>> | No.22598531 File: 112 KB, 817x920, E1F8467A-770F-4B75-A1D3-5B32DAB40009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] All I had to do was buy stocks over the years but I was raised by poor parents and didnt know anything
Gta 5 going crazy. Buying stocks. Went up 400% since then. Everyone is using photoshop super popular. Buy stocks straight to the moon. Everyone is using iPhone and going crazy. Buy stocks straight to the moon. Jeff bezos is becoming a mega millionaire everyone using amazon. Buy stocks goes up 600%. Everyone using an iPhone they release laptops watches music. Buy that stocks go straight up. Microsoft released Xbox everyone uses windows huge ass platform. Buy that stocks go way the fuck up. Google is fucking everywhere buys YouTube owns the internet goes way the fuck up.
All I had to do was put like 50s in there couple hundred over the years here and there keep adding more to it and all of it would of just shot up to the moon with no doubt and no risk.
Now those companies run everything and profits and revenue are flatlining and everything is the same. I missed the chance and now I lost too many years of my life I have to gamble everything and now the market is fucked because of corona unemployment those companies running the world inflation people going broke no money to spend
I’ve even been making good money the past 3 years and I could of been doing this the entire time and it would of shot up to the moon but FUCKING NO!!!! I didn’t know now I’m fucked