Largest Single Day Volume EVER edition>LIVE CHARTS:>PHYSICALLY BACKED ETFsGold: $PHYS > $GLDSilver: $PSLV >>> $SLVGood miners: $AG, $PAAS, $GPL>Why Gold? >Bullion dealers>Constitutional/"junk" silver info>Compare (US) (EU)>News>Bullion tax info by state:>Prospecting>TestNitric Acid>EU/ENGLAND sources>Russian/European coins Thread: >>27408213
Guys i can spend 1000 on a 8 ounce silver dildoshould I buy?
Will gold benefit from this?I went balls deep in the wrong metal
REMIND PEOPLE NOT TO PAY OVER 10% OF SPOT PRICE, OR 32 USD We dont want dealers and first movers to overcharge and exhaust the buy pressure on the first week!
321,507.5 troy ounces of silver16,075 troy ounces of goldThis is what you need to become a dragonSleep atop your stackSlay any who dare approach
>>27417262Silver will drag gold kicking and screaming up along with it. Just need an edit for this pic.
Seems a lot of people don't realize the seriousness of what's been going on around them. 2017; Germany wants its gold back from the vaults of NY and London global exchanges, to keep at home, by 2020. The governments of Poland, Hungary, Austria, the Dutch, Turkey all follow and wish to bring their gold out of NY and London to home soil, all by 20202018; central banks go from net sellers of gold to net buyers, obtaining more that year than the previous 60 years combined 2019; CB buying trend increased by 90%. April that year the BIS (Bank of Int'l Settlements, the Central Bankers Central Bank) reclassified gold from a tier 3 asset to a tier 1 asset, a risk free asset2020; more metal pulled in a month from Global exchanges than is usually taken for delivery in an entire year. Later, a billion paper silver ounces, equivalent to the annual global production of physical silver, is traded in a single day. China begins sending representatives directly to silver refineries to secure product to ship back to their mainland2021; rise of the normies learning how to hold (you are here)
Look at $GME lmao
>>27417306They are dumping paper silver on the market to keep prices low, and if everybody goes out to ebay and pays $50 + shipping an ounce now then there wont be enough momentum to carry this all the way through.Buy locally and for as close to spot price as you can, DONT spend all of your investment in one go.
are you even pirate tier without shipwreck silver?
>>27417262Probably but I'm guessing off the G:S ratio
>>27417408Will we finally go back to mediaeval ages where armies would be privately funded?
>>27417262Some, but the price of gold isn't as manipulated as the price of silber. >>27417453Don't forget Trudeau selling all of Canada's gold reserves.
guys should I get a 1988 Pontiac Fiero GT with my stack or
>>27417230youve gotten this far by askin, i think u kno the answer anon.also wtf I need more physical silvrrrr only got 50oz :( I feel like such a silverpoar
>>OPRobinhood just sent out an email "Why we had to take action". Can someone else post it, I'm phoneposting may God forgive me
>>27417546>Don't forget Trudeau selling all of Canada's gold reserves.
>>27417567a 1993 Toyota MR2
I jumped ship with gme while it was above 300. I've also moved out of amc before bleeding more. Thinking of slowly stacking some precious metal just gotta wait for the robinhood exit here. Does hecla stock do physical? Is fidelity a good medium for this?
>>27417262Silver has a lot of legroom to "catch up" to gold. Gold hit ATH last year while silver was at less than half if its ATH.The secular tailwinds are still there: deficit spending, money printing, the era of perpetual ZIRP, return (and increase) of industrial demandThe major unknown is also still there: possible debt implosion in commercial and residential sectors from deferred or delayed debt payments. If that gets bad, there'd be a sell off again of everything and that would be the last great opportunity for cheapies. Gold has been range trading waiting for an outcome to that bit of uncertainty.
>>27417306>People who confuse volume with new open interestMorons
>>OP>that much demand>still not even past $30Really makes me think
Sorry no pic on me maybe someone can place one in my stead, but:Every dollar AG goes up equals one anime butt on your face.On another note, while I think miners will stay up, I think physical might drop in demand when the normals realize they are not going to be able to flip silver coins 100x in a week. Think spot price will return to the 20s or drop lower once there is a surplus from resellers? Or is it really over, onward to 50/oz by month's end?
>>27417546>>27417504>>27417449Alright, I will patiently wait for the silver gains to flow into gold once the ratio is more favorable for the Ag frens
>>27417548>*blocks your path*
>>27417567Does it have a back seat for the formerly well to do housewife?>>27417664I didn't get that one but I did get pic related. Reading this shit feels like I fell into a pool full of Reddit. >>27417699Kek
>>27417262>Will gold benefit from this?Not really no, until the Silver Swan happens and all the Jews are exposed and bankrupted. But judging by the total collapse of the paper bull run, it's business as usual for the entire last year. Physical supply is highly squeezed, while paper pumps and dumps based on what the banks feel like. Still time before a silver moon mission.
keep buying fellow kikes, we are creating a global fucking fomo.
I was thinking about this today. Mexican government is suing AG for manipulating global metals prices. Shouldn't they be suing JPMorgan? I ran the numbers and its a massive lawsuit. I think we should reach out to mexico and tell them to sue JPmorgan for stealing their national wealth.
>>27417699haha what a faggot
>>27417911God i hope it drops back down to $20
>>27417577please give me your most effective silver FUD, I need more time before I can get enough money for a few more oz!/cme-futures-exchange-has-raised-the-margin-on-silver-futures-by-18-20210201
>>27417957No back seat, 2 seats engine in the back
>>27417613>Shouldn't they be suing JPMorgan?JPM isn't manipulating silver pricesjust because someone shoplifts a few times and gets caught doesn't mean they're always shoplifting 24/7
>>27417864the spot price is meaningless. look at the actual price they are charging
I only bought AG and PSLV todayI hope this shit doesn't go down. Timing meme stocks is like juggling chainsaws.
TD is back up.
>>27418078Anon you dont pay a 920M fine over a few times>
>>27418023>BUY SLVanon please
>>27417911Here's the thing, you take a haircut off of spot when you buy and another one when you sell. With idiots buying at +20% over spot and not wanting to take 10% (guess) under, they will be forced to hodl until prices spike significantly. >>27418048You gotta fit bofa dem hoes.
Which one silver chads?
>>27418078Go to bed Robert
>>27418033Keep buying physical lads
>>27417911it's not about normies though. realistically, if all mining CEOs acted like Keith Neumayer and don't sell at (((COMEX))) prices, then those suppliers will be the ones setting the price. not the manipulators.
>>27418195They are selling silver at $38 an ounce, that is like 25% over spot, id highly advise against doing that if you can help it. This is going to be a multi month effort, no need to rush and turn silver into a shitcoin. It needs time to grow organically as it should - this is just price gouging the movement
>>27418304Left for removable top.
Attention new fags: You are going to see one hell of a dip at some point within the next few weeksThis is normal and to be expected. Don't go pink wojacking about it. August saw silver go from 29 to 22 dollars. Something similar will likely happen again but not as low. These are algos and banks playing games.
>>27417453>>27417699I did forget to mention that JPMorgan ("criminal enterprise") was caught manipulating the PM market and had a little 900mil slap on the wrist to make it go away
>>27418413Its CAD
>>27418521Here here
>>27418443Black Friday dip was also down to $22, its reasonable to say that’s the new floor
>>27418443What do you expect physical to do when this dip happens?
>>27417488The divergence between physical and paper is good. What we need is for the CME to be raided by whales looking for cheapies because the dealers have high premiums. Force the CME to default by overwhelming them with demand.
how we doing today guys?Been busy all day anything major happen?
Might I recommend you lads take your stack out sailing with you one day. Nothing like enjoying the open waters with your stack by your side!
>>27417456>Look at $GME lmao>$186HAHAHAHAHA! Redditards going bankrupt by the thousands, lmao I love this year already.
>>27417567Toyota Celica
poorfag here. managed to get my hands on 100toz of silver before these fags got in and started ruining it.why will I never make it :'(
>>27418543Yes I did the conversion, they are selling it at $38 an ounce, that is way to high - spot price needs a day to catch up and dealers need to chill out with the price gouging
>>27418427You can get fieros with those too
>>27418708I love that I scalped that trade and normies are now invested for the long haul. Normies paid half my rent this month.
>>27418543The 2 oz piece is 99 C dollars. In USD that is 77 dollars. At 32 dollars cost per oz at an LCS (~2 dollar premium) it should cost only 64 dollars. TD is fucking you over.
>successfully pump silver>lets say it hits 75>everyone tries to liquidate physical silver>only US rounds achieve close to spot price>now electronics manufacturers are forced to buy silver at higher price>try to spend silver gains on new pcs and smartphones etc>the additional cost to own electronics negates any gain on the commodity???
>>27418673Moon mission in the morning then got absolutely bogged at exactly 10am EST. All the silver dealers say their stock is wiped out, JMBullion CEO said in an interview
>>27418673Ceo of jm bullion said some bullish stuff.
>>27418822CheckedSilver dealer is bullish. I am shocked. Thats almost like a real estate agent being bullish
>>27418673Sup pan man, commiefornia bro here, spot has been hovering at 29 all day, meanwhile Ebay has ESAs going for $50
>>27418533realistically all they were doing was paying their dues
>>27418625Dip with the paper obviously. It's manipulation for a reason.
I bought PSLV, will value go up at the same rate as physical silver? ;_;
>>27418733yeah i wish redditfags and stockfags would FUCK OFF
>>27418625Premiums to die down, but only slowly. As long as there are more buyers than sellers than every slam will see physical be bought which will create long contracts that want the metal from some part of the dealer or merchant chain. That is why every slam will still be dramatic but (probably) not go down as far, or at least not for as long.The naked shorts are in trouble and it starts getting exponentially worse if silver starts climbing into the 30s.This was a very profitable game for them for nearly a decade, they will not back out gracefully.
I just bought these. Avg cost is 25.4 Im happy with that.I now have a physical total of 22oz and shares of PAAS
all the silver distributors got caught with their pants down and are hiking up prices way above normal given the spot pricewait a day or a few days even, slow and steady will pay out, everybody rushing in now will just get scalped by banks/coin shops
>>27418673 I bought my first physical today :)
>>27418712If it's one of these two, you have exquisite taste my friend.
>>27418955checked. 27 million is nice but in the grand scheme of things, NOTHING. this lets us know how early innings we really are.
>>27418238>Anon you dont pay a 920M fine over a few timesit was literally a few times they got caught, and they made less than 920M doing it.You gotta wonder why they only got caught for a few trades if they were doing millions of them, and why they haven't been caught since.the simple answer is they're not doing it anymore. Because they know they're being watched.
>>OPwish i bought more but goddamn is this fun
>>27417911>You will never see 5 dollar silver again>You will never see 10 dollar silver again>You will never see 20 dollar silver againYou are here>You will never see 30 dollar silver again>You will never see 50 dollar silver again>You will never see 100 dollar silver again>You will never see a dollar again
>>27418918Are electronics made 100% out of silver, retard?
>>27417567>>27417705/o/tists representing, I see. Already have my dream car, just need some simple mods to make it perfect.
>>27418918how often are you buying new iPhones and Computers?
>>27419083link? Still available?
>>27418934ah so our normal bs than, no big deal. I do hope shops get some kind of stocks again for the laggards to buy in but thats going to take a while.
>>27418918>try to spend silver gains on new pcs and smartphones etc>the additional cost to own electronics negates any gain on the commoditythis is the weakest fudd i have ever read in a /pmg/ thread fuck off
>>OPI’ve saved silver my entire life (20), I have well over 100 Troy ounces. I wonder if I should sell this retard pump
>>27419009Excellent, their having trouble holding it below 30>>27419147Welcome mate! Nothing better than holding that shiny!
>>27418918Don't buy electronics. Easy.
>>27419170JPMorgan is an agent of the Exchange stabilizaton fund arm of the government. They can manipulate with impunity.
>>27419198very nice, do those things still use 4g63s?
>>27418918It'll be great to see EV and solar memes have to price in the real cost of materials.
>>27418992see:>>27419166the real money is the quote tweet itself.
>>27419316>I wonder if I should sell this retard pumpI'm not selling until I see it start to fall. It could go a lot higher. It's also possible some of these gains are permanent. I could be wrong but that's the bet I'm making.
>>27418918>faggots buying new iphones and macbooks take it up the ass even harderI see no problem here.>>27419022>>27419073Thanks bros
>>27418179Watch out for $AG! Ever since the GME pump, r/wsb is being monitored, shorters already covered their positions when the first threads hit.
>Stop buying silver
>>27419395>They can manipulate with impunity.then why did they get busted and fined for manipulating?
>>27417230post pics
>>27417488>momentum I don't care much for that. At some point, some institutional force will unwind these naked shorts. If I get a few years extra to build a stack that's all good with me
Start stacking silver.
Went to pick up my 3rd gold maple, came back with a 4th since they didn’t have that ultra-rare J&M 50ozt bar I was looking for.LCS said he’s never been busier like he is at the moment. Bullish AFAlso bought 5k more shares of $SSE @08.c , at 25K now. Holding till $1
>>27419378Idk how much longer they can keep the price there, wtf is gonna happen when this goes off
>>27419533>Silver to $1000. >A new macbook now costs 3100 instead of 3000How will they recover from this?
>>27419612>>27419170Other bank got caught first and ratted.
HELLO I have about $1,500 in unallocated-IOU silver. Should I sell now and buy physical 1oz coins or sell and hold fiat for a dip? Is this shiet going to dip soon?
>>27419768Can we start a wave of calling dealers and asking:>IS IT HAPPENING????and then posting the results in these threads, please.
>>27419612Did anyone go to jail? A fine is just a cost of doing business, government wanted their cut.
>>OP>american eagles are 50 fucking maple dollars dear lord have mercy these premiums
>>27419593Cuck pool
>>27419593You know its real this time because boomers are discouraging it.>>27419612So it looks like the regulators are actually doing something
>>27418918>try to spend silver gains on new pcs and smartphones etcUnmitigated plebbitry.
>>27419712would varg approve of silver stacking
>>27419830this will be the final redpill which wakes normies up. >MACBOOKS ARE SO EXPENSIVE>PCS ARE SO EXPENSIVE TOO WTF>EVEN TVS ARE EXPENSIVE. THEY USED TO BE SO CHEAPI think that'll be the real wake-up call.
>>27419198>four doors
>>OPHow will I buy bread or a blowjob from neighbour and her cute 18yo daughter with 1 ounce coins worth 10,000 bucks? We need a better bartering tool after the crash.
>>27419425Nope, the last gen has a new 4B11T engine, aluminum block. Stock vs stock they both hold the same amount of power, but as you get further and further up the chain the 4G63 is still king. But no interest in having more than 500 wheel since I mostly track/autocross the car and I'm not a good enough driver to handle more.
>>27419837>Other bank got caught first and ratted.if they're covering up JPM manipulation they have no need to investigate them or find anything. Just cover that up too.
>>27420029Silverbacks, with portraits of Harambe and rustled Jimmies on them
>>27419982When silver prices are affecting the prices of electronics the move will be over.
so many people got suckered into believing it is a disinfo campaign. tim pool tweeted about it being a lie. SLV is not physical. i dont give a shit how much SLV is owned by Citadel. buying physical is the only way to bring this system down. something real fucking weird is going on.
>>27420029Two words, negro>MERC>DIME
>>27420029mercury dimesor roosevelt dimes, the mans face doesn't belong on anything made of precious metal but as long as it is you may as well use it to pay for sex in a collapsing society
>>27420035thats awesome man, its crazy how much power that old ass 4 banger can handle.
>>27420172just empty the shelves again as soon as they restock, the price has to go up
>>27419830Oh, so not really that much market pressure from consumer electronics on silver prices? OK guess >>27418918 was fucking wrong then.>>27419844>paper silverYou're playing a guessing game on whether or not other retards are gonna dump it before you do.>>27420125How so? We've seen component prices spike severely in the past. If anything a silver price spike will drive mining and exploration. You do own mining ETFs, right anon?
>>27419593Tim if this is actually you give me one reason why this is less important than gamestonk. >inb4 citadel owns it allNo they don't faggot, they own paper shares
>>27420125wouldn't that happen relatively quickly, though? I feel like if I was a company, I might want to price it in to juice financials so you have more cash on hand going into E/R as to not spook investors when people aren't buying electronics.
I went into this shit thinking about profit and before I knew it I've a newfound passion, collecting silver coins, cheers /biz/ for brightening my life alittle bit
So if everyone is buying physical now, coin stores and bullion dealers will increase their premiums, run low on supply, and then what? 1) They continue getting shipments of new bullion from suppliers and just it a higher premium, or 2) Physical bullion supply runs out completely for weeks to months? It seems like, if you’re still wanting to buy physical tomorrow and beyond, it may be wise to wait a few weeks. Or are we truly beginning a months-long drought in silver bullion availability everywhere?
>>OPI'm fucking pissed. I've been meaning to buy a couple grand in silver the past 6 months now you fucks come along, bringing normie retards with you. Hyper focusing on a single commodity that is useless by itself is stupid. Volatility is not good. I don't like having kike overlords, but I run a business. You think crashing the economy is a good thing? You know the kike NWO overlords already want a great reset. Crashing the world economy will only get more 3rd world retards flowing into 1st world countries. call me a shill or whatever you want, but creating a short sighted frenzy on metals is shit tier. There is already long established government action in regards to volatility in precious metals. The government will ban ownership, like they have before, if it comes to it. Yes, I am seething about not holding more OZ's.
>>27419189The good ones are
>>27418195$50 leaf bux an ounce.Pass.
>>27420312There really isnt that much silver in each consumer productThey can increase exploration but a new mine takes 5-10 years from discovery to first pour
>>27420441>useless by itselfStopped reading
>>27419490Silver is not a stock to be flipped like a cheap whore.It is long term wealth to be slowly accumulated. Your fed bucks WILL steadily lose value. Your Viking hoard will gain value. Learn to stack and buy the effing dip!
>>27419844YES do not buy SLV. only physical. you are not able to take physical delivery of your SLV holdings. even COMEX can prevent that from happening, they can settle your position in cash. only select "authorized participants" can withdraw physical from SLV ie banks and hedge funds.
>>27420010I had an old pontiac that I got from my grandmother. I loved that damn thing until some bitch decided that doing an illegal pass while the cars in the actual lanes were letting me out of the parking lot was a good idea.But the thing I hated most about it was the fact it only had 2 doors. It's fine when you are by yourself, or only are with one other person, but as soon as you want to go somewhere with the boys and go swing by their houses to pick everyone up it is just a huge fucking pain. Not worth the slight upgrade in appearance imo
I silver plated my cock
>>27418673big gainz
>>27420434It's great. After actually buying and holding my first physical coins in this game today from a local shop, I felt real good.
>>27420633Checked and based.
>>27420175>mercury>dimesIf we do get a crash and a subsequent Great Reset to pre-inflation times, then even a mercury dime is gonna be like 200 bucks
>>27420633Prevents the Clap
Anyone know how to get into one of these gold bonds?
>>27420441>Crashing the world economy will only get more 3rd world retards flowing into 1st world countries.No you fucking retarded buffoon, they come here for the economy, no economy=no welfare, and the leeches will leave.
>>27419811yea this is getting out of hand, it cant stay like this long.
>>27420441Agreed, but you are talking to metalheads which can't see that having a silver squeeze is bad at this point in time, they just want a short term gain that they can't cash in on or try to overthrow the monetary system which the government can easily overturn.
>>27420563>Silver is not a stock to be flipped like a cheap whore.I run a recycling company, so it doesn't make sense to hoard it but it DOES make sense to sit and wait for higher prices. I don't need the stuff, I always have more coming in and it's not particularly profitable. my top sources of income in order are:1. aluminum2. brass3. iron4. lead5. silver6. platinums7. gold
>>27420552you going to make electronics with it? would you even be able to make a ring? ammo and guns are better SHTF assets. Guns are historically a better investment than silver.
>>27420435id imagine theyd have to get some of those honking 1000 ounce bars and melt them into something for the plebs to buy
As long as people buy their silver ounces close to spot price, then that will continue the organic growth. If people rush on ebay or some local dealer and pay $50-60 an ounce then they are going to be pissed and FUD silver.BUY AS CLOSE TO SPOT PRICE AS YOU CAN
>>27420312mining output has been declining for several years, exploration > new mine is a process that takes years. they dont just start digging a hole on monday and start pouring bars by thursday. you really need to understand how mining companies operate and the fundamentals.
>>27418195is silver? Disgusting.
>>27419593>>27420387Its expected from Tim, he always rags on PMs has not idea how the gold standard works, and believes that crypto is currency of the future. If Tim did own any PMs its probably because a fan sent it to him and tried to tell him about PMs
>>27420172I have so many Mercs My dicks gonna fall off.
>>27420435The lag between physical/retail and the supposed dragon horde that JP Morgan has stashed away will become more apparent the farther apart the paper and the physical prices get. Like nigga if you really sittin on all that metal and you can double your money why don't you sell some nigga? Why you just sittin on it and selling some fucking paper for half price nigga? >>27420548They can put more shifts of Mexicans on short term but good point, much like industrial capacity there's a soft ceiling where they are running 24/7 and need to dig another hole in order to add more.>>27420633post penes with silber show bals>>27420441>You think crashing the economy is a good thing?Pic related, faggot
>>27419593Honestly hilarious. Dude thinks the media are manipulating perception by "lying" that Reddit is going in on silver when in reality, Reddit was going in on Silver, but was a massive psyop from the very beginning to prevent a real silver bull run.
>>27420727200 bucks for two women for a night isn't a bad dealdon't just be satisfied with a blowie creampie them both at least twice
>>27418195Over 50/oz, good lord.
>>OP, silver still out of stock everywhere. Do these idiots at the comex not know they are going to squeeze themsleves by allowing physical and paper price to get so disconnected when big investors come looking for delivery for abitrage opportunities
>>27420434>I went into this shit thinking about profit and before I knew it I've a newfound passion, collecting silver coinsThe fire rises. Also welcome newfriend, glad to have you aboard.
>>27421038For shit like cyanide leech you simply cant ramp up production. It leeches as fast as it leeches
>>27420874I'm honestly curious as to when this fucked up game of musical chairs will finally end. This type of manipulation on such a scale has to have consequences that I just don't see yet.
>>27419175>not using Monerostay pleb
>>27420874i think that is why we are seeing so much pushback. if silver goes off it it gonna fuck up everyone's day. well everyone who doesn't own any physical.
>>27421038With the regulations in place, a silver buyout can't crash the economy. It already happened in the 70's and its gonna happen again if you honestly think you can crash it. All this does is screw other people out of undervalued silver for a real economic crash and not some LARP.
>>27420441you had 5.4 billion years.
Buying physical silver is the financial equivalent of gassing Jews. Keep doing it.
>>OPMail call. Ordered right before everything went out of stock.
>>27419811All the people I've listened to over the weekend said to look to Wednesday/Thursday to see how the trends are going. Then, once the next wave is back in stock, if the demand is still there and continues on the physical side, things will have to break down at some point.
>>27420887>they just want a short term gain that they can't cash inthat's really the funny thing about it. You pay way over spot for getting physical. If you go to a dealer you will sell under spot. You are talking over 20% easy between buying and selling. IF you sell on ebay you are losing like 12% and have risk. having fun selling on craigslist.
>>27419547Thanks for the info anon...
For all the talk of another commodities super-cycle, I think you'd have to be brave entering metals now, given the incredible gains miners have had off the back of strong performances of base and precious metals.
>>27421012I hope his beanie fortune gets lost in the crash for fuding us so much. Every one here better not bail his ass out for shilling. Don't you even give him a dime.
>>27421216>For shit like cyanide leech you simply cant ramp up production. It leeches as fast as it leechesbuild more stacks/pads/vatscrush the feedstock smallerincrease the washthere's a few ways to ramp up cyanide production, but most people don't use cyanide anyways.
>>27420960>you really need to understand how mining companies operate and the fundamentals.You think "fundamentals" matter with a government that's printing trillions of dollars and internet mobs that are swooping onto every shiny object they see? GTFOH with that boomer talk. >you really need to understandYou really need to understand my dick in your mouth, nigger. >>27421268>oh no the economy will crashGood. You sound like the faggots that were complaining about Trump in 2016, "he might start a nuclear war". I fucking wish he did.
>>27421142I actually watched it live when the campaign started. Gold Ventures off twitter went over there and created a post. He then go all his followers to go over there and upvote the post. Gold Ventures was behind this whole thing and its fucking hilarious. Thats not to say WSB wouldnt have done it. They know all about silver but they werent that interested in it. You can scroll back through GV's feed to see. I was banned from twitter today otherwise I would go find it
>>27419768What's the news on land dispute issue on sse?
anyone else stacking Jesus lions
I don't know why, but all this mainstream attention on Silver makes me uneasy.
>>27420229Yeah, I might buy an Evo 9 later down the line, or if I manage to accumulate enough dough I might buy an Evo 6 from Japan and store it there until 2024 when it's legal to import. >>27420010Hey man, it's what you get when you toss a high power engine and AWD system into a cheap econobox to go rally racing for as cheap as you can. >>27418673My miners made up for the losses of the meme stocks I bought that were supposed to moon. Bizarro world today!
>>27420916>implying I dont have a fuck ton of guns and ammoThis fud never made sense to me. Owning both assets is not in any way mutually exclusive
>>27421318This is gonna be a long 3 days.
>>27421222I thought it was going to go belly up last year, its bonkers and your right this will have consequences down the road we likely have no idea of yet. >>27421249Totally agree.
>>27421142 crazy how quick it went from " buy silver" to " buy slv" to "OY VEY BUY GME GOY DIAMOND HANDS"
>>27420773you missed the part about the great reset. You will only accelerate globo homo seizing of wealth and equality for all. They literally don't want people to have ownership of anything, not even your children. You are only ushering in a nightmare if you crash the economy. You want to live in a world where the government mandates your son getting his dick chopped off?
>>27419811Checked. Never seeing silber below $28 again
>>27421569Will the prices drop down? I don't want to pay near 50/oz for more
>>27419083ummm. thats 254 for 5 ASEs.. your cost is not 25.4 each.. its double that DinPassMaf fren
>>27420874Please don't take off until I can get more money into my broker!
>>27419083Isn't that over $50 an oz? Am I missing something?
>>274181959oz for 200eur, brought today. good deal?
>>27421695I'm new, but all signs indicate it will get pushed back down, but the floor won't be as low as it was previously based on physical demand.
>>27421591Fucking hell, we might go full Yugoslavia with the hyperinflation at this rate
can someone explain to me what the CME increases silver margins actually means?
ASEs for 44.61$ each.
>>27421504Imagining all the zoomer shits taking school off because muh silver isn't moving like gamestop what is this scam bullshit and going to their local metals shop to sell it all makes me wanna throw up.
>>27421827Read the new zerohedge article>>27421718
>>27421695If it does it won't stay there long. The longer they keep this game up at this scale the more harsh the consequences will be.
when will the price of silver move above 30?
>>27421340lol IF I liquidate any time soon I'll be trading it on zidaho for private purchase guns and ammunition, not fiat
>>27421641They are going to crash it anyways. Might as well go out on our own terms. They are trying to rip off the world as much as they can before transitioning to a lag/lash system that cannot be gamed due to smart contracts. Exposing them now is better than later. The more chaos and the more their tricks are exposed the more likely they are to make mistakes and turn 99.9% of the population against them. Last week redpilled more normies than we’ve seen in the last ten years combined.
>>27421926i did, but i dont understand how the comex actually works, what is the margin needed for?
>>27421920I dont think zoomers are the main demographic of buyers. WSB is irrelevant
>>27421510I love how last night all the miners with silver and gold in their names did great from all the idiots buying to companies by name only, while some fantastic companies got left in the dust. Clown world I swear.
>>27421641>You want to live in a world where the government mandates your son getting his dick chopped off?We're nearly there. Only they don't mandate it they'll call you a transphobic racist and make sure you get fired and blacklisted and get your bank accounts closed. The question is do you want to live under a globohomo anarchotyrrany or do you want a CHANCE at something else? Crashing this economy with no survivors allows for a chance at something different, keeping the Jewish ponzi scheme going means that you're going to get whatever is put on your plate. We're broke and gambling on credit and our one chance to change that is to keep doubling down and hope that the casino's chips run out.
>>27421812That’s how it works. Two steps up, one back.Don’t get shaken out on the step back.That’s when you buy!
>>27421504they have to cover it so the people will think its a psyop if the msm is talking about it.
>>OPIf I dump silver, will you die?
>>27421938it already is
>>27422029This, just watch one of dim fools videos shilling memestop today
>>27418304T top dude. T top.
>>27420887>you are talking to metalheads which can't see that having a silver squeeze is bad at this point in timeSo was engineering a global panic over a weak sauce virus to obfuscate the fact that a global economic crisis was already imminent, locking everyone down and then robbing trillions in wealth and lost wages from small businesses and individuals worldwide for the enrichment of globalist billionaires, but it didn't stop the cocksuckers.The fire rises, it's fuckin' payback time.
>>27422044I think we will win in the long game. We just need to wait for the smarter investors to do their DD.There's mania in the air at the moment, and the only way to sort the OTC markets is by name search on the official website. Hence, everything with silver in the name being bought up
>>27422092I just bought 25 oz and I am praying to god it drops hard so I can buy another kilo
Lurking tourist here who wants to buy some clinky coins. Is getting legal tender coins that important? The american silver eagles are 40 bucks, but the sunshine silver rounds are only 34.
>>27420930This, it will create alot of jaded people like in 2011-2012 who are ready to dump and break even, not thinking of the bigger picture.
>>27421190>>27420697Cheers mateys, really like the wrestler and crab coins
>>27422171No, I will buy
I tried to post on plebbit and it was insta deleted... r/wallstreetbets is now r/GME
get in here, and lets expose this piece of shit controlled oppositon Greg Mannarino who is freemason>>27421766
>>27421821none of the plebs realize we have all the ingredients for hyperinflation. and hyperinflation NOW will be very bad.
I don't understand long options at all.Are they even worth it? What's the point? How much more money could I make?I want to go long on $AG but I'm too dumb to figure it out.
>>27422265Go with the sunshine, if you're american there's no tax shenanigans that I'm aware of that make the eagles worth more. Get weight, and splurge a couple bucks on something nice now and then to look at.
>>27418918>>try to spend silver gains on new pcs and smartphones etcThat is not how to make it
So how is (((spot price))) even calculated? If everyone is charging over 35 dollars an ounce why is spot still at 28?
>>27421718>ZerohedgesInto the trash it goes
we need some rich oil sheik to buy up 100 million ounces of silver and squeeze them more...
>>27419593>>Stop buying silverdid he actually say that? What a faggot
Anyone else thinking about making a play on some gold right now?Think I'm going to buy a couple oz this week..
>>27419187>5 dollar silversince when
>>27420874Why not? What's stopping JPMorgan and COMEX from just printing more paper silver to keep the price low?
>>27422520(((calculators))) set the price..
>>27421487what di you get banned for?
I placed an order with coininvest on friday and the deadline to pay was today. I sent the money on friday, but I haven't gotten any confirmation back from coininvest if they received it or not. Should I assume I'll still get my order?
>>OPJust bought another 20oz in american eagles. Fuck jews and bankers.
>>27422293You're a big stacker
It's a joke.
>>27422216the smarter investors are already buying up some of the weaker companies normies are ignoring. One of my previous employers is getting ready to buy into Blue Lagoon for example after doing the leg work, but before this silver pump he had never even heard of the company before. Seriously junior and mid tier miners need to form some sort of marketing team to get their names out.
>>27422584An anon a few days ago posted a picture of a 100z engelhard bar he got for 5$ an oz in 2003. I should have saved that pic.
>>27422693What broker
>>27417230Let me borrow it first to confirm if it's good
>>27422265yeah I'd go with sunshine rounds. NO reason why ASEs should be more than maple leafs, philharmonics etc
>>27422693is this real
>>27422548Yes, in his latest videos
>>27422659Telling a reporter she was responsible for the nursing home covid deaths.
is it the chinks or the jews this time?
>>27422044Fundamentals don't matter. All that matters is the government running the money printers and the pent-up emotional energy from the last year.>>27422308>I tried to post on plebbitlmao>>27422520Yes, silver prices are disconnected from physical supply, that's what we're saying. Paper is issued to keep pricing artificially low. >>27422599Because there is a pent up demand for physical silver and eventually enough people will notice the disconnect between the price people are willing to pay and the price at which (((JP Morgan))) is willing to sell physical, and will say "hey this doesn't make sense".
>>27422421Fuck there's nothing to stop it from happening this time either. We printed 10 metric fucktons of cash, looks like it's time to pay the piper
>>27422520You are now aware of the scam
>>27422797>a fucking LEAFthat's why
>>27422693Executive order signed. We want all you silvers goy. Good price. $17 + $3 premium
>>27422838>implying there’s a difference
>>27422693Is this some paper silver bullshit? I dont even care about spot price anymore im just buying the lowest dollar per ounce I can find without over spending in one go.
>>27422747Haha totally, agree. Best way to show that though is getting some 100 baggers... People forgot after a decade.
>>27422693>nigger post the rest of the screen with the time and show us the app
reminder the price of silver is currently $40 usd per oz
>>27422874yep unfortunately true, it just sucks is all.
Now is the time to snipe tasty junk boys.
>>27422520Spot price is the price of paper silver, set by JPMORGAN. The real price is what you have to pay for it, when available (it’s rare).They are rarely in sinc.(Old timer)
>>27420548have you ever heard of electric vehicles, anon? teslas?
>>27422520do you think mcdonalds pays 2 dollars for the mchicken they charge you 2 dollars for
>>27421780What's that? 22 euros/oz? That's a great price if it's fine silver.
>>27422599nothing with plebs buying SLV but if everyone buys physical then that leads to a big problem
>>27422693Live Trading 212 is the service, can anyone else confirm?
>>27423034Ahhh, real shame the premium jumped so fast. Probably best stick to shop around locally and get close or even under spot price. I bought from my bank at $32USD an ounce, and now they are about $38/39. I pray that the premium cools off, but savvy investors will find a way to purchase cheap silver locally I hope
>>27422823how dare you speak the truth on twitter!
>>27421695Spot will fall tomorrow, premiums might not in the near term. My target for tomorrow is low 27s to high 26s for spot on close. Let's see if I'm right.
Some of the stuff that aired in mainstream news today about the silver spike that I think is good to watch to gain some insight into what retail is going through.
>>27423095How come corn is $50 a bushel but $2 a lb at grocery store? It’s retail sizes mong
>>27420387>they own paper sharesI'm new to this so could anyone explain how Citadel owning paper shares makes a difference? Why is that important?
lmao and to think I once had respect for pim tool
>>27423054i have 1k merc dimesis that enough or should i get more junk?
Ever since I found these threads its like nothing I could even spend my money on even matters, while simultaneously making me realize that my money is soon to be worthless. I can't stop thinking about PM's and I don't even have any in my possession yet. I don't even want to drink anymore, and I actually want to go through all my shit and get rid of what I don't need. I think you might have started me on the trajectory to recovery /pmg/.
>>27423171But you can't buy physical silver if there isn't any. That's not going to drive up the price. You need actual transactions for that.
>>27423045To make money in (((stocks))) it's far more important to be an expert in idiots on the internet than it is to be an expert in some esoteric technical discipline.The Virgin Analyst:>has 3 degrees in this subject>literally authored a textbook on the industry>calculates for 16 hours a dayThe Chad Speculator:>dropped out of college>gets all his advice from reddit and /biz/>never read a prospectus in his lifeGive up, anon. Take the clown pill. We live in clown world and the only way to prosper is to accept that. A cork floats just as well on sewage as it does on wine.
Posting my stack from last night.
>>27423399Silver exchanges are speculating on silver prices, silver that they don't have physical access to. This causes the price to drop because it creates an "illusion" of over supply in the market. They are over leveraged by over 150 times, meaning they only own 1:150th of the silver that they are trading on the exchange, and that paper/physical decoupling is what will cause violent uptrends in silver [ hypothetically if millions of people collectively decide to buy and store 10 ounces or more ]
>>27423641incredibly based anon
>>27422548Yeah he did, he was on his high horse earlier going on about how citadel owns that mythical 1.4trillion dollars hord that we all know is bull shit. Either he knows what's up and is controlled opposition or he really is a dim fool that believes the top post on plebit like a fucking sheep.
>>27423293It took premiums 3 months to fall after the march flash crash. Then when premiums were starting to stabilize the summer rush happened. After that it took a few months to stabilize. We will be seeing these premiums for a while.
>>27423468you are now more awake than most of the plebs buying GME. slip a silver coin under your pillow. you will sleep better trust me
>>27423458That's like 10 ounces of silver. You're going to need a lot more, anon.
Depreciating assets like cars and phones should be banned from /biz/
>>27423142No, that's a huge disconnect. Physical silver prices have gone from 28 to 35 yet (((spot price))) is only at 28.5. Should be up much higher and the manipulation is extremely obvious. An increase of the actual price by at least 7 yet only a 3.5 increase in spot price. Fuck off retard.
>>27423468Based and dragonpilled
>>27418179I don't think AG is going to move much further for the moment. PSLV will probably see a steady gain closing ground on AG.
>>27423757its 71oz
>>27423468good on you mate, if you can some sort of PM, anything at this point. You broke the conditioning.
>>27423468become the dragon321,507.5 troy ounces of silver16,075 troy ounces of goldSleep atop your stackSlay any who dare approach
>>OP>I hurt myself, today.
>>27423399paper shares and paper contracts can be manipulated. its very difficult to pull a few millions ounces of physical silver out of thin air. gotta buy it from someone first.
>>27423817>We aren't those smart guys, were the retards!
>>27423628I am already half way there mate dont worry.
>>27423411me too. if that is a link to his video i aint watching it. fuck that milktoast fencesitter
>>27423878Nah, they're probably laced with copper and shit.
>>27423293I don't think so. All inventory is cleaned out. Prices will keep rising
>>27423411I am going to buy his van and take his girfriend for a spin in front of him for a cool toz when the usd collapses, what a fence riding faggot lol
>>27421995>>27422056delusional children confirmed. The U.S. is at the fucking top. you think it will get better for you when all roads lead to decline? Fuck off faggot. Don't be surprised when possession of silver is made illegal.
>>27423817>did anyone at CNN factcheck this?well at least one good thing will come of this bullshit.
>>27423617if nobody is selling that does drive the price up
>>27423468>nothing I could even spend my money on even matters, while simultaneously making me realize that my money is soon to be worthless.Based. You understand that we need a higher purpose than simply buying stuff and making money, but in this hell world all that we are allowed to do is speculate in stonks and buy funko pops and work for make line on chart go up before we gracelessly expire.But we can have a higher calling - namely to destroy this corrupt and decadent system. Watch Bane's speech anon and let the energy flow through you. Envision the satanic elite being ripped from their decadent nests and cast out into the cold world that we know, and endure.
>>27417230for a 10oz silver one, ill give you 1200.00
>>27418918>mfw play a cheapo low-mid range gaming rig>mfw own tons of cheapo laptops with dwarf fortress and civ II installed>mfw tons of spare cheap computer partsgood enough to play quake so im future proofed as far as I'm concerned
>>27423728So the premium the bank pay you to deposit silver, and the premium you pay buying silver is them measuring volatility? Limits their counterparty risk and maximizes profit for them.What's the best move then? Buy silver slow and steady or blow out the shelves like the past weekend? Seems like the whole silversqueeze movement needed to remain undercover for a little bit longer...
>>27423691>>27423934so the more physical silver people order the more these exchanges have to deliver, and sooner or later people will find out that it doesn't exist?What's next, the price of physical goes up drastically because of the demand?
>>27424051must have been those devious house wives
>>27423144>What's that? 22 euros/oz? That's a great price if it's fine silver. silver canadian coin, found on CL like site in my country,prive on ebay: coin is mising to be full
What is it with Brits and eBay fakes. All of these bars are fakes. Bad Scotsdale fakes at that...
Is AG and KXPLF going to fuck me or take care of me?
>>27423468Become a dragon anon. And lead the chads
>>27424095lmaoi'll take the wheel while you fuck her in the back
so basically no silver available rn with 95% in transit for at least another day. BULLISH AF
>>27424309>Is AG and KXPLF going to fuck me or take care of me?AG will take care of you
>>27423468this kills the jew lad
>>27424095Film him in a cuck belt and post it on /b/
>>27424282Boomers who don't use Google before buying things?
>>27424137No, the paper silver printer will just keep going brrrt. Do you think even a single rich dude has a few millions kilograms of silver lying somewhere in his vault? Only preppers and retail investors hold and want physical silver.
>>27423411I think part of Tims issue is he is heavily invested in Crypto and has no care for PMs. he understand debt and the need to replace with a sound currency but he just doesn't get the gold standard at all.
>>27424216Unironically PSLV at least for the time being. Once premiums quite down shift PSLV holdings into physicalI wouldn't long hold PSLV because of that expense ratio
>>27424137Think about it. Theres no flow of trade. Only buying, no selling. This means silver is scarce, making it more valuable.
>>27424385Schwab put my trade through at $22 instead of $18. I hope that fucker moons.
>>27424098>when all roads lead to decline?How long has it been since all roads did NOT lead to decline in the USA, faggot? GTFOH with your cattle talk. Buy physical silver.Buy AG.Buy PSLV.Expose the corruption and the decadence of the system. Force them to outlaw silver, force them to outlaw gold, force them to stop Americans from buying stocks. Force them to force everyone into the cattle pen all at once and force this system to destroy itself.
>>27424244Yes, silver is in demand for multiple fundamental reasons all at once, the COMEX market squeeze is just the cherry on top.>>27424369Im sad to see how high premiums got, Its not a good start to the prices, best to educate people on shopping around locally and not over paying.
>>27423468>I can't stop thinking about PM's and I don't even have any in my possession yet. I don't even want to drink anymore, and I actually want to go through all my shit and get rid of what I don't need. I think you might have started me on the trajectory to recovery /pmg/.Wiser and more frugal habits last a lifetime, keep it up. I quit smoking last year after 15yrs @ 1 pack a day and trimmed other expenses so I could buy more Silver and mining stocks. Other anons were surviving on ramen noodles last spring so they could buy as many cheapies as possible. Keep stacking and saving up wealth for the uncertain future friend, in several years I can't imagine any realistic scenario where you'd regret learning to budget and store some wealth in PMs.
>>27418195Just picked up 3 oz from TD, not terrible premium.
How are you supposed to sell your silver?Where can you actually do it?
>>27423321Good video, nice to see redditors seething in the comments about how to buy and pump GME, they bought the shill narrative hook line and sinker.Protip for all reddit users, scroll down past the top 10 or so comments to see what people actually think instead of reading the one with the most upboats, you aren't as intelligent as you think you are.
>>27424700how much for it?
>>27424741You take out the mercury dime and place it in the hands of the mother, not the daughter, show elders respect.
>>27423641based kraken tube
>>27424741gold/silver dealers, internet, friends, banksalso >selling
>>27424741Most places you buy from will also buy from you. This includes online.
>>27424098Like I said might as well go out on our own terms. Anyone with a brain no longer trusts the establishment after the last election so it’s not like them making metal illegal will do anything other than redpill more normies the same way blocking trades redpilled everyone last week. Your blackpills are a total waste of time and energy. Embrace the fourth turning anon.
>>27424098illegal silver timeline sounds comfy
>>27424282It really is unfortunate that scammers can capitalize on this mania heavily. Many people wont look to PMs again after they get swindled
>>27424741coin shops and people who will pay
>>27424853>paying 200 bucks worth of silver for a sucky sucky in mad max worldDoesn't seem worth it.
Btw where can industrial silver be found? And wouldn't it be cheaper than retail?
>>27424263>925 silverdunno man, I only buy fine silver, since whoever you sell it to will have to subtract the costs of the redinement process from what he can pay you.
>>27425159From manufacturers. I imagine they only deal in bulk.
>>27424216Yes that seems like it, even david morgan was hesitant to recommend buying silver above 30. The anon that recommended PSLV for short term while premiums are high then rotate into physical when premiums fall isn't a bad play if you already have a fat stack.
>>2741841338 is a great price, spot in Canadian follars is 36.50 right now. I paid 39 yesterday and was very happy to be paying under 40. Today 48- 50 is what I see most places .
>>27424282newfag here, how can you tell that those are fakes?
>>27425159no its all pretty much the same material. Silver is all sold within 99.99 fine grade, unless your talking alloys like sterling.
Who the fuck buys their bullion from TD rofl
>>27419083Okay maybe I'm dumb but 250/5 is $50 per oz?
>>27425331>higher demand than ever>price dropsHoly shit, how does that work?
>>27425331im hoping it drops and loses interest so i can stack more desu
>>27425406They had the lowest price at the time, but premiums are way too high now. Shop around do not pay over 5% spot.