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>> No.50660866 [View]
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OP is every single thread and bizlet.
We all want to buy pussy, anon.
We're the last heterosexuals.

>> No.24394874 [View]
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We have ETC shills now?
This is proof the matrix is folding over on itself.

>> No.21056278 [View]
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this man did his research. and as someone long on link and band, and looking into investing into all promising defi projects, this shit pisses me off. sergey talked about how important decentralized oracles are for the world and how it will change everything for the better, but has companies sign an agreement that won't allow you to use another oracle, and if your company was already using another oracle or 2 or 3, you can only publicly state that you only use chainlink.
funny because band is practicing what sergey preached and clearly truly believes in the future and the 4IR. they tell everyone integrating with them to go integrate with chainlink as well and any other oracle they'd like.
i used to love sergey, but now i'm watching link very close. i have too much in it to be optimistic about it, i have to start being skeptical and when shit like this gets out, it might affect price. hardest thing for me has been trying to figure out when to get out. i don't want to get out now only to see link hit $50 in a year. but that's the game i suppose.

>> No.20923190 [View]
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i'm with you on this 100%. while the primary objective probably is to liquidate one guy, at least that's how it started, it's being pushed hard by people like OP here that have a short play in mind, along with a ton of others i'm sure of it. seeing this, anyone with a brain will think, well shit, forget fucking over 1 guy i don't care about, i'm gonna take dump/take a short position when these guys pump, and end up with more $.
i guarantee there's a lot more people waiting for that countdown timer to dump than there are to actually pump to liquidate this guy.
it's actually funny when you think about it. then you think about it some more and wonder how its possible for people to be this stupid, and it makes you kinda sad.

>> No.20831818 [View]
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i did, it got buried under link threads when they went from $7 to $7.15

>> No.20830371 [View]
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oh i've never actually used utest but i saw some dude talk about it on one of the non-crypto money making threads a couple days back here
i think if ur not in the US, u can't participate in mostly any of those, so best of luck to u OP
i still think doing something, even if on fiverr, where you can charge people for an honest service and put in some time will yield much better results than crypto could for u with only $1000 in starting capital
what? what did i shill? a shitty service for people to make an average of $5-10 a day that probably doesn't even work? my point was he should do anything outside of crypto if he's only got $1k to put in
go to bed short pants

>> No.20829741 [View]
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defi is going to fuck the entire crypto space up
real smart idea to expose all instruments that fucked up the world economy to the crypto space

>> No.20731079 [View]
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didn't say they weren't involved
did you even read what i said?
did you even read what t-systems said?
do you read anything before replying or do you just have a notepad full of responses you just copy paste if someone says x?
if you read, you'd realize i'm on the same page as you, i'm just talking about how retards linkies are on here. they acted like this was a merger between chainlink and deutsche telekom and were talking about DT's $80b market cap and juts a bunch of schizo shit
but i guess you're just another type of retard. you know just enough about how chainlink works to pretend you have any idea how it's used.
a thousand dollars if you had a gun to your head right now i bet you couldn't explain how chainlink actually works. you most certainly wouldn't even be able to describe to someone what a node operator does in the network. i'm 100% sure of it, you 1st generation automated human.
suck my dick nigger

>> No.20698292 [View]
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so many crypto shill threads and crypto scam threads on here nowadays
let's talk about some ways to make money online
share ideas you're comfortable sharing to make some actual $ with products and services

>> No.20577650 [View]
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nah ur not fucked. i was in finance in my young 20s when things were good for everyone (pre-2008) and coke was rampant, i stayed away from it until i started taking on clients and raking in the cash, and i felt all the highs and lows. i spent so much money that even bringing in all that i was, i barely had savings, and now i've been clean for (almost) 6 years (going to be 6 years this october) and i've had investments perform great for me, i've got a house now, i've worked from home for the last 3 years just trading, a girlfriend that i really do love, but all i can think back to is those days.
i know you're doing dope, not coke, but i was into that too. best thing to come down from a hard days work at work and work on the nose was a couple stamps of good dope.
i miss those days. sure the lows were super low, but the highs were super high. i felt things. i'd do anything to go back to then. i haven't felt truly happy ever since then. enjoy it anon, it doesn't last forever. you're either going to get off it and settle down and be mentally stable and financially secure with your future planned out, or you're going to overdose and die. i wish i'd overdosed. i never would've thought having the life everyone wants was so boring.
best of luck to u, in whatever u wanna do and whatever happens.

>> No.20575773 [View]
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just a reminder to every idiot here who claims this is illegal because it's market manipulation, it's not. hedge funds do this all the time with reports on publicly traded companies and try to get the report in front of as many eyes as possible while they hold a long/short position, this is just the way the markets work.
if you guys read the report, they're not making any crazy claims that are simply not true and have their own price targets based on their analysis of LINK, so of course they'd have a short position on it. they're going to make money off it if they are right, and all this report is is a catalyst.
it's astonishing to me how many LINK holders here have actually no idea how markets work but will fight you to the death on how LINK will revolutionize the world as we know it.
i'm not discounting you smart ones on here that browse and don't post dumb shit, i'm one of you guys, i just had to step in and write this out because the retardation is too much.
also, if you guys want LINK to break $10, maybe stop leaking ur shit memes from here onto link's twitter posts as replies you morons. the normans of the world have to buy more so the price goes up you fuckin dipshits, seeing your retarded replies on twitter doesn't help LINK at all.
fuck you guys.

>> No.20315256 [View]
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that's why i stopped coming here and went to wsb. also do some futures trading, but my highest gains were and will always (probably) be in options trading.
all of biz for the past few years have been people shilling scam coins/tokens and link holders telling each other that they're never selling. i still come around here and there though, once in a while there's an options thread.

>> No.18992428 [View]
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>As long as btc never breaks ath there will never be an alt season again. Just musical chairs with exiting money.
finally, someone who gets what the crypto markets really are.

john, is that you john? why do you like it when your super midnight black girlfriend shits in your mouth? what kind of drugs lead you to that type of degeneracy? i've felt pretty horny on amphetamines a few times, but nothing that crazy man. anyway, how you been? how's life on the boat running from imaginary g-men?

>> No.18988969 [View]
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if you need an explanation when someone says "All in diversified ETFs." then you're too retarded to do anything other than throw that money into a savings account, and work a normal job and slave away
i mean you've gotta be retarded to not be able to look anything up when it takes 2 minutes to understand things fully now straight off a search right?

>> No.18771028 [View]
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it's kinda sad that he dupes people into pumping coins/tokens up, but this is the saddest shit i seen when i first saw he made this claim. i couldn't believe someone could be this ridiculous in what he says. we all know it won't hit $1m, he just wants it to pump so he can dump and continue living lavish, and when it comes to eat his dick, he'll say something about governments and regulators keeping BTC down and give another ridiculous prediction further down the road a couple years or go into hiding with his riches. please stop posting anything from this moron, he's irrelevant at this point anyway.

>> No.18728756 [View]
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can't tell if bait or not. value is based off of market cap.
market cap = circulating coins/tokens * price
you could have a coin/token that costs $1,000,000 per coin/token but have $1,000,000 market cap, putting you far behind link and XMR because that coin/token is the only thing circulating that is multiplied by the current price to get the market cap.
same in stocks. stock prices don't matter, it's how many shares are outstanding * price = market cap.
anon, you either baited me, which i'm ok with, or you really have to learn basics before even considering investing in anything, let alone crypto...

>> No.18709599 [View]
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good for you, people always need others to dump their bags on, and link's community is fantastic for the final dump because they'll hold until $0. i admire you guys, willing to go down with the ship while still truly believing it's not sinking. it's spectacular actually.

>> No.18685501 [View]
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holy shit, not a retarded post in a link thread for once.

devs gonna dump, can you blame them? they worked for years only to have competition come in and steal the show in a couple articles.
big always fucks small. welcome to capitalism.

>> No.17850212 [View]
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well, for me at least (and i assumed most of you guys), we're trading options so we can't really hold onto em. we get fucked by so many different factors the longer we hold onto these contracts, so im hoping we get a nice red day tmrw so i can unload all my shit.

>> No.17815416 [View]
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finally someone who knows the real deal with chainlink
the fact that it can be implemented directly into eth ffs is enough to make everyone realize they SHOULD sell before they get scammed by this russian fuckin philosopher who knows nothing about programming, development, or marketing
that being said, i could see link hitting $4 again, maybe even a bit higher, but not because its a good project (it's not, it's total shit) but because it manipulated as fuck
once the whales start dumping, there will STILL be retards here willing to buy cheap and hold those bags forever because they are fucking stupid and at that point it's natural selection. i made money off link, bought in high $1 range average over a couple weeks when i saw the retard sentiment of "durrr im never selling" and it worked out for me, not nearly as much % of other trades who've been using this token's retards to trade off of, but worked for me.

here's his reveal guys: he figured in a few days link will recover and he's saying 12 to give himself more time if it doesn't by then, and it's just to get people to hold and even buy more so he can dump his position
this is a linktard that smartened up and saw the project and partnerships meant nothing in the end and didn't sell but now knows the truth and wants to give hope to all linktards here to keep holding and buying more in efforts more linktards make these posts and flood the board with these threads until he can sell
you guys are all retarded

>> No.17805573 [View]
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it's autistic as shit. this ain't a cyclical crash nigger, it's driven by a virus. sometimes i wonder if you fags are fucking with me

>> No.17764710 [View]
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we are actually fucked this time. russia said they can sell oil at $25 a barrel for 6-10 years and $1.5t can't save our current market. wait till the oil companies go down. if they get a bailout, russia will out sustain us. on top of that, we'll have to keep feeding them money to keep them alive. meanwhile the repo market is totally fucked even on the bank side. banks are trading SUBPRIME CAR LOANS for treasuries with other banks to make their payments daily.
holy shit everything's going to come crashing down. generations of politicians being greedy and making money for themselves through deals with corporations instead of wanting to leave a legacy as making america actually the greatest country in the world again has all caught up and we're fuckin done.
that being said, i shorted the fuck outta everything i could find, and cashed out today, going back in tomorrow for more puts if the markets up.
sad to think about tho. we're not even a capitalist country anymore.
>"capitalism is great, free market is great"
>fed intervenes every chance they get and fucks the markets up

>> No.17716484 [View]
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this guy knows what's up. soon they're gonna bailout the oil companies that can't sustain and guess what? russia can continue selling oil at $25 a barrel for 6-10 years so we're gonna continue giving money to our oil companies for them to survive.
russia is literally gonna bleed us out and then the banks are gonna collapse (which might be sooner actually considering the fact that they are trading FUCKING SUBPRIME CAR LOANS FOR TREASURY NOTES TO MAKE THEIR DAILY PAYMENT) and the US will no long be a superpower.
this, of course, won't happen if we go to war. doesn't matter with who, war economy is the only thing that can save us.

>> No.17665742 [View]
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why the fuck would she come to the US? this country is like a night club that used to be cool
no one wants in
that being said, i guess id rather be here than most other places in the world
just had a realization that the whole world sucks

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