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File: 10 KB, 208x242, AD5C17D3-7DAE-4391-9317-817F60F01CD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15041761 No.15041761 [Reply] [Original]

How do you think link will moon if 10 dollars would already put it in the top ten of crypto projects? Even 100 dollars is delusional if you look at mcap. Not trying to fud, but seriously. Think for yourselves anons.

>> No.15041799
File: 1007 KB, 500x250, 1563549467973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be born Russian
>Get a philosophy degree
>Do a few failed projects
>Issue an illegal ICO at the peak of a massive bubble
>Get fat as fuck
>Wear the same shit every day
>Be extremely vague
>Make up some fake partnerships
>Control 65% of the supply
>Gain a rabid following by feeding them false 'breadcrumbs'
>Spread a meme to never sell so your price doesn't immediately tank
>Begin dumping large amounts on the idiots who hold your project
>Keep stringing them along and selling until you're a billionaire
>Retire to the Cayman Islands

>> No.15041805
Quoted by: >>15042373

Since when is a $35 billion market cap delusional? There have been multiple cryptos higher than that.

>> No.15041808
Quoted by: >>15041851

>assuming the total marketcap stays the same
are you a retard anon?

>> No.15041820

Heres what you fail to understand. Currently chain link is THE oracle solution. It should be ranked atleast 3... If not 1. I believe chainlink is millions of times more useful then bitcoin.

>> No.15041836

They don’t have a fully functioning project. It’s not THE solution of anything

>> No.15041847

Smart contracts are an extremely idealist vision. This is the kinda shit you think about in magical tech utopias. Never mind them being very vulnerable (the DAO), they’re a meme. Decentralized oracles are an even bigger meme and in order for them to even work properly they would generate close to no money. That’s if you can ever truly make a tamper proof, reliable network of truly decentralized oracles free of all bad actors. Most of the data sources in the used examples are from singular sources anyway. What the fuck is the point in a massive network verifying the integrity of the same one source, like the weather station that reports the humidity level in Uttar Pradesh? You don’t seem to be aware that enterprise API aggregation services have existed for years. Just like Chainlink, if their data fucks with you, they lose your custom and go broke. These systems are up and running right now.

Chainlink is truly a solution looking for a problem.

>> No.15041851
Quoted by: >>15041945

Ah so LINK mooning is dependent on total mcap increasing and it surpassing btc mcap? Got it, all in

>> No.15041854

>Looking at mcap
>Think for yourselves
my sides, you are a fucking walking hypocrisy.

>> No.15041868
Quoted by: >>15042061


You sound like someone who thought the internet wouldnt catch on. Please have sex.

>> No.15041888
File: 90 KB, 320x320, D6B90C4C-1F5B-4F5B-ADE1-A51C80BB9CC9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enterprise api aggregation services have existed for years
This is Strong fud ....

>> No.15041901
File: 1.61 MB, 1765x966, 1560707832275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider the following.

XRP had a mcap of 147B at one point.
Chainlink is not even 1B right now.
Next bull run is going to be way bigger than the last one.
Chainlink is inherently better than XRP.
Do the math.

>> No.15041903
File: 1.52 MB, 3000x3000, 61BF6E9D-4323-450F-A7DD-98143213BA01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt know

>> No.15041915
Quoted by: >>15042102

Next bull run will be bigger...based off of????

>> No.15041926

Also, link is a cult >>15041091

>> No.15041930
Quoted by: >>15042890

>link not a 1bil mcap
1 billion total supply at 2.10 usd is a 2.1 billion mcap

>> No.15041935
Quoted by: >>15042140

>Chainlink is millions of times more useful then bitcoin
Chainlink isn't even useful without a smart contracts platform. It's the smart contracts platform that's useful. Some, like Ethereum, are missing key functionality and therefore need projects like Chainlink to help them access external data.
That's it. That's Chainlink's use case.

>> No.15041945

you might be more autistic than OP

>> No.15042061
File: 118 KB, 467x348, CA81515A-E53E-4F42-9F77-524DDF4EA56D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15042278

>posting my pasta

False equivalencies are the go-to linkie cope. If you don’t like Chainlink as a system then you thought the Bronze Age was a dumb idea, or something. Tokenomics are scammy as fuck, Chainlink is a shitty wet band-aid solution to a shitty smart contract platform on top of being the fact that it isn’t even a solution because in 2 years, they haven’t actually made anything. Slowly exit scamming selling off their utility turned funding token which is scam^2.

You’re aware you can’t actually USE Chainlink, at this moment, right? Why can’t you admit to yourself that you got straight up scammed, duped, bamboozleda and swindled? Why would a bunch of 23 year olds try to solve some autism computer problem which wouldn’t even make money, when they could dump on you NEETs and walk away with $50 million a piece with no legal repercussions?

>> No.15042102
Quoted by: >>15042959

literally any economic think tank, world economic forum, banks like jp morgan, deutsche all predict that at least 10% of world gdp will be run on crypto and blockchains within the next decade

>> No.15042140
Quoted by: >>15042214

other way around. smart contract platforms have no real world use case without a decentralized oracle network.

>> No.15042214
Quoted by: >>15043067

so link is dependent on not only link being adopted, but also smart contracts lol

>> No.15042278
Quoted by: >>15042373

.... dude seriously? I don't even know where to begin. You are the opposite of a visionary. They're not false equivalencies, they're pretty accurate. You are the guy who when Thomas Edison was trying to control electricity was like "HAH yea, you're a fucking moron we will NEVER be able to create light on our own we need the SUN MORON! YOU DO REALIZE YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY USE YOUR FUCKING LIGHTBULBS AT THIS MOMENT, RIGHT? STOP SCAMMING US"

Go kys.

>> No.15042346
File: 65 KB, 491x707, MUH MARKETCAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> delusional if you look at mcap.
>muh market capitalization
Stop using market cap for crypto, dummy. Crypto is not real and can be minted in trillions around the corner with various prices without any sales or conversion to any fiat.
"MUH CAP" is not a parameter.

>> No.15042373
File: 34 KB, 460x306, chainlink_bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15042819

Agree entirely, The singularity is coming!

>> No.15042890


Market cap isn't total supply, it's circulating supply. That said, it is very close to a billion and has hit a billion a few weeks ago.

>> No.15042959
File: 1.82 MB, 1282x791, mcdonalds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If everything works according to plan 5 years

>> No.15043067
Quoted by: >>15043177

Data has overtaken oil as the worlds most lucrative commodity. if you can't see the potential for chainlink here then I'm glad you are a nolinker.

>> No.15043103

OP's problem is assuming that the crypto market is an accurate means of defining LINK's value despite the fact that chainlink is an asset poised to reflect the value of multiple industries and asset classes.

Its better to compare LINK to the advent of the internet or the price of oil pre-industrial revolution.

>> No.15043177

>Data has overtaken oil as the worlds most lucrative commodity
says who?

>> No.15043342

the biggest companies (by mcap) in the world used to be oil companies. now they're all tech companies: google, apple, microsoft

>> No.15043771

Wasted dubs

>> No.15043858

If the Chainlink $4 bags are the heaviest then that means the singularity is unironically going to happen because then that means everything points to those Chainlinks.

$1000 EOY is fud you little fucking bitch.