the longer the squeeze the sweeter the juice edition>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.List of popular brokers: of basic stock market terminology for newfags: market news: sites: in depth technical analysis charts:http://www.tradingview.comPremarket Data: Report Calendars: and Dump Advertising:https://stocktwits.comBoomer Investing 101 books: thread:>>13085810
Should've bought more puts. This is bleeding into my biotechs.
This is fine. This is okay It's just a dip
Taking a shit
What the f is going ooooon !!!???
dangies could have made rich girl money today if held SPXU longerme need stop chasing after mediocrity and go for greatness
>>OP>>13089741+European weather agencies are warning about more draught this year (again, gott strafe evropa). Might have effect on russian exports, but im no meteorologist.>>13089717didn't know that, will look into it>>13089749>forex most pure market might want to get into forex. how do you trade it? cfds or options? options are heavily regulated for plebs in the EU, so the trouble might be to much for me>tfw born too late for reasonable living costs>tfw born just in time to see the coming of european technocracy
am I the only one buying 13 week T-bills for that easy 3%? seems like the best place to keep your savings account right now
Long on gold but fuk.
>>13089791You could have listened...
>>13089814Will HEXO drop below 5? 4?
This dump is so comfy
>>13089827That fat fucks body is resilient, I'll tell you that.
>>13089806eh just do short / longsOptions DONT make sense for Forex unless they exotic and are part of strategy. CFDS are already but really feel gambley on already risky market
how low will this DIS dip go? Hoping to load up ~$100 but this might be too greedy
>>13089857100 is not happening pal
Do you guys trade without using a Bloomberg Terminal?
Which one of you just bought!
>things I want to buy still going up>things I already own still going down*ahem*FUCK MY LIIIIIIIFE
This another orchestrated walk down to 280 so the big boys can pick up cheapies?
How high will WEAT go? Missed getting out last year when. It was above $7 cause I was greedy
>>13089863>set my limit buys to double down at 103It absolutely is going to go way below 100, I’m very good at doing stupid things stupidly.
>>13089888I bought at yesterdays highs
the fed is going to inflate the fuck out of our currency and everyone knows it. first with them doing this bullshit "rolling average" means of calculating the annual inflation and now with trump making meme comments about the dollar being too strong. this is obviously done to prop up our failing fiscal policy and yet again its the taxpayer that gets the shaft. fuck this, going all in on the rupee
>>13089888It's like every time I see a giant floating green candle I can hear brain-dead boomers going "duuuuuuuuuuuurrr buy the dip!!" and an investment bank being like "lol k, resume dump"
>>13089905>the rupeeNo stay away nigga what you doing
This is okay I'm gonna buy my REFR back at open and I'm gonna make it
>>13089661>>13089680Also, Wikipedia says the Dividend Aristocrats increase their dividend yield at least by 5% annually, so if I buy the first year with a yield of 2% will next year's yield be 7%? And the year after that 12%? And then 17% and so on and so forth?
3 month and 10 year inverted
Which one of you faggots told me to buy LPTX yesterday. I'm getting killed on my 10 shares over here!
>>13089905I found raja
>>13089929come on now my guy, you know that there's nothing official about div aristocrats right? they don't go to the exchange and apply for some div aristocrat license or status, it's just the way people classify things. so if a company is considered an aristocrat, you can expect it to follow these arbitrary descriptors like increase yield by 5%, but it's not a guarantee. are you sure you're ready to buy stocks? you seem kind of dumb or at least ignorant right now.
>>13089955Only 10 basis points for 2/10 year ... Just start selling early
>all my gains from yesterday: GONEFuck this shitty finicky market!
>>13089973Dividend Aristocrats are just companies like this.
>>13089979>my puts evening out lost equityThe biotech indices are way down, panic sell behavior. This isn't just a hiccup or the NASDAQ and biotechs would be fine.
Recession when
>>13089973I know very little about the stock market. I only want to buy stock for the dividends right now. But Wikipedia says if the a company decreases its dividend yield then it is dropped from the Dividend Aristocrat list on the S&P 500.
Thoughts on this stock?
might be retarded but I'm buying this dip. wish me luck
>>13090011thanks champ
Please make it stopJust make this nightmare end I can’t do this todayPleaseMake it stop someone save us
>>13090011Just do it for apple
>>13089873Those eyes. As if there was a full scale war at the buffet line. The horror.
>>13090006Anytime in the next 18 months, the yield curve just inverted where it matters.
im thinking an end of the day rally but 4-5 more hours of red
>>13090010I’m in that right now and it’s been a roller coast, earnings went good a few misses on subs but everyone sold off and now it’s in limbo could go sideways with the way the market is better to sit until Monday right now and not buy shit
>>13090026No, silly bull, how else will you learn...
>>OPA really good start would be buying into a no-fees index fund. Decide whether you want conservative, moderate, or aggressive growth level risk. If you're under about 45, just go with aggressive. Then drop it in an index fund and let it bake. Worst case scenario is that the market is bad for a few years because of some liberal retard bubble and you need to wait to cash out.
>>13090035omg do you know what this means?
If the SPY loses 3% today we're done.
THREADLY REMINDER THAT DIVIDENDS ARE YOUR FRENand just because we're on an animu website doesn't mean every board needs to be animu filled
>have all my money in MO and KO>both upheh nice knowing you kids
Lower low
>bull trap
>>13089955B U L L I S H
>>13090009if you want dividends and they have to be an "aristocrat" then you can buy from this list. aristocrat status is not a requirement of yours, buy AAPL MSFT DIS JPM
>>13090026exactly why you don't listen to the mainstream media when they tell you everything is okay.
I'm not even worried that I'm bleeding profits, I'm trying to move money around so I can BUY MORE at these low low prices!
>>13090073unless it goes down 3 percent today I think we'll be fine next week
>>13090052>Altria just keeps going upNo. No sale here, no cheapies, no nothing.>even PayPal barely hiccups.
>>13090083people need to pay their 21st century whores and smoke their cigs
How do I "show interest in investing" on my resume? Should I list the trades I've done?
ok this is based
Kahm An bowbo, reck sum bulls
Breaking support soon
>>13090095ok, but this is based too
>>13090072dont forget SBUX in that list of up and coming dividend growers>>13090009look into companies that have a decent CAGR as well as uninterrupted dividend growth for at least 5 years, 10 years would be better. PG, JNJ, MMM, MCD, HRL, LEG, CLX and KO can all be staples of a solid dividend portfolio
Broke support. In free fall now.
>>13090089Don’t they need to treat their cancer?
>>13090090only list specific trades if its an investment banking type job where they’ll actually know what you’re talking about. For anyone else just flat out list how much money you made.
uhh everything is going down lower again...
>>13090114chill out we're not even in orbit yet.
>>13090106i miss your old brokerage or program that had like like midgard video game font and shit
>>13090123 this
>>13090136now show how much you lost when you shorted amazon on earnings last year
>>13090143It was more than that...
>>13090090oh and list it under “additional experience”
If my hands are iron...Then my fear is nakedNaked and fearless...And my fear is NAKED
>>13090150you taking profits and moving them over to safer investments still or are you back on the swing trading bullet train?
>Buying on the way downNice try Mnuchin.
>>13090159Yeah it's at the very endI said I started with 25k and now have 6 figures (this was over many years). I then briefly described the types of stocks I traded.
>>13090035I'll always remember where I was the day when 2.342 > 2.446.
>>13090169I purchase 1 share of QYLD every day.
>just buy the dip lmao
Shit look how huge that gap is.
>>13090142Can someone PLEASE make an end of evangelion style stock tank where all the crosses are red candles? How has no one done this yet?
>>13090061>just because we're on an animu website doesn't mean every board needs to be animu filled
fucking NOK self reporting on themselves. stupid fucking finns.
>>13090203This is a good sign, good goy behaviour gives good goy gains.
$280 has been breached, if support here fails we're going back to $250
>>13090178I wouldnt even say how long it took. Just say you started with 25k and then state your current portfolio value. you can describe your strategy/trades but like I said to anyone who doesn’t work in investment banking/M+A you might as well be speaking ancient greek
>>13090104Underrated post
>>13090159I just put it under hobbies section at the very bottom
>>13090207Heh. JUST'd by Murphy's Law.
>>13089889Unironically this. How the fuck is T up?
>when the market tanks but KO moons
im legit looking at -1600 P/L today
Broke 280s. EOD 278
Thanks just bought the dip
>>13090142FRY ME TO THE MOON
>>13090241I mean I don’t put it on my resume at all because my gains are super mediocre. But if I had nice gains I wouldn’t be afraid to present it like it’s legitimate work experience.
>>13090072I want the aristocrats because the dividend yield increases every year.
literally me posting on stocktwits today with the bullish tag
We have arrived to lower Earth orbit. Next stop is the moon.
>>13090287kek, show us your posts
>>13090297How do you guys go all in on options lol crazy sobs. Or is this a side portfolio?
>>13090316This is purely for entertainment while I'm at work.
Holy fuck the world economy just imploded. This is really fucking bad.....
Any fags programmed their own algos or ai to pick stocks or trade?
A beautiful sea of red. If only I shorted yesterday.
Closed 1/2 my shorts yesterday after going down 50%. I've already made back the losses and am happy for it but can't help feeling like I still missed out.
crypto/biz/ hereare ya winnin', dad?
>>13090308not me but basically this post right here sums it all up
>>13090180Indeed, Mr. Retard. Who cares about the 10 years going under the 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. It obviously doesn't mean anything, buy the dip.
>mfw I smelled something was up and sold all my market neutral stocks yesterday.Lmao, I'm practically a permabull but this is hilarious. What do now? All gains into biopharma? Pic related?
>>13090334I just caught a ride on a 600% rocket, but because Obama got rid of our space program it was russian and they've made us stop at the ISS and now we're only at 420% D:
>>13090340>Pic related?Perfect time to accumulate.Nice saving my OC, BTW.
posting all my ancient /rgt/ red day memesit takes the edge off
I sure picked the worst possible time to get in the market.I don’t want to sell at a loss, I think my biomemes still have a chance. But I really want to buy S&P on the way down! And maybe load up on some cheapies if it really is happening.Oh no! I know everyone will probably tell me to staunch the bleeding, but I don’t want to lock in my losses!
>>13090346kekpumping up 60 points then dumping down 60 points next day unironically very bad
>>13090340LABU is down 9%. Usually the indices don't bleed to heavily into biotech but today is a panic "take all my money and hide in under the bed" day. Biotechs should see a boost monday (hopefully)If these FDA-catalyst stock options I'm trying to get cheap process I may be several hundred thousand dollars richer on monday
This is retail right?
>>13090357Ugly subhuman faced mongrel with a beautiful blonde, absolutely disgusting.
>>13090408Rephtile calls?
Time for the lunch time check up, what you eating how you doing?
>>13090420sssh don't drive up them up, they're slowly descending into my buy limits.
this is my home now
>Ascending Triangle formingmarket makers trying to prevent a free fall lmao
>>13090432But they’re still up for the day/week/every time scaleHow could now be the time to buy?I really don’t get options.
somehow TWTR is green today
Dow going - 400 today.
>>13090431Oatmeal and ground beef, practicing my recession diet
Betting s&p holds support... God help me.
>>13090480They've been getting closer to my buy limits all day. >>13089186 these are down to 200+ now.
>>13090468I just see an inverse bull flag... When everybody gets back from lunch they're just going to sell off again...
>>13090400remember when futures had that technical glitch and you were convinced it was the start of a giant crash
>>13090499> recession diet>ground beefI eat pure oatmeal like a real poorfag. If i make a good trade i allow myself to add a raisin or two.
>>13090486Christmas eve all over again.
there are two (2) /smg/ threads on the front page, both with replies in the last minute RKG, we love your custom OP images but how about waiting till the thread hits bump limit eh?
>>13090400>>13090512>>/biz/thread/S12869709#p12871824>>13090515just to make sure, you do know christmas eve was the bottom, right>>13090522WAAAA MOMMY DADDY PWEASE HEWP ME MY STAWKS ARE CWASHINGNUUUUUUUUUUUU
Is this the big one?
>support breakingAre we really going to leg down to the low/mid 270s?
Crashing this plane with no survivors.
>>13090522Hey it's like I'm really in /mbg/ - Mount and Blade General
>>13090514>he didn't stock up on guns and ammo to eat wild game.
>>13090515I'm prepared now. All for that day to happen again. I WILL TAME THE BEAR!
>>13090534>support breakingNot yet.
>down 20k and it's not even 12 yetNOOOOOO I WAS GONNA USE THIS MONEY TO MOVE OUT
>>13090409This guy is gonna have a major stroke in his brain in like five years
>>13090553so close
>>13090504Fuck that idiot and his son in law too
>>13090558Are there really people investing with intent to use the money in the short term?Anyone here just comfy riding their investments all the way to retirement and consistently buying more regardless of what happens?
>>13090565just like his father before him
Galt has almost 3x it's average volume is not even up 1%Dubs double reverse cratered LCI.
>A $15 call costs the same as a $17.5 call on the same time frameWhy?>RH is offering to let me sell puts and calls, but I don’t even own any puts or callsWhat?
LMAO at everyone who isn't using this to buy stocks and spy 285 calls
well i just sold so expect a recovery in the next ten minutes
>>13090431damn i miss lunchbroim about to smash me some pho
>>13090603This guy about to be rich af
>>13090578Long-term here. Only 5k in individual equities, everything else in funds. Never sold anything for a loss, I just hodl until my train comes in.
>>13090586it's because XBI is tankingit has nothing to do with GALT itselfnever say anything my GALT again you memer
We keep hitting higher lows but falling against that resister level... I think this means we're about to fall on more and more volume into close.
>>13090512>>>/biz/thread/S12869709#p12871824to be fair, we are lower ATM than we were @ feb 26>>13090527yes, have been thinking about atleast waiting until 300/biz/ has slowed to only 150 threads dailylowest its been in ageswe had 4 /smgs/ in catalog yesterdaybut then though this:why do we care if 4 /smg/s are destroying a useless crypto pump and dump crap post thread? give me good reason for care
>>13090603>>13090616I’m playing both teams and doing just fine
>>13090639>>13090586don't talk to me or my GALT ever again
>>13090600>Why can I sell options without owning them?Absolutely brainless. Please neck yourself.
What the fuck is 280.00 even supposed to be? Support? Resistance?
>>13090639You're so defensive lately pendy, my boy. Just relax.
>>13090646have some compassion for the shitcoin posters. if it weren't for them spamming /g/ we wouldn't even have had a /rgt/ or a /smg/
>>13090668It was once resistance which became support and may become resistance again if bulls don't grow a pair before close.
>>13090646>why do we care if 4 /smg/s are destroying a useless crypto pump and dump crap post thread?ok this is basedcarry on my keepad friend
>>13090668280 got broken long agoIt was the resistance we kept bouncing off in February. Then it became a support that we just broke.
>>13090668278 am first real support, then after that 272if 272 cant hold then 260 or even 250 in playif 278 not tested then we going straight back to 285
>>13090664>how dare you express interest in something while being a complete beginnerYikes, I just want to know why you keep calling it “tapping” when you’re really turning your land cards sideways. Do I get to draw a card every turn?
time to fill out that McDonald's application
my work day looks a lot like this (actual work was minimized because i know the power of weaponized autism and ruining someone's life)
>>13090725Reducing their holdings so they can support us at a lower level???
>>13090725JPM sub 100 is tasty cheapie treat
Surely some green wojak power will fix things. Make them right.
We just refueled and are commencing debarking procedure from the ISS.
Next support is a huge one because the jump between that and the next lowest is an interval of several points.
>>13090740Diamonds are unbreakable but bank stocks in a low interest evironment?
>>13090578Speak of the devil
>>13090767I’ll be bailing out of my short long before we try and break that beast, my friend. Good luck to all other bears. I’m debating closing my out and taking these big gains and suffering the curse of the PDT.
>>13090760Please just keep posting them maybe it changes karma
>>OPIm bullish aapl and nvdaI still holding?
>>13090578That’s because your investment is worth pennies. Imagine swinging 5k to 10k everyday. Normal person will not be able to stomach that volatility, so some short term trading is necessary.
S&P failed to break resistance on the daily. Hangman followed by a confirmation candle so looks like we're eating shit boys.
>>13090570I know. This feels dicey as fuck.
I just got a yahoo finance report about selloffs coinciding with two massive green candles. >buying on the way down Lmao market manipulation. Writers & co. can sell a bit higher.
>>13090810About fucking time. Fuck bulls we bear now
>>13090810Who eats the shits? Bullfags or bearcucks?
>>13090831Bullfags eat the shit, bearfags are in control.
>>13090812I switched from 100% equities to 100% short term bonds in Nov. comfy af
noooo keep selling!!!!
>>13090839Did that on tuesday - was a bullfag, now a bearfag
>>13090836Thanks, just bought 100k
Now is the bottom. Get in.
>>13090859SHIT ends up at the bottom
>>13090851Nice. Risking 5% more gains for -20% lost is just dumb
>>13090775they make a lot of money doing other things than lending moneyalso, interest rates will eventually go up. might as well get in at the bottom
Gold penny stocks day
Cnat needs to fall harder
Starting to rally. We'll see if it's a bull trap
>>13090905It's a shoah out there
who is buying?
>>13090916Boomers reading about the sell off on Yahoo Finance and shouting "buy the dip!"
stop buying
oh yeahim thinkinwe're back
>>13090920>equities are overvalued>global economic slowdowndem bears be trapped
>all the boomers flooding into KO Lmao
>>13090828Let me be clear, we're in an extremely volatile state right here for the next few weeks. If you look at the 50 and 200 day MA on my chart you'll see that we're actually close to forming a Golden Cross which is TECHNICALLY a Bullish indicator. We had a Death Cross on December 06th and you can see how that shitshow went. We tested resistance and got rejected. We may have enough inertia to test it one more time, next week are critical.
>>13090940I'm fucking trapped!!! FUCK AMAZON!! FUCK NIGGERS!!! FUCK IT ALL!!!!
>>13090931make me
>people spamming Bulls and green men when SPY is -1.50%Do you guys even follow the market? SPY will hit 210 before July.
>>13090931Every time i shorted on minor weakness this year i got blown out. Not this time. I'm going long.
>>13090980yeah me too but>this time for sure!!
300 by May
>>13090980>punished anon>3 times now he thought he was safe to short>BTFO every time>a red day arrives again>haha not this time!! >I’m loading up on calls!!This is a bearish signal if I’ve ever seen one lmao, thanks anon.
Looks bull trappy
I really need help,because i dont know what i doIm still bullish on nvda?Please help this poor brainlet
>>13090995That'd figure. I've jinxed the market. Everybody sell.
I mean that's a real fucking steep downturn. I've never seen the indices turn on a dime and become bullish after a drop like that.
>>13091002Markets topping out, at times like this you do Iron Condors
i bought 2k more spythanks red daycy@ on open monday bears, fuckin try me
>>13091014baggie jinxed the market yesterday with all his trips and dubs
>>13090997not that many bulls were trappedseeing if they can trap more bears than bull ATM
>>13091002>there is someone in this thread, RIGHT NOW, who is bullish on NVDAlmao
leveling again.. looks like a bull trap
It's going down again
>>13091015oh really? never?
>>13091025Yeah the green coincided with a bunch of financial reporting on the sell off, it takes boomers awhile to find their reading glasses, read the article, call their broker on a landline and shout "buy the dip".
Holy fuck. Financials...
>>13091023Yeah, his dubs said circuit break today
>>13091023It's all my fault guys...
NEW super CUTE thread>>13091043>>13091043>>13091043>>13091043
>>13091042n-not this time
>293 replies>new threadaaaa
>>13091048Dubs also prophesized that LCI would moon today.
>>13091064fuck it lets go
>>13091069dubs giveth and taketh
Red box is resistance, S&P got rejected off it, we're in a downtrend channel already and MACD already looks like shit.
That’s not how numbers work
oh the movie never endsit goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
>>13090997Looks like (((they))) want to paint a h&s before ze big dump...
>>13091029Probably the most intelligent person in the thread desu. NVDA fundamentals look incredible
FDA just fucked over lots of people today. I'll gonna hodl and deposit more credits.