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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 91 KB, 1024x724, 1631631631390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9777023 No.9777023 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>9800524

Royaltea tomorrow!

Birthday Merch!

Stream Gate Open: START!
https://youtu.be/VFpOBazE3rs [Embed]

New Outfit!
https://youtu.be/WleEDM3r1hw [Embed]

Buy ID2's six-month celebratory voice pack Encounter in the City!


Previous Thread: >>9590912

>> No.9777069
File: 214 KB, 1280x720, 1631534801359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This week's schedule.

>> No.9777078
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1059, E_Pcn5tVQAcQ72u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems that Pavolia will have a new background
>Find the easter eggs

>> No.9777446
File: 51 KB, 700x700, pew pew.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9777457

Nowhere near enough keyboards.

>> No.9777635
Quoted by: >>9777739

>[Embed] [Embed]
Fuck, I only just noticed. My bad.

>> No.9777739

Stuff like that is what gives /mep/ its SOUL.

>> No.9777844
File: 297 KB, 753x753, 1561642215674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Collection of Birthday art
>Mumei's peacock drawing
>A whole glass shelf dedicated to a watermelon

>> No.9777934

Can't wait to see them play together! seems like its going to be a really nice stream.

>> No.9778203

7/10 not messy enough reine never clean her rooom

>> No.9778485

damn i want a bedroom like this

>> No.9779296
File: 336 KB, 433x437, 1612451145060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not just one anon, me too

>> No.9783402


>> No.9787441
File: 190 KB, 848x1200, E_RuCOpUcAQYk9l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9789206

They really do look like counterparts of each other

>> No.9790717

The collab was great!

>> No.9792788
File: 60 KB, 256x256, 2F3526C1-3AB8-482E-A9E2-EC8155C556C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t remember Reine’s tummy being that exposed, I’m not complaining though

>> No.9799952
File: 1001 KB, 1131x1600, E-2LjcqVgAE1w7w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the tapestry art

>> No.9800517

Me too, I think she looks really pretty.

>> No.9800524

I want to fuck your oshi bros

>> No.9800622
Quoted by: >>9802941

I wanna fuck your oshi too

>> No.9801466
Quoted by: >>9802941

Me too!

>> No.9802704

Same. I actually use it as my phone wallpaper right now.

>> No.9802941
File: 917 KB, 1752x2000, 1631156942480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck her so bad...

>> No.9803349

I missed her using her old outfit but she seems so comfortable with the new outfit that I'm fine with it

>> No.9805406
File: 73 KB, 456x747, Reine sleep [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fi9xm5a.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh does this work ?

>> No.9805606


>> No.9807204

Very nice

>> No.9807854

Catbox is broken for me right now but I saved it for later

>> No.9810251
Quoted by: >>9810865

ReinexIrys triggers my hidden /u/schizo, that I don't even know I have
their color schemes complement each other too

>> No.9810865
Quoted by: >>9810910

I'm not really a /u/schizo but yeah, I like them a lot together too, I want them to collab more

>> No.9810910
Quoted by: >>9810941 >>9811187

>I'm not really a /u/schizo but yeah
But your oshi is.

>> No.9810941

I know

>> No.9811187

Isn't it great?

>> No.9811406

Did we ever find out what happened to Reine 2.0?
Irys's Cod disappeared so I wonder if this is a common glitch.

>> No.9812087
Quoted by: >>9812876

>Copyright 2016

>> No.9812876

That's when cover was founded.

>> No.9817023

Both a good night AND good morning tweets, some anons are going to freak

>> No.9817196
File: 22 KB, 161x197, 19B9EFF9-6E89-46C9-BC92-9643829401E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that anon is me, I love her!!

>> No.9818888
File: 777 KB, 738x774, F9008962-FE2F-459C-ACCE-3EC2E86BF5F1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t really interact with her morning tweets the way I can with her good night tweets since it’s sleep time over here but it’s still nice to see one. I love her so much!!!

>> No.9821807
File: 580 KB, 1000x1250, 92630209_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9823316

I can't hold it in anymore, I'm going halugiga

>> No.9825821

youtube is so shit

>> No.9825841
File: 171 KB, 600x433, 1614843628242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9825933


>> No.9826020


>> No.9826022
File: 54 KB, 597x523, 1613637058701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9826066

How hard is it?

>> No.9826030
Quoted by: >>9826066


>> No.9826066
Quoted by: >>9826096


>> No.9826096


>> No.9826203
File: 147 KB, 249x308, 08CEB976-031D-4526-AD62-E4B7C7874AC6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If youtube tries to deny me my few hours with the wife I’m gonna be pissed.

>> No.9826234

Damn you Susan

>> No.9826523
Quoted by: >>9826548


>> No.9826548


>> No.9827298
Quoted by: >>9827310

Why is Reine like this?

>> No.9827310

cause she's CUTE

>> No.9827324

Wait a second, I recognize that thumbnail from Rayman Origins. I also really hope we get that Aquaslash watchalong.

>> No.9827737
Quoted by: >>9827758

>Don't we all commit crimes?

>> No.9827758
File: 598 KB, 3508x2480, 1604349795185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes it can't be helped.

>> No.9828221
Quoted by: >>9828295 >>9831016

>she's into blondes

>> No.9828295
File: 667 KB, 1280x1280, 1631634493500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9828346

I'm the opposite of blonde

>> No.9828346

You're probably the opposite of girl too, so you never had a chance in the first place, don't worry

>> No.9828420
Quoted by: >>9828482 >>9828586

Did anyone get the hint? I think I totally missed it

>> No.9828482
Quoted by: >>9828546 >>9828586

"it's amazing"

>> No.9828546

Oh I thought she said it wasN'T covered

>> No.9828586
Quoted by: >>9828599 >>9828658

I'm guessing it's Envy Baby, part of the lyrics is "Hey, it’s amazing."

>> No.9828599

Well, let's see if it matches up with the hint in the schedule

>> No.9828658

Oh shit, that's a good guess, only 3 members in Holopro have covered it

>> No.9828784
Quoted by: >>9829291

Ugh Final Destination sucks...

>> No.9829116
Quoted by: >>9829250

>Reine might watch The Thing.
I shouldn't be this happy about that.

>> No.9829250

I'm glad it's one of the ones she gave attention to, compared to a bunch of other not great options.

>> No.9829291
Quoted by: >>9829353

Cliche deaths?

>> No.9829353
Quoted by: >>9829489

The deaths are the only fun part of the movie. The rest stringing it together is just not good, especially if you've already seen the movie

>> No.9829489

The rollercoaster scene was good. But yeah, aside from deaths, felt dumb.

>> No.9829838


>> No.9829914


>> No.9829935


>> No.9830121
Quoted by: >>9830165


>> No.9830165

I took a bite out of one of my dogs fake bacon snacks once. It wasn't THAT bad honestly.

>> No.9830222
Quoted by: >>9830278

Is your cat as flufi as MC?

>> No.9830278

My cat is a short hair but is certified to be both the silkiest and softest.

>> No.9830295
Quoted by: >>9830317

>Reine will never treat you like she treats MC
Why live

>> No.9830317
Quoted by: >>9830330 >>9830410

You want Reine to tell you to go outside and not bother her during the stream?

>> No.9830330
Quoted by: >>9830392

You don't?

>> No.9830392
File: 58 KB, 715x836, 1620392995582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9830410

I want Reine to open me like she opens her fridge.

>> No.9830410
Quoted by: >>9830475

1. Yes
2. Reine mostly accepts MC forcing herself on her
Fucking what?

>> No.9830475
Quoted by: >>9830566

You don't?

>> No.9830530

I really don't like when she starts just crinkling stuff next to the mic like this. It's kind of annoys me for some reason.

>> No.9830566
Quoted by: >>9831099

Well, maybe. What the fuck is that actually supposed to mean? You want Reine yo fist your ass? If so, you're sick, I want that too

>> No.9830834
File: 49 KB, 458x314, 1631088520063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9831338


>> No.9831016

Oh god

>> No.9831099
File: 247 KB, 1531x1726, 1619964646534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9831338

I was thinking about opening my mouth and forcefeeding me, but I like where your imagination is going.

>> No.9831338

>Reine will never go after me like she goes after blonde girls
Shoot me, anon. There's no reason for me to go on.
Oh, I didn't really know that's a fetish. Not interested. But hopefully one day, your dream will come true.
Anyone else been getting "Video Unavailible" errors throughout the stream?

>> No.9831366
Quoted by: >>9834179

Stream has been working fine so far for me.

>> No.9831371
Quoted by: >>9834179

>Anyone else been getting "Video Unavailible" errors throughout the stream?
Yes, really annoying.

>> No.9831415
Quoted by: >>9834179

I had it 2 times so far. YouTube's been acting weird for the past 2 days or so.

>> No.9831921
Quoted by: >>9834179

Reine, your resting reps...

>> No.9832006
Quoted by: >>9832136

I'm having my hopes up for that merchandise she mentioned, but I might need some GWS.

>> No.9832136

and I thought she said she didn't want one. I'm either remembering wrong or she changed her mind

>> No.9832183

>happy with 40 dollars shipping
I get the feeling...

>> No.9832224
File: 313 KB, 1448x2048, 1631350333659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9832311

>> No.9832253
File: 358 KB, 454x443, 1615686318931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn marry Reine
it hurts so much

>> No.9832262

My OTP is Me x Reine

>> No.9832302

bursts out laughing

>> No.9832311

Holding hands with Reine...

>> No.9832333

I'm now 100% convinced Reine read that changing room fanfic

>> No.9832334

>Reine's read an /ss/ fanfic about her. She liked it.

>> No.9832475

>Still hasn't seen a Reine/Coco fic months after Tonjok

That's surprising.

>> No.9832480

Time to look for the one she's talking about.

>> No.9832574
File: 87 KB, 343x388, 1627484156141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's basically telling people do their archive reps
Incredibly based.

>> No.9832580

I found the pirate one but not the principal one

>> No.9832672

>The Usual place

A place, F place, or W place? Please don't say W place because that place is flat out unusable like 90% of the time.

>> No.9832674

I found it I think.

>> No.9832690

32001703 is the principal one it's actually yuri
30533319 is the Marine x Reine one
Both on AO3

>> No.9832731
File: 92 KB, 628x828, 20210608_132506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9832752

>it's actually yuri
of course lol

>> No.9832811

Tagged "Porn Without Plot". Nothing less from the woman who has Marine as her number 1.

>> No.9832845
Quoted by: >>9833167

Reminder that if you want to have Reine read your fanfic
>it needs to be yuri
>she likes AU stuff
>she likes second person narrator which is how most 4chan fanfics are written, probably a coincidence, right?

>> No.9833167
Quoted by: >>9833189

Is second person narration like:
>You reach for your meds, but can't find them
or something else entirely?

>> No.9833189

Yeah, that's what I meant. When the narrator is "You".

>> No.9833675
File: 101 KB, 400x400, 1624726941838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine is adorable

>> No.9833706

The way it feels like she never wants to end the stream is so sweet to me.

>> No.9833763

So, anyone planning to write something for Reine?

>> No.9833805

My writing reps are even further behind than my drawing reps.

>> No.9833889
Quoted by: >>9833951 >>9834119


>> No.9833923

IDK, the idea of writing fanfiction makes me kinda nervous. I don't want to write something too out of character. If I think of something cute maybe I'll give it a try.

>> No.9833951

That's why MC shows up at the start of the stream and wonders why Reine doesn't pay attention to her.

>> No.9834119

This reminds me of when one of my dogs started responding to "girl" once since we took so long to name her.

>> No.9834179

Strangely enough, after this I switched to my phone, and it worked fine. It was only mostly watchable on PC and Chromecast for me.
I wonder if she genuinely doesn't need it or if she has some retarded thoughts like "they're gonna forget about me if I don't stream for longer than 2 days".
Last time I read fanfic was Frozen fanfics back in like 2013, and I've never been good at writing. As much as I'd like to make my oshi happy, I'm literary retarded.

>> No.9834220
Quoted by: >>9834666

>Frozen fanfics

>> No.9834236
Quoted by: >>9834666

>I wonder if she genuinely doesn't need it
Probably that. We have no idea how many hours in the week she actually works. Practicing for karaoke doesn't really sound like hard work to me.

>> No.9834666
Quoted by: >>9834716

Yeah, 15 year old me beat his meat to Elsa X Reader. Sue me.
On a more serious note, yeah, I really liked it. Not in a thirsty way, actually liked Frozen. Watched the film 7 times. Read plenty of non yabe fics (actually, very few were that). Just couldn't get enough.
Assuming she genuinely enjoys that. Most likely does, considering she loves idols. But, plenty of streamers have genuine fears of their fans leaving them during an extended break. Hopefully she's not one of them.

>> No.9834696
Quoted by: >>9837805

>I wonder if she genuinely doesn't need it or if she has some retarded thoughts like "they're gonna forget about me if I don't stream for longer than 2 days".
A bit of both, I’d say. On one hand she never really rests until it makes her sick, but on the other, she does get lonely if she doesn’t stream for an extended period of time (and by that I mean more than two days)

>> No.9834716
Quoted by: >>9837805

>genuine fears of their fans leaving them during an extended break
I wouldn't rule that out but if two days are an extended break to her, she got some problems. In the end, the only thing we can do is to trust her.

>> No.9835093
Quoted by: >>9835508

Reine 100% got off to this

>> No.9835508
Quoted by: >>9835599

So you're telling me if I fap to this, it's just like we had sex together?

>> No.9835599
Quoted by: >>9835632

No it's like you masturbated together

>> No.9835632

Close enough for me.

>> No.9837065

I've had an idea for a short Holoro horror thing ever since she did that fanfic submission thing, but I never actually wrote it since I was busy with my thesis. Since that's done, I might sit down and give it a shot.

>> No.9837805

>she does get lonely if she doesn’t stream for an extended period of time (and by that I mean more than two days)
>but if two days are an extended break to her, she got some problems
Serious question: do you think it's real or kayfabe? Reine seems quite honest whenever she says that, and Hololive seemingly has a "are you a menhera" question that's an instant rejection if answer "no", so I actually think it's real.
I do hope that it is kayfabe, because an addiction to a nameless mass of people seems incredibly unhealthy.
>On one hand she never really rests until it makes her sick
>In the end, the only thing we can do is to trust her.
This is what kills me. I don't want Reine to go on hiatus and release something like this. https://youtu.be/vOLBfyEaA5w

>> No.9838227

Kiara made a group and invited Subaru and Reine to organize a turducken collab. So I presume now we're just waiting on availability whereas before everyone was worried about how busy the others were and not asking.

>> No.9838866

I get your point but what else? We don't really have any better option than trusting her. As it happened after her break, telling and insisting her to rest is almost as telling her we don't want to see her. Besides, trust is one of the basics of human civilization, and we aren't her family, just some randoms behind a profile picture at most.
Besides, Reine is not Aqua, and I feel she can be trusted at least enough to not let the situation go THAT bad.

At the end of the day, I will just tell her I care about her but I also trust her

>> No.9839635

>Hololive seemingly has a "are you a menhera" question that's an instant rejection if answer "no", so I actually think it's real.
Anon... Those are memes. Hololive has a lot of menheras but do you really believe that mental illness is a requirement? I don't watch them much but are ID1 menheras? What about holos like botan or Ina? I also don't see menhera stuff in EN2 (although there are those mumei autism rrats, don't know much about them).

>> No.9840985
File: 152 KB, 1748x1240, 416EF00A-E264-44B6-ADEA-B9CB95CED26B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9841697

Fuck me, I passed out after doing school stuff that I didn’t get to watch the members stream live, I hate uni
I’ve read both of those before, the principal one was great, it actually got my heart beating quickly. The Marine one was okay, there was a better fanfic there with about 5K words, it was pretty good, I frequently reread it

>> No.9841177

>This is what kills me. I don't want Reine to go on hiatus and release something like this.
I don’t think it’ll get to that, I think she’s the kind of person that would work so much but then once she feels like she’s running out of gas would slow down and actually rest, like what happened just recently, she’s been overworking herself because of birthday stuff and cancelled YABE to rest when she wouldn’t normally.

>> No.9841697
Quoted by: >>9842047

Anon, let Pavolia be your motivation, so you can do better at uni.

>> No.9841834
File: 98 KB, 400x400, 1624590863224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9842047

I bought the birthday goods on geekjack, how much did I messed up?

>> No.9842047
Quoted by: >>9842961 >>9844876

This. Her work ethic should be an inspiration to be better, not an inspiration for concernfagging.

I looked at it and it said the tapestry gets shipped next year. That and the shipping cost convinced me that the voicepacks are enough, so I didn't buy the tapestry. I don't know if booth is much better though. It was good for the voicepacks though. I could download them immediately without problems.

>> No.9842546

Based on the shipping estimates I hope I can get the tapestry around my birthday. I'll think of it as a birthday present for myself.

>> No.9842697
Quoted by: >>9842909

I bought the EN keychains from the 6th anniversary on geekjack and they haven’t even shipped yet despite the description saying they would ship sometime in July/August. I hope this doesn’t happen with the tapestry.

>> No.9842909

Same. Only thing I've received was Red, but I assume that's because it wasn't made to order, even then it was like 2 weeks after release (shipping to the US).

>> No.9842961
Quoted by: >>9843674

concernfagging is okay and it is completely in human nature to concernfag about someone that you care about, even if they are just someone in your computer screen. It’s perfectly normal, just don’t force your opinions about how to take care of herself on her

>> No.9843674

It's pointless and just shits up the thread. I get the desire to vent but you just sound like a faggot.

>> No.9844876
File: 196 KB, 1280x1280, 1624598619468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess the anniversary goods I'll buy them on Booth...
