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>> No.24455309 [View]
File: 100 KB, 414x566, Economist-1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic

>> No.16865653 [View]
File: 100 KB, 414x566, Economist-1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its on the coin bros. It's the other half of the NWO coins

>> No.16844630 [View]
File: 100 KB, 414x566, Economist-1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is not gonna reach anything more than $100k. I suspect that bitcoin is going to be BANNED, due to the massive amount of electricity it uses. It clashes with the climate agenda of the elite. Yes....its going to be banned and you're going to get fucked. Bitcoin maximalists are completely blind to the truth; Bitcoin is a failure of a currency.

The crypto market is completely controlled. They have been running this crypto show since the very beginning. Bitcoin and the entire market is a smokescreen for the Chosen currencies which are hiding in plain sight. These currencies have deep connections to the governments and the Elite.

This market has been purposefully kept bear to allow insiders to buy it up cheap, its that simple.

Do your research into who is actually making progress. Do your research and you will be rewarded.

But the next bull run will be the last. It will be the one that changes EVERYTHING. Because a new Standard and new world currency is coming and there can only be one.

>> No.16838455 [View]
File: 100 KB, 414x566, Economist-1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys dont understand the gravity of the situation. XRP is it. It is the golden bullrun. XRP is designed to cover every person on the planet. On the earth. It's the plumbing of the new financial system. Think ETH + BTC + a bunch of other cryptos combined and more.

Have you ever used a Ripple wallet? Once you use an XRP wallet, you'll understand what is taking place. It's not even meant for normal people to hold it. It's meant for big financial institutions.

Look at the cover of the 1988 Economist. Its Rothschild owned. In 2018 XRapid went live. It already happened.

We're talking QUINTRILLIONS of dollars running through the XRP system. It is liquidity on demand. XRP MUST BE A HIGH PRICE! In order to match GLOBAL liquidity.

Get it? Not $100. Not $1,000. We're talking $10k+

>> No.16814023 [View]
File: 100 KB, 414x566, Economist-1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be handling the Quintrillion+++ derivatives market. It will be the REAL STORE of value...REAL digital gold. Not BTC.

The Bridge Currency concept is just a red herring...its just a launchpad. It's not endgame.

There will be another coin that will be the Silver NWO coin to this Gold.


A LIGHT bulb should go off on your head

>> No.12093002 [View]
File: 113 KB, 414x566, 10F8DA64-E717-453B-ACA0-B0F0A1A9347A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny seeing you guys here

>> No.12083605 [View]
File: 113 KB, 414x566, 59333F13-128B-4AFA-BA44-776264524C1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hint hint

>> No.11771422 [View]
File: 100 KB, 414x566, 1539233999144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

historically the gold/silver equivalence always have been around 1/20 and nowaday it's 1/80, which mean silver is really undervalued.
Also COMEX paper manipulation in silver is even more extreme than with gold, the market cap of silver is like 2$ billions, so very easy to supress for banksters.
But more important, we recently saw move of big investment banks starting to stock a shitload of silver, and it could signify something really important.
During past history, 2 times the gold standard was suppressed and shifted toward a silver standard on a global scale, once during the venetian banking cartel domination during the 12/13th century, force by families like garibaldini or medici. And another time during the east indian company/ england domination just before the opium wars. Both time Italy and England had very bad external commercial balance.
Both times, the empire dominating the world economic and military policy decided unilateraly to shift to silver standard, making the price of the metal mooning to no end. They beforehand stacked up silver buying it with gold (with the italian florin for example), then forced this policy, having almost a monopoly on silver while others countries were piling up gold but had no reserve of silver. Then they started to buy the gold from these others states on the heap while the demand of silver was raising. Finally they swaped once again to the gold standard once their vaults were full of gold.

Now, we have the same exact situation with USA than during the crusades with Venice and England with the silk road during opium wars :
- a big empire
- a devaluating money, with a very bad external economic balance (import en masse, export nothing but liquidity)
- an economic domination (petro dollar monopoly) and a military domination (main supertanker sea gates)
- start to sneakily accumulating silver in big quantities

US could very well decide to establish a silver standard, transfering the debt to let say 2500$/ounce.

>> No.11361929 [View]
File: 100 KB, 414x566, 834750983475u43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we now have the data to objectively see that (((they))) do indeed run this world.
Here is a tip for you bizlets who actually want to make it. Follow the Shmita calendar. The end of each Shmita has consistently triggered large falls in the global markets (and ironically the creation of BTC in 08) with the next occurring Sept. 26, 2022.

DYOR and good luck

>> No.11356210 [View]
File: 100 KB, 414x566, Economist-1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the beginning of the prophecy..?

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