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File: 142 KB, 819x819, 1570091340531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22599140 No.22599140 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>22600298


>Stock market words:

>Eurodollar University
[YouTube] Making Sense Eurodollar University Episode 26 Part 1 (embed) [Open] [Embed]

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

>Free chart:


>Pre-Market Data and Live data:

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:

>Boomer Investing 101:

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:

>List of hedge fund holdings:


>> No.22599174
Quoted by: >>22599224

just had that great first big fart of the day

>> No.22599176

wish id bought tqqq at 116 yesterday

>> No.22599188
File: 194 KB, 423x245, DIVVIES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Dividends are your friends.

>> No.22599213
File: 1.04 MB, 797x865, 615205D0-80F7-4C31-A44C-CCCB4EAE737D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22599225

Long live the Rat king

>> No.22599216
Quoted by: >>22600992


>> No.22599224

Is this bullish?

>> No.22599225
File: 270 KB, 1920x1080, Brown rats can swim, live anywhere, and eat anything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22599229

name something worse than public transport, on a train full of screaming children rn

>> No.22599243
File: 62 KB, 1280x535, niggerlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the market going to perform niggardly today?

>> No.22599247

Is it me or have threads been slower lately? Did the dip incite a normie purge?

>> No.22599251

anal cancer

>> No.22599252

Download TikTok now lads, last time we to see teen milkers

>> No.22599275

i can't decide what i want for breakfast

>> No.22599289

I really want to fomo into energy but last time I did it was the august bulltrap.

>> No.22599292
File: 9 KB, 199x253, fuckbulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22599333

>good morning

>> No.22599300

a lot of boards seemed to have slowed

>> No.22599312
Quoted by: >>22599332

Normie purge is TSLA sub-100

>> No.22599322

Redpill me on PEB

>> No.22599324

I’m drunk

>> No.22599330
File: 721 KB, 2500x1661, 198564974536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22599352

Next target: TQQQ $500

>> No.22599332
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Quoted by: >>22599805

should i buy TSLA today

>> No.22599333

Ciao Chiara

>> No.22599339

I caught myself writing blocklist in my program and forced myself to correct this to blacklist instead of just going with the flow just because this shit is too insane and cannot be catered to even innocently.
Maybe I should change it to niggerlist. Anyone who's offended can fuck off and never use my programs, as it should be.

>> No.22599340
Quoted by: >>22599383

School is back, so the underage and university retards were purged.

>> No.22599352

QQQ -35% today
TQQQ to 0
SQQQ to 10k

>> No.22599357
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>> No.22599367
File: 155 KB, 750x1334, B5AB8C47-2AA0-42BA-8E67-58F745E1D76D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy DFEN boys. Nice rebound and uptrend now. Long defense

>> No.22599383

University is online-only, with mandatory practical session using on-site rotations with 2 people at once max.
Many, but not all, schools are also online-only, with parents finally finding out that kids are being literally brainwashed and starting to look into lawsuits all over the place.

>> No.22599390

Trannies who talk like retards trying to make /smg/ threads without putting /smg/ in the title and inserting their political opinions on the OP

>> No.22599393
Quoted by: >>22599572

this thread only has about 5 people.. the rest are bots getting programmed for next propaganda stage

>> No.22599400
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>> No.22599412
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>> No.22599414
Quoted by: >>22599460

>what are breakers

>> No.22599419


>> No.22599439

Jacinda Ardern in charge of anything

>> No.22599451
File: 624 KB, 666x666, 5E3EDA7B-837E-41F4-A0E0-683BE05BE209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have LCI in my meme account from a year ago it was shilled heavily by LCIanon and it’s so deep red. Then I look above it and I’m still holding BGFVfrom even longer ago that this same anon shilled as BIG5guy or some trip like that and it’s deep deep red as well

>> No.22599459
Quoted by: >>22599543

I'm fairly certain it's illegal to write a fake news report to manipulate a stock price right? Should I report this guy to the SEC?

>> No.22599460
Quoted by: >>22599602

>thinking breakers can halt QQQ's demise

>> No.22599462
Quoted by: >>22599566

Buy home depot

>> No.22599468
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 1600288159047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love again with a staff girl at my gym with whom I have exchanged at most 30 words.
She gives yoga or taichi classes or some other cringe, but I'm thinking on enrolling.knto next Tuesday's just to have a small probability of interacting with her and seeing if it's possible for me to make something happen.
It's almost 0% likely, but I feel like I owe myself to at least try it.

>> No.22599477

Today is quad witching correct?

>> No.22599486
File: 22 KB, 653x566, 1547568465953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just sell and buy TQQQ lmao

>> No.22599496


>> No.22599503
Quoted by: >>22599585

sounds like you should learn what the fuck you are doing

>> No.22599508
Quoted by: >>22599590

That's not love, also women are a horrible investment

>> No.22599511


>> No.22599523
Quoted by: >>22599590

Tell her about your stocks anon

>> No.22599543

Jay Clayton is a limp dicked shithead so its kind of open season for fleecing people at the moment.
Insiders at Dave and Buster's sold shares more than a day ahead of a news release the company sent out calling for layoffs and possible bankruptcy.

>> No.22599566
Quoted by: >>22599579


>> No.22599572
Quoted by: >>22599599

Beep boop buy NAK beep boop

>> No.22599579

Because it’s Home Depot

>> No.22599581

Reminder that dividends are your enemies. They lure you into believing they're safe, but not only does the stock go down with the market, it never recovers. Meanwhile, the dividends that you were counting on during the downturn get cut before the downturn even happens, and never come back until years beyond the timeframe any other stock has recovered.
Yet, even with growth and dividend combined, their total yield only matches SPY in extreme cases that involve really choosing low-quality growth stocks using debt to finance dividends for a few years before crashing and burning, instead of properly selecting actual dividend stocks.
The only fact I'm not yet convinced of is dividend capture strategies: while stock value is negatively adjusted when dividend is payed out, meaning you can't just buy before and sell after immediately, and rather have to wait for the recovery, some stocks (presumably because all the shareholders are into DRIP, while for other stocks, maybe 50% or less are into DRIP) recover extremely quickly. Perhaps it's possible to create a calendar that yields 40%+ CAGR. Unless that's provably doable, though, dividends are a literal scam.

>> No.22599585

You said LCI to 60. It’s at $6

>> No.22599590

Maybe in America.

There's no word in English to distinguish "falling in love" (ie infatuation) from "Love" in the true sense.
I meant infatuation, obviously, I don't know anything about her.
Also, love and investments are separate topics, don't jumble them.

The last thing I would do, to be honest.

>> No.22599592
Quoted by: >>22599754

>parents finally finding out that kids are literally being brainwashed
source on this? would like to read some whitepills

>> No.22599599
File: 8 KB, 254x228, 118791226_1011064999342661_4183947746682272987_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based nakposter

>> No.22599602

TQQQ's demise rather. Because TQQQ is daily adjusted, it can go to -99.99999999% but not-100% due to breakers.
QQQ can't go down 35% in one day, but can go down 13% for 3 days in a row.

>> No.22599608
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>> No.22599612

yes and there is more money to be made going long (or rather, over 50% are currently shorting)
so it will pump ridiculously hard out of nowhere any time today as there is more money to be made for banks and MM by pumping shit.

>> No.22599615

Based and redpilled

QQQ all the way

>> No.22599621
Quoted by: >>22599646

stocks move up and down.. if you don't understand whats happening right now then you still have a lot to learn.. watch the premiums.....

LCI to $60.

>> No.22599646


>> No.22599650

Dividends are literally why stocks exist in the first place retard.

>> No.22599659

for real though, when will retards figure out that holding their shorts long-term means they only breakeven if Gamestop goes bankrupt a bit under 2 years? If interest rate goes to 100%, then that goes to betting bankrupty in 1 year. 200%, 6 months, and so on.

Interest rate is now around 59% from 4% end of August. GME just has to go sideways.

>> No.22599663

I'll be honest nearly all of my holdings (not by %, but number) are increasingly miners because those tickers really do seem to move with fundamentals.
I bought DIS when it suspended its dividend and I will sell it when it reinstates it.
Inversing dividend boomers is how you make money with any of those tickers.

>> No.22599677
File: 533 KB, 818x696, xNGGgcI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22599728


>> No.22599689

No, stocks exist for voting power. Dividends is just a marketing scheme. Stocks literally always go down as much as they pay out in dividends lmao.

It's just a boomer marketing technique.

>> No.22599694
Quoted by: >>22599973

Anyone else believe the rumor that Amazon might buy KR? It seems sensible and would mean the demise of walmart.

>> No.22599717
File: 101 KB, 749x500, cGjgsO0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true, stocks have always been about ownership - dividends were common early on because it was a good way to return premium to the owners.

>> No.22599728
Quoted by: >>22599820

why when GME was more green yesterday

>> No.22599744
Quoted by: >>22599798

That's not true with MO and PM.

>> No.22599746
File: 45 KB, 600x300, tr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bloomberg: President Donald Trump signs executive order to fast-track the construction of Pebble Mine in Alaska

Pre-market share price of NAK soars to $6 within minutes



>> No.22599754

Just to start.

>> No.22599756

Dividends are just forced selling and are mathematically meaningless since all equal, the stock drops the exact amount of the dividend. This is why an increase in dividends necessarily have a concomitant drop in call price.
The worst thing is they are always a taxable event. If you were actually selling, you could deduct a loss but if it's a dividend it's always counted as "gain" even if the stock is going down. Pure D scam

>> No.22599781
Quoted by: >>22599819



>> No.22599798

Yes it is.

>> No.22599805


>> No.22599814

BREAKING: US will ban people from downloading TikTok and We Chat from the 20th of September

>> No.22599818

No, it's only triple. Also, prepare for a dump on opening.

>> No.22599819

Definitely buy if it dips.

>> No.22599820
File: 340 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200918-083123_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More potential for better returns with CLF

CLF generates 8b per year and has a 2.5b market cap

>> No.22599834
Quoted by: >>22599886

why the fuck is no one here playing $VALE?
looks pretty interesting towards battery day

>> No.22599846
Quoted by: >>22599873

It's not actually at 6 dollars is it
He's just memeing right

>> No.22599850

>CLF generates 8b per year and has a 2.5b market cap
you keep spouting this without mentioning how it compares with GME, i wonder why

>> No.22599861

false and homosexual

>> No.22599863
File: 24 KB, 720x489, DIVVIES GRAPH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Mathematically meaningless"
Show me another way of gaining income with this little time and effort spent.

>> No.22599864
File: 24 KB, 210x143, 3119E098-7680-4C1A-B4AA-768FA8817166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in defense

>> No.22599872

futures kind of look like they're running out of steam
last two times we bounced off 11k we went up way faster than this

>> No.22599873


Click the links, it's real information

>> No.22599886

VALE is interesting because of the sheer size of their nickel and iron ore mining operations. TSLA is a drop of piss in a bucket to them.
You want meme miners like HNCKF for the "battery day" play.

>> No.22599893
Quoted by: >>22599957


You keep spouting GME bullshit when this shit is gonna fall back under 5 soon lol

>> No.22599911


>> No.22599919

What's with that new plane that supposedly only took a year to build? I don't believe it.

>> No.22599925


CLF last time Iron Ore was these levels was $80 a share

Gamestop doesn't even have a 1b market cap

>> No.22599929

Graph it with growth etf i.e. QQQ and find out that you make 2x more

>> No.22599939
File: 113 KB, 702x878, 1590006611914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk for a second: is GEO a good election play assuming Trump wins, hypothetically I mean?
I'm really tempted but buying a 17% dividend stock with a 100+% payout ratio feels like I'm just begging to get fucked.

>> No.22599945
Quoted by: >>22600120

I think by now everyone understands the bear case for dividend stocks, you people spam it all the time.

Just as with growth investing, whether or not a company that pays a dividend is a good investment depends on the company, and there are certainly good companies that pay nice dividends.

Personally I would much rather see a dividend distribution than share buybacks as with a lot of these "growth" companies.

>> No.22599948

Your gonna get fucked

>> No.22599954

What about the meme miner PLM for Battery Day?

>> No.22599957

and why is that?

>> No.22599961
Quoted by: >>22600151

>I'm really tempted but buying a 17% dividend stock with a 100+% payout ratio feels like I'm just begging to get fucked.
Because its a dividend trap.

>> No.22599968
Quoted by: >>22600151

this turnin' into beanz!!!

>> No.22599973

No and also anti trust issues

>> No.22599975

we gonna go up or down today boys? debating if i should just take the day off from micromanaging my swing trades

>> No.22599985
Quoted by: >>22600151


>> No.22599986

i said LCI to $6 when he said LCI to $60. seems like i was right lmao.

LCI to $0.60!

>> No.22599995
Quoted by: >>22600151

this nigga turnin' into beanz!!!

>> No.22600001
Quoted by: >>22600294

based. do it or you will regret it later if you never tried

>> No.22600017

better buy some puts then......

>> No.22600021

Tik Tok is canceled starting Sunday. RIP zoomers.

>> No.22600026
Quoted by: >>22600151

what order am i suppose to be looking at these pictures in?

>> No.22600039

Friday bull trap followed by a deep red Monday

>> No.22600049

SPY isn't going to hit $340 today is it?

>> No.22600050

What should it actually be priced at?

>> No.22600059
Quoted by: >>22600163

GME's potential is from $50 if it's treated as shitty brick mortar margins or as high as $200 if it's treated like CHWY with better margins if they manage to expand their e-commerce more, which btw grew to $200 million revenue this quarterly, almost half their market cap, because Amazon is fucking up with their e-commerce dominance.
Even before covid, Cohen was able to build profitable large-scale fulfillment centers against Amazon with FUCKING pet food. Vidya shit is definitely less bulky and easier to delivery.

obviously a big part of this is based on speculation, especially with Cohen. But the upside here is clear compared to the margins of a producer.

>> No.22600060

>$80 a share
>with 100 million less float

Top fucking kek

>> No.22600072

Good. Fuck zoomers.

>> No.22600081
Quoted by: >>22600113

What does this mean for stonks?
FB might be going up because zoomers now have to use IG reels or whatever they're called?

>> No.22600099
Quoted by: >>22600159

You were right. I should of listened to you. You learn a lot on how to trust anons or which way to go being on boards but most importantly NEVER trust a tripfag

>> No.22600107
File: 1.93 MB, 4323x3839, 1591494527089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this allowed in our society?

>> No.22600113

It means Fastly is gonna take a fat shit

>> No.22600120
Quoted by: >>22600234

You obviously didn't read what he said. Dividends means that companies have to pay capital taxes. Stock buy outs means no taxes.

Which is more efficient and smarter?

>> No.22600123

Selling the same amount of stock over time will net you more money because you can deduct the losses. You can't do that with dividends and that's the core problem. Many empirical studies have been done comparing dividend stocks to the alternative and the former loses because it is literally just forced selling that is always counted as profit. If the S&P did not have dividends it would be higher than having dividends and reinvesting them. I'm not saying don't take dividends if they are there or that just removing dividends is better. I'm saying all things equal the same stock without dividends will make you more money in the long term due to the lack of the de facto forced sale. I realize it's a subtle point hence why most people don't get it but check the literature

>> No.22600133

Where my $MAG Boyz at?

>> No.22600145

Social media was a mistake.

>> No.22600151

Answer my question and I'll post a quick rundown on Beanz Nigger.

>> No.22600157

Anybody know why a candle is green from yesterday when it gapped down below a red candle and the stock closed red?

>> No.22600159
Quoted by: >>22600206

assume any tripfag literally named after a meme stock who shills it constantly just wants you to buy his bags.

i was constantly spamming about the free money being given out during the AAPL split hype. did i name myself AAPLfag!!adsgoliasjedg;olijasdg? no, because im not a fucking faggot and actually gave out good info on a real fucking company.

>> No.22600163
Quoted by: >>22600226

it was just two days ago you guys were screaming that $50 was never predicted
now you're talking about $200

>> No.22600172
Quoted by: >>22600214



"If permitted, Pebble would become North America’s largest mine, with an estimated measured and indicated resource of 6.5 billion tonnes containing 57 billion lb copper, 71 million oz gold, 3.4 billion lb molybdenum and 345 million oz silver."

>> No.22600179

True & checked.

>> No.22600196


>> No.22600199
File: 203 KB, 1296x1512, Screen Shot 2020-09-18 at 8.48.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, this bounce...
doesn't seem to be lacking oomf to anyone else?

>> No.22600200

Why does it matter?
Let them be thots, just accumulate currency...

>> No.22600206
Quoted by: >>22600326

Based. Great advice anon. It was a hard lesson but I think it’s going to help me big time to not make as bad of mistakes again.

>> No.22600210
Quoted by: >>22600356

after a quick google search it's apparently a REIT and since real estate is currently fucked for the foreseeable future: no. mortgages aren't getting paid and shit, im sure some other anon can explain it better but the main idea is to stay away from them for the time being afaik.

>> No.22600214

I told oil memelords in April that they were going to backhold until October at the earliest and now to NAK memelords: any bags you buy now will take years to pay off.
NAK is a great project but its going to be going through review hell for a while.

>> No.22600220
File: 64 KB, 347x419, 1595359295453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw was completely immune to yesterday's shitshow because I got my crypto stimulus check from Uni
>Managed to still scoop up some $118 TQQQ among the euphoria

I fucking love you faggots. Don't even care if markets are blood red today, I'll HODL cause UNI is keeping me in good spirits so I don't panic sell. Already cashed out half of my UNI to profit lock $2000, and the other half is still growing in price. Also buy GME, UTZ, and most importantly buy SNROF.

>> No.22600226

there's more than one person talking about GME you doofus.
are you going to take kpop's delusions seriously for example?
i mean that's besides the point, clearly we've both already taken our bets and there's no point trying to convince each other otherwise. GME play is only short-term up to Q1 2021 anyways, and justifying long GME play is just a backup in case the squeeze doesn't happen so at least there's minimal downside if any at all.

we'll probably get a pullback today anyways after running up fucking +50% this week

>> No.22600229

All I had to do was buy stocks over the years but I was raised by poor parents and didnt know anything

Gta 5 going crazy. Buying stocks. Went up 400% since then. Everyone is using photoshop super popular. Buy stocks straight to the moon. Everyone is using iPhone and going crazy. Buy stocks straight to the moon. Jeff bezos is becoming a mega millionaire everyone using amazon. Buy stocks goes up 600%. Everyone using an iPhone they release laptops watches music. Buy that stocks go straight up. Microsoft released Xbox everyone uses windows huge ass platform. Buy that stocks go way the fuck up. Google is fucking everywhere buys YouTube owns the internet goes way the fuck up.

All I had to do was put like 50s in there couple hundred over the years here and there keep adding more to it and all of it would of just shot up to the moon with no doubt and no risk.

Now those companies run everything and profits and revenue are flatlining and everything is the same. I missed the chance and now I lost too many years of my life I have to gamble everything and now the market is fucked because of corona unemployment those companies running the world inflation people going broke no money to spend


>> No.22600234

The company doesn't pay shit in taxes when it pays a dividend retard

>> No.22600235
Quoted by: >>22600354

divvies are for boomers who never zoom in closer than a month

>> No.22600236

didn't the director sell 6 million worth of shares after the pump via rumors? not sure about that...

>> No.22600243

Presumably aftermarket / premarket gainz

>> No.22600247
File: 334 KB, 720x888, Merry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because biologically speaking, these are all fully grown women at peak firtility.
The only non-arbitrary treshold for age of consent is menstruation. Think about it logically.

>> No.22600249

Yes, but it plays to the TSLA brand.

>> No.22600252
Quoted by: >>22600803

It doesn't look like a bear flag AT ALL

>> No.22600256
File: 38 KB, 977x288, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you won't miss the AMD dip, it is not too late to hop on the rocket. One more month for initial takeoff and two more months for arrival to moon.

>> No.22600257
Quoted by: >>22600452

I gave you the answer earlier, because bullshit. It doesn't matter that it gapped down from yesterday because hurr durr the price still went up during that time period doesn't matter what happened while markets were closed

>> No.22600269
Quoted by: >>22600316

I live in Alaska and the project seems absolutely fucked. For years liberal losers with no jobs made it their #1 priority to protest it, so now even Republicans are against it (at least publicly). In Anchorage like 30% of cars have a no pebble mine sticker.

>> No.22600276


>> No.22600281
Quoted by: >>22600471

They don’t want poor people to make it.

>> No.22600286
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>> No.22600290
File: 97 KB, 750x856, jeribased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22600307

I haven't been around since the initial "crash" a couple weeks ago. What is everyone's feeling going forward? Crab until the election?

>> No.22600294
File: 81 KB, 500x440, 1596786279293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, friend.
I will definitely do it.

>> No.22600295
Quoted by: >>22600432


Trump tweet is the breakthrough we've been waiting for. Everything about the feasibility of NAK is sound, the only question that still mattered was, would Trump assent to it or block it because of his idiot son. I'm surprised the stock didn't double yesterday. People don't realize the significance yet.

>> No.22600298
Quoted by: >>22600367

Remember when 80% of SMG actually talked about stocks and good daily picks you insufferable fucking faggots

>> No.22600307

Volatile crab until election yes.

>> No.22600308
Quoted by: >>22600432

And what would you say to oil lords now? Asking for a friend

>> No.22600316


There is no way that NAK won't get built. Dollar is going to collapse soon and those 71 million ounces of gold and 350 million ounces of silver won't get left in the ground once we have $15,000 gold and $600 silver (in terms of the purchasing power of today's dollars).

>> No.22600320
Quoted by: >>22600702

public transport in a train full of joggers.

>> No.22600326

another bit of advice: the more risk/less sure you are on something, the less money you put into it. and vice versa. i put all of my money into AAPL pre-split because i was 100% sure it would print money, 50k. TSLA did good too but it's a meme and i at least felt comfortable holding AAPL long term if necessary but i was so sure it would print i put all of my money into AAPL stock. before you ask i got out on the first dump around 131 so no worries.

on the other hand i have 100 shares of GME right now. might buy some more if it dips again but probably won't own that much overall. if it does some crazy 10x then great i still make like 7k off of it which im happy with but im not gonna bet the farm on something that could easily tank 50%+ at any point.

>> No.22600329
File: 392 KB, 1080x1920, 03rs5g9c7j431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22600402

Don't buy it, you'll lose nore on the stock depreciation alone.
Super high divs (any divs, actually) are a cope for no growth potential, or actually a terrible outlook.

>> No.22600343
Quoted by: >>22600464

Needs to break that 11600 triple top resistance then it's moon mission

>> No.22600352

so is this copypasta now?

>> No.22600354
Quoted by: >>22600408

No shit and they’re all rich living on boats and zoomer retards are all chasing PnDs every week

>> No.22600356

It's a prison REIT. Prisoners are paid for by the state, so I'd assume they're covered much better than regular REITs.
Also, Beanz Nigger had a massive allergic reaction to some voodoo doctor snake oil that seems like something straight out of a Western movie but apprently still exists in the hood.

>> No.22600367

That was over a year ago.

>> No.22600372

It's more important to teach children about the 1619 project and white privilege than personal finance and responsibility.

>> No.22600383

>go all in on Apple
>been shit ever since
>hold Ford
>Finally sell it at a small loss
>it decides to go up this week

Who should I crash today lads?

>> No.22600393

friendly reminder that if you see these news then it is already too late to buy. DO NOT BUY PUMPS, DO NOT BUY PUMPS, DO NOT BUY PUMPS.

>> No.22600402

I don't care about the dividend, I'm speculating on a rebound due to Trump's reelection. After 2016 GEO did like a 3x in a very short time.

I hoped people would talk me into it, but I guess I'll have to take full responsibility for my own retardation.

>> No.22600408

tell that to my xom bags

>> No.22600417

GME i need more cheapies

>> No.22600423

Buy XOM so it can moon :')

>> No.22600425

the whole market pretty please

>> No.22600428
File: 20 KB, 653x113, 1596958178248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redditors suicidal over people having more money than them

>> No.22600431

On what basis are they canceling TikTok? Also what makes this legally possible? Just curious..

>> No.22600432
File: 37 KB, 595x520, XLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can obviously tell you don't understand how mines or mining stocks work. Trump isn't going to make this thing go any faster. There is local resistance to the project and many more reviews it has to go through that will take years. Any one of them can be a setback. In fact, the NAK memes started because they passed the first review with the USACE.
Still swing city until oil hits $60/barrel. Might be possible by December barring more fuck ups from OPEC. Hurricanes are actually good for oil right now. Better to play the contracts or if you are REALLY commited to being a memelord about oil, now is probably a good time to buy leaps.

>> No.22600436

they don't even have mines set up

>> No.22600440


Add to this list: "Dollar collapse was on the horizon, biggest mine in history was about to get approved, Trump dog-whistling on Twiter, 100-400x potential, and I stayed away from NAK because I was afraid. Now all I can do is buy the top and collect the dividend."

>> No.22600451

I see your point and not disputing it - but I am also a britbong with an ISA. I put money in each year, any money made from it is tax free and I have set up my broker to buy stocks as a percentage of any money I put in and to reinvest dividends. I NEED to login like once a year and in case of any Enron/Wirecard shenanigans. Anything you are suggesting is just more work for me that I'd rather not do. The only shitty thing about this set-up is the 15% withholding tax I have to pay to Mr Trump on any American stocks.

>> No.22600452
Quoted by: >>22600548

It’s yesterday’s candle though shouldn’t it be red if the stock closed red? I guess not. If it goes up from opening price on the day it’s green, no matter where it opens I’m assuming.

>> No.22600458
Quoted by: >>22600518

What's the point of having money if you're just going to use it to consume things and pay bills, and never invest at all?

>> No.22600461

did that cure his sebo-dermatitis? i want to use whatever he is using.

>> No.22600462
Quoted by: >>22600511

Lol what's your average cost? XOM is no longer a boomer stock by the way. Analysts rate it as a growth stock even with the div. I am pretty sure oil is a good 6-12 month hold

>> No.22600464

it's been dropping more and more short of it and the lows are getting lower
the current bounce doesn't even look like it wants to get to 11.2, let alone 11.6

>> No.22600471

How the fuck did my parents not know about it

>> No.22600476

Boomers bought XOM in 2001 and cashed out when they retired in 2016, too late for you chief

>> No.22600485

imagine if this guy invested all those 5 years he could have had $10-20k now.
only himself to blame.

>> No.22600486

True, but it's more intricate than that. A consequence of the dynamics of dividends, shareholder obligations, and specific domain constraints means that companies that deliver large dividends do so to attract investors to the stock in order to maintain it at a relatively flat level. Should they fail to attract investors, the price would sink and never recover at every dividend payment unless they either cut dividend to match stock popularity, or capture more marketshare, a task sometimes impossible (think KO or REITs or energy companies). Conversely, the share price is adjusted for dividend amount upon payout regardless of the company's financial and market situation.
All in all, this means that only companies who are UNABLE to grow will pay dividends worthy of making them 'dividend stocks' (aside from dividend traps - company that use cash they don't have to pay out dividends they can't afford to try to trick people into buying in, then aim to cut the dividend before actually paying it out), while growth-focused company will avoid dividend payouts because they will stifle their growth.
Conversely, as an investor, you would therefore prefer a growth company because it will accelerate far faster than a dividend company.

>> No.22600505

I'm too retarded to trust myself on options but thanks. I just want my XOM divs safe

>> No.22600506
Quoted by: >>22600530

what app is this shit

>> No.22600511
Quoted by: >>22600541

48 after averagin down a bit

>> No.22600514
Quoted by: >>22600565


If we get a dollar crisis, and gold goes 3x, 4x, 5, silver goes 30x or 40x, Trump will force it through. He will use an executive order under the pretext of its being a national emergency. America will be destitute when the dollar loses its status as the world reserve-currency; Pebble will be one of the only real sources of income. There is no conceivable circumstance under which Pebble Mine will not get built.

>> No.22600518
Quoted by: >>22600569

normies value consooming more because they don't realize how much money just 70k invested with nothing even added on top will be when you're 50

you're not living life if you don't spend your entire paycheck paying for jewflix subscriptions and yearly phones by tim apple!

>> No.22600530
File: 1.90 MB, 540x960, 1598302104776.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instagram? Idk they're all the same to me.

>> No.22600533

Most don't invest in markets, don't blame parents nobody taught them either. They generally just wage slave and believe its what life is.

There are still opportunities out there, those companies you listed have not finished growing entirely. Inflation going up means the value of these companies goes up to, you pointed this out yourself indirectly in your post.

It's okay anon, you're here now. Ahead of most.

>> No.22600534

>15% withholding tax
If Republicans ever get a triple majority (probably 0% of ever happening though) they would get rid of this in a heartbeat

>> No.22600535
File: 14 KB, 199x253, 1567358492029 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22600541

Ouch. Good luck sir

>> No.22600548

Yes, as long as the price was going up during the time period that the candle is representing it will be green, it doesn't matter that the price is actually way below the last candle.

>> No.22600564
Quoted by: >>22600609

I don't get it, was she doing neck exercises at the gym or something? Btw this bitch is ugly

>> No.22600565
Quoted by: >>22600635

>If we get a dollar crisis, and gold goes 3x, 4x, 5, silver goes 30x or 40x, Trump will force it through. He will use an executive order under the pretext of its being a national emergency.
Nationalizing mines (historically) wipes out shareholders. This thesis ignores historical reality. In fact, you want to own shares in foreign miners if that is on the table.

>> No.22600569
Quoted by: >>22600658

Liberal and zoomer’s consumerism is bullish for the stock market, the more financially illiterate retards there are buying the new iPhone every year and spending hundreds on amazon every month, The higher the stocks go over time

>> No.22600568

You should instead put all your money on TQQQ/TMF, plain QQQ, or perhaps even just SPY (let alone stuff like SPXL). You would obtain greater gains, and the lack of withholding tax means faster compounding during the year. This requires no effort, don't even need to check for enron/wirecard shit. You could also choose the top 10 SPY holdings and get just these (proportional to market cap). Re-balancing would net best results, but even without re-balancing more than once a decade, you'd do far better than your current strategy.
Despite all this, I suspect you're not actually invested in dividend stocks (because I have never seen a single dividend shill in these threads actually investing in dividend stocks, instead choosing growth stocks that pay an almost nonexistent dividend and pretending it counts).

>> No.22600573
Quoted by: >>22600688

Yes, to add onto that.
UK forces growth funds to supply a dividend, why?
So the Government can collect taxes from even the most passive of investments.

Why the fuck do people chase divvies, only makes sense in very very few select cases.

>> No.22600574

that jaw

>> No.22600593

Market returns were pretty mediocre until QE basically printed money into the NYSE in earnest in 2009.

>> No.22600596
File: 1.72 MB, 220x220, 1600188394059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CLF at 6 has a 2.5b market cap
So CLF going to 24 will have a 10b market cap.. this is a company that generates 8 billion per year
Where does it end?

NUCOR is $47 a share with a 14 billion marketcap and they are CLF closest competitor

$NUE is a steel producer. CLF is an Iron Ore miner that is trying to diversity into steel production as well. Whether this will pay off is what i'm gambling on but I feel a comparison to the largest steel producer in the US seems fair here.. we will slowly be taking market share from them as AK steel transform CLF into an entirely new company with Raw Iron being processed into steel entirely downstream

>> No.22600597

>If Republicans ever get a triple majority (probably 0% of ever happening though) they would get rid of this in a heartbeat
They almost had that, but you had these assholes like susan collins and that fake war hero mccain who were just democommies in red sweaters.

>> No.22600603
Quoted by: >>22600798

Depends on the Republican, some agree with it to "protect the American Stock Market for Americans". Makes sense that they don't want all that dosh going abroad without the federal government seeing any of it?

>> No.22600604

I bought XOM at $72 a couple years ago, down 50%. Luckily i only threw 2 grand in but still -$1000 hurts when I could have just put that $2k into buying more Apple than I did in 2018

>> No.22600609

>was she doing neck exercises at the gym
she was getting face fucked ya dingus

>> No.22600610
Quoted by: >>22600703

It is also a way many countries collect taxes on indexes/passive funds.

Dumb money also believes its an interest payment LOL. So many people have no idea wtf a divvy actually is. Makes me cry

>> No.22600621

thanks but my steel hands is all I need

>> No.22600624
File: 10 KB, 290x153, 1588669740126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22600699

is inversing stocktwits the key to success?

>> No.22600629
Quoted by: >>22600873

finger finger

>> No.22600631
Quoted by: >>22600752

should we get the TQQQ first, then slowly move gains into TMF? TMF sure has had a big runup this year

>> No.22600635
Quoted by: >>22600696


You're assuming that Trump will nationalize the mine. The mines didn't get nationalized during the Great Depression. Gold was confiscated, but people made a fortune on mining stocks.

>> No.22600645

Islam is unironically right about women

>> No.22600658
Quoted by: >>22600729

Indeed, this is why I no longer feel a need to want people to make better money choices.

Investors want coomsoomers to make dumb buying choices, borrow credit, run into overdrafts for junk. Its what makes us, investors richer.

>> No.22600671
File: 231 KB, 1300x1506, Screen Shot 2020-09-18 at 9.06.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22600762

the current "bottom" is a fucking mess

>> No.22600688
Quoted by: >>22600723

0% tax on dividends for me.
Even without using an ISA you can get £14,500 tax free on dividends and around £12k on capital gains.

>> No.22600696
Quoted by: >>22600719

>The mines didn't get nationalized during the Great Depression. Gold was confiscated, but people made a fortune on mining stocks.
There is little gold to confiscate this time around. Gold holdings as a percentage of portfolios are at like a century low right now. "Fast tracking" a mine through the review process other mines have always had to go through is the government picking a winner and they WILL be the major stakeholder whatever form that happens to take.

>> No.22600699
Quoted by: >>22600735

It's not about stocktwits, it's about the crowd effect. Everyone can't be right all the time, or the market would never work (everyone would move in the same direction, so nobody would accept any trades, so value would tank, but nobody would be selling, so value would not actually change).
Moreover, nobody would trade because nobody would make money (E(gains) < 0) if half or more of crowd opinions were correct.
Therefore, whatever the most popular opinion of any well-selected crowd is (because it depends on a mix of expertise and laymanry) will always be wrong.

>> No.22600702

Ugh. That would be the worst. Imagine you're trying to read the paper and they keep jogging past hitting the corner of the page with their elbow and the whole thing flutters about in your hands and you lose your place in the paragraph. Dreadful!

>> No.22600703

Didn't even consider that. What a scam and to think people get mad when they can't get it

>> No.22600710
Quoted by: >>22600756

Can NAK please spike on open and not dump?

>> No.22600718
Quoted by: >>22600820

Divvies makes sense after you've reached your passive income goal and want to live off income of your stocks. But desu, I think that it's better to have percentagewise goals. For example, 1% dividend stocks and 99% growth stocks at 20 years old, 10% divvy, 90% growth at 30 years old, etc

>> No.22600719
Quoted by: >>22600820


Pebble has 100-400x potential from here, so a stake in something is still better than a stake in nothing.

>> No.22600722
Quoted by: >>22600809

God dammit. Imagine being a woman and having the ability to have sex anytime you want, with virtually any person you like. You literally just need to walk up to them and ask them out and they'll be fucking you an hour later.
I'd be a total fucking whore too if I was a woman.

>> No.22600723
Quoted by: >>22600801

Yes for you. (and for me) we are small small fish, fuck it we are microscopic
It is probs wise they give us the allowances, so that we can grow our wealth and not need to milk the state cow in the future.

But for individals and groups who own collections of index in the millions, this is how they get you taxed.

>> No.22600729

Exactly. The more that retarded liberals and vapid zoomers piss their money and futures away, the further ahead I am.

>> No.22600735

so what you're saying is inverse everybody

>> No.22600749
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, PUNCHINGBEARS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wait we not crashed yet

>> No.22600752

I am a proponent of this strategy under the assumption that major crashes happen once every ~10 years. TMF gets a runup right after crashes, while TQQQ, of course, gets a run up outside crashes. Recovery after crashes is very fast, so you should capitalize on the dynamics by maxing out bull gains with 100% TQQQ at the beginning of recovery, and minimize risk by moving slowly into TQQQ/TMF or even full TMF before the next crash hits (further boosting the shit out of your gains thanks to crash TMF runup and rebalancing).

>> No.22600755
Quoted by: >>22600784

Should I use etfs as a savings account or is there a risk? I don’t really care for them but if I can just put money in there until I need it

>> No.22600756

Won't it just crab for a few months until the next news comes out?

>> No.22600762
Quoted by: >>22600806

It's honestly looking like we are in a crab market until we hit stimulus or even positive news about stimulus. No sellers at the bottom, no buyers at the top.

>> No.22600771

yes but also inverse the ones telling you to inverse everyone

>> No.22600770

I made a really dumb move yesterday. I need it to go up a few cents.

>> No.22600773
Quoted by: >>22600834


Trump could sign an executive order or give strong open support for the mine any day. Waking up to that tweet yesterday and seeing the price spike 20% on a market down-day is only a taste of what is coming. If you're out of NAK, you're going to miss the big move when it comes.

>> No.22600777

- Properly assess crowd composition
- Find what the opinion groups in the crowd are
- Inverse opinions proportional to group membership

>> No.22600779

It must fucking suck being you

>> No.22600784
Quoted by: >>22600997

If you need the cash, no. Savings aren't investments, not really a question we can answer without context.

>> No.22600798
Quoted by: >>22601001

I think the tax withholding on American stocks for foreginers is more of a result of simply the 15% tax on stock gains for Americans than anything targeted at foreigners. If they remove it for Americans it will be gone for all.

>> No.22600801
Quoted by: >>22600863

Why the fuck do I care about what millionaires do to avoid taxes?
They might have a different strategy to you or me, but I'm not in that fucking position (yet).
I'm gonna use the one that gives me the most money for the smallest effort.

>> No.22600803

No not at all a picture perfect bear flag that would be posted in a textbook if there was a trading 101 class.

>> No.22600806

there seems to be a lack of buyers right now
it's going up, but slllloooowllyyyy

>> No.22600809
Quoted by: >>22601172

Just go gay bro problem solved

>> No.22600820
Quoted by: >>22600879

Even if you snapped your fingers for the review process it would still take time to secure capex and build infrastructure. When you could already have a stake in a current producer like PAAS, GOLD, NEM, etc. If anything in that doom scenario these would moon even harder then they already have and way earlier than NAK because they don't have the pall of uncertainty over them.
Dividends are trash but they are honestly your only option now that the bond market has been set on fire to pump the major indexes.
>For example, 1% dividend stocks and 99% growth stocks at 20 years old, 10% divvy, 90% growth at 30 years old, etc
Because that was one portfolio strat when bonds weren't thrown into the dumpster.

>> No.22600821

I don't like the idea of timing the market. What if you predict the top but it never come and you're sitting on TMF and missing out 100%'s of gains from TQQQ.

Seems smarter to just buy TQQQ on all red days and hold.

>> No.22600826

i love this, thanks fren

>> No.22600828

post more thots

>> No.22600834

Or it will encouter more opposition and become worth 30 cents a share in the blink of an eye. Be careful

>> No.22600838
File: 16 KB, 936x639, 215648489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forex fren here.
Came to hang out with you guys again.
How's it going?

>> No.22600849
File: 1.97 MB, 1080x1350, 35490824_184430702201389_5677264788929904640_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thot has no boobs though lol.

>> No.22600847
File: 29 KB, 228x698, few.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a third of my shit.
Seems divvy to me, but feel free to call me retarded, I do care to learn.

>> No.22600850
Quoted by: >>22601010

me looking get into EUR short again today yay!

>> No.22600853

who VALE here

>> No.22600854

>Forex fren here.
How do you do this?

>> No.22600858
File: 143 KB, 850x850, 1562952343284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bulls are not allowed to cum

>> No.22600863
Quoted by: >>22601003

Divvies don't provide any value adjustment to your investments, they simply transfer value from a share which can compound to USD Cash which cannot compound at the same rate. If you haven't understood that yet from the multiple posters, idk how else to get it through to you.

Invest wiki thing explains it in more detail.

>> No.22600873

Does anyone have the webm of korone moving the minecraft block around to try and fill a hole?

>> No.22600878

thought that was gonna be anna khachiyan from the thumbnail

>> No.22600879
Quoted by: >>22600942


NEM's upside potential is extremely limited. Market cap is too high. It's already 100x higher than that of NAK, even though NAK has just as much gold, silver, and production capacity as NEM. Share price might double or triple at best, and the dividend is pleasant, but it's not going to make you 100-400x on your money as Pebble Mine has the potential to do. To make the big money in this bull market, you have to take risks. NEM will simply give you a comfortable life.

>> No.22600886


>> No.22600904
Quoted by: >>22600979

This is all real divvy stuff. Congrats, you're the only real divvy investor in the entire history of /smg/.

>> No.22600908
Quoted by: >>22600962

What's up with that news of a new airforce plane that was somehow developed in a SINGLE YEAR?

>> No.22600925

What do you think about USD/TRY forex fren?
I live in this shithole but I'm murrican so the currency being as worthless as it is right now actually makes living here pretty comfy.

>> No.22600937
File: 182 KB, 1222x1508, Screen Shot 2020-09-18 at 9.16.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22601226

my dudes

>> No.22600940
Quoted by: >>22601156

I have a futures account and keep thinking about trading the euro. Thanks for the reminder

>> No.22600942

No one invests in miners like its TSLA and price in decades of movement. There are a lot of projects out there with huge potential resources in the ground. The stock price moves based on where they are at right now because its a volatile and capex heavy sector.

>> No.22600959

Small tits is patrician taste

>> No.22600960
Quoted by: >>22600998

I know AT&T has the better dividend but I def. prefer Verizon, AT&T just has too much garbage along with their profitable business.

>> No.22600962

hope they finally gonna disclose their anti-gravity black triangle ufo

>> No.22600975

Last time I checked it had a sharpe ratio of like .15.

>> No.22600979
Quoted by: >>22601020

Now to work out if that makes me the smartest man on /smg/ or the biggest drooling neanderthal. Something to keep me occupied I suppose.

>> No.22600992
File: 293 KB, 493x456, 1600348622981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute C(u)HA(u)D

>> No.22600997

Just keep all my money in etfs until further notice

>> No.22600998
Quoted by: >>22601091

was meant for


>> No.22601001

wait so does that mean aussies and kiwis and bongs have to pay the IRS 15% tax from any gains before they get taxed by their local jews?

I thought W8Ben IRS form stopped double taxation

>> No.22601003

Either fucking way you should be DRIPping all dividends. No reason not to unless you’re literally pulling in 6 figures a year of dividends. Look at any 10 year chart of DRIP vs no drip and fucking TRY to tell me otherwise. Not a dividend tard but I won’t say no to a dividend if a good stock happens to offer one

>> No.22601010
File: 38 KB, 1399x638, 14561566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what timeframe you trade on or how big your risk is, but make sure you at least take off some of it at 1.16300. If I could afford it I'd be buying all the way down at that point.

>> No.22601011
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>> No.22601018
File: 43 KB, 600x649, 1599757047722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling a gigantic crash will come in the next few years.
It just can't keep going up indefinitely, can it?

>> No.22601020
Quoted by: >>22601112

It makes you neither. Divvies aren't worthwhile, but you could also be a degenerate gambler, which would be far worse, or you could be falling for obvious bad plays or generic pumps and dumps.

>> No.22601021
File: 15 KB, 394x329, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here coffee zone.
whaddya having? Dallmary Monaco moka pot for me

>> No.22601030
File: 1.01 MB, 717x720, 1562951929642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22601152


>> No.22601034
Quoted by: >>22601081

How come robinhood shows these percentages but when you click on the stock premarket it jumps around to some other number?

>> No.22601058

If it doesn't happen in the next few hours I'm financially roooooooooo-eeeeeeeeeend!

>> No.22601071
Quoted by: >>22601113

This is true in a bear market. Most people on biz don't realize we are in a 2 year bear market now.

>> No.22601077

if you think that productivity, technology, and inflation will all start to trend down, then it's probably worth betting against the market.

>> No.22601079
File: 37 KB, 553x776, metal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/coffeegang/ reporting in. On my first cup of a nice breakfest blend that I made using a Chemex filter. Drinking it black, of course. and drinking it in this fun yet obnoxious mug.

>> No.22601081
Quoted by: >>22601130

It's just slow to load and laggy piece of shit. But other than that works great

>> No.22601091
Quoted by: >>22601160

Sure, but AT&T are trying to offload garbage bloat (Directv and Xandr) and pay down a lot of their debt in the process. I can only call this a good thing and proof that someone at the top is actually trying to trim the fat.

>> No.22601112

Painfully average then. Thanks Anon, that is the nicest thing anyone has said to me in weeks.

>> No.22601113
Quoted by: >>22601526

Curious why do you say we are specifically in a 2 year bear market

>> No.22601118
Quoted by: >>22601227


>> No.22601129
Quoted by: >>22601153

Is horse really about to open at 28.7-?

>> No.22601130
Quoted by: >>22601222

I'm going to be switching to think or swim/interactive brokers. I want to set actual alerts for things.

>> No.22601133

whats better schwab or td

>> No.22601152

I typically make a litre of fresh press each morning. Today the beans are store-brand, I'll alternate between good beans and cheap beans.
Nice taste anon.

>> No.22601153

Wkhs is like sqqq but better

>> No.22601156
Quoted by: >>22601285

ohh what! usally trade 2-3 lots of /M6E

but wanted short to ~1.1500
imo this look just like 2018 top

>> No.22601160

AT&T sucks. Only reason I hear is muh dividends and they were never greater than 3% yield. Just a stagnate and not even very safe with its tepid growth. Meanwhile tobacco Chads get a fat 6-8% yield from MO, PM and UVV and historic growth.

>> No.22601171
Quoted by: >>22601216

I had this conversation earlier in the year when my coworker finally settled on allowList instead of whiteList. So ridiculous

>> No.22601172

If I could alter my brain chemistry to become sexually attracted to men I might just do it. Does such technology exist yet?

>> No.22601182

It's called anime.

>> No.22601194
File: 863 KB, 1280x720, 1570647317483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today seems like a great day for theta bros
everything moving sideways and volatility is dropping

>> No.22601200
Quoted by: >>22601268

Yes, it's called porn, you just have to watch as much of it as possible all day everyday

>> No.22601209

I mean, if you could do that, why not change the brain of the woman to your liking instead?

>> No.22601214

How long is this crash going? Even March was 1-2 months. Is it going to be worse than that?

>> No.22601216

Removing the term black list is removing European history:
>After the restoration of the English monarchy brought Charles II of England to the throne in 1660, a list of regicides named those to be punished for the execution of his father.[3] The state papers of Charles II say "If any innocent soul be found in this black list, let him not be offended at me, but consider whether some mistaken principle or interest may not have misled him to vote".[4] In a 1676 history of the events leading up to the Restoration, James Heath (a supporter of Charles II) alleged that Parliament had passed an Act requiring the sale of estates, "And into this black list the Earl of Derby was now put, and other unfortunate Royalists".[5]

>> No.22601222
Quoted by: >>22601284

I want to do a lot more. May have to pull some money out to buy a new pool liner so that may be a good time to switch. Still hoping they add more features. I'm mobile only being at work so it's not like I can do a whole lot anyways

>> No.22601226

Dat candle on the end doe

The bogg will be deep once the support below is broken.

>> No.22601227
File: 64 KB, 925x750, bobo-bull-takes-game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously though, why bet against the market? You literally have the full might of the US and world governments all actively making that funny line go up.

>> No.22601229

Finally, it’s nice to see another tobacco chad on here.

>> No.22601232

buy TSLA

>> No.22601244

Based. Got a chuckle out of me in my cuck cubicle

>> No.22601247

/biz/ is especially terrible today

>> No.22601250
File: 459 KB, 800x800, 1600371676986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22601251
Quoted by: >>22601280


>> No.22601253
Quoted by: >>22601280


>> No.22601254

This is it. This is the moment we been preparing for. LETS GOOOOOO

>> No.22601262
File: 72 KB, 668x533, CA5E98AE-59F9-4A24-AB51-1C085D4704A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who suggested nak???? It’s going down!!!! I’m ruined!!!!!!

>> No.22601263


>> No.22601266

Go and invest in cancer sticks then you fucking cretin

>> No.22601268
Quoted by: >>22601311

This only makes me attracted to little boys who are virtually indistinguishable from girls anyways. I find sex acts involving grown-ass hairy adult men repulsive.

>> No.22601272


>> No.22601275
Quoted by: >>22601298

Why the fuck aren't you guys all in on NDAQ?

Can't beat the market? Buy the thing that runs the market.

>> No.22601280

>double green
Ayyyy bellbro we blessed the market today

>> No.22601285
File: 2.50 MB, 1600x2560, Screenshot_20200918-093036_Remotix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. I want to go short on the /M6E so bad but I know the instant I do it's going to the moon

>> No.22601284

They all have apps.

>> No.22601298

>not QQQ
never gonna make it

>> No.22601299
File: 14 KB, 249x202, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22601302

NEW @_@





>> No.22601308

am I a fool expecting NIO to dump for not having even a factory?

>> No.22601311

You just haven't watched enough porn yet then. You've gotta watch more where the man takes up a lot of the frame

>> No.22601317


>> No.22601324

kek I thought I cancelled that kroger option wtf.

>> No.22601436

Dump everything for BLNK

>> No.22601440
File: 41 KB, 1600x303, Screenshot_20200918-093644_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lie to me bros, is this enough to make it in 10 years?

>> No.22601526

The Fed said it doesn't expect to lift its interest rate until 2023. Other top officials said rates would move slightly higher in 2022. That signals to me that the people in power think its going to be 2 or more years.

>> No.22601572
Quoted by: >>22601747

It's going down bro.

>> No.22601747
Quoted by: >>22601881

but now you posted that and it'll bounce back up

>> No.22601881
Quoted by: >>22601967

It's not going to go up until the Bogdanoffs forgive me or I sell my calls.

>> No.22601958
File: 447 KB, 1412x2031, Screenshot_20200918-064910_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22602047

>Market cap to gnp is above 1.5.
>No stimulus.
>Massive unemployment.
>Eviction wave incoming.
>Small businesses ruined.

>> No.22601967

For my SQQQ call holding ass's sake make sure they don't forgive you until the market closes today then

>> No.22601975

based horse going above fucking $30 TODAY
and NEVER going below it again

>> No.22602047

still coping about those airlines huh warren you old boomer

>> No.22602339

Is that it? SHEEEITTTT