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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.27574485
File: 142 KB, 1366x768, STRESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> board is flooded with qtards and reddit retards
Thank you.

>> No.27574533
File: 73 KB, 826x793, 3224ybp596f61[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27575170

>> No.27574548
File: 727 KB, 500x375, 1612323844664.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blaze it

>> No.27574556
File: 278 KB, 914x720, 6F1616E5-7C08-4602-A4B6-CA91E619304A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27574569


Might it be the next big multi-billion dollar business?

>> No.27574572

What is the next meme

>> No.27574601
Quoted by: >>27574911

Turned you into an anime girl? What’s the story here??

>> No.27574608
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, game was rigged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of you fucks don't understand that meme stonks as you call it has been rigged long before it even started being a meme stock

>> No.27574635
File: 197 KB, 1351x619, DD.SNDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27574640
File: 53 KB, 325x445, money-lessons-kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS MARKET WILL NEVER CRASH! I am so rich! I am making so much on my dividends, and I just keep reinvesting them. It's amazing Anon. I think Biden is gonna give me some more free money next week. I think I'll spend it on some sweet ZOOM stock. I hear Video conferencing is a big deal these days.

>> No.27574644
Quoted by: >>27574870

Is any company working on a replacement for prednisone because holy shit I will invest in them. This medication js absolutely miserable.

>> No.27574678
File: 28 KB, 680x652, 1612330582209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27575306


>> No.27574680
File: 7 KB, 250x247, F40E08FA-BBBC-42BA-A3CD-DFFDA97EE13B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do TA on a stock you would have bought anyway
>It goes up
>TA works!
Do meme lines work or is it literally confirmation bias?

>> No.27574683
Quoted by: >>27575021

Won't a crash be good?
So that you can buy the dip?

>> No.27574691

At least post the stock symbol : VIVE

>> No.27574699
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, 1612268575504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are we enjoying the stock market under bidens america?

>> No.27574712
File: 544 KB, 700x1000, iroha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sleep tonight
>Have great dream
>Wake up refreshed and feeling great
>Look at clock
>I was asleep just 5 minutes
>Go back to sleep
>Have great dream again
>Wake up again after 5 minutes, feeling great
>Same happens for 6 hours till I decide to give up
Please help
I think it will get better now that the idiots lost all their money on GME

>> No.27574749
File: 20 KB, 500x281, min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27575018


>> No.27574777

going all in VTI

>> No.27574788
Quoted by: >>27575117

It’s because you are on narcotic painkillers.

>> No.27574807

God if I see a redditor with a $600 portfolio talk about “short ladders “ one more time I’ll lose my shit

>> No.27574831

A lot of the TA on /biz/ isn't based on any accepted method

>> No.27574870
Quoted by: >>27575098

IDK about companies but back in september some german medical studies showed that a big part of cortisone research was flawed and that a lot of the studies on alternatives were misguided because they assumed it was a protein thing and it turns out it's interacting directly with DNA or something (I don't remember all the details) so hopefully new stuff will start showing up soon

>> No.27574876

If I remember correctly TA comes from watching trades in Hong Kong at certain specific time intervals. I can't remember which candlesticks are valid but I think they are the 15min ones

>> No.27574878

>been one of the hardest drivers of the hodl gme meme
>only have $50 bucks invested total

>> No.27574895 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27574964

With all the vaginas I’ve seen destroyed from BBC, yes it will be

>> No.27574911
File: 1.04 MB, 1967x2001, 1EA7E3F8-B832-4D7F-8C9D-F0A71357594C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s the story here??
I have revitiligo like uncle ruckus.
I’m a niggermonkey now.
Pic related.

>> No.27574964
File: 1.12 MB, 1334x750, 147BE4FB-16D8-464B-887F-46E844014B56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Vagina is a funny word

>> No.27574969

>was going to hold through tomorrow just in case
>bank transfer into fidelity fucked up so they sold my shares today at a $750 loss
>dad owed me $750 that he sent today
>net loss of $0
>will still write the loss off on my taxes since it’s a $750 “gift”

>> No.27574974
Quoted by: >>27575044

Where are my UUUU niggers at. I've been avoiding this gen for awhile because all you GME and AMC newfags have been polluting the glowing rock talk.

>> No.27574980
File: 924 KB, 850x1199, EECDF726-D3B3-4947-85D3-5BFB736228B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going all in VTI
Careful with that edge, senpai

>> No.27574994
Quoted by: >>27575043

>It's like what michael jackson had but reverse; lucky S.O.B.

>> No.27575003

hey i'm a fucking idiot who just got into this shit cos of meme stocks (i have barely lost any money yet just dipping my toes in). my broker is not letting me set a sell limit of my amc position because they aren't letting people short amc currently. i called them about this because i have a limited understanding of what that means and they told me that i can still close my position while the market is open which, correct me if i'm wrong, means basically that i can only sell at market price. how is setting a sell limit shorting? this is obviously a dumb question i tried to get my broker to explain it to me but i really do not get it.

>> No.27575018
File: 1.83 MB, 500x260, linminmaydance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27575117


>> No.27575019
File: 361 KB, 1080x1920, tsukushi_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27575854


Please rate my retarded meme picks. I'm desperate for cash and I'm trying to make this work.

>> No.27575021
File: 100 KB, 1300x866, 21232611-young-businessman-kid-and-a-lot-of-money-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so rich, a crash wouldn't phase me. Like you say, I would just buy the dip. But Anon, here is the thing, THERE WILL NEVER BE A CRASH! This market only goes up. The FED just keeps giving me free money. I mean, what else am I gonna do with it? I don't need to pay rent, because my landlord is not allowed to evict me. Maybe I can buy some more NETFLIX. I hear their P/E is only 93. WHAT A STEEL!

>> No.27575030
Quoted by: >>27575101

Get a second shirt dude

>> No.27575035

Isn't hymen repair already a multi-million dollar industry in saudi arabia?

>> No.27575036
File: 294 KB, 1500x2000, 50822080-4A67-4935-BA1E-9B0172B68EA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27575202

What’s with the trident? Are you going fishing or something?

>> No.27575037

>Motley Boomer

>> No.27575043

The Jews did this to me.

>> No.27575044
File: 315 KB, 1024x676, 4MEand4U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27575092

this sounds amazing
>72 dreams in a night
mite be dangerous tho

>> No.27575098

Yeah the mechanism isn't well understood from what I've read. My doctor convinced my insurance to approve me for an alternative steroid released in 2015 (budesonide I think) but it actually made my symptoms worse so I had to go back on prednisone.

>> No.27575099
File: 31 KB, 400x370, ryuken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video conferencing

>> No.27575101
File: 3.95 MB, 441x480, E9E1F635-7025-47C4-B9E7-BA2E294DDEF8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27575117
File: 69 KB, 502x664, 1510372114571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27575194

My only drugs are beer and black tea desu
These old animes had a nice aesthetic. I wished newer anime would take the style and combine it with the modern drawing techniques. Instead we get shitty CG.

>> No.27575123
Quoted by: >>27575371

do you guys know of the /biz/ dark pool?

>> No.27575146

It's not, and your broker is scamming you.
Shorting involves selling a stock you don't own then hoping to buy it back cheaper to sell it back to the person you borrowed it from and pocketing the profit. A limit sell is just an order to sell if the price hits a certain number. I have never heard of a legit broker refusing to allow limit sells.

>> No.27575150
Quoted by: >>27575598

Low P/E is unironically a red flag, it's low for a reason (massive debt, no growth or worse, secular decline, etc etc)

>> No.27575154
File: 30 KB, 300x301, 1612183982590.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What history books do I read to learn cultural trends and how to profit off them

>> No.27575161

this and the last op made me chuckle

>> No.27575170
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 1610662539597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He could have simply said jews, but timmy is too much of a faggot for that.

>> No.27575180
File: 36 KB, 689x670, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you call this pattern?

>> No.27575194

Agreed. I'm an /ic/fag but I have a soft spot for old anime from the 80's and 70's. Unfortunately, Japan had a LOT of money back then, and more freedom in the studios, so I don't think we'll see that again for a long time. :(

>> No.27575202
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 3E78BAD8-0E75-42E9-A969-641C21BDCCB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27575980

It’s for hunting Jews.

>> No.27575227


You guys listened to my DD and bought SLGBF and MNXXF right?......

>> No.27575234
Quoted by: >>27577476

NOK us government nowwhatnow

>> No.27575241
File: 685 KB, 982x1420, 5aacbfafd0af1fa9500c73f1ba15eb1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have some fresh DD to share
>see the current state of /smg/ is incredibly low quality

>> No.27575243
Quoted by: >>27575356

I was in the same boat as you. I have no clue though. All I know is that when i set a low sell limit hoping o can wait for an opportunity to sell at the room my broker app literally fucking froze and gave me errors the moment i tried to cancel my stop limit sell. No matter what I did it wouldn't let me cancel the order so that I could do a market sell. Mother fucking AMC crashed back down to barely above my sell limit and coincidentally that's when I could cancel my limit sell. I didn't want to fuck around anymore since i needed the money for other stocks but i barely made a profit.

This whole thing is just absolutely fucking retarded. Not only illegal but just fucking bullshit. You own nothing goyim.

>> No.27575259
File: 65 KB, 468x750, manipulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27575261

ò̴̢̢͓̯͈͕̱̱̖̩̱̖hhhh ̸̦̥̠̱̬̗̻̭͎̮͍͉̐͌͌̓̿̑̓̓͋̎̈͝ͅs̷̢̳͍̺͚̩̏͛͊́́̋̐̄̾͘̚ȟ̶̨̧͈̩̟͖̮̻͈̟̄͐̒͆͐̋̐̀́̽͊͛͜͝ĩ̶̢̖̮̯̦̩̳͔̣͇̈́̉̾̌̓͗̂̿̕͠͝t̸̮̣̙̮̖̟̗̀́̾̌̀̀̈͛̈̀̉͘͝͝ ̸̬̘̱̰͈̠͆̍̐͂̐w̵͈̬̖̻̠̬͇̐̀̈͑̚̕h̷̼͖͎̟͌̆͌̏̈́̿̉̇̍͘͝â̵̭̮̜͍̝̟̖̖̎̔t̸̛̜̗̰̺̋̓̔̀͛̒̃̚ ̶̛̺̺̬͕̖̈́̐̒̍͐̒̽̈́̈͝t̷͇̯̠̝͑̋̓̓͒͐̀h̵͇̿̔̍̉̊̏̑͛̓ȩ̵̨̰̼͚̖͕̜̹͖͈͉̀̂̕ ̷̣̼͚̝͍̼͖̾̎́f̸̳͉͙͔̟̬̣͖̣͇͋̍͋̏͒̀͐̀̐̿̒̽̕ú̵̧͓̠̥̫͕̞̟̥͉͙͇̠c̵̤͈͈͖̞͂̐̈̌͂̌͊͑͗̀͜͝k̴̢̛̟̞̗̔̆̈́̈̈́̿̈͘̕͝

>> No.27575268

The “I mistook HFT for laddering and bef my gf car on redditors”

>> No.27575291
File: 155 KB, 600x600, 1612212592882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asking this again cause no nigger responded, Anyone doing an ARKX play? Pre investing in all the potential ticker entries. I think plebbit hype is enough to push when momma cathie releases the etf.

>> No.27575306

Finally reached 1500 pltr shares today. Feeling good af

>> No.27575311
File: 24 KB, 360x450, 4E0E60BE-BAFF-485D-B6E8-08369019C947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>upcoming merger
>75m in cash
>pt 25-30$

>> No.27575319

You have 60 seconds to justify why you think Blackberry is going to perform better than it's competitors or else you have to sell your shares.

>> No.27575346
File: 101 KB, 640x640, 8E6AC18F-D6CB-4A4B-A605-3978AB8A872E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27575596

Ask me how I can tell you have nothing more of value to contribute here than I do.

>> No.27575347


Girls have vaginas

>> No.27575355
File: 25 KB, 689x670, file (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27575356
Quoted by: >>27575573

i'm with cmc cdf if that changes anything. maybe i could do a stop entry? what's the difference between that and a limit sell order?

>> No.27575366

I call it a buy, especially under 100. not a full position, but enough to average down if it bleeds to 50. no way it doesn't bounce

>> No.27575371

No what's that. Is that some wannabe darkweb shit or one of those alternative chan's for schizos and autists?

>> No.27575381
Quoted by: >>27575487

how much will tlry sky rocket once weeds legalized

>> No.27575388

But I alrrady sold have to buy aqb

>> No.27575390
File: 597 KB, 585x447, oogabooga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27575920


>> No.27575393
File: 34 KB, 718x720, 1610463376194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you didnt hear it from me


>> No.27575398
File: 1.35 MB, 3648x2432, 190617-F-F3456-1001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already sold my BB shares at $25 CAD and never looked back desu

More money for KTOS

>> No.27575402
File: 1.48 MB, 2550x3507, 1484887277529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based nigger

>> No.27575418
File: 35 KB, 236x329, 5340D44B-A4A3-4C04-8172-0DDFB356C058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol I fardded earlier

>> No.27575438

No it’s where 4chan autists trade their 5 shares total so they don’t “sway the market”

>> No.27575447
File: 3 KB, 367x71, ok retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27575451
Quoted by: >>27576054

You might wanna stay half in cash and rebalance quarterly in case it starts moving too fast on you

>> No.27575453
Quoted by: >>27575736


>> No.27575455

A life lesson that repeats itself again and again.

And again and again... And again. That no one wants to listen to especially beginner “investors”.

>> No.27575483

Every broker basically caves to the pressure from the hedge funds and openly pulled the rug from under every retail investor just to steal their fucking money. It's all a scam, it always was.

>> No.27575487
File: 69 KB, 303x269, 1524609147583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27575549

not much. see: canada drug and bioshit stonks are shit tier.

>> No.27575492
Quoted by: >>27575572

>why you think Blackberry is going to perform better than it's competitors
Anti-semitism is on the rise, and what options are there aside from Jewgle Android and Tim Apple’s iJew? Hm?

>> No.27575498
Quoted by: >>27575573

Setting a limit sell is not shorting

Change the time from 'day only' to 'good until cancelled'

>> No.27575549
Quoted by: >>27575620

so what weed stock do i buy i want to be rich

>> No.27575572

based and longterm pilled

>> No.27575573
Quoted by: >>27576217

still get the short positions are not allowed notif...
see >>27575356

>> No.27575590
File: 51 KB, 1002x843, 1604466857811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27576471

do we think nasdump will reach 14k before any sort of pullback again or what

>> No.27575591

All those tickers already pumped when ARKX was announced. You'll be waiting weeks for like 5 or 10% gain, sounds iffy to me.

>> No.27575596
File: 229 KB, 1920x1276, 1920px-XQ-58A_Valkyrie_demonstrator_first_flight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27575795

because I'm smug anime posting instead of doing anything useful?

just for you scoopies, I found this article on the website for Wright Patterson Airforce Base

tldr the XQ-58A Valkyrie extends it's lead over the never flown Boeing BATS and undisclosed General Atomics entry in the Loyal Wingman program

>The Air Force Research Laboratory, along with partner Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc., completed the successful fourth flight test of the XQ-58A Valkyrie low-cost unmanned air vehicle demonstrator Jan. 23, 2020, at Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona.
>During the test event, the Valkyrie demonstrator’s flight successfully met all of the test objectives, and the envelope was expanded beyond prior tests before safely landing in the Arizona dessert. According to AFRL XQ-58A Program Manager Michael Wipperman, flying at higher altitude allowed researchers to gather data in an operational environment more representative of real-world flight conditions.
>Developed as part of AFRL’s Low Cost Attritable Aircraft Technology portfolio, the XQ-58A is designed to be a runway-independent, reusable unmanned air vehicle capable of a broad range of operational missions. The XQ-58A was developed through low cost procurement and is designed to be significantly less expensive to operate than traditional piloted or unpiloted vehicles, while capable of achieving the same critical missions. Taking only 2.5 years from contract award to first flight, it is the first example of a class of unmanned air vehicles developed through this time-saving process, which seeks to break the escalating cost trajectory of tactically relevant aircraft.
>A total of five flights are planned for the XQ-58A, with objectives that include evaluating system functionality, aerodynamic performance, and launch and recovery systems.

>> No.27575598
File: 134 KB, 1240x1300, 56589482-young-cute-boy-holding-lot-of-cash-american-dollars-isolated-on-white-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that is why TESLA is such a great value. With a P/E ratio of 1,300, what can go wrong! I can't wait to get me some more of that government subsidized electric car stock.

>> No.27575608

I shit my britches and I'm posting from the toilet

>> No.27575618


>> No.27575620
File: 464 KB, 800x1138, presents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27575920


>> No.27575622
Quoted by: >>27575959

Fucking spear chucker

>> No.27575630

I'll read it, anon

>> No.27575648

Is Blackberry a good play? It was running pre reddit takeover but seems to have been tainted by their ilk

>> No.27575667

Every dream for the past 2 weeks has been about GME. I dont even have any GME. When will this nightmare end?

>> No.27575666

"It's now a long term investment"

>> No.27575681
File: 28 KB, 501x437, portfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27576287

Just wanted to share my le funny portfolio pattern this week.

Left dip is AMC, right is dogecoin and me luckily selling at the top.

>> No.27575702
Quoted by: >>27575959

Are you srilankan 2 scoops

>> No.27575732

What the fuck

>> No.27575736


>> No.27575750

Take a break from /biz/, seems like you have some extreme form of tetris syndrome

>> No.27575774
Quoted by: >>27576045

>Every dream for the past 2 weeks has been about GME
What about GME? I never dream about stocks or trading.

>> No.27575780
File: 5 KB, 201x250, 1521334355890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27576221

>short ladders
>naked shorts
>diamond hands
>my wife's boyfriend
It's like they're bots or something.

>> No.27575786

The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice

>> No.27575788
File: 53 KB, 1085x605, v34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 40 years-old and /smg/ is facebook

>> No.27575795
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 75F5B8FC-B066-444E-8ACE-49349DB6A542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you forgot one thing.
I am an illiterate.
Hahaha. Take that, you stupid fucking atheists.

>> No.27575800
File: 14 KB, 316x422, 4fa706026737fc3969e6e2307a24a38e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27579041

what is some green shit i should add to my portfolio that biden will print money for?

>> No.27575801

Can anyone explain to me exactly why selling way otm covered calls on memes stocks isn't just free money

Because as best as I can figure it's just free money

>> No.27575840

Wish my call expiring on the 5th would cover, but not looking likely.

>> No.27575850

some retard buys them causing gme situation

>> No.27575854

in order; rest are shit

>> No.27575858
File: 66 KB, 1088x739, original_282199216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27576340

it's free money until your stock unexpectedly moons and then you lose out

>> No.27575864
Quoted by: >>27576340

High up front cost and that's literally it

>> No.27575869

If you have the /pol/, you have the real /biz/, /smg/
Love /XSG/

>> No.27575871

I swear I haven't heard a single hedge fund manager indicate in any way, shape, or form that they understand what the purpose or weaknesses of BTC is. There are just nebulous arguments that "it will go up, because it has gone up".
Am I crazy here? Do they think BTC is the only blockchain based crypto?

>> No.27575920

Does this dude need help? All he does is post pics without text and the occasional animal grunt. He's also some kind of Biden supporter? If I was him I would probably just kms.

>> No.27575959
File: 123 KB, 977x1024, 10953738-5EC7-45E8-B6DE-2E6AC5ED4659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking spear chucker

I’m a nigger.
I have revitiligo.
The Jews did this to me.
We’ve already discussed this.

>> No.27575979
File: 138 KB, 400x400, 1612308105313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/wsb/ mod is upset someone in the GME HQ is streaming VC
>witchhunting to cope

>> No.27575980
Quoted by: >>27576328


>> No.27575987

the world is running out of water

>> No.27575993

don't you insult caveman investor, he needs to feed his son, gronk, and times have been hard.

>> No.27576045

The line. Literally just the line and a number above it all night. If I get up to use the bathroom, the next dream is the same.

>> No.27576050

>what is the ocean

>> No.27576054
Quoted by: >>27576395


>> No.27576065
File: 196 KB, 1280x855, 1280px-Valkyrie_launch_201209-F-UT482-9117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27576354

and we're going to fight over it, with swarms of AI controlled killer stealth drones

do you want to invest in the hammer, or the nail?

>> No.27576066
File: 74 KB, 640x640, orangemanstimulusplan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found you ya cuckhold. Got enough autism and shizophrenia for round 2?

>> No.27576091
File: 303 KB, 1200x681, picture10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If enough institutions agree to store 1% of their assets, it will rocket!
That's literally a ponzi scheme Cathy

>> No.27576093
File: 105 KB, 1024x822, 1585735729500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27576623

ok mr burry. i'd like to purchase 12oz of your most precious water

>> No.27576103

You’ve got 3 scenarios:
>You sell naked calls and it’ll be sweet money for a while, meme moons and you get absolutely JUSTd
>You sell covered calls, meme hype dies, IV collapses and volume drops, you’d make more working at McDs for 1 hour than selling OTM calls monthly

Go with something like SPY which has good volume and multiple expiration dates

>> No.27576116
File: 24 KB, 500x283, standards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the problem with crypto. Nobody understands what the fuck you guys are on about.

>> No.27576120

Water shortages will eventually appear as massive energy cost increases from desalinization.
It is one of those projects that no one has found a good solution to despite decades of work. Easily good space for future TSLA vaporware from Musk.

>> No.27576125
Quoted by: >>27576253

Where's it going?

>> No.27576141
File: 524 KB, 245x245, v91.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27576364

Shut the fuck up faggot he's a better poster than (You)

>> No.27576151
Quoted by: >>27576955

>That's literally a ponzi scheme
Has that ever stopped Cathie before?

>> No.27576170
Quoted by: >>27576389

Fuark I need sleep
*Two scenarios

>> No.27576192
Quoted by: >>27576436

microstrategy tranny today at 4:00PM mstr conference
not even joking
this is what you get for investing in BTC

>> No.27576211

I’m a faggot and the ant to invest in something I somewhat understand - the gaming industry. I’m on the ball when new releases come out and all that but should I be looking up individual earnings calls and plan buys/sells around these times as well as obviously anticipated game releases?

>> No.27576217

heeeeellllpppp meeee

>> No.27576221
Quoted by: >>27576367

>like they're bots or something

Yknow, I was wondering about the media circus that's been going on around this, and it almost seems a little artificial. I couldn't figure out the media and bot shill plays the hedgies were making, but I've started thinking that maybe a good portion of the reddit hype train was seeded by hedgie shills.

Think about it like this. Retail can't time the top. The hedgies know where the top is, because the top is whenever theyve exited their positions. By memeing "$1000 is not a meme" and "69420 is not a meme" and signalling weakness in the media, they draw in a huge crowd of ignorant bagholders to buy the top. Hedgies can then short the top to the masses who think they're sticking it to wall St and recoup a chunk of their losses.

>> No.27576226

>the peasants think they vote
>the peasants think they get to "select" their leader
>the peasants think they have a choice

>> No.27576252




>> No.27576253

Being blockaded by hydroelectric dams, which is estimated to cause massive water shortages in countries like Egypt, who almost entirely relies on the Nile, and for non-river sources, being polluted by southeast asia.

>> No.27576275

I have a great solution
No niggers, no problem. Cut off aid to Africa

>> No.27576279
Quoted by: >>27576443

Do you need help my man?
There's help out there for people who think posts like this are a good substitute for critical thought on an investment forum.

>> No.27576287

that's cute, I haven't seen a flat line on a weekend in forever

>> No.27576301
File: 71 KB, 700x389, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a simple, two step solution
>get low cost fusion energy ready for the mass market
>desalinate water
If that doesn't work, use Kratos XQ-58A Valkyrie drones to liberate Canada's water

>> No.27576323

>Ocean is right there
Wtf nigga just go outside hahaha, like just drink it

>> No.27576328
Quoted by: >>27576383

I formally invite you to join me and my tribe in our uncouth but righteous conquest against the edomites (Jews)

>> No.27576340

Yeah but I don't lose money, just unrealized gains? Fuck it guess I'm an institution now

Oh shiiit, guess who has a ton of capital from selling the gme top

>> No.27576354


I need a defense stock besides KTOS, they are based tho, didnt know it was brit

>> No.27576364


>> No.27576367

WSB mentioned that once the stock hits +1000% then everyone should pull out
And then the occupy wall st crowd rolled in and drowned/downvoted out anybody who was sticking to the original idea of 1000% up = time to leave
Everybody who was worth a shit on WSB pulled out last week, it's just trannies and commies now

>> No.27576383
File: 2.00 MB, 300x300, 1578250315343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27576506

Are you really a nigger?

>> No.27576389

Sleep is overrated

>> No.27576395
File: 136 KB, 600x360, 1596528020015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'ate tech
'ate growth
'ate gains
'ate china
'ate nothingburgers
luv burgers
luv me oil
luv me divvies
I can wait 20 years.
When I see big gains, I say to meself "WHOA NELLY, SLOW DOWN NOW"
Always a special place in me heart for the king of beverages
Proud supporter of YOU'RE 45th President
USMC 1981-1981
Mall Security 1981-
All I need in my life is my hog, my dog, and my beer
-Sent from my iPhone

>> No.27576436


>> No.27576443
File: 88 KB, 1055x549, cannabro2.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27576840

I need you to post pictures of your portfolio and positions. Until you do that; I am going to assume you a larping highschooler on their way to becoming a blight on society.
>show you mine if you show me yours

>> No.27576444
File: 449 KB, 748x472, waterstress1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27578576

There's no way to profit off of it, at least outside of the U.S. anyway

>> No.27576458
Quoted by: >>27576555

This isn't the actual server, this is some shit server that someone made as a cash grab when the actual server went down for a bit. You cant type anything in the chat unless you nitro boost.

>> No.27576464
Quoted by: >>27576716

Joe biden is gonna make all fed vehicles electric, if he gives a fuck about being american made he goes with ford or oshkosh defense for the contract, decision for this comes up soon im pr sure

>> No.27576471
Quoted by: >>27576562

>do we think nasdump will reach 14k before any sort of pullback again or what
I have 3 /MNQ futures contracts open so it definitely will not make it to 14k

>> No.27576481

which one

also what a bitch all she did was buy tesla early my fucking gf did that too

>> No.27576483


>> No.27576487
File: 61 KB, 1024x578, a-lanca-flies-alongside-f-35-1024x578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27576620

KTOS isn't British though, they're in San Diego

Spirit Aerosystems is working on a similar system for the RAF called the Spirit Mosquito, though. First flight 2023.

>> No.27576506
File: 118 KB, 442x442, 232AD43F-E3EF-444B-BA62-16453E0915B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have revitiligo.
Just like uncle ruckus.
Please do not make fun of my ailment.
We have already discussed this.

>> No.27576555
Quoted by: >>27576647

Then which one is the real one? Other 3 are dead and this one has 600k+

>> No.27576562
File: 26 KB, 320x320, 1607201946832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

close them and all in short it you nigger

>> No.27576566
Quoted by: >>27577644

You could! But can you predict how a game will sell? Cyberpunk had ungodly hour but CD projekt reds stock crashed hard because of the negative press.

Look at ubisoft. They've been dropping off the past few years. Remember ghost recon? That shit dumped them.

If you plan on shorting them be very careful. If you plan on doing calls be careful.

>> No.27576576

I'm schizo for $HBRM and its fat trading volume in the last day/low cost of entry

>> No.27576606
Quoted by: >>27577738

What if I just sold covered FDs

>> No.27576620

Can you explain why we're investing in KTOS? Whats the appeal?

>> No.27576623
Quoted by: >>27577376

You can't handle my water traveler

>> No.27576625

oh wait now i know why CRSP is always shilled here

>> No.27576644
File: 670 KB, 1011x924, 57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.27576647

600k and only like 100 of them have fallen for the pay scam.

Real one is the one with the live tickers.

>> No.27576671
Quoted by: >>27577644

Why not do something related to gaming but at a tangent. PC parts companies like Intel, AMD, Nvidia?

>> No.27576695

there isn't any, it's like -600%
probably to sell his bad investment and /biz/ to pump so he can exit

>> No.27576705

At what point should a newfag start doing options? I don't trust myself to not lose my entire investment and I've been learning to trade since October. I've not made any gains in that time. What would be my benchmark for learning options?

>> No.27576707
File: 1.01 MB, 600x431, 42814B44-4F2B-4D37-A7B3-91F5264137E0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jews did this to you.

>> No.27576716

Workhorse :)

ford would make the most sense

>> No.27576721

I bought ARKK cause I think it's noble and cool
ARKG is probably smarter though

>> No.27576722

All ARK instruments can be replaced with TQQQ. I am with other anons in that she really just has complicated beta sniffing funds that are still trying to just be TQQQ. But a fund manager can't just be TQQQ and expect to get that sweet expense ratio or AUM.
So its that with maybe some PRNT?

>> No.27576729
File: 47 KB, 580x414, 0d4864f005c102a5817616a25b3541c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supports 80% of space missions with their hardware and software
>supplies the Navy with shipboard point defense lasers
>competing to supply the Airforce with swarms of AI powered killer stealth drones
>also has some cybersecurity offerings
>also working on flying aircraft carriers with DARPA
Kratos basically specializes in Cathie Woods style "disruptive tech" at a low cost to beat China and bomb sandpeople

>> No.27576730

is this really it? No case for KTOS?

>> No.27576765
Quoted by: >>27576955

>That's literally a ponzi scheme Cathy
You can make money on a scam, anon

>> No.27576769
Quoted by: >>27576947

That's not now it works. Not even the entire collective wallet of 4chan could pump a stock. This isn't a >1 penny crypto.

>> No.27576806
File: 97 KB, 240x240, 1612201826298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27576868


>> No.27576818


>> No.27576836

The case is they have a really good stealth drone but the defense industry is incestuous so the chances of them beating boeing are slim to none

>> No.27576840
Quoted by: >>27576941

Show me where I larped and I will admit to being a larper.
I will post pictures to prove any claims I made while larping.
Go ahead loser.

>> No.27576842

No, there's one salty retard who keeps posting a chart back to 1999 and getting upset about the dotcom bubble existing. KTOS is up 9x in the last 5 years.

>> No.27576846

Fucking based.

>> No.27576849

War. War is good.

>> No.27576868
File: 768 KB, 1539x1208, 9.29AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27576885
File: 434 KB, 475x552, 1612123308235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit these reddit discord fags are retarded

>> No.27576941
File: 170 KB, 841x863, concerned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27577032

>still havent seen that portfolio you larping cuck

>> No.27576947

dont tell some anon that with a bad investment, he gonna try and pump where he can pump

>> No.27576949
File: 524 KB, 697x570, 1467769155835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27577330

>GME tanking in germany

>> No.27576955
Quoted by: >>27577192

Damn it.
Do I buy GBTC or coinbase or what.

>> No.27576980

You are fucking nothing goyim


>> No.27576993
Quoted by: >>27577103

what are we going to do about the jews

>> No.27577001

UPRO, TQQQ, SOXL, TMF split 4 ways and rebalance yearly. Simple as

>> No.27577007


he bought gme

>> No.27577020
Quoted by: >>27577627

I honestly wonder if you really think I've bagheld since Feburary of 2000 and am trying to pump the stock back to $1,200 by posting drone pictures on 4chan, or if you realize how utterly retarded that sounds and just like spreading FUD

>> No.27577032

Show me where you think I larped and I will provide proof.

>> No.27577103
File: 280 KB, 577x394, nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27577187


>> No.27577130
Quoted by: >>27579456

who else got STPK and BNGO

>> No.27577174
File: 81 KB, 500x647, (((you))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27577397

>Show me your portfolio you larping cunt

>> No.27577187

I don't think so Tim

>> No.27577192

Either one just wait for it to dump 85% first. This happens every couple of years like clockwork so you won't have to wait long. Go all in, wait for a 5-10x and get out. Wash rinse repeat

>> No.27577212

The squeeze.

>> No.27577268

UPRO and TMF are irrelevant when you have the other two

>> No.27577298

>feta hands cuz you stink of cheese

>> No.27577301
Quoted by: >>27577644

A potentially safe start would be one of the two major gaming and esports ETFs, ESPO and HERO. ESPO is a managed fund with 25 companies in it including some of the major eastern and western publishers and hardware companies. Returns on both have been impressive the last year but so have most mutuals/indexes/etfs so that'snot necessarilysaying much. Just wanted to put these on your radar; you should still do some of your own DD.

>> No.27577314
Quoted by: >>27577550

>Show me where you think I larped
So you’re not posturing at all and you really are a 3 digit smol spec w/ a smol pp to accompany it?

>> No.27577330
File: 245 KB, 519x687, v149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GME will hit $40 before Friday
I haven't even begun to coom
Now this is what an e-celeb video should be like

>> No.27577357

A decade with years ahead of QE is going to make TMF follow TQQQ like any other equity.
You either have to long vola or hold gold

>> No.27577360
Quoted by: >>27577385

it is imperative that something is done about the jews immediately

>> No.27577376

I'm going into a drought and need your STRONGEST water

>> No.27577385

Yes, join them

>> No.27577397
File: 203 KB, 708x823, 1601821441335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In awe at the scope of your autism bruv.
How does one larp as a retard so expertly and not get bored?
I larp as a super serious guy and I get bored after 2 threads.

>> No.27577412
File: 361 KB, 1080x1810, RedditniggersCOPINGKEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to WSB to do some recon and those fuckers are coping hard with GME kek. Absolute bagholders.

>> No.27577445
File: 490 KB, 245x184, Steamed Hams.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27577508

>your porfolio

>> No.27577456

imagine being proud of being poor

>> No.27577464


>> No.27577476

Buy and hold for 2-3 years

>> No.27577488

>Discord trying to compromise with youtube streamers to hide the vod of their VC recordings
so paranoid. we are peak delusion right now.

>> No.27577500
Quoted by: >>27577703

Adjusting for daily inflation I lost 0.25% today. Life is hard

>> No.27577508
Quoted by: >>27577787


>> No.27577523

Ask me how I know that you smell of crackers and expired dairy products

>> No.27577542

Can you offset gain taxes with staggered gme loses for years to come or is it a one time thing per stock.

Cant you technically use the 3k losses to counter 3k gains taxed every year until you bounce back. Who knows maybe by then the gme value may rebound a bit too.

>> No.27577550

yes he is probably some teenager who's parents passed out from smoking heroin.

>> No.27577585
Quoted by: >>27577743


>> No.27577601

Oh that's low Scoops

>> No.27577627
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suddenly stops responding when called out
you could say he...went stealth

>> No.27577638
File: 84 KB, 560x448, v150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27577966

>Down 68% but I just love the stock so much I can't bring myself to sell
>I'm down 78%. I can do this all day.
When are they going to start posting suicide notes?

>> No.27577644
Quoted by: >>27577764

Yeah that’s a fair point. I’m sure CDPR shot up for a bit before the press caught up and crashed them. I was mainly looking at Capcom to start with. They’ve consistently been knocking it outside of the park recently and they just showed off more of the new Resident Evil game coming in May which is being well received (mainly because of tall mommy)

Why not both?

Very interesting, will take a look at that as well. Thanks, anon

>> No.27577681
File: 75 KB, 445x415, 1611761868653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek coping reddit

>> No.27577690
Quoted by: >>27577966


holy shit im down 30% on NOK and im about to take the L

>> No.27577703
File: 1.10 MB, 1170x1441, 00587B22-CCAC-4826-A1C8-B615282EA74C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27577817

The jews did this to you, anon.

>> No.27577714

SNDL up in Germany:


AMC down more than 8% in Germany. Expect more pain tomorrow.


>> No.27577725

>c word
Ok that's too far

>> No.27577732
File: 101 KB, 1267x825, 1604376422211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tradingview has an animated ticker scroll now. i hate it.

>> No.27577738
File: 32 KB, 459x447, 190762375234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends if you think GME will stay in the limelight.
100 shares of GME = $9000 upfront cost.
You can sell 1 weekly calls at the moment.
IV on the Friday 5th expiration is 800% (Lol).
The $150 call (1 STD) is going for $950 atm.
That's potentially $950 every week (which is pretty fucking sweet). We don't know if it will stay that way though.
But the moment people move on to the "next GME",volume and IV will drop off, your premiums will suffer as a result and you're stuck holding GME.

Compare it to SPY
$30,000 upfront cost
3 weekly expiration cycle
The $389 call (1 STD) is going for $26 right now.
You can sell it 3 times a week for roughly $70 guaranteed.
Less prone to IV collapsing, people will always buy spy.
SPY is always guaranteed to go up in the long run so you don't mind holding it.

Its personal preference man, do you want consistent gains or risk YUGE ones.

Holy fucking shit, typing that out is making it really tempting to sell covered calls on GME right now though.

>> No.27577743
Quoted by: >>27577808


Deductibles are pretty rad. I didn’t dabble in gme but it crossed my mind how i would deal with this.

>> No.27577756

AMC will go up tomorrow.

>> No.27577762

PCYO is a water play

>> No.27577764

RE8 is not their biggest seller. Time it around MH releases.

>> No.27577775

>missed the SNDL moon mission because I wanted to buy more ONTX
Am I retarded?

>> No.27577787
File: 372 KB, 601x598, oh-Cannabro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27577984

Did you just literally go back and link me to my own post about gaslighting you? Has the syphilis gotten to your brain? I hope you understand I am high at 2:27am shitposting. You on the other hand have no money in the game; which makes all of your opinions on stocks obsolete. Go do some intravenous drugs

>> No.27577786

Gamestop down 27.62%


Trust the plan...I mean hold the line!

>> No.27577808

You can roll over losses indefinitely and then you can use your losses to make your gains tax deductible as well.

>> No.27577817
Quoted by: >>27578201

is it time to short amazon? bezos leaving and their fire stick remotes suck

>> No.27577828

There's still significant movement left in the stock. Buy in tomorrow if it's not up in huge numbers on around open.

>> No.27577849

these dudes are -$20 away from ripping each other's guts out


>> No.27577867

sell deep itm

>> No.27577877
File: 156 KB, 828x1792, 74D75FCB-3568-41E8-A067-0917D0C8EEF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evry day, my p3n0r grow more thikk n stronk liek deep jungle snek

>> No.27577894
Quoted by: >>27578061

When to buy more TQQQ someone call bogdanoff and crash this market for a sec.

>> No.27577952

gooood morning whats the play today

>> No.27577966
File: 510 KB, 1085x775, 1610653337040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the purge of reddit niggers and roasties kek has spoken us. Thousands of suicides, nothing of value lost. If they dobt commit to the rope, then they will wage for eternity while the fuckers they laughed at for selling early, selling late and callling then paper hands make it in life. Absolute kek

In Snoop dawgs stock since 0.85 and average is 0.97 and I am all in in snoop dogs stock

>> No.27577982

GME put spreads 15/10 strikes

>> No.27577984


>> No.27578040
File: 26 KB, 493x299, Cannabromountaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27578047
File: 623 KB, 1280x1290, 1612306843507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already turning on each other in discord
fucking lol

>> No.27578061
File: 58 KB, 340x340, 1608340691129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't expect a crash. I do expect a dip. I think this is bull trap type bounce but i don't know. it's not behaving like I expect. the price action is fine but the volume is all screwy.

>> No.27578070

>GME Percentage of Shares Shorted: 88.58%

How does reddit cope?

>> No.27578069
File: 136 KB, 800x535, keepin in real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27578290

High effort

>> No.27578126
File: 121 KB, 220x220, 1606977762877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27578131

tbhfam the sentiment there kind of reminds me of the end of the dude weed heyday in early 2018.

>> No.27578146
File: 40 KB, 600x600, CED0CE07-6314-4DC6-8D6F-954A9FC9E5CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27578218

Imagine the absolute CHAD who got into GME early, sold most of his shares for a profit and is holding some shares to sell CCs on.

>> No.27578169

if they were smart they'd buy more, but they're definitely "all in" retards with nothing left to spare

>> No.27578177

Unironically by doubling down.

>> No.27578201

>is it time to short amazon? bezos leaving and their fire stick remotes suck
I’m probably going to cash out my RSUs soon, but...
The replacement CEO is the guy that was leading AWS, which was always the only part of the company that had anything exceeding a razor thin profit margin.
Plus, somehow MSFT shares are still performing pretty strong despite having a currynigger running the company.
As for your flaming stick problem, I’d run a standard STD check because that’s a common sign of chlamydia. When you’re done getting tested, order a FireTV Cube. It’s pretty fucking based.

>> No.27578217
File: 914 KB, 472x714, huntress arisen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27578365

>Volatility brutally crushed by fleeing hedgies and successful earnies
>Everyone's risk on alongside rising dolla
I feel like this makes the market brittle, we're gonna hit ATH then something bad's gonna happen >_<

>> No.27578218

You are talking about DFV. He sold most of his options and it holding stocks till the ride ends it seems.

>> No.27578226

Averaging down for all eternity with their life savings as it rolls in. All the way down to $2.

>> No.27578290
File: 362 KB, 1088x1088, Pure Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27578429


>> No.27578308

anyone going for $BCRX

>> No.27578365
File: 229 KB, 204x283, 1602715878147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27578372

Wait so gme was a scam? Should I recover when I can at open?

>> No.27578375

>Making a killing off CCs
>Marketing himself as the savior of WSB "IM HODLING GUYS, YOU GUYS CAN HODL TOO"

Absolute genius

>> No.27578393

Only realized losses are losses, never forget that

>> No.27578400
File: 79 KB, 1024x634, 1611338661641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if you don't report earnings from US stock exchange in EU? Will they go all swat on someone?

>> No.27578414
Quoted by: >>27578584

never sell at a loss

>> No.27578419
Quoted by: >>27578521

oh my god now that is exactly the type of thing i saw posted all the time at the end of the dude weed

>> No.27578427

The genius part would be selling at the peak and using HTML edits to pretend he is holding.

>> No.27578429
Quoted by: >>27578554


>> No.27578433
Quoted by: >>27578486


>> No.27578446

I'm dumb and only have around 6k liquid in my savings right now (2k in RH) should I add more and invest more or should I try and make small gains? I'm not so sure what to invest in either. I heard or ETFs but I'm not sure what those are even.

(Ignore the $200 loss that was from 2 GME shares I bought at 100 and sold at 200 today)

I currently only have 100 in AQB and 100 in NOK.

>> No.27578465

There is a resident GNUS bagholder that has an unrealized loss of like 10k. He's also dug himself out of that hole with other positions.
You don't lose if you never sell :^)

>> No.27578476


>> No.27578481


>> No.27578486
File: 390 KB, 600x616, 1611899105695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27578980


>> No.27578487
File: 94 KB, 800x1156, record scratch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27578514


>> No.27578503
Quoted by: >>27578639

Not looking good in Germany AMC bros


>> No.27578513

The coke pacing made me dizzy

>> No.27578514

Posting edited screenshots on reddit is not fraud.

>> No.27578516

from what Im getting biz is pretty pro j*w/ hedgie

>> No.27578518
File: 1.79 MB, 1046x744, biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamblers buy stocks. Investors buy ETFs.

Give your money to Cathie Wood and she will repay it with interest as almighty God is on her side

>> No.27578521

If it's not in a tax-free account, try to time an exit and claim the deducation on your tax return. I learned from mining pnd that there is no hope. Unless you truly believe in Chewy team's ability to turn around Gamestop.

>> No.27578536
File: 41 KB, 800x450, ungabunga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27578593

Will there be another artificial boom in spring/summer and a massive crash in fall/winter?

Im debating if I should cash out early summer with my 26k tax free then just rebuy it in the dead of winter

>> No.27578551

That's how people ended up bagholding shitcoins from 2017

>> No.27578554
File: 702 KB, 600x1069, ((((you)))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27578887

>poverty-stricken faggot

>> No.27578565

ARKX when?

>> No.27578576

Coca cola holds lots of ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((water rights))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) in third world countries
There is also an etf focused on ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((water rights)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

>> No.27578578


>> No.27578584

>baghold forever

what a great trading advice

>> No.27578593

Our prices are all beholden the fed's decision to print. No one knows.

>> No.27578607
Quoted by: >>27578660

Imagine telling someone who describes himself as dumb that he should make things more complicated for himself by not only picking stocks which are going to go up, but predicting what price they'll hit too

Really, there's no need to trick him into taking $6k worth of our bags.

>> No.27578621


>> No.27578623

no but anyone who tells you to hold and buy more after a months 1000% increase means to fuck you over

>> No.27578639

either this stock somehow moons because gamestop magically recovers (super unlikely) or itll go up in summertime when movies start coming out again. worst case scenario it never goes back to what it was and it stays at 7-8 bucks, and luckily i got in at 4.60 thanks to a kind anon last monday

>> No.27578655
Quoted by: >>27578710

Truly what is the best Kathy ETF?

>> No.27578660

You got a point.

>> No.27578683


No clue what that is, I bought in last week on GME 10 shares for 100 each and sold 8 of them for 450 each. Held 2 and sold today before it crashed more and I took away about 4000 in profit from it all and am keeping the rest in my trading account.


How do ETFs work? Are they safe very slow gains? Like if I put 6k into a ETF right now by next year would I have gained around $500?

>> No.27578700

All in on SPY, do a 360 turn and walk away

>> No.27578710

ARKW has made me boatloads of cash

>> No.27578727
Quoted by: >>27578799

Most likely if Biden didn't crash the fucking market by next year

>> No.27578774
Quoted by: >>27578842

Someone make a new thread.

>> No.27578792

since you're hesitant I'd say give yourself a month of trading before adding more than you're willing to lose

>> No.27578799
Quoted by: >>27578817


That doesn't seem like very much money honestly but I suppose in order to actually make anything worthwhile from those I need to dump a lot more into them then?

>> No.27578817


>> No.27578840

ETFs are Exchnage traded funds, instead of you scrolling this forum for stock picks and putting together some horrible bag of memes. You let a small hat friend do the picking for you and buy it as a whole, kind like buying a multipack. You're looking 10% gains yearly, less on a bad year, more on a good year. Doesn't sound like much but given enough time (years) it very quickly compounds.

>> No.27578842
Quoted by: >>27578898

God I hate you, I'll be glad to see the tail end of your worthless ID

>> No.27578862

>SPY is always guaranteed to go up in the long run
Until it doesn't

>> No.27578887
Quoted by: >>27578907


>> No.27578898

lol what?

>> No.27578907
Quoted by: >>27578993

How long does it take for you to come up with those lightning wit insults? I am currently smoking cannabis and still have more brain power than you. I wonder if your father understands that his son is a larping faggot who thinks it is mentally healthy to impress people from a japanese cartoon message board, who would rather see you in the obituary than succeed?

>> No.27578925

>How do ETFs work?
An ETF is just a fund which holds many individual stocks. You buy shares of the fund like you would a stock.

Their riskiness and gains vary greatly. Something which just mirrors the S&P like SPY won't give you much in gains, but the gains will be very reliable and you'll pay basically nothing in fees. There are many indexes which trade like this, if you think a sector is going to do well this is the easiest way to invest in it.

Active ETFs have someone actively trading the stocks in their portfolio. They typically take up to 1% a year for salaries and expenses, however if you pick them right they can make you better returns. I made 50% last year simply by owning the right ones.

Then there are leveraged ETFs like TQQQ. I recommend you stay away from them. They buy an index like the nasdaq, but they borrow money to do it. When the index is going up you get massive gains, but if it crashes you get wiped.

>> No.27578978

>Not using paint

>> No.27578980
Quoted by: >>27579095

Oh boy they're getting catty with one another. LMAO

>> No.27578993
Quoted by: >>27579075


>> No.27579017

It all makes sense now. That guy really is a fricking genius.

>> No.27579024


>> No.27579025


>> No.27579041
File: 1.80 MB, 720x404, yeet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden just signed an executive order last week to rid government of vehicles that uses gas and replace them with electric vehicles.
t. intel anon

>> No.27579075

seethe harder

>> No.27579095

>different opinion

>> No.27579178
File: 83 KB, 1083x1083, df6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27579351

>gamblers pick stocks
>put your money in an actively managed ETF that does nothing but pick stocks

>> No.27579351

It's all about sample size. These funds make many more trades than I do, so I can evaluate the success of their strategies far more reliably than I can evaluate my own picks

>> No.27579456

BNGO still worth at this point?