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File: 368 KB, 1035x1441, crashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17417617 No.17417617 [Reply] [Original]

"hope you enjoyed your flight" edition

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>> No.17417637
Quoted by: >>17417645


>> No.17417645
Quoted by: >>17417676

for crypto

>> No.17417649
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>> No.17417655


>> No.17417656

lol spce earnings tomorrow LOL

>> No.17417659
Quoted by: >>17419170




>> No.17417662

watch it moon for no reason

>> No.17417668

No matter what I do, I can only make money going long

>> No.17417670
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>> No.17417676

>Thinking crypto has any sort of correlation to the traditional market
Kek'd, this guy

>> No.17417688
File: 25 KB, 306x410, 12851416-0-image-a-1_1556528947590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17417870

Buy kokies.

>> No.17417692
Quoted by: >>17419216

Can someone explain puts and calls? More so what all the numbers mean?

>> No.17417694
File: 82 KB, 1802x374, Screenshot (500).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SDGR conference tomorrow.
talking to germans about how their product will make better cars and stuff.

>> No.17417698

>Sell my gold and silver stuff at a nice profit, waiting for more info about the situation
>Account value instantly drops by a huge amount
>Wonder why
>Remember I have to pay taxes

>> No.17417699
File: 489 KB, 497x373, 1449106875917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17417762

Corona wont burn out in China till at least April. Sell and buy SPY/QQQ puts for March. The economic impact hasn't even begun.

>> No.17417700

same way gold does anon

>> No.17417704

oh undoubtedly

>lost revenue?
>increasing debt?
>no profits?


>> No.17417707


Manulife Financial stocks are ON SALE right now get them while you can. This company is literally too big to fail.

>> No.17417714
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>> No.17417718


>> No.17417722

The current coronavirus fatality rate of those under 50 is 0.5% and people are panicking. Really?

It's nothing. The problem is people and governments overreacting not the virus. Stop shutting down entire fucking cities over a mild virus. REEE

>> No.17417723

That only means that it will be MORE profitable in the future!

>> No.17417725

Watch everyone sell the news

>> No.17417726

give it all you got bears, you aren't fooling anybody and uncle powell is going to call your margin in the morning.

>> No.17417733
File: 265 KB, 1566x881, 170604-irving-branson-v-bezsos-hero_gztgdx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> SPCE recovered 10% from opening
> call options are literally the only thing keeping my portfolio in the green

No brakes on the rocket train.

>> No.17417737
Quoted by: >>17417903

bought some more shares of SDGR this morning before it hit the high.

>> No.17417749
Quoted by: >>17417794

What's going to happen to the market when all the leaders in Europe are infected?


>> No.17417750
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>> No.17417751

checked and capped.
can't wait to see the pink tomorrow

>> No.17417761
File: 189 KB, 1200x800, drink coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is KO okay?

>> No.17417762
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Quoted by: >>17418116

True. But right now the only thing I have left is Nikkei puts.
I fear that we will see a small bounce tomorrow, because people are buying back in at the "bottom" though. Wednesday will be the next sell off and then we will see some chaos.

Thats my plan at least. Not sure enough to invest in it right now though.

>> No.17417764

to be honest, more often than it not... it actually does seem like it has an inverse correlation. april will be the test whether or not that is true, with the repo drying up mere weeks before bitcoin halves, think its suspiciously coincidental in of itself. but truthfully, i think it's wise to at least hedge between both markets, especially if you're playing the long game

>> No.17417768
File: 322 KB, 1920x1200, dr. pepper makise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17417870

No. We are all going to die

>> No.17417779
Quoted by: >>17417870

nope everyone loves pepesi now

>> No.17417781

There's a draft vaccine already, undergoing animal testing.
The problem is that OUTSIDE of china there are murmurings of a new mutation, specifically in Italy and South Korea thus spooking the market; both countries have issued new travel restrictions on their populace.

>> No.17417785
File: 489 KB, 1269x2102, Screenshot_2020-02-24 biz - Short Gamestop - Business Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a good idea to short gamestop?

>> No.17417794

this is going to be interesting to see. given his political importance, what happens to the rest of the countries. no one anyone can keep ignoring this. shit might actually get real in terms of countries shutting down borders completely.

>> No.17417797


>> No.17417811
File: 157 KB, 436x436, smug 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So whats the plan for tonight and tomorrow?

Nikkei is going to town with huge losses.
Gold and silver will stall, watching the situation.

>> No.17417813

oh yeah, SNSS up today again. fuck i love making easy money while the rest of the retard pack is buying SPY/QQQ/DOW and shit lmfao

>> No.17417823

Gold and silver will drop, the panic buying has suddenly spiked them way above their actual value.

>> No.17417829
File: 966 KB, 824x826, 1582410758465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy BNS puts. This bank is retarded and going down the shitter. I posted about it on the weekend. Buy the longest dated puts you can, Q4 earnings might be good because they didn't pay anybody bonuses (including executives) but this bank 100% will be insolvent by 2022.

>> No.17417834
File: 551 KB, 700x933, 33321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418097



>> No.17417836

Whatever happened to the Xaviers school discord?

>> No.17417838

Yeah like 2 years ago lol

>> No.17417850
Quoted by: >>17417965

Just buy gold puts like 6 weeks out, unless the world is actually ending (it isn't) then gold will pull back once the market calms down.

>> No.17417857


>> No.17417858
Quoted by: >>17417934

shill me some solid dividend stocks with better than 5% yield

>> No.17417860

markets are going to drop all week

dont be an idiot and "buy the dip"

>> No.17417861

Here comes fresh lows

>> No.17417867

Flipped 500 shares of SPCE from 35 -> 35.50. That volatility was just too juicy not to capitalize on. Imagine holding into Tuesday.

>> No.17417868
File: 277 KB, 1190x652, 2020-02-24_12-30-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold is a savage market. Can't you fucks give my old man one sustained week of happiness

>> No.17417870
File: 951 KB, 1125x1754, 195AEE98-657A-42C6-AF2A-74C1A39C17C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally right as I got to this post...
You cant explain that.


all in PEPcoin
Fiat is dead

>> No.17417871
File: 1.70 MB, 2048x1634, Screenshot_20200221-101913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual value
See pic

>> No.17417876
File: 9 KB, 209x250, 1541740366792s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. we havent even begun the dip

>> No.17417879
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Quoted by: >>17417946

The God Move has been made

>> No.17417886

Please pump sqqq for the rest of the week so I can sell thursday or friday and then market rebound after that gonna need a miracle to get my head back over water. I was up 16K on the 17th and now i'm down 7K just end my life i'm never touching options again

>> No.17417887
File: 274 KB, 1125x847, D293F36E-1A80-4D76-A470-276AADCF40E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17417965

Why aren’t you in SNAP yet?

>> No.17417896
Quoted by: >>17417925

Is the food chad an actual strategy or is it just a meme

>> No.17417899
File: 73 KB, 680x906, c86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17417962

Someone on here suggested a 3/6/20 put which so far seems to be doing great while the market is down but its chump change with the DOW on -3%.
Its not expensive to do a longer-term put but I see no indicator that it will go completely bust this year, GME just refuses to fucking die.

>> No.17417903

i paniekd and sold other shit to buy more SDGR as it hit the high thinking i was missing out the moon and now im down.

i bought SDGR last week under $30 for nice comfy gains which i sold on friday thinking it would drop but somehow it keeps climbing and i know its going to be a winner so im debating cashing out of all holdings and going all in
anyone else here EUO for euro short? get in now, its a lagger but in a week when italy is on lockdown and they close all the trains across europe youre gonna wish you did

>> No.17417912
File: 173 KB, 447x621, 87544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will try.

>> No.17417921

i was surprised it went up today

>> No.17417925
Quoted by: >>17417936

It was free money when they lowered interest rates

>> No.17417928
File: 16 KB, 376x432, 1580175250959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never post in these because the stock market is designed to go up forever but i must remind you of that today. Zoom out. Its only ever gone up. The stock market is Bull Territory bobo fag. You'll findout soon enough. Best run on back to shorting shitcoins.

>> No.17417929

oh shit i bought the dip today... will the knife at least be hot so i don't feel pain?

>> No.17417934
File: 147 KB, 1424x584, Screenshot (529).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a thing.

>> No.17417936
Quoted by: >>17417978

so is KHC a no go now?

>> No.17417945

but the more money you make on small peaks and valleys the more you can reinvest into the total picture for long term gains

>> No.17417946
File: 229 KB, 600x675, suika bowling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gonna be a steeeeeee-rike :OO

>> No.17417950

Will SDGR go up tomorrow?

>> No.17417952


>> No.17417955
Quoted by: >>17417965

guys is the market ever going up again or is that it

>> No.17417956

>Not being pure greedy and trying to flip the dip for massive gains.

>> No.17417958

i'm setting my sell for $60

>> No.17417962

Sorry im new to all of this. What is a 3/6/20 put?

And read this screenshotted thread. Some anon said his dad is a jewish bankruptcy lawer and GameStop will go bankrupt this year

>> No.17417965

I think "drop" is too much. More like dip.
Especially if SPY only crabs tomorrow and stops the free fall.

Gold is never overvalued. Its an almost worthless shiny rock, but it has exactly the value people give to it because it is so stable.
I was. They just crabbed and never really showed they were able to monetize their user base.
The one thing I am eyeing right now is FB and their 2 billion WhatsApp user base. Imagine just 1 small ad for every person, once a day. Literally free money.
Not doing that. I do not bet against the Chinese, the mouse, the house or gold. >>17417955
Thats it. Most of the people here are already dead from corona or suicide

>> No.17417977


>> No.17417978

KHC detached from food chad because fundamentals
CPB, GIS, SJM, these are good stocks, KHC is value stock you have to bet on turnaround

>> No.17417992

Hope you bought the Microsoft Dip

>> No.17417993
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>> No.17418003
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>> No.17418008
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>> No.17418010
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who else managed to stay in the green

>> No.17418019

fuck the intraday Dow is pure meme
>bounce between vwap bands
>that's it

>> No.17418026
Quoted by: >>17418041


>> No.17418041
File: 3 KB, 567x41, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17418050

Obviously a bear though. Did a bull manage it? Maybe some niche biomemes were not affected

>> No.17418061
File: 794 KB, 2949x4096, ERWbB16VUAASyQJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418475

attention all retards
it is time to long oil
report back to me in a week

>> No.17418064
File: 57 KB, 302x340, mmmyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a hot rock, but i'm think it'll pay off.
surely the recession won't be THIS year, r-r-right?

>> No.17418069

unedited source of image?

>> No.17418070

10 mins left to sell SPCE. It will plummet tomorrow.

>> No.17418071


No one knows?

Is everyone here a newfren?

>> No.17418076
Quoted by: >>17418116

I have mostly industrial stocks, I did dump NAK to buy more GORO at the bottom though.

>> No.17418082
File: 164 KB, 498x497, bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is gold going to open higher or lower tomorrow?

>> No.17418084
Quoted by: >>17418110

some kraut buddy of mine was saying that a continued asian shutdown of production would negatively effect the german auto industry
something about them getting some of their parts from china
worth looking into

>> No.17418086
Quoted by: >>17418441


>> No.17418088
File: 138 KB, 534x419, 1580641217980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know the answer, anon

>> No.17418094


>> No.17418095
File: 38 KB, 1436x584, Screenshot (530).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418116

fucked up trying to catch the bottom on this guy which was nerve racking because it had such sporadic volume. was being too cautious and missed every bus.
would have been deep in the green if not for fud

>> No.17418097
File: 979 KB, 498x720, 1493689147964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418540

I want to play some Frostpunk now

>> No.17418103
Quoted by: >>17419291

Well gold enthusiasts tell me that gold is the only real money so I guess gold's value is always the same, it's weight in gold?

>> No.17418104
File: 960 KB, 364x506, bannerlord_mfw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can read your picture made for reddit.
No economic indicator says they're on the road to bankruptcy, at least compared to Sears and Blue Apron; they have the same poor cashflow issues, same management problem sand thus same risk of bankruptcy but even those companies and GME can still borrow out the nose to keep themselves afloat. I don't see GME going bankrupt but at least they'll remove their dividends.

>> No.17418110
File: 29 KB, 359x300, and away we go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418326

all i need is hype to ride it to $60.
i have no ambitions of making SDGR a shelter from the storm.

>> No.17418116

Lower. See >>17417762

Goro dropped today though. Any reason why?
>Playing Chinese stocks

>> No.17418125

Memes are real.

>> No.17418127
Quoted by: >>17418717

told ya
thats what happens in a sustained panic
people selling stock en masse means buying USD en masse
USD spiking will crush spot price of all commodities

>> No.17418134
File: 40 KB, 657x527, 1538701388103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's bounce at 9103.5 NQ, gogo

>> No.17418135

Don't buy the dip yet, it will go down for another 2 days, grab it up then.

Trust me

>> No.17418136
Quoted by: >>17418161

Almost everything dropped. People get scared. Just keep buying it on sale and you'll stay in the green overall.

>> No.17418154
Quoted by: >>17418175

Hopefully you fags picked up some puts on the mid day spike

>> No.17418161

Maybe tomorrow. Sold all my gold calls so I am no longer Afraid of lacking diversification here

>> No.17418163
Quoted by: >>17418227

3 mins to sell SPCE, WHO WANTS TO RISK HOLDING THE BAGS, reveal yourselves.

>> No.17418164

Tomorrow we crash

>> No.17418169

why would it?
so much of the shit thats needed to produce tech comes from asia
while were still waiting to see if this gets really out of hand in yurop, theres no doubt that asian production will be crippled for the foreseeable future

>> No.17418170
Quoted by: >>17418189

So why wasn't I allowed to sell until the good goy hours, after all the insiders had already dumped during (((after hours))). Of course the price flatlines once we get into the REAL trading hours.

What a fucking scam.

>> No.17418175

yep bought into some extra UK puts

>> No.17418176

Let's reject and go to 9003.* Had 2 beers for dinner and mistyping this badly. Damn, sad.

>> No.17418183
File: 45 KB, 1436x578, Screenshot (531).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey that's like three 20% fluctuations in a day, on major chinese pharmaceutical provider FOR china with a good uptrend.
might be a better look than APT or LAKE going forward.
worth looking into and keeping an eye on i think, at least i plan to.
but then again i'm retarded so yeah.

>> No.17418185
Quoted by: >>17418195

Today is October 16, 1987

>> No.17418189
Quoted by: >>17418228

/r/ing that one pic of trading long every day vs trading long every AHs

>> No.17418195

jesus christ fuck off tyler.

>> No.17418200

What's the minimum age to buy stock in CT?

>> No.17418214

My VXX calls are saving me from bleeding anymore, I can sleep well tonight

>> No.17418215

oh fuck guys, i'm red.

>> No.17418224

Me, somehow

>> No.17418227
File: 12 KB, 612x138, Screenshot (532).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i missing something.
it says earnings are tomorrow

>> No.17418228

it's 2020. Bitcoin stays open 24 hours. Somehow some kikes get after hours trading. But fucking Robinhood is useless of course.

I'm fucking pissed. Everyone knew the virus was a big deal but the markets just had to act like they were fine last week. Boomers really are asleep at the wheel.

>> No.17418237

I bought puts on alibaba today like a retard, how fucked am I?

>> No.17418238


Absolutely great day.

>> No.17418243


>> No.17418251
File: 99 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200224-150100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418717

Looks like I'm in the green (for the month).

>> No.17418253

well well well the ppt are all fucking ded

>> No.17418258

Now watch futs go limit down

>> No.17418271
Quoted by: >>17418352

the AH game is a HUGE part of the scam
theres no way it would ever transition to around the clock

>> No.17418275

>What is a 3/6/20 put?
Just a put that expires on March 6, 2020.

>> No.17418278
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>> No.17418280
File: 23 KB, 821x389, 12341234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just entering a period of optimism before we reach the new paradigm.

>> No.17418285
Quoted by: >>17418318

It's a fucking terrible idea. I'm not saying that going long is necessarily a good idea but shorting gme is dumbfuck retarded. Short interest is already 100%. Shorting fee is 10-20% and unlimited to the upper side.

>> No.17418287

Tomorrow will be a green day. Bears are far too uppity for this to not be the bottom.

>> No.17418289
File: 51 KB, 480x960, Screenshot_20200224-160032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was expecting -80% today

I feel untouchable

>> No.17418290
File: 29 KB, 530x298, smgafterhours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ding ding ding! How did everyone do today? I'm down 1.80%, not as bad as it could have been. Hands shakey from the phenylethylamine I parachuted to really pump up my lunch break trading. Threw out a surprisingly not risky buttorfly on VXX, no covvie sells 2day unfortunately. Smol average down on QYLD, holding off for the big buy. So much bowling ball I don't want to say, more than I've ever had b4 combined. Today reminded me why I come here, I love the stock market :3

>> No.17418299


>> No.17418300
File: 116 KB, 1383x596, bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily damage

>> No.17418307

>COCP up 166% today

>> No.17418314
File: 3 KB, 328x58, My asshurt has no bounds lately.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418418

Should have just taken my SPCE gain last week and went all cash but nope, had to double down on shit

>> No.17418315

SHAK getting D E S T R O Y E D

>> No.17418318
Quoted by: >>17418467

Walked past a gamestop the other day

These niggas were open but the lights were off literally trying to save cash in the most pathetic way

>> No.17418320

youre way too fucking retarded to be trading long options amigo

>> No.17418326
Quoted by: >>17418360

You are a miserable faggot who fails to see the true value of SDGR in the long run. This shit is going to have a run like Tesla. Fucking AI designing medicine and shit.

>> No.17418337
File: 59 KB, 818x545, full-color-3D-printed-sugar-from-brill-and-3D-systems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418502

For those interesting in 3D printing sector for whatever reason. Although not that interesting with the storm this week.

SSYS and DDD will report this week on Wednesday after close. DDD Just lost their CEO to retirement and SSYS just picked up a new CEO recently.

I have no predictions on earnings for either company and am long DDD for the long term.

>> No.17418338

I think the news is basically going to run with "Corona so scary here are some Asians wearing masks! Wowwie Tom so scary how can I make my family scared at home? Well Katie tell them to be scared.."

Then next week is scheduled "oh here is Doctor Bob to make us not so scared. Bob? Hur durr Im a doctor masks are doo doo wash your hands and it aint the bad unless you are 80, asmatic or literally a baby."

Que scheduled recovery and then after that is big boy recession time after people think they timed the market.

>> No.17418350
File: 102 KB, 696x956, tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I put this lightly?
portfolio is now:
30% food,
30% dogs of the Dow
30% Bowl America

>> No.17418352

Oh I know. I'm just pissed because I was about to cash my entire portfolio out last week. I stopped myself because I thought the markets already took the virus into account and just no longer cared. Unbelievable that they're this fucking slow and disconnected.

>> No.17418358
File: 368 KB, 840x700, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down $20 just fucking kill me

>> No.17418360
Quoted by: >>17418789

could be, but it has some spikes coming in its life cycle and i don't see the point of holding red lines

>> No.17418371
Quoted by: >>17419260

Honestly, just get the virus, live. Let your immune system work. Fucking easy.

>> No.17418374
File: 103 KB, 738x630, done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw $24

>> No.17418376

You are now aware that the market is mongering fear for cheapies

Theyre very motivated to capitalize on the fear potential here, the cheaper they can drive prices the better for them

>> No.17418379
File: 100 KB, 1125x587, D258F463-3E91-4EB8-BFCC-85F6BB515691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418519

BIG DAY in my SMOL BOY account!

Gimme da nootropic pill and skip and memes like DXM

Christy that’s a lot of balls
Mine mustve been too low so I didn’t get in on your guys till session

>> No.17418383
Quoted by: >>17418413

Whatever dude I'm down over $100 today for the third fucking day in a row.

>> No.17418387

it did take into account coronvirus last month.

but now that its dragging on and no certain end to it yet, the market is reacting to new information about it.

>> No.17418388
Quoted by: >>17418401

problem is every infectious disease expert is saying the same shit about very high chance of global pandemic.

>> No.17418395
Quoted by: >>17418421

was way in the green 4 hours ago, then all my gains dissipated as gold collapsed. im going to keep holding though, this was just a test but normie MSM is going to be full of corona coverage in europe and elsewhere. corona is just getting stoarted boys.

>> No.17418401

It's already a global pandemic, why they aren't calling it that is confusing to me. Maybe trying to prevent panic? It is absolutely a global pandemic by now though.

>> No.17418409

>Unbelievable that they're this fucking slow and disconnected.
not really
ive been following this virus rather closely for months
part of the reason its gotten so out of control is because of how unreasonably slow and silently it gets passed around.
plus, most have been listening to WHO **who gets 1/3rd of their funding from CCP** and the like, who have been trying desperately to save face for their slanteyed overlords, and doing little else
most medical professionals have been trying to compare this virus to other known viruses.

theres a reason the word "novel" is at the front of the viruses name
historical data means shit all here

>> No.17418413
File: 221 KB, 561x560, anime cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day this chink flu will end

>> No.17418414
Quoted by: >>17418458

we cant drink coke if we have bat flu

>> No.17418418
File: 571 KB, 800x640, shrug 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really need to post our losses more. Looking at the posts here very few got caught in that dump and we all make profits every single day apparently.

20% up with my invested money
Was not too much, since I was not sure enough for bigger moves. Still one of the best days ever
Memes giveth and memes taketh away

>> No.17418421

Buy gold and sell your calls as market stabilises Tues-Wed, then brace for a big drop.

>> No.17418424

Okay, thanks for pointing that out. Now keep selling.

>> No.17418426

Yeah that sounds about right.
The news already shifted from "NOTHINGBURGER" to "it is statistically likely that you will catch the virus". Think about that. They're finally admitting the truth.


>But most people will be fine
Viruses can (and likely will with this reproductive rate) mutate. People are going to get scared and stop showing up to work. I hope every kike that said this was nothing gets executed while their children are raped in front of them.

>> No.17418428
Quoted by: >>17418468

I still think there's a good chance this thing has already reached it's peak and we're going to be fine.

>> No.17418438
File: 99 KB, 1024x838, 4L_GPEhBe85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took QQQ put profits at the close and letting SQQQ roll for the foreseeable future. We /bearmarket/ soon

>> No.17418441

this. sell everything and buy bear leveraged ETFs, same shit from today is going to happen tomorrow. markets will drop on open after normies go home tonight and get scared of coronavirus stories

>> No.17418443

why would post my failures on a vietnamese basketweaving forum?
I come here to shitpost and brag about how much better I am at this than you people

>> No.17418446
File: 89 KB, 259x335, 1487609094666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my HPQ calls

>> No.17418454
File: 80 KB, 1440x549, Screenshot_20200224-161223__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could have been worse

>> No.17418458

You still refuse to trade the banks? Been damn near a year since the curve dance.

I’m looking at Blackstone and getting itchy... Goldman... BAC...

Factually incorrect
You’ll drink the cola

You are a very sick man.

>> No.17418467

Yes, they will die sooner or later but no company goes straight to 0. Most of their stores are still cashflow positive and their "losses" are goodwill write offs. This will be a fugly year for gme but most of it is priced in. How their revenue reacts to the next console cycle will determine if gme will go to 20+ before it goes to 0 or not. Shorting can give you +100% at most but at the current shorting fee you have to pay 15% per year to hold your short position while gme will be around at least for 2 more years. They also own 70 mio worth of real estate. It was a good short a few years ago and it will be in 1 or 2 years but definitely not now.

>> No.17418468
Quoted by: >>17418501

27 incubation period was confirmed recently. That's
It hasn't even begun. A month of you spreading the virus before you show a single sign.

Wrap your mind around this one. Because you're watching history unfold.

>> No.17418472
Quoted by: >>17418601

I have only 2 digit money, should I all-in to a stock?

>> No.17418475

Why does oil go up in value during a pandemic? Some of the studies I read on pandemic risk talked about oil price rising, but they don't explain why.

>> No.17418478

What are the chances the virus contaminates the coke syrup?

>> No.17418494

All of my options will expire worthless I bet, both the calls and puts I hedged with. Just watch as the market bounces back but without the companies I bought options on and everything I bought puts on hits ATH and new-paradigm tier growth.

>> No.17418497

Coke syrup is basically caustic acid, I doubt anything could survive in it before it's diluted.

>> No.17418501
Quoted by: >>17418545

The idea that this is going to kill everybody is a misnomer. Look at the nothinburger SARS turned into. Yawn, wake me up when the market opens tomorrow.

>> No.17418502

can I 3d print money?

>> No.17418504
File: 136 KB, 971x567, hurtme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dun feel so gud frens

>> No.17418512
Quoted by: >>17418702

>he didn’t buy 6 week out gold puts

>> No.17418513

as of rn the only confirmed cases in US are all from diamond princess ship
18 last i checked. all in quarantine
so low, for now

>> No.17418515

bought calls on*

>> No.17418519
Quoted by: >>17418718

phennyethy is really odd, you get like 3 minutes of MDMA jumpy-pulsy, then like 10 minutes of adderall, then you feel like a skeleton who's being forced to live against your will by an evil wizard. I only needed that little burst to spam spreads on ToS kekkies

>> No.17418520

sorry for wanting to punish those who are causing a second holocaust. Guess that makes me evil if I want to prevent total collapse.

LYING ABOUT THE VIRUS MEANS YOU HAVE BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS. Fucks sakes DO NOT let them get away with this once it all blows over. Names and addresses, people. Names and addresses.

>> No.17418526
Quoted by: >>17418563

If it makes you feel better, i'm right there with you on AMD

>> No.17418537
Quoted by: >>17418597

>second holocaust
sounds awesome, kill yourself schizo

>> No.17418540
File: 485 KB, 500x281, 91623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll allow it

>> No.17418541
Quoted by: >>17418597

just wash your hands and wear a mask you fucking faggot retard

>> No.17418543
Quoted by: >>17418718

I used to enjoy trading banks but now its too much extra homework,
also I have BAC shares from like 2011 gift

>> No.17418545
Quoted by: >>17418567

this surpassed SARS already you fucking drone. And those are just the official party numbers.

>> No.17418552
File: 31 KB, 754x365, ciovaccio 2 24 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418651

Mr. Ciovagglio no! Don't be frightend!

>> No.17418553
Quoted by: >>17418584

The 2% mortality rate is something like .1% for strong males and 20% for the elderly

I, for one, am excited for the great boomer die off.

>> No.17418563
File: 5 KB, 220x229, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418587

I have made literally no money this month, I stayed out until the fucking 19th, and then lost $300 in 3 days, I figured the virus was priced in and bough back in on Wednesday, then market crashes on Thursday because it turns out China's entire economy being stalled for 2 weeks WAS NOT ENOUGH to concern anyone until right before I bough. I could not have had worse timing if I tried.

>> No.17418567

You have to factor in there are more people alive today than when sars impacted the planet. Life goes on, and as they say, this is fine.

>> No.17418571

Do you think

China solved the problem


China wants the economy to get back to work so every business in the country doesn't default and is therefore lying

>> No.17418577

What gold stock do I buy or cheapie stock do I short if I think the market will go completely tits up tomorrow? Bearish movements + RH kids getting off work will destroy this market in time.

>> No.17418580

Up 3.06% because SNSS is unstoppable.

>> No.17418584
Quoted by: >>17418621

>in Hubei Province, the epicenter of the outbreak, the death rate reached 2.9%; in other provinces of China, that rate was just 0.4%. In addition, older adults have been hit the hardest. The death rate soars to 14.8% in those 80 and older; among those ages 70 to 79, the COVID-19 death rate in China seems to be about 8%; it’s 3.6% for those ages 60 to 69; 1.3% for 50 to 59; 0.4% for the age group 40 to 49; and just 0.2% for people ages 10 to 39. Nobody 9 and under has died of this coronavirus to date.

>> No.17418587


>> No.17418588
File: 307 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200224-161133_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off commie bear kikes.

>> No.17418597


it's in Italy. It could be in the Vatican right now. Do you have any idea what would happen if the Pope got infected?

Whatever. Thanks for the money I guess. I came in here to rant about 4% losses which is literally nothing as of now.

you first /pol/tard

>> No.17418601

Yeah choose a penny stock. SNSS is a good one if you want to meme with the boys in smg.

>> No.17418616
Quoted by: >>17418634

China's economy literally can't collapse it's completely rigged. But every other economy now being hit by this thing is starting to come apart at the seams.

>> No.17418621
Quoted by: >>17418751

Yes i was describing that report but in a very loose way

I wasnt lying

>> No.17418625
Quoted by: >>17418661

>Do you have any idea what would happen if the Pope got infected?
he's not even the real pope, the real one retired to go fuck kids.

>> No.17418631
Quoted by: >>17418882

are you trading options or shares with SNSS?

>> No.17418634
Quoted by: >>17418687

Wrong. It can and will collapse.

>> No.17418635
File: 15 KB, 474x319, covetouschink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418704

China is preparing a major stimulus to make up for the loss and is prepared to throw bodies and money at the virus until it stops being a major concern.

>> No.17418642

Down $20, but it's a small price to pay in exchange for the fall of the Communist Party of China.

>> No.17418647

well only lost 4% of my main portfolio today
my IRA is down 2% today

we are all going to make it.

>> No.17418651
File: 259 KB, 352x237, 6C87A225-B11F-4A65-9DB0-1A789B37EE18.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418715

Honest questions:
How much of your time do you spend on /pol/, and how much of that time is in /cvg/?
How does raping children prevent a collapse?

I do appreciate him being honest though, for those of us who can’t afford his services.

>> No.17418661
File: 81 KB, 514x599, adolfo nicolas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he dons't'd know who the real pope is

>> No.17418683
File: 2 KB, 255x48, stonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAAAAAAAAA Fucking stocks, I started with them after crypto thinking they would be more stable, fuck you ALLLLLL!!!! AAAAAAAA

>> No.17418684
File: 298 KB, 750x767, 1578504945944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418703

friendly reminder to never be optimistic ever again

>> No.17418686

Did you manage to sell your SPCE?

>> No.17418687
Quoted by: >>17418722

>chinks try to do a bank run
>People's Liberation Army just machine guns them all down
>chink companies start defaulting
>Communist Party of China just robs people's bank accounts to cover them
>Yuan starts falling
>Party just pegs the currency artificially strong like they always do
You can't bet against the Chinese economy.

>> No.17418696

lmao, same

>> No.17418702

>he didn’t buy UVXY and VXX puts 1 month out

>> No.17418703

My equity depends upon one last pump before a collapse so I can break even selling, then I'm never bulling ever again.

>> No.17418704


Widespread civil unrest ensues in China as the government forces people back to work and infections begin to surge again, this time in Beijing.

>> No.17418714
Quoted by: >>17418734

Lmao you’re mad as fuck
You know you’re mentally ill, right? Kys

>> No.17418715
Quoted by: >>17418767

Stopped going on /pol/ around the 2016 election. Idk what /cvg/ is im usually in /smg/ and some crypto threads.

Raping their children?
It's divine punishment. If you were 1/10th as smart as you think you are you'd realize I'm being hyperbolic.

But the elites should still die (in public) for causing the virus to spread. Public executions need to come back but that's another topic.

>> No.17418716

insider here, just got off the phone with Jack Ma [ We play Uno at the local country club every sunday ]

tomorrow everything is filling the gap back to ATH

>> No.17418717
File: 23 KB, 740x367, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418728

>USD spiking will crush spot price of all commodities
why?or how?

>> No.17418718

I think you mean “whomst”
This man has very sad eyes. I bet he’s seen some shit. Done some shit. I don’t want to know. Don’t even tell me.

Nice gift
Actual gift?
V cool that your family is so stockpilled on stocks. Mine just knows how to spend money.
That sounds AWFUL
You use TOS instead of the hood? Guess I’ll Finally check it out once I’ve crossed the other shit off my to do list (never)

>> No.17418720

Funnily enough I learned a lot from getting shrekt by crypto, in practice the similarities between the two are more real than you'd realize.

>> No.17418722

Do you understand that the PLA/CCP are not omnipotent and need to seriously consider the ramifications of sending people back to work before the virus is sufficiently contained? Their position is precarious right now.

>> No.17418723

It was stable for about 8 years until a few days ago. Have fun.

>> No.17418728
Quoted by: >>17418952

what do you mean?
wtf do you think commodities are valued in?

>> No.17418734

I've been diagnosed with depression but I've probably got a clearer head than you.

Imagine telling someone else to kill themselves and thinking that's a sign of your sanity. Holy crap, not only are you evil but you're dumb.

>> No.17418736
Quoted by: >>17418757

You're assuming chinks are drones that do exactly what they're told all the time. In China the party IS omnipotent, you don't disobey or you get abducted. If the party starts skimming people's bank accounts to pay down debts the chinks will simply tolerate it.

>> No.17418738

Can someone explain what the point of CSCO is? As far as I know they sell routers and network switches. Who gives a fuck about hardware in 2020? Just buy some chink plastic box and plug the cables in. What is their deal?

>> No.17418751

I know. I was just including in case anyone doubted.

>> No.17418757

Assuming the chinks aren't drones*
Cisco switches are the backbone of the internet, if you were to shut down all Cisco switches suddenly, the entire internet would practically cease to function. Cisco practically owns the internet.

>> No.17418766

Take sick away
Incinerate corpses
Hide in media
They already cover up violent crime

>> No.17418767
Quoted by: >>17418849

>Raping their children?
>It's divine punishment.
This is basically the other side of the coin of reparations.
Also very anti-Christ pilled. As in the meaning of the story that children aren’t born bearing original sin.
That’s cool though, you do your thing.

(Always Truth in hyperbole. You mean what you say but use that irony as a way to back out when challenged.)

>> No.17418774
Quoted by: >>17418805

>cloudflare owns the internet

>> No.17418779
Quoted by: >>17418840

csco patented the first internet router, that is why the huawei shit was important they stole proprietary IP. csco has all USA government contracts for network hardware. It is not going anywhere

>> No.17418789

Look fag that's what you think. It could end up being like BYND where people thought it was over valued from the get go. I know a month from now you will be sorry.

>> No.17418792

The Virginian bowlers exit-scammed all over you
The true masters of the ghost candles will be the last ones saying "strike"

>> No.17418795
File: 1.07 MB, 783x1513, 1582326765416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine living at the peak of civilization thus far, surrounded by comforts and conveniences that even 50 years ago would sound like science fiction, let alone 500, and being depressed

>> No.17418805
Quoted by: >>17418840

Cloudflare is software, I'm talking about hardware. Cisco switches are the industry standard go-to network switch.

>> No.17418807
Quoted by: >>17418870

Don’t call people like that evil, they get off on thinking they’re Stalin or Dracula or some shit. They’re just afraid and deeply selfish.

>> No.17418813

Can the recovery start yet? I know we haven't caught the virus yet, but can we prepare for it? Like what about those ion things they sell, can those be used to stop it?

>> No.17418830
File: 9 KB, 219x409, BTFOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bears BTFO
Futures are ALREADY in the green.
You DID buy calls, right anon?

>> No.17418840
File: 107 KB, 1125x498, C31F3FAB-5F58-48D6-A08D-F18489E61627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-am I gonna be okay CisBros?

>> No.17418843

The virus has been written off as the flu season in North America as soon as the media catches up the panic really starts.

>> No.17418844

That's practically flat but I'll take it.

>> No.17418847

you can unironically make your own high powered UV lamp and just sit inside with it
just be aware that you need welding tier goggles, no exposed skin, and the UV will slowly destroy basically everything in your house

>> No.17418849

>Noo you can't just hurt billionaires feefees no! The poor billionaires!! Christ said don't fight back! Be a loser forever!
slave morality in action.

dunno that's what the doctors told me. You're probably not smart enough to realize how pathetic your life is. I don't take medication for it, just live with it. Because I'm also strong unlike you.

PS. You're posting on 4chan. Fucking LOL.

>> No.17418851
Quoted by: >>17418891

The market was purified today
We move forward with clean spirits and truth in our hearts

>> No.17418870

I'm wasting my time by interacting with these dregs anyway.

People like us are practically God himself when compared to these mindless products of civilization.

>> No.17418874

Baggie no, your immune system has been weakened enough as it is by HIV. You shouldn't wish these things upon yourself.

>> No.17418882
Quoted by: >>17419084

shares but nothing wrong with options

>> No.17418884

>practically god
ok this has to be bait at this point lmao, good job you got me

>> No.17418891

Nice going to cash in my GLD put contract in tomorrow for some real cheapies, like coke and gecko insurance companies.

>> No.17418895

holy shit
i actually agree with you, but youre acting like such a fucking pompous faggot that i unironically trust chinese numbers now

>> No.17418901
File: 123 KB, 1024x768, F68866CD-FA28-4418-BD47-4BDDBC84275B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418934

adolfo bows to the bogs

>> No.17418907

So corona is overblown

How long will the panic continue though?

Logic obviously wont follow properly with the masses

>> No.17418915
File: 38 KB, 774x513, 1552344978184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17418918

How is it that stocks just dump 10% at monday midnight?

who decides that TQQQ opens so low? The pre-market action just shows a sudden gap down at midnight

>> No.17418924

you're such a dumb cunt lmao
If we're lucky, it's bait.
But there are a lot of these doomer cunts out there who spew bullshit

>trust chinese numbers
Literally no one trusts the chinese numbers. wtf?
WHO just has to play nice to get access to the country.
This guy is just a cunt

>> No.17418932
Quoted by: >>17419020

concern bait doesn't work on me. You always believed party numbers because you don't have the mental capacity to not believe them.

In comparison. These people are so low it can elevate anyone to a divine level.

>> No.17418934
File: 42 KB, 562x437, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418955

that pic xD
AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa oh wow aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.17418952
File: 48 KB, 723x445, 1581029730945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm just slow i getcha now, no need to swear

>> No.17418955
Quoted by: >>17418998

If you make it in the market, one day YOU could buy a face like that just on your dividend income!

>> No.17418966

People have short attention spans and memories. More than likely things will go back to normal while the occasional panic attacks kick in when we all look at how fucked Asia is.

>> No.17418970
Quoted by: >>17419003

SPY is already green after hours. Everybody who sold today got Jew'd. Sorry this happening is over. Was a really wild ride.

>> No.17418973


>> No.17418979

fake and gay

>> No.17418980
Quoted by: >>17419050

nah there's actually some people who believe chink numbers and my posting has been fumigation for them. I broke him.

They'd rather willingly believe China's lies than think someone acting like an asshole could be right. That's your ego on /biz/. Just cause I'm exaggerating, saying crazy shit that's pretty normal for 4chan means they clutch pearls and do the whole "now I REALLY believe China" concern troll song and dance.

It's just sad. I guess I'm out of touch with this website. I bet they'd think I'm a pedo if I started joking about loli. A sea of newfriends.

>> No.17418991

are we back!?

>> No.17418994


for this, i deserve my 5k losses from today

>> No.17418998
File: 58 KB, 228x255, 1wt9e75c.vichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa xD haha

>> No.17419002


>> No.17419003
File: 137 KB, 400x388, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please... please bounce back...

>> No.17419020
Quoted by: >>17419092

i reckon you missed the point amigo

no nigger
literally the only posts ive made on here, for over a month now, have been trying to warn you sad sacks about the imminent collapse of chinese production

unlike you ACTUAL retards, i know what webcrawlers are and would never in a million years post a ticker on this fucking botnet of a site. let alone options strikes/expirys and all the other insane shit you mouthbreathers post ITT on the daily

>> No.17419021

happening over
the orange bull has spoken

>> No.17419024
Quoted by: >>17419073

Hey bobos, you took profit today, right? The situation is ripe for squeezies here. Unclear whether index has entered sustained falling trend yet. Vix is really high. This is prime tree shaking time. If you're not prepared for volatility in both directions you're going to get caught with your pants down.

>> No.17419040
File: 24 KB, 500x375, dgpk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought more AMD on the dip bros...

>> No.17419046


>> No.17419050
File: 94 KB, 920x662, 2ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off already, either share your trades or go pontificate the end of days to some other gulible cuckholds.

Question is how to make fucking money here? I got fed up trading biotech and shorting memes.

>> No.17419054

>Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

>> No.17419055

You got me lmao, I don't even hold SNSS I just couldn't believe it

>> No.17419060

lol, still only -3.56%
How many days has it been stuck at -3.56%? Four days? Five days?

>> No.17419064
File: 262 KB, 834x2400, 1569451736844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17419090

>Lead Goldman analyst David Kostin provided conference call quotes from Apple Inc, Tyson Foods Inc, Archer
Daniels Midland, Starbucks Inc, Walt Disney, Colgate-Palmolive, Nvidia Corp, Hilton Worldwide and others expressing near-term supply chain and demand headwinds.

I own TSN and DIS, how bout yous?




>> No.17419073

>The situation is ripe for squeezies here
agreed desu
seems like all of retail just flipped short today
theres still a whole other bunny ear for VIX to complete before we see where were heading

>> No.17419079

>first response is by that chink "doctor" who had his license revoked every single time
that's dedicated autism

>> No.17419084

I'll take you ignoring me as you bagholding.

>> No.17419090


>> No.17419092
Quoted by: >>17419267

I'm a software developer I know what you're talking about.
I just like saying insane shit on anonymous websites.
I've never disclosed my holdings, I'm crazy enough to talk about killing kids, but I'm not fucking stupid.

Virus is bad but it's not the end. But I do genuinely believe killing politicians in public would be a force of good.

Guess I'm a little insane, but if you aren't slightly unhinged I just take it as a sign that you're complacent.

>> No.17419093
File: 81 KB, 814x294, 1582523255901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17419267

It's the pneumonia rate not fatality rate that's the issue, whether though quarantine or allowing it to 'run its course' it's causing a global recession as we're losing a fuck ton of productivity. Lost productivity isn't something you can Jew away through money manipulation, smoothbrain

>> No.17419106

just buy oil at $50 per barrel sell all your gold, take all your shekels, and buy oil at $50 per barrel.

>> No.17419109


>> No.17419112

You must be a schizo. He's right, China is fine. Trust the authorities.

>> No.17419122
Quoted by: >>17419170


>> No.17419127

1 year: 225%
3 months: 133%
2020: 100%
today: 17.3%

Rate of return via broker thing, handles contributions

>> No.17419137

And so another day. Another day of China Virus death spikes. Another day of cheap stocks. And so it has finally come to pass, I've completed the Holy Trinity at long last. KDP,KHC,and KO all mine for the holding for the next 25 years or till I'm dead.
P.S - My T babies were on sale early morning, you coulda bagged his Fat Divvy for just under 38 if you acted with haste. Oh don't you wish now you bagged his Fat Divvy in Dec 2018 when He was under 30 a pop? You coulda had gains and collected a Fat Divvy all while laughing your ass off as the China Virus does it's thing. Why should you care about the Virus? You'd still be in the green by a good bit. All while being kept nice and warm by His Divvy.

>> No.17419150
Quoted by: >>17419170

I know they were integral in the past but nowadays no one pays them rent for using the internet, you know? Hardware has become a low margin legacy business and SaaS is the future. Cisco leaves this stale dinosaur taste in my mouth. I guess my question is how can it avoid becoming IBM?

>> No.17419158
Quoted by: >>17419213

>implying SPCE isn't going to fucking crash tomorrow morning

>> No.17419166
Quoted by: >>17419202

Oh yeah i took a nasty hit on oil position this morning. Did standard oil long cost average. Blunted the loss by end of day but still well red. Looking for rally to around about 52.50-53 to fade back to initial position size. I do this kind of thing on natty gas and oil only due to the way the charts move most of the time. Will cost average all the way down to 35 if this turns in to a horror show but i don't think it will come to that before i have opportunity to fade position at even, or exit entirely at break even, if chart behaves in particularly bearish ways.

>> No.17419170

I seriously can't believe I'm getting Merck this cheap.

I miss him already
RIP in peace internet daddy

(when the hobbit music kicks in it gets me overy time)

Jeezus deepfakes are going to fuck everything up in the coming decades. You're not going to be able to trust anything.

Looks like they're making moves:

>> No.17419175
File: 25 KB, 750x387, WarrenBuffettBuyTheDip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to Warren

>> No.17419183

Can anyone explain to me what the fuck happened with Gold? Shit shoots up in reaction to the market going down then it goes down along with the rest of the market?

>> No.17419185
File: 21 KB, 348x495, call of duty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17419248

it's healthy to remind oneself that i live more comfortably than a king did 200 years ago and i have access to better healthcare than Rockefeller did 100 years ago

>> No.17419202

Im not really into oil. Never seemed attractive to me and it all depends on OPEC next week

>> No.17419203

fuck that faggot boomer scum

>> No.17419213

We get to enjoy SNSS anon pulling his hair out tomorrow.

>> No.17419216


>> No.17419219
File: 432 KB, 500x1529, 1566863128263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17419235

Did any of the posters in this thread jump out of a window yet? Usually that's the queue to buy. Any of you kill your selves today?

>> No.17419244

oh fuck that's a real tweet

>> No.17419248

fundamental misunderstanding of brain.
It is nice to think about and gives me warm feefees. Yes I am happy I am born today.

No that does not fix a neurological issue that's been in my family for generations. I don't really care tho. Just means I think different™

>> No.17419260
File: 236 KB, 1080x1111, Screenshot_20200224_214745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Coronavirus is just a big nothingburger being hyped by the media for clicks. Get it into perspective - normal flu infects and kills far more people every single year.

>> No.17419263

oh boy is this getting sexy

>> No.17419264


>> No.17419267
Quoted by: >>17419327

>that's dedicated autism
no, thats a bot
iirc ~70% of twatter is

>Lost productivity isn't something you can Jew away through money manipulation, smoothbrain
i dont think people really understand the gravity of half of asia shutting down, even for a day.

idc who you are
youre either anon, or you arent
this place is for the free exchange of info (and disinfo) that would get censored in the usual channels
nothing more, nothing less

just chill the fuck out with the pompous reddit-tier superiority complex
its more insufferable than the nu/pol/ schizos who screech about niggers and kikes all day, every day

>> No.17419283

o no

>> No.17419291

I hate to say it, but it's no longer the coronavirus itself. It's the panic that has been artificially created and the consequences of this panic. Closed factories, isolated people not being able to go to work DO have an impact on true economy and we're seeing it now. Also, it's a major social experiment: The fact that Italy is "closing up" certain zones and cities due to 7 deaths (7! it's fucking nothing!) smells of "let's see how far we can push this thing".

I'm still in green but by laughable amounts. I lost 90% of my profits made in the last 6 months. Ironically, the greenest positions I have are fucking chinese stocks. I swear to god it's like pottery.

I've said it in other threads. As long as the inflation machine (QE) is 100% on, gold will go up. I've been saying this since august last year and I was fucking right. There will be spikes upward when people shit the bed regarding stonks, but in general it will keep going up.

it's a retarded label. however they're not trying to prevent panic. they're closing off cities for only 7 death old people in italy. they're actually trying to create panic.

it depends on the msm really. I wonder what they're covering up with this, too.

that's just people taking profit. it didn't go down. It's actually pretty high A couple more hundred and we're at ATH.
I'm kind of glad half of my portfolio is gold but I much rather have stonks behave normally.

>> No.17419293

Yeah but we can't control media hysteria we need to account for it, and we can't control government overreaction like shutting down production either. We are at the mercy of absolute fucking retarded moronic boomers and we can't do anything about it.

>> No.17419301

Low IQ take. You really think China is shutting down entire cities for "media clicks". Very childlike boomer understanding of the world.

Market will probably recover but you deserve to have your head smashed in for spreading disinfo.

>> No.17419305
File: 875 KB, 230x400, 1579768121581.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just the flu, bro

>> No.17419311

Delete this fake news

>> No.17419312
Quoted by: >>17419324

yeah but most of the flu deaths are old people
covid kills young people

>> No.17419314
Quoted by: >>17419506

You're an idiot if you actually believe the real number is 7

>> No.17419323

Gold does not have a long term correlation, positive or negative, with the market. It is viewed as safe haven which is why it can spike on very red days but it doesn't necessarily hold those gains. The price action during these times is driven by speculation. Speculative entry due to spooks has minimal support to it. It's only good so long as people are afeared. If fear diminishes temporarily gold will drop, potentially harder than index bounces. It's a tricky deal. You want to take portions of profit out regularly if long on gold due to market instability.

>> No.17419324
File: 85 KB, 740x746, 1582492335292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17419373

>covid kills young people
It literally does not.

>> No.17419327

Fair enough. It's just hard not to feel superior when you've been following the virus since before /pol/ back in December, and could visualize the future of how this was playing out.

A month ago nobody would believe me when I said it was going to get where it is today.

>> No.17419344

If 15 million people have corona you will have way more than 8k dead people.

>> No.17419345
Quoted by: >>17419377

Where were you 2 months ago! Those Pasta Nigger's blood is on your hands bucko!

>> No.17419350
Quoted by: >>17419837

You ever thought that maybe they're closing off the area because they have to, but then they lie about the real number to prevent panic?

You're coming up with the conclusion first.

>> No.17419368

This is what happens when you go full vegan for longer than 90 days.

>> No.17419372

This is fucking awesome, I finished the day picking up a decent amount of monthly paying div stocks and picking up shares to reduce all of my other hold's average costs. Thank you chink flu

>> No.17419373

It only takes a few clicks to realize this is from some literally who research website that was made widespread a long time ago on reddit

>> No.17419377

I don't tripfag. I was just another Anon warning you guys.
The responses were "NOTHINGBURGER" and "gb2pol". The same scripted replies I get today.

It's all so tiresome. I try to only check in when the markets are going crazy.

>> No.17419381
Quoted by: >>17419396

regular flu has a much lower fatality rate when adjusted for the numbers

>> No.17419396

Yeah and corona is less contagious, so what? If we're talking about sheer damage here, the flu does thousands of times more damage EVERY YEAR than corona could even dream of.

>> No.17419399

Somebody make new. I'm busy.

>> No.17419416

That's like saying that bullets kill more people than nukes. Sure, but in terms of sheer concentrated damage, nukes win.

>> No.17419417
File: 1.18 MB, 2412x3342, kot banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17419534

>It's just hard not to feel superior when you've been following the virus since before /pol/ back in December
then i take it this is one of your first rodeos

i used to think like that
now, one of my least favorite things in the world is being right
its never anything good, and how many times can one say "told ya so" before the words lose their meaning, or worse, become akin to a prayer?

we live in a world where literal anonymous nobodies on a site known for shitposting dwarfs the credibility of all major media outlets combined
that fucking sucks and i hate it

>> No.17419436
Quoted by: >>17419478

I.... What? I don't remember the quarantines and market crash last year during flu season. I also don't remember China shutting down factories.

You don't believe that shit right? Or did you brainwash yourself into thinking this actually happens every flu season.

>> No.17419452

Go to your doctor. Get a cat scan on your skull. Your brain appears to be missing

>> No.17419478

Next you're going to tell us this is an escaped bio-pathogen in development by an illegal CCP weapons program.

>> No.17419506
Quoted by: >>17419532

tripfags don't deserve to live. much less post. filtered.

>> No.17419515

Oh well enjoy the cheapie hunting while you can. Soon as they release a cure or news they almost got one ready things will rebound big time.

>> No.17419523
Quoted by: >>17419548

the flu has a vaccine
the flu has established methods for treating it
the flu does NOT have a 27 day incubation period where asymptomatic people are still highly contagious
the flu does NOT have the potential to re-infect and be more deadly the second time
the flu does NOT thrive in singaporean summer

i repeat:
the word "novel" here is very fucking important
historical data means shit all

>> No.17419528


>> No.17419530

man this must be a new low for tripfags, SNSSfag is at least entertaining

>> No.17419532
Quoted by: >>17419549

That guy claimed the DOW will go back to 20,000. He's that retarded. Don't compare me to him

>> No.17419534

Yeah you're right.

Nice strawman. I wonder what makes you think that.

So, go ahead. Show me all the times China shut down for the flu.

Or are you ready to admit this might be SARS-2 Month of Hell edition.

>> No.17419538

obviously it's all a plan by Chinese billionaires to cause the market crash. Buy the dip. After all they can just bring in a new wave of dirt farmers to replace the downed workers

>> No.17419548

dduh. Uhmm. Huurrddfghd *fart*. You schizo! TV said flu! TV said to never think it bio weapon! Trust WHO. trust CCP.

>> No.17419549

By Friday close, it will

>> No.17419577

It's ebola, SARS and AIDS wrapped inside a flu shell. It's OBVIOUSLY engineered

>> No.17419628
File: 86 KB, 1024x1024, 65756757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

close its actually a cia virus pushed by trump to destroy the chang economy

>> No.17419650

The orange balls on this man.

>> No.17419676
Quoted by: >>17419832

isn't that literal insider trading?

>> No.17419729
File: 123 KB, 1080x977, Screenshot_20200224-155152__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send me your highscore for today bobros

>> No.17419832

not when it's executive trading. Stop being such a nigger.

>> No.17419837

they're not preventing panic by sealing off areas by officially unreasonable numbers, they're creating it

>> No.17419927

being this new

>> No.17420044
File: 130 KB, 270x288, 1582547207773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold falls in the early days of a recession, as people hold cash due to volatility

>> No.17420133
File: 1.21 MB, 970x1366, 1582550955143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flu causes untold billions in loses every year, it's just priced in. Now imagine seasonal flu emerged for the first time, what would the effect on the world economy be? Good news, you don't have to imagine, you're living through it :^)

>> No.17420282

they are lying to prevent panic. thhere are thousands of cases in the US. they just havent been "confirmed" because they are being treated as flu plus theres no tests. give it another 2 weeks and youll see the news full of US cases