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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.17831179
Quoted by: >>17831398

*coughs on u*

>> No.17831189


>> No.17831368
Quoted by: >>17833216

> muh FUD
> muh flu
> my liberal media
repo market
pension crisis
housing bubble
insolvent international banks
insolvent local governments
subprime auto loans
record household debt
record credit card debt
gig economy
ten years of ZIRP
they never fixed the bubble
they just made it bigger
from the ashes a new world will be born
out of the ruins
born of fire

>> No.17831398
File: 1.62 MB, 480x270, 1584300792824.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17831418

you no not want get in cough match with me

>> No.17831418

*sneezes into ur mouth directly*

>> No.17831448
Quoted by: >>17831494

Source on pic now

>> No.17831494

some things are best left unknown,the market died not an anime grill...

>> No.17831606
File: 1.23 MB, 499x281, xaw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17831819

grate her flesh

>> No.17831642

>>OP (embed) (embed)
dumbass anime poster doesn't even know how to make the thread right

>> No.17831720

They are analogous desu.
OPs pic is actually some pretty deep commentary.

>> No.17831819
Quoted by: >>17831947

r u still holding 3x ETFs after Friday or did you bail?

>> No.17831891
Quoted by: >>17832103

reply with sauce or the market gets it

>> No.17831920

When will /biz/ mods realize this board was meant for the stock market, not crypto trash?

>> No.17831947

I sold because Spy went back over the band and bought some YUM
Euro market should be good for a long tommrow

>> No.17831998


>> No.17832008

Never. There used to be actual business discussion here. About jobs, industry, and the economy. Now it's coins, people throwing EBT money at terrible garbage and 1 stocks thread.

>> No.17832103
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17832301


>> No.17832104

I'm laughing at how wrong crypto retards were.
It was supposed to be a stable standalone currency. One little recession comes along and it follows the stock market into a plunge.

>> No.17832115
Quoted by: >>17832325

How high is SQQQ gonna go tomorrow?

>> No.17832154

it actually crazy tho one aspect that crypto volume spiking like mad here. it do have it place as financial vehicle.

other thing (it not super crypto) but it look like banks.... might actually... be using XRP for settlement O_O

>> No.17832301

No, NO! Bobo, what are you doing?! Inject the cash!

>> No.17832325
Quoted by: >>17833176

$10 after the market pumps

>> No.17832593
File: 444 KB, 1919x1279, 553D9996-59B6-4055-8E5C-714045A23CD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17832971

My shortsell mistress has returned!
How the hell do I get in on this dump to offset my losses. Can I get into a foreign broker to buy some inverse S&P before US hours?

>> No.17832623
File: 1.35 MB, 1937x2274, 435854fb704119207682addcaf8dd52d2b4b12576abddaaa2b1a6006c6e8f762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17832661

Thinking of using this violatile market as a trial run to day trade. Based on how well I do I might make moves to eventually quit and do day trading fulltime.

>> No.17832641
File: 133 KB, 892x1000, 6bf8d39a03b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it look like banks.... might actually... be using XRP for settlement O_O

>> No.17832661

Just remember to keep some VERY FUCKING TIGHT risk management, I guess. One shitty candle and your asshole's getting blown out.

>> No.17832690
Quoted by: >>17832722

I originally was going to make a bot to help me with risk management, but there's no time like the present to test out all the shit I learned.

>> No.17832722
Quoted by: >>17832764

A bot might not be required, really. Just make sure to get out fast if things go a few ticks wrong, depending on your PRT and account size.

>> No.17832759
Quoted by: >>17833011

This. Have exit plans, don't get too greedy, learn to set alerts, etc.

>> No.17832764

Yeah. I know one of the rookie mistakes is to hold, or even buy in more, and hope it'll get better.

>> No.17832928

Someone explain what is happening. Will the NYC lockdown order help Trumps economy?

>> No.17832939
File: 47 KB, 564x400, 1487196969487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fed is printing money and futures already at their negative limit...

I think they're going to shut down the markets, just fucking close them.

>> No.17832971

Forex only option
Maybe long JPY

>> No.17833011

Absolutely these. Set your upper/lower limits for your gains/losses, and exit without questioning when it's time. Monitor market fluctuations as actively as your schedule permits, set alerts, and protect your capital and gains while you have them, as opposed to getting greedy.

>> No.17833018

this absolutely cannot happen
it would cause so many types of runs on so many different financial institutions.

markets need stay open no matter what

>> No.17833079
File: 46 KB, 699x384, 2020-03-14_13-31-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder it's quad-witching day this week

>> No.17833107
File: 771 KB, 596x541, 1584153710977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought SQQQ on friday
Should I buy more tomorrow?

>> No.17833113
Quoted by: >>17833175

explain that to me like I'm retarded (Which I'm not denying)

>> No.17833124
File: 40 KB, 393x286, 1583707148870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833171

Yo bros I work at grocery store am I fucked? I've gotten so much OT this past week I am making a lot more money than usual.all the college's in my state have closed so we lost like 30 employees. There's no bread on the shelves lol, were out of butter and a bunch of other shit. Am spooked

>> No.17833128
File: 65 KB, 367x306, its actually happening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833217

Markets are 50/50 going to be closed all week. Gonna be kek

>> No.17833139
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>> No.17833148
File: 88 KB, 300x250, 1544065187030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833195

screencapping so many delusional bears for next week

>> No.17833150

It can happen.

The people at control aren't on the shorts sides. Keep that in mind.

>> No.17833154
File: 2.32 MB, 4032x2268, 20200315_2316128027127626867643967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know what i'm wearing tomorrow.

>> No.17833168

I'm going in on some OTM puts on NFLX at bell. Another anon pointed it out earlier, 80x earnings going into a market crash? Not good.

>> No.17833171

You’ve got one of the only jobs they’re hiring for.
If I had some goddamned masks I might go back to being a stock boy.

>> No.17833175
File: 557 KB, 565x564, 1578836027975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833332

A day when the expiration for market index futures, market index options, stock options and stock futures all coincide. If you thought the past weeks were volatile then better strap in

>> No.17833176

I would legit drop every single dollar I have into it if it went that low tomorrow

>> No.17833181
File: 66 KB, 850x1200, EGMvwwzUYAYbz4g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coronavirus causing a panic and food starting to disappear off the store shelves really puts things into perspective.
Fat girls are an investment worth their weight in gold. When you can't find food and they turn the heat off you are going to be happy that you have a hefty tubbo gf.

>> No.17833184

I'm just gonna call it now

Market will be completely closed at least 4 days this week, high chance of 5.

>> No.17833193

Airline stock has dropped like a stone this past month. Now would be the best time to buy right? Boeing alone fell over 50% this month.

>> No.17833195
Quoted by: >>17833217

>still have hope after the futures halted
See you tomorrow.

>> No.17833201

why are futures still frozen?

>> No.17833203

haha wouldn't it be gross if she like after she died the strangler chick fondled her dead body lmao ewww like if she forcibly scissored a corpse haha gross


>> No.17833216


>> No.17833217
File: 81 KB, 500x647, 1568227496831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833228


>> No.17833223
Quoted by: >>17833288

Food is actually not in short supply.

Toilet paper and hand sanitizer however, is.

>> No.17833225
File: 355 KB, 2048x1436, 1559133755496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833282


>> No.17833226

Because they're done for the night after hitting 5% limit down.

>> No.17833227

buy incrementally, but yes, buy but not in large quantities, because it will keep going lower, and a company as big as boeing isn't going to fail overnight.

>> No.17833228
File: 115 KB, 1024x640, steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just seeing it happening. I don't agree with it.

>> No.17833231

They’d remain frozen even if up 100%
There’s no way to track the market until it opens.

>> No.17833233
File: 62 KB, 567x522, C0DBB87C-646E-427B-A6E2-B92B9CD99500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks Boeing will go back up

>> No.17833245

lol boeing is going bankrupt

>> No.17833254
Quoted by: >>17833270

it will take a few years, but it will once this virus recedes and vaccines bring air travel back to normal levels, and the 737 Max is eventually fixed. It will take a while, but it's always a long game.

>> No.17833255

haha he peepee in pants

>> No.17833257

it's always been used as a vehicle for speculation rather than a currency

>> No.17833258


>> No.17833263

Bailouts for sure

>> No.17833270
Quoted by: >>17833854

The vaccine will be fast tracked by the FDA so it will be available for Fall 2020

>> No.17833274
Quoted by: >>17833360

Boeing is too involved in the military industrial complex to fail right now.

>> No.17833275

Why are liberal shits blaming Trunmp for this? Gonna be hilarious watching the market recover, hit 30 k and Trump win 35 states. GOP will regaun the house as well

>> No.17833282

Not how it works retard

>> No.17833283
Quoted by: >>17833304

Buy Snapchat for consumers

Buy Zoom for businesses

>> No.17833287

Impossible. Boeing is too important for America to let it die. They will get bailed out like a bank.

>> No.17833288
File: 157 KB, 1010x689, ddnv4zv-60834144-a79d-40be-be38-bdea736b0b33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shelves are empty in my neck of the woods.

>> No.17833304
Quoted by: >>17833381


>> No.17833306

what do you guys think the odds are market is closed by wednesday this week?

>> No.17833307
Quoted by: >>17833347


I'm really tempted to buy Boeing myself man I don't know what to do

>> No.17833332

I never got this argument. Shouldn't this be reflected in the GEX? I wasn't the last time.

>> No.17833333
File: 188 KB, 1521x856, 2020-03-15_20-30-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CNBC pundits are scared shitless right now, they want to close down all markets so nobody can sell

>> No.17833342
Quoted by: >>17833544

Repost. LVS put holders ATTENTION.

I just did some somewhat rough (albeit in depth by some standards) analysis of the LVS company. It is currently PRICED IN for a 5 month loss at 75% loss of income per month. 4 months would have been about 52.2$ for share price. I almost bought puts on it until I realized where it's at currently. It can go down, or up obviously, but I like having numbers help determine investment options so keep your options at your own risk. Depending on how it goes after the 4-5 months is something I am too tired (worked about 17+ hrs today) to visit. But I just want to let you know. I'm assuming a 15-20% loss of income after the 5 or 6 month loss @ ~75%, though it may just taper. The big issue here is consumer spending going down. Check out their 10K it is quite revealing. Lots of hotel stocks plateaued last year and I'm supposing one reasons was a plateau of income growth. LVS is actually a pretty *decent* company compared to MAR or HLT (on of them has like a 16.1 debt to equity or something). But LVS isn't entirely hospitality. Anywho good luck.

>> No.17833344
Quoted by: >>17833373

>got rid of the protections that would have prevented another 2008 crash
>cut funding for services that would have helped contain the outbreak
>dragged ass for 8 weeks while pretending the virus was no big deal, waited until it was a national emergency to start any sort of preparation (after it was too late)
He didn't invent the virus, but he is making it much worse than it needed to be.

>> No.17833346

>I think they're going to shut down the markets,

>> No.17833347
Quoted by: >>17833416

I'll say this, I said when it was at 300 that we'd see it under 200 soon and anons called me retarded. Then I told myself I'd buy calls at 175, and when I did it opened at 165. The bottom is out on that thing, I'm not touching it.

>> No.17833352
Quoted by: >>17833385

0, they don't just close.

>> No.17833358

God I can't wait to watch Cramer

>> No.17833360

Lol thats what I said about US energy security with shale.

But no one is doing anything about us being raped by camel dicks and atm a retarded child prince is crashing the global economy over a boast he made against Putin.
There has not been a single bailout announcement, and the fact MbS continues to draw breath while he's rounding up friends of the glowies for brutal torture, let alone has seen zero pressure from the government to call it quits, is baffling.

>> No.17833362


Thread theme.

>> No.17833364
File: 875 KB, 1200x1600, 1563418066463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833631

she will eat you and you will die in excruciating pain
tubbos are a big mistake at a time like this

>> No.17833368
File: 22 KB, 377x325, 1584320035882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoah pents of truth.
It's getting shut down.

>> No.17833370

He's not fully responsible, but he knew exactly what was going on based on campaign promises. Then went in and became full economy cheerleader. So he took credit for the bubble and he's going to be perfect to blame it crashes.

He was a real fucking idiot about it and conservatives cheered along the whole time. Despite crying about debt a few years ago.

>> No.17833371

Not at all. Short bans haven’t been mentioned at all yet and we wouldn’t get a market closing before a short ban.

>> No.17833373
Quoted by: >>17833494

Bullshit those are all such biased narratives.

>> No.17833377
File: 40 KB, 307x428, 35A143F8-881F-4BD7-A6AB-4B1550204265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your SQQQ positions

before you ask if you should buy it tomorrow: no, its gonna be mooned at open. wait until it dips due to some shallow "good" news.

>> No.17833381

They are the only companies benefitting from this social distancing

>> No.17833380

Not gonna happen. Cry me a river. Of money.

>> No.17833385
Quoted by: >>17833560

They close if enough safeties are triggered


>> No.17833386
Quoted by: >>17833407

real question is should i sell at open or hold?

>> No.17833387

Unamerican as all fuck. This is America, we're open for business.

>> No.17833393
Quoted by: >>17833835

Fuck them all to hell. We've lived 10 years without fear or doubt. Analysts and investment media have heedlessly done the same thing for 10 years without respect to the fact that the market comes back to reality every 6 to 10 years. They went in over their head, probably leveraged, with no back up plan, without taking profits. They deserve to lose. To scream "shut down the markets" is the death knell of a bunch of idiots that thought they were invincible.

>> No.17833406

200 SQQQ
200 SPXU
And a bunch of puts.

>> No.17833407

prob sell. It's rare for a stock to tank then tank even more during the day.

>> No.17833410

Pretty high chance of a Level 3 and halting for one day.

>> No.17833411

Checked but we aren't closing it

>> No.17833413
Quoted by: >>17833543

The only idiot is you when it comes pumping back and he wins his next term. Seethe harder

>> No.17833416
File: 97 KB, 1176x244, 8251A12D-4BEC-4F2C-AE75-3CD0641857B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833580


If Faber is saying that, it’s a real possibility. I wouldn’t have believed it...

Shit I really want it FOMO into SQQQ now...

Me too! He already said “I told ya so” and he didn’t scream it, but he did say “they know nothing”

He’s been warning about corona for over a month, and the administration hasn’t done shit. I thought he had their ear but I guess they ignored him until it may be too late.

We squandered our time.

Damn look at that. I remember when traders refused completely to let it drop to 300, assuming the max would definitely be approved sooner or later.

>> No.17833417
File: 258 KB, 493x411, 1574291404638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FULL BREAKER OF 20%????????

>> No.17833419

This may happen, good way to punish short sellers w/o banning it altogether.
Possibly waiting for 3/20

>> No.17833426

Is it legal to kill these people if I eat them afterward? Asking for a friend.

>> No.17833428

Holy fuck
Are they going to fuck me??

>> No.17833433

I can't handle all this boomer asshurt

>> No.17833435
File: 194 KB, 750x679, 2A668D5A-BA52-469F-8083-ECB3CC69AC16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833460

Soon my beautiful flowers will bloom.

p.s. Schwab sucks and calculates pnl from open to close even though I bought this shit at 3:55pm

>> No.17833441

It will end in a green day.

>> No.17833447

>spend $1000 on DIS FDs last week
>they reach $7000 on thursday evening
>decide to hold, absolutely certain they’ll close the parks
>they do
>DIS only goes up friday
>expire worthless

I’m literally going to kill myself. At least I still have a LYV $37.50 for 3/20. I deposited another $1000 since I got paid Friday, strongly tempted to either buy puts on Spain or some sort of luxury store like clothing or furniture since they’re definitely next to close

>> No.17833449
File: 68 KB, 400x356, ead048dfe177be2de540b724564976e1-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833484


>> No.17833459

The only bet that results in real money.
Up 10%

>> No.17833460


those numbers are apocalyptic

>> No.17833469
File: 487 KB, 1920x1200, 1561580903646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17833476

Checked. I also hope I get to see Cramer cry again.

Also the fact that these people are even suggesting halting the market shows how deeply, irrevocably retarded they are.

>> No.17833477
File: 202 KB, 3072x2218, 1584029912271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If dubs 20%

>> No.17833482

oh fugggg

>> No.17833484
Quoted by: >>17833624

I'm sorry your such a failure and think the viral outbreak is a failure of capitalism. Keep being retarded while Venezuela goes on.

>> No.17833485

Just a reminder the money that the Fed loans to banks get repaid back

>> No.17833487
File: 37 KB, 500x375, 1556132767529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dubs

>> No.17833492

Stop taking the bait.

Either they’re in the trump cult, or they’re trolling the crap out of you. Either way, or worth it.

>> No.17833494
Quoted by: >>17833523

No, man. We had, like, several US Department of Coronavirus Containment Services offices that Blumpf ordered closed. You know: the US DCCS. NPR talked about it all day.

>> No.17833495
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 1583947277184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not taking profits
the true /smg/ way

>> No.17833497
File: 257 KB, 1542x884, 1584123878757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833534


>> No.17833502

Schwab calculates those numbers as if you had held them since open, even if you were to buy something at 3:59

>> No.17833503

Yeah it’s not hitting $80 but the value of way OTM puts will go up because of hedging etc, they cost a dollar each

>> No.17833507


>> No.17833508
File: 200 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20200315-200504_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833600

> Sold my 3/20 80 DIS puts at 4.43 ea for like a 330% gain
Exited that position for now. Going harder at NFLX puts at bell.

>> No.17833522

If we shut down markets for 2 weeks we're going to hit that 20% breaker before lunch on the next Monday. The money wants to flow in one direction, you can let it flow or explode in your face. Every day that has lost more than 5% on the S&P so far are days that followed a rally based on some kind of government intervention or political news.

>> No.17833523

Yeah because it was ineffective, outdated, and a waste.

>> No.17833532

I just want some general clarity: Can I end up owing money on a put, the same way one can on a short?

>> No.17833533

Fuck am I buying SPXU calls

>> No.17833534

>still posting friday the 13th bear memes even though it was +9%

>> No.17833543
Quoted by: >>17833595

It's not bouncing back for a while. Even if he gets second term.

>> No.17833544


>> No.17833546
File: 21 KB, 150x150, badbear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is bear country now

>> No.17833550

>not even down 20% from a recent (euphoric) all time high
Fucking kikes, I swear...

>> No.17833552

>H-how can people twade when they kids are home from skoo?

Fuck you

>> No.17833557


>> No.17833560
Quoted by: >>17833618

Cramer has been saying this isn’t over and hasn’t bottomed. Someone called in and asked if they should pull forward their 401k for the whole year and he said no, 2-3 months maximum.

He’s been saying what’s going to happen when someone important in government gets it...

I hate that you guys are making me white knight Cramer, but he’s one of the only people in the media who’s been shouting about this.

>> No.17833561

Buying a put? Your max loss is the premium you pay.

>> No.17833566
File: 151 KB, 1068x352, biz nyc retards cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833592


>> No.17833568

No, the seller of a put assumes all downside risk, your only possible cost is the premium you paid at purchase.

>> No.17833574
File: 208 KB, 770x998, 1575353227094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to make money.

>> No.17833577
File: 241 KB, 322x333, x01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833611

buy the dip

>> No.17833580

Didn't Trump close off travel to China in January?

Doesn't that count as "doing shit"?

>> No.17833581

nope. margin is only for the upside

>> No.17833588
Quoted by: >>17833604

No but if you bought that put using food stamps like i do you will starve

>> No.17833592

Post your positions anon I’m curious

>> No.17833593
Quoted by: >>17833693

If you haven't already bought in is it too late to do so? Is the expectation that the market drops at open?

>> No.17833595
Quoted by: >>17833611

Kek even with all the shit going on his cultists will still get him elected you seething retard. Look at how Bernie's ass hole caved in, in front of Bloomberg.

>> No.17833600
Quoted by: >>17833660

What’s the best way to ensure I get the puts i want at open? I was too distressed Friday to realize I should get them on sale before it’s too late. Enter $0.01 higher than the ask price? Obviously I shouldn’t just go with the strike right?

>> No.17833604


>> No.17833607

I just put in a buy limit for 23. Should be a low enough price to not get too fucked.

>> No.17833609


Fucking 1% coping is glorious!

>> No.17833611
File: 37 KB, 670x670, 1569891832556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833680

my grocery store is out of dip so I can't buy anything and now I'm going to starve

Bernie was getting pretty aggressive with Old Joe tonight on the stage

>> No.17833612

No orange man bad!

>> No.17833618

He had a show like a week ago in which he said buy because of his stupid oscillator. Someone called in a few days before the crash, saying he was 80% cash and Cramer told him he needed to buy and that that was way too much cash. Take anything Cramer says with a spoonful of salt

>> No.17833624
File: 323 KB, 576x566, b33bf1e39b7fb2f5bebc67ede1786e65-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Out break is caused by unregulated meat markets on the streets of china.
>Not the fault of capitalism

>Bat flu causing massive speculative bubble to crash because real capital development in the economy is stagnating.

>Literal eternal handshake between fed and capital causing hyper inflation

You guys are basically just in denial at this point.

>> No.17833626
File: 751 KB, 480x270, yeb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17833627

THIS! MGM just closed all their vegas hotels and casinos starting immediately

>> No.17833629

If the markets were too close and reopen in 2 weeks what do you think would happen? Crash on reopened or what?

>> No.17833631
File: 298 KB, 500x734, 1492235869136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833667

vorefags fuck off
wholesome tubbos only

175 shares of SQQQ, bought at 22, bought 100 more at 24. Held it despite it hitting $31.50
Could have made two trips. Yes I am a professional retard.

>> No.17833640
File: 88 KB, 653x477, +_80f59e2fad2205fb759e924aed205c8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17833642
File: 43 KB, 512x432, 1583032229594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17833652
Quoted by: >>17833689

holy shit this place is fast

>> No.17833653

So is NYC

>> No.17833660

Look at the bid-ask spread and try at least 85% of the ask.

>> No.17833667
File: 312 KB, 794x1199, 1567094580849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833784

there is no such thing as a wholesome fat person
they're all dirty people, inside and out

>> No.17833673
Quoted by: >>17833794

As always Japan does things pants on head weird

>> No.17833678

Washington State fucked up by letting the virus into a nursing home that killed 37 of the entire 60 total deaths by Corona chan in America.
They are in deep shit.

>> No.17833679
File: 621 KB, 1080x1075, Screenshot_20200315-163541~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17833680

>Bernie was getting pretty aggressive with Old Joe tonight on the stage
Wait, they're still doing "debates"? Lmao who watches this shit at this point? WOW I'm so undecided about wether I like Biden or Bernie better. I'd better watch them debate some shit.

>> No.17833688
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

>> No.17833689
Quoted by: >>17833779

/smg/ as been invaded by tourists looking for gambling advice from addicts

>> No.17833693
Quoted by: >>17833708

yes. my guess is that itll open in the low 30s, then dip down to 27 or 28 at some point soon. Thats when you want to grab some. In the coming weeks it's going waay higher. But I am an amateur so dont take my word for it.

>> No.17833697

You have to be doing mental gymnastics to think having a central bank with a debt based currency is anywhere near actual capitalism. Seriously man. Grow up.

>> No.17833702
Quoted by: >>17833729

> Bat eats snek that has STD
> Brown person eats said bat
> Blame economic system country this all happened in doesn't even practice
Okie dokie

>> No.17833708
Quoted by: >>17833785

Thats what you think
3rd Circuitbreaker at 11am no trading for the rest of the day

>> No.17833711

can i trade american options as a european?

>> No.17833721
File: 144 KB, 575x864, 1564624097072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833815

It's all entertainment
always was
Joe promised to make Tulsi his VP, which was nice ~

>> No.17833726

Not from a Jedi.

>> No.17833729


China is more capitalist than the United States

>> No.17833739
Quoted by: >>17833820

No, are you stupid?

>> No.17833741
File: 1.58 MB, 4032x3024, 2439A5C8-6771-4723-AC83-8231F5400512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.17833750

Thread theme


>> No.17833754
Quoted by: >>17833790

Who /NOSLEEP/ here?
Been up 2 days with 2 short 2 hour naps. I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep until tomorrow's close.

>> No.17833755

You can send me the money, I'll make the trades for you anon.

>> No.17833757

As this ever happened before?
What would the effect on the market be when it reopens?

>> No.17833764
File: 49 KB, 1100x619, DD357023-B2E8-4881-9161-737D15FAD13A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He held off testing because he didn’t want the numbers of infected to rise.

When he was asked about what he wanted to do with the cruise ship that had infected passengers, he said he didn’t want to let them disembark because he “likes the numbers where they are”

He said it’s up to pence though, thank fuck it wasn’t up to him.

Interesting idea... but usually sin stocks to do well in times of trouble. But not during pandemics i bet!

>> No.17833770
File: 230 KB, 600x349, dece7628ac9295d72cdeabeed4769a60-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally only Bernie could have prevented this.
It's sad that the Dictatorship of capital is willing to sink the whole ship rather than at least patch it up in the name of the eternal profit motive.

>> No.17833776
Quoted by: >>17833877


Decline and then recovery

>> No.17833779

This. I wouldn't have been here if it weren't for the crash on Friday. The upshot is that it sparked an interest in investing in general. I've been reading and learning about investing in general all weekend instead of throwing money up on TD and randomly buying and selling shit that I don't understand. I've learned enough to know that I don't know nearly enough to do any investing or trading seriously for a while.

>> No.17833784
File: 319 KB, 1350x1043, KaedeDanganronpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tubbos are soft and cuddly so they are wholesome by default

>> No.17833785

I can dig it.

>> No.17833790
File: 533 KB, 500x314, 1584031242446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't slept in 3 days.

>> No.17833794

there is a BOJ meeting going on as we speak
also ASX near -8% wew

>> No.17833795
Quoted by: >>17833877


>> No.17833797

>everyone ITT is like "post your positions"
nigga y'all are on a fucking phone app. shut the fuck up. you ain't some fucking cut throat investor in a corner office.

>> No.17833810


>> No.17833811

What does that mean for the markets?

>> No.17833814

if trips market closures will ensue

>> No.17833815

Did he specify which woman?!??

I forgot to watch, what happened?
are we gonna have to price in a socialist pres again?


He was still pretending things were fine when Italy was exploding. Herman fuckkng Cain would’ve done better.

>> No.17833817
File: 145 KB, 560x500, 1531099759737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833837

>tfw it's become dead silent in my area for 3 days now
>flights stopped after the oval office address
>cases starting to multiply twice a day

>> No.17833820

Sometimes, yes. But I can buy American stocks as a European so why is it such a stupid question to ask if I can trade American options?

>> No.17833821


>> No.17833830
File: 57 KB, 900x675, 13ec3a92-308a-42af-8bfa-573db3094a4e..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips trilby

>> No.17833832
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, ledger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Las Vegas is closing down, along with casinos around the world. So yea, they are fucked.

>> No.17833833
File: 478 KB, 1534x2048, 1584325479033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833922

>FULL BREAKER OF 20%????????
No way. Too much interest in cheapies. Underlying feel with all of this on the market is people are ready to go whenever everybody else seems like they're ready to go. So we play chicken and sell down down down until the cheapies get too tasty pass up. Should be red tomorrow and maybe even another level 1 circuit breaker in the morning but I think 20% is very unlikely.

pic related wound up in my animu folder somehow. i'm going to leave it in there,.

>> No.17833835

this desu.

>> No.17833837
Quoted by: >>17833898

A friend of mines posted a pic of his dorm's parking lot and it was EMPTY

>> No.17833838

I've got to go to work tomorrow.
Probably going to get coronavirus.

>bleed for me wagie
>die from me wagie

>> No.17833841

Even fucking Jeb would've handled this better

>> No.17833851

Trump is so stupid lol you know the moment the market drops 10+ they're going to shop his signature to a graph of that

>> No.17833854

>The vaccine will be fast tracked by the FDA so it will be available for Fall 2020
You don't understand. The 12-18 months (assuming nothing goes wrong) is the fast track.

>> No.17833857
Quoted by: >>17833888

people that want to see positions are usually newfags.. i dont know what it is with them wanting to see peoples positions as if it matters..

>> No.17833864
File: 2.00 MB, 360x332, Herman mentioned.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17833866

>He held off testing because he didn’t want the numbers of infected to rise.
>he said he didn’t want to let them disembark because he “likes the numbers where they are”
Neither of those things sound even remotely true. Did you get those from opinion articles that took soundbites out of context?

>> No.17833868

No it's not, holy shit you are retarded.

>> No.17833875

I have two more days of physical uni classes, Tuesday is from 10-6
wish me luck (can't skip since tests were being held those days even before this shitshow)

>> No.17833877
Quoted by: >>17833968

My Father passed away recently and my Mom just asked me to take care of his Roth. Getting completely out seems like the best option or am I missing anything?

>> No.17833879

The only thing that gives me pause is vix is getting really high

I think events will get worse but I don't know what will happen with box, and I have been rolling my options deeper at higher and higher vix

Im worried that we'll enter relatively low vix period of continued bleeding out, so if vix shoots up I'm probably gonna sell everything except maybe 10-20% and probably just wait in cash or something until vix falls, then maybe more puts on the gradual bleeding out over the next year. Not sure.

>> No.17833884

Only bernie could have handled it. Cope fag.

>> No.17833887
Quoted by: >>17833906


>> No.17833888
Quoted by: >>17833907

Basically they want to decredit another persons opinion on the direction of the market by making fun of their positions/amount of money invested/etc. As if they are some hotshot with millions at play and not some dweeb investing his autism bux and shitposting on this Chinese Bat Soup Drinking forum

>> No.17833893
File: 13 KB, 278x755, cheeky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>markets open for quick second
kek wonder what kind of meme magic numb ritual they preforming with this one

>> No.17833894
Quoted by: >>17833925

Hello, Chinese spy.

>> No.17833898
File: 40 KB, 462x480, 1574924938437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It already outbroke in my friend's university, now they're quarantining the grad students and kicking out the undergrads. Somehow I don't think removing undergrads when flights are getting shut down soon is a good idea.

>> No.17833901
Quoted by: >>17833935

Who is going to edit that trump signature from that pic he sent to lou the other day on the crash tomorrow

>> No.17833906

What coordinates? What do they imply?

>> No.17833907
Quoted by: >>17833960

Checked. I’m more interested in their thesis regarding their positions desu

>> No.17833920

Las Vegas is getting shut down, all casinos

>> No.17833921
Quoted by: >>17834047

I have some Chem Berry Diesel to trade for Toilet Paper. PM me if interested.

>> No.17833922
File: 159 KB, 487x1024, 1575365431090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17833978

Too skinny, not gonna make it.
Go long on braphogs when food is not in stores.

>> No.17833924
Quoted by: >>17833965

what if people just wanted some excuse for stay in houses O_O

>> No.17833925
Quoted by: >>17833959

OP not lying. The god damn place is a literal dictatorship of capital. Monopoly is capitalism whether you faggots like it or not.

>> No.17833935

What was he smoking? I legitimately voted for him but why would he set himself up like that? They’re going to go down, we’re in the middle of a pandemic lmao

>> No.17833940

>I've got to go to work tomorrow.
>Probably going to get coronavirus.
I've been at work all weekend. Doing fuck all in a ghost town pretty much. It's not a close proximity to people kinda gig and the only time I get anywhere corona might live if when I pop in to the office at start and end of shift to take and leave equipment. Boss man keeps sending updates over email. Still open, sort of, for now, pending, we don't know. He has little say in the matter so it's all questions.

>> No.17833954

No, I listened to the interview.

>> No.17833959
Quoted by: >>17834027

Oh God, shouldn't you study some real economist and not some neet failed philosopher? Seriously the Chinese COMMUNIST Party is still very communist, retard

>> No.17833960

>I’m more interested in their thesis regarding their positions desu
same here.. hate when people keep posting a stock pick without giving a reason behind it

>> No.17833965
Quoted by: >>17834007

>what if people just wanted some excuse for stay in houses O_O
That feel is definitely in the air at my work. Yeah yeah we n-need to shut down for s-safety.

>> No.17833968
Quoted by: >>17834002

Not sure with the whole interest rate being 0 ordeal, but there are low yield Stable Value Funds for Roth IRA etc. Best thing would be to call and ask them about it, but could pull out and wait until this shit rides through.

>> No.17833970

>Why are liberal shits blaming Trump for this?

>deleted our pandemic response infrastructure 2 years ago
>defunded our program to detect and stop new diseases in China
>refused WHO testing kits as an intermediary measure until the CDC could develop and mass produce their own
>overrode HHS to bring back infected to California and untrained staffers running that shit end up fucking up the quarantine and causing a local outbreak
>requires all testing to go through the CDC for WEEKS
>to this day has been underselling the threat along with a host of other right wing figures so now half the country legitimately believes they should refuse to practice social distancing to own the libs
>put Pence in charge
Trump's basically been bungling his way through a checklist of how to make a pandemic as horrible as possible.

>> No.17833971

>Nikkei literally stagnated
Are Japs not going to move until US does?

>> No.17833978
Quoted by: >>17834121

>wh*te women
not even once

>> No.17833980
File: 1.77 MB, 4032x3024, 0EE1B4F9-F02E-48CD-892D-BE812DFC2569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17834053

I saved your pic the last time you posted
Looks comfy desu

>> No.17833981

Because he is going to take credit for the biggest pump in history.

>> No.17833984

he think's he can jawbone the economy into working again.
This mix of plague and market panic is unprecedented for the US outside of the Spanish flu.
The only comparrison i could draw would be Tulipmania

>> No.17833992
File: 170 KB, 700x853, bear5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said it's a game of chicken.

>> No.17833997
Quoted by: >>17834104

I believe the BOJ meeting is still ongoing
also India just entered the JUST club

>> No.17834002
Quoted by: >>17834024

Thank you, I'll do that.
Take care of yourself.

>> No.17834003

Probably waiting for the minutes of the BOJ meeting to be released.

>> No.17834004
Quoted by: >>17834050

If you don't replace it with anything, that doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.17834007
Quoted by: >>17834023

>tfw the world ends because everybody got tired of this shit simultaneously

>> No.17834009
Quoted by: >>17834087

Trump was never too smart, he just had good ideas but then got greedy about taking credit for everything. He backed himself into this corner, the combination of the virus and the market implosion is just where his luck comes to an end. Either he's playing 7D chess here or he's completely fucked

>> No.17834016

>pandemic turns out to be a big nothing burger
>liberals look even more retarded
Honestly this will play out like 4d chess. Lefties are just too low IQ

>> No.17834023
File: 122 KB, 862x720, 1577647643694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd believe it

>> No.17834024

Take care of your mother as well dude, if you can do all her shopping for necessities for her and spend time with her.

>> No.17834027
File: 72 KB, 828x951, 1584009390223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17834148

The DEMOCRATIC peoples republic of Korea is still very democratic, retard.

>> No.17834029
Quoted by: >>17834048

Bros, I think I have coronavirus. Where should I go cough to help my puts?

>> No.17834038
File: 13 KB, 500x332, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17834118

>our program to detect and stop new diseases in China

>> No.17834045

I'm not sure about the holding off testing bit, but, the "I like the numbers where they are" is quite infamous.


>> No.17834047

my god dude if only i could.

>> No.17834048


>> No.17834050
Quoted by: >>17834065

It was literally replaced and made more effective, you are literally hanging onto strawman talking points for liberal talking heads. At least think for yourself.

>> No.17834051
Quoted by: >>17834080

>pandemic turns out to be a big nothing burger
I direct your attention to Italy.

>> No.17834052
File: 8 KB, 255x153, 328C57FC7002454888BD74086997B7F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17834079

>replying to leftypol faggotry

>> No.17834053
Quoted by: >>17834601

Is that Seattle?

>> No.17834065

>It was literally replaced and made more effective
Oh? Who's in charge of pandemics on the NSC?

>> No.17834066
File: 322 KB, 640x410, FC50AD1D-03DE-4B98-952A-970853D4DA4C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17834070

>nothing burger
>kills 1/5 90+ year olds, 1/6 80+, and 1/10 70+ people in Italy who have had it
it's 4dchess alright to lose the election by wiping out the most Trump supporting demographics in the nation.

>> No.17834079
File: 681 KB, 1920x2560, cdeb2a19ddbc217ecc75a11a97ba939a-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17834119

>Cover your ears and ignore reality with me fellow idiots!

>> No.17834080

"Italy a shit. Numbers fake. I trust me, myself, and I and nobody else. KAGA, lubcick."

>> No.17834085

"There is no food shortage and grocery stores will remain open.

"There is no food shortage and grocery stores will remain open.

"There is no food shortage and grocery stores will remain open.

"There is no food shortage and grocery stores will remain open.


>> No.17834087
File: 71 KB, 976x549, _82422295_reuters_kim3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I tend to agree with this assessment
this one is bigger than the government can handle, they're doing their best now but they didn't do anything in January-February at all

Kim closed the border to NK on like the first week of January. That's leadership.

>> No.17834093
File: 334 KB, 350x258, we really are going to make it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17834129

>> No.17834095


>> No.17834096

If this is actually "it", it doesn't feel like Armageddon. 10-yr is down, but has been flat for the last couple of hours; the Asian markets are down, but not be a shocking amount and the Nikkei seems to be sticking to a +/- 100pt range (until the BOJ does whatever).

If tomorrow was going to be the end of the world, wouldn't things look a little more dire?

>> No.17834104
Quoted by: >>17834174

Didnt the meeting get moved to Monday?

>> No.17834105
Quoted by: >>17834199

We gonna get quarantined tomorrow or what?

>> No.17834109
File: 344 KB, 550x463, nomnomnomnom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17834167

ugh gtg so cant make next thread
but find it funny that during time of very stressed market people start accepting death and guro very easu

OP image litterally pic of someone being strangled to death and no one batted eye kek

while have been insta-banned for same OP during bull runs

>> No.17834118
Quoted by: >>17834256

And 38 other countries. We only left 10 such programs in place.

This is a thing that fucking happened.

>> No.17834119
File: 55 KB, 892x535, 1545361949999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17834183

I'm here to make fat fucking stacks while the world burns, not argue 18th century steampunk economics with raiding retards. Come back with a philosopher born after electricity.

>> No.17834121
File: 159 KB, 1080x1280, 1570412785451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17834168

It turns out the trick is keeping them well fed.

that's what they want you to think
they want all the food for themselves to keep their wives/gfs fat

>> No.17834125

Keep plugging away at that strawman. I'm sure your fellow idiots will enjoy jumping off the cliff with you

>> No.17834129


>> No.17834148
Quoted by: >>17834171

Who cares about the dprk when they have a fake economy. In the end the Chinese communist government owns the news, blocks the internet, and comes up with retarded economic plans with depleting yields. Please go be an obtuse retard about "It's not real communism until I try it" somewhere else. Anyone who knows even a entry level college education in economics would laugh at you.

>> No.17834151

Damnit, I wish I would have visited nk when I had the chance.

>> No.17834152
Quoted by: >>17834210

And they still want me to work at the airport lmao these rules are not logical.

>> No.17834155

I was wondering how the Norks were doing

>> No.17834162

Any capitalism that isn't debt based is just a barter economy by proxy.

>> No.17834164

>If tomorrow was going to be the end of the world, wouldn't things look a little more dire?

Markets should be up 10% or more

If not, the Fed failed

>> No.17834167
File: 68 KB, 234x496, murder her, save yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its hardly the first time you imposter

what is this the 14th, 15th one now?

>> No.17834168
Quoted by: >>17834206

too fat but has potential. 1 baby and she will be 250lbs

>> No.17834171
Quoted by: >>17834261

I expect those people with entry level college education in economics are far too busy screaming their fucking lungs out at the Fed for the upcoming inevitable Mr.BonesWildRide StockMarketEdition tomorrow to laugh at them.

>> No.17834174
Quoted by: >>17834198

>end of the world
for seniors maybe, though this will probably cause a recession.
it's weird, the asian markets are relatively tame except for australia, which is down -7 to -8% depending on movement, and DAX futures are down over -7%.
it is Monday in Japan m8

>> No.17834183
Quoted by: >>17834243


Bruh I lurk this place on the regular.
I'm just here to watch Karl Marx be confirmed in real time.

You do you bobo

>> No.17834184

I think we're in a boiling frog situation and honestly it feels like a death by a thousand little cuts.

>> No.17834188


Massive dump after reopening

>> No.17834193
Quoted by: >>17834221

What is this pattern called?

>> No.17834198
Quoted by: >>17834272

>it's weird, the asian markets are relatively tame
CCP and BoJ buying stocks

>> No.17834199

By the feds? Fuck no. A few mayors and governors seem to be reaching the conclusion they can no longer fuck around though.

But most are still pussies and refusing to issue mandatory quarantines.

>> No.17834206
File: 122 KB, 1080x1080, 1538015348534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Fat tubbo gfs are good during depressions.

>> No.17834210
Quoted by: >>17834995

How many planes are leaving?
How many people are there?
Whats going on on the ground?!

>> No.17834211
Quoted by: >>17834272

What are you talking about the younger generations are definitely turning out to be more conservative. To be a rebel in a day and age of conformist queer liberal trogdolytes one has to be conservative. That's why Trump is cool and the left can't meme.

>> No.17834214

Expect those numbers to be higher when you factor in massive amounts of diabetes and obesity

>> No.17834221
File: 104 KB, 750x825, 4F35A4A5-C187-4349-86A1-BAA5DCD6EC6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17834224
File: 24 KB, 474x339, 2r34r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17834246

There are highs and lows in depressions anon.
This graph is the future.

>> No.17834235

Sine wave

>> No.17834239

Trump is actually leader of suicide cult

Time has four sides

Four sides like cube

Time is a cube

>> No.17834243

>Karl Marx
>be confirmed
>100 years after he was last relevant
What's the Marxist position on automation?
What's the Marxist position on bots?
What's the Marxist position on ethots?
What's the Marxist position on e-commerce?
What's the Marxist position on software development?

We don't know, because he died before we invented the computer. You can ask modern "Marxists" those questions, but you can never ask the man himself. Marxism was not designed for modern society, which is fundamentally different from the last 19th century.

>> No.17834246
Quoted by: >>17834258

WW3 when?

>> No.17834256
File: 1.92 MB, 280x211, Yeb no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17834303


>> No.17834258
Quoted by: >>17834278

What would ww3 do for oil price???

>> No.17834260

Dropped my bouncy ball

>> No.17834261
Quoted by: >>17834321

A lot of them saw this coming before you did and made money but yeah keep thinking "capitalism is failing and making empty stores" during a PANDEMIC. At least you can pretend like you are winning in your head.

>> No.17834263
Quoted by: >>17834316

Can someone who knows a bit about ETFs tell me if there are any hidden nasty surprises that could come up with holding SQQQ?

Like, let's assume the market just continues to slowly tank ass over the next couple months. Is there any reason the fund would suddenly go belly up, or some such? Or if the market really is going down down down over a long time, holding sqqq will just go up up up

>> No.17834265

THATS what you’re investing in now?
Vix? Up here?
This is a good point...

>> No.17834272
Quoted by: >>17834296

CCP always does, I just ignore mainland markets
I'm going to take previous voting patterns over deluded hopes m8, and as Bernie shows, younger people aren't even voting
well I forgot to add that was as of march 11th, and the death count has nearly doubled since so...

>> No.17834278
Quoted by: >>17834305

what do you think retard

>> No.17834279
Quoted by: >>17834353


>> No.17834283
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>> No.17834291
Quoted by: >>17834316

Oil at $100? Experts predict where crude could go if an Iran conflict breaks out

>> No.17834296
Quoted by: >>17834312

Are you really surprised the Bernouts don't come out and vote? Shitty if you think all young people are like them

>> No.17834297
File: 1.09 MB, 1480x1200, 16C290EB-9F9E-4E37-A594-A68EDE418EAE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not the end of the world
But it might be the moment the US begins a decline into a third-world like shadow if itself.

We DID elect a reality TV president, that is pretty decadent.

>> No.17834303
Quoted by: >>17834365

>CDC to cut by 80% efforts to prevent global disease outbreak
Had to pay for those tax cuts somehow.

>> No.17834305

Lol. $1000 per barrel

>> No.17834306

Lol meanwhile I'm sitting with my puts hoping for a 55 VIX open.

>> No.17834312

youth turnout *in general* is down from 2016 m8
but okay
also to clarify a different point in that post it more than doubled, was at 800 deaths for the study, now at 1800 deaths in Italy as of today

>> No.17834314
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Bones are for the dog, meat is for the man.

>> No.17834315
File: 653 KB, 1411x719, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"There is no food shortage and grocery stores will remain open.
>"There is no food shortage and grocery stores will remain open.
>"There is no food shortage and grocery stores will remain open.
>"There is no food shortage and grocery stores will remain open.


>> No.17834316

It should be fine, the only issue is volatility might alter its price after hours as the manager "corrects" the difference between SQQQ price and the underlying securities, which will generally eat away gains over time.

>Oil 100
No, thats retarded

>> No.17834321
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Quoted by: >>17834392

The pandemic isn't the problem. People go under during times like these. Even the main stream faggot media is saying it. No capital means no jobs means no housing means no food means no capital means no jobs means no housing.......

The bat flu was just the catalyst for the underlying economic issues we have in this economy. Mainly that we have been jerking each-other off over a speculative bubble for the last 70years

>> No.17834324
Quoted by: >>17834411



>> No.17834338

That's manufacturers. Meaning they are concerned about getting raw materials for their products. That's minimum a month away before it would start to impact retail.

>> No.17834341
Quoted by: >>17834412

>deleted our pandemic response infrastructure 2 years ago
It got merged into the CDC, you mongrel.
>defunded our program to detect and stop new diseases in China
That was never a thing. How fucking misinformed are you?

Half of the things you're complaining about didn't happen and the other parts are you just your own whining and negative biases.

>> No.17834353
File: 1.45 MB, 1080x1080, 1538255819613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food is gone off store shelves
>fat girls become skinny
>skinny girls starve
I tried to warn you.

>> No.17834362
Quoted by: >>17834422

It doesn't matter because none of that is relevant to his economic theories that are being confirmed in real time.

Capitalism and innovation are at odds with one another. You can't have an economy that is propped up on a house of cards. Labor creates value not faggots on wallstreet sniffing cocaine.

>> No.17834363
Quoted by: >>17834563

Damn the BOJ is taking forever announce something already are we bearish or bullkuks

>> No.17834365
Quoted by: >>17834431

The CDC was never cut because the bill that would have cut it was never passed, you retard.

>> No.17834370
File: 10 KB, 180x157, 23(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17834410

>The 3 big indices are limit down on the futures market
>Expecting another limit down at open
>Fed decided to just set the fucking money printer to wumbo
>The US bonds have hardly flinched in reaction to the fed decision, relative to what I saw a fucking week ago when it flew up in price 7% overnight
>FTSE 100 is sitting pretty at just -1.85% down
This is bullshit. The fucking world's burning, but there aren't any nice windows for viewing it.

>> No.17834381

Oh look it's fucking nothing
The stock market would be way higher than it is without you dumb shitsmears.

>> No.17834390

fucking kek

yes that's just where I'll go with a virus sweeping the nation

>> No.17834392
Quoted by: >>17834439

Oh Jesus that has nothing to do with economics and everything to do with monetary policy you dumb embarrassing fuck. By the way, Marx was pro having a centralized private bank like the Fed, it's actually in the Communist manifesto for the 10 planks of communism
>inb4 you go back into denial of your little commie fantasy land.

>> No.17834400

Lol landwhale

>> No.17834404
File: 19 KB, 419x295, carrying capacity graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its called carrying capacity in systems n controls analysis

>> No.17834410
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Lol, we in the front row, anon.

>> No.17834411
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>> No.17834412

>That was never a thing

>Four years after the United States pledged to help the world fight infectious-disease epidemics such as Ebola, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is dramatically downsizing its epidemic prevention activities in 39 out of 49 countries because money is running out, U.S. government officials said.

>The CDC programs, part of a global health security initiative, train front-line workers in outbreak detection and work to strengthen laboratory and emergency response systems in countries where disease risks are greatest. The goal is to stop future outbreaks at their source.

>How misinformed are you

Also taking our pandemic response infrastructure off the god damn NSC isn't making it better. It's sidelining it.

>> No.17834421
Quoted by: >>17834442

They gonna shut this market down. Lets go CNBC. Get trump on it.

>> No.17834422

I agree with you but nobody else in this thread will. What this entire board is about is largely anti-productive in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.17834425

Hopefully all the dumb people are dead after all this

>> No.17834431

>The CDC was never cut because the bill that would have cut it was never passed, you retard.
I didn't say the CDC was cut.


>> No.17834437
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>> No.17834439
Quoted by: >>17834475

>It has nothing do with economics.

Massive brainlet.

>> No.17834440
Quoted by: >>17834460

That pandemic response was meant to monitor 3rd world countries for emerging threats.

It would have done zero for an outbreak out of China.

>> No.17834441
File: 579 KB, 479x639, Venus of La Poire 25000 BC Brassempouy France.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies just want a distraction from it all

>> No.17834442
Quoted by: >>17834457

Fuck off faggot

>> No.17834455
File: 143 KB, 650x350, maga-kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CNN wasn't even right about those kids, why would you trust their obvious bias and slant? It's going to be difficult to meet demand when a single ass hole buys 2500 hand sanitizers, water bottles, and face masks to scalp them.

>> No.17834457
Quoted by: >>17834483

It's happening.

Shut it down for a week, for pandemic prevention.

>> No.17834460
File: 10 KB, 145x119, cat point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17835405

>It would have done zero for an outbreak out of China.

>> No.17834475

>doesn't know the difference between studying monetary policy versus market economics

>> No.17834480
File: 88 KB, 829x1200, thicc cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17834509

with any luck we will start seeing dead senators soon!

>> No.17834483

The niggers on CNBC already said even if the floor closes it can all be done electronically

>> No.17834486
Quoted by: >>17834518



>> No.17834487

In what universe would China allow American agents to conduct pandemic response procedures outside of embassies?
Literally what are you talking about? China knew about the virus since NOVEMBER and they covered it up until February.
The US had to close off travel with China in January because we knew they were fucking lying to us.
Literally what would have changed, exactly? I want to hear what god damn stupid explanation you have.

>> No.17834500

Hey this is what the maga faggots wanted.
Shouldn't they be celebrating?

>> No.17834509
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>> No.17834510

Any predictions for tomorrow? I have 6 puts on SPY.

>> No.17834511
Quoted by: >>17834546

>In what universe would China allow American agents to conduct pandemic response procedures outside of embassies?
In this one until fucking early 2018.

>> No.17834518


>> No.17834520

Red day tomorrow bois

Hope you're ALL IN SQQQ

>> No.17834524

This is from 2014


>> No.17834530
Quoted by: >>17834555

No, dude, you're not getting it. The world is gonna end unless you pay half of your income in taxes so that "we" can have mo money fo dem programs in every third world shithole they can find.

>> No.17834531
Quoted by: >>17834592

lots. of. cheapies

>> No.17834532

Thank god. Streets in my city are empty, was worried this would blow over too quickly.

>> No.17834541

Alright bobos, what price are you exiting sqqq at?

>> No.17834546
Quoted by: >>17834588

Trusting China is how we got into this mess in the first place.
If you believe a word that comes out of the CCP's fetid hole by now I feel bad for you.

>> No.17834547
Quoted by: >>17834614

I kind want to double down on puts but I tried that on Friday morning and got rekt lol. If I buy a new put at market open it's either gonna make me tons of money or fully rek me if the market goes up

>> No.17834555

It's always a hundred times cheaper to deal with a problem there than here. That's why Trump's making refugees wait in Mexico.

>> No.17834562







>> No.17834563

I have puts on Japan so I hope this tanks

>> No.17834564
Quoted by: >>17834607

What kinda faggot thinks that bitch is fat? That's hour glass. Her stomach is almost completely flat withe oversized boobs and ass. There's no way it's natural.

>> No.17834572

Asian markets still not in freefall but definitely on the low side for tonight, Korea now lowest it's been today. I'm curious where ASX closes, they've got about 20 minutes left

>> No.17834578
File: 1.93 MB, 244x201, 1570725645127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17834597

Got some SOXS, too. Sorry, SOXLbro.

>> No.17834588
Quoted by: >>17834660

>Trusting China is how we got into this mess in the first place.
Well, no, not being South Korea is how we got into this mess. There were only a few dozen confirmed cases when China published the full genome on this thing. We had time and we fucking squandered it.

And you should never trust China.

>> No.17834591
File: 257 KB, 1073x978, 1584152449048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck tomorrow is going to be epic. I literally cannot sleep.

>> No.17834592

breaker tomorrow after a 7% drop, then pace at 8-9% drop till close

>> No.17834597


>> No.17834601

Exit data literally says it’s next door to the pentagon lmao

>> No.17834607
Quoted by: >>17834646

Where in walmart america do you live where that isn't fat?

>> No.17834614

In this environment, you're posta buy your puts at the end of a green day.

>> No.17834619
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>> No.17834645
File: 2.85 MB, 480x360, CpQg2kdKQKkkB1FNHjiq7w1M3f0=.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If these trends continue....

>> No.17834646

>Having big boobs and hips is fat even with tiny stomach
Either gay or pedo

>> No.17834660

Omfg dude you are so fucking naive. There have been Chinese doctors who and Journalists coming out talking about how the Chinese government silenced them. You really are dumb and will be shocked once this is all over and a massive documentary gets made about this shit. No matter how you spin it, China dropped the ball. I don't get why retards try to defend China when they are incompetent selfish ass holes.

>> No.17834672

Oh I am. Question is what price do I sell

>> No.17834992
File: 361 KB, 407x415, 1584247697176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TZA or SRTY are the patrician choice, Russell 2000 are smaller, cash-poor businesses that will suffer greater from the pandemic and receive less government largesse

>> No.17834995
File: 1.89 MB, 3024x4032, 5e0006b1-00e7-4b7f-9edc-6e571f188ed7..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17835368

Been on pto for the week, but here their flier. Last week it was just wash your hands bro it's a cold. They also had a woman say she had it and then let her and the entire plane go because she then said she didn't have it after the police and fire questioned her.

>> No.17835368
Quoted by: >>17835542

I wonder if they basically pressed her to change her mind, so they didn’t have to deal with a hassle they’re completely unprepared for.

>> No.17835405

Dude China pays off WHO they would just hide it.

>> No.17835542 [DELETED] 
File: 484 KB, 2792x318, a318e6e2-ce10-44b2-b9c6-20c40a35cbc5..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no fucking idea