of cards
While I generally agree with what your saying, Tether is more backed up and audited than the average bank. I don't see this coming down unless regulators reeaally try to come down on crypto..

>> No.28656285

Dont listen to this anon - go for it bruh - I mined all this past year and with the bump we just saw here, it was all worth it. So get in on it before the mining rewards go down again.

>> No.28656464

I haven't looked at the chart but what I do is market buy with like a third of your cash and then set up buy orders below that for the rest, just keep it realistic. $220, $210, $200, something like that. The less comfortable you are with those not executing and getting left behind the larger your market buy should be.

Story time: I had a limit buy on ADA back when it was at $.15, set for $.13. I let it run for two weeks and it never hit. I cancelled, that night it went to like $.125
Guess how dumb I feel now.

>> No.28656769
Quoted by: >>28657015

I mined also but not for short term profit

>> No.28657015


You could have just mined something more profitable and used the proceeds to buy XMR. You'd probably be better off than mining XMR unless you already had the CPU hardware lying around.

>> No.28657248
Quoted by: >>28657740

Not that anon but I'd like to set up some CPU mining while I'm GPU mining, and XMR seems to be the most notable CPU mining coin. On the fence about it though.

>> No.28657682
File: 2.00 MB, 1800x2393, 1584517413194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but whatever, markets will just correct the price to the new value. it should make no difference to dnm users unless you're the end holding the crypto, but that being said I'd be pretty happy holding monero right now ;)

>> No.28657740


It's definitely the best choice for CPU mining if you already have a mining rig with a suitable CPU doing nothing, but AFAIK there are relatively few CPU's that produce significant profitability; I think a ryzen 5 3600 produces about $10 profit per month. Not exactly a barn buster but I guess it's better than $0 if the rig is already running.

>> No.28657902
Quoted by: >>28658190

I don't understand this shit. Putting $20 into XMR is still putting $20 into XMR, regardless of whether you did it today or two years ago. The only difference is that the person who put it in 2 years ago now has $80 of XMR. Do darknet vendors really not adjust their prices based on the market value of XMR?

>> No.28657945
File: 1.13 MB, 1413x1920, 1597524860371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Financially it is interesting to mine if you have free or very cheap electricity. The other possibility as some have commented before is simply for hobby purposes and to learn about the tech without thinking about profit. The interesting feature of investing in a small mining operation is that you can resell the parts in the future. So if somehow monero loses its value, you will not completely lose of your investment because you can resell the hardware parts that will still have value in the PC market.

>> No.28657993
Quoted by: >>28658976

Recently built a rig so it has an i9 10900k in it. I can't really play vidya while mining on GPU so it made sense to me that I should mine CPU during that time. Expensive electricity in my nation(Ausfag), got new solar so it'll hopefully help with expenses.

>> No.28658190

Markets usually take the price from the vendor as usd and display as xmr using thr latest rate

>> No.28658260
File: 190 KB, 485x319, tfwdarknet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need xmr chan artist to bless us with some OC.

>> No.28658723
File: 1.14 MB, 1080x1521, 1582264387608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28658887

I think I might need to start a big compilation of all the times bitcoin users were caught by the authorities because they were fucking traced on the blockchain. People might understand better monero if they can understand how fucked up using a transparent blockchain can be.

>> No.28658887

darkdotfail tweeted about a vendor traced because of Bitcoin today.

>> No.28658976

A solar to XMR rig would be extremely based

>> No.28659128

can someone run me down on how this boating accident meme started?

>> No.28659284

>XMR's fundamentals are solid enough to make it a 100 year asset
I'm a Monero hodler but I wouldn't make any long-term plans past 2050. A.I. apocalypse inbound.

>> No.28659475
Quoted by: >>28659632

Can you get XMR on Metamask?

>> No.28659632
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Quoted by: >>28664593

>Can you get XMR on Metamask?

>> No.28659747

What meme? This actually happened to me. It was awful and I lost everything.

>> No.28659836
File: 66 KB, 781x1024, 1604309855062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an old meme that precedes monero, if I'm not mistaken it initiated in the gun scene with people saying that if the authorities came to confiscate their guns they would say they lost them on a boating accident... but it became popular on monero when fluffypony said in an interview that he lost his private keys in a boating accident and the interviewer kinda believed the story.

>> No.28660303
Quoted by: >>28662902

To begin with you shouldn't be rewarding the 4chan mods for their shitty behavior.

>> No.28660404
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>> No.28660446
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>> No.28661019
Quoted by: >>28661404

I’ll take a request, don’t have access to illustrator atm, but I might draw something by hand and figure something else out.

>> No.28661022
File: 23 KB, 640x428, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are my only friends
someone hold me, can't believe the fuck is currently going on on biz
grt drones make me sad about the future
VCs are dumping on them and they think they are going to make it

>> No.28661233

BSV won't go anywhere compared to Bitcoin. Monero will rise alot, but Bitcoin will be the new gold standard on which all other cryptocurrencies (monero included) are valued.

>> No.28661381

>I think a ryzen 5 3600 produces about $10 profit per month
While true, when I was mining BTC in 2014 and 2015, I was getting about 0.01 BTC every other day. At the time it was roughly $4. Today that amount is worth $450. Imagine getting $450 every two days, practically for free. That's why I mine monero; I get the same amount, 0.01 XMR every two days; it's only worth about $2 so it's not profitable right now; but I'm hodling it forever.

>> No.28661404

Make your own seductive version of Monero Chan!

>> No.28661590

Is it worth to buy in now? I have 100 lying around and XMR is the only project I really believe in

>> No.28661693

I don't think so. I believe XMR will be it's own thing. Even within the crypto space. Especially if a lot of traffic moves over to XMR.
Maybe? Who knows. Buy if you want.

>> No.28661751


>> No.28661865
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Quoted by: >>28664389

>gold standard
I agree. BTC dominates, nobody is switching over to the forks. BSV's use case is better handled by monero. shit even nano better solves the "problem" that BSV was trying to capitalize on

>> No.28662360
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>> No.28662902
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I don't mind 4chan logging my home IP. I'm not that interesting and I couldn't care less about politics and ideologies. I just want to make a fuck ton of money and be comfy with my gf.


BSV is literally the product of an essentially corrupt mind. There is no reason within reality that justifies the existence of this project.
I don't mind bitcoin dominating but monero is incorrectly valued @ <1% of a single unit of bitcoin. It's insanely cheap.

>> No.28662918
Quoted by: >>28664253

If you have monero you can get bitcoin on a non-kyc method listed in the OP. You now have anonymous BTC.

>> No.28663545

No I prefer xmr because of cpu mining

>> No.28663958
Quoted by: >>28664044

I used my amazon gift card on local monero and they guy wouldn’t give it to me because I didn’t have receipt but still took my codes anyway. Don’t use local monero

>> No.28664044

bob and vagene

>> No.28664203

Any privacy coin is better then a Zcash. I would use Firo, ZenCash, or Monero.

>> No.28664253

Good point, didn’t think about that, lol

>> No.28664276

I swapped monero for some Particl so I can sell my sonic VHS on private crypto marketplace.

>> No.28664374

I don’t care about politics but a stance on anything can be political. Maybe I’m just paranoid though. But saying I want to make money, I like freedom, I like monero, fuck taxes... those could all be political

>> No.28664389
Quoted by: >>28664486


Nano is a DAG. It doesn't solve the problems Bitcoin does. BSV is important because stability of protocol and scale.

That said XMR is the only crypto besides Bitcoin worth holding.

>> No.28664486

>That said XMR is the only crypto besides Bitcoin worth holding.
I used to agree but after reading Vitalik's blog and seeing him talk about Austrian economics as well as new ideas for crypto, it made me resist swinging my ETH stack (10% of folio)

>> No.28664593

I feel like that's the same retard that comes into these threads to troll and fud when xmr isn't pumping.

>> No.28664669

>seeing him talk about Austrian economics
link? I thought he was a commie

>> No.28664746
Quoted by: >>28664880

nvm I found it

>> No.28664862
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He identifies a few legitimate flaws in the philosophies of Mises and Hayek, in that they place too much power and faith in the role of the consumer, when it's actually the entrepreneur who is the most important factor in creating new markets.

>> No.28664880
Quoted by: >>28666282

Link it here please

>> No.28664897
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Ethereum is fun and all but the fees are fucking stupid and we're in theory super early. And Vitalik was mocking bitcoin not too long ago for its high fees. They need to fix a lot of shit or some other project will take over on the long run. Funds and institutional money don't have loyalty to a specific project.
Also, ether is not money. Bitcoin and monero both try to be money so it's worth having them, like gold and silver they complement each other.
Ether on the other hand is literally gas used to run another software.

>> No.28665155
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>Ethereum is fun and all but the fees are fucking stupid and we're in theory super early
There is work to be done, but I think it's a solid investment. I try to judge crypto projects by the size of their development communities.
>Vitalik was mocking bitcoin not too long ago for its high fees
You are probably right however he also said that BTC is the best store of value, better than Ethereum. Remmeber Vitalik got his start by creating Bitcoin Magazine as an 18 year old. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Monero can happily coexist. We are living in exciting times; this is what finance should have felt like for the past 108 years if it hadn't been derailed by 1913's establishment of central banking.

>> No.28665537
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>Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Monero can happily coexist. We are living in exciting times; this is what finance should have felt like for the past 108 years if it hadn't been derailed by 1913's establishment of central banking.
Absolutely they can co-exist. And people are more than free to invest on whatever they want. Personally I'm not comfortable enough to put my money on it but I'm a little bit more conservative, so I invest on "hard digital money" let's say... because unless there's a catastrophic bug, I don't see bitcoin nor monero going anywhere -- Ethereum has a bit of risk. Isn't Cardano and some other projects on the top #20 trying to be competitors to Ethereum? Who knows in the end how many of them will survive.
Which is a bit off topic but brings me to ponder when will be the reckoning for all these fucking shitcoins out there lmao. At some point society will settle on a few massively used cryptocurrency networks and all the rest will simply have no chance to compete. Fuck XRP, fuck BSV, fuck Dash, fuck Bytecoin, fuck Zcash, fuck Ethereum classic, fuck all this shit.

>> No.28665548
Quoted by: >>28666069

ETH fees are still lower than BTC, whilst handling 5x the txs. ETH is better than BTC as a currency, always has been and always will be.

>> No.28665562

ETH is a premine, the monetary supply is decided at a whim and the system itself does not scale even if they tried to scale like BSV.

>> No.28665883

Ok I guess I'll just ask again here. Is there a way to lend your monero while keeping it private? Like if I had some could a get a 4% average return off it every single year without anyone seeing it go to my wallet?

>> No.28665900

Friendly reminder: the Jews that control everything via the central bank and agents in government will not cede power peacefully. They're going to come after your crypto and gold.

>inb4 can't ban crypto
Monero certainly has a better shot at resisting, but if globohomo is activated in a serious manner to tackle crypto they can just raid miners and seize their hashpower.

I suppose what I'm really saying is it won't be easy.

>> No.28666001

best affordable vpn for xmr?

>> No.28666060
Quoted by: >>28667062

I am sure if that happens all Monero holders will leave a node running. This is the advantage of CPU mining. Good luck seizing millions of PCs.

>> No.28666069
File: 108 KB, 1024x743, 1599230956472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28667062

>ETH is better than BTC as a currency
If you want to call the premined product output of a centralized project, "currency", be my guest.
Currency, or in this case, money, in this scene is very hard to do correctly. Monero shares a very similar story to bitcoin's origins:
- Cryptonote was written by a pseudonymous
- Bitmonero was founded by an anonymous person who disappeared
- Fairly released with no premine
- Has kept privacy-oriented ethos / mentality with a grassroots community
This kind of scenario is extremely hard to be reproduced as nowaday's coins are released, pre-mined, pre-sold, etc.
If you want to learn more about monero's story, enjoy:

>if globohomo is activated in a serious manner to tackle crypto they can just raid miners and seize their hashpower.
damn it feels good to have RandomX so mining rigs are actually just computers.

>> No.28666282

I'm assuming he's talking about this

>> No.28666324


>> No.28666379
Quoted by: >>28667062

aren't proof of stake coins resistant to this because they don't require mountains of gpus?

>> No.28667062
Quoted by: >>28668197

People still mine Monero commercially. So there are large targets.

It might, but the problem with PoS is distribution. There is no way for smaller wallets to ever out compete large wallets. Ever. So a small group would control the monetary system forever unopposed. That's basically what we have now.

>> No.28667119
Quoted by: >>28667184

This doesn't prove anything. The retard was using a T address for his zcash instead of a Z address

>> No.28667184
Quoted by: >>28667469

This is what optional privacy does to you

>> No.28667367

Good thing tor, vpn and Linux exist

I’ll keep mining from my pc to support monero

>> No.28667421
Quoted by: >>28667468

Hello fellow /Biz/nessmen!

How much monero are we all holding?

Share your blockfolios!

>> No.28667425

there was this whistleblower on 4chan i think who posted some documents about some government agency getting more funding to try to decrypt the ring signature of monero, it was a few years ago maybe 2017 or 18. Does anybody still have it, i can't find it anymore

>> No.28667468

about tree fiddy

>> No.28667469

What's the other argument against Zcash if you're not braindead enough to know how to use privacy when you want to?

>> No.28667690
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I feel the fomo of normies.

>> No.28667733
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You're literally brain dead.
>know how to use privacy when you want to?
Because <1% of Zcash transactions are fully shielded, the ones that do use privacy features stand out and draw attention. you want the transactions in your blockchain to be as homogeneous as possible.
also, 20% of all mined Zcash goes to the founder. Top fucking kek.
It's literally a US Company, and it required a trusted setup. I don't think that's the epitome of decentralization, mate.

>> No.28667776

the irs gave a few million to some kike data analysis company to work on moneoi but they haven't accomplished shit

>> No.28667834
Quoted by: >>28668085

Trusted setup by israelis.

>> No.28667940


>> No.28668085

i'm still filling my bags with zcash though

>> No.28668173

Good luck trusting kikes.

>> No.28668197
File: 220 KB, 626x1024, 1598339831641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28668899

>People still mine Monero commercially. So there are large targets.
Fair enough. But because it uses consumer-grade CPU, then even if the government control many warehouses of CPUs there is still a chance for the community to fight against it because it's just a bunch of CPUs.
This scenario is impossible with ASICs, but it's possible with RandomX.

>i'm still filling my bags with zcash though
My friend I wish you the best of luck. This is the wild west for speculators so I hope you make 100x on Zcash on the condition I make 1000x on my Monero ;)

>> No.28668347

Not yet. I think there's one sketchy eastern european exchange that pays an APY if you let them hodl your monero, but they are anonymous and there would be no recourse if they exited. Wrapped XMR already exists, and I expect it to be stake able on DeFi platforms any day now.

>> No.28668533
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>> No.28668899

True. An interesting thing about Monero is it could exist as malware. Siphoning processing power globally to secure the chain. Although if someone were able to absolutely dominate XMR hash this way that would be another problem, aside from the already fucked up practice of stealing hash from random computers.

>> No.28668910

Monero is broken, use 0xMonero

>> No.28669033

fuck off pajeet

>> No.28669219


>> No.28669252

nope. 0xmonero is still vaporware bullshit
just like the last hundred times you spammed it
stop trying to steal from people by lying to them about the capabilities of the project

>> No.28669799
File: 3 KB, 125x114, 1613174033765s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro's I offered to sell my friend an unknown amount of Monero for $120 a while ago and he ghosted me like I was some kind of scamming pajeet. Now he messaged me back saying he wants to do the swap. I can't believe how dumb this motherfucker thinks I am. If you're lurking here you can suck my balls cunt.

>> No.28670176

Cryptostorm directly accepts monero and so do a few of their vendors.

>> No.28670549

There is also incognito.org that gives 13% APY for providing liquidity.

>> No.28670831
Quoted by: >>28671502

Hm, I'll look into it. It's kind of against the ethos of monero to not hold it yourself, but I'm in <unknown amoun> hell and so I try to take any advantage I can get. Do you have to pool it with another token setting yourself up for impermanent loss?

>> No.28671067
Quoted by: >>28671502

sounds interesting but if its like any of the other places I've seen so far I'm willing to bet its 13 under certain undesirable conditions while 5 normally. Oh well I really just wanted the privacy part thanks for the find.

>> No.28671502

You don't have to pool with another token, no risk of impermanent lost. However you have to trust that the network will give you your monero back and there isn't some backdoor where the devs can empty the pool. I did some tests and it seems legit, but I won't bet my entire stack on it just yet.
Yeah, the catch is they pay you in their native token PRV that you have to sell for Monero. If the price of Monero goes up and PRV remains stable, you won't get 13% obviously

>> No.28672078

How long until the IRS catches you and fuck you over for not paying taxes?

>> No.28672123
File: 139 KB, 747x788, 45349734945907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that Monero is poised to become the reserve cryptocurrency of the global shadow economy and is currently replacing BTC on the darknet while also making inroads into the cyber-crime and money laundering sectors.

>Bitcoin Will Never Be Truly Private Says Andreas Antonopoulos

>Bitcoin is too hot for criminals. They're using Monero instead

>Crooks opt for Monero as crypto of choice to launder ill-gotten gains

>Darknet Giant White House Market Drops Bitcoin, Supports Monero Payments Only

>Monero replaces Bitcoin for Sodinokibi Ransomware operators

>$7.5M in Monero Demanded in Alleged Cyber Attack on Argentinian Telecom Giant

>Latin American crime cartels turn to cryptocurrencies for money laundering

>Criminals laundered $2.8 billion in 2019 using crypto exchanges, finds a new analysis

>Why untraceable cryptocurrencies are here to stay

Considering that the global shadow economy is valued in the TRILLIONS of dollars, even if just a portion of that ends up in Monero's market cap that is still HUNDREDS of billions of dollars. 5 figure XMR is inevitable.

>> No.28672204
Quoted by: >>28672378

Owing taxes on what? I pay taxes for income from my job

>> No.28672360

i pay the kikes income tax, sales tax, social security for niggers and spics, etc. i pay tax double or triple on all of my fiat. hey can go fuck themselves if they think i'm paying more taxes for more niggers. i'm 100% monero and it's staying that way. i have my mnemonic key memorized they are never touching my unknown amount

>> No.28672378
Quoted by: >>28672667

Isn't owning Crypto considered a "capital gain tax" or whatever the fuck?

>> No.28672667
Quoted by: >>28673619

only when you sell it do you realise gains which is a taxable event.
I keep different subaddresses for XMR that i've bought on exchange with KYC and XMR that I've obtained anonymously. If I ever cash out I will either use my KYC wallet and send it back to an exchange and pay gains tax, or I will forget the private keys to my anonymous subaddress. In minecraft of course.

>> No.28673619
Quoted by: >>28673701

>only when you sell it do you realise gains which is a taxable event.
So technically anyone (immigrant, citizen) can buy Monero and not worry about taxes so long they hold it?

>> No.28673701

i guess you might pay tax on whatever you were generous enough to tell the government that you had

>> No.28674489 [DELETED] 
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>> No.28674921
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Quoted by: >>28675028

tfw more euphoric about the 1 xmr i bought a few days ago at $150 than i am about my unknown amount in cold storage


>> No.28675028
File: 3.27 MB, 600x336, 1613204050393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Disclosing how much moneroj you have bought


>> No.28675215

hope you lazy niggers are using your computers to help the network

>> No.28676786

Alright boys, just bought in ZEC/XMR. Hope monero moons to give me some more zats! :^)

>> No.28677404

Imagine not selling and buying back at $140