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File: 153 KB, 270x480, MM_FruitPunch_128flozBottle_Hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11372315 No.11372315 [Reply] [Original]

minute maid edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Suggested books:

Previous Edition

>> No.11372346

First for bull

>> No.11372348

Its so tasty...

>> No.11372350

FAANG pumping like a cat or golden bull?

>> No.11372354
File: 59 KB, 637x960, Gw0Ut2W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for epic market rebound saving my vxx puts @31.5 10/19 exp

>> No.11372359
File: 433 KB, 800x850, DpvDEWy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11372382

If I see a bear here im gonna unload

>> No.11372361
File: 14 KB, 450x317, 11711166-golden-bull-3d-render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11372772


>> No.11372363

Like a dead cat...

>> No.11372372
Quoted by: >>11372403

Right now like a cat. You should cut even in december then get out of everything but Apple

>> No.11372374

More selloff tomorrow most likely. Who the hell wants to hold over the weekend. Institutions maybe, but the average investor might use tomorrow to get out.

>> No.11372378

It’s over bull scum

>> No.11372382

all in SQQQ

>> No.11372388
File: 72 KB, 615x615, 1536899771314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early morning pump into an afternoon crash.

Dump early next week into consolidation for a week and a half

>> No.11372389
File: 22 KB, 480x360, vegeta charging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VXX futures down 5%

>> No.11372390



>> No.11372397
File: 280 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181011-181546_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been following URG for a while now and updating TA on it quite a bit. It seems to me that the last 5 yr correction may be conceding, and at the moment were in bullish H&S nested in a bullish wedge, nested in a bullish cup & handle bottom formation, all happening at the tail end of a larger degree correction from the previous impulse.

Averaging down atm desu senpai

>> No.11372398
File: 2.32 MB, 500x269, giphy (6).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11372772

800 points down tomorrow

>> No.11372400
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>> No.11372403

I'm not in FAANG. Should i get in tomorrow and hold till December?

>> No.11372414
File: 305 KB, 636x720, hotdogeat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11372425

Buy FNG and FNGU
review the components, Its the future

>> No.11372419

I'm chilling for now. I'm not worried about this yet.

>> No.11372421
Quoted by: >>11372474

I wouldnt touch google with a 10 foot pole. They had a doc released yesterday showing blatant plans for censorship and they are making a 1984 style app in china. the us gov is going to rape them. thats why they fund democrats, well see how things go in Nov.

>> No.11372425
Quoted by: >>11372471

Ratsu plz

>> No.11372430

Told you bearfags today's gonna be a green day and you didn't believe me. Trump is gonna bring DOW to 30k after GOP crushes midterm whether you like it or not, libtard

>> No.11372431
File: 6 KB, 238x212, download (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11372462

>tfw comfy weed stocks

hahahhaaha you fags and your facebook shit hhahahahahahha shouldve bought a company wth an actual product lmao buying shares of a fucking website hahaha get real

>> No.11372442

First for USLV and GLD.
Pinkies feed my greed.

>> No.11372451
File: 405 KB, 499x360, expand_dong_with_a_vengeance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11372462


>> No.11372471
File: 41 KB, 554x640, fngsss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11372485

FNG doesnt have tesla
page 2 is nvda and salesforce

FNGU is its own entity

>> No.11372474

damn dude got a link. im expecting red wave and rally but well see

>> No.11372482
File: 37 KB, 337x338, wojackfeelium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning reversL?


>> No.11372485
Quoted by: >>11372510

God, I wish Adobe paid a dividend.

>> No.11372491
Quoted by: >>11372792

pick your fav faggy e celeb for a explanation.

im honestly very concerned with this because if they provoke us gov regulation than the markets will inevitably take a huge hit due to googles market cap.

>> No.11372499
File: 84 KB, 432x520, 1537137806202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a good one from our favorite Russian Bots

>> No.11372510



i'M USING gimo kek

>> No.11372528

Higher Highs, Lower lows

>> No.11372616

>ooga booga rock market
>stocks are now straight back to where they were in January
>entire year of growth gone
Are you still laughing /biz/?

>> No.11372617
File: 2.94 MB, 397x298, oh shuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about buying ACRX tomorrow. Gonna MOON or some shit.

>> No.11372629

can someone explain to me why people are holding through this? Why would someone not place stop limits on their shit? Instead of crying about the big correction, they would just be biding their time and see when to re-enter.

am I not supposed to have stop limits on everything??

>> No.11372684
Quoted by: >>11373158

why would you use stop limits if your trading long term?
hodl for life or day/swing trade, pick one

>> No.11372729

A lot of risk until november.
Wait for normies to be posting pinkies on facebook before buying into any of them.
Wait for a new low then sell in December.

>> No.11372772
Quoted by: >>11373006



>> No.11372792

My dumbass actually tried to google the link to the memo

>> No.11372886

This but unironically

>> No.11373006
File: 142 KB, 867x689, HODL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HODL? HODL. Might as well. I mean, we're already at the bottom.


>> No.11373035
File: 147 KB, 1000x500, Hodl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11374407


>> No.11373038

>ywn have a one kitty THOT patrol

>> No.11373053
File: 112 KB, 1872x768, sur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pleasantly surprised desu

>> No.11373078

>smart money making new bag holders
thats kind of scary...
so robinhood users are buying the dip

>> No.11373102

if i sell it will immediately go back up

>> No.11373122
File: 495 KB, 250x195, lc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the entire S&P 500 is a scam to liquidate RH users

>> No.11373130
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be sleeping well tonight.

>> No.11373142
File: 71 KB, 670x833, 1495579486631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy it's crashing.

Boomers need to die

>> No.11373158
Quoted by: >>11374720

even if you were intent on holding long-term, why wouldn't you want to protect your gains and stay green instead of potentially being a bagholder?

I mean if your stop limits trigger in the first place, then it means shit is already going down. Commissions are going to be nothing compared to that growing loss.

>> No.11373164
File: 532 KB, 931x682, z1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be too happy, we already have the gas chambers warmed up for you zoomers.

>> No.11373187
File: 392 KB, 652x562, 1536459834805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better watch yourself kid, we're the only thing holding this shithole together

>> No.11373199
File: 36 KB, 365x394, 1536714531417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11373219

>selling at the bottom
shiggy diggy doo

>> No.11373219
Quoted by: >>11373248

>those fatass red candles going full dislodgement
>thinks this is unironically the bottom and we're just gonna get a nice clean V recovery


>> No.11373239
File: 244 KB, 1203x1447, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11373263

never gonna make it

>> No.11373248

I know this is small specs first sp500 trade,
but the worst that can happen at this point is a few candle stick tails below the 200 before we rally back

>> No.11373256

Some of you are ok, don’t come to the stock market tomorrow

>> No.11373263

I want total destruction of the world so that I can meet the creator.


>> No.11373273

Well just eat a tide pod and hush up please. Some of us are trying to make money.

>> No.11373283
Quoted by: >>11373306

>he didn’t buy the gold dip

Chance of a lifetime enjoy your stock bags

>> No.11373306

>Buying gold ever
We are not a bunch of 75 year old senior citizens that's why. We don't see the commercials on Turner Classic Movies about diversifying our portfolio's with gold.

>> No.11373311

Buy RACE on the dip, long capitalist extravagance

>> No.11373320

When you are looking at futures and it says a % up or down for a given index, what does that % reflect? Close price change?

>> No.11373321

Should I buy china while it's on sale?

>> No.11373342

It means that the future contract is up 1%. Lookup how futures work on google instead of asking retarded questions.

>> No.11373343

Futures are a scam it doesn’t mean anything, look how they depress the gold price it should be 50000/oz

>> No.11373352
Quoted by: >>11373382

actually not bad, if it bounces back to 130 hot damn
cheap option premiums

>> No.11373353

me too but i wanna make money in the process

>> No.11373382
Quoted by: >>11373389

What are some companies that only the rich shop at? Ralph Lauren? Some expensive winery?

>> No.11373389

TOL brothers for fancy homes

>> No.11373407


I'd trade that, sure. Probably market buy half of intended principal immediately at open unless it gaps up or down significantly, reassess the trade if it does. Set buy order at around $105 for the other half. Buy target $104-$115, sell target $140, stop loss $99.

>> No.11373409

the stock market is the biggest financial scam on earth for all of human history. jews have never stolen more wealth than they have through the stock market

>> No.11373416

If we had a real government in any country the jews would be rounded up for mass white collar crime and killed

>> No.11373419
File: 1.62 MB, 540x540, 1534656179212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got $2k to spend on RH. Where's it going boys?

>> No.11373425

Go back to /pol/
With jews, you win

>> No.11373438

Buy gold or platinum

>> No.11373444
Quoted by: >>11373834

We are getting there youngster. Kanye is an extension of Trump now. White liberals can't criticize him because it's racist. He is bullet proof and redpilled.

>> No.11373445

>that gif
Thanks for the headache lol

>> No.11373483

so guys I am up 20% today by day trading $TVIX (after actually being diversified and losing 10% earlier this week)

why would I not do the exact same thing tomorrow

>> No.11373490
File: 685 KB, 800x900, 1514768010375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11373512

I'm having good feelings about tomorrow.

>> No.11373510

all in Netflix

>> No.11373509
Quoted by: >>11373661

I triple dog dare you to hold TVIX through tomorrow.

>> No.11373512
Quoted by: >>11373519

me too. im judging based on after market

>> No.11373518

Dont listen to these guys telling you futures don't matter

Futures drives the global market, Google asymmetric market theory
You need for ask yourself two questions:

>how is the price for ES_F the same in Japan as it is in America?
>Why would anyone buy a futures contract with no intention of holding it until execution?

>> No.11373519

All my China shit was green on China trade news, so if our markets are green tmr its just more fuel.

>> No.11373539
Quoted by: >>11373550

I was just reading up on it and i understand it a bit more now. I still dont understand what the % change in futures ( for example VXX right now is -6% ), what should the opening for VXX be tomorrow then?
Also CNBC headline dow futures should open 300 points tomorrow.

>> No.11373550
Quoted by: >>11373561

I was always told that trading futures is a great way to get liquidated unless you're a pro.

>> No.11373551

Also for answer your question
There tons of way people calculate %
For many 24/5 products people use day to date prices
Others use GMT close

>> No.11373561

im not trying to trade futures im just wondering how much of a correlation one can deduce from the data.

>> No.11373584

Now I know the market is going to crash more. Millennial RH users expect a bounce off the 200ma. The big guys are about to take these dummies to the cleaners.

>> No.11373598
Quoted by: >>11373611

I bet you my 4 chan gold account it goes up.

>> No.11373597

Closes down 2000 tomorrow cap this

>> No.11373608

the big guys are targets for the vcoming war all the big guys are fucking jewish scum criminals. They are all targets to be executed as soon as possible. Killing the jews is the NUMBER ONE PRIORITY FOR THE RESTORATION OF THE USA

>> No.11373611

You're on.

>> No.11373612

This is actually my play. Millennials getting fleeced next week

>> No.11373620
Quoted by: >>11373649

stop false flagging, commie

>> No.11373642
Quoted by: >>11373692

Scapegoating 101. Always blame the Jews for your personal problems.

>> No.11373643
File: 195 KB, 1245x973, 1535069373416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy gets it

>> No.11373649

Jews are commies in the USA. Trump was supposed to crush jews all day everyday and bomb rich countries. HEs done jack shit. Killing jews and eliminating the MASS white collar crime spree they have robbed our country with is the ONLY priority until; the jews are dead and gone

>> No.11373659

>Trump was supposed to crush jews all day everyday and bomb rich countries.
Really? Didn't he do the exact opposite with moving an embassy to Jerusalem?

>> No.11373661

not holding anything through close in this kike market. doing 3 day trades a week until the eternabull returns.

>> No.11373666

the problem am now adays the HFT stat arb makes the correlation 1:1 but with no time for humans to work with

its 50/50 tomorrow, very annoying
historically chances it going down tomorrow nearly 100%

>> No.11373684


red market tomorrow is my play also.

there is the thought in the back of my head that $TVIX was the top mover on robinhood two days in a row -- is that the final norman trap? Lose money down, lose money up?

>> No.11373686
File: 144 KB, 394x360, AAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the feeling that I'm gonna need some vitamin 9mm to get through tomorrow's pain.

>> No.11373687
File: 1.26 MB, 969x756, hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up faggot commie

Post your kamf to prove you arent a false flagger

>> No.11373692

He didnt state a single personal problem you fucking retarded kike. Go give quest dialog somewhere else, because clearly your reading comprehension needs reprogramming

>> No.11373700

People tend to look to futures for data in between market open times. I remember looking into this too. I think that futures gave a slightly better than 50-50 indication of how the following market day would look. One thing I'd recommend is that after a while, you just need to focus on a few things and get good with that. Trying to crunch all this data for the sake of using the data is overwhelming and can lead to exhaustion. It's how I set-up my portfolio, and I've been happy with it for years.

>> No.11373704

Never reveal your power level anon.

>> No.11373709

See not everyone who knows the jews are evil is a nazi. NAZIs platform was expanding gernamic territory. I dont care about expanding germany. I want MY country USA to get rid of the jewish mennace, nothing to do with hitler and every thing to do with stopping the jews from one more day of spreading lies and niggers and robbing everyone

>> No.11373715
File: 303 KB, 750x1076, 0004287-der-ewige-jude-1940-with-switchable-english-subtitles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times do you have to be told that goyim cannot and will not, ever win.
The eternal juden controls all aspects of economics. Do you think they'll allow their enemies to ever touch a slice of their cake? The juden gives you crumbs of bread, to keep you playing their game. The system is set up to serve the juden, and the goyim, their slaves, keep the engines spinning. Play at your own peril.

>> No.11373721
File: 29 KB, 400x396, 1475358277077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crap, I spilled the beans

>> No.11373725

that was their plan, but they didnt think they would be slaughtered by the US military. That is the answer. NO one to save them no where to run. Israel nuked and all the jews in usa dead

>> No.11373748
Quoted by: >>11373772

good thing I’m actually jewish!

>> No.11373772

no pigfucker you are going to wish to your dead satan massa that you were not a cursed jew. Your barmitzvah money is going back to the people your jew parents stole it from and your goin in the dirt

>> No.11373781
Quoted by: >>11373809

fine with me anon I kind of want to die sometimes

>> No.11373791

He's not an actual jew anon calm down. Jews are in full on damage control over in /pol/ they don't have time to fuck around in /smg/

>> No.11373795
Quoted by: >>11373831

predictions for tomorrow?

>> No.11373807

what happened to this board?

>> No.11373809
Quoted by: >>11373845

that is the real gods telling you the truth. your comfy life is from your parents robbing people with white collar crime and many innocent people suffered so you could be a wealthy jew. Well its over the jew god is dead and its time for the jews to face the punishment

>> No.11373829
File: 154 KB, 312x349, 1534726306963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your in a stock board stop hating on jews pls
besides you sound like brainwashed scitzo pls no

>> No.11373831
File: 140 KB, 462x422, 1509114617725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youll be saying oo oo oo after seeing the green

>> No.11373834

Think he will be president after 2024? Its probably possible...

>> No.11373845

>many innocent people suffered
oh no you were middle class growing up you poor poor soul. What a travesty of the human condition

>> No.11373847
Quoted by: >>11373972

>you sound like brainwashed scitzo pls
>coming from a weeb LARPing as a hole

>> No.11373848

because he is a false flagger
now get back to the kitchen

>> No.11373866

Not even a remote chance to be completely honest. Mike Pence would probably be a more likely candidate.

>> No.11373871

fuck you to nigger hitler didnt kill off the jews go play wannabe nazi. My goal is clear and real and the suffering is more than you could ever know. The jews DESERVE TO DIE

>> No.11373874

TVIX was a good hedge today. thinking about loading up early

>> No.11373890

he had jews on his administration and jewish cossaks fought for him. He wasnt a soulless commie like you

you should be shorting the vix

>> No.11373894
Quoted by: >>11373937

maybe in the future, he would have to prove that this isn't an act and he has some genuine pro american ideas of his own, if he could get the black community to realize that the blm protest bs is just that, bs, and get them to stop waiting for whitey to help them out, he could be the black president libtards hoped obongo would be.

>> No.11373896
Quoted by: >>11373929

god kid its not our fault your parents are deadbeat losers who never did anything with their lives lmao

>> No.11373897
File: 26 KB, 750x750, 1421813138567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11373982

If you buy TVIX in the morning, the market is GUARANTEED to climb steadily throughout the day. Murphy's Law 101.

>> No.11373929
Quoted by: >>11373973

your barmitzvah is stolen form innocent people. You will be punished so keep making fun of my parents that you know nothing about I dont give a fuck what you say or what game you try to play. You have no power over my will.

>> No.11373937
Quoted by: >>11373988

>he could be the black president libtards hoped obongo would be.

Libtards have zero actual desire to see blacks get their shit together. The entire point of globalism is cheap labor and slavery. Even MLK himself was alive today the man would have been branded a Nazi traitor. Its kind of funny but I bet you that if MLK was alive today his twitter would have been banned by now.

Nobody wants Blacks to get organized as far as I can tell. If they dont want it for themselves then its never going to happen.

>> No.11373964
File: 3 KB, 185x31, HH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11373984

im never on smg this late. is this how it usually goes?

>> No.11373972
File: 41 KB, 440x518, 1539276100347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah me understand, now
you want to die painfully.

>> No.11373973

>keep making fun of my parents that you know nothing about
kind of like you’re doing to me right now?

>> No.11373981

buy TQQQ on the way down and hold
>but they told me to buy hi sell lo

>> No.11373982
Quoted by: >>11374116

if you dont buy TVIX tomorrow your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>> No.11373984
File: 565 KB, 630x382, 1537394458274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11374016

just wait until midnight pst when the crew gets on at the same time

>> No.11373988

i thought that the libtards wanted some stabilization in the black community, but seeing things like support for Bernie and some of the shit that happens in cities like chicago and portland, there is no positive outcome for their actions, but any time a respected member of the black community speaks up against the mainstream CNN crowd, they are immediately trashed and called house negros.... I don't really give a shit, but there are alot of cities that could be really nice if they didn't "chimp out" all the time. Denver, Portland, Atlanta, St.Louis, just to name a few.

>> No.11373998

svxy or ziv is the morning play, unless europe goes power green.

>> No.11374001
File: 219 KB, 1920x1080, 1539300478835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11374016

are all you guys on drugs and sleep deprived?

>> No.11374022
Quoted by: >>11374053

specifically baggie and big5 yes.

>> No.11374033
Quoted by: >>11374053

Mostly bagholder...

>> No.11374040

When will AMD make it back to 30? I want out of this shit with a small profit.

>> No.11374042
File: 169 KB, 646x700, 1518107464416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you buy ABX epic style

>> No.11374044

Any time you see an ideological group where part of the ideology lacks principles. Throw all meaning or consistency out the window, they are not acting in the best interest of anyone but themselves at that point.

> Sexism is super bad!
> Melania trump is a whore!
> Masculinity is super evil!
> Girl power!

> Racism is bad!
> White people are fucking evil and need to die!

> Violence is bad
> But its ok if its to enforce paying taxes
> But its ok if its someone I dont like

> Lets protest against free speech! Our voices must be heard! Free speech is evil!

Anytime you see something like this happen that means principled arguments are dead. And if you have no principals then nothing else matters. There is no way to rationalize away some kind of double standards. Black people are nothing more than pawns. Never trust anyone who lacks principals more than you can throw them. The only people who allow double standards in their ideology are thieves liars and opportunists.

>> No.11374053
File: 47 KB, 621x502, thanks for the cheapies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont take investment advice from sober people either

>> No.11374055


>> No.11374061

So what do you think the endgame is?

>> No.11374091
File: 126 KB, 604x516, 1522265080010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11374109

>tfw looking for a whore on whisper
>end up with a qt date instead
Life is sometimes good

>> No.11374102

According to their once a decade spike, expect 35 dollars in 2026-2028 and then immediate crash back to penny stock status

>> No.11374106

Sorry about the watermark, but this is the (((Google))) internal doc.

>> No.11374109

You know what to do. Make sure to live stream the date. Big5 will feed you advice on how to finish the deal seeing how he has gone full degenerate at this point.

>> No.11374111
Quoted by: >>11374356

to consolidate more wealth for eventual control of humanity.
there are (((certain forces))) in this world that hold an enormous amount of wealth. they are playing RISK right now with the populace

>> No.11374116
File: 219 KB, 500x860, 1492885714492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11374127

I sold everything yesterday. See you guys at the bottom.

>> No.11374132

Based immunity dog poster

>> No.11374134
File: 211 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20181011-233642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today was a weird one for me. Waiting for the bottom to hit before I start making purchases.

>> No.11374141
Quoted by: >>11374170

>Be me
>Walk into lunchroom at work (large place)
>overhear a boomer talking to his buddy
> "The market is going crazy! I moved some of my money around today."
God damn mother fucking boomers.

>> No.11374146

Use stop limits if you are swinging on a meme stock. As an example, I bought some OGEN last week or the week before. I had to step out so I couldn't watch it. Set a stop limit in case it bottomed out. Twenty minutes later it hadn't and actually went up. I took my small profit and ran.
On the other hand, I bought some shares of CNSL this month. I'm down, but I'm long this. No reason to sell because I'm holding for the sweet, sweet divs and because I'm obviously hoping it will go up.

>> No.11374158


commies, socialists, lefties, labor parties are all entitled and demented

>> No.11374170
File: 571 KB, 858x617, ep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The market is going crazy so he moved his money, what is aggravating about that?

>> No.11374179

the real rkg would never threaten a fellow anon!

>> No.11374180

they dont predict they just react to the news

>> No.11374201

tfw you aren't reacting and most likely loosing as a result xD

>> No.11374208
File: 3.24 MB, 550x600, phos_cute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11374406


>> No.11374226

>huge artifical sell off first day
>second day just dumb FOMO fucking boomers selling off their portfolios.
of course im upset.
hopefully the stupidity is over tomorrow.

>> No.11374233

the female hosts on Bloomberg are smoking

>> No.11374236

We'll see. TICK. TOCK.

>> No.11374245

A ton of newfag crypto-refugee zoomers did the same shit today.

>> No.11374248
Quoted by: >>11374290

i think shorts will cover going into the weekend, it'll be flat to green with a plunge in vix, i don't think anyone is expecting monday to be another red shit show....

>> No.11374251

>gibs just enough welfare to survive
>promote gangster culture that ensures most of them will aspire to be criminals in adulthood
>they all vote democrat cause of gibs
>stay perpetually poor and unemployable so the perpetually need gibs
>stay in power through modern day slavery
If it weren’t the blacks it would’ve been some other race. The pattern remains the same though.

>> No.11374253
Quoted by: >>11374273

Trading chad futures over virgin index funds.

No daytrade penalty

Best leverage

Many diversity plays

pairs trading

low fees

low taxes.

Just do it.

>> No.11374257

boomers need big headlines market has already crashed 10% start selling now on drudge report because thats what the "experts" told them or whatever and then they sell low again, wait for it to go up and its "safe" and rinse and repeat, no wonder they have been working the last 40 years

>> No.11374273

Wrong spacing for this website m8

>> No.11374281
File: 440 KB, 645x1260, 1532298439447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stupidity is just beginning. Tomorrow may rally but friday is going to be a bloodbath

>> No.11374290

if you were me and you had 31.5 vxx puts expiring next friday, would you hodl through the weekend? right now its at about 34 and if we pump tomorrow worst case scenario is i sell at a loss. the theta decay through the weekend worries me.

>> No.11374302

T-tomorrow is Friday though, isn’t it?

>> No.11374327
Quoted by: >>11374338

I think you would be insane to sell tomorrow. This crash is fake and gay, next week the golden bull will resume.

>> No.11374333
File: 7 KB, 299x168, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry bois... Mike won't let you down tomorrow...

>> No.11374334

Technology pushes us towards technocratic ideology. Code is Law enforces principaled arguments because the code has specific functionality when enacted.

Also governments will be starved out on taxation. Ultimately the left will transform into a technocratic ideology. Right now its just a bunch of morons with zero principles who bring zero value anyway.

>> No.11374335

fuck.. tomorrow is friday. were all fucked

>> No.11374337
File: 368 KB, 750x1334, 1536994582554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11374439

Is this really you?
I've beat off to it 41 times in the last 3 days.

>> No.11374338

how do you back up this claim?

>> No.11374343


>> No.11374351
Quoted by: >>11374384

can't you sell the puts for green at the moment? I never really played options i just use etf's.

>> No.11374356
Quoted by: >>11374428

We must fight back by making as many things decentralized and blockchain based as possible. Even in situations where

> A centralized database would be better for performance.

>> No.11374358

Also, I'd still like to introduce you to my potato peeler... or my stapler gun
Choose wisely.
I have new reason to hope this interview with Google goes well.

>> No.11374367
File: 179 KB, 217x320, 1537444166551.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life savings into spotify? Y OR N!?!?!?!?!

>> No.11374380

N, unless you spelled Shopify wrong.

>> No.11374384
Quoted by: >>11374432

options are the same as stock except the idea is this, its like a owning a stick of dynamite attached to alot of shares of some company or index, you buy it at a certain price, hope it goes up or your bag holding until the date the bomb explodes and you lose all your money. you might ask well why the fuck would you play with bombs? because you get more shares for your dollar vs buying stock. alot more. leverage basically.

>> No.11374386

as long as adblock exists and functions, NO

>> No.11374391

Yes, god speed my child.

>> No.11374393

i dont know why your life has lead you to such a bad decision anon but no, do not fomo into a shitty wanna be broadcasting service from the 2000s

>> No.11374397
Quoted by: >>11374408

The stock market was a way for Jews to trick conservative Christians to get into gambling #woke

>> No.11374406
File: 157 KB, 528x321, 1531849176569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11374527

the entire world is buying the dip right now

>> No.11374407
File: 697 KB, 1000x500, hodl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11374442

Thought your post could use it

>> No.11374408
File: 55 KB, 665x385, angry hitler 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((International Finance)))
(((Global Marketeers)))

>> No.11374423
Quoted by: >>11374453

>Politicians cant be prosecuted for insider trading
>Politicians get paid first from the fed and will always have more buying power than you.
>Politicians kids are forgiven for student loan debt in bankruptcy, but our kids are not, they are stuck with them forever
thats all you need to know about whether the government is corrupt or not folks.

>> No.11374428
Quoted by: >>11374590

blockchain may well be the future. in the future. it hasnt established itself enough to be a viable investment. normies know the word bitcoin. they also have no idea what the word blockchain means

>> No.11374432
Quoted by: >>11374448

i know the basics, just get the buying and selling of puts or buying and selling of calls, i know the vix dictates the price of the options, instead of shorting or buying and selling a put, i would just buy the inverse sector etf, ie financials or energy. My general answer is that i think the vix is high, i think oil found a bottom and the market will flatten out, big money needed to slow down the interest rate and energy run before it got out of hand that equities needed to be remodeled. Hence why you heard alot of chatter against oil producers, saudis specifically, and criticism of the fed, which is deserving. Hell, they hadn't raised IR almost the entire previous presidency, now they come out and go up 200 bips, jesus christ, you know. I think there is a weak floor, and shorts have made a shit load of money, they are going to cash some of that out and eat fat over the weekend.

>> No.11374439
Quoted by: >>11374542

One backwards image search will tell you no

How the fuck are you going to work at google if you can't do this shit?

>> No.11374442

thats awesome thx, im that op.

>> No.11374448
Quoted by: >>11374486

you got that backwards, options determine the value of vix.

>> No.11374453
Quoted by: >>11374461

that sounds based
where can apply to be a politician?

>> No.11374457
Quoted by: >>11374473

February dump only lasted 7 days and then she shot up like a rocket, i don't think we shoot up, but appetite for selling is getting full.

>> No.11374461

The local Synagogue.
The initiation process is painful.

>> No.11374473
Quoted by: >>11374524

How much is it down compared to February?

>> No.11374486
Quoted by: >>11374508

The price of call and put options can be used to calculate implied volatility, because volatility is one of the factors used to calculate the value of these options. Higher volatility of the underlying security makes an option more valuable, because there is a greater probability that the option will expire in the money (i.e., with a market value above zero). Thus, a higher option price implies greater volatility, other things being equal.

chicken or egg i guess

>> No.11374492
Quoted by: >>11374503

If this post ends in an even number, green day tomorrow.

If this post ends in an odd number, red day tomorrow.

>> No.11374503
File: 273 KB, 453x454, cnbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11374634

We're gonna be okay, frens. We're all gonna be okay.

>> No.11374504

Hence high VIX readings mean investors see significant risk that the market will move sharply, whether downward or upward.

Honestly, i haven't seen a high vix in a bull market, so sharp move upward, i would have to disagree with that.

>> No.11374508
Quoted by: >>11374545

IV isnt the vix index but rather an equation of IV from the cboe. Its mostly jewish tricks.

>> No.11374524

less, almost 10% in feb

>> No.11374527
File: 56 KB, 564x520, Frogs-564x520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn right.

>> No.11374542
File: 81 KB, 640x480, 1503103925442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11374576

>How the fuck are you going to work at google if you can't do this shit?
Dude, I have no fucking idea.

I'm going to keep beating off to that shit though.

>> No.11374545
Quoted by: >>11374554

tricky or not it is what it is, HFT, are the tricksters who should be banned.

>> No.11374554

derivatives should be banned

>> No.11374569
File: 165 KB, 1024x982, google is fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11374574

bbiab, need some food

>> No.11374576

So... you prefer men...

>> No.11374590

They don't need to. All we need to do is get scaling solved enough where decentrality is manageable within reason and the platforms will function without a need for normies to even really give a fuck what it is. UX can solve most problems facing crypto right now. We want people using the tech even in situations where it barely makes sense.

>> No.11374592

>tfw there still isnt a good alternative to google

>> No.11374607
File: 1.53 MB, 2576x1932, 15393188834801937367814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11374718

Literealy just played a game of pool with a guy that broke and ran the table all the way through the 8 ball. I've played alot of pool and I've never seen that before

>> No.11374608
Quoted by: >>11374667

Uhhh Bing?

>> No.11374621

There are a few blockchain based startups. Bitchute, Dlive, Dtube, Vimm

>> No.11374634

Pool shark

>> No.11374667
Quoted by: >>11374702

Bing sucks

>> No.11374690
File: 204 KB, 1018x763, 1538779363083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres to a green day and a epic rebound the likes of which the stock market has ever seen.
Good luck guys.

>> No.11374702

There's some good porn on Bing.
Mless is still best tho

>> No.11374718

>Literealy just played a game of pool with a guy that broke and ran the table all the way through the 8 ball. I've played alot of pool and I've never seen that before
What could this mean?

>> No.11374719


I am thoroughly prepared for this to be 95% joking around by low-level employees.

>> No.11374720

Because you can't time the market and the day after your stop loss sell could be a rebound. Meaning you sold at a low which you don't want as a long-term investor.

>> No.11374725
Quoted by: >>11374833

i hope my sqqq pays well tomorrow

>> No.11374731

shanghai and japan is flat
hang seng up 1%
lets see how europe opens and the bank guidance in premarket

>> No.11374768
Quoted by: >>11375056

how long till europe open?

>> No.11374769
File: 39 KB, 220x365, 3CA73451-967A-4E7A-AA85-816C7D8A1105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He played against someone who played a perfect game, pretty cool

>> No.11374833


>> No.11374835
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, 1536201520254m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11374859

Is it too late to jump on SQQQ?

What should I buy /smg/?

>> No.11374843

Someone straight up didn't give me a chance to shoot. Perfect game. Very rare

>> No.11374859


>> No.11374870

gold is a shit tier meme. at least stocks are easily convertible to real value.

>> No.11374871
File: 126 KB, 1200x1213, 30_f3e8ff_6662929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Care to elaborate, friend?

>> No.11374896
File: 77 KB, 380x349, 1531419168738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a meme. Gold wont go up till a catastrophic happening, and by then your currency wont be your biggest worry

>> No.11374903
File: 1.11 MB, 331x1003, FUCK_MY_CHEETOS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11374917


>> No.11374917

What will you buy?

>> No.11374934

follow the jews, its alike following the smart money except even better...
jews like gold -> jews own gold -> you buy gold

>> No.11374956
File: 69 KB, 1133x513, falling-knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's your guys opinion on catching a falling knife?

>> No.11374964
Quoted by: >>11374984

dem futures doe

>> No.11374973

Use your asshole

>> No.11374977
Quoted by: >>11375012

i caught a stake knife with my toes once while washing the dishes

no meme i swear it happened

>> No.11374984

inbred dumb cunt here,

just want to confirm the futures are showing a good day tomorrow at the moment right?

>> No.11375001
Quoted by: >>11375135

dark pools are buying like crazy to cover the massive selloff tommorow and margin capitulation on monday. trade wisely frens

>> No.11375012 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 557x749, BrVaMW_CQAA53G0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use your asshole
>i caught a stake knife with my toes once while washing the dishes
>no meme i swear it happened
Thanks for the meme answers guys
>pic related
it's you ;^)

>> No.11375022

shanghai finna close green maby jap as well

>> No.11375034
File: 203 KB, 1080x2383, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started investing about 2 weeks ago and im already down $372 US. Did i just pick a shitty time to start, or is this normal? definitely not gonna sell right now. All of them were long term.

>> No.11375039
Quoted by: >>11375054

buy every month same amount into index funds

if the markets were down for the last month, buy even more

on a big 10%+ correction, buy even more

imagine if you bought during 08-09, while shit was collapsing? guess where all that stuff is now, up 25%+ on an annual basis even if something went from $100 to $40 before its now $500+


>> No.11375054
Quoted by: >>11375069

you're so full of shit

>> No.11375056


>> No.11375064

ill let you know tomorrow if my vxx puts go in the money kek

>> No.11375068

At work we use Qwant.

>> No.11375069
Quoted by: >>11375101

wow some dude is mad cuz im winning and hes not

what a surprise, its like im IRL

>> No.11375088
Quoted by: >>11375131

buy low sell high, dont get greedy, dont wait around too long.

now is definetly a good buying time, 1 month ago was not my friend


>> No.11375101
Quoted by: >>11375144

don't misconstrue doubt with anger, you're full of shit, show me a stock ticker that reflects your statement, don't lie to people on here, you can tell by the way some people write that they know what there talking about, some people on here know what there talking about, you, are full of shit.

>> No.11375107
File: 39 KB, 628x321, HEHE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian looking good today
euro to follow (????)

>> No.11375131

buy what? more of what i already have?

>> No.11375134
Quoted by: >>11375162

europe head faked yesterday, interesting to see what they do today.... dax futs are still in the tank

>> No.11375135

How certain are we of this massive selloff tomorrow.

>> No.11375144
Quoted by: >>11375151

lmao wut

this is the way you make it, buy all the time and when its going down buy even more

im needing my money to be worth a lot in 2040 not 2019

>> No.11375151
Quoted by: >>11375322

so what are you buying then?

>> No.11375162
Quoted by: >>11375175

Euro futures are all looking good. See how it goes.

>> No.11375164

Nonsense. It's time to name the jew publicly.
Also: Go long on ZYKB

>> No.11375175
Quoted by: >>11375190

yea you're right ftse dax and cac are all green, must have been looking at yesterday

>> No.11375190


green means buy right?

>> No.11375192
Quoted by: >>11375261

you guys think the Saudis killed that guy?

>> No.11375202

green means bought, if you want to buy, that's up to you

>> No.11375207

Is it time to panic, or will this 2 day trend reverse tomorrow?

>> No.11375208

tomorrow will be a huge rally until the end of day sell off.
im certain of it.
i have zero evidence to back it up besides historical bounce backs, but i believe.

>> No.11375219


i like bloom better, cnbc is amateur hour....

reverse, how much, i don't know, flat at the minimum

>> No.11375221

just make make sure you wait till the prices are high enough before you buy in again

>> No.11375229

thank you wise anon

>> No.11375236

also i was a huge Erin Burnett fan, then she went to CNN and turned into a lib cunt.

>> No.11375261
Quoted by: >>11375288

What is your better theory?

>> No.11375288
Quoted by: >>11375877

they whacked that fucker in the embassy, and give zero shits, but it's interesting to see all the hoopla about their business investment conference, all these libtards are boycotting, was huge, second only to Davos in Swissland, and Davos is a big deal.

>> No.11375304
Quoted by: >>11375316

I think if we end flat tomorrow the bloodshed will 100% continue on Monday.

>> No.11375313

I don't understand you people. The entire market drops drastically yesterday, AMD ends up on the day - with after hours trading bringing it up noticeably higher, and the first instinct here is to think 30 is a good deal? This is textbook overcorrection, I'd be pumping more in at it's current price if I had the liquidity.

>> No.11375316
Quoted by: >>11375407

why do you thinnk that?

>> No.11375318
Quoted by: >>11375338

I hope these VIX futures are accurate,
oh god i dont think i can sleep tonight.
-10k in the hole.

>> No.11375322

QQQ, SPY, then half those amounts of QLD and SSO

alongside some other blue chips I buy after my index funds monthly are filled, i dont buy any memes

>> No.11375327
File: 140 KB, 1898x1005, 1533339020192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vix puts

>> No.11375335


>> No.11375338

correct me if im wrong but VIX futures only track volatility independant of direction, so it could be a big swing up OR down? right?

>> No.11375340
File: 60 KB, 852x480, 1533672086528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11375347

thats what the other futures are for
dow +300
spy +35
enough to get my puts back to even if we dont sell off.

>> No.11375362
Quoted by: >>11375368

supposedly, but i've rarely if ever seen the VIX go up in a green market

>> No.11375368

i know it becomes a inverse market etf during periods of high volatility, and its designed to decay over time naturally.
usually when spy goes up, vix goes down and vice versa, eith exceptions

>> No.11375399
Quoted by: >>11375462

what are you in at bro, tomorrow we ride the rocket to gainz galaxy

>> No.11375407

Mostly a gut sense. The market minders desperately want things to go up tomorrow so no one starts to seriously consider that we are in a big, fat, ugly bubble. If the best the markets can muster is a flat close, that means confidence is already too low for us to continue on an upward trajectory from current prices and the bubble will deflate.

I honestly would love to know what makes AAPL worth 2x as much as two years ago. What is the big innovation they've had that justifies that valuation?

>> No.11375430

anticipation of forward earnings, and new tech which they haven't had since jobs died, and people like warren holding 20 billion apple stock and sitting on it.... i hate apple

>> No.11375462
File: 150 KB, 646x700, 1535830650070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11375483

December $22 vxx put for 25 cent

>> No.11375483
File: 1.81 MB, 341x376, shekels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11375594

>vix futures down 11 percent now

>> No.11375486

supposedly the Turks have audio to prove that the Saudis whacked that guy, but that would essentially expose the Turks to spying on the Saudis, which is weird, but they've pretty much said it already.... The Saudis are taking a page out of the Russian playbook

>> No.11375594
File: 76 KB, 594x395, 1539282320362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11375619

Holy fuck I bought one VXX put before close

>> No.11375602
File: 52 KB, 1295x223, soitec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit 7%

>> No.11375619
File: 97 KB, 689x473, 1537718559257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11375633


>> No.11375633

Thanks fren, I'm happy for u :))))

>> No.11375644
File: 15 KB, 413x313, portefeuille.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go green go

>I honestly would love to know what makes AAPL worth 2x as much as two years ago. What is the big innovation they've had that justifies that valuation?
From a AAPL supplier pov, they are the only smartphone company actually taking risks to get new shit in their phones. I don't own an iPhone myself (because I wouldn't have much of a use for it), but they actually drive the market forward, that's undeniable.
That being said, the reason for the stock price being up by so much is probably the bubble formed by the US fiscal policies last year.

>> No.11375661
File: 31 KB, 552x414, CtlQWcQWcAEjw2y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So tomorrow we going up or mass capitulation and margin calls...

>> No.11375693

>an 830 Point plummet is a correction
>but a hypothetical 400 point increase is a """surge"""

>> No.11375748

congo having a sexy ebola outbreak, it's like it's not even news anymore, shit i remember when people thought ebola was the new AIDS.

>> No.11375828

try ecoasia

>> No.11375852

Europe is green last time i checked. Asia was green too. Newyork gonna be a green .

>> No.11375877
Quoted by: >>11375908

Why do people preend to give a fuck about a single wanker just because he was on the news. But i gaurantee you if they saw the nigger geting mugged and stabbed in front of them most of them wouldn't do shit.

Also people gotta respect Saudi culture. Saud's don't kill people for no reason. What exactly did he do to cause the Saudi's to behead him? he was clearly up to no good.

>> No.11375908

Turks are saying they have audio and video now, inb4 Saudi vs Turk war in the Desert 2019.

>> No.11375923
Quoted by: >>11375962

>Saudi vs Turk war in the Desert 2019.
There's like 5.5 countries between those two.
It will be fun

>> No.11375962

I wonder what's up Turkeys ass, they are both Sunni, so it's not like they have a theological grudge.

>> No.11375978
Quoted by: >>11376038

>Turks are saying they have audio and video now, inb4 Saudi vs Turk war in the Desert 2019.
honestly why give a fuck. It's like crying about a single soldier who got killed in a war.
These journalist's know exactly what they are doing and what are the risk's.
>People will mourn me for jumping into a tank fulled with sharks

>> No.11375986

They're oil rivals both vying for western appreciation. Plus Turkey is more secular than anything

>> No.11376011

In the near east and middle east, everyone hate each other by principle.

>> No.11376038

Because a lot of loud liberals think can control countries affairs by shaming them.... and he was a WaPo contributor so those fckers are louder than ever thinking their boy got whacked for being naive, hell, maybe some folks here in the US asked the Saudis to put out the hit.

>> No.11376060


>> No.11376159

>just started investing about 2 weeks ago and im already down $372 US. Did i just pick a shitty time to start, or is this normal?
Everyone here thinks you're a dumb zoomer/muhlennyall sucker and are eager to dump on you. Market sell the first chance you get and ignore any """advice"""" given because if you take it at face value they will openly brag about screwing you in the coming weeks and spit dumb one liners and non sequiturs at you.
Read the posts in this thread to have an idea of who you are dealing with.

>> No.11376553

Just took a look at my 200 stock after hours watch list. Almost all of it is green above 1% at least.

>> No.11376754


>> No.11376762

Insider trading