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File: 52 KB, 350x499, E634BDB9-680B-4FEE-8106-DD63B255AC3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22593063 No.22593063 [Reply] [Original]

Seated in our rightful place. Next to the stars.


>Stock market words:

>Risk Management
all in GME

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

>Free chart:


>Pre-Market Data and Live data:

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:

>Boomer Investing 101:

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:

>List of hedge fund holdings:



>> No.22593106
Quoted by: >>22593163

First for kodak

>> No.22593108

What’s the point of holding cash

>> No.22593116

So now that we are in a bear market for the next 2 years, how do we make money? Its not as easy as just buying the dip anymore.

>> No.22593117
File: 285 KB, 361x393, dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22593162

First for anime

>> No.22593146
File: 139 KB, 914x514, A76358FE-02A3-42DD-8ACB-D4D06DB7AD2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy. Just pick winners and never sell

>> No.22593159
Quoted by: >>22593180

We while enter a bull market once trump is re-elected

>> No.22593161

Don’t some stocks give you free money if you own them at the right time? I remember hearing something like that

>> No.22593162

>gif showing this asshole dol being happy and dancing
>in the anime she's a cunt constantly and a bully
fuck her back into the suitcase you go you lil shit

>> No.22593163


>> No.22593168

>Hedgies are losing to YOLO options man
When fundamentals don't matter, everything is a shitcoin. And diversification is trash at every level.
Pretty sure most hedgie portfolios look exactly like robinzoomers but with shorts instead of longs on pennytrash.
Markets inverse the economy. Go long on stocks, short on EVERYTHING else.

>> No.22593170
File: 1.02 MB, 1012x849, 4532t6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22593301

>how do we make money?
Step 1. Be rich
Step 2. Make money


Step 1. Get extremely lucky
Step 2. Make money

aka the same as it has always been. Stock market is the playground of the rich. This pandemic offered a nearly unprecedented deviation from the norm, but things are back to normal now.

>> No.22593175
File: 23 KB, 550x404, Wicked Witch of the West.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22593273

What are your plays for the quadruple witching day?

>> No.22593180

>We while enter a bull market once trump is re-elected

>> No.22593179
File: 157 KB, 1200x800, the-rake-naples-12-1200x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Green line go up for a couple of days: We're in a Bull Market, it's going to the moon and we will all get rich!
>Red Line go down for a couple of days: It's going to zero and the entire world will be destroyed!

Is this called recency bias? Seems to be the mentality of 75% of investor/traders you see talking on any platform

>> No.22593244

Short term out of the money puts

>> No.22593247
File: 756 KB, 1796x1420, BullsOnParade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its not as easy as just buying the dip anymore
it's always as easy as just buying the dip

>> No.22593273

Waiting for it to be over, so we can go back to the bull market.

>> No.22593301
Quoted by: >>22593468

>be rich
>get extremely lucky
>posts pics of men who were neither

>> No.22593304

>So now that we are in a bear market for the next 2 years, how do we make money?
Hold what you got and sell covered calls. Use the premium earned to buy more. You have a whole lot more than you started with on the other side even when the market itself is only back to break even. Doing this and reinvesting dividends shows that every so-called "lost decade" is a lie. It's a strategy that always works. And when the day comes it doesn't, things will be so bad it won't matter anyway

>> No.22593332
File: 108 KB, 1410x1008, 1591533584384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related only shows what reinvesting dividends. Double that at least with the covered call part of the strat

>> No.22593357

I am just considering putting 50/50 s&p500 and QQQ, too fucking stressful following this stuff

Dunno if I should sell my crypto too, can’t be bother to follow all this crap anymore, might as well invest the time in in getting a higher salary or something

>> No.22593379
File: 37 KB, 460x359, 1240607062484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22593415

How do I make money off of battery day? Buy Australian lithium miners?

>> No.22593412

>stocks can behave both rational and irrational at any time and
>money making strategies work until they suddenly don’t
>fuck you

>> No.22593415

Battery day will see no significant price movement. The market doesn't jump on scheduled things known well ahead of time. Never. Only surprises move the needle sharply.


>> No.22593437

>Is this called recency bias? Seems to be the mentality of 75% of investor/traders you see talking on any platform

>> No.22593444
File: 4 KB, 250x159, 1594620892471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22593591

>Unity IPO
>Corsair IPO
>Red Friday
>Covered calls

>> No.22593468

Ah yeah, you can definitely be the next Bezos or Bill Gates if you play the market hard enough. Extremely high IQ

>> No.22593488

its easier to make money on the way down imo

>> No.22593511

Problem with covered calls are if the stock dumps and you do a safe looking call at a price point beliw your entry and it gets called away you effectively are in the same position as selling it at a loss if you didnt do enough covered calls on it prior to being exercised and the stock dipped enough that a small pump wrecks you out of the shares. Not to mention if it pumps bigly which is why im not a huge fan of covered calls

>> No.22593591

Wanted to buy Unity but
>their financials
>ipo price hiked twice already, now at approx. $54
>refer to financials, now refer to all the big gaming companies who have good financials and have about the same stock price

Sadly Im gonna have to sit it out, not about to get /IPO'D/ like those who bought SNOW at $300 the other day.

>> No.22593631
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>> No.22593665
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Quoted by: >>22593700

>So now that we are in a bear market for the next 2 years
>bear market for the next 2 years
>the next 2 years
>2 years
Ten years. At the very least.

>> No.22593669
Quoted by: >>22593965

Yeaaa except why the fuck would you choose a strike below your entry in the stock? That isn't a problem with covered calls, that's a problem with retards that can't trade them.

>> No.22593680
File: 41 KB, 566x472, 1570856845496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, covered calls aren't a panacea but I'll just tell you what I do and you can give it some thought. I own a lot of SOXL and sell monthly covered calls. I start by selling 3 calls usually 30 or 40% out of the money. This yields something like $1500-$2000 a month depending on current IV. If the price of SOXL moons and my covered calls go ITM, I just roll them up and add another couple of calls to take care of the loss so now I'm short 5 calls. If it moons even more I will roll those 5 calls up and add another 5 calls for a total of 10 short calls. These 10 short calls are so ridiculously out of the money compared to where the month started that should they happen to get assigned then fuck it I probably doubled my money that month just on the appreciation of the stock so it's time to sell and take a breather anyway. This has never happened.
Now imagine it's a normal month and we get close to expiration and my 3 calls are way OTM. I go ahead and sell the other 7 calls for a bit extra premium and everything expires worthless a few days later. Wash rinse repeat next month.
I'm not saying this is the Holy Grail perfection but I've backtested it, walk-forward tested it, etc. to the nth degree and it has failed none of these. Even last month where the whole market just mooned hard out of nowhere I made money on my calls.
With the premium from these calls I buy more leveraged ETFs. Current favorite is FNGU

>> No.22593681
Quoted by: >>22593763


>> No.22593687

Masayoshi Son has been selling SoftBank holdings at increasing speed so he has more money for deep OTM tech calls.

>> No.22593700
Quoted by: >>22593835

Lile 1930s all ocer again? At that point Im better of going all in on dividend stocks or withdrawing my cash from the brokerage and setting up a business or doing something with it to make money.

>> No.22593749
File: 194 KB, 1080x1212, Screenshot_20200918-024951_TD Ameritrade Mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22593782

I did know that and it's sad.

Their quarterly dividend was a justification but the audacity for a penny a share. I thought I was fully out when they sold off ge applications and to China. Disgrace

>> No.22593763

>Buy this figurine so you can enter a daily in-game lottery
I hate modern video games so much.

>> No.22593782


>> No.22593816

FUCK I need savanon

>> No.22593835
Quoted by: >>22594150

Yes. The united states was always a socialist country now it's rearing it's ugly head.
Now comes the ""free"":
Housing, food, water...

Get out before the passive investing bubble pops. It's going to be ungodly, it's so deep I doubt there wont be violence.

Fuck stocks I'm prepping a home powerwall.

Just set up a business on the internet that ships goods/ service.

>> No.22593896
File: 10 KB, 470x91, 1584068038331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stocks go down for one (1) day
>down to lows not seen since tuesday

>> No.22593911

retarded kpop spamming tranny gme shill got banned. we must rejoice for the 3 days of good /smg/ we will have.

>> No.22593949
File: 2.01 MB, 1021x1078, 1598762019575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen the news? West coast is on fire. Businesses are being looted and burned. People are shooting each other and cops in the streets.
>Diversity is our strength

>> No.22593965
Quoted by: >>22594743

Problem is if the stock is say $100. Dumped to $85. Sell a covered call at $100 for $2. Assume stock stays flat. Okay its like you paid $98 for the shares.
Do another month out covered call, premium is lower due to reduced volatility. The $100 strike is now $1.00. Stock enters a downtrend and ends up at $80 after the month. Your cost basis is equivalent to $97 (albeit the government doesnt see it that way so watch out for taxes). Sell covered call at $100 for $0.20. Basis is now $96.80 while the stock is $80. Stock stays at $80 for next 9 months but premium dropped to 0.10 due to lack of interest in option and stability at a lower price range. Congrats after 1 year your coat basis is $95.90....while the stock is at $80 showing no signs ofever recovering to former prices. Take a risk and do the $95 strike for a premium of $1.00 to lower your cost basis quicker. Stocks pumps on surprising news to $120. Congrats your calls were exercised for $95. Add the 1 dollar premium and its like you sold them for $96.00. But wait after all that effort on covered calls your coat basis before this last call was $95.90.

Congratulations anon you finally got rid of the shares for a whopping return of $10 for every 100 shares (risking $10k from the start)....alternatively $1000 for every 10,000 shares (all while risking $1,000,000 whem you first entered the position)

Thats why Im sketched out by doing covered calls. Albeit if I had that kinda money i would have better.move to do than that.

>> No.22593975

I'm sure it's fine then.

I really like these solar panels and the garden though, they keep me sane.

>> No.22593988
File: 420 KB, 729x582, file_3_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you know he's not just sleeping

>west coast is on fire
good they deserve it
>businesses are being looted and burned
bullish for amazon
>people are shooting each other and cops in the streets
bullish for SWBI and RGR

I fail to see the problem

>> No.22594018

Based detached investor.

>> No.22594025
Quoted by: >>22594106

Im just saying there is violence. I bought SWBI the first weekend the riots started.

>> No.22594035
File: 76 KB, 1024x1010, 1582414490049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22594073

If you're on top of the bubble don't surrender.

But do keep in mind Venezuela has the best stock market in the world.

>> No.22594046

Are we really in a 2 year bear market? The stocks I’m looking at only go up

>> No.22594049
Quoted by: >>22594091

I will start selling my market positions if the actual real economy looks like its improving.

>> No.22594057
Quoted by: >>22594273

See anon your method work well but it's differemt from the other anons method. The premium on yours is high due to it being a 3x leveraged etf. High risk, high reward. Whereas a stock that is stabler has lower premiums. Nonetheless yours is a well thought out move but requires the stock to be higher. Your method is actually one i wanted to try out before you even mentioned but have been priced out of soxl (i cant afford a lot of shares nor do i wish to buy right now when the market looks like its teetering at cliffs edge with sharp peaks and sharp valleys all around.

>> No.22594073
Quoted by: >>22594195

>yeah bro this time the US economy will collapse for real, for good, we were wrong in march, we were wrong in 2008, we were wrong in 2001, we were wrong in 1987, but THIS TIME it's OVER

will stocks go down? probably
will stocks go back up? eventually

>> No.22594089
Quoted by: >>22594273

Also what do you meam by "roll them up"? Not entirely sure how this works. Also as Im curious in your opinion would you suggest someone interested in this strategy buy SOXL or even TQQQ at this time (say they only have about 30k to work with, enough for 1 cc on soxl or 2 cc on tqqq)?

>> No.22594091
File: 51 KB, 720x274, 1598581673168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real economy is fucked lmao
2021 house crash soon

>> No.22594106
Quoted by: >>22596039

I don't think the violence will cause a broad market sell off until November, or maybe October if smart money realizes how much blood could spill on election night and gets out early

But after that I'm bullish regardless of whether Trump or Harris wins (dispensing with the farce that Biden is running)

>> No.22594150

>home powerwall
What's that?

>Just set up a business on the internet that ships goods/ service.
Im gonna need an idea first so idk how long if ever that i come up with one and can actually run it

>> No.22594152

Most of the "bears" are bulls pretending to bears to lower their cost basis.

>> No.22594195

60 million evictions EOY.

Just because it doesn't reach you yet doesn't mean it wont reach you in due time.
Do genuinely hope you have a good rural home.

>> No.22594228

Literally won't happen. Either Trump or Biden are more than willing to write a check to solve this problem as shown by Trump bucks.

>> No.22594253
Quoted by: >>22594372


>> No.22594273

Your time will come. We're so far above the 200 daily moving average on SOXX the drop is all but inevitable.
>Also what do you meam by "roll them up"?
Right now I have sold 3 October 16th 315 calls. If in the next 2 weeks SOXL moons to $315 I will buy those calls back and sell 5 calls at probably $350 or so. That is "rolling them up".
>Also as Im curious in your opinion would you suggest someone interested in this strategy buy SOXL or even TQQQ at this time (say they only have about 30k to work with, enough for 1 cc on soxl or 2 cc on tqqq)?
This particular strategy really works best when you have 1000 or more shares since you start with 3 calls then 5 then 10. You could maybe do it with as little as 500 shares then sell 1 call then 3 then 5. The trick is to have some in reserve so that if your calls go in the money you can roll up without losing money. That's why you need so many shares and why you start by selling only 3. I really don't want to sell my SOXL but should they double in price in a month I would make an exception. This strategy pays me to make that bet every month.
With 30k you could buy 240 shares of TQQQ so you'd only be able to sell 2 calls. That said TQQQ has weekly calls so maybe you could sell 1 at the beginning of the week then sell the other a couple of days later. There is also the option of buying TQQQ LEAPS which are deep in the money calls with an expiration a year or two down the road. These will be cheaper than buying shares and each LEAPS you buy entitles you to sell covered calls against it. Without looking I'd say you could easily buy 5 TQQQ LEAPS with 30k and sell 5 calls. Maybe even more. If you want a great rundown of the strategy, read Options as a Strategic Investment. Just search for it on library genesis

>> No.22594318
Quoted by: >>22594532

What is selling calls for x price then buying the same calls to cancel it out at lower price strategy called?

>> No.22594334
File: 98 KB, 600x451, slow blow fuses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rest of the world is not going to let that fly, they use USD too, sure it's all just paper but the US went to war to protect said paper. There are levers to ease social tensions but there is always a cost associated. Do you really believe the deepstate would surrender the global utility of the US dollar even through gradual process?

I expect honest to god UBI proposals late winter.

>> No.22594351

That’s great news! I reported him a lot for avatar fagging like some other anon suggested. And they say /smg doesn’t give good advice

>> No.22594354
File: 44 KB, 512x512, 1600304190150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't buy. Hide.

>> No.22594362

Nah there isn’t goin got be any more money, they’ll just keep extending the eviction moratorium and landlords will continue to seethe

>> No.22594372
File: 2.85 MB, 480x848, 1597365455347.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will they prevent evictions?
If they print 2 trillion more, then the dollar collapses.
If they suspend payments, then the companies don't have money to pay employees.
If they forgive loans, then the companies just liquidate.
The boulder is rolling down the mountain, nothing can stop it.

>> No.22594378

>I expect honest to god UBI proposals late winter.
If that happens and gold reaches 2500 an ounce that will be the end of the dollar. Because people would rather go off mining for gold in rivers and streams than work at all.

>> No.22594379

That's awesome. He was so annoying.

>> No.22594382

No bro, you don't get the deep state's goal. The goal is to Americanize the whole world with open borders, globohomo, etc etc and give everyone UBI.

>> No.22594399
File: 225 KB, 500x586, bulletproof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22594485

>dude it's totally gonna collapse this time dude you need a bunker man and a thousand years of rice or you're ngmi
Can you at least wait until we've dipped double digits to go full terminal bobo?

>> No.22594408
File: 51 KB, 615x441, 1599741915301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is section 8
Niggers don't pay rent. The government pays rent for them.

>> No.22594410
Quoted by: >>22594532

I should mention that your strategy also works well due to in part that you got the shares cheaper than current prices (I recall you from another thread mentioning something about having bought them for about $135 as you are the only anon Ive seen posting his 1000 shares of SOXL). Not sure how well it'd work if buying in at current prices. Just saying this so anons dont end up going all in and getting btfo'd due to being unfamiliarized. Nonetheless I guess I dont have much of a choice but to sit and wait as i had wished to done what you did but sadly was not quick enough to purchase those shares at great prices

>> No.22594417
Quoted by: >>22594448

I just have no idea what will win out overall. Too much uncertainty.

I expect UBI PROPOSALS I am not sure they will pass if they want to hold onto the USD's global influence. They killed so many already to cement it.

>> No.22594426

>average IQ in France
mon dieu, is zuch a ting even possiblé?

>> No.22594448

The problem with us dollar is that the inflation is too low, not other way around.

>> No.22594485
Quoted by: >>22594525

Looks like a healthy and enduring society, that.

It's still got pump left. I've been bobo since the original Wuhan footage leaking out.

>> No.22594503
File: 22 KB, 622x217, ratsuchan bomber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22595829

The art has improved significantly yet again, Dynamic Paneling and Neoplasticism have truly come into their own. This chapter feels darker and more cruel than the last, evokes Ernst Junger's Storm of Steel. Alois oozes menace and Miss Tong is highly lovable. Many questions are raised, if Miss Tong isn't a rat, what is she? Which school does Ratsuchan need to blow up, and why? What are the flies used for? The only fault I can find is Miss Tong and Alois should have more eyeshadow.

>> No.22594506

>noooo not my renterinos
Landlords get paid by the government wherever there is diversity.

>> No.22594518

guys. maybe i'm retarded and missing something. but like where is the limit? i don't understand if it's possibly for spy to be 1000 in the future, that would imply companies with multi-trillion market caps that just keep increasing
is it really so simple as "yes things would just go up and there is no issue with that" or what am i missing?
or are we looking at a huge reset in the far future

>> No.22594524

GME will survive any collapse you throw at it

>> No.22594525
File: 333 KB, 1078x1006, 1565504487509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22594630

>I've been bobo since the original Wuhan footage leaking out.
I hope you don't mean you missed the bottom in March because you were too busy doomposting about mass graves in New York to recognize what was happening behind the scenes

>> No.22594532
File: 236 KB, 2274x1295, 1589161555352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is selling calls for x price then buying the same calls to cancel it out at lower price strategy called?
You're describing a bull call spread
>Not sure how well it'd work if buying in at current prices
Yeah, that's me and having a nice price cushion helps. My suggestion if somebody is hesitant to buy right now and really thinks the market might go down, wait for SOXX to hit the 200 day moving average then buy your SOXL. Pic related shows where we are now and where the average is. The last thing I want is somebody to make a rash decision and get BTFO'd reading my shit

>> No.22594536
Quoted by: >>22594566

Just buy stocks if it ever gets that bad money will not be an issue at all.

>> No.22594566

I can buy stocks. People losing their job and house cannot.

>> No.22594568
File: 103 KB, 851x559, Screenshot from 2020-09-18 03-47-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22594612

Their sales and earnings do keep increasing but sales/price is too big now.

>> No.22594589
File: 252 KB, 891x620, 1592698833422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22594676

eventually we're going to reach a mid to near future economic bottleneck due to increasing automation, even if you bring all the manufacturing back to America it won't employee anywhere near what it used to

the trick will be sustaining the system where 40-60% of the population is surplus to labor requirements regardless of qualifications, and that's unironically where a UBI comes in

unironically read the Expanse novella "The Churn", it accurately describes life on Earth in the mid future

>> No.22594612

i don't mean that. damn i don't really know how to put this idiot concept to words
not the individual companies, that's not what i mean
basically, can shit just really go up forever into retarded big numbers??

>> No.22594628
Quoted by: >>22594676

>basically, can shit just really go up forever into retarded big numbers??
Sure if there is inflation. Combine inflation with compound interest and you get big numbers.

>> No.22594630
File: 93 KB, 220x220, 1582060103634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have company share increasing nominally while the real value stagnates or winds down.

Everything is cost/ benefit. No free lunch.

Was pretty nice bounce, plenty of friends got in too. Used it to stock up on essentials.

Going to prefab cabin if all goes correctly.

>> No.22594650
File: 240 KB, 1152x4096, Egl_1oBWAAUAzca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, the only requirements are an ever growing consumer base and an ever growing debt

the raw resources to sustain the beast will be pilfered first from china, then africa, then the belt and luna

>> No.22594653


>> No.22594676

nah not this either.. imagine like just a perfect or neutral situation, like past decade, but it just goes on forever. that would mean numbers so ridiculously large
not really what i mean either, like not individual companies, but entire market

>> No.22594682
Quoted by: >>22594797

What makes you think it's HAPPENING? Surely not coronavirus, is it? I am also stocking survival goods, but because of the impending civil war in the next few years.

>> No.22594732
File: 38 KB, 474x368, OIP (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is 16 Psyche, an exposed planetary core made almost entirely of heavy elements like gold, uranium, and iron

it potentially holds $700 quintillion of gold at current prices

say something nice about it

>> No.22594743

Except again, you're mis-applying covered calls. Selling covered calls is a part of the traditional investment cycle, one of the last before exiting an investment. The entire idea is:
> Invest in a stock IPO
> Have price target based on potential catalyst
> Price target eventually reached, if not far surpassed leading you to believe it's overvalued
> Sell ITM calls dated out in anticipation of dips, still well above your buy in price because you bought at IPO
> Etc
That's at least one way to play them, the fundamental concept your missing is you're traditionally supposed to sell calls against stocks you've held for long periods of time, or at least have seen significant gains on already. There is nothing rational about buying 100 shares of a stock and then instantly selling calls on them, it's essentially gambling and if you're going that route so much more potential upside buying calls instead.

>> No.22594747
File: 20 KB, 585x190, Screenshot from 2020-09-18 03-53-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22594963

They rent to car salesmen. Their line goes up on a straight line since June for some reason. The only REIT I've seen that has been going steadily up since June.

>> No.22594797

It's all a question of what the people at the bottom are willing to take.

Not sure what to expect but the first major throes should come late winter.

The whole system is obviously propped on the poorfags at the bottom as soon as they refuse to foot the bill & it becomes so intolerable they can no longer churn out product and consume the system is a pure turn and burn until they get ropped back in socially. It's already obvious we are doing economically stupid and infeasible things on massive scales.

>> No.22594848
Quoted by: >>22594878

Where do I apply to be a space miner? I have mining experience on Earth.

>> No.22594854
Quoted by: >>22594878

Probably screaming radiation considering it's a proto planetary core, very nice. Approach the rock at your own risk.

>> No.22594871
File: 42 KB, 750x741, 1530903466126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22594957

relax, the poors want to be poor.

>> No.22594878

just crash it into africa and mine it in situ, you'll only lose most of africa

>> No.22594957
File: 311 KB, 664x570, 1580338165220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22594979

Idk man these proto-Maoist struggle sessions are really activating my amygdala.

I want distance and seclusion while I can still get it.

>> No.22594963
Quoted by: >>22595082

Data center REITs
Look at them gains on EQIX, DLR, etc.

>> No.22594979

literally just throw the poors a grand a month, yeah you'll get some inflation but America needs that to avoid Japanification right now, and you'll basically be giving steroids to consumer spending

>> No.22595032
Quoted by: >>22595055

All for it. It's literally just paper. I can't understand why they aren't throwing.

Do they want the riots to completely breach hope for containment? Are they that incompetent that they'll fight over the wheel of the car on the freeway?

>> No.22595055

and anyone smart enough to dump their UBI in the market will make it and deserves to make it

>> No.22595056
File: 1.09 MB, 498x498, 1561166924014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we won't even get enough inflation even if we do this though

>> No.22595057

Will qqq ever recover?

>> No.22595073

what stocks are a buy
should I wait for a larger dip

>> No.22595082

>Look at them gains on EQIX, DLR, etc.

>> No.22595088
File: 68 KB, 640x474, fuaqwz60yf311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throw money out of helicopters
>throw communists out of helicopters
>repeat until no more communists and 2% inflation

>> No.22595097

Bought Seadrill. If I lose my bux I’m blowing up the /biz/ headquarters

>> No.22595117

GME and yes, your portfolio should be 50% gamestop 50% cash right now

yeah after the election

>> No.22595130

yes, +100% eoy


>> No.22595154

Consumers are purchasing durable goods now as replacements for services due to economic worry & virus panic. Neither of which will let up soon but every day they deny issuing free green is MORE they will have to issue down the line that wont even get spent.

This is literally their only hope and the window is closing on the possibility of even minimal damage control. They sit and do nothing. I can't understand what is going on.
God what I'd give to be a fly on the wall of these political discussions up top. What do they know that we don't?

>> No.22595230

True, but its important to understand that this round of rioting isn't about money. It's about racism. Throwing money on racism is dumb and won't work. It looks like bribing people to pretend that racism isn't an issue.

>> No.22595247
Quoted by: >>22595364

orange man bad, delay stimulus so president harris and her mascot biden beat orange man

racism literally wouldn't be an issue if niggers had money, you can absolutely bribe them to shut up

>> No.22595268

Unironically HD and UNH

>> No.22595286

white man bad
whie man do bad fing
me do bad fing too teach white man lesson

>> No.22595327
Quoted by: >>22595364

The riots aren't about racism. You're taught that they're about racism.

>> No.22595364

Racism wouldn't be an issue if niggers went back to Africa.


>> No.22595401

Who is buying right now PM on a Friday of the Witching. I don’t understand. Just to phase in DCAing, just I’m case or what?

>> No.22595474
Quoted by: >>22595588

Is the witching really a big deal? Seems like it's just a meme and doesn't really mean anything

>> No.22595583

>futures up
>muh witching

>> No.22595588
File: 112 KB, 979x551, Screenshot from 2020-09-18 04-41-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well look at SPY in June. It looks like a similar mess.

>> No.22595632
Quoted by: >>22595778

I wonder if any wageslave has ever made it here without option trading

>> No.22595651

Those green and red line majiggers crossed in June just like they did now too. Hmm.

>> No.22595661
Quoted by: >>22595745

June didn't even break into correction territory, it was just clear air turbulence

>> No.22595745
File: 107 KB, 967x546, Screenshot from 2020-09-18 04-45-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fed stopped printing around then. On the other hand, we've been flying really high until now.

>> No.22595778

Nobody has ever made it here. There are poor people that stay poor, and people who have already made it, and then come here and end up poor.

>> No.22595798

Threadly reminder to reinvest dividends

>> No.22595828
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>> No.22595829
Quoted by: >>22595972

theyre bombing twizzle's school to get back at her for the nightmare curse

>> No.22595883

>using fixed rules for the market

>> No.22595893
File: 3.82 MB, 731x1080, 1595880690525.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22595985

Why yes, I'm buying 100 GME shares an hour after open, how can you tell?

>> No.22595901
File: 25 KB, 600x600, 1599984366605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22595963

>space mining

>> No.22595902

RSI isn’t oversold, whatever MA’s you have crossed/my MA’s crossed that always ended up a correction or crash after (other than 1 time of turbulence in June), I can’t think of anything good going on in the country, Fed talk gave us bad news, why’d the market rally like this in the first place.... fill in what I’m missing?

>> No.22595915
File: 71 KB, 789x603, IMG_20200918_105428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time to get into water stocks?

>> No.22595946

>“With nearly two-thirds of the world’s population expected to face water shortages by 2025, water scarcity presents a growing risk for businesses and communities" -CME

>> No.22595963
File: 397 KB, 643x605, herewego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leftists fear extending mankind's rightful domain

>> No.22595972
File: 8 KB, 826x64, jootg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhh! I forgot about milk world >_>

>> No.22595980

Is it a good time to invest in HD?

>> No.22595985

I absolutely love water. I have to watch myself to not get water toxicity and I easily drink the min of what my body weight, height and activity should drink a day. As soon as I see a sink after a long day, my heads under it.

>> No.22595997
File: 67 KB, 674x960, 1598062610166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and hydrated

>> No.22596008

>investing in water in a place with no water.

>> No.22596023

When we meet the aliens, the first thing they’re going to ask them is “How has white privilege affected your people?”

>> No.22596030

Imagine buying up all the water in California and letting them die of thirst.

>> No.22596039
Quoted by: >>22596067

The violence causes silence though

>> No.22596057

redpill me on PEG ratios

>> No.22596058
File: 304 KB, 1280x853, 1600314902617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22596094

How do I long colonialism?

>> No.22596067
File: 216 KB, 1200x802, 1591375822635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22596107

Violence will cause the deployment of LRADs. LRAD is the opposite of silence.

>> No.22596094
File: 13 KB, 154x300, pizzahutproton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are no good, publicly traded space companies (and I don't think this is a coincidence)

>> No.22596107
Quoted by: >>22596155

Who are you mistaken? "Durr Its not me it's not my family"

>> No.22596155
Quoted by: >>22596204

you slapped some words together but not in a way that actually means anything

>> No.22596204

What I mean is they are fighting in your head. It's the same thing since 1918. Also you are correct I was just quoting a song you reminded me of but I will stop now.

>> No.22596226

Most people here are mentally ill so a miniscule red for even a couple hours incites them to post pink wojaks.

>> No.22596264
File: 36 KB, 360x328, 1599665203641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but its a whole red week

>> No.22596311

The only time I've felt mentally ill is when I was taking the meds.

>> No.22596331
File: 2 KB, 125x107, CB744A51-D32D-40B5-881A-081F111BF033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-It’s been a whole red month anon

>> No.22596342

I’ve been bleeding out my ass since September 3

>> No.22596417
Quoted by: >>22596572

>one red week
>the world is ending!!!
Jesus fucking Christ how new are you guys? 2000 took FIFTEEN years for the Nasdaq to recover. 2008 took three. Hell 2018 ended with 3 red months. And guess what, if you invested in the top before any of those times, you’d still be up. Have fucking patience and stop buying high and selling low

>> No.22596520

It always been time

>> No.22596527

Should i be investing in water? Was already thinking about buying some utilities

>> No.22596567
File: 201 KB, 1080x1350, 8854F37B-DC05-49A9-A601-1142BF0847AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I’m trying to study and learn more how to read candles. Why is the daily candle gapped down from yesterday but green? Also why is the candle green if the stock closed red?

>> No.22596569

Beyond retarded

>> No.22596572
Quoted by: >>22596735

>just fucking hold
what a fucking meme. if i did that I'd be still holding RTX since march and not made shit meanwhile meme stocks like GME go up. I could go back to RTX with a better position right now.

>> No.22596620

Because bullshit that's why

>> No.22596635
Quoted by: >>22596832

Are tech stocks doomed or is this a setback

>> No.22596666
File: 32 KB, 120x120, greenmenace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horsechads how we holdin' ?

>> No.22596686
File: 104 KB, 896x960, 1507788818359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling because of your satanic sixes.

>> No.22596735

So sell your stocks in companies that have decades of profitability, employ hundreds of thousands of people and are staples of american economy for a loss and buy meme stocks. Nobody’s stopping you.

>> No.22596788

2 weeks until contract, Horsem8, then we ride for real

>> No.22596792
Quoted by: >>22596887

Disgusting cumskins. And that girl in the orange has a bulging neck vein. She’s ready to have a massive heart attack from sucking so much nigger dicks.

>> No.22596832
File: 99 KB, 750x727, 9410F05E-76EB-4016-BA9D-82F27C613F66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah tech stocks are doomed. Boomers gonna go back to retail malls and corded landlines. Businesses gonna go back to office spaces, paid parking, and buying office supplies and computers for their employees.

>> No.22596867

So just hold?

>> No.22596875

This but not ironically

>> No.22596887

I put it as reading signs, signals, indicators. How a daughter resembles her mother and you can read them like a book to know to stay or get out.

>> No.22596962

Long dillards?

>> No.22597025
Quoted by: >>22597068

Honest to God opinions on BlackBerry stock? Sitting at like 4 dollars a share now and it's a big producer for online security.

>> No.22597062

Who else drunk as fuck right now? Bouta keep drinking until markets open and do something retarded with my hard earned money

>> No.22597068
Quoted by: >>22597113

No one talks about it. It is better to be in stocks people talk about as people typically buy stocks they hear about.

>> No.22597113

Wouldn't a company doing really well under the radar be good though when people do start to talk about it? I mean Cloudflare is at like 30 bucks now but is probably going to be worth way more in a year or so.

>> No.22597137
File: 279 KB, 1920x824, 697929CB-3D5F-4479-803D-F917D455E77E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22597276

Where’d the volume go in this thread?

>> No.22597252
Quoted by: >>22597298

Why the fuck is Tesla worth more than Walmart?

>> No.22597276

It’s 3 am friend but don’t worry I work nights and it’s my night off so I’m drunk posting

>> No.22597286
File: 25 KB, 500x415, 1600373196808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22597438

Ok so i have 25k settled cash, i bought 15k worth of amd in the aftermarket yesterday, and im planning on selling in the premarket today. Will this cause a free trade violation?

>> No.22597293

Is OKE going to moon once travel is unbanned? Asking for a fren

>> No.22597298

You do know Walmart has split more times than Tesla

>> No.22597325

based horsie heading for $30 today

>> No.22597336
File: 145 KB, 1123x1200, 1599244907737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of biz

>> No.22597359
Quoted by: >>22597513

i'm having a stroke or you're more retarded than i am

>> No.22597368
Quoted by: >>22597421

I’m fucking done, selling everything tomorrow and going 100% cash thanks to this post

>> No.22597421
Quoted by: >>22597564

might as well.
general sentiment is shifting to fear.

>> No.22597433


>> No.22597438
Quoted by: >>22597465

No, why would it? You bought stocks of a company and then sold it. You’re allowed to swing trade.

>> No.22597450

When is it too late to buy WKHS? I bought a chunk of it at 14 but I just got a windfall and want to buy more.

>> No.22597465

2 day settlement.

>> No.22597513
Quoted by: >>22597563

Same thing gets repeated here every time tesla reaches new ath
Why is worth more than x

>> No.22597517
Quoted by: >>22597553

2 or more day settlement only applies to buy stock. You said you bought AMD with settled funds, so you are allowed to sell it whenever you want as long as long as you are within the PDT rule if it applies to you.

>> No.22597524

is SPY the only ticker which has 3/week options?

>> No.22597525
Quoted by: >>22597553

I think that only occurs if you buy with unsettled funds.

>> No.22597553

oh alright. it says AMD is pending settlement though

>> No.22597555
Quoted by: >>22597569

Should I buy KODK ? Or is this a meme ?

>> No.22597563

time to exit market thanks to this post

>> No.22597564

Wait never mind I’m spending whatever cash I have on calls thanks to this post

>> No.22597569

KODK is the beta test of the true Crony Capitalist state

>> No.22597606

Is it time to cash out my 3 years of apple gains?

>> No.22597617
Quoted by: >>22597687

I just received a packet and a post card for mail in voting yesterday. Should I mail my vote in or walk down and vote like I did last time?

>> No.22597651

Sriously though guys DDS? Shoet swueezing like GME?

>> No.22597687
Quoted by: >>22597736


>> No.22597696
File: 184 KB, 1124x1133, B0395A0D-D2EF-4917-AD8C-AAF389FEE601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright bros im drunk and what some serious advice on my portfolio, volume is low right now so might as well start some conversation

>> No.22597736

It is decided. I will keep this oath.

>> No.22597761
Quoted by: >>22597778


>> No.22597776

needs more meme stocks tbqh

>> No.22597778
Quoted by: >>22597811

This, fuck niggers. I wish I could shoot niggers but instead i only catch Mexicans trying to cross the border

>> No.22597808
Quoted by: >>22598130

Do you actually get the items you order from BABA or do you get scammed, if you are from USA? What’s the percent 20% will get your item 80% scam?

>> No.22597811
Quoted by: >>22597900


>> No.22597844
Quoted by: >>22597866

apple looks honestly oversold so it's probably gonna tank the moment I buy in

>> No.22597847
File: 13 KB, 606x139, le bearmarket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22597945

>everything green
>just shy of all time high in the middle of a fucking pandemic
>Oy vey, what a bearmarket!

>> No.22597866

>apple looks honestly oversold
what fair market value would you put on AAPL, apart from what people have been paying for it lately?

>> No.22597900

>literally get paid 17% dividend to fund the incarceration and beating of kangz
It's going to pump massively with Trump's reelection too. The may not even cut the dividend.

>> No.22597908
Quoted by: >>22597998

horse 30$ eod?

>> No.22597923
Quoted by: >>22597959

$90-100is a fair value, $1.6t is fair. That gives it about 30-40% TTM gains which is Reasonable for Apple.

>> No.22597945

What's going to happen when a bear market does come though?

>> No.22597959

what % of people currently holding AAPL do you believe care about that?

these are serious questions i'm not trolling

>> No.22597975

Stock market entering a bear phase means there are other assets with better returns, probably the actual economy is improving.
So....anything really.

>> No.22597977
Quoted by: >>22598053

Any other winners im missing out on

>> No.22597990

apple fundies are atrocious, I'm just looking for the next oscillation. 120 hopefully.

>> No.22597998

What happens if horse doesn’t get the contract out of 4 other candidates they are picking from? $20?

>> No.22598000
Quoted by: >>22598024

What are you asking? Sorry I’m drunk

>> No.22598012
File: 45 KB, 983x825, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22598024
Quoted by: >>22598064

right now you've got retail retards, informed retail, and institutions holding AAPL
what do you think the ratio is?

>> No.22598031


>> No.22598041

Can't fucking wait to drop my TSLA stock on battery day, it's so annoying seeing it go up and down like a fucking yo-yo.

>> No.22598043
Quoted by: >>22598061

at least BYND is down

>> No.22598053

everyone was talking about PEB earlier

>> No.22598058

DESU MRNA is almost as offensive.

>> No.22598061

I bought it yesterday when it dipped hard so I'm making money at least. It peaked at 200 a share so I'll probably sell around that, depends how much the chinks like it.

>> No.22598064

Well a quick look shows 62% institutional ownership. I’d say 20% smart retail, as in the retail investors who are dealing with 6+ figure accounts and actually care about their financial futures, and the rest is retards from twitter and tic toc who bought at $490 pre split.

>> No.22598069

yeah kek someone doesnt know basic economics but works for CME

>> No.22598079
File: 93 KB, 384x538, 1946_23_foucault_tk_neu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to buy cheapies.
Look at the 50 year graph of the DOW, you can't even see the "big 2020 crash" without zooming in. The FED fuckery has completely decoupled stocks from reality for good. You can just buy buy buy at any time and within a couple months you'll inevitably be up. People laugh about the "new paradigm" meme but it's flasifiably true. Look at the graphs for the 20th century. When stocks were still related to the economy, the DOW would sometimes crab for literally decades. Those times are over, the system is completely altered. "crashes" are now just big inverted circuit breakers that slow the DOW down just a little bit if it gets too parabolic and after a short time the rocket just continues.
Don't think, just buy.

>> No.22598100

None cuz 5g, wearables, and media package

>> No.22598105

so nearly 1/5 of ownership
why would you then say AAPL is oversold, if it's already 40% over what you say is a fair valuation?

>> No.22598123

>wkhs still hasn't even reach mainstream
it will never go below $30 after today

>> No.22598127

Does 'institutuonal ownership' mean that it's an actively managed fund, or is most of that just index ETFs?

>> No.22598130

I buy machinery on Alibaba, I've probably spent about $60,000 on it. You have to do your due diligence but it's not a wasps nest. Stick to verified Gold Supplier sellers with onsite checks and you should be fine. But most sales on Alibaba are negotiations, its not usually just "add to cart and pay", and talking about product specs with someone using Google to translate Mandarin leaves a lot of scope for miscommunication, so you need to also not be a retard.

>> No.22598136

>but let’s use fresh water for fracking

>> No.22598138

>The FED fuckery has completely decoupled stocks from reality for good.
look at the one adjusted for inflation?
Based on what reality? Stocks are a good which price depends on supply and demand.

>the DOW would sometimes crab for literally decades. Those times are over, the system is completely altered. "crashes" are now just big inverted circuit breakers that slow the DOW down just a little bit if it gets too parabolic and after a short time the rocket just continues
Thats because of the revival Keynesian economics.

>> No.22598147
Quoted by: >>22598173

I didn’t say it was oversold that was this guy >>22597866
I said $90-100 was a fair value. Obviously hoping against that as Apple is my 3rd biggest position but who the fuck knows

>> No.22598158
File: 256 KB, 1029x831, C70EDCC9-BF75-484E-A553-991D0AC98D87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking sink water

>> No.22598160

But they just devalue the dollar and take value from the working man so it evens out. Downside is workers get shafted. But even poor live like kings now so it has worked out. I dont see the problem with our system. We have a cool 2-3% inflation each year and get sweet gains

>> No.22598173
Quoted by: >>22598195

ah i wasn't checking IDs

>> No.22598176

my line voodoo told me it was oversold short term.

>> No.22598195

Hey it’s all good chief I hope you make lots of money in the stock market and I hope I can find another beer because I just drank my last one

>> No.22598222

someone fill me up why there are so many TSLA haters, is it really only because of the cult-like fanbase?

>> No.22598233

The stock defies the laws of finance and it makes a lot of people mad

>> No.22598256

>FED fuckery has completely decoupled stocks from reality

Whose reality? Yours or the fed? Ever considered the stock market was an engine for middle income workers to build a nest egg while they worked and saved? That would make the fed a possible agent for good.

>> No.22598264
Quoted by: >>22598887

Not the only tech stock being manipulated every which way by big money (see OSTK, PTON, W, etc.) but both its CEO and his fanboys are the most obnoxious people in the entire market space.

>> No.22598283
File: 178 KB, 1200x769, OOOOOOO AAA AAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22598285

Much like Trump things keep happening that should fuck Tesla up but they just bounce off. People fear what they don't understand.

>> No.22598342

This is a perfectly reasonable portfolio for longs if you bought all of them low. Boring but respectable.

>> No.22598348

>the fed a possible agent for good.
Why yes, a small clique of private, anonymous and non-elected individuals should literally own the concept of money for their own benefit!

>> No.22598368

surely they would never misuse it
especially with zero oversight

>> No.22598379

>Ever considered the stock market was an engine for middle income workers to build a nest egg while they worked and saved?
This would be laughable to see in normal times but all QE has done is destroy the middle class every single time. It is already making millionaires and billionaires even more wealthy at the expense of everyone else.
It is such a consistent effect of QE I almost wonder if they do it on purpose.

>> No.22598381
Quoted by: >>22598492

Let him mess up his hormones with the fluoride and heavy metals in it.

>> No.22598383
Quoted by: >>22598390

Anon, congress and the president decide if they print money in the first place....

>> No.22598390
Quoted by: >>22598491

congress came up with the $120B/month number?

>> No.22598399
Quoted by: >>22598992

I been doing some DD and checking it out already but wanted to talk to some people who actually ordered from Alibaba’s platform. Yeah, I’ll stick to sellers that are using Mandarin you can translate and understand. If it is variants that even the Chinese government have trouble with, let alone google translate I’m going to pass. You ordering $60,000 so far is confidence inspiring though. Thanks for the advice and info.

>> No.22598416


>> No.22598429

Pretty sure it was for rich guys to dump on middle class workers

>> No.22598443
File: 287 KB, 620x480, CA111393-6E2E-4005-B925-603A81D19203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s another crab day

>> No.22598446

maybe our nurses will fucking get to work now

>> No.22598451
File: 335 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200918-073421_Finance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ibio takes a break.

Now its tsla's turn hahaha

>> No.22598453

How long we thinking for a XOM recovery after being dropped from the DOW

>> No.22598463
File: 3.17 MB, 2121x1414, MONKE ZONE BIZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the day is only young anon, come to monke

>> No.22598465

is there any reason not to sell a put for a price you want to enter a stock at instead of just setting a limit order to enter there?

>> No.22598482

Both definitely spy on your shit. The only sucky thing is that you practically need wechat when doing anything in China.

>> No.22598490
File: 116 KB, 492x353, DearestBlackandtancoonhound_51f02d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22598491
Quoted by: >>22598713

>The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave the Federal Reserve responsibility for setting monetary policy.

>> No.22598492
Quoted by: >>22598543

My sink water is filtered as close to H2O as you can get with the best possible filtration and purification equipment I’m USA. It’s USA designed and made equipment. I also have my own well, no city water throw chemicals at chemicals to fix what they messed up chemical fest and no fluoride. Especially no heavy metals getting through as small micron membrane the end result has to go through before it comes out of my sink:

>> No.22598493

>stock's been bleeding for weeks
>finally starts going back up this week
>fucking dumps back down for literally no reason today

>> No.22598497

Sirs, do the needful, buy AAPL. My bags are getting heavy.

>> No.22598511

Congrats, you figured it out

>> No.22598531
File: 112 KB, 817x920, E1F8467A-770F-4B75-A1D3-5B32DAB40009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I had to do was buy stocks over the years but I was raised by poor parents and didnt know anything

Gta 5 going crazy. Buying stocks. Went up 400% since then. Everyone is using photoshop super popular. Buy stocks straight to the moon. Everyone is using iPhone and going crazy. Buy stocks straight to the moon. Jeff bezos is becoming a mega millionaire everyone using amazon. Buy stocks goes up 600%. Everyone using an iPhone they release laptops watches music. Buy that stocks go straight up. Microsoft released Xbox everyone uses windows huge ass platform. Buy that stocks go way the fuck up. Google is fucking everywhere buys YouTube owns the internet goes way the fuck up.

All I had to do was put like 50s in there couple hundred over the years here and there keep adding more to it and all of it would of just shot up to the moon with no doubt and no risk.

Now those companies run everything and profits and revenue are flatlining and everything is the same. I missed the chance and now I lost too many years of my life I have to gamble everything and now the market is fucked because of corona unemployment those companies running the world inflation people going broke no money to spend


I’ve even been making good money the past 3 years and I could of been doing this the entire time and it would of shot up to the moon but FUCKING NO!!!! I didn’t know now I’m fucked

>> No.22598543

Enjoy turning into a tranny drinking from your well of gay you queermo.

>> No.22598547


>> No.22598569
Quoted by: >>22598768



>> No.22598575

pessimism will destroy you, chip up buckaroo.

>> No.22598580
File: 10 KB, 228x220, 1599498933068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22598595

Because the system was designed to fuck you kid.

>> No.22598595

It’s my fucking parents fault

>> No.22598603

Now imagine if you invested right now, where you’d be in 5 years

>> No.22598612
File: 262 KB, 956x521, crab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can make money going down or stocks going up but is there a crab QQQ where you bet on money going sideways

>> No.22598620

wtf delete this

>> No.22598633

it's okay fren, just learn to day/swing trade. also im pretty sure you're the same "0 risk" anon that was complaining before and if so you're a gigantic faggot because it wasn't that simple even back then, and there are opportunities like that now that you probably don't even realize because guess what no one fucking knows the future and everything has a risk of failing.

stop being a fucking pussy. scared money don't make money, bitch.

>> No.22598636

For those that actually use TA what resources did you use for learning it?
>inb4 just buy my course bro

>> No.22598637
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Quoted by: >>22598690

tfw too retarded to figure out how to do puts on trading212 but its probably a blessing

>> No.22598642

>down 30%

>> No.22598645

I’ll be old and killing myself by then that’s why I’m fucked. And there’s no new opprotunity like back in 2013-2017

>> No.22598653
File: 386 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200918-074335_Finance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my UEChads and uranium Chad's at?

>> No.22598657

if the chart doesn't speak to you TA isn't for you

>> No.22598667
Quoted by: >>22598745

Youtube seems pretty good there’s a lot on there. I learned most Japanese with fucking YouTube alone

>> No.22598673
Quoted by: >>22598759

>year 2013
>man there’s just no opportunities like there were in 2010-2013

>> No.22598690

CFDs Anon.

>> No.22598691

Yeah and there never will be again. Humanity peaked back then, it's all downhill now. Might as well give up.

>> No.22598706

The cycle of life continues

>> No.22598712

to be fair these days all the promising companies just get acquired by google and amazon to kill competition

>> No.22598713

the titanic sank for this

>> No.22598720
Quoted by: >>22598748

Wtf are you talking about. This coronavurus have turned stocks into crypto except there is at least something tangible.

Fucking get a job, save like 1k a month and put that into stocks. You can turn that into big money fast

>> No.22598745
Quoted by: >>22598802

Agreed, but I meant what are the specific channels to watch / follow

>> No.22598748

>there is at least something tangible
so if AAPL goes out of business, they'll send me some unassembled iphone parts or mp3 files according to how many shares i have?

>> No.22598759

Everyone’s already using iPhone. If Jeff bezos gets anymore richer he’ll rule the world. Everyone already has windows and photoshop. Apple is just releasing the same device every year

The only thing I see is Tesla right now and that’s sketchy as fuck because I don’t think anyone’s going to switch cars and make a 35,000 purchase like that people are already really attached to their car brand.

It’s gonna require Tesla partnering with Volkswagen or selling batteries and software to every car company I think to go crazy like that

>> No.22598764
Quoted by: >>22598815

I went to California for work last week. Came home and bought 200 shares of Tesla. Every 20th car on the Freeway is a Tesla from San Diego to San Jose.

California might be full of faggots and heathens, but it’s full of rich faggots and heathens with no children to spend their money on.

>> No.22598768

I have a tranny phobia. I’m calling my doc right now to check my test levels. Starting 2 a days workouts and doubling up over this.

>> No.22598770
Quoted by: >>22598804

>if apple goes out of business

>> No.22598774
File: 163 KB, 1074x1432, 20200918_064838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22598856

>teleports behind you

>> No.22598792
Quoted by: >>22598836

Zoomers are soiboys are obsessed with Tesla. Bet on the future (Zoomers) not the dying past (Boomers).

>> No.22598802

Just go back and watch older videos and see who’s predictions were right

>> No.22598804
Quoted by: >>22598869

ok, then where are all my HTZ rental cars or my TLRD suit

will i get some used games in the mail when GME goes out of business next year?

my point is there's nothing tangible behind stocks

>> No.22598811

>so if AAPL goes out of business
if the #1 company in the world goes out of business we will be having more serious problems m8

>> No.22598815

What does selling cars have to do with Tesla?

>> No.22598823

>wake up
>GME green pre-market
wow, well the red afterhours spooked me a bit
wonder if today's going to be another +5%

>> No.22598827
Quoted by: >>22598980

Sounds like you have some stuff to work out.
Do you drive a hybrid?

>> No.22598836
Quoted by: >>22598906

Yeah I’m watching Tesla. I watched them dip down to 330 and didn’t buy like a retard.

I think this crash is gonna be huge

>> No.22598856
File: 381 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200918-075337_Finance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao fuck.

When will nio catch up?

>> No.22598869

Equity holders get paid back last in bankruptcy. There is something tangible behind equity, the company itself. If the company itself doesn't exist then you don't have anything tangible anymore. Is this really that hard to understand?

>> No.22598876

Made $90 so far today on a CFD. I’m longing it though, not a day trade.

>> No.22598881
Quoted by: >>22598960

No Nonsense Forex if you want to create a system based on indicators, LiveTraders if you want to learn how to read price action and volume patterns on a naked chart with no indicators (maybe a basic 20/200 EMA, i also like to have a 50 EMA on the volume subgraph to make it easier to see above-average volume spikes).

NNFX literally makes it a point to give everything for free and never charge for anything, ever. also his youtube channel is basically "complete" now so he's done uploading, he finished saying what he wanted to say. LT still posts all the fucking time, they sell courses and a chatroom but you can literally just not fucking buy any of it, there are hours and hours and hours of material on there on the level of a college course (1-2 hour long videos, tons of them). everything on his youtube is free and you can learn everything from there. he also shares his watchlist every morning on his twitter for free: https://twitter.com/ScalpMaster1

Warrior Trading is also pretty good but he does a lot of penny stock shit im not interested in. He records his trading live so that can be interesting to watch though.

im just gonna reiterate because it bears repeating: pretty much anyone who sells shit has a bunch of free shit as well and you can learn everything you need for free, $0. it's really not difficult idk why so many people get hung up on this fact. if you don't like one guy's free stuff, then move on and look at another guy's free stuff. you can even get books for free online, just look for pdf's, for example: https://www.pdfdrive.com/how-to-day-trade-for-a-living-books.html

>> No.22598883

next earnings report if they continue to grow sales probably

>> No.22598887
File: 924 KB, 3024x4032, 6341B3D2-A11F-45FF-8191-9CEF3A61C512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22598924


Most Obnoxious

*Adjusts turtle-neck*

>> No.22598897
File: 58 KB, 1024x1024, 1592491518661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dislike this UI
i want to play with it with practise money but i cant navigate it properly

>> No.22598906

>this crash
There is no crash bro. Trump would shoot his 1 trillion dollar QE cannon if that ever happened and the fed would increase the amount of corporate bonds they buy.
We can go down, sure, but crash? I don't think so

>> No.22598923

Working out doesn't mean shit Miss Bruce Jenner. A lot of athletes go trans, a lot of it is body dismorphia. How you decide to view yourself and what kind of water you pump your hormone filled body with is between you and your God.

>> No.22598924

>be the first to get your notch!

>> No.22598944
File: 37 KB, 581x502, 119025135_3190559731065081_8582647983199241602_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22598973

wait i think i get it now

>> No.22598958
Quoted by: >>22599020

Is now a good time to buy?

>> No.22598960

Thanks man, I really appreciate this post. I've been watch Conquer Trading & Investing and he seems pretty good, covers a lot of indexes, PM, and crypto and isn't a meme from what I can tell. Will definitely check out those others you listed.

>> No.22598973
File: 125 KB, 1170x600, B560018D-1CE6-4369-99AA-78DECC67ADEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22599000

Just don't lose everything in the first week Anon.

>> No.22598980

Kek no. Carburetorated F250 that I buy lead to add to the fuel or a deleted and tuned diesel F350 that rolls coal every light touch of the pedal. Hold them both wide open everywhere unless it’s a cop sitting know area. Especially pedal to the floor blow smoke all over people walking on sidewalks or passing vehicles that look like hybrids.

>> No.22598992

Ive been buying counterfeit guitars and things that costs less then 2$ so i don’t care even if they don’t arrive. So far, everything i got has arrived but it usually takes a month+. Im planning to buy an IPS screen and some replacement parts for my Thinkpad and im a bit worried about the quality of the screen.

>> No.22599000
File: 505 KB, 998x768, hqxpo6p89jw21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not putting in real money
real money for meme stocks

>> No.22599010

What's the play today lads? TQQQ or SQQQ? Should I load up on GME, or has that ship sailed?

>> No.22599020
Quoted by: >>22599063

Probably. I bought at 9 dollars but, idk if they continue to grow I dont see it stopping.

>> No.22599039
File: 64 KB, 960x932, 1554653871379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based pozzed postmodernist economics

>> No.22599059


>> No.22599063

Has Gamestop put out any release or news about recent sell orders or preorders?

>> No.22599081

Paper trading accounts are dumb. I mean maybe they are good just for learning the technical aspect of what you are doing but the only way to actually get good is to use real money. There's a very real shitty feeling when you are down big and that will teach you much faster than anything else.

>> No.22599085
Quoted by: >>22599133

If market goes red SQQQ if market goes green TQQQ it’s that easy. Take the 2-4 percent profit and do it again tomorrow.

>> No.22599087

GME would be worth at least $50 if it's valued similarly to Bestbuy, under the assumption it'll finally stop the cashburn and declining revenues at the start of a massive console cycle. It's still close to being priced at bankruptcy (liquidation value is at least $5/share because of the amount of cash they have, more than debt)

it's still massively undervalued because practically all of the float is shorted, but if you're going to enter, expect potentially -20% downside short-term because it's volatile as fuck right now and it just spiked like +40% this week.

Verify the DD yourself

>> No.22599108

But as you said, it is good to know what each button does lmao

>> No.22599119

new thread when

>> No.22599132

The play is see what the market does and go from there. Right now it's good that the over night markets essentially were buying up the dip. We have to wait and see what New York does at 930. If the market keeps buying then that's a good sign and if NY sells off thats obviously a bad sign.
There's also a good chance we close green but not very much and we just crab around until we get stimulus money.

>> No.22599133
File: 45 KB, 352x395, 1579256273973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22599265

>Take the 2-4 percent profit
>it’s that easy
are you claiming to make 2% a day?

>> No.22599139

wish i got tqqq at 116 yesterday

>> No.22599153
Quoted by: >>22599491

>stock market was an engine for middle income workers to build a nest egg while they worked and saved
That's not what it's for.

>> No.22599155


>> No.22599161

>good just for learning the technical aspect of what you are doing
my plan was to make the 50,000 go down to a number similar to what i actually have and then take it from there

>> No.22599265

I wish, I can go a week making that but I eventually lose most of my gains and have to restart. I started with 100 bucks a few months ago and I’m up to 3200 I’ve been to 5k a few times but as I learn more I’m making more.

>> No.22599491

whats the alternative, buying 30 year bonds at 1.45% or keeping your money in the bank at 0.06% APY.