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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.18721206
File: 42 KB, 646x595, 1580776528477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cunny.

>> No.18721213
Quoted by: >>18721317

Fuck tripfags

>> No.18721240
File: 3.13 MB, 480x360, 1586202638078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721417

>oil futures


>> No.18721263
File: 45 KB, 1036x448, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721280

No or Yes

>> No.18721280

No.. it says there are no other buyers look at the bottom right.

>> No.18721286
File: 83 KB, 783x675, 1584759826039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, it's kind of suspicious that daily corona deaths have miraculously halved in unison globally since sunday.
Either all of COVID has been an elaborate "War of the Worlds" broadcast on a global scale or they are doctoring the numbers so the next wave looks more spectacular.

>> No.18721299

here is some good advice you weren't asking for. buy amd puts as soon as possible tomorrow morning.

>> No.18721311

All doomfags back to /cvg/ please. Your shitty cold has done nothing but kill over 70s and be used as an excuse for governments to ramp up power and coverup the market shitting itself.

>> No.18721317
File: 1.76 MB, 404x486, 1587794360096.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721402


>> No.18721322
Quoted by: >>18721347

What about the IV

>> No.18721326

I bought in BP today for earnings, did I fuck up? I thought about buying a bunch of calls but then I realized that'd be retarded.

>> No.18721329

Futures very static.

>> No.18721330
File: 1.75 MB, 1440x508, based.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721515


>> No.18721334

I don’t want to die.

>> No.18721338
File: 26 KB, 514x352, bogerfaec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721535

Its extremely windy today. Ominous.

>> No.18721347

don't buy a weekly, look at june/july

>> No.18721357
File: 25 KB, 425x282, guy-with-money1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.18721375
Quoted by: >>18722854



>> No.18721377
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>> No.18721394
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Quoted by: >>18721428

>What is an S-curve

>> No.18721396
File: 386 KB, 982x838, oneesan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18721402

>french street fight

>> No.18721407
File: 85 KB, 585x475, screenshot of screenshot of screenshot of screenshot of screenshot of screenshot of screenshot of screenshot of cat bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18721414
Quoted by: >>18721450


>> No.18721417
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x1858, 1586034496514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.18721428

with steady new infection numbers.... .... ....

>> No.18721450
Quoted by: >>18721490


>> No.18721451
Quoted by: >>18721462

>don't hold over the weekend!
hahahahahahahahahahaha cucks

>> No.18721458
File: 76 KB, 699x806, eRgdk_djs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I buy north korea

>> No.18721461

Summer tends to kill viruses.

>> No.18721462
File: 101 KB, 600x600, 1585689036800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahahahahahahaha cooms

>> No.18721471

Oh boy
Time for my cock pressening already?

>> No.18721485


i'm not horny, but i could coom

>> No.18721486
File: 177 KB, 574x800, 1586896231674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721493


>> No.18721490
Quoted by: >>18721510

yeah you're pretty cringe with that cat image and the "sips" thing like your michael blurry knowing something we don't. Fucking CRINGE.

>> No.18721493
File: 10 KB, 500x375, FelonyButton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls be nice

>> No.18721495

You don't own fucking shit with an index fund. Think about it. It's just some Jewish IOU from the asset manager. If it's synthetic the kikes could even trade lean hogs in your name.

Stocks are real. Buy stocks. You own equity of real life businesses. You want to be the owner.

>> No.18721499
File: 54 KB, 784x526, epic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VIX hasn't been this high since 2008 and did a double top before going back down
>100 day and 50 day MA signalling a sell off
>decreasing volume
>pic related

Man, we're primed for another great crash. It might even happen this week. However, there's no way of knowing.

>> No.18721510
Quoted by: >>18721564

If you're not long term bear you're a literal retard. Obviously gains to be had now because we're on the greatest economic bubble the world has ever seen, but it's gonna pop sooner or later.

>> No.18721515

based on what?

>> No.18721517

Ssssh, I want to smugpost and need to collect more screenshots from permabull dumb dumbs.

>> No.18721524
File: 68 KB, 751x540, tradingview_3.earnings.structure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721569

Thoughts on 3M tomorrow?

>> No.18721527
File: 82 KB, 960x544, 2ekf6eWA7NylQzrFw0lbr4Q32xC5lDARQFgmhRPnRPs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminder the FED is shutting down the money printer.


>> No.18721529

Thoughts on Teladoc?

Will it go higher?

>> No.18721532
File: 209 KB, 2092x1179, 1525708012054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're primed for another great crash

>> No.18721535
Quoted by: >>18723142

I unironically trade based on the weather forecast with a portion of my account. Right now I’m up about 10%

>> No.18721536

The more we go up, the riskier put I want to take.

>> No.18721548
Quoted by: >>18721586

Are Amazon shares free money?

>> No.18721555
File: 96 KB, 500x500, 1587679207376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18722128

I'm holding JNUG and NUGT for longer than the recommended few days/weeks and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.18721557
Quoted by: >>18721743

I'm tempted to short oil, do you guys think it will go lower?

>> No.18721564
Quoted by: >>18721573

Okay, does this mean I should make a cringe reply and screenshot it in all the threads?

>> No.18721568

Pretty sure it will happen after I take my gains. Slightly below 295

>> No.18721569
File: 65 KB, 577x537, howbadthingsreallyare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone needs to remember this quarter was only partially impacted by shut downs. Next quarter is when shit gets real.

>> No.18721570

EVERYONE shut the FUCK up.

how the FUCK do i prepare for winter during the summer, before the second wave? GIVE ME IDEAS FUCKERS RIGHT NOW I NEED IT

>> No.18721571
File: 495 KB, 880x928, 59F40D0C-BC10-4665-AB5D-EBA8091F297F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

268 KB PNG

>> No.18721573

If you want to

>> No.18721582
Quoted by: >>18722188

Hey bros when should i buy UCO, or i guess a better question is when does the contango or w/e go away

>> No.18721586

Wait a month, then yes.

>> No.18721597
File: 625 KB, 727x761, 1588004262351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721647

I dislike this picture.

>> No.18721598
Quoted by: >>18721630

Buy everything you wished you had now, but in Summer.

>> No.18721599

any of you niggers buy into IBIO?

>> No.18721602
File: 90 KB, 737x1041, 1586611388886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

printer go brrrrrrrrr
cunny go up
bears go fuck themselves

this is the new paradigm whether you like it or not

>> No.18721606
File: 37 KB, 992x479, tradingview_3m.earnings.gapfill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Analyzing the structure of the company a bit and comparing it to the previous quarter, revenue from healthcare accounts 17.86% of sales, operating incomes from healthcare represents 22.55% and the margin on healthcare was 28.1%. Did a little digging on annual report, healthcare seemed to grow over the year.

Some of the other areas were highly impacted by the pandemic but this quarter the damage should be contained to March and only in some countries since they didn't all went into full lockdown.

Looking at the graph, there seems to be two gaps wanting to be filled - 163$ and 180$. The latter seems a bit crazy unless they completely smash earnings but the first should give some price-action if earnings are above expections.

>> No.18721608

OKE, RTX, RDS.B am I gonna make it bros?

>> No.18721611

>second wave
Retard. >>>/cvg/

>> No.18721621 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 1046x1532, 1586325768637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedophilia is wrong. I sincerely hope you develop moral integrity someday.

God is there for those who realize their mistakes and wish to make up for them.

>> No.18721622

Winter is 8 months away from now
How much preparing do you need?

>> No.18721624
File: 68 KB, 1122x817, 1586459430600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anymore. Fed is literally buying anything and everything to prop up markets at all costs. Loss of purchasing power over the next 5-10 years is certain, but NUMBER GO UP is also certain. Sorry to burst your bubble bobos but the lows are in, the market is rigged

>> No.18721630

Why summer?

I hate bobos. Them getting short sqeezed is the reason we don't have cheapies. fuck bobos

>> No.18721639
File: 136 KB, 883x1236, 1579689006893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18723336

you can't be so stupid to expect the market to crash twice for the same reason

>> No.18721640

Why does no one ever want to tocuh my peepee?

>> No.18721647

>was literally one of the best episodes

>> No.18721655
Quoted by: >>18721678

>Bulls laughing at bears
>Bears capitulating
Market will be red tomorrow and bears will fomo again. Weak bulls will sell and the Market will continue crabbing sideways on a slightly upward trend. Such is the way.

>> No.18721656

You haven't made it yet

>> No.18721659

wasn't Mary like 14yo when the God himself impregnated her?

>> No.18721661

I don't even know if it's from a tv show or not. It just looks so annoyingly dumb

>> No.18721662
Quoted by: >>18721703

Once FAANG presents shit earnings we dump

>> No.18721673
Quoted by: >>18721687

>VIX means shit until it doesn't
>MAs mean shit until they don't
>volume means shit until.... well... no vulume means shit period as price is determined by the last trade and it literally could only be one

>> No.18721677

You know they stopped buying... right? I sold everything before close.

>> No.18721678
File: 443 KB, 1111x655, 1587970692792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18721684

Get over here and start sucking my cock you fucking phaggit fuck.

>> No.18721687
Quoted by: >>18721719

They are generally reliable

>> No.18721690

this desu

>> No.18721692

Get help schizo.

>> No.18721693
File: 37 KB, 909x221, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USO might be a guaranteed loser over the next few days as they roll their holdings into future contracts.


>> No.18721698

So is the radditer you’re replying to.

>> No.18721703
Quoted by: >>18721730

What if they beat though, and oil starts rising though?? We moon, we mars, we Pluto, we alpha centauri, we fucking ANDROMEDA.

>> No.18721709

Gov in my state just said everyone needs to wear a mask next week. How the fuck is that even legal?

>> No.18721711
File: 10 KB, 259x224, 1585735670225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coof coof

>> No.18721713
File: 52 KB, 1088x541, coomcastlepoop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721795


>> No.18721716
File: 696 KB, 1280x720, basabaru10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721773

>100 day and 50 day MA signalling a sell off
Pardon? SPX crossed above its 50 on Friday and stayed above it today. The 100 is up at 3023. No cross. No interaction. No signal. You, anon, are full of shit.
>vix double topped in 2008
Also incorrect. It set a high of 96 and hit a lower high on the back end at 80. Not a double top. More of a head n' shoulders if you wanna get in to the lingo.

>> No.18721719

...until they aren't.

>> No.18721728

imagine missing out on 30% from the bottom because you fell for the jew chink flu meme, I don't know if I could look myself in the mirror being such a pathetic retard

>> No.18721730

Why would oil start rising?

>> No.18721731
Quoted by: >>18722019

NRZ safe to buy yet?

>> No.18721743

I played that game today, I wasn't satisfied with the performance.

>> No.18721748
File: 78 KB, 186x175, 1563499401799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but you're not allowed to notice that

>> No.18721756

Why am I still paying $3 for a gallon of gas? Should I haggle with the cashier and inform her about what is happening in the oil market? Will she give me a discount maybe?

>> No.18721757
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, 1587657539739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18722019

>stocks gap up 3% a day every day
>bobos fuming mad
>mumu's planning their summer vacations

>> No.18721758

been that way in CT for the last week. when reading the order carefully it's obvious that it's not enforceable and just provides an excuse to bust up gatherings.

>> No.18721770

its not tell your faggot gov to fuck off and balance the budget not play mommy

>> No.18721773

based ballgirl beating off the liars

>> No.18721776
File: 661 KB, 1200x1799, 1518680697309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721960

>weeb pedophiles all hate God and religion
stay seething. When you stop, there are arms open.

>> No.18721777

State taxes + delivery/process costs

It's 1.50 in texas and I think our state tax is 20 or 30 cents

>> No.18721778
File: 1.63 MB, 1204x1700, 5F851184-B81C-4410-8ABB-20C5A9A481AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721790

Ballerina stuff. In Highschool my sister had a book I stole for a while with a few pictures.
RTX 65$ still a good buy?

>> No.18721779
Quoted by: >>18721830

People start realizing that the Chinese virus is just a hyped up flu. Look at Orange County CA this weekend, nobody gave a fuck

>> No.18721784

Can you buy a barrel from some supplier and put it in your backyard?

>> No.18721787


Because you live in a blue state it's really that simple. Nothing is more striking red vs blue than gas prices

>> No.18721790

>RTX 65$ still a good buy?
no just wait for the next correction soon

>> No.18721792
Quoted by: >>18721838

probably because your state has $1.50 tax on gas

>> No.18721795


I'm starting to reconsider

>> No.18721796
File: 957 KB, 480x480, 1549709394648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721806

Anon got corona? hang in there bud, think about all the gains you are getting right now. Next time you cough, ask yourself..."isn't this worth all the cheapies I was able to pick up?"

>> No.18721806
Quoted by: >>18721816

probably only a 99.9999% chance he recovers


>> No.18721810
Quoted by: >>18721847

Speculators. There's no shortage of people who see a stock or commodity going down and think "if I buy, it'll go up, surely"

Hence, dead cat bounces and the like. Some guy pissed away 760k trying to buy oil and turned it into 1k.

In a race to the bottom, there's people thinking it's already bottomed and on a race to the top. Anyone who tells you any other reason for oil going up is straight up lying.

>> No.18721812

Yeah but do you think if I showed her a chart of USO or oil futures from last week she would take the price down to $2.50 for me?

>> No.18721816
Quoted by: >>18721880

i wish this virus was as bad as it was hyped up to be, what a missed opportunity

>> No.18721828

Im calling the official all time oil bottom right here as well

next stop, $148 a barrel in 2024

>> No.18721830

That's true but Coronavirus being a hyped up flu doesn't change the fact that storage is full and demand is simply not there. They can't close wells and cuts have not even begun yet.
Even if everything opened tomorrow there's no reason for oil to be above $20 for another 2 months.

>> No.18721835
Quoted by: >>18723049

I'm not condoning it or nothing but considering how uh quick girls develop now and how they dress if some 16 year old girl was dressed as a lot of girls do now and looked like a lot of girls do now can you really blame the guy for fucking her if they both wanted it?.

>> No.18721836
Quoted by: >>18722056

Gonna have to close NAT here, this is too much of a gift.

>> No.18721838
Quoted by: >>18721845

Probably, but gas was cheaper a few years ago and I don’t think they’ve raised the gas tax recently. Maybe they have though, just bundled it with other tax increases so we wouldn’t notice

>> No.18721845
Quoted by: >>18721860

kek, they raise the gas tax every year man, hell they raise every tax every year if you live in a hard blue state

>> No.18721847

Speculation is what caused the price to go negative.
>In a race to the bottom, there's people thinking it's already bottomed and on a race to the top. Anyone who tells you any other reason for oil going up is straight up lying.
That's not how contracts work. There are simply no buyers anymore.

>> No.18721849
File: 3.42 MB, 2500x1407, 02872BE5-CA9B-4AF0-AA52-17DDA16BDA83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s only one measure we can take with a 100% response rate.

>> No.18721851
Quoted by: >>18721883

>absolute glut of oil to the point where oil companies are being paid to store it at the docks on their ships
>oil is essentially an organized operation by OPEC who controls the supply and does whatever they want

it's an absolute shit show. To invest in oil is a bad idea.

>> No.18721860

I am in the bluest of blue. Bluer than commiefornia

>> No.18721864
File: 82 KB, 1000x751, 1000x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721895

give me the deep scoop on Jim Simons from rentech

>> No.18721866


>> No.18721876

nice try Venezuela

>> No.18721880

It was never the virus it was the capacity of the system and its ability to deal with a disease that had a substantial rate of transmission.

The collapse was the people in the financial sector that know companies can't handle a missed quarter without turning to shit. This still exists. Next will be overbought companies with PE ratios that are off the fucking charts and debt/equity that looks absolutely retarded. I'm going to try and gleefully remind everyone that the vast majority of the uptrend of the S&P and NDX is from a small handful of companies, while the vast majority are sat at the bottom.

>> No.18721883
Quoted by: >>18721900

60% of companies are going under, no finance ever for the forseable future, tons of green retards....yep there is going to be no investment in oil. So guess what, someday these morons will wake up and realize we don't have enough when SA and Russia decide to play hardball, and oil will go to $500 probably. Then you will see a fucking real depression. With oil at $10 I think it's almost impossible to get a real long term depression energy is just too cheap

>> No.18721892
Quoted by: >>18721911

I have absolutely no idea how the 100+ P/E is justified on AMD.

>b-b-but Amazon did it too!

There's a difference between a company making a market and one trying to weasel its way into an established one with several entrenched competitors. Google was 'the' search engine, Amazon was 'the' eCommerce platform, AMD is 'a' chip manufacturer. Earnings +2,000% would require stealing market share that doesn't have a reason to change.

>> No.18721894
File: 68 KB, 552x999, y884529e01570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18722060

coof in to your armpit, elbow, or crotch pls. for safety.

>> No.18721895
File: 156 KB, 1242x957, 1587828858196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721910

>poach smart people from all fields
>have them build a ML driven trading algorithm
>run trading bot since 1992
>fund gets 70%~ returns on year average

>> No.18721900
Quoted by: >>18721914

B-but trump said low energy = bad high energy = good?

>> No.18721903

certain blue states are requiring gas stations to sell more expensive specialty blends of gas that are supposedly more environmentally friendly, that's also a big reason you are probably seeing higher gas prices than the rest of us, and those prices aren't going to go down until the refinery has sold their existing stock of your states blend.

>> No.18721905
File: 200 KB, 507x547, 1576155646078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721925

Thinking of throwing some bones towards UAL tmrw before earnings call on the 30th even though I swore I would stay away from travel related industries until the end of fall at least.

>> No.18721910


>> No.18721911
Quoted by: >>18722789

AMD and Intel are the only two competitors in their space. If intel goes down (as it is now, with or without lagging stocks), AMD necessarily rises meteorically, and vice versa. I think AMD at 100 is justified just on account that the 100 will turn into 20 before you know it from simple earning increases.

>> No.18721914

only because its gonna fuck up junk market which would be OK on its own, but with this shit going on it just wasn't needed. All of those shale plays were refinanced in 2016 with junk bonds

>> No.18721925
Quoted by: >>18721967

>earnings call

Losses call.

>> No.18721936
Quoted by: >>18721977

your fagtarded

>> No.18721947
Quoted by: >>18721951

I’m having trouble breathing, should I drink disinfectant yet?

>> No.18721951


>> No.18721960
Quoted by: >>18722713

mary was 13

>> No.18721963

It's obviously a complete fabrication.
Even by putting anything that coughed even once in their lives into the count, it still doesn't top the annual flu.

>> No.18721966
Quoted by: >>18721992

They are prepping for Wednesday/Thursday. That's when SP500 gets smashed.

>> No.18721967
File: 8 KB, 218x231, 1587759043190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18721985

everything else is priced in in this fuckass market, why can't my move be?

>> No.18721970


>> No.18721976
File: 1.54 MB, 320x240, 1355100967184.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18722159

>Saudi Arabia randomly taking a $500m stake in Live Nation over the past month

this week is going to be killer. Do or die time

>> No.18721977

Remember SARs, it just dissapeared eventually in the summer.

>> No.18721979
File: 478 KB, 1080x1080, 8CC54E1E-B891-418E-8DC5-60DF9BDD29F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if its funny, or scary, but, everyone is buying Amazon stock, because they think of it as an e-commerce retailer. However, the profit margins for its ecommerce are low, and this is not really where they make their money. If their earnings report does not meet expectations, we can all expect a big after hours dump thursday night, and a lot of retail investors will be freaking out on friday morning. Amazons earnings report could be the catalyst for the next big dump.

>> No.18721985

look man if you buy it will crash and if you sell it will moon, we priced you in before you joined

>> No.18721992

looking forward to it

>> No.18722001
File: 17 KB, 495x362, 1565620432107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18722003

That's why I put my money in IP (the main provider of amazon boxes) weeks ago. It's mooning on hopes that amazon reports good numbers and truthfully, it's a lot safer than amazon since it doesn't have these margin issues.

>> No.18722015
Quoted by: >>18722060

Crypto memes suck and are worthless.
Schiff is right. Get fucked

>> No.18722019

Keep fantasizing or better yet, start scaling back.


>> No.18722021


Buy Call?

>> No.18722033
File: 26 KB, 343x464, 1544365131733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18722178

So guys, if I buy 10k in and wait for the gentle uptick I need to hit a $60 win, and I pull out everything but my winnings, do I get nailed for capital gains or..?

>> No.18722044
Quoted by: >>18722077

AMD earnings tomorrow. Can't fucking wait.

>> No.18722046
Quoted by: >>18722083

Duuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr, what is a hemisphere?

>> No.18722056
File: 906 KB, 325x203, 1583553481479.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schwab was erroring out and not sending my order through at 7:58. Looks like I'm holding this hot potato overnight, based.

>> No.18722060
File: 115 KB, 781x941, samidare (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by yokoshima_(euphoria) - 50db842559bb0729abfaa0dc1d555bbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no coof on the cunny
no cunny-tamination

I'm hoping they say "investment year" because I HATE myself for thinking it would dip back to 1650 like it did last year.

It's also that it's now working its way into peoples hearts and homes by acting as a lifeline. It's racking up subscription users for long term gains, and its innoculating itself from political fallout by endearing itself to Americans.

>Schiff is right
schiff is running an obvious scam by selling semiprecious shitrocks like silver to poors.

>> No.18722070

Well I am still 75% cash and put the last of what I wanted into the market. I am riding these highs, as artificial as I feel they are.
Jesus, it sucks to be a FA or DDfag. Feels like the entire market is just mass TA.

>> No.18722077
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 2kpfci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18722139

I shorted it. Only one of us will survive, brother.

>> No.18722083
Quoted by: >>18722108

Moron doomer

>> No.18722085
File: 33 KB, 676x216, Screenshot from 2020-04-28 02-00-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how high is NAT gonna go. Lots of people are saying it can easily hit double digits be next week. Also fuck me for not keeping the shares I had bought last week.

>> No.18722101
File: 69 KB, 1000x577, frontline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18722189

Will FRO be the next tanker stock to pump hard?

>> No.18722108
Quoted by: >>18722145

> pointing out that seasons happen at different times of year according to Northern or Southern hemisphere makes you a doomer.

Kindly kill yourself.

>> No.18722109


anecdotal but there's an amazon warehouse less than a mile from me and it is so busy it looks like they are hiring randos in their cars to deliver. I think they will do good but they might also be legit capped at capacity. FFS I bought some cookie cutters of all things on amazon three weeks ago and it's gonna take another week to get here.

>> No.18722128
Quoted by: >>18722223

Bro I SHOULD have invested in NUGT back in April first.
Anyway how do you fuckers figure out what to invest in?

>> No.18722139


>> No.18722143
Quoted by: >>18722345

My uncle works at AMD and he says that chink Lisa Su cooked the books like Luckin — she fled the country just an hour ago. Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.18722145

When did SARS die out moron?

>> No.18722146

NXE, based?

>> No.18722150

Did Amazon sales really increase that much in Q1? Lots of delays, logistics all fucked up and I'm suspecting most of the consumer goods bought in late Feb/March were done at traditional b&m.

>> No.18722156

I was just riding my bike when a junkie jaywalked across the street directly in my path. I would have crashed into him had I not come to an abrupt stop and flipped over to avoid him. The junkie started cackling and jumping around. After I composed myself, he started pestering me for money, but I was flustered and didn't have any cash to give him. Upon closer inspection the junkie was uncouth and looked as if he would pull a knife on me. I tried to ride away, but my chain was unaligned, so he insisted that he could fix it. After a moment of hesitation I allowed him to. I thanked him and then slowly stepped back before riding away. Incidentally, my bike is brand new, not even a week old, and it took some slight damage, but nothing too serious. I will probably have to go to the bike shop to fix one of the gear shifters on my bike's handle. Fucking junkies.

>> No.18722159
File: 102 KB, 185x386, buhgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18722327

where did you see this?

>> No.18722176
File: 20 KB, 400x300, whamx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18722327

I think Visa and SYY should go to a new high fairly easy

>> No.18722178

no, you don't owe any short term capital gains taxes in that scenario but you will still need to report the transaction when doing your taxes.

>> No.18722188


>> No.18722189
Quoted by: >>18722250

Tankers are gonna dump. I had a limit sell for SALT at 30 that went off 20 mins ago lmao. I had it in there as a meme. This shit doomping soon.

>> No.18722207 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 1600x900, large_city_of_god_blu-ray_3x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18722222

how do i get into the drug selling business?

>> No.18722222
Quoted by: >>18722271

Just arb on dnm

>> No.18722223
Quoted by: >>18722288

It's probably not too late to get in anon, I expect it to move even higher as gold rises in price and oil tanks more. I went all in on it because I liked the way the ETFs responded to market uncertainty in summer 2016 and thought we'd be seeing more of the same this year.

>> No.18722228
File: 41 KB, 840x560, chill1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking the line is going to go down

>> No.18722250

Why do you think they will dump?

>> No.18722266
Quoted by: >>18722352


Only plebbit incel faggots purchase tvix.

>> No.18722271

based quintposter

>> No.18722275

AMD target price : about tree fiddy.

>> No.18722288
Quoted by: >>18722382

I don't think it will go higher my man.

>> No.18722317

People on here tried convincing me to drop DVAX. Up 18% today....feels good

>> No.18722319
Quoted by: >>18722396

Ahaha you went full retard. Never go full retard.

>> No.18722327
File: 436 KB, 1125x1813, 85A5901E-6306-43BE-A86B-5D0E621842E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18722398

Anyone got a decent primer on debt markets?

Ever since that video by Magic Nerd Rudy I’ve been getting real curious. Now I’m listening to a JPMorgan trader talk about how he’s traded the crash and since, and I’m really really interested?

Are there people short corporate debt? So does it get manipulated or squeezed?

Holy shit do I need to read weighlifting thicc elves? Looks like quality For not being danberu.

SYY just rockets up every day since you recommended it. It went up like 8% the next morning at that was just too hot for me to touch! I bought back one of my V’s though. It’s lower than when I sold so meh. All time highs is still a ways away.

>> No.18722345

why are you lying? mad because you didnt buy into this 100 dollar train?

>> No.18722352
File: 2.35 MB, 1378x1381, 9DC498F7-D59D-4B19-B80A-EAB03EF4C2BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18722381

And you know I’m checking those full house digits.

>> No.18722362
File: 195 KB, 720x885, sketch-1588032307126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18722381

I want to coom on that belly

>> No.18722382
Quoted by: >>18722450

We'll see. /smg/ told me that the market would never crash from corona to begin with, so far I'm ahead of the curve. At any rate I took profits so even if I crash with no survivors I'll come out on top.

>> No.18722383

Im interested in their earnings report may 7

>> No.18722396

SARs is a coronavirus and it died in the summer.

>> No.18722398
Quoted by: >>18722424

>Are there people short corporate debt? So does it get manipulated or squeezed?
yes and yes, the fed will buy if they need to. but if you want to short corp debt anyways i'd short $HYG or $JNK, $LQD if you think things are going to get really bad.

>> No.18722421
Quoted by: >>18722462

nice 0.73% dividend you have there

>> No.18722424

I’m more interested in buying dips and I suspect there’s more opportunities for that right now in credit than stock. And the stock market dips on quality names keep getting bought right back up.

I would only want to short on a company or sector basis. Like specific energy plays.

>> No.18722442

ALLY dropped hard when they announced theirs. Good luck RTX bros.

>> No.18722445
File: 200 KB, 680x512, They won't stop with your hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18722450
Quoted by: >>18722474

>even if I crash with no survivors I'll come out on top.
where's those SQQQldiers?

>> No.18722459

can you take out a loan or borrow money to double down on the puts?

>> No.18722462

t. literal retard. It's 2.9% (still low as shit though).

>> No.18722474

I ducked out and put that cash into RTX a while ago.

>> No.18722476
Quoted by: >>18722740

Just bought a GNC Buy Call

>> No.18722479

Fed has made bonds worthless and likely the bond market will be trash for years and years.
I hate that the stock market is the only good investment option to beat inflation.

>> No.18722497

yikes... cringe

>> No.18722508

What sector do you think is still at a discount P/E wise and prone for a bounce back growth and why? Finance, Defense, Minerals, Airlines, Oil, etc.?

>> No.18722528
Quoted by: >>18722549

All sectors are moving up or down together. The only possible exceptions seem to be oil/energy and tech.

>> No.18722548
File: 8 KB, 184x275, 1392233089078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


everything recovered since the marcch crash

your "investing" in a fully priced in market. Do you think there is some good news or innovations that the general market is unaware of?

>> No.18722549
File: 393 KB, 1401x778, Screenshot_2020-04-25 S P 500 Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18722604

>being this retarded

>> No.18722567
File: 50 KB, 851x122, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons I'm looking into COP and came across this gem, this is some management I can get behind

>> No.18722579


>> No.18722596
Quoted by: >>18722619

What about Cleveland Cliffs CEO who basically said to analyst to commit suicide for tanking their share price on false data.

>> No.18722602
Quoted by: >>18722697

But I opened an AMD call this morning

>> No.18722604
Quoted by: >>18722651

>circling a few exceptions among entire sectors which in turn are only a sample of the sectors themselves
Thank you for proving my point?
Everything hit lows at nearly the same point and now is rising at the same rate with SOME exceptions.

>> No.18722616
Quoted by: >>18722679


>> No.18722619

lmao, the trump effect

>> No.18722635

That's pretty fucking based, I love COP now.

>> No.18722637

still stacking my tvix, we havent seen nothing yet. think about the problem and economy logically for a minute. the moment you truthfully think through about how things will go is the moment you will hop right on back to the bear train

>> No.18722651

Those are earnings reports. Sectors are retarded and broken. Read Amazons: CATALOG & MAIL ORDER HOUSES.

Also note that it falls under SERVICES, the majority being somewhere between -15% to -30% YTD. I'll give you the outlier is HEALTHCARE, in which case you're correct.

>> No.18722665
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>> No.18722672
Quoted by: >>18722770

I think there should be another dip or the stock market is just a slot machine. But I doubt you will get huge drops again. If anything it'd be a slow bleed over a long period of time. 2008's "crash" and recovery took nearly 3 years.

>> No.18722679

get a hold of yourself man

>> No.18722697
Quoted by: >>18722815

what the hell were you thinking

>> No.18722705
File: 34 KB, 222x227, 1585414301627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think about the problem and economy logically for a minute. the moment you truthfully think through about how things will go is the moment you will hop right on back to the bear train
whoa i'm convinced

>> No.18722713

God says ephe is fine, pedo is not.

>> No.18722722

Extremely bullish

>> No.18722740
Quoted by: >>18722749

Anon why are you trying so hard to burn 5 dollars?

>> No.18722749
Quoted by: >>18722753

so i should cancel?

>> No.18722753
Quoted by: >>18722764

Better question is why did you buy?

>> No.18722761

>national debt is growing by one trillion a month
Thanks Trunp

>> No.18722764

i dunno i have like 50 bucks and i dont know what options to buy

>> No.18722770

ok here is something to consider that i havent seen mentioned yet even in the news. there has never been a vaccine created for any coronavirus family. people have been trying since SARS 20 years ago, and even before that. all this speculation that shit will be back to normal by next year when the vaccine is released...all these stupid meme biopharm stocks 3,000 percenting because "they are working on a vaccine". no vaccine means no return to normal. continued shelter in place means nobody is getting sick which means no herd immunity and you are just prolonging the pandemic because the minute people go "back to normal" the outbreaks will flare up again.

do you guys see a problem yet? honestly i feel like im taking crazy pills because retards in media refuse to acknowledge this. fauci and birx are full of shit. leaders of the world are lying to your faces on an unprecedented scale in order to maintain civility and avoid chaos and panic from the masses. people are dumb, but they arent that dumb. you cant fool them with the same bullshit lies 1 year from now. they will wise up to the problem

>> No.18722773

any good youtoube channels or news sites for summaries/quick daily analysis for stocks? I'm mostly focused on defense, tech, and a few financial/ I can't keep up with all this shit

>> No.18722778

Well he’s not wrong mr NPC bear

>> No.18722782
Quoted by: >>18722792


i guess you didnt take the minute to think for yourself about the problem.

>> No.18722783

imagine being so careless and pathetic

>> No.18722789
Quoted by: >>18723064

I take it Boeing and Airbus are the next up 2000% then.

>> No.18722790

brk.a 250,000p 7/19

>> No.18722792
Quoted by: >>18722804

>i guess you didnt take the minute to think for yourself about the problem.
when you make low IQ "if you think about it i'm right" posts you deserve to be mocked, retard.

>> No.18722793

Not defending trump but the Dems would rather it go up 10x. His fuckup was listening to dem dr’s wanting their 15 minutes to last 18 months

>> No.18722803
Quoted by: >>18722825

they will just stop reporting and everyone will go back to not giving a shit

the hysteria is Chink economic warfare

>> No.18722804


>> No.18722809

Oil futures under $12 again.

>> No.18722811
Quoted by: >>18722838

Whatever you're paying is roughly, very roughly, your chance of profit based on what the market has concluded. Point is, don't just buy to buy because you're probably going to just end up wasting money. Also a lot of the options you linked have no buyers.

>> No.18722813
File: 1.31 MB, 1269x723, 1585970384739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you mean "Thanks China".

>> No.18722815
File: 3.48 MB, 2265x3023, __jack_the_ripper_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_gene_gear_gene__3521e8bc21cde8663ebea072c7ce7fe4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18723147

>Cramer created a COVID "index"
>It's basically everything I own and everything I want to buy.



>TFW DXCM will never ever EVER drop enough to be buyable

>this time will be different

>i have like 50 bucks and i dont know what options to buy
What? Don't do that. Save up for the next time you have $50, and if a dip happens before then, buy that fucking dip. Save and buy and build something, don't be a lotto ticket loser.

>> No.18722819 [DELETED] 

Should I switch to Ameritrade from Robinhood when I start swing trading?

>> No.18722825

Hopefully asap good fucking lord this has been dumb

>> No.18722827
File: 183 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20200427-195703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18723279

one... nothing wrong with me....

>> No.18722835

>tfw there is no logic or reason behind anything
>tfw you have to trust in destiny
I see hope. What about you anons?

>> No.18722838

then wtf am i supposed to do.

>> No.18722846
Quoted by: >>18722900

What animal are you, when you know the market should not be fucking reaching ATHs, but you made 30% gains and are peacing the fuck out, but ready for the next fake return to normal? But you also aren't willing to fuck with clown market enough to short or buy puts?

>> No.18722848
Quoted by: >>18722864

If you buy something and already think of when to sell you're doing it wrong

>> No.18722852
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>> No.18722853
Quoted by: >>18722869

Buy something you actually think will go up/down based on X, Y, and Z. Gambling is fun, but at least have an idea behind your gambling.

>> No.18722854
File: 66 KB, 768x768, FCDBE2AD-C783-40D5-978E-11E9C2F276AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18722864
File: 458 KB, 256x256, 1582783661759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having an exit plan is wrong

>> No.18722869


Well than imma max out on my GRPN cuz yahoo and others are saying its a good buy

Also RIOT might break soon so yea

>> No.18722877

I'm gonna try to get in touch with my Guardian Genius and see if it can help me with financial gain.

>> No.18722881
Quoted by: >>18722906

That number is really nothing. Considering how many people on earth. That number again confirms it’s just a flu

>> No.18722887

Here's another piece of wisdom I like to think about anytime I get anxious and want to just buy something to buy something. God speed anon
>A fool and his money are soon parted

>> No.18722891

The virus is being used as a very convenient excuse by many companies that were doing lousy ever before this started. Boeing probably the most of all.
Interest rates being lowered back to zero again is just bad for the economy long term. We are already bloated with companies that just never make money and endlessly cycle handouts or easy credit for perpetuity. It makes so many sectors stagnant as they inflate their "earnings" numbers with clever accounting to "match" their stock price.
Overleveraged debt is going to bite some day. The fact that so many small (not surprising) and large firms were on the verge of collapse by being shutdown for a month is just scary. The Fed will have to keep opening the easy credit tap forever.
I don't like that. It means that the smart play is either remain in cash, and get crushed by inflation, or enter into stocks which are already wildly random compared to any underlying economic indicators.
I am more worried about Japanification of the economy than I am this virus.

>> No.18722900
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>> No.18722906

this, 200K die from farting too hard.
This hysteria is a chink power play

>> No.18722913

Good stocks are random number generators with an upward bias. Remove money when RNG average rolls high. Buy when RNG average rolls low. That is it. If anyone tries to tell you they know why a stock is 50 dollars at 10am and 55 dollars at 4pm, then they are bullshitting you. The correct mentality is that it's all horseshit, money isn't real an dyou will literally never call the bottom or top, so catch the knife and buy the dip.

>> No.18722916

Just invert the logic.

>> No.18722929
File: 84 KB, 487x826, 2020-04-27_18-06-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes oil

>> No.18722934

you're in for a dip. div is to prevent a selloff

>> No.18722935
Quoted by: >>18723020

We have been exposed to the weakness of efficiency. Best MPG in a car is at highway speeds. Having to slam the brakes at highway speeds is scary as fuck.

>> No.18722937
File: 155 KB, 1290x1052, 1522078695100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18722959

Should I buy into a bitcoin ETF?

>> No.18722959

Crypto is basically zoomer/millenial Big Ball lotto at this point. Expect to see these retards dumping their welfare checks into the nearest BTC Kiosk at Walgreens by 2025.

>> No.18722961
Quoted by: >>18723062

As long as it's possible for things to be worse, anything that happens is better, beating expectations and being bullish. It's fundamentally impossible for stocks to go down now

>> No.18722969

It's to alleviate the selloff. Will be a good entry.

>> No.18722974

just something anecdotal you could maybe look into but lately I personally haven't used groupon because the discounts aren't actually discounts compared to just buying things directly from the original sellers. the platform is basically irrelevant for me. if others have the same sentiment, they will lose all their users very soon, or if any competition comes around they will get destroyed. maybe hold and sell if they go back to $2, but be doubtful of them returning to $3+

>> No.18722975
File: 7 KB, 247x204, images (35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best brokerage for swing trading? Ameritrade?

>> No.18722982


>> No.18722987
Quoted by: >>18723240

How will 3M do tomorrow?
Surely it will go up because of the virus.

>> No.18722994

All this Crabbing because they're just stalling for time while they decide whether to memory hole corona, leverage to gain more control or start a war.

>> No.18722997

the icontract is at 1.50 (what i have)

>> No.18723002

ok bros I'm starting to get scared, I thought we were rebounding from the scare already but it seems to be crabbing. realistically, is there any chance it'll go down?

>> No.18723003
Quoted by: >>18723383

I have the exact same feeling. The future is dark as fuck.

>> No.18723009

Merrill Edge

>> No.18723010

also allowing fat cats to exit the scheme with their profits before the crash

>> No.18723013

most of us on here use swingtrade for that

>> No.18723015
Quoted by: >>18723391


>> No.18723016
Quoted by: >>18723536

I don't have much hope at this point, but I somehow still have faith the market will return to sanity before long.

>> No.18723020
Quoted by: >>18723169

>We have been exposed to the weakness of efficiency
What efficiency? Even as late as last year 13% of all publicly traded companies in developed nations couldn't cover their interest payments (https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnmauldin/2019/04/10/the-fed-created-an-economy-of-zombies-and-unicorns/#7aa67cfc1831).). Easy credit, if anything, sets this inefficiency in stone. Money going into pits from which it will never escape. And now with all of these bailouts it rewards these companies that abused easy credit but that made lousy financial decisions. It's actually punished companies that played it safe or who made their debt not junk.
"Capitalism without the threat of bankruptcy is like Catholicism without Hell."

>> No.18723021

that's what i use for short term gambling as the thinkorswim platform is very good. etrade for longer term account.

>> No.18723026

All the bulls on /biz/ right now are pedophile kikes. Keep exposing yourselves dumbasses

>> No.18723028
Quoted by: >>18723424


hate to say it but this is the truth. the lockdown panic is ending, but the economic impacts are only beginning corona is priced in, state budgets & pension plans which are always one dip away from insolvency is not

this is going to be the financial event, not corporate debt. McConnell has already shit on blue states and told them to declare bankruptcy. as retarded as blue states are this was a bad move

>> No.18723029

Okay futures are red, how long does /biz think it lasts? I give it 19 minutes.

>> No.18723030
Quoted by: >>18723052

25 bucks, wut do?

>> No.18723031
File: 57 KB, 345x345, 4L_MTL4scMR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw daily tanker rates go to $750,000

>> No.18723039
File: 216 KB, 984x1392, 2CE660F2-370F-41FA-AAB6-675FDACB2168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm excuse me miss, would you mind if I borrowed that shirt?

Loli and SS don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Both are truly for men of exquisite taste.

>> No.18723041

>The Fed will have to keep opening the easy credit tap forever.
that's what happens when you apply welfare principles to capitalism and don't let the weak companies go bankrupt.

Also, bankruptcy usually does not equate to the company no longer functioning.
Japan's state is the result of American string pulling

>> No.18723043

it'll dip but the line will rise again

>> No.18723045

You forget there is an out. Bitcoin.

>> No.18723049

Stop watching so much porn you god damn degenerate nigger

>> No.18723052
Quoted by: >>18723071

2 Monsters, your choice of colors
3 hot dogs or whatever is available
1 bag of corn nuts
Keep the change for next time.

>> No.18723054
File: 9 KB, 734x256, peepee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18723062

>It's fundamentally impossible for stocks to go down now
haha, only thing holding them up is the pumps.

>> No.18723064

That literally doesn't make any sense anon-coon. Please anon, think before posting.

>> No.18723071


>> No.18723081
Quoted by: >>18723162

yeah, it's literally a fucking frozen zombie. SPX Volume is low and been getting lower

>> No.18723116
Quoted by: >>18723204

This. My honest opinion is that even if this thing has a 1-45% kill rate (concentrated among old and sick), we should have taken the hit, and troopered on. 1-4% is fucking chump shit, we are overdue for way fucking worse than this in terms of our species success. We shouldn't counted ourselves lucky, took it as a lesson to be more prepared and moved forward. Instead we shut the world down for 1% of people with a foot already in the grave and irrevocably fucked fucked generations for decades to come. Our shit response is to run a 30 trail of UBI lite.

Millenials are now a fully still born generation. We have fucked them again and again and made them into wage pigs in order to bank roll boomers and welfare recipients. We are basically asking them to chin up and carry the working world while plotting the next way to basically remove their future and sell it off to the highest bidder. They could swing either way, new hippie generation or full on 4th reich. We've fucked them to the core and they have no hope.

>> No.18723123

> Buy stocks
Why? For voting?

>> No.18723142

Sunny is green or red?

>> No.18723147

Virtually the entire list is garbage now and was only good last month. Also virtually everything on the list is the most obvious shit ever. Only restaurants and retail make sense, and they're already starting, for the most part, to be a bit too high to be worth it anymore.

>> No.18723149

I was just considering buying into an index fund.

Beyond not "owning" anything, why shouldn't I

>> No.18723162
Quoted by: >>18723183

Trump will not allow volume to get low dipshit

>> No.18723169

Proving my point. Running a company that way is like taking a family 4 door family sedan and flooring it down hill with no plan to slow down. Eventually you will reach speeds the car was never deigned for. It will reach peak efficiency once it is airborne and tumbling through the air, it will be operating at peak efficiency, as it flys off a fucking cliff. In fact it will not even need gas at that point.

>> No.18723183

lol, go look at the chart

>> No.18723204

Everyone was concerned at the increase of hospitalizations pushing patients out and forcing triage instead of normative care due to the high velocity of spread, which has at least been demonstrated as true on paper. That means normal folks in for a heart attack, concussion, car crash, and etc... Might not get treated due to CoV patients holding down staff and space, or CoV patients being tossed out for regular patients. Comprendo? The media were the ones to suggest it was big scary mega-deadly germ.

Also, Millennial here, I'm fine. So are most of my friends. Stop being a fag.

>> No.18723210
Quoted by: >>18723342

Guns & ammo, gold, food, water, medicine, hygiene articles (yes, lots of TP), coffee, whiskey, chocolate, candy, weed and bitcoin. I would say santitizing equipment and masks if you can find them, but prolly too late.

>> No.18723211

groupon has been outed as a useless middleman since like 10 years ago. you can always buy shit cheaper direct without groupon. groupon has no exclusive deals so there is no justification for its existence anymore. it only came about as boomers were getting into facebook and made it easy to share deals with other boomers on facebook postings

>> No.18723240

i doubt. their masks sales are obviously through the roof and they basically have a monopoly on the market but they dont make more than like 4% of their income from masks. the vast majoirty of their profits come from sales of other shit which nobody is buying due to economy shutdown. stuff like office supplies, fire alarms, etc etc

>> No.18723268

Next bred

>> No.18723277

goddamn that is a sexy baby. I would fuck the shit out of it

>> No.18723279
Quoted by: >>18723405

why would you short banks when they are getting trillions in bailouts?

>> No.18723291

So your theory is that Jerome is out to save you, rather than the big money that need you to buy into the dead cat “recovery” to unload their bags?

>> No.18723336

> you can't be so stupid to expect the market to crash twice for the same reason
Of course not, just like the market can’t be so stupid as to try for a recovery rally in the middle of a pandemic.

>> No.18723342

i'm surprised there was never a run on tampons

>> No.18723382

Degenerate linker just rope yourself

>> No.18723383

its because we are prolonging the misery. either pull the bandaid off fast or just leave it on.

obviously we cant leave the bandaid on because if the economy stays shut down everyone dies and revolts into armed anarchy and chaos. if we rip off the bandaid quickly, let the virus burn itself out, we will lose a lot of people but probably people that would have been killed by the virus either way eventually.

what we are doing now is slowly lifting the bandaid, which is inflicting maximum pain and putting us stuck into nomans land. we are half in the economy half out. the virus is somewhat contained, but only temporarily, as long as our quarantine orders remain. if we keep playing stop and go with the economy its going to do a shit ton more permanent damage than if we just get it over with now. think about it. every day that goes by on a shutdown, companies are forced to eat debt and eventually will either require government bailout or will fail. this shit is unsustainable, anyone with a brain can figure that out. you cant have the government piping money to prop up the economy forever. we will never reach herd immunity and therefore eradicate the virus if we keep doing this half ass "some shit open, some shit not" approach. but the expert liars on tv are doctors, not economists. all they care about is saving every life. which is admirable but not realistic. but the thing is politicians cant come out and say this because its political suicide. so they have to smile and play along, playing the role of concerned parent and telling us we need to stay at home for our own good. meanwhile the world implodes because we just keep racking up debt while not producing jack shit.

and people are going to realize this in a few months or a year, at which point we will have wasted all that time and money on doing something we should have just done from the start

>> No.18723391


>> No.18723405

That's wrong. Corporations with substantial buyback programs using leverage were bailed out. Banks are just getting shafted right now. It's probably the least recovered sector, everyone is speculating on serious injury from defaults and deferred payment plans necessitated through this shutdown.

>> No.18723424

exactly. you are going to see a domino effect of businesses and debtors not able to pay creditors. so it will fall on the government to either eat the debt and bail them out, or let the debt bubble pop. either one is going to cause painful problems for the economy. every month that goes by with 0 GDP is another nail in the coffin. no income means no payment to creditors. and the lasting effects of corona arent priced in because everyone is on cloud delusion where they think a vaccine will bring about normal consumerism habits. the reality check of fearful psychology, consumers with empty discretionary spending pockets, and zero vaccine have not been priced in yet!

>> No.18723448

False flagging kike. You think we are dumb?

>> No.18723466


>> No.18723536

How fucking stupid are you? Jesus Christ I didn’t know how many delusional newbies post in /smg

>> No.18724240
File: 3.90 MB, 4032x3024, Au + Ag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So you want the benefit of a stable currency without inflation, and no volatility? Physical gold my friend!