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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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94476816 No.94476816 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is made to discuss and find English-speaking Vtubers who do ASMR.

>Ongoing streams
https://asmrfarm.com/ (Mixed JP/EN)

rentry with useful information: https://rentry.org/tinglesvt

Previous thread: >>94443656

>> No.94476909

not even the strongest anti could make me dislike menace

>> No.94477090

Her fans already do a great job of making me hate her.

>> No.94477104
Quoted by: >>94509135

Hell yeah new cuck thread!

>> No.94477188

I'm going to use a Jedi mind trick to make you stop liking Menace. You no longer like Menace. There. Now all who see this message will stop liking Menace. Thank me later fellas

>> No.94477497
Quoted by: >>94478567

Menace is underrated. She needs more fanarts.

>> No.94478432

Menace fat

>> No.94478567

She has a lot of commissioners, shame I don't see her have that many real artfags as fans.

>> No.94478708

saying thank you to menace whenever I cum

>> No.94479363
Quoted by: >>94479822

you antis are the only ones talking about her and baking threads. you then complain that you yourselves are talking about her. it's fascinating

>> No.94479388

Zenya should paywall her lewd streams. I'll pay up to $160/mo for her usual pace of one lewd stream a month to not have to worry about her main channel getting banned.

>> No.94479581

I never thought I would complain about this but her gaming streams are irritating to watch and interact with because of the absolutely monstrous ~20s delay. I try to watch and chat because I like her, but you can't really react to things or have any sort of back-and-forth easily.

>> No.94479601

What if we bake a /menace/ or other named general and use it instead and leave /tingles/ for the menacefags since they don't want to leave

>> No.94479712

what if you go back to the already existing /asmr/ thread and leave this general to those who are fine with actual EN ASMR Vtubers discussions happening

>> No.94479822

absolute delusion, but I expect no less at this point

>> No.94479852

Maybe you could make a thread to contain all the bitching about the Menaceposting and direct your complaints there. I swear, the number of posts crying about it rivals the Menaceposts themselves. I get it, she's talked about a lot and sometimes it's too much, even as someone who enjoys her stuff. But, ultimately, it's harmless and plenty of other stuff gets talked about.

>> No.94479976
Quoted by: >>94494961

I doubt her actual fans are this obnoxious. It's definitely just her antis trying to paint her bad by purposely shitting up the thread using her as a topic

>> No.94480287
Quoted by: >>94509193

I do not care about the OP as long as it isn't AI art. Well, I just skim through the threads most of the time so I can't really speak for everyone.

>> No.94480513

is irl asmr a thing? Surely japan has that type of shit right?

>> No.94480627
Quoted by: >>94481728

I can only imagine that you're right, almost certainly in Japan. It sounds like it would be five times weirder - someone just shaking and tapping random objects near your face.

>> No.94480956
Quoted by: >>94481062

How was the Menace fansly?

>> No.94481062

Great as always, she still has an extremely weak pussy

>> No.94481143
Quoted by: >>94482524

We will train her pussy to be stronger

>> No.94481418

You couldn't be more wrong.
All asmr regulars were sleeping, so you didn't get any (You).

>> No.94481585

may i see them?

>> No.94481728

NO one cares about that shite. I'm talking a girl giving your ears and oil massage while licking, kissing and whispering into them.

>> No.94482245

are you going to japan?

>> No.94482507
Quoted by: >>94499422

go for a head massage or pay for an escort and show her asmr you like

>> No.94482524

no, it's amazing that she cums this easily. it's so fucking cute how she can never get to 0 during her own fucking countdowns. it's hot and funny at the same time

>> No.94482571

in the hayday of the more serious asmr on youtube (before thots came in and destroyed everything as they always do), there were at least some attempts at starting up "asmr clinics" in the US. not sure if it ever went anywhere though

>> No.94484016
Quoted by: >>94484535

Menace should have sex with me

>> No.94484535

na, she's too busy sucking my cock

>> No.94484780


>> No.94484917

sassy kanna is on kemono btw

>> No.94485218

I'm sure a decent prostitute from any country would do that for you bro

>> No.94485658
Quoted by: >>94486432

Anyone post up mono's last asmr?

>> No.94486432

Her last asmr is public, I don't think her last members stream was asmr, or if it was she didn't put it in the title.

>> No.94486678


>> No.94488433

So the key to fixing or slowing down this general is to have a back to back Menace OP

>> No.94488510
Quoted by: >>94488637

Multiple OPs in a row with the same girl feels like trolling no matter who it is.

>> No.94488626

Any discussion not related to her has been drowned out, so most other people just went elsewhere.
We need to start from scratch to fix that.

>> No.94488637
Quoted by: >>94490241

Don't kid yourself. It only is if it's Menace.

>> No.94488825

wow what a slut

>> No.94489512

comfy thread?

>> No.94490187

did anyone solve menace's challenge yet? been trying but i'm not getting anywhere

>> No.94490233
Quoted by: >>94490554

It wasn't any encoding if you guys are trying to decode it

>> No.94490241
Quoted by: >>94490419

They're the only group that does it regularly, so yeah.

>> No.94490371

Why do you need to solve it someone posted the fucking audio from the stream right after. The video is just a static image of the image she posted right before it just darker.

>> No.94490419
Quoted by: >>94490466

Implying it's not extremely easy to have a menace anti bake with her art and start complaining that 'they' are trolling with shitpost bakes

>> No.94490466

I don't care. Her fans and antis are no different to me at this point.

>> No.94490487

I solved it but I'm waiting to see if anyone else can do it

>> No.94490554
Quoted by: >>94491230

I'm talking about her latest maro, lol.

>> No.94490697
Quoted by: >>94490787

you solved the d day cipher? you should take it to the news as thats a big discovery.

>> No.94490745

Of course you would, you posted it menis

>> No.94490787
Quoted by: >>94490921

If I let anyone know what it is then THEY will appear so no thanks. I know if someone here solves it they will ignore this warning.

>> No.94490823


>> No.94490921

Seems like bait

>> No.94490985


>> No.94491230

Oh I put it on chatgpt and grok they both asked to provide more clues that's the extent of how much I care.

>> No.94491270
Quoted by: >>94491892

Same. I just asked chatgpt and told me to use vigenere or caesar but asks for more clues and questions to clarify and I couldn't be bothered to spend any more time trying to solve it.

>> No.94491633

The reward for solving that better be worth it

>> No.94491724
File: 104 KB, 1080x469, Screenshot_20250127-094254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love whoreification arcs

>> No.94491892

solved it. It says "BAH" whatever that means

>> No.94491992
File: 1.06 MB, 1442x1614, 1717823270187756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94492060


>> No.94492053

makes 0 sense
provide solution or fuck off

>> No.94492060

Pretty good art

>> No.94492350

What's going on with Menace's PayPal? Are they getting uppity because of her NSFW content?

>> No.94492443
Quoted by: >>94492637

paypal is changing their ToS
boils down to them doxxing every vtuber unless the chuubas change some settings to hide their address from customers(you)

>> No.94492458

PayPal was going to dox all business accounts unless they updated their account and so menace had to update it, for some reason this caused PayPal to not allow kofi donations.

>> No.94492637

How would that work? It's not like they're taking donations directly through PayPal, lol.

>> No.94492703
Quoted by: >>94492911

yeah they do
for example if you donate through streamlabsor whatever fallenshadow uses i forgot it goes straight to her business paypal account
and if paypal forces business accounts to show their real address then all vtubers will get doxxed

>> No.94492725
Quoted by: >>94492911

Well I mean, they kind of are? when I donate it shows on my PayPal that it went to her PayPal account directly.

>> No.94492911
Quoted by: >>94492978

Alright, just sounds weird to me. Why even use something like streamlabs then that takes a cut?

>> No.94492978

because streamers are dumb.

>> No.94493005

Not new for the sloth but this is a relapse and escalation. I hope she is just horny and not desperate.

>> No.94493209

She literally posted her tits on this website years ago. New retard.

>> No.94493247

Women masturbating (whores) Sighhh

>> No.94493322
Quoted by: >>94493941

For the retard who marod Menace about the cipher.


>> No.94493323
Quoted by: >>94493461

Is that the /jidf/ chick?

>> No.94493400

was this posted in the last thread? I guess I'll need to back read.

>> No.94493408

I've enjoyed her spicy YT stuff but yes that posting was before my time.

>> No.94493461

Not even close anon.

>> No.94493542
Quoted by: >>94494119

how lewd does kanna get on patreon? or is it just the same as her youtube stuff?

>> No.94493941
Quoted by: >>94494207

well thats gay

>> No.94494119

As far as I can recall, the only thing she's done on Patreon that she hasn't on YouTube is thigh massage. Perhaps she's a bit more liberal with kisses and such on there, I can't say I've noticed. It's worth it if you just want more Kanna, but you won't find lewd Kanna.

>> No.94494207
Quoted by: >>94494376

I said it was the d day cipher multiple times.

>> No.94494346

anon's girlfriend

>> No.94494376
File: 70 KB, 681x652, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first 2 search results are something else and the 3rd looks like its from that voynich hotel manga

>> No.94494455

Need menace to break into my house and suck my dick

>> No.94494499

Any vtubers that have done chewing gum/blowing bubbles as asmr trigger? I know Finana has done it but any others? It's weird trigger but I like it

>> No.94494500

Need menace to break into my house and grind her wet unwashed pussy against my face

>> No.94494635
Quoted by: >>94494720

Why does she keep saying she doesn't need any donations at all? Is she just filthy rich or something? Is she a trust fund baby?

>> No.94494720

shes crypto rich now

>> No.94494728

How was the fansly stream? I gotta wait till after today's stream before I can watch it. Did she mention if we're getting one on Wednesday too?

>> No.94494762
Quoted by: >>94494886

It was great and yeah we're getting one on wednesday

>> No.94494813
Quoted by: >>94494886

>How was the fansly stream?
do you even have to ask at this point?

>> No.94494834

She was a lot more vocal last night and couldnt stop herself from gooning into multiple orgasms after her first one. Wednesday stream is happening on schedule.

>> No.94494886

>yeah we're getting one on wednesday
based. I love my horny and cute maid. I'm glad I swapped my workshits around to always work late on Thursday for the foreseeable future so I can watch them live.
I was also curious how the little bit of asmr she mentioned she was going to do went.

>> No.94494961
Quoted by: >>94495010

I love her but I hate you faggots on a personal level and am happy when you are miserable.

>> No.94495010
Quoted by: >>94495056

sounds like you haven't taken anything she has ever said to heart then. really doubt you love her

>> No.94495056
Quoted by: >>94495123

You're a whore who tells multiple girls that they're your oshi, your opinions on what Menace wants from me are completely worthless.

>> No.94495097

I wonder if Menace hates me because I oshihen'd from from my long turn oshi for her

>> No.94495123
Quoted by: >>94495186

>You're a whore who tells multiple girls that they're your oshi
you're such a retarded newfag to this hobby lmao. go back to wherever you came from

>> No.94495186
Quoted by: >>94495302

It's gotta hurt that from a single post I know you like a friend, please do better.

>> No.94495302

yeah my bad, we should've gatekept harder to keep people like you out

>> No.94495796

im ogling menaces tummy again

>> No.94495984
File: 325 KB, 1920x1080, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94496411
File: 96 KB, 642x729, what the fuck is that thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creature kinda slutty today

>> No.94496500

My girlfriend is not a slut but she is my private slut

>> No.94496574


>> No.94496672

bros following Raki on twitter was a mistake shes too fucking cute im gonna die of a heart attack

>> No.94496900
File: 26 KB, 530x680, chuddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94500018

I stoically listen to ASMR for relaxation and never get attached.

>> No.94497124
File: 77 KB, 612x485, K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94498472


>> No.94497201

Zenya's tummy is driving me FUCKING INSANE. HOLY SHIT.

>> No.94497464

I wonder if it's the same one year later or more flabby/toned

>> No.94497514


>> No.94498369
Quoted by: >>94498773

I'm staring at her thighs, damn are they hot

>> No.94498472

Who's this whore

>> No.94498773
Quoted by: >>94499116

I want her to squeeze my head with them.

>> No.94499116

Killua from the dead corp Eien

>> No.94499355

her kisses sound a bit weird but they are kinda cute

>> No.94499422
Quoted by: >>94510306

>pay for an escort and show her asmr you like
i did this, didn't work on me. it was irritating if anything. i tingle like a motherfucker whenever i get my hair buzzed though.

>> No.94500018
File: 318 KB, 220x294, 1734267140279725.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and same

>> No.94500250

I feel like Kanna does a handcam stream at least once a week now. There no way she doesn't know, right?

>> No.94500274

she's doing it to tempt me

>> No.94500300

Monday handcams have been a part of her schedule for a while now

>> No.94500393

She knows about gooner withdrawal and keeps you sedated.

>> No.94500977

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2zPXd7z7wk (?)
shit tonight

>> No.94501051
Quoted by: >>94501716

no miwa unless she got the gpu today

>> No.94501711
Quoted by: >>94501940

This ASMR was incredibly good and I wish Zenya would do more of them. The visual aspect gave me super intense tingles.

>> No.94501716
File: 209 KB, 600x631, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94501732


>> No.94501732
File: 2.13 MB, 1080x1920, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmkdrhx.mp3].mp4 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hell yeah

>> No.94501923

the first one just started and it's too scary

>> No.94501940

she was so autistic in this lol
love it

>> No.94501957
Quoted by: >>94508254


>> No.94502164

god i love menace

>> No.94502177

love woman

>> No.94502198

I feel like I'm going schizo. Some days she reads me a lot and some days she doesn't. Do I just have funny and unfunny days?

>> No.94502226

you WILL go schizo if you type stuff with the expectation that she will read it
chill the fuck out and just vibe with chat

>> No.94502233


>> No.94502234

She left straight away to watch the WoW HC best of 5 death duel that's being streamed right now.

>> No.94502421
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>> No.94502624

Menace would never.
She knows wow is cringe.

>> No.94502666

she reads every thing or near everything she just only reads the stuff she has a reply for outloud.

>> No.94503392
File: 113 KB, 342x370, yoob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94505473


>> No.94503833
Quoted by: >>94504081

Post things that matter or are interesting whether or not the streamer, or anyone else, reads them. If you only type in chat because you want attention, you're doing it for the wrong reason and it will be obvious. Nobody likes a tryhard comedian or yes man.
Also, most streamers actually do read or at least visually scan everything, but won't directly address it or respond unless it's immediately pertinent to whatever track their mind is on. It's too mentally exhausting otherwise.

>> No.94504081

nta but this advice never made sense to me when 90% of what the vtuber reads are boring throwaway comments. i don't even disagree with your general sentiment, it just doesn't work like that. it's more likely it's either just luck/timing or, and don't kill me for this, they have a vieweroshi. it's not like they have time to scan the entire chat while playing a game, reading through every comment and then picking the most interesting one. they'll glance over and just read something

>> No.94504108
Quoted by: >>94504313

you missed this.

>> No.94504313

She had a better model a year ago, with nice sweater puppies

>> No.94504513

Menace is going to jerk me off on YouTube tonight. Later, nerds.

>> No.94504603
Quoted by: >>94504859

Honestly just relax a bit. I know what’s going through your mind. You’re probably wondering if she suddenly hates you or something , right? Don’t be silly, unless you’ve done something absolutely heinous to her she doesn’t hate you. What’s the worst you’ve done, say something cringe in chat or a reply to a tweet? Give her more respect than that. Even with all her talk and experience she still gets overwhelmed easily and her chat is pretty quick now too, she’s not gonna catch or respond to everything. Even her “simps” she glosses over regularly, they just send so many messages that they have a bigger market share of the chat window. Notice she likes to respond to questions the most, and how most people who get read will post questions or advice. She’ll read through all the chats she can see before finding something she can respond to, Menace likes to bounce off of statements or jokes. Go take a walk and get some air, most of all just enjoy your time with her, it’s all she wants from you, dummy.

>> No.94504859
Quoted by: >>94505287

>Toast posts menmaSmuglaugh
>Menace responds "don't laugh at me!" or "don't be mean!"
The first part of the post is good, the rest is demonstrably false. She tends to read the bottom of the chat almost every time (unless it's Toast, who's the only one she actively scans for), so the trick is to be at the bottom when she finishes a thought or glances over at chat during a game.

>> No.94505014

Why do you need a VTuber to read your message?

>> No.94505224

ive never sent a single chat to anyone i dont think
too much work, cant be assed

>> No.94505287

nta but why does Toast get special treatment?

>> No.94505473

cute creature

>> No.94505661

what game is she referring to?

>> No.94505679
Quoted by: >>94505718

butcher's creek

>> No.94505691
Quoted by: >>94505718

butchers creek
the game she played today

>> No.94505718

thanks for the spoonfeed

>> No.94505743
File: 10 KB, 308x230, 1733205361737427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94506459

so i finally did my reps and mozu seems like a miserable fucking person to be around. why was menace living with her in the first place?

>> No.94505757

Hairy Menace butthole

>> No.94505814

and asmr ruined by retards in chat...

>> No.94505835
File: 54 KB, 629x641, its over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94505954
Quoted by: >>94507757


>> No.94506459
File: 290 KB, 493x452, sad sword man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94507201

They were online friends from the early vtubing days. Initially they had a really sweet early few months living together where Menace would make sure Mozzu wouldnt eat things that made her sick because Mozzu is too dumb to pay attention to what she was eating. It's really sad to think about how things are turning out.

>> No.94507201
Quoted by: >>94508311

going from online friends to living with each other is crazy. i kind of respect them for trying but that's a massive gamble whether you like the person or not. i hope both of them find a solution that works better

>> No.94507259
File: 333 KB, 2048x1291, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94507340


>> No.94507757

her first few asmr streams were quite nice, but now it just feels like a zatsu stream with a bit of asmr between tangents.

>> No.94507956

Soya is really good at ASMR. Soft, gentle, close, affectionate, cute voice. Some vtubers just get it.

>> No.94508189

Penis status?

>> No.94508214
Quoted by: >>94508254

Post a vod

>> No.94508243

Anon's wife isn't for lewd

>> No.94508254
Quoted by: >>94508875

A bit sore.
Could I interest you in an ongoing stream instead? >>94501957

>> No.94508256
File: 9 KB, 1128x439, 1713550287940026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite clingy gf vids

>> No.94508257


>> No.94508311

The solution is for menace to leave as soon as possible because mozu has made it clear that unless she can completely control menaces every action then she I'll just treat her like garbage and bad mouth her 24/7.

>> No.94508355
Quoted by: >>94508450


>> No.94508418

Remember to wait to cum until Wednesday

>> No.94508450
Quoted by: >>94508507


>> No.94508482
File: 72 KB, 1168x585, loli gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94508507

Excuse you I have never masturbated to Raki.
I would if she did anything lewd, of course, but I am perfectly happy with the current state of affairs.

>> No.94508875

Yeah this is nice, thanks

>> No.94509037

>yukoob raided miwa
this is 2/here/4me

>> No.94509094 [DELETED] 
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>> No.94509135 [DELETED] 
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>> No.94509193 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 607x360, 1712236509955098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94510246

This but soyapoya

>> No.94510306
Quoted by: >>94510401

there's a massage parlor in the city where i live where you can get a haircut and a blowjob

>> No.94510401

hey if the haircut is decent that's a fucking deal.

>> No.94510623
File: 264 KB, 1746x984, 20250127_184606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94510959

Miwa thinks she can breathe into my ears this lewd and get away with it??

>> No.94510987
File: 58 KB, 607x1024, 1737852939620470m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"stroke that cock for me Chump"

>> No.94511149
File: 2.83 MB, 720x1280, 947473723.mp4 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94511156


>> No.94511197

i sleep

>> No.94511328

Nene would never say cock

>> No.94511330
File: 1.00 MB, 220x266, 1711419656103012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she would never say this!

>> No.94511413

just so everyone here knows, you don't actually want a gf like this
remember girls like this aren't desperate for *you*, they're desperate for *someone*

>> No.94511530
Quoted by: >>94511961

I live to see the day Nene does joi

>> No.94511831
File: 2.04 MB, 640x640, 1720826852329287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94511994

Anon I've been lonely my whole life, at this point I think the first girl to show me the slightest amount of love I'll wife her up

>> No.94511877
Quoted by: >>94512596

what girls actually do explicit joi, I only know of menace
I don't mean countdowns I mean like actually telling you to stroke your dick

>> No.94511961
Quoted by: >>94512794

maybe when hell freezes over

>> No.94511994
Quoted by: >>94512672

you say this until you actually have to deal with a girl like this
starting lifting, lose some weight, and dress better and you can find someone normal

>> No.94512010
File: 301 KB, 624x346, 1712109088880549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94512234

t. trying to keep the cute clingy girls for himself

>> No.94512596


>> No.94512672
File: 149 KB, 821x796, Ksmile_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually started lifting just cuz zenya and menace keep saying big strong guy and whatnot (also stopped jacking off so much), I feel good about the new year for the first time in forever.
Any asmr recs to listen to while lifting?

>> No.94512794
Quoted by: >>94512824

She gives joi's to her top paypigs over discord lmao

>> No.94512824
Quoted by: >>94512984

that's just your cuck fantasy

>> No.94512903
Quoted by: >>94513268

I'm convinced miwa could make me have a hands free orgasm if she whispered in my ear irl
why not just listen to some trance or drum n bass like everyone else, asmr won't pump you up

>> No.94512972


>> No.94512984

Do reps fag

>> No.94513060
Quoted by: >>94513268

asmr during workout is neg gainz bro

>> No.94513187

Cera in 4+ hours

>> No.94513268
File: 64 KB, 1241x1245, 1733264189857017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94513555

I listen to metal but every few songs I like to put on gfe asmr for a bit as a break of sorts, maybe I'm just autistic.

>> No.94513370
File: 75 KB, 383x574, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94513921

hands up pedo

>> No.94513468


>> No.94513555
Quoted by: >>94515146

I tend to listen to asmr and audiobooks while lifting, it just helps with my concentration and lets me focus on the actual lift/doing the full motion correctly. If I’m doing cardio though I need to listen to music, since my brain can’t absorb information during that for some reason.

>> No.94513921
File: 225 KB, 406x371, 1706639035409618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't count if it's my daughter.

>> No.94515085
File: 11 KB, 421x98, 1718133406333993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Menace ASMR tonight she denies us her tummy sounds

>> No.94515141

live and horny

>> No.94515146

I listen to audiobooks too. Feels more productive than just music.

>> No.94515150

>draws the line at tummy sounds
It's not fair man...

>> No.94515158
File: 574 KB, 814x823, 1698719795446092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94515310

How was Miwa's asmr?
I couldn't watch.

>> No.94515310

cute and bunny

>> No.94515453
Quoted by: >>94515577

If Menace changes her schedule one more time, I'm going to crash out

>> No.94515503
Quoted by: >>94515601

this means she has the runs

>> No.94515577


>> No.94515601

imagine the smell...

>> No.94515835

menis penis

>> No.94516403
Quoted by: >>94516609

Can't wait for the really exciting acrylic stands and prints in six to eight months.

>> No.94516575

Fansly gaming tomorrow

>> No.94516609
Quoted by: >>94516723

this but unironically. have you ever gone an entire day without seething? genuinely curious

>> No.94516723
Quoted by: >>94516938

If she worked as hard as she says she does you wouldn't have to spend sixteen hours a day on defense.

>> No.94516760
File: 14 KB, 596x99, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94517386

ikumi fansly getting closer

>> No.94516816
File: 159 KB, 587x473, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miwa pc broke again

>> No.94516878


>> No.94516891

cpu throne soon

>> No.94516917


>> No.94516938
Quoted by: >>94517164

you can't answer a single question about the way you're behaving. it's kind of disturbing. were you raped as a child or something? something horrible must have happened

>> No.94517164

This projection is a little weird, and just for that you're getting less streams.

>> No.94517239

>I actually started lifting just cuz zenya and menace keep saying big strong guy and whatnot (also stopped jacking off so much)
congrats, you are probably your oshi's favorite type of fan, nothing makes most creators happier than knowing they had a positive influence on their fans' lives

>> No.94517386

why is she trying to seduce me?

>> No.94517608

She can upgrade her whole PC bit by bit what a girl

>> No.94517719
File: 155 KB, 1236x801, Gh8x3q3XgAAfTp5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94520501

I only use zenya and menace as cum dumps, I don't care for them.
I lift for Miwa mostly.
Hopefully the blue archive autists don't ruin her.

>> No.94517798

It would be too fucking funny if the problem wasn't the GPU and she basically have two working GPU now

>> No.94517837
Quoted by: >>94520501

I haven't started lifting yet but Menace has genuinely helped me clear my mind about some things which is progress towards lifting. I love her so much

>> No.94517905
Quoted by: >>94518151

Is the "Blue Archive" audience good for you?

>> No.94518151
Quoted by: >>94518265

They're this thread but their coomer brain is amplified by at least 10x

>> No.94518265
Quoted by: >>94518464

Cunny Archive drives men to madness.

>> No.94518464
File: 1.01 MB, 623x950, 1726624157449354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94519837

Even managed to drive the wholesome Senko-san artist into doing full R18 doujins

>> No.94518644

is miwa a good girl

>> No.94518688

Depends if she'll put up another throne for a PC part

>> No.94518791

The goodest tingler next to essie

>> No.94518929
File: 44 KB, 428x424, 1713249506155288.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i needed it fuck

>> No.94519518
Quoted by: >>94519879

looks like the start of morning streams only from now on. next thing you know shes gonna start doing maidsly streams at noon

>> No.94519731

Can you guys rename to a menace thread to clean up the catalog
The other ENs just get posted and spoken about in moderation back on /asmr/ anyway now

>> No.94519807

There he is

>> No.94519837
File: 406 KB, 1099x765, 1725596347068502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is NOT Rimukoro, he would never expose himself as a massive lolicon

>> No.94519879

she wants to spend her nights playing games with her friends, let her she will still stream once a day.

>> No.94520023
Quoted by: >>94520265

She's streaming twice tomorrow

>> No.94520036

god you "people" are delusional

>> No.94520147
Quoted by: >>94520344

i would just like to be able to chat during stream
i work overnights and sleep at that time and oshi wants us to make healthy life choices. im not mad just disappointed i might not get to watch strims anymore if this starts being the norm

>> No.94520247

She's coming over to my place tonight, not sorry.

>> No.94520265
Quoted by: >>94521139

yeah maidsly doesn't count because she likes to goon with us, I meant 1 stream on yt/twitch

>> No.94520326
Quoted by: >>94521103

her usernames aren't exactly a secret, you can look it up and see her playing games with her idol friends every night.

>> No.94520344

Maidsly tormorrow seems to me more focused on playing the game and teasing chat then getting off. You are subscribed to maidsly right Anon?

>> No.94520384
Quoted by: >>94520815

how is kittyflute not banned from twitch

>> No.94520501
Quoted by: >>94520527

Careful with all this self-improvement talk. We have a lot of incels in here who don't take kindly to any comments which might seem to imply that abject personal failure is preventable.

>> No.94520523

ill be honest while i enjoy horny time i value normal streams more

>> No.94520527

shut up woman

>> No.94520704
File: 62 KB, 853x1000, 1712154806585024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94520915

VERY based.

>> No.94520746

the normal streams is what makes the maidsly streams good

>> No.94520810

It's a cycle of both making the other good

>> No.94520815

I think she was getting flagged before but she started deleting her VODs immediately and that seems to have helped. She has a kick channel which has VODs enabled if you want to watch old VODs

>> No.94520891
Quoted by: >>94521100

>It won't be sexy teehee
Translation: please tease me and lust for me openly until I am so pent up that all I can think about is cumming for you.
Refer to Bao.

>> No.94520915
Quoted by: >>94521548

alas not her fault i work overnight security

>> No.94520962

Kanna is my girlfriend (not roleplay)

>> No.94521034
Quoted by: >>94521787

Kanna nursing handjob send post

>> No.94521076

i posted this

>> No.94521100
Quoted by: >>94523504

Teasing tomorrow for Wednesday?

>> No.94521103

don't be that guy man come on

>> No.94521139
Quoted by: >>94521173

Tomorrow is Tuesday, anon

>> No.94521173

Nevermind just saw the post, I'm the retard

>> No.94521548
File: 585 KB, 1600x900, 1725683653869899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anything cool ever happen or nah

>> No.94521780
Quoted by: >>94522284

lol had a stabbing happen a few years back

>> No.94521783
Quoted by: >>94522284

I've had to tase a person before who jumped the fence, and they pissed themselves that was pretty cool.

>> No.94521787

Kanna love
Kanna lust

>> No.94521866

I don't remember writing this

>> No.94522072

not a security guard but one time I jumped a fence and this faggot tased me so hard I pissed myself.

>> No.94522284
File: 999 KB, 1920x1080, 1710997327996784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got stabbed behind the leg once that shit sucks
lol that is cool

>> No.94523150

I guess that's my answer: her fans are a bunch of braindead coomers that are too retarded to argue

>> No.94523246

>cross thread replying to a post from 26 hours ago
he was right you are gay lmao

>> No.94523340

Sorry but I think I'll have to agree with that guy, you're just a homo

>> No.94523358

are you ok bro

>> No.94523497

ayo dis nigga gay

>> No.94523504
Quoted by: >>94523562

Actually yes this is the preferred path.

>> No.94523562

As long as there isn't anything else she could possibly be doing.

>> No.94523632


>> No.94524030

i didnt know it was possible to be as gay as you

>> No.94524232
Quoted by: >>94525291


>> No.94524577

This is pretty obvious

>> No.94524628

obviously gay lmao
stop samefagging retard

>> No.94524872

this nigga actually got his mind broke by that post.

>> No.94525291
Quoted by: >>94525938

Christ what year is it? I can't believe anyone still does anything in that vomit dumpster of a company.

>> No.94525812


>> No.94525938

true but hey, if it tingles, it tingles man.

>> No.94526143

>& more~
im gonna cum

>> No.94526229
File: 78 KB, 496x495, 1706746683054119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94526421

but my girlfriend is menace

>> No.94526448
Quoted by: >>94526630


>> No.94526630

she's my little sister-daughter-gf-wife, faggot

>> No.94527184


>> No.94527205
Quoted by: >>94527252

Here we fucking go again.

>> No.94527252

At least that wasn't page 2 this time

>> No.94527442


>> No.94527510

i'll bake a normal thread at p10, it's up to people what to use if jannies don't shoot it down
bring order back to tinglesland

>> No.94527597

Go for it. I'll use it. Probably will get deleted though.

>> No.94527631


>> No.94527686


>> No.94527715
File: 28 KB, 112x112, 1736150814603369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it why not

>> No.94527729

gayest coment on this thread, congrats faggot.

>> No.94527758
File: 2.31 MB, 498x434, 1726295852561422.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94527865
Quoted by: >>94527951

go through the asmr tag on twitch right now
99% of these whores are earlicking RIGHT NOW
do proper triggers instead of slobbering on your mic

>> No.94527938


>> No.94527951

Hi Nene

>> No.94527983
Quoted by: >>94528094

Overlap overlap I'm already watching Zenya AIIEEEEEEEE

>> No.94528008
File: 74 KB, 897x921, 1729572932003798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94528094

mitty vod -> zenya -> cera
God i love being a whore honestly.

>> No.94528099

I hope you realize how much of a faggot you are

>> No.94528189

requesting Menace's most recent Fansly

>> No.94528271
File: 837 KB, 1331x2048, 1713608862780194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94528727

Thought that was Riifu for a sec why was her ASMR so much better than Stronny's?

>> No.94528301

But the quality of it as a trigger really depends on how good the one doing it.

>> No.94528348

Miwa's ear licks make the entire left side of my body quake

>> No.94528376

I think might be the gayest anon on this board

>> No.94528447

in fairness to that guy some earlicks are so harsh to the point it hurts me ears
but yea hes bent

>> No.94528594

If you're gonna do earlicks and kisses your mic shouldn't blow the fuck up with peaking

>> No.94528727
File: 289 KB, 940x529, 1706539359265019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

riifu was a whore (affectionate)
stronny is a whore (derogatory)

>> No.94528738
File: 367 KB, 725x487, 81uzb5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94528781

I feel like she's inviting me.

>> No.94528781

She literally told you to hold her close

>> No.94528826

Well it's pg10, go for it.

>> No.94528890

bringing back the page 10 bakes, one bake at a time. don't give in to the shitposts.

>> No.94528904


>> No.94528916

>Dead on arrival

>> No.94528917

New thread got nuked

>> No.94528925

Well at least you tried.

>> No.94528931
File: 1.44 MB, 292x292, 1728741607995970.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94528968
File: 12 KB, 100x100, 1719456419919495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94529026
File: 182 KB, 1280x1280, gigi laugh [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flhyeu2.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bring back what now

>> No.94529027
File: 1 KB, 106x49, 1716980163459946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's important is that we tried, we'll get em next time. we'll heal tingles.

>> No.94529047


>> No.94529062


>> No.94529073

Page 3 bake next time

>> No.94529144

i love this brat

>> No.94529196
Quoted by: >>94530006

check for a litterbox link in the last thread, you might still be able to grab it

>> No.94529236


>> No.94529315
File: 862 KB, 1280x720, Goon with me[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ft35exo.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its gooning time

>> No.94529396

My green wife (long ears) is horny and wants to breed.

>> No.94529431

you should have called it not-tingles retard

>> No.94529464

asmr is for relaxation.

>> No.94529757

Mods who type in chat during ASMR should get fired and then curbstomped.

>> No.94529878

I've never seen it happen but I agree wholeheartedly

>> No.94529893

unless they're cute girls

>> No.94529960

What I hate the most is the vtubers defends them whenever something happens.

>> No.94529983

mods who type in general deserve the rope
just shut up and do your job faggot

>> No.94529989
Quoted by: >>94530098

lmao you got massreported for that

>> No.94530006
Quoted by: >>94530074

dead link?

>> No.94530044

It's time to bake /pringles/

>> No.94530074


>> No.94530098
File: 1.75 MB, 300x225, 1709509781925788.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh NO not the mass reports!
