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File: 3.89 MB, 1788x1075, 1606548305842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24833371 No.24833371 [Reply] [Original]

Glorious day edition


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Previous: >>24831730

>> No.24833396
Quoted by: >>24833822

>he unironically thinks micropenisshitallovermycock is better than Tim Apple
Honestly at this point, kill yourself. Microsoft is not and never will be superior to The Apple.

>> No.24833398
Quoted by: >>24833420


>> No.24833410
File: 707 KB, 801x724, 1604551226646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very bullish close means red tomorrow

>> No.24833420

I pray you get money and get out in time.

>> No.24833423
File: 14 KB, 1032x90, sacrifice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the fag that sold his AAPL for a loss last thread, I appreciate your sacrifice. I also came here to laugh at you.

>> No.24833427
File: 27 KB, 861x758, 1607930836759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did everyone's day go??

+24% Returns today, mostly from Uranium and Gold

>> No.24833428

No shit we crashing soo hard Monday is excited you have been warm

>> No.24833429
Quoted by: >>24833502

Commodities thread
Commodities general

Post mortem: Bears got hunted again, dip buyers have their pelts

>> No.24833434

Wasn't the FED supposed to have a meeting today?

>> No.24833441
File: 957 KB, 623x617, smg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24833511

I need to get back into the trading mindset, hope you guys had a good trading day

>> No.24833443

>fell for mindmed discord pump and dump

>> No.24833447

Why? I'm also bagholding 1100 shares

>> No.24833456
Quoted by: >>24833496

Good evening friends.
It's come to my attention that the MicroVision Stocks (designs laser scanners and shit, obviously I don't actually know, I saw them on the internet) have gone up by 36 fucking percent today. they're still only $4.21 a share, I bought at $2.80 just a few days ago. might be something to keep track of. I'm only small time unfortunately, but I suppose if I had thousands to throw at stocks I wouldn't be here anyway
ticker MVIS

>> No.24833461
File: 18 KB, 1918x1081, BX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24833462

Based returns, brother. I am up $5k net

>> No.24833464
File: 91 KB, 518x442, 1570249022301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24833470

based schwab user

>> No.24833471

>I'm red today
My hands are made of fucking rice paper. I'm losing everything tomorrow, aren't I?

>> No.24833475
File: 17 KB, 400x400, utz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second for CUNNY.
Time for eurobeat.

>> No.24833478
File: 107 KB, 1080x757, ET8Y3RbWkAAx0h3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24833555

+5.86% ($470)

>> No.24833483

I’ll beat the shit out of anyone who mentions mvis itt

>> No.24833486
File: 41 KB, 750x458, 1587000317967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLTR to $30 tomorrow

>> No.24833496

now kiss

>> No.24833497
Quoted by: >>24834304

All you need to do is long AMD, sit back and relax and you're gonna make it in a few years when its $500/share

>> No.24833498
File: 95 KB, 568x479, A9324B5F-91CC-441C-855A-3DA1D3015537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MARA bros report the fuck in

>> No.24833502

>stocks getting multiple threads on /biz/
truly a bubble indicator

>> No.24833504
Quoted by: >>24834418

too late, why's that?

>> No.24833506

You boys still holding UUUU?
I'm still holding UUUU.

>> No.24833511
Quoted by: >>24833560

what are /smg/ approved money collecting games other than recettear which everyone and their mother has heard of and played by now

>> No.24833513

I hope so, I'm ready for liftoff.

>> No.24833516

I bought 500 shares of CLF as well

>> No.24833517

this was the first time I ever felt judged.... That really hurtt bro.

>> No.24833525

The only thing that can save me now is no stimulus. But Mitch already spread my asshole wide for the fucking I'm going to get.

>> No.24833529
Quoted by: >>24833609

Y'all still sleeping on BITF, went up 18%

>> No.24833537

>Microshit bagholder still nowhere to be found
One of my greatest choices in life was buying apple in 2016-2018 instead of micropenis

>> No.24833538

Heck yeah I am

>> No.24833541
File: 61 KB, 1123x327, 7836BD6B-7B83-482A-8C18-163B1B649FBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go MARA go you filthy dirty oily old fuck you!

>> No.24833543

My portfolio is better than yours

>> No.24833545

Up 1.15%. Green is green and that's nearly $200 I didn't have yesterday. Thank God anons, feels good.

>> No.24833547
File: 32 KB, 482x427, 21512617656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24833627

I'm tired bros.
I chase that 100% gain but so far i lost and gained so much that my portfolio is literally the same it was at the start of the year.

>> No.24833548
File: 131 KB, 756x1075, 1597930816373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made up what I spent on Christmas gifts yesterday via my stocks going up today.

>> No.24833553
File: 41 KB, 460x345, 1607542977959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24833584

Did you really think you had me fooled at the opening, CRSR? I knew there was no way in hell you'd be green two days in a row.
Still up 2% overall.

>> No.24833555
File: 112 KB, 257x399, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily post ding reminder that money isn't everything. If you have a bad day open a beer and if you had a great day maybe buy some flowers for your grandma tomorrow.

It's just numbers that buy nice things.

Good for you
Crab. QQQ ripped it but only my AMD really had a great day.

>> No.24833559 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 530x298, dingding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since ding bro posted last thread, I'll post again. How did you do?

>> No.24833560
File: 94 KB, 750x411, kaiji-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAN I LOVE RECETTEAR, go watch Kaiji if you haven't that's /smg/ approved

>> No.24833561

What the fuck, why I am holding RIOT

>> No.24833562

nothing wrong with being a race trader on /smg/


>> No.24833570
File: 69 KB, 1542x813, Screenshot 2020-12-15 150633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cup and handle breakout fellow MARAbro, looking good short to medium term

>> No.24833569

That was me, honestly man I was just memeing on you because I know you're sensitive about it. I don't judge you. But please do STFU about muh Drumpf

>> No.24833571
File: 176 KB, 828x976, 14116AD0-3E0A-4F40-B171-48AADBA50937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended the day up 18%. Started buying options today. Made a quick 40% of 9 MCD calls I bought yesterday and sold around 11 am. Then jumped into V when I saw it dip to $206. Still have V and NEE postions open both up bigly

>> No.24833577
Quoted by: >>24833691

Why did it go up? Btc is at the same price as yesterday.

>> No.24833584

Overall today, including my shitty CRSR bags.

>> No.24833588

Apple is manufactured by chinks with micro-penises... They're going to burn when WW3 starts and the military goes with surface contracts instead of ipads.

>> No.24833595
File: 189 KB, 828x1242, 13C62CFE-FEB6-4E6E-B970-E21134ED2573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24833597

Indeed, always buy AAPL. It's always a good choice.

>> No.24833607

>four figure portfolio
Strong sell signal

>> No.24833609

I require options to fulfil my degenerate gambling habits

>> No.24833612
Quoted by: >>24833676

I'm expected the open tomorrow to have a massive lazr dip and i don't care, still holding

>> No.24833617
Quoted by: >>24833642

Lmao anon. Half of MS is streetshitters.
T. work for consultancy only providing MS solutions

>> No.24833620
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 1603707741550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope everyone's lines moved goodly today. I like when my lines move.

>> No.24833622

You do realise ETH will move PoS with the release of ETH 2.0 and the only thing they can mine is BTC and a bunch of shitcoins

>> No.24833627

>is literally the same it was at the start of the year.
fyi the dollar has lost like 7% of its value since the start of the year so it's even worse than that

this is why half your portfolio should be safer shit like TSM and AMD

>> No.24833633

>insert shoe shiner meme here

>> No.24833634

You are a fool

>> No.24833642
Quoted by: >>24833722

Well obviously WW3 is going to be Chink vs Pajeet.

>> No.24833643

This is my market now

>> No.24833661
Quoted by: >>24833722

The 4pm meeting is happening and Nancy and Mitch can both blow it out their ass.

>> No.24833663
Quoted by: >>24833690


>> No.24833666
File: 437 KB, 750x1240, AFB060F5-AF2A-4552-ACE7-B2AA4077B65E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24833722

Who else is betting against the USD and buying commodities?

>> No.24833667
File: 309 KB, 1023x676, 4ME-AND-4U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24833668
Quoted by: >>24833712

people have been posting four figure portfolios here since forever

>> No.24833671
Quoted by: >>24833712

how do you know he wasn't 6 figures? he's only showing his performance for today

>> No.24833676

>he's still holding LAZR
Holy fuck bro RUN

>> No.24833678
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 1607154938019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone being so mean to baggie today? He's dealing with gookfu problems right now. Show a little compassion would ya?

>> No.24833682

Took a lot of profits today and yesterday, Still holding some calls.

I am hoping for a pullback soon so I can load up again.

>> No.24833690

SOXL TQQQ or die

>> No.24833691
Quoted by: >>24833754

Analyst price upgrade to $9 target.

>> No.24833692
File: 73 KB, 1080x458, IMG_20201215_220739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24833760

Life is suffering, just up 5k with it since I got the new account in September.

Rolling over a few puts every month is stable free money desu. That said QQQ would have been better this year, but Apple is overvalued in my eyes and I sleep better with my Microsofties

>> No.24833695
File: 2.93 MB, 576x1024, 1605323608448.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bagmaster, why this?

>> No.24833698

Because he lies about his investments.

>> No.24833702
File: 260 KB, 1277x556, 1516514824035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else place ridiculous after market orders hoping to catch

>> No.24833705
File: 27 KB, 598x138, Screen Shot 2020-12-15 at 1.10.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes when i do terrible shitposts/larps about GME options players, I forget that my shitposts are not just shitposts and are an actual description of some of the some of clueless monkeys on Stocktwits who buy 15c GME calls for January in early November

>> No.24833712

Lmfao, portfoliolets seething
You have to have at least $50k to post here

>> No.24833719
Quoted by: >>24833795

We don’t care you’re a race traitor because you have faggot genetics anyways

>> No.24833722

Which side will the US take?
Faggot ass congress actually DOING something? Wake up bro.
You have to go back.
I said an offhand comment that was actually very mean, but I didn't mean it so he can take it or leave it at face value. I'm sure his gookfu is beautiful and I honestly wish him a happy life. He should use less drugs though.

>> No.24833726

Because the faggot just shitposts and owns 0 stocks or options. She's just an attention whore.

>> No.24833739
File: 8 KB, 417x83, fomc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2-day meeting, expect news tomorrow.

>> No.24833747

Nope my market now

>> No.24833754


>> No.24833756

Pretty sure its tomorrow.

>> No.24833760

Doesn't mean shit. AAPL go up. Always up. You want money right? You aren't stupid right? Buy then. Always buy AAPL.
Holy shit does /smg/ hate money?

>> No.24833766

based of?

>> No.24833771
File: 387 KB, 770x1080, Bagholding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24833772
Quoted by: >>24833812

lurk moar
baggie has outed you
(also, baggie had UVXY calls that were up nicely yesterday - no idea if he sold at a profit though)

>> No.24833775
Quoted by: >>24833992

How do the boys feel about TLS? Seems like good potential for big gains

>> No.24833781

+7% on raw materials and steel
first time investing so not throwing much money around and seeing whats what

>> No.24833794

What the fuck, man. Why does stonk go down and up for no apparent reason.

>> No.24833795
File: 44 KB, 1184x497, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24833877

That's just because of my damn Jewish blood.

That's not true. I really was getting bogged pretty hard there for a minute today.

>> No.24833796
File: 713 KB, 2513x1885, 1587068120774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you get off the devil water

look into 100% fruit juice, i drink apple & eve, pick whatever flavor you like but the fruit punch is good shit, so is the cranberry. still get sweet stuff but no added sugar, no high fructose corn syrup, etc etc. i drink 1 glass of that and 1 glass of 1% milk a day with my lunch/dinner.

>> No.24833801

I OP's pic, good edit

>> No.24833802
File: 518 KB, 1080x1620, Japanese Rape Batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24833828

>Holy shit does /smg/ hate money?
And women
And jannies

>> No.24833804
Quoted by: >>24833855

This. Apple literally only goes up. Look at its all time chart. They also have $200b cash on hand to ponzi- I mean do share buybacks forever. Buy Apple now, buy apple 20 years ago, buy apple in 20 years, you will always come out on top.

>> No.24833810

I wouldn't have the balls to sell 1/15 15c, would you?
they're not that bad, there's the ICR or some conference in January irrc. No options for February if you didnt want to be fucked by theta

20c on the other hand should be free money

>> No.24833811
File: 123 KB, 720x960, 1608066674293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even photoshop doesnt help

>> No.24833812

I don't care what she holds, I filtered that faggot long ago.

>> No.24833818
Quoted by: >>24833965

No you don't I've been here all summer

>> No.24833822

Why is every AAPL shill a giant cock gargling pretentious faggot
Steve Jobs is dead, it's ok, he can't hurt you anymore

>> No.24833828

Based but also cringe

>> No.24833834
Quoted by: >>24834193

>How did everyone's day go??
+$6k on a $180k, not a great day cause my ARK options dropped. UUUU CLF ET and LTHM options kept me green

>> No.24833837
File: 20 KB, 1918x1081, GME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834116


>> No.24833855
Quoted by: >>24833909

AAPL doesn't need shills, they make gains bro. Read the other post I quoted, ya newfag

>> No.24833877
Quoted by: >>24833942

Oh god it’s even worse.kike asian baby’s are even worse I know exactly why you’re fuckin an asian so you can have some swirl kike asian baby’s and push your agenda on Asians because they’re like a ant colony mentality

>> No.24833903
File: 372 KB, 601x598, oh-Cannabro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannabro here,
I'm +.06%. Trimmed my UUUU and ITHUF stocks t buy into the PLNHF and SSPK dip.

>> No.24833909

>worst iPhone launch in history
>airbuds die in less than a year and are just as expensive to replace in warranty
>people are broke
>t-they'll pay for an iPhone with no charging port r-right

>> No.24833912

can smg find a meme that hasn't mooned yet i need somewhere to park some money

>> No.24833914
File: 509 KB, 1079x2184, Screenshot_20201215-132034_My Stocks Portfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24833920
Quoted by: >>24833957

Portfolio fluctuated up and down 1k from red to green today. Can’t imagine how much a non poorfag portfolio fluctuates with options.

>> No.24833923

Do people really hold GME?
For what purpose? When is the last time you went into a Gamestop? Why would it grow?

>> No.24833930

>>t-they'll pay for an iPhone with no charging port r-right

>> No.24833932


>> No.24833933
Quoted by: >>24834036

I’m new to this; thoughts on VXX’s chart?

>> No.24833940
File: 55 KB, 138x292, 1607464094285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>V-shaped recovery

>> No.24833942

>Oh god it’s even worse.kike asian baby’s are even worse I know exactly why you’re fuckin an asian so you can have some swirl kike asian baby’s and push your agenda on Asians because they’re like a ant colony mentality
That kid is gonna be mentally ill AND a sperg

>> No.24833948

Buy BX, its the safest fucking stock you can get and it will moon as well.

>> No.24833957

Idk how people hold onto their options. I see 40% in a day and I sell. Works great so far considering I used to swing TQQQ daily trying to nab 3%

>> No.24833958
File: 1.06 MB, 500x281, inaba3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24833986

How's GME doing?

>> No.24833965

Strong sell signal
Apple haters like you have been seething at apple chads’ like myself gains for years

>> No.24833967
File: 42 KB, 460x456, 120625466_655537745165534_6462884566231110965_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70% Ryan Cohen
20% short squeeze
10% Sherman actually doing anything useful ever

>> No.24833968

RVP still has some steam

>> No.24833985
Quoted by: >>24834005

What the fuck is PLTR's problem? Why is it stuck at 26???

I bought ta 28.70, should I just sell?

>> No.24833986
Quoted by: >>24834032

It ate a giant bag of dicks on earnings like everyone but me said it would, bottomed out at the trend line (just below the 50SMA) and bounced back 9% today

>> No.24833992

Only if you hold, no casino
>t. IPOer

>> No.24833998
Quoted by: >>24834049

Unironically Blackberry

>> No.24834005

Yes, sell. As soon as you sell it'll go up. Please do the needful and sell sir

>> No.24834009
Quoted by: >>24834022

GME memers hunting for that elusive short squeeze should know that the mother of all short squeezes is coiled in USD shorts.

>> No.24834017
Quoted by: >>24834045

Which Broker is that?

>> No.24834021
File: 96 KB, 682x1024, vmeiji.com-2018010624 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834057

Why are there always people buying single stocks AH?

>> No.24834022
Quoted by: >>24834076

I'm a leaf with my life savings almost entirely in USD equities, I'm totally okay with this

>> No.24834032
File: 85 KB, 768x768, BlondeMokuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any plans on how to play earnings next month? January draws closer and with that the big boy times slowly return in a month. You already buying or selling options on some stuff?

Good for you PLTR also went up a bit I saw, if we have some bagholders left.

>> No.24834036

nobody follows meme lines here

>> No.24834043

Imagine being so stupid that you do not buy a stock that is guaranteed to go up 15+ percent each month

>> No.24834045

It isn't a broker, it's an external tracking app (MyStocksPortfolio). I use it because my actual broker is worse than Robinhood and gives me nothing.

>> No.24834048
File: 439 KB, 557x681, 1607960615232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are broke

If only companies made some sort of pay-as-you-go plan to lock in poor people into buying their over priced phones....

If only....

I have 25 apple shares and never letting them go.

Apple basically owns Asia and bribes government officials to exclusively buy their products

>> No.24834049

And Nokia

>> No.24834053

I salute all the CLF bros... that didn’t sell...

>> No.24834057
Quoted by: >>24834103

If whatever that is works the same as an order book, 1 share equates to a block of 100.

>> No.24834063
File: 17 KB, 890x370, fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you call this pattern biz?

>> No.24834076
Quoted by: >>24834137

you shouldn't be
the maple dollar keeps getting stronger and it's fucking up our US equity gains

turns out having an economy heavy on oil, real estate, and miners means you can get away with printing a shit ton of maple dollars

>> No.24834077

Cup and handle?

>> No.24834085
File: 44 KB, 700x393, 1604450794326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834130

You're talking like you sold. You didn't sell on a red day right anon?

>> No.24834091

Anyone play SWI puts?

>> No.24834103
File: 28 KB, 450x600, vmeiji.com-2017120701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This make a lot more sense now

>> No.24834116

This looks like a zoomed in part of

>> No.24834118

Going all in on feed and seed boys, wish me luck.

>> No.24834122
Quoted by: >>24834172

did you sell retard? i watched almost all my fucking gains get wiped the fuck out i just got so bored of it i just turned off the app and let it ride

>> No.24834130

I didn’t sell
Haven’t sold since I got in at 11.8. I’m rather comfy

>> No.24834133
Quoted by: >>24834169

What the hell is that thing in the ground?

>> No.24834137

I'm not a fan of the fact that infinite loonies hasn't made the loonie go down, but I can't bitch too hard because my entire TFSA is CESB money

>> No.24834139
Quoted by: >>24834183

Why do asian women hate chinks so bad?
Seems like they'd all rather have hapas than full slanties

>> No.24834156
Quoted by: >>24834179

electronics is amazons biggest category you just open the website to more items and you can compete with amazon if you got fast delivery

what isnt there to understand about that

>> No.24834160

I was about to sell at the bottom like a bitch but decided to ride it out

Thankful I bought long calls. If I was closer to expiry I may have bitched out and sold

>> No.24834169

Ground toilet. You squat over them

>> No.24834171
Quoted by: >>24834247


>> No.24834172


>> No.24834175
File: 885 KB, 1336x1533, IMG_20201123_125147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834387


>> No.24834179

Am I having a stroke or are you?

>> No.24834183
Quoted by: >>24834273

Because literally 90% of the population looks the same?

>> No.24834193

You're gonna make it

>> No.24834200
Quoted by: >>24835097

people tend to think that stores cant exist and websites cant exist because amazon

when really GME can convert to sell quite literally anything if physical games decline

>> No.24834218
Quoted by: >>24834247

kek me too

except I got CERB instead as a student because i was fortunate enough to have lost a part time job (working 8 hours monthly..) so apparently that made me eligible to be paid the equivalent of 35 hours every 4 weeks in corona bux instead

>> No.24834221

Good lad

>> No.24834228
File: 328 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201215-163428_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834367


3% green and comfy

>> No.24834238
File: 1.19 MB, 2588x2116, original_256375943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834303

Amazon has actually lost e-commerce market share this year for the first time ever, and Gamestop has 300% e-commerce growth

>> No.24834242
Quoted by: >>24834274

When do u Chads cash out?
Im up 20% overall having gone through some dips and peaks, they say not to be emotional but I have no targets in mind and half of my folio I wouldnt hold long term (5 yrs+)

>> No.24834247


leafs rise up

>> No.24834249
File: 58 KB, 630x319, dfgh234567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24834260

Good evening friends,
It's come to my attention that MicroSound stocks (designer of advanced sonar technologies) have risen by 36 percent today. They're still only $4.21/share. Might be something to keep track of. I'm only small time unfortunately, but I suppose if I had thousands to throw at stocks I wouldn't be here anyway
ticker MSND

>> No.24834273

So true I have fucked 5 slants. And god when they bring there friends around it’s soo hard. To remember their names to faces because they all look the same not even being racist it’s true And they’re all the same. Pretend nerds

>> No.24834274
Quoted by: >>24834443

Have an exit plan for stocks you don't intend to hold 5+ years, but let long term winners (like TSMC) ride

Right now I'm selling GME at $20, $30, and $50, or selling everything regardless of price if Cohen walks

>> No.24834280

When BX moons I will be laughing at you all.

>> No.24834287


wtf is this shit?

>> No.24834302

Down 7k

>> No.24834303
File: 536 KB, 759x696, hahahaha(5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amazon has actually lost e-commerce market share this year for the first time ever, and Gamestop has 300% e-commerce growth

Delusion: The post

Does the 300% GME e-commerce growth include the fact that they weren't charging for anything you bought online on their shit website?

>> No.24834304
Quoted by: >>24834383

What are the fundamentals behind this what is AMD making that would make them x5 their market cap?

>> No.24834306
File: 312 KB, 1231x1080, Coalgirls_The_Idolmaster_01_1920x1080_Bluray_FLAC_0D0AF273.mkv_snapshot_06.29_2013.05.26_00.46.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with Salesforce?

Their numbers look good but they essentially dropped back to August levels. Anyone having an idea?

>> No.24834308
File: 105 KB, 622x941, 1607618639284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God my RYCEY...

>> No.24834309

>He doesn't buy things from stocks he owns
I did the needful and bought the new COD from Gamestop

>> No.24834321
Quoted by: >>24834454

they just hired like 30 programmers or some shit on their website

so all the ecommerce will be good soon

>> No.24834323
Quoted by: >>24834363

ipping into e-commerce because of covid, this dumbass was so adamant in trying to keep Gamestop open through the peak of covid, at the expense of public reputation and employee morale.. to still end up with a loss anyways

>> No.24834326
Quoted by: >>24835422

leverage stock options isnt enough for me i need fucking 1000x leveraged btc that runs 24/7 and i cant even sleep

>> No.24834338

>not hahahaha.jpg

>> No.24834352
File: 263 KB, 713x520, 1607995046311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834464

You did do the needful, right today?

>> No.24834363

its impossible to have good customer relations

people hate scalpers for some weird reason of jealously or something if youre buying cheap and selling high no matter what people will hate you

but gme will be the first pawn shop where you can trade in gpus online just send in your trade ins online cohen wants to make it

>> No.24834367

Based. 15 EOW

>> No.24834377
Quoted by: >>24834435


What is this stupid shit? This is almost as laughable as the Republican bitch presenting her facts for challenging the presidency with BLAZE TV behind her

>> No.24834383

he's silly. i'd be happy with $200 on either TSM or AMD in 3 years. Valuation already doubled this year to like ~12x of revenues on both
a small chunk of INTC's downfall is priced in already

>> No.24834387
Quoted by: >>24834465

How high you expecting it could go, im in at 2.44 because some anon shilled it here thankfully.

>> No.24834391

so what will happen tomorrow? what should i buy for tomorrow?

>> No.24834401
File: 85 KB, 920x960, 1604031276158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834441



Morale is rising


>> No.24834403
Quoted by: >>24834448

oh kpop anon you're still alive, we were worried yesterday lol

>> No.24834412

GME 13D/G filing soon. Last time a big pull back then slight rally happened it was because of a 13D

>> No.24834418

Are you a monkey? Or Indian? Shit for brains.

>> No.24834422
File: 668 KB, 743x1050, 1607779308946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what should i buy for tomorrow?

>> No.24834430


acquired Slack and overpaid for it

>> No.24834433


Herd immunity? We win
Vaccines? We win

Why bet against the biggest roaring bull market of our times?

>> No.24834435

It's called Covid-20, we're going to get a new strain every year, and new lock downs, and the vaccine only works against last years strain. Basically the Chinks have figured out how to stop the virus, but aren't going to tell anyone and their economy is the only one that's ever going to matter.

>> No.24834437
Quoted by: >>24834492

Buy RIOT before January for ridiculous gains. You heard it here first.

>> No.24834441

im almost thinking of buying more calls but im already ahead and april-june ones are fucking expensive for a poorfag like me

>> No.24834443

Thanks, im in GME too so expecting January to be fine and had $20 in mind to sell a little bit of it. Still hoping for a SS.

>> No.24834448
File: 82 KB, 1300x867, AV4R8548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe we weathered the storm and its up from here

the fuck do i know

first actually good day in weeks

>> No.24834449
File: 16 KB, 1920x334, 1920px-Roblox_Logo_Black.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, don't mine me, just making you into a billionaire.

>> No.24834450

most slaves are unironically not white in todays world, No thanks.

>> No.24834454
File: 148 KB, 731x381, 1604885446972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834497

>>>24834303 (You)
>they just hired like 30 programmers or some shit on their website

Well, why didn't you say so, fren.

Then GME will definitely crush Amazon on e-commerce for sure.

You should buy GME on margin since that way you can expedite the process of losing money

>> No.24834458
File: 23 KB, 600x175, Screen Shot 2020-12-15 at 1.44.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834580

There are fucking retards with Jan 30c's for GME. I am at a loss for words. My soijak GME spamming isn't even exaggerated enough.

>> No.24834461
Quoted by: >>24834527

>for some reason
They buy up all the stock and sell it for more. The real release date is normally like a couple months out from the debut, because nobody but scalpers can buy stuff quick enough.

>> No.24834462

Going all in MARA really paid off

>> No.24834464

I did the sneedful

>> No.24834465

I sold at $3.60.
I believe it will hit $6 now, at least $5

>> No.24834466


"Only when you get the level of infection in society so low that it's no longer a public health threat can you then think about the possibility of then pulling back on public health measures," Fauci said.

To encourage others, Fauci also volunteered to be vaccinated publicly as soon as possible.

"As soon as my turn comes up, which likely will be very soon, I’m going to be available to get vaccinated publicly, so that people can see that I feel strongly that this is something we should do," he said.

Is /smg/ gonna get the vaccine?

>> No.24834469

big dipper?

>> No.24834478

a couple hundred from theta today. bery slow but bery nice

>> No.24834483

>"By the time we get to the fall, we can start approaching some degree of relief where the level of infection will be so low in society we can start essentially approaching some form of normality," he said.
waddafug? I thought this was the new normal, we're actually gonna get to not wear the mask and eat the bugs? Someone needs to silence this man immediately

>> No.24834492
File: 34 KB, 719x281, 20201215_154208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the MARApill

>> No.24834497
File: 345 KB, 400x600, l5HjLU7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834560

50% of my portfolio is Gamestop. Margin would be overkill.

>> No.24834502


We will NOT eat the bugs, anon

>> No.24834503
Quoted by: >>24834680

yes buy after 30% green

>> No.24834507

Shit is being years since I played P4. Is Golden finally in a non PS Vita console?

>> No.24834509
Quoted by: >>24834524

>proceeds to inject him with saline solution
See goyim, I took it and I'm fine!!!!

>> No.24834516

I'm not. I already had it, I have antibodies and if I get it again, NBD.

>> No.24834524
File: 2.04 MB, 1200x1108, 1604786547313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do Americans really?

>> No.24834527
File: 540 KB, 1536x1536, Em1cfAfXYAE6CaB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834592

when people want to make scalping illegal its because theyre jealous its not any rational reason

they get mad at the local joe making a few hundred bucks and not sony and microsoft huge megacorporations raking in billions

total consumerist scum. they deserve to get their consoles scalped and pay up because thats the value right now

>> No.24834536
Quoted by: >>24834570

This is the new normal. Don't you remember, 2 more weeks? Yeah that was 8 months ago.

>> No.24834538
File: 54 KB, 750x749, 1532193880417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea Anon. I just saved that persona pic because ct 2D grills

>> No.24834539

kinda mad at myself told myself i was gonna hop on last week but forgot to buy lol

>> No.24834541
Quoted by: >>24834812

Found SEAH, a new blank check company that hasn't exactly mooned quite yet. I'm aware it's straight gambling, but figured I'd ride it for a few weeks and see where it goes.

>> No.24834558
File: 826 KB, 1365x2048, 1604270979300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834648

anyone holding Telos? bought yesterday and feelan pretty comfy

>> No.24834560
Quoted by: >>24834604

hi 250x GME anon

>> No.24834567

I want to know how UUUU shorter is doing.

>> No.24834570

it's been a long fuggin' year

>> No.24834575
File: 245 KB, 640x960, 1600981953813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834628

>be rich doctor
>be wrong over and over again
>keep job
>keep being wrong
>never lose job
>just spout random shit on tv
>still get paid still keep job

This is what living in an authoritarian state feels like. If you fuck up a burger you are fired but if you fuck up medical data for the entire world you just get a raise.

>> No.24834580
Quoted by: >>24834604

sounds like you're just jealous of that guys +50% gains

>> No.24834590
File: 28 KB, 893x248, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24834592
Quoted by: >>24834665

I dont give a fuck that they're making money, so much as I may be annoyed about not being able to buy a product at it's retail price. My friend does this with shoes, but I dont hate him or anything.

>> No.24834595
Quoted by: >>24834616

man i sleep half the time the market is open and its the only thing i have to get excited for. fucking closed 90% of the time for me

>> No.24834604


if he's been holding those calls since before earnings he is absolutely not up 50% on them overall

>> No.24834610

Why is GME swinging so much from day to day recently?

>> No.24834616
Quoted by: >>24834630

Quit being a sloth

>> No.24834621

There’s a post about /biz/ on /pol/ again

>> No.24834628


Oh come on. Everyone knows Dr. Fauci is fucking winging it. This kike knows just as much as the public about this disease

>> No.24834630

im a snoozer its my disability

>> No.24834639

I only trade on the toilet, and I've been having tummy problems lately.

>> No.24834644

It's been doing this forever. Probably because it's 140% shorted. Marginal shorts cover on green days and double down on red days, exacerbating swings.

>> No.24834646

and frankly the volatility isn't what scared me into trimming
Sherman is what scared me into trimming

>> No.24834647
File: 153 KB, 1080x1350, 36139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad day for mushroom stocks, but we'll bounce back!

>> No.24834648

I am fren, since ipo

>> No.24834652

Thank fuck

>> No.24834659
File: 513 KB, 930x721, apollo-and-diana-attacking-the-children-of-niobe-jacques-louis-david-1772-c2bb5d6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vaccine being released is the absolute top.
>source: dude trust me

>> No.24834665
File: 162 KB, 1080x1080, 121706841_690679288550032_7630948594510431553_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well just be aware the hate is real people will send like death threats to scalpers and shit

and theyre going to sue them etc

or come rob you

the floodgates are limitless from the eyes of the consumer when they see someone turning a profit it just gaslights them hard for some reason its truly a phenomenon that ive experienced selling on amazon during covid

>so much as I may be annoyed about not being able to buy a product at it's retail price.

just wait ?? u dont need it right now and if you do then youre dumb for not waiting for the price to drop on a objectively good thing that people can make money off microsoft

its not big corporations its just one guy doing the scalping trying to pay his bills and sell a few on ebay it might be his best thing that happened this year

>> No.24834680

Still better than RIOT

>> No.24834690

Based. We green as fuck tomorrow CLFbros....

>> No.24834700

buy clf calls and gme and just fucking hold through the fucking psycho crazy swings all day

>> No.24834721

Wrong, RIOT is working on a cooling process to make mining more efficient.

>> No.24834732

scalpers are no different from stock trading, they see demand above supply at retail price and take a cut of that difference, it's literally arbitrage

>> No.24834744

You dont need icecream right now, but I'd bet youd be annoyed if you went to DQ, or any other frozen dairy treat provider, and they told you to wait in line for a week to get a fucking blizzard.
>food analogy
Eat my ass

>> No.24834745

Daily reminder, buying AAPL and TSM is safe money.

Think of it as a savings account rather than a get rich quick scheme

>> No.24834750

Is robinhood Gold worth it?

>> No.24834764
Quoted by: >>24834792

Please no stimulus deal.

>> No.24834780

Isn't it on steam now

>> No.24834783

TLRY is mooning!!

>> No.24834784

i just want my stimulus check you greedy jew bastards

>> No.24834792
Quoted by: >>24834850

no, i want a dip.

>> No.24834795

>I have a right to buy ice cream at a reasonable price, I'm being oppressed waaaaah!

>> No.24834800
Quoted by: >>24834835

i sold 120c 1/15 on my TSM shares, and whoever bought them has lost 10% of its value already


>> No.24834802
Quoted by: >>24834931

this, I'm all in on AAPL/TSM LEAPS and BTC

>> No.24834803
File: 191 KB, 832x627, 976b9d5a2b51a87a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme stocks are no good for me, I've only lost money so far

>> No.24834812

Good luck anon, i like betting a hundred bucks on random penny stocks. Made $200 on CDBT

>> No.24834817
Quoted by: >>24834842

Oh no, you aren't getting a check goy.

>> No.24834829

>I'm a faggot contrarian, and so so smart because of it

>> No.24834835
Quoted by: >>24834889

Selling weeklys are a better deal since shorter term options are overvalued.

>> No.24834842

i know i wont. im not allowed to have nice things

>> No.24834848
Quoted by: >>24834932

>buying what I want when I want at the price I want is my RIGHT, I'm being oppressed, this is wrong make it stop mommy please mommy make it stop I poopoo'd y panties wanties mommy waaaah!

>> No.24834850
Quoted by: >>24834920

Exactly. I have puts. I sold half today at a 4k loss. Thanks to backstabbing mitch McConnell.

>> No.24834868

is this a talent or am i retarded? ive literally been crabbing for 4 fucking MONTHS straight. i just started i havent made a cent or lost a fucking cent.

ive gone through the pain of waiting weekends and market opens and closing losing and winning just for nothing. i mean its better then losing money i guess i started off with blue chip stocks and then i just started fomoing into memes

literally up $10 after months with like 3000 invested

>> No.24834869
File: 652 KB, 1920x1080, DM hmmmmmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834899

>I'm a high stoner who is excited about OPTI and SSPK

>> No.24834889
Quoted by: >>24834981

yeah but im a leaf who hasn't switched to Interactive Brokers yet
tax-free gains but i'm paying $9.99 flat rate for each trade
I'm waiting for covered calls to expire too instead of rolling it over because of that

switching to Interactive Brokers soon for sure though

>> No.24834891
Quoted by: >>24835682

buy BX

>> No.24834896

>super contagious
so still not deadly

>> No.24834899

fren, no, that's not what greentext is for, you're supposed to mock the person you're (You)ing
also OPTI is a pajeet curry scam

>> No.24834901
Quoted by: >>24834955

The Burger King's shake machine is always broken when ever I want one. I think it's because the lazy niggers who work there don't want to make the shakes.

>> No.24834912
File: 263 KB, 1280x1143, 1607607920193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24834933

Stick it all in amd and come back in 3 months. You will have 100 more dollars

>> No.24834914
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>> No.24834915
File: 1.65 MB, 1024x1249, 1575566801275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This pandemic has affected the most vulnerable areas of the population, while seemingly not touching the privileged portion of our country.
>Thats is why, we have decided to make stimulus checks only available to those impacted the most and in real need: The black and brown community
I can see it now. It saves them money while simultaneously being the hero.

>> No.24834920

i would have bought sqqq today too if i didn't get so fucked by spce, can't risk more red but dammit i want to

>> No.24834927

I mean everyone hates you and you don't get death threats

>> No.24834926

crap meme anon
don't try to reinvent the wheel next time

>> No.24834931

Same brother, 10k in aaple 5k in leaps
10k in TSM and 2k in Leaps

Is this the comfy life?

>> No.24834932

I never said it was anyone's right, but you're a filthy lying nigger if insist you wouldnt be bothered by not being able to obtain OBJECT for COMMON PRICE just because some dickwad bought all the icecream and sold it right out front for a $1 markup.

>> No.24834933

if im gonna turn the screen off ill probably do a bunch of ARK shit and just forget about it

>> No.24834955

Probably true, dont eat BK anyway, it has given me food poisoning on countless occasions.

>> No.24834960

you're retarded for not being able to make money during a bull market.

>> No.24834964

Is BFT going back down or just a bad day?

>> No.24834980
Quoted by: >>24835007


>> No.24834981

$10 a trade? Holy shit; I haven’t paid that since like, 2013 or somewhere around there. That said, you can still sell weekly covered calls profitably, though you’re making much less over time.

>> No.24834995
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>> No.24835007
File: 1.35 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201215-140906_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24835034

Made me check

>> No.24835010

I bought a shit ton of stuff during their holiday sales. Plus I got employee discounts through my work. The shipping time was so fast, that I couldn't cancel an order after a couple of hours because it already shipped.

>> No.24835013
Quoted by: >>24835069

There's a disproportionate level of anger that gets directed towards the scalpers when the company fails to meet demand. Probably has to do with the fact that it's easier to point the finger at some dudes than it is a faceless corp. That's not to say that the seething consumer is entirely unjustified, but their frustration should be moreso directed at the manufacturers.
>food analogy
Well you said it yourself anon. An entertainment device and an ICE CREAM serve such massively different purposes I don't understand how you managed to correlate them in your mind. Waiting for a product to return to msrp before purchasing is entirely different than physically waiting in line for food. Your analogy isn't shit because it uses food, it's shit because it creates a scenario that would never occur and doesn't make sense.

>> No.24835022
Quoted by: >>24835046

I felt like an idiot watching my ark funds go red while everything else was incredibly green

>> No.24835028

Uhhhhhhh NAK?

>> No.24835029
Quoted by: >>24835046

if crabbing is your talent look into doing calendar spreads

>> No.24835032

can you use a tripcode so i can filter you stupid pornposter

>> No.24835034
Quoted by: >>24835057

Unironically do think a 13D should be coming soon since it usually happens after MA50's are hit when you have activist investors.

>> No.24835046

had to pull back its been going up like crazy

thats a good idea but ive been swapping positions a lot to do it.

>> No.24835057

Cohen not going above 10% on either of the pullbacks to ~$12 worries me somewhat.

>> No.24835069
Quoted by: >>24835093

Icecream isnt a need, neither is vidya. You're being disingenuous.

>> No.24835075

>Cohen not going above 10% on either of the pullbacks to ~$12
We don't know this yet.

>> No.24835077

Mods said no more /smg/ threads. This is the last one, enjoy.

>> No.24835079
Quoted by: >>24835112


>> No.24835085
Quoted by: >>24835106

when do we know?

>> No.24835091

Bullshit. Where? When?

>> No.24835093

Neither being a necessity doesn't make the analogy make any more sense.
>You're being disingenuous

>> No.24835097

>GME can convert to sell quite literally anything if physical games decline
They pretty much already are selling every type of product, from vidya gayme snacks, crock pots, sleeping bags, toasters, action figures, clothing, and pokemon cards.

>> No.24835106

If Cohen buys any more he'll be above 10% and need to file within 2 days of purchase.

>> No.24835111

it's been a good run

>> No.24835112

It takes a few days for people acquiring more than 5% of companies to actually become official. I do still have hope RC swept in at the MA50 support price we had recently

>> No.24835117

Tell me more of the sneedful gambit, /smg/

>> No.24835121

im original sneedfulgambit poster what do u need sir sundial is still 0.50 sir

>> No.24835127

what would be the downside of throwing a bunch of apple for 100 shares and just selling the options for a high price i know it wont hit?

i mean i dont want to throw a lot of money at stocks right now but wouldnt that just be a pretty safe passive income?

>> No.24835129
Quoted by: >>24835166

going over 10% will put him under more restrictions, of course he won't go over 10%
what you should be looking at is the fact that he hasn't trimmed at $19 or after Q3
2 days to file within dropping 1%

>> No.24835134
Quoted by: >>24835343

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man.
Bake me a bake as fast as you can @______@
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man.
Bake me a bake as fast as you can X______X
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man.
Bake me a bake as fast as you can o______O

>> No.24835152

wow imagine if Sherman was actually competent and started on an e-commerce pivot from 2019

>> No.24835153

They could probably do better if they should dragon dildos, too.

>> No.24835165


>> No.24835166

the fact he didn't trim at $19 makes me more bullish than ever desu

>> No.24835207
Quoted by: >>24835639

see >>24835171 sir

>> No.24835343

disgusting homo

>> No.24835422

Forex (currency) trading is 24/7 during the week and 100x leverage.

>> No.24835609

they dipped when they bought slack

>> No.24835639

horry fug that's pretty based

>> No.24835682
File: 18 KB, 460x595, 1607964138702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
