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93365562 No.93365562 [Reply] [Original]

Is Mint an honorary holo?

>> No.93365727

Kiara collabs with anyone and everyone. She really has that confidence to lead social interactions when most people would feel awkward and scared. Props to her

>> No.93365811

pretty much.

>> No.93365889


>> No.93366033

>Mint is more Hololive than Fauna now

>> No.93366078

mint will phase in and you will seeth

>> No.93366183
File: 586 KB, 1794x1346, mint leech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.93366266

She bought tickets to watch Holofes and she made sure everyone knows that she loves idols and metal gear

Hell I wouldn't be surprised that she actually auditioned for them

>> No.93366350

>she actually auditioned for them
she didn't her oshi is mito

>> No.93366377

The only reason she isn't working for Cover right now is because she has corpo PTSD after working in NijiEN for years.

>> No.93366398
Quoted by: >>93373112

I'd be fine if they let her join as Mint. Like how they let Suisei and Miko join as they were.

>> No.93366507

no and you mintfags astroturfing about it all the time won't make it true. She's a holoreject.

>> No.93366580
Quoted by: >>93367086

she's a holofan, not a Hololive member. Also her oshis are nijiJPs

>> No.93366697

She's just desperate for numbers

>> No.93366896

Just like how Rosemi's oshi is Ange and during their first collab Rosemi knew literally nothing about her, right?

>> No.93366901
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Is Milhouse a meme?

>> No.93366935
Quoted by: >>93379638

no, now fuck off
Ui is

>> No.93367020
File: 645 KB, 3889x2348, Prophecy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93367356

mint somehow joins hololive ... 4chan has a nuclear meltdown

>> No.93367039

ok monkey

>> No.93367086

if those were told before she got free those things are void

>> No.93367090
Quoted by: >>93374280

No such thing as honorary. You're either holo or not.

>> No.93367177
Quoted by: >>93367526

Only KFP like this used nijiwhore

>> No.93367356
Quoted by: >>93367904

She shows her face on streams and it really broke the immersion. This girl ain't leading no revolution

>> No.93367526
Quoted by: >>93379181

Everybody loves Mint. Nerissa, ERB, Fauna, Raora, etc. If you hate Mint you're either a jealous nijisis or you have problems

>> No.93367724

Do numbersisters have a melty about Mint again?

>> No.93367904
Quoted by: >>93368485

>she shows her face on streams
no she doesn't

>> No.93368006
File: 33 KB, 710x339, 1699183369748606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used whore in hololive

>> No.93368194
Quoted by: >>93377200

She most definitely is, and it makes sisters and self-entitled schizos seethe so much.

I love it.

>> No.93368256

Not in the way someone like ui is but she is def extremely well liked by basically all other en vtubers

>> No.93368485

Talking about Sayu aka Zaion

>> No.93368567

I agree. Gura should graduate.

>> No.93369132
File: 153 KB, 574x821, 1708777369574158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should have been me

>> No.93369502


>> No.93369575
Quoted by: >>93369632

Gura is a virgin she is saving herself until marriage so her bf has not tapped yet

>> No.93369632

im her bf and can confirm

>> No.93371541
Quoted by: >>93372157

More like a Holo leech

>> No.93372126

>her oshi is mito
>clip contains no mention of mito
Nijitrannies can't do the simplest things right lmao

>> No.93372157

I don't think it was mint asking Kiara to do this

>> No.93372392
Quoted by: >>93372591

seethe nijinigger your whore will never be hololive

>> No.93372591

but enough about fdund

>> No.93372636


>> No.93373112
Quoted by: >>93373453

She could have done it with joining Justice already, but she skipped on the opportunity, she's fine where she is. At best I can see her her becoming an affiliate the other way around: she shares some of her IP rights with Cover so they can monetize it and in return she gets to appear in Holo concerts and merch.

>> No.93373453

The cope of mint-fags is really pathetic. Holo doesn't wants Mint, Mint doesn't want to be in Holo. Stop with this stupid shitposting.

>> No.93374280

counter point: UI

>> No.93376822


>> No.93377200
File: 207 KB, 417x415, 1736495074401256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also makes Phasetards seethe for whatever reason, despite the fact that she's close to Lia

>> No.93377355

The ex-Nijis are good girls

>> No.93377358

>collabs with anyone
>no stars
>no phase
>no nijis after pomu and nina left
>no males outside of Yagoo and Tales of producer-sama who is actually a cute girl.
You sound like a seething sister/phasekek

>> No.93377814

Yeah but she and Mint go way back.
Hell, there's a reason she and Pomu fought so hard for that collab.

>> No.93377861
Quoted by: >>93378055

Her oshi is Henya. What are you talking about?

>> No.93378053
File: 199 KB, 255x144, 1534715341479.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw she just pops up into my small indie oshi's stream

>> No.93378055

Nijisisters have been trying to frame Mint/Pomu as a liar by saying she said Mito was her kamioshi. Mint/Pomu have never ever said that - it's been Pikamee/Henya since 2020.

>> No.93378630
File: 3.68 MB, 960x540, mint concert2 [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6gwzj1.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93378747

What are you talking about? I love the ghost.

>> No.93378747
File: 319 KB, 582x326, mintozoomies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at her goooo!

>> No.93378808

Yes. There are a quite a few.

>> No.93378899
Quoted by: >>93379133

I've never experienced anything but positivity from phasefags regarding mint.

>> No.93379133
Quoted by: >>93379633

The only people who hate Mint are seagulls, sisters, and dramafag tourists.

>> No.93379181

Enough proof to back that shit up?
Bragging about X, if you mention any interacting or followers on X, means it's love. So then, HoloStars.

>> No.93379206

>Also makes Phasetards seethe
Only people I see seethe about Mint are Niji fans and Hololive fans who accuse her of leeching.

>> No.93379237
Quoted by: >>93379627

maybe. the only honorary holos are pretty much ui, patra, and pochi as far as i'm concerned.

>> No.93379276

Phasechad here. I LOVE MINTO!

>> No.93379323


>> No.93379332

the fuck are you talking about? Everyone who's met her adores her. Everyone who hasn't met her but has heard or watched a bit of her adores her. She's completely inoffensive.

>> No.93379395

Which one?

>> No.93379460

Nta. She's had friends in many corners of this industry for years. Unfortunately for you friendships aren't entirely based on company loyalty. Whether she is extremely close with the girls the other anon listed I dno... Some did appear on her bday stream. Do know that her rm hung with the dogs in Tokyo. But its not a big deal man you don't have to be upset about it. I'm sure many holos talk to people outside of the company.

>> No.93379497
File: 87 KB, 1088x665, 0c9f8ba73f3dfee592beaac345275948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mint the big boss of vtubing

>> No.93379560

Nerissa collabed with her, raided her, and talked about her on stream.
ERB collabed with her, raided her, and shows up in chat every once in a while.
Fauna raided her, complimented her singing in a totally separate unrelated stream, and said "we love our minto" when she saw Mint in chat in one of her final streams. (Lemon talked about Pomu, and Nimi followed Mint as one of her first vtuber follows)
RR raided her (which I agree isn't enough to justify her being on the list)

>> No.93379627

Yeah man someone like ui is intertwined in the hololive world. I don't think mint is like that at all. But it's fine she very well liked by many people in the vtubing world that's good enough.

>> No.93379633
Quoted by: >>93379965

Oh, so you ignored the Pomu x Luca incident, eh? Do unicorns even bother to rep? At least she fell for the Phase bait, as if she has zero chance of joining Hololive. Keep dreaming.

>> No.93379638


>> No.93379778

She's pretty much extended Holo family at this point. Expect her at the next Kiara 3D Live.

>> No.93379965

We already have that covered under sisters, anon. Keep up.
