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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58267975 [View]
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normie faggots on biz when BTC pumps:
>its destiny! 100k here we come
normie faggots on biz when BTC dumps:
>this is a conspiracy and manipulation

>> No.52325018 [View]
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He stole peoples money with degenerate gambling and got investigated by the SEC.
Jews do long coin coin clipping scams for generations

>> No.17780385 [View]
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Why is the average pleb so fucking retarded?
They don't even understand that if they didn't inject that 1.5 trillion into the stock market then they would probably not even have bread on the table before they know it, let alone finding a job out of college or having the luxury of studying transsexual biodiversity degrees.

They literally seem to all think that money is for keeps, and just done to keep boomers rich

>> No.15312711 [View]
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>> No.14911140 [View]
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Entire thread full of nulinkers from reddit. just fuck off back. cringe watching this shit being discussed and the same things being said for the 1000th time

>> No.14798201 [View]
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>> No.13640684 [View]
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My co workers have started talking about bitcoin again /biz/

>> No.11582980 [View]
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there is no USD pairing lol. What are you talking about?

Also, while there was some small bear div then (and you would have made some extra link followingit, you would notice the huge bull dive now long after which would be a buy signal.
In general, that range was after a significant dump, so who the fuck would be selling down there anyway? Lol.

Singnificant uptrend = look for divergence to sell
significant downtrend = start accumulating(because we are long term investing duh) and finding bull divs to confirm bigger DCAs.

How is this difficult?

>> No.11195842 [View]
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Why are you all so obsessed with shitcoin penny stocks?

All you need is BTC and Link to make it in 2020+

>> No.10366233 [View]
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>> No.10340367 [View]
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>> No.10307250 [View]
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>some people believe this

>> No.10292449 [View]
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This rally is already pajeet tier. its literally a bunch of pajeets fomoing back in

>> No.10291990 [View]
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>> No.10256376 [View]
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if you get literally any crypto research from YouTube you are unironically worse than people who get china hustled.

>> No.10256146 [View]
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>> No.10249328 [View]
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shorting is the only way to make money in crypto now. it's literally the new paradigm.

>> No.10239063 [View]
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This is unironicallly the end. I'll meet you on the other side brother.

>> No.10127032 [View]
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When I left the womb.

>> No.9934809 [View]
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As a filthy no-coiner, I check /biz/ for daily updates in much the same way that one would try to keep up with episodes of their favorite series. It's all very entertaining to watch and shitpost about, but I don't envy any of you.

>> No.7983793 [View]
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