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16837756 No.16837756 [Reply] [Original]

post yfw you realize LINK stole the oracle/smart contract idea from XRP
but not only is link built on ethereum (lol), ran by a bunch of unprofessional idiots. (t. wears flanel shirt instead of a suit, what?!)
but sergey has also abandoned every single one of his past projects. they're just steaming ashes now.
meanwhile xrp has been around since before bitcoin and is finally being deemed not a security in just 2 days.
link is basically a chinese knockoff rolex. sold on canal street (biz)
congrats on the scam so far, it looks like it's ended

>> No.16837765

a flower can grow out of a poopoo

>> No.16837802
File: 37 KB, 680x769, 2490FA36-6F43-4641-A5DC-BBF6F1C921B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wears flanel shirt instead of a suit, what?!

>> No.16837822
File: 8 KB, 259x194, 1578714537493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The face when reddit gets rich off of xrp and biz is stuck holding bags for eternity

>> No.16837842

So am I finally gonna make it w my xrp? I held past $4 or whatever it was up to back in early ‘18

>> No.16837861

My honest prediction is that the decision will be delayed on xrp security status. It really depends on whether the jews that control the courts and the fed are involved in XRP. If they are involved it won't be a security. If they are not involved it will be ruled a security.

I hold a small amount and I think that's the correct position here. It's a gamble so place bets but don't bet the farm.

>> No.16837875
File: 273 KB, 1283x1636, 1577733961015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that lawsuit gets thrown out in 2 days

>> No.16837890

What’s a “small” amount? ish?

>> No.16837944

I'm just getting started in crypto, so take this with a grain of salt but I'm putting 10% of my income in crypto and I'm putting half of that into XRP and splitting the other half into BTC. If XRP underperforms BTC I only lose a small amount but it XRP comes close to it's market top I do really well.

>> No.16837961
File: 3.00 MB, 854x480, 1578933319476.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you do your research you'll find Ripple is embedded into the government. They met with Mnuchin. The lawsuit is just a distraction and another reason to fud and keep the price low. XRP, RippleNet is already being used by the majority of the world's banking system. All they have to do is make it official.

One of the XRP hardcore youtubers spoke to David Schwartz. He asked him about price action. And David straight up told him that the most likely scenario is NOT a gradual increase, but a price explosion.

The writing is on the wall. They are gonna flip a switch, literally. They kept XRP low so they can buy it up this entire time. They are in TOTAL CONTROL. When they are ready for moon, they will flip the switch.

>> No.16838009

Here is a tidbit for you. I work for a company who is partially owned by a person that works for ripple labs. This person is very smart and has enough dough to fund the company I work for. They have connections that have made me somewhat confident that xrp is a smart play--- so your embedded in govt argument passes the sniff test. That said, this person I work for hasn't mentioned anyting about xrp or advised me to buy, I'm just using my noodle here.

I think Chanfags are anti xrp because goons are bullish on it and connected to it.

>> No.16838027
File: 91 KB, 1451x817, cripple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine believing this

>> No.16838043

Also /biz/ is either really retarded or people are fudding the hell out of this. XRP has always been just "this premined shitcoin run by jews" and has always been dismissed by /biz/.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. It is very clear that Bitcoin was used as a smokescreen to cover for the real financial system which is XRP. They absolutely need a decentralized token to run the new global financial system, which is XRP. XRP has been described as the "plumbing" to that system. Think Ethereum, but on steroids. Huge massive steroids.

Everything is eventually going to run on XRP Ripple technology. It is literally the foundation of everything else. So you are going to have other cryptos like Stellar Lumens, Vechain, Cardano, etc survive and thrive in the future. However, XRP is king.

Once XRP overtakes BTC its instantly over and people are going to realize the mistake they made. In fact I'm considering moving everything into XRP.

>> No.16838059

three years of the same pathetic fud

>> No.16838070

Ripple hired ben lawsky the turbokike that wrote the bit license
Ripple is making things worse fuck that company

>> No.16838081

Case is dismissed, source plebbit leaker

>> No.16838082

>They absolutely need a decentralized token to run the new global financial system, which is XRP.
Are you retarded

>> No.16838084

>his person I work for hasn't mentioned anyting about xrp or advised me to buy, I'm just using my noodle here.

They are NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT IT! Some youtubers analyzed the body language of major financial executives and whenever they were asked about the new technology coming, they give a little smile and look down.

They CANNOT talk about XRP. It's the genie in the bottle hiding in plain sight. Bitcoin, Ethereum and the entire crypto space is a smokescreen to cover for XRP.

Bitcoin and Ethereum are on borrowed time. They are both toast...fucking toast. XRP replaces both of them and does so much more I cant cover it in this post.

All of this is being kept under wraps. You can follow Ripple's progress on their insights blog. They catalogue everything they do, so the information is out there.

XRP has already won the crypto wars, its just not official yet. But its over. Bitcoin has already been knocked out. They just havent made the announcement yet.

>> No.16838088

I've been a poltard for long enough to realize that when it comes to financial scams it is profitable to ride the dragon, but you need cut anchor as soon as the spike ends.

>> No.16838117

They're selling into you buying
You're supporting them with liquidity and you're gambling
Why don't you support a project that's productive and makes you money

>> No.16838123

The idea that XRP is centralized is dumb fud spread on this forum designed to keep people away from XRP. Yes, everything is designed to keep people away from it. Whether or not you understand this, idc.

XRP has more validators than BTC and Ethereum. Bitcoin mining is centralized in China. XRP isnt perfectly decentralized, but by comparison it is more decentralized than Bitcoin or Ethereum.

>> No.16838124

>tfw you have around 11k XRP and missed the migration to the new platform and now all your shit is probably lost

Hold me, Reddit bros

>> No.16838156

When 1k?

T tired of holding this bag of a few thousand xrp

>> No.16838157

>XRP has more validators than BTC
No they don't and who are these validators you're so full of shit

>> No.16838195

You dumb biz nigger, David Schwartz is the original Satoshi. He created DLT technology all the way back in 1988. Fud this shit all you want, idc. That guy used to work for the NSA.

Ripple is a government-run company. It's government run. Get it? I'm just giving you the lowdown here. The CTO of Ripple is ex-NSA. Connect the dots. This was the plan for the very beginning.

>> No.16838212

Premined shitcoin

>> No.16838219

Can you explain how to become a validator in ripple and break down the incentives the costs and everything instead of posting schizo nonsense

>> No.16838223


>> No.16838227

DYOR you dumb biz nigger! If you cant see that XRP was chosen from the very beginning you deserve to lose out on the biggest moonride in history.

>> No.16838236

Xrp will be the biggest fucking Green dildo you have ever seen

>> No.16838243
File: 9 KB, 342x193, 961064159-258208-2uac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your face when you realize OP is a fag.

>> No.16838251

Ripple feels like those failed ecash projects from 1990s to 2008
It has central authority and is premined
Without bitcoin and dumbasses gambling on alts ripple would be dead
It has nothing on bitcoin it's a kikecoin
Their employees can only write laws to slow bitcoin down
They're a bunch of useless kikes

>> No.16838255

The endgame for Ripple is to be tied to gold, I believe, the price NEEDS to be high because it will eventually act as a psuedo-stablecoin in order to provide liquidity and to cover the Quintrillion Derivatives market. So more like, "When $10k?" Because we all know that gold is underpriced right now.

>> No.16838324

Ok, I'll play along.
What do you realistically see it peaking at by the end of the year. I only have 60 xrp but looking at buying another 500 cause fuck it.

>> No.16838354

I dont like making price predictions. XRP is the solution to the next recession and financial crisis, which is coming fast. I believe they stated that they can keep up QE until Feb 2020. After that, QE STOPS. The money runs out.

Right now they are printing money in order to buy up XRP cheap. Guaranteed they are doing it since they are cheaters.

>> No.16838365

I do that with the other portions of my income. this 5% is gambling as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.16838375

Who is "they"? And how strongly will price be affected by the cash well running dry?

>> No.16838410


>> No.16838419

Here's how I see it:

Crypto is wealth redistribution, so you have to look at who is buying what to see the factions involved.
BTC was black money interests trying to launder
XRP is probably govt insiders as far as I can tell. Still figuring this one out.
All other coins are for pumping and dumping as far as I can tell.

>> No.16838436

>The money runs out.
That's not how fiat works

>> No.16838455
File: 100 KB, 414x566, Economist-1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys dont understand the gravity of the situation. XRP is it. It is the golden bullrun. XRP is designed to cover every person on the planet. On the earth. It's the plumbing of the new financial system. Think ETH + BTC + a bunch of other cryptos combined and more.

Have you ever used a Ripple wallet? Once you use an XRP wallet, you'll understand what is taking place. It's not even meant for normal people to hold it. It's meant for big financial institutions.

Look at the cover of the 1988 Economist. Its Rothschild owned. In 2018 XRapid went live. It already happened.

We're talking QUINTRILLIONS of dollars running through the XRP system. It is liquidity on demand. XRP MUST BE A HIGH PRICE! In order to match GLOBAL liquidity.

Get it? Not $100. Not $1,000. We're talking $10k+

>> No.16838460

Also, we should be thinking about the following questions:

>What will the existing central banking structures do if XRP becomes a stablecoin?
>How can we tell if people like the rothys schiffs etc... are in XRP?
>Is garlinghouse a glownigger and who is he connected to?

>> No.16838472

Glowtards are in bed with the dev team to pump and dump, then accumulate as much LINK as possible

>> No.16838480

The only reason I'm skeptical of your 10k talk is who ends up running the world if XRP hits that level? Will TPTB let Brad Garlinghouse run the fucking world? I don't know, maybe he's bloodline or something. have to figure this one out.

>> No.16838488

Do you know how QE works? Its literally printing money. They cant do it for much longer.

>> No.16838506

So the XRP being the NWO currency conspiracies could be true?
I'd almost believe it if it didnt result in neets and randos becoming multi-millionaires. They would keep this from the public if it were real.

>> No.16838525

This is the point here; hell, maybe the pajeet world power talk isn't bullshit

>> No.16838527

Sort of. The real NWO currency is actually Stellar Lumens. If you do resarch you'll find the Stellar is connected to XRP.

XRP is the plumbing to the new financial system. Regular Joes are not meant to be holding XRP, which is why you have so many smokescreens, fud and confusion in the crypto market.

But of course, some randos will slip through the cracks...

>> No.16838547

Link 1000 eoy

>> No.16838566

They've been doing it since 1912, we're okay for now.

>> No.16838598

Nothing lasts forever and if you've been following the statements being made by financial executives and leaderships you'll find that QE is about to end.

>> No.16838609

Based and BTCpilled

>> No.16838618

Serious question. Sorry if it’s dumb. But xrp has 43.4 BILLION circulating. Btc only has 18 million. So the price could never reach what bitcoin did right? Or even what it’s at now?

>> No.16838669

I think what
is suggesting is that with liquidity crises that are happening, basically caused by the derivatives markets, there isn't a real path toward that amount liquidity unless a monetary system emerges that can handle it.

It's kind of a corollary to the winklevoss' saying that btc will hit numbers in the millions, which would be similar to XRP hitting in the tens of thousands. Maybe i'm wrong here

>> No.16838675

depends on the mcap of the total market.....if xrp is a trusted standard for remittances...noting that 715 billion was sent in remittances last year alone...it would make sense.

Gotta remember world is becoming globalized....and for infinite growth money has to be able to move very fast.

>> No.16838690

Share links

>> No.16838694

xrp can handle 10000x the tps that btc can so if it would actually get used on a global scale it could eadily x100 the btc marketcap

>> No.16838716

so when is all this illuminati shit or whatever going to translate into a higher price per XRP?

so far, it hasn't really distinguished itself from the rest of the shitcoins, now has it?

>> No.16838763


>> No.16838766

If a SEC decision happens on wednesday, presumably the value will go up a lot if it's ruled not a security. if it's ruled a security the value will probably go down somewhat.

>> No.16838828

so, either $10,000 by Thursday or bust, right?

>> No.16839215

Been getting odd vibes from this coin. The NWO conspiracies may be contributing to that but I may not want to get rich off that kinda shit

>> No.16839707

The only legitimate case for XRP being deemed a security is exchanges listing it as "Ripple" deceiving users into thinking it gives them some stake in Ripple the company this whole case should be a case against exchanges that miss listed the name of XRP not against ripple themselves