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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.20005366

Xth for

>> No.20005372


>> No.20005381
Quoted by: >>20005417

Will algos trigger my 11 stop on horse? I cant risk the loss and I averaged in at 8

>> No.20005403
Quoted by: >>20005470

Imagine thinking the Fed will let the stock market crash on Independence Day week. Just imagine how unpatriotic you must be to think that.

>> No.20005405

I have 15 shares BA for DCA $200
What do

>> No.20005406


>> No.20005412
File: 57 KB, 2258x2063, 3E302496-2B14-495B-AEF8-0F3B63F00861.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20005432


>> No.20005417
Quoted by: >>20005478

Put a mental stop loss, don’t let the Jews hunt you

>> No.20005432


>> No.20005440
File: 215 KB, 750x1334, 783140CC-6376-49BA-A3A7-984BF3B85782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just broke 25k with the Horse, bless.
Started with 5k two weeks ago

>> No.20005456

Workhorse is just a shitty name for an EV company. Will not buy. Sorry. Good luck to everyone else.

>> No.20005466
File: 300 KB, 1824x1070, Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 9.49.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever was shilling idex congratulations

>> No.20005467

listed a $10 strike cash-covered put for WKHS which would cover me down to about 7.70
that's the only way i'm getting in

>> No.20005470

It’s unpatriotic to pump trillions of dollars into a market that will fuck over every future generation come you stupid fuck.

>> No.20005478

So... 11? Lol

>> No.20005490

Show me 298 bobros

>> No.20005491
Quoted by: >>20008089

>it's patriotic to let people's entire life savings disappear into thin air

>> No.20005503

Can somebody please point me to where I could see examples of written smart contracts in code?
A few pages long? I need to understand this whole thing.

>> No.20005520
File: 142 KB, 1242x1214, cottagecheesew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20006609

The Horse will allow me to get a new 18 yo gf every two years for the rest of my life to avoid this

>> No.20005526

Just please, no more crab
>implying it isn't literally the most boomer patriotic thing ever

>> No.20005534
Quoted by: >>20007693

Who else getting JUST'd by AMD and NVDA?

>> No.20005546
Quoted by: >>20005603

Are horses holding? I'm up 20% today, and I'm all in. it's tempting to take the money and run

>> No.20005550
Quoted by: >>20005576

nasdaq down. dow up.
people just rotating out of tech
this may actually be bullish overall

>> No.20005568
File: 114 KB, 876x693, bearsbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright Mr Bogdanoff, pomp eet

>> No.20005576

Dow is up because Boeing is up.

>> No.20005585

i pulled the trigger, WKHS bros
i'm sorry

>> No.20005603

Set a stop dingus

>> No.20005641
File: 8 KB, 604x162, WKHS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20005673


>> No.20005673
Quoted by: >>20006322

I sold wkhs 10$ calls on Friday for 1.40 or so to buy spy puts

>> No.20005737

it went up
i bought something, and it went up
i can hardly believe it

>> No.20005856
File: 144 KB, 1440x1150, Reeeeeee these algos!!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20005950

Last time i touch low volume options. Pain the ass to sell anything and these bots always seem to try to force me into their favor. Should stick with spy or a stock with large option volume where they dont have as high amount of manipulation. Selling 1 option at a time to close it and if i try to sell even 2 at the midpoint they refuse and want to buy at the new midpoint after meeting them halfway!!!! Reeeee hate having to sell 1 at a time cause of these stingy bots. I hate algos!!!!! And these market makers who can manipulate shit.

Anyone know where i can look up stocks with high option volume?

Pic related. 100% confident that bid and ask are both being controlled by the same bots to push people to the price they want.

>> No.20005905
File: 37 KB, 350x350, 1593440019859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahaha my portfolio is in freefall

hahahahaha amazon is down but a fake electric truck company is up

hahahahahaha there goes my life savings

hahaha literally just absolutely baka my fuckign desu senpai

>> No.20005950
File: 150 KB, 1440x1235, Stock price still the same....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See now? Price action of stock still about the same.

>> No.20005971
File: 235 KB, 1440x1591, 1593440219821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20006255

hahahahahaha ngmi

hahahahahaha just about fucking done

>> No.20006007

Look at this criminal!

>> No.20006055

Market literally turned back up on a dime after I sold my calls at the bottom. Looks like I am back to being cursed. Taking a break from this bullshit.

>> No.20006131
Quoted by: >>20008410

Market went up. My calls are still struggling to be sold cause im done with freaking algos forcing me tp buy and sell at their chosen price.

>stock goes down 10 cents
>demanding i sell or buy at 0.20 premium
>stock goes up 30 cents
>they refuse to buy at 0.25
... yeah fuck no i need higher.volume options so i dont scammed by this nonsense.

>> No.20006134

Went all in on $CLDR with 300 @ $13.00.

>> No.20006220
File: 100 KB, 1080x1185, Screenshot_20200629-072417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you did buy SHLL after I mentioned it over and over for the past week or two right?

>> No.20006246

Do I profit take now workhorse bros? It cant keep going like this

>> No.20006255
Quoted by: >>20008033

buy GAN

>> No.20006273
File: 4 KB, 274x184, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checking in for the daily stocks only go up

>> No.20006322
Quoted by: >>20007822

HA I bought $10 WKHS calls for 1.40 on Thursday and got spooked by the bad presentation or whatever that drop was and sold at .88

Bought the top and sold the dip twice now, I'm just gonna accept that I've missed out on the horsies because I'm too impatient/scared.

>> No.20006363
File: 114 KB, 640x800, 1592717102232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't even go to the soup kitchen because of the second lockdown everyone scrambled to snatch shit up

>> No.20006410
File: 59 KB, 1024x655, 1566934737618m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20006736

>the bloodiest monday...EVER
It'd be pretty neat if bears could stop spamming their retarded shit every thread every weekend

>> No.20006602
File: 1.46 MB, 600x1067, margincall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick up the phone Anon, I know you see this post.

>> No.20006609
Quoted by: >>20006699

Is this an age difference or just angles and Photoshop?

>> No.20006615
File: 71 KB, 1125x198, 7851EDE4-AF06-404E-BEB1-BF2B04512A63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to make it?

>> No.20006618
File: 84 KB, 640x804, lb44co859k751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20006682

Believe in your thesis next time.

>> No.20006647

Take some profit, no?

>> No.20006668
File: 40 KB, 600x567, BE9DD2F0-4513-4588-B012-7FE0519D3B34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20006682

Yep, glad to have made a good amount on that huge ride down in March following that way of thinking. Over trading kills. Going to just feed the Roth for a while and revisit options sometime down the road.

>> No.20006699

It’s terrifying whatever it is. How can 3D piggus ever compete?

>> No.20006733
File: 63 KB, 770x514, 3-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crab day it is. natty is up bigly tho from bottoms. better grab a beer or two. nikkei still has lunch a break 11:30am to 12:30pm when trading is halted :)

>> No.20006736
Quoted by: >>20006943

Its 90% meme shit posting at this point.

>> No.20006762

Oh my God it broke 14

>> No.20006943
File: 524 KB, 842x1250, 1_38QD8tbJ8z7Q4WyI9VC6QA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its crazy how many people have been killed over the weekend and keep putting their head on the chopping block the next week, you'd think by now they'd learn that the QE measures are gonna hold up the stock market.

Real time to flip bearis is before august when the unemployment subsidies disapear and the virus will still be at large

>> No.20006965
Quoted by: >>20007978

>tfw took my gains out of SHLL and WKHS last week and now sitting here like a cuck

>> No.20006972

WKHS one of the most blatant pump and dumps I've ever seen. I feel bad for anyone FOMO'ing into it. Remember to take profits /biz/ I hate seeing you retards get raped even though most of you deserve it.

>> No.20006991


>> No.20007012
Quoted by: >>20007041

Is it? It actually seems like a real business compared to most of the shit you see getting pumped

>> No.20007037

nah its going to moon maybe to the 30 now that it broke the 14$ gap. If gayass Nikolai can go to 70 then for sure workhorse can.

>> No.20007041

Take two minutes to look at their financials.

>> No.20007044

>cnbc still having niggers on to demand gibs
I guess ill watch fox boomer news

>> No.20007111

>sold ten shares of FB for a $750 profit
Life’s good boys

>> No.20007113

Anything on China or Brazil?

>> No.20007150

i wanna say thanks to the bro who recommended me to buy CLSK

>> No.20007257


>> No.20007336

i have fully memorized and applied the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition (excluding the liberal garbage that started in 2371).

weep at my annual 5300% gains

>> No.20007431

What the fuck is happening with fastly? Down 10% in minutes.

>> No.20007466

hmmm... after reviewing your holdings and giving it some thought... i can say with 100% certainty that... YES! you will make it.

>> No.20007612


>> No.20007623


>> No.20007632
File: 63 KB, 960x726, picardflute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20007677

based /trek/ edition. Picard is by far the best captain. Just a noble fuckin dude. maybe a little too rational and a little less emotive, but that's ok.

>> No.20007634

What do you anons think WKHS's EOW will be?

>> No.20007643
Quoted by: >>20007668


>> No.20007662

I think it'll stabilize at 15

>> No.20007665
Quoted by: >>20007682

what does everyone think? it’s struggling

>> No.20007668


>> No.20007677
Quoted by: >>20007731

he was great before the show Picard. God I feel bad for hardcore fans of TNG it must be like watching someone shit on a Monet.

>> No.20007682
Quoted by: >>20007741

If you didnt get in Friday you missed the leg up, get out now or hodl until the Walmart partnership materializes more

>> No.20007684


>> No.20007692

>it's getting weaker
>treatments working

>> No.20007693

Same. My only positions at the moment and it's not good, could buy more at current price, but think I'll just wait it out.

>> No.20007718

tfw no Shelliach

t. Am Shelliach

>> No.20007724
File: 89 KB, 766x718, gnus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GNUS down again
>in no rush
Is this just cope or is there actually a bull thesis for GNUS? What are the odds that people like them with dump as soon as they're green?

>> No.20007731

yeah the new Picard show was pretty fucking disappointing..

>> No.20007732

>false dilemma fallacy
i vote for neither of those clowns you legit fucking moron. you fairy.

>> No.20007741

Fortunately I did at about 2.40, but this is still a far cry from the $18 “analysts” estimated or the “surefire” $8

>> No.20007772

Tesla seems really undervalued right now.

>> No.20007789
Quoted by: >>20008029


>> No.20007795

TrUmp WinS

>> No.20007801
Quoted by: >>20008029

I know what you mean but that's still funny

>> No.20007802
Quoted by: >>20008029


>> No.20007817
File: 644 KB, 726x726, 1582950096536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20008029

Elon reverse FUD

>> No.20007822
File: 18 KB, 332x306, 1571603775465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell cash covered puts at $7.5
you either have a sweet buy in or you get free money

>> No.20007823
Quoted by: >>20007841

back to $15 plz

>> No.20007831
File: 787 KB, 1680x1050, 1556422192566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20007944

a pair of delicious tits for green day

>> No.20007841

No :')

>> No.20007843

Im down $10k so the only way is up for me now. I will hold for years before i sell at a $10k loss

>> No.20007844

can't believe i sold some $7.50 calls on WKHS last week. they are going for over $6 a contract right now when i bought them they were $0.60 wish I held but i got back into at $12.5 calls and they are printing so i cant complain too much.

>> No.20007875
Quoted by: >>20007949

I feel kind of bad for Ford, they are really trying hard to make great cars and nobody really cares because all the meme stocks are so much more interesting. The new F-150 looks insane.

If I had to choose though WKHS is going to be better than F any year every year.

>> No.20007876
Quoted by: >>20007951

I tried to tell y’all last week, I’ll do it again
If you’re fomoing WKHS, get in on solo

>> No.20007900
File: 40 KB, 600x600, sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp they just let 10 people go in my company (out of 110 people) and cut salaries 5%.

>> No.20007913

nice try inside trader

>> No.20007919

I want some leverage on WKHS but i'm not going all out some gonna buy some ITM calls

>> No.20007924

Lend the horse your powers bros

>> No.20007927
Quoted by: >>20007942

you guys got bought goybook at premium?

>> No.20007929

Rly? I got a promotion and a 10% raise. Normally raise is 13% but tough times I guess.

>> No.20007941

one of my friends also got a raise as soon as he went back to work

>> No.20007942
Quoted by: >>20007982

>implying i would ever buy facebook
i wouldn't touch that company, not for profits, not for anything. we need a pogrom.

>> No.20007944
File: 504 KB, 658x848, 69e85d91f80681b24b3571b5a83ed1a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mmmmm milkies

Some faggot is going to report this for being off topic, and I bet it will be a seething bear.

fox has never told me anything except who to be angry at...
what's on bloomberg or one of the weird online financial news things?
Or maybe catch the segments from this morning you missed....

>> No.20007945

i got 400$ SHLL or VXRT

>> No.20007949

Ford trucks are unreliable, poorly engineered trash that require constant repairs after 1 year of regular use. You're just coming up with an imaginary narrative to justify your ignorant biases. Literally any other popular car maker has a better product. GM is miles ahead in technology and reliability.

>> No.20007951
Quoted by: >>20008078

>3 wheeled cuck cars that will roll the second you take a fast corner


>> No.20007955
File: 163 KB, 960x720, d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any diamond hand DENN bros in the house?

>> No.20007962
Quoted by: >>20007994

I got laid off last week, was a data scientist for a big company

>> No.20007966

How to into promotion anon? How many years? I only got a dollar per hour raise in December after a year.

>> No.20007973
Quoted by: >>20007994

thats a cute momiji

>> No.20007978

Same anon. Hold me. I sold at $9.30

>> No.20007979
File: 10 KB, 1082x536, 1593411954530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how you can buy into WKHS right now and not feel bad about "FOMO" -

Buy X00 shares @ $1400
Sell X covered call @ whatever for insane premiums.


>> No.20007981
File: 215 KB, 563x596, 1584844602936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BP Exits Petrochemical Business in $5 Billion Deal


Energy giant BP PLC ( BP ) has agreed to sell its petrochemicals business to British chemicals company Ineos Ltd., in a $5 billion deal that will help reshape its business for the global transition to lower-carbon energy, the company said on Monday.

fucking disgusting company. I just sold all of the BP stock I picked up back in March. I don't care if they go up to $500 I want nothing to do with them.

>> No.20007982
Quoted by: >>20008057

Fuck Faceberg. Deleted my profile in college 10 years ago. Faggot shit.

>> No.20007984
File: 30 KB, 400x300, CH_roman_weekend_02_web[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20007989


Of all the shit to buy and hold this one confuses me a good bit. Denny’s is awful and the customers and staff are only slightly above homeless people on the rungs of society

>> No.20007994
File: 366 KB, 800x1131, 3b180994410a528da7d05099e560983b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20008040

I diamond hands held my calls to zero.
Good for you DENNchad

I was just thinking of looking into that for my old and neet ass.


>> No.20007996

One year. Hired as a data scientist but I saw they really needed a proper server admin and programmer. Took up that role and got nothing but praise. It’s a comfy job. Do some programming and admin shit 10% of the time then whatever I want for the rest.

>> No.20008002
File: 35 KB, 220x239, 1593410829512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20008061

>Imagine sleeping in on Monday opens in this market

>> No.20008008

Where I live, Denny's is like one of three options to go to when bars close at 2am. Course I haven't been to a bar this year because I don't want COVID

>> No.20008012
Quoted by: >>20008147

Just placed 40x 10/7.5 vertical put spread on WKHS. Free money

>> No.20008019
File: 13 KB, 1182x133, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fill them pleasse

>> No.20008022

>ordering delivery thru uber eats
>planned on saving my free $30 discount promotion
>app autoselects it for me at checkout
>waste it on a $6 footlong from subway
>also end up paying 15% tip out of pocket which isn't covered by the discount
im financially ruined

>> No.20008024

Goddammit fucking Facebook go up
Been sitting here at 216 for days

>> No.20008025

>you already had it and typical corona virus immunity is 6-18 months

>> No.20008026

what's WKHS next move bros ? it's kinda crabbing right now i guess it cant just keep going straight up

>> No.20008028
Quoted by: >>20008186

both "wkhs" and "workhorse" STILL shadowbanned on r/wsb

>> No.20008029

Seems like the current sentiment is bearish for Tesla. Buying more calls.

>> No.20008033

I did, calls at $22.50 a few weeks back

>> No.20008034
Quoted by: >>20008064

>FB breaking out
Hope you sold puts

>> No.20008038

Bummer. I got a promotion last month with a 5% raise and at that time I was with the company for only 4 months.

>> No.20008040
File: 241 KB, 1000x750, I+might+as+well+contribute+something+from+my+image+folder+_0a55d5506d498dab8669581f01df7157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20008042

This is an opinion I see a lot, and hear from all my normie friends, but every experience I've had at Denny's has been fine. The food is decent. Not great, but certainly not disgusting like people seem to imply.

>> No.20008046

Added almost 40k today to my folio


>> No.20008047
Quoted by: >>20008131

Based what >>20007996 said

Just find some work that should be done, that no one really does, take ownership of it and you become an "expert"

>> No.20008050
File: 11 KB, 347x270, 1496173521751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20008057

same anon, 5 years now, don't regret it a single day. social media is filth and facebook is the sewer of social media. i feel bad for the shareholders but facebook HQ needs to be glassed.

>> No.20008059
Quoted by: >>20008117

This is what happens when you're a chronic masturbator. You have no energy and just think about sex all the time. You get up and instead of a nice peaceful morning, you get DUDE PORN DUDE SEX first thing on your mind. You miss out on the comfy cleat focus and ritual aspect of just getting up and having a nice cup of coffee in darkness. You aren't going to make it. You should just get a rope and kill yourself.

>> No.20008061
File: 163 KB, 1283x2048, EZ5jo-FU0AAtQsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20008114

imagine reposting rkg's pics...

I really hate myself for missing those NXPI and Wendy's dips... think we'll get the lunchtime lull?

>> No.20008064

Is it? Seems like heavy resistance at 216

>> No.20008066

Dip from profit taking maybe more then up we go. although it is dipping right now. Just wait and see i guess doesnt hurt to buy a little more if you ask me.

>> No.20008067

I get paid 23 an hour for what feels like glorified tablet repair. I'm not sure if this is a dead end or not, but I'm planning on getting a masters this fall and the school is literally 5 minutes away from the workplace.

>> No.20008071

gonna dip hard back to high 12s is my guess.

>> No.20008073

Ok anon, I bought in at $13 with all my life's savings and just got out, what is the next move anon?

>> No.20008078
File: 460 KB, 1200x666, 2A5D2CA3-739C-4719-8F24-30EE87F8A6EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SOLO is one of their models for fleets

>> No.20008081

Covid made me realize the amount of time I spend in bars. Now I just drink like an alcoholic at home.

>> No.20008089

Lulz. Yeah cause that's exactly what the Fed is doing, saving peoples savings, LOL XD

>> No.20008091
File: 1.99 MB, 206x310, E2E2014E-B4F5-486A-B29E-46E57C1405DB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20008129

>2 weeks of 2% drops every day
>finally a Green Day

it’s like being rescued from drowning

>> No.20008092

Hands of diamond eggs of gold

>> No.20008101


my job tried to bring me back and I decided I'd just rather roll the dice with unemployment and then try to get another job next year. I made 41.50 an hour. minimum wage should be at least $50 an hour or it's not even worth working

>> No.20008111
Quoted by: >>20008144

Go for it dude. Just make sure it isn’t a meme degree.

>> No.20008112

Horse making moves again

>> No.20008114
Quoted by: >>20008174

is that a boy?

>> No.20008117
Quoted by: >>20009562

How old are you?

>> No.20008119
File: 147 KB, 518x442, 1588966759492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20008258


>> No.20008127
File: 326 KB, 701x525, 1577501477131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought some horsies this morning and just bought a fuck ton of this amd dip

>> No.20008129


no it's like falling down a cliff and bouncing upwards off a rock every now and then on the way down

>> No.20008131
Quoted by: >>20008189

Imagine actually believing this lmao underageb&

>> No.20008144
Quoted by: >>20008160

Is Technology Management considered a meme?

>> No.20008147

There you go buddy. Literally free money indeed.

>> No.20008158

>>GNUS down again
GNUS bagholders have a type of Stockholm Syndrome....

>> No.20008160
Quoted by: >>20008236

As a masters ?? Sounds like it. Comes off as certificate sounding. Masters needs to be balls to the wall bro. It’s your redemption arc. Get a good masters in a solid field and the tendies will flow.

>> No.20008163
File: 68 KB, 1474x842, collects_free_money_in_ur_path.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20008181

>he can't into options
heh , nothing personal poorfag

>> No.20008164
File: 937 KB, 1634x1200, 1591186030871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will we finally get Jerome hour today?

>> No.20008165


>> No.20008166
File: 292 KB, 1278x720, ((())).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>betting against facebook
hope you bought the premium at open

>> No.20008171

I will screencap this to laugh at you in 2 hours.

>> No.20008172

What do we see when we peer into the mind of a potential AMD investor? A glutton for punishment? Self hate?

>> No.20008174
File: 697 KB, 1263x1877, PutOnYourMaskSweaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah but the next picture is a little risqué.
>tfw no goth gf

>> No.20008176
File: 48 KB, 727x647, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Virgin selling the bottom followed by the Chad Pump

>> No.20008181
Quoted by: >>20008195

WKHS 7/17 puts are literally the easiest fucking money I've seen in a long time lmao

>> No.20008186

why? When will Reddit allow WKHS threads? When it's +25? Lmao you cannot contain the horse

>> No.20008189
Quoted by: >>20008207

Sorry not everyone works in pre-defined roles flipping burgers

>> No.20008190

um WKHS bros looking at the 1m chart looks like its about to go into a squeeze and make a big move either up or down in the next 10 mins. anyone else seeing this or am i a retard

>> No.20008195

break this down for an options noob what does that mean and what are you doing

>> No.20008197


Elon actually BTFO. FT wouldn't be posting something this absolutely inflammatory if they didn't know something we didn't. Look for Elon acting irrational the next couple months, the heat is being turned up HARD.

>> No.20008200
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>> No.20008203
File: 36 KB, 500x500, C4CAACE2-3D43-473C-B75A-C7C1A3253A29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>up 10% today
>down 35% the last 2 weeks

>> No.20008207

Too bad burger flipping is all you know, kid. Maybe when you are old enough to browse this site you'll find a real job lmao.

>> No.20008218
File: 2.20 MB, 600x600, NOOO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20009593

AMD is for r*ddit: the investor.

>> No.20008223
Quoted by: >>20008313

it means he is a retard that will lose money

>> No.20008226
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>> No.20008227
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>> No.20008229
File: 335 KB, 488x488, 1585314842328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20008264

CCH is reverse merging with UTZ.


I'm unironically in for 1.3k on that alone.

>> No.20008230
Quoted by: >>20008278

Paywall. Summary of article?

>> No.20008232
Quoted by: >>20008278

>registration required

>> No.20008236
Quoted by: >>20008259

It's the only degree available for Masters near where I live, is related to my bachelor's in Electrical Engineering, and is also cheap.

>> No.20008239
File: 270 KB, 657x527, 1592586951248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20008297

what are these retard-nigger flash crashes?
drop 50 SPX points for no reason, then literally straight back up in minutes as if nothing happened

what secret jewing is going on here? this whole things is suspicious as fuck

i bet a ton of retail traders get stopped out in these moves

>> No.20008240

Wait for $16 and load up.

>> No.20008243
Quoted by: >>20008278

Kiss your sister.

>> No.20008244
Quoted by: >>20008288

Place your WKHS limit buys at $12 Friends

>> No.20008258

He’s still smiling. Does he know sth we don’t?

>> No.20008259

You know good schools offer online degrees now right? Like Hopkins and penn state ?

>> No.20008261

FUCK I should have bought WKHS

>> No.20008264

Based. Love the jalepeno chips and of course pork rinds

t. CCHWS holder

>> No.20008265

You promise to buy 100 shares of WKHS at $10 if it drops to $10 or below on 7/17.

For doing this, you must provide $1000 collateral to pay for the 100 shares at $10.

For promising to do this, you are getting paid $190-200 (current price).

This means at worst, WKHS drops to $8 in which case you break even since you got paid that $190-200 (-$1.9 ~ $2 per share). At best, if WKHS is at $10.01 or above on 7/17, you keep the entire $190-200 you got paid for this promise. Since it makes no sense anybody will sell you 100 shares at $10.00 instead of $10.01.

You also have the option to free up your promised collateral money by "buying back" this promise for a lower price later on. If WKHS rises to say, $40 - the chances it goes to $10 are way lower. So that means this promise to buy at $10 becomes near worthless. And you can buy back this promise for like $20 instead of the original $200. Now you're up $180 in total and you have no obligation anymore and have $1180 from your original $1000 collateral. This netted you a 18% gain.

Hope this helped.

>> No.20008266
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1319, apu jew smug menorah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought FB.
What do you think?

>> No.20008272

I’ve got $130 to invest. Any recommendations?

>> No.20008271

buy it now pussy its going up

>> No.20008277
Quoted by: >>20008620

Kek, I started making that selling hydraulic components in the Midwest, with a degree in an unrelated field. Most of a year later I'm up to $25 with a 5%bump at completion of year. Turns out Eng. Physics is only good if you intend to stay in academia as slave labor, interview didn't even ask about my degree or work experience.
I'm debating if an EE masters would serve me better, but I still don't have a clear idea of whether or not things are recovering or not.

>> No.20008278

Literally google "paywall bypass extension" you broke ass motherfuckers, FT is a must have subscription for any trader worth their salt anyway.

>> No.20008280

dip incoming, time to jump in boi

>> No.20008284


>> No.20008288

B-but wait, 12 is my stop loss

>> No.20008292
Quoted by: >>20008592


>> No.20008297

That is whales fucking retail traders manipulating the market looking for stop losses

>> No.20008299
Quoted by: >>20008336

oy vey, goy
every company is pulling FB racist ads
what do you think?

>> No.20008301

Easy money. Emotional retards think it's finished but if you consider their moat and ROIC, it's a no brainer to hold it.

>> No.20008303
Quoted by: >>20008320

>online degrees
I keep forgetting this shit exists.

>> No.20008305
Quoted by: >>20008337

Not sure if retarded, shill, pretending, or all 3.jpg

>> No.20008306

it's not too late

>> No.20008313
File: 200 KB, 658x1100, ETUgJZkVAAAcL0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling cash covered puts for high IV stocks with a strong business plan like WKHS (unlike NKLA) is free money. You can say otherwise, I'm taking my 20% on 7/17 puts and smiling.

>> No.20008319


>> No.20008320

Glad to remind you anon. Good luck.

>> No.20008321
File: 33 KB, 803x817, 1576417175431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy amd in the high 40's
>wait for poomp then sell @ 54 or 55
>wait for it to dip back to 48/49
I fucking love amd. I've been repeating this cycle for a while now and it's just printing money

>> No.20008324

>online degrees
>worth anything at all whatsoever
o am laffin

>> No.20008331
Quoted by: >>20008363

What sort of highs are we to expect for AMD for the remainder of this year?

>> No.20008336
File: 65 KB, 1007x1024, scheming apu .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every company is pulling FB racist ads
Isnt it based?

>> No.20008337
Quoted by: >>20008669

I'm being serious, how many of you fuckers get your pump and dump picks from here god damn? FT is literally the most relevant financial news source since late 2018

>> No.20008342
Quoted by: >>20008369

What strike ?

>> No.20008345
Quoted by: >>20008408

They don't print "Was Achieved Online" on your diploma you know. You get an online degree from a regular state school and not a school obviously famous for "online" like Phoenix or whatever no one's going to be able to find out or know.

>> No.20008349

Are you 12 or third world poor?

>> No.20008360
Quoted by: >>20008413

>taking opinions from boomers

>> No.20008363
Quoted by: >>20008386



>> No.20008365
Quoted by: >>20008669

Go figure it is. Got one from Hopkins and literally doubled my salary with a new company thanks to it. Then got promoted after a year n got a 10% raise. Had an 8% raise at my 6 month mark. Been pretty great.

>> No.20008364

i consider myself a fairly smart guy but no, i'm still lost. why do you get paid to buy shares later?

>> No.20008367

based easy 230

>> No.20008369
File: 77 KB, 531x558, 1591141768703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20008395

$10 strike is still selling at $2 with chasers. 20% for 7/17 expiry.

>> No.20008372

SOLO still running

>> No.20008374

>the one time you buy a meme stock it skyrockets
Ty based anons

>> No.20008376
File: 79 KB, 441x960, SomeDumbBroad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many years did it take for everyone to realize FT was right about Wirecard?

>helpful response
>about to be buried in a flood of "it's still going up you should totally still buy!!!

>> No.20008380

due diligence.

>> No.20008386

What about next year? AMD is killing me

>> No.20008391

you want /ptg/ friend you can invest on stocks worth less than a buck

>> No.20008395

I hope a whale doesn’t dump you into the range friend. Good luck. I’m rooting for you.

>> No.20008399
File: 153 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200629-091159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been banging the table on GoldMining I hope you've listened

>> No.20008403

That reminds me. Will we get a second
sometime this year?

>> No.20008408

Mate, the purpose of a degree is to connect with like minded individuals and to build social networks with future colleagues. If you actually want to study something, you can simply do it by yourself.

A degree doesn't show what you know, it basically shows what class of people you associate with. A stanford stem student doesn't inherently know any more than some state school stem student, what gives the degree any value is the prestige.

>> No.20008410

The bots are gaming the system and obscuring the true value of these options. They arent forcing you to do anything, the true market value is just different from where the current limit orders are, and the algos are gaming that. I learned that lesson the hard way as well - bought my first 10 puts ever at a premium 50% higher than the actual market value because the algos price point made my limit order seem like a steal

>> No.20008413

Ahahaha, have fun with your scrabble stocks dude, I'm sure Jay's market will last to infinity and beyond ahahahaha. Boomer news, hnnnnggggg I'm laffin

>> No.20008416
File: 280 KB, 1200x1800, 1571721011574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3x bull etfs all green

>> No.20008422
Quoted by: >>20008477


>> No.20008425


He's bombarding you with a little bit too much information. Do you understand the difference between calls and puts? Calls mean you think the price will go up, puts mean you think the price will go down. What you can also do is "write", and then sell, options contracts to other people yourself, meaning you're betting the strike price won't be hit. He's saying it's profitable to sell people puts because it's unlikely that the price will go down to $10 again. However, if it does, you're obligated as the options seller to buy and provide 100 shares of WKHS to the person exercising the put.

>> No.20008426
Quoted by: >>20008504

You get paid to buy the shares in case it drops below that price. Basically it's insurance for people with a bearish sentiment.

Think of it like this.

If you're someone who bought WKHS at $3 a share and you want to hold it til the end of time but are scared that it might suffer from an insane flash crash or leg down later which will bring it to $8 or lower, you buy a put at $10. This guarantees that you can sell your shares at $10 no matter what the price is on 7/17.

So if WKHS drops to $5, and you bought your shares at $3, you can sell them at $10. But you paid $2 per share to guarantee this. So you effectively sell them at $8 instead of $5. It's like insurance.

And if WKHS doesn't drop to $10 or lower, they lose $200 to you but at least they had that insurance or peace of mind.

>> No.20008430
Quoted by: >>20008468

Okay retard. Im a poorfag and I buy $100 worth of stock at a time. I made $300 this month trading. You gonna tell me my gains weren't worth the miniscule effort it took to make them?

>> No.20008431
Quoted by: >>20008458

Well colleges are done as we knew them as long as people keep running with the COVID scam so your point on networking is irrelevant since gatherings have been permabanned in several states' university systems for this coming year.

>> No.20008433

I wish I could draw meme lines

>> No.20008438

decided to buy in again, don't know how the market is going to go, i doubt a massive crash is going to happen if the fed keeps pumping cash in.

And we all know the boomer saying "Time in the market is better then timing the market"

>> No.20008450
Quoted by: >>20008571

Riding SOLO is FUN

>> No.20008452

>fb outperforming with ad boycott
>amzn zm nflx nvda uber zm
damn it feels good

>> No.20008453

just much safer to buy the shares while they are cheap

>> No.20008458

What are colleges doing? Like are freshman going to colleges in the fall?

>> No.20008459

be a good horse and pump to $15 again so I can sell and rebuy

>> No.20008463
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>> No.20008470


>> No.20008468
Quoted by: >>20008656

Don’t listen to him. He’s a dumbass. Investing small amounts of money here and there is a fine strategy.

>> No.20008472

I think you're bombarding yourself with a little too much information retard, when you sell a put it is cash covered, why would you need to give someone shares when they are exercising a right to sell ahaha

This board is the blind leading the blind golly gee

>> No.20008477

What proof you have? i don't believe you anymore

>> No.20008482
Quoted by: >>20008505

>tfw overpaid for irl Hopkins

>> No.20008485

good explanation anon, the only thing you left out is that if WKHS drops to $5, you're still obligated to pay the $10 for the shares (which would mean a loss of about $300.

so the question is.. does anyone see workhorse being below $10 in 18 days?

my only fear would be if the USPS reveals that workhorse didn't get the contract, because i think the contract is priced in at this point.

>> No.20008488
File: 615 KB, 1200x849, oImHjUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WEN UP 3.3%
NXPI UP 3.3%


>> No.20008487


>> No.20008492
Quoted by: >>20008540

Was it exactly $14?

>> No.20008495

Ohhh, my Tesla calls are printing already.

>> No.20008500
File: 2.49 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20200612_160320_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep wondering if it's going to crash so I feel safe buying in but it only goes sideways or up.

>> No.20008504
File: 56 KB, 600x558, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20008505
Quoted by: >>20008538

Wait you WILLINGLY went to live in Baltimore?

>> No.20008506

i fucking told you horsies not to set gay ass stop losses

>> No.20008515

>my only fear would be if the USPS reveals that workhorse didn't get the contract,
This is a good point. I hadn’t thought about that.

>> No.20008518
Quoted by: >>20008562

NKLA is all bullshit. They don’t even have working models, right??

>> No.20008521
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 5CCD638E-A725-4AE6-914F-4EECE273033C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airline and cruise chads.

>> No.20008523
Quoted by: >>20008553

I have three shares of TVIX at 163... what should I do with them since it’s supposedly being delisted?

>> No.20008530

Should I sell my horse? I'm up 40%

>> No.20008538

Yes and I’ve only just now recovered from the culture shock, i was there during the Freddy Gray shit too kek

>> No.20008537

yo guys should i go into AZN or VXRT AZN recently got 127 mil from the brazil gov while VXRT is in operation warp speed with the US gov

>> No.20008540
Quoted by: >>20009684

13.50 after the 15 hit. It dropped to 13.49 and triggered

>> No.20008545
File: 892 KB, 300x300, 1551130024382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else considering jogger stocks for Black Out Day on July 7th?

>> No.20008553

sell them you tard

>> No.20008557


That ship has sailed

>> No.20008559
File: 137 KB, 870x820, 1470072589380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own LUV.

>> No.20008561
Quoted by: >>20008596

Good point here. The USPS contract was in speculation since April however and I firmly believe WKHS is largely affected by TSLA and NKLA's performance. Since NKLA is showing signs of weakness, WKHS is outperforming since investors and financial institutions see strength in it. Russell listing also gives it actual solid backing as well. I don't see it going below $10 for extended periods of time, if ever.

>> No.20008562
Quoted by: >>20008650

yes NKLA is actual bullshit. They're barely an actual company

>> No.20008565
Quoted by: >>20008615

Bajor is part of the Federation as of the end of DS9.

>> No.20008566

buy the dip faggot

>> No.20008567

i bought at 25$ now i'm holding it better moon

>> No.20008570

I made money on that jogger bank, and not going to try that 2/3.

>> No.20008571
Quoted by: >>20008695

I have a question. SOLO has never reported earnings, has never made a penny, has never manufactured a car and is a 2 year old company. Whats the deal with its stock going up?

>> No.20008573
File: 240 KB, 1329x1429, 1582262300568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20008608

>aal luv ba

>> No.20008574

i already got burned on jogger stocks, never again

>> No.20008576
Quoted by: >>20008597

So if the eternal crab is real,would it not be better to hold a long term dividend portfolio while selling spread options?

>> No.20008578

CCL here

>> No.20008590
Quoted by: >>20008619

Where did the iceberg memes go?

>> No.20008592

based IVR chad

>> No.20008593

opinion discarded

>> No.20008596
Quoted by: >>20008637

Should I just keep my WKHS and perma-long it, or sell it and try to buy back cheaper?

>> No.20008597

If the eternal crab is real, just buy 3x leveraged ETFs when RSI is <25 and sell when RSI is >75. Profit!

>> No.20008600

Jogger is dead news now everyones moved on I would keep my ears out for a better PnD

>> No.20008606

CA:AC here

>> No.20008608

I'm thinking of buying more BA. I remember when Airbus had their crashes and now people love Airbus again. I think it will be 5-6 years for the big payback though

>> No.20008609
Quoted by: >>20008637

The bids are due July 14. They won't decide who won in 3 days for the 17th expiration dates.

>> No.20008615

Sorry this happened in the novels. Two years after DS9.

>> No.20008619
File: 862 KB, 1580x2238, 1592669759692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.20008620

So much this. My job >>20008277 is currently due to a girl I tried to fug but ended up pseudo tutoring her through what later turned into a failed ME degree. Another individual I also helped out with that ended up pointing me to the IFPS certs and good god are they useless but have resulted in constant payraises to specify hydraulic components for people. I get to shitpost most of the day and wonder about whether or not I should go back for another degree.

>> No.20008626


>> No.20008628

on the flipside, if they do get approved for the contract, WKHS is unironically going to at least double in price. since it's no certainty, theres a lot of speculation but a confirmation would be great

>> No.20008629

Thanks, Anon.

>> No.20008632
File: 1.01 MB, 245x245, tumblr_mzek4c6MQ61qzwq6ro1_250[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FB @ $218

>> No.20008637
Quoted by: >>20008674

Forgot to mention this. Very important point.

If you already have 100+ shares of WKHS and believe in the company fundamentals, you can perma-long it while selling covered calls to take advantage of the extremely high volatility. This in turn LOWERS your dollar average cost for the stock.

>> No.20008648

>all cash
cmon even i know cash is a meme
where is the other one

>> No.20008650

Sold my NKLA profits to buy in on the horse. Let the EV war begin!

>> No.20008656

This. Buy $50 a pay period on long holds and spend $25 a few days a month to day trade until you learn what you're doing

>> No.20008660
Quoted by: >>20008686

ez 200, airlines are booking to capacity starting july (aal 100% ual 85% luv +fare summer sale) BA got FAA to test flight their planets starting monday (today) over the weekend

>> No.20008669
Quoted by: >>20008711

ft is literally the most irrelevant shit in the world, but then again it's not like anything else is any better. Go shill somewhere else like on >>>/r/eddit/ with your literal garbage.

An online undergrad degree is better than literally nothing, but it's like >>20008408 says. Had you gone for a real degree you would have started probably 3x your previous salary, not 2x with promotions. For grad school it's much worse because 99.9% of the worth of such a degree is interacting with other people (colleagues, phd students, post-docs, various profs), going to conferences, and attending talks (in person for networking).
Most employers in most domains will specifically ask if the degree was obtained online or otherwise try to guess (e.g. did you work in one place and have a degree from a different state?). Many degrees are simply useless online, such as anything in chem/bio.

>> No.20008674

I have 29 shares. Not sure how to do covered calls. I normally just kinda buy and sell stuff, 90% of my stocks are just to store away for a long time

>> No.20008682

Lowballs triggering on horse and tortoise you may now exit your positions and leave your bags to me

>> No.20008686

Ugh, I've been in plenty of airports lately and they are fucking empty dude.

>> No.20008689
Quoted by: >>20008710

I wish I had unilever stock to dump to buy fb today. Would be a sweet feeling trade.

>> No.20008690

Based hahaposter

>> No.20008695

Do some dd
Out of all the ev companies, they’re set to start production this year
Just sold the rest of my portfolio and put it in

>> No.20008696

New thread



>> No.20008705

This is the shitty unfunny one, post the good one.

>> No.20008708
File: 2.58 MB, 4000x4000, IMG_20200419_220352_612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WKHS 7/17 $10p already showing resistance at $1.85
Feels good to have sold at $2 man.

BA now is a solid bet if you believe the 737 MAX will pass the testing rounds. DFEN if you feel risky (it's leveraged and is reliant on BA, RTX, and LMT)

>> No.20008710

Still overpriced there. Just wait for the next real dip, like what happened to them around Christmas.

>> No.20008711
Quoted by: >>20008721

Mate my undergrad was obtained in person at university of Maryland. My online Masters was from Hopkins

>> No.20008721

Ah, so you're just larping. Got it.

>> No.20008725

DAL owner

>> No.20008727

Ok ok, since everyone wants to be a moonshot boi right now, let me tell how you REALLY use options. What you're going to want to do is setup a "call backspread", how you do this is finding a good moonshot, then you SELL CALLS at a point somewhere below the current price, then you use that money to BUY CALLS somewhere above the current price.
This allows you to gamble for free really, anytime the price is at or below the strike of what you sold you will be breakeven, anything above your bought calls strike is big money. The only time you lose money is anywhere between those strikes. Backspreads are the superior strategy in high vol environments like this.

>> No.20008739

>hurr durr go in with all your life saving as a newbie
>hurr look at this screencap from WSB.
Fuckoff. a single share of something will let you get as much a feel for things as a thousand shares, and paper options isn't a bad idea either if nothing else to dissuade people from going balls deep into them on margin..

>> No.20008770
Quoted by: >>20008817

I have 1k what do I buy?

>> No.20008775

It feels good to see the bags lift off my soul and become GAINS!

>> No.20008806
Quoted by: >>20008846

do not long hold AMD, swing trade it like RTX, if you hold it for more than 3 days you fucked up

>> No.20008817

All in on IDEX no balls

>> No.20008823
Quoted by: >>20008905

Can someone explain what happens after you hold onto your stocks from a 2:1 stock split?

>> No.20008846

I've been holding it since March

>> No.20008866


it should be around 10 in decembrer

>> No.20008905


You lose money

>> No.20008915
Quoted by: >>20008932

REFR is low, thoughts?

>> No.20008932

I'm DCA in, there was no reason for it to dip

>> No.20008972
Quoted by: >>20009010

Imagine calling WKHS a Pump and Dump a week ago. Just imagine someone opening the graph up today who didn't buy in at 4 or 5 dollars because they thought it was a scam and they weren't willing to put in 5 minutes of research.

>> No.20008988
File: 76 KB, 184x200, t_d0cf3744adb4039626a25afd26bcbb19-imagejpeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20009067

DAL owner since 21$

>> No.20009001
Quoted by: >>20009067

Should I buy bioc?

>> No.20009010
Quoted by: >>20009038

I'm still not convinced, and I did my research.

>> No.20009038

At least you stand by you guns and didn't FOMO in, but I made 290% returns and sold today.

>> No.20009067


Yup. He’s gonna make it.


Dont fuck with bio anything

>> No.20009134
File: 10 KB, 372x244, 2020-06-29 17.49.36 live.trading212.com 3879ccc2b679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20009568

>be me
>decide take out a very brief sell on oil, take advantage of stumbles and make chump change on the long climb upwards
>don't set stop loss because I only plan to be hodling for like an hour, no problemo
>internet drops out for several hours
oh no bros

>> No.20009562


>> No.20009568

Based 3rd worlder

>> No.20009593

Keep seething with your shit yield monolithic dies mr. Scheckelberg

>> No.20009684

Stop setting even numbers retard you got stop hunted.

>> No.20009791

That is 100% stocktwits bagholder cope, the most pathetic cope there is. Stocktwits is a pit of despair, I love it