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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9694282 No.9694282 [Reply] [Original]

Goes on a three day break. Doesn’t explain why. Literally debuted not even a month ago and also made 46.7k. Why is she like this?

>> No.9694449

she's having an existential crisis

>> No.9694519

she got roasted too hard

>> No.9694539

Is she not fucking allowed to take a break, cunt?

>> No.9694702
Quoted by: >>9706298

>She made $61k in only 4 streams
>That's not the firstborn time that se is taking a 3 day break and will not be the last
Keep crying

>> No.9694744

that's what happens when you hire a tranny. 'she' must be having suicidal thoughts all the time.

>> No.9694789

Sure just don’t be surprised when she mori 2.0s it

>> No.9694807
Quoted by: >>9703659

She is literally Mori 2.0.

I didn't like the meme at first when it was just about her deep voice but then she even copied the "doesn't care about Hololive" and the "getting massive amounts of SCs for nothing" shticks from Mori.

>> No.9694826

You still need to fill the divorce papers

>> No.9694841

She needs time to rest after the aussie megapowers stretched her.

>> No.9694942


>> No.9694968
File: 33 KB, 416x315, 1627712532553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just her personality that's dry...

>> No.9695058

Because she's a he, bro.

>> No.9695475
Quoted by: >>9696452 >>9699862

seems to be in a spiral of anxiety and insomnia. possibly in regard to adapting to a grueling new weekly routine, a flood of attention from strangers, flood of criticisms, performance insecurity, and perfectionism.

>> No.9695543

the only one not tweeting about myth stream like her genmates? explain this kronikeks, she's not a
real narcissistic right?

>> No.9695848

no, she isn't, you fucking feminist retard

>> No.9696452
Quoted by: >>9697130 >>9697838

She needs to suck it up, already fumbling like this will guarantee lower numbers in the future

>> No.9697130

you're just being a crybaby because you want more content with less waiting

>> No.9697838

Maybe she wants lower numbers. You ever consider that, fancy boy?

>> No.9698660
Quoted by: >>9699626

Three break days in a week is not a three-day break, retard

>> No.9698851
File: 287 KB, 1500x1219, E-9_-2tVQAc39Qf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9699066

Let's talk about how she's the only member of Council not to greet Myth and just slept after retweeting the stream link.

>> No.9699066

My cute clock with the big depression.

>> No.9699626
Quoted by: >>9700866

Somehow this makes it sound worse

>> No.9699862

Seriously out of the list - the most damaging one is perfectionism.

>> No.9700866

I'd take Kronii content every other day than go a longer time without any, even if it's technically the same number of streams

>> No.9701176

having the hololive name tied to you means free simpbux and fame, I would be lazy as shit and cancel streams too since your income doesn't have anything to do with the amount of effort you put in. you can stream once a month and still be wildly successful

>> No.9703659

Do the other members need to learn how to do the getting massive amounts of money from SCs shtick as well?

>> No.9706168

>three day break
That's not how this works anon

>> No.9706298
File: 84 KB, 257x256, 1628574930999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's not the firstborn time
nigga wat

>> No.9706320
Quoted by: >>9707544 >>9707736

That rrat just keeps fitting too well. Add one of the Concil sliping up and saying "he" about her on the last meeting

>> No.9706903

nope. they all have to dance for that one faggot's amusement endlessly till they die.
this thread is full of rejects that need to medicate.

>> No.9706990


Is this one of those threads where you're pretending to be retarded for fun?

>> No.9707027

Because she's smart and wants to take a break before she burns out and needs to take a break.

>> No.9707046
Quoted by: >>9707404

>let her be lazy!!! >:(

>> No.9707059
Quoted by: >>9707419

You forgot that /vt/ are full of people who get into parasocial relationships with vtubers. Even ones that aren't even their oshiis.
And you compound that with most of them being autistic and socially inept, they become very possessive and needy of vtubers.

>> No.9707227

Iirc, the application only required 3 streams a week. Also, there is a lot of time between getting the job and monetization. Probably has a life outside of streaming.

>> No.9707239
Quoted by: >>9707693


>> No.9707266

Too busy having sex with her girlfriend

>> No.9707306


>> No.9707311
File: 207 KB, 410x453, 1482475445368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9707375

Reminder that this is their job. The vast majority of jobs have you work for 8+ hours a day, 40+ hours a week.

I get that they have preparations to do and "projects" to work on, but can we fucking stop pretending that sitting in your pajamas while you play a game and comment on it, in front of a bunch of faceless faggots, for a couple of hours every 2-3 days is hard?

>> No.9707357

>Too busy having sex with mumei

>> No.9707370

She calls it "sleeping all day". Probably winking behind the screen as she posted that.

>> No.9707375

>The vast majority of jobs have you work for 8+ hours a day, 40+ hours a week.

because the vast majority of jobs you are trading labor, not results.
Big boys trade results, not labor

>> No.9707404


>> No.9707419

And theirs nothing wrong with that. She accepted the job and I always appreciate my oishi when she gives an excuse and doesn’t throw me away like another nobody

>> No.9707477

Whenever you're sending Kronii superchats you're giving her money for increasingly expensive and exotic strapons for her to use with her girlfriend.

>> No.9707544

Reminder this “tranny” most likely fucked irys

>> No.9707601
File: 44 KB, 400x400, 1624865968248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronies are so easy to bait

>> No.9707693

Click this bait thread to post this link.
Don't forget that Kronii and Mumei showed clips of their original songs in their debut streams.
Kronii said that she wants to work on it until she's satisfied, which is to say it wasn't even the final product.

>> No.9707736

What is this shitty rrat? Trannies can't actually change their voices, at least not to an acceptable level where they do a dozen of 3~ hours streams and nobody bats the eyes.
Get your fucking ears checked.
