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92972317 No.92972317 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.92972382

Fauna is a vegan.
Stoicism is her choice.

>> No.92972415

Because she doesn't want Cover parading her corpse around in exchange for whatever benefits affiliate status brings?
Do we even have the slightest idea what those benefits are, or is it entirely a narrative concept on this board?

>> No.92972447

Cover mistreated Vesper and Magni which heavily influenced her starting to have doubts about working there
By the time the other factors snowballed into her decision to leave, she simply no longer wanted anything to do with the company anymore.

Chloe in contrast seems to have valued her time here and is simply leaving because the path Cover is taking doesn't align with her interests anymore.

>> No.92972523
Quoted by: >>92973432

Affiliate probably comes with some restrictions, I'm interested what they got in those contracts. Might be a shitty deal, or just the way the payouts occur is to annoying tax wise to deal with.

>> No.92972551

homo fanfic

>> No.92972565

Because chloe is actually grateful of the company that changed her life and to her coworkers aswell, fauna is just a prude bitch

>> No.92972657

Chloe actually didnt know it was a thing and actually got upset about not having it as an option presented to her

>> No.92972719

because fauna is based
fuck corposhit

>> No.92972724
File: 166 KB, 858x400, dfc4dd0a3ba00d3c5e6fba7f1dfeb3492386d9ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna quit to collab with persona non grata

>> No.92972743

merch money?

>> No.92972814

white people

god dam it Uki was right why did we laugh at him?

>> No.92972824

well we have no idea how much control they still have over you if you chose affiliate status, can very well still be mandated that you fly to events, and control certain behind the scenes things as well

>> No.92972842

The simplest answer is that she didn't agree or didn't want to deal with the (unknown to us) strings attached to the affiliate label.

>> No.92972850

I like randon but would they even mesh well together?

>> No.92973432

My guess is that Affiliate is like an insurance path where in case their indie path goes to shit they're like on a frozen contract. Where they can renew whenever they want and go back to being a corpo vtuber.

>> No.92973628

Ame and Chloe will definitely come back some day, yeah.

>> No.92973682

chloe is a neet by heart

>> No.92973696

Affiliation means appearing in the occasional concert and Fauna doesn't want to/rrat

>> No.92973721
Quoted by: >>92974145

According to their explanations for leaving, Sakamata said she just decided she wanted to take her life in a different direction; Fauna very clearly pointed a specific finger at management. Affiliates can still have their corpses necromanced by corporate. Why would Fauna give them the pleasure?

>> No.92973873

Because Chloe has recorded stuff coming up and Fauna doesn't.

That's what the affiliate status means.

>> No.92973951

>frozen contract
this has to be the most underaged post on the board

>> No.92973955

Fauna wanted to deal a blow to Cover to force them to change their shitty, slow, creativity blocking management. If you've ever worked for a larger corporation, you know nothing ever gets changed until shit hits the fan.

>> No.92973995
Quoted by: >>92974043

There have to be more strings attached than that, otherwise fauna would only ever not accept if she was retarded...unless

>> No.92974043
Quoted by: >>92974666

The only strings attached with affiliate is that it is Cover saying "legally, we have to pay you for the work you already did that just hasn't been aired yet". Nothing new will come of being an affiliate.

>> No.92974145

>Why would Fauna give them the pleasure?
You are mistaken. Cover can do this anyway since they own the IP.

>> No.92974164

0 chance
actually not impossible but it depends on her health situation

>> No.92974258

>actually no impossible
no, zero chance. ame unironically has a higher chance of coming back than chloe, and ame is also a rounded down zero percent chance, purely by virtue of the fact that she's still a streamer

>> No.92974341
Quoted by: >>92974440

>implying we know for sure they even offered it
could have just said "ok get out then" to fauna

>> No.92974440

>implying that cover is a black company that won't offer all of its termination options to its talents
We do know actually, because they're not like kurosanji.

>> No.92974465
Quoted by: >>92986464

chloe had no idea what affiliate even means and when her chat explained it to her she muted her stream to laugh

>> No.92974666

you say that but even simply being tied to them by any contract runs the possibility of needing to follow the exact same rules you did while fully with them. Must follow jp law, Must get perms and so on, plus an added stipulation of cant talk shit and however many nda's

>> No.92974813

Read my post again. Specifically the part in quotations. Then apologize for being a retard.

>> No.92974983

>but even simply being tied to them by any contract runs the possibility of needing to follow the exact same rules you did while fully with them.
Huh? No it doesn't.
If the terms of the contract changes then the terms of the contract changes. It sounds so stupidly simple because that's how it works.

>> No.92974999

She didn't know full graduation was a thing?

>> No.92975194
Quoted by: >>92976051

was her handler not in the room

>> No.92975195

Are we sure there are any, and this is not a Niji-style post-graduation NDA guilt tripping bullshit again?

>> No.92975747

The benefits are not having your last few recorded roles in a concert getting cut, and maybe if Cover goes that avenue, still getting a cut from
>One Year since Graduation

>> No.92975911
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> persona non grata

>> No.92976051

He was exorcised last year.

>> No.92976216
Quoted by: >>92983972

I’d assume the only benefit is continuing to get paid for future merch. It’s also possible that the affiliate could return at some point but I have no proof for that claim whatsoever.

>> No.92976294
Quoted by: >>92978344

is orc ex holo starts?

>> No.92976318
Quoted by: >>92976463

Corporations are not your friend

>> No.92976463
Quoted by: >>92976539

Well neither is Fauna so...

>> No.92976539

Well none of them are so…

>> No.92977428

Good. We don't want to associate with Fauna's former VA anymore.

>> No.92978344


>> No.92978391
Quoted by: >>92983853

kek imagine if the she actually sided with dumb and dumber

>> No.92979208

yes. there was a lot of vesplings back in the days.

>> No.92980652

Cover put millions in HoloX and it flopped.
Cover put 100$ in Council and it flopped.

>> No.92980687

Cover should find a new VA for the model. The current VA didn't become an affiliate, so it should be fair game.

>> No.92980750
Quoted by: >>92982670

Why people keep tiptoeing to the fact that Chloe is joining a real Idol unit?

>> No.92982612


>> No.92982670
Quoted by: >>92984079

Chloe is quitting because of health issues. She isn't joining anything.

>> No.92983827

Not a bad idea. It's such a waste of a good character design. I suppose that's what Kiara meant anyway.

>> No.92983853

I'm looking forward to a future NotFauna and Sayu collab with the boys

>> No.92983937

>Must get perms
holos frequently get around this by playing on PL/RM accounts

>> No.92983972

This has been said explicitly a few times, that affiliates are able to return whenever they want, provided they can negotiate it with management.

>> No.92983996

I think Affiliate is basically just an open door back to Hololive if indie life doesn't work out.

>> No.92984079

NTA, but she literally said that she found something she wanted to do outside of Hololive and Cover had been providing supports for that. Her health issue prevented her from double dipping in both Holo and her RL gig, not that it prevents her from working at all.
(Not even mention all the rrats about her rm getting an offer for a gig in the entertainment scene yet since those are just rrats)

>> No.92984192
Quoted by: >>92984256

Because Chloe still has music projects that will come out with other talents and Fauna doesn't.

>> No.92984256
Quoted by: >>92984301

>no music projects
Yeah, we know lol

>> No.92984301
Quoted by: >>92984545

We already saw this was the reason with Ame with the Odyssey song

>> No.92984545

Still think it’s reasonable to expect Ame to pop up here and there in the future

>> No.92984694
Quoted by: >>92984847

Chloe’s heaving orca tits in my mouth

>> No.92984847
File: 1.50 MB, 1080x1920, __sakamata_chloe_and_sakamata_chloe_hololive_drawn_by_akami770__c1afcb5327329e449eca77d66e3b4eb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and same

>> No.92985226

Didn't people lose their shit when the exact thing you're describing happened with Kizuna AI? Having a completely different person puppeteer the model is almost more insulting than just throwing it away

>> No.92985318

I like that her nickname is Bakamata.

>> No.92985434

>he thinks she's going to record anything new for holo
lmao it'll just be a part for a concert she recorded 5 months ago

>> No.92985479
Quoted by: >>92986120

Chloe said that doesn't understand what being affiliate mean and for all effects she is graduating.

>> No.92986120

no one even a bit concerned about just accepting something you dont know?

>> No.92986148

My hunch is that affiliate implies that there are projects (songs, duets, hologras, MVs, birthday lives, etc.) that involve other talents that are still in production and were slated to be released—either because their release date was set before the graduation was decided or they got delayed—after the talent would graduate, and Cover doesn’t want to scrap them like Niji did with some 3D lives. That would be a huge waste of money and resources, so it’s easier to keep the talent on the books in a loose, nebulous way to get the material out and afterwards the talent’s status will be effectively the same as a a normal graduation. A recent example would be Ame’s eurobeat remix, which was clearly in the works for a while and cancelling it would’ve been unfair for the other girls. Hypothetically, that loose connection could leave the door open for more work with Cover or a redebut, too.

>> No.92986297

Glad to see ame's sacrifice bear fruit, although it is bittersweet.

>> No.92986464


>> No.92986565

Randon unironically yes. Caspurr I have doubts on. Doesn't mean it's happening, but I wouldn't be surprised if at least one does. Randon especially since he occasionally brings up issues with his old workplace and I'm sure the two of them could have an interesting collab.

>> No.92986631

she is not the brightest

>> No.92986652

fanfic. fauna is glad they fired the homos for sexual harassment

>> No.92986691

The usual entitled woman moment. Chloe will continue to get loyalties from any merch made and the door is open for return, fauna just burned bridges because "she felt icky" one week.

>> No.92986700

Her dogshit handwriting is endearing.

>> No.92986790
File: 873 KB, 1160x2648, 1733366951071146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole reason for why she is leaving in the first place is because she is such a doormat, staff rushing her to record shit when she had fucking covid fucked up her throat for good.

>> No.92986839

Chloe wants royalties for using her character in the TCG and other stuff, and the contract explicitly includes an option for her to show up again if she wants to, whereas graduation means she won’t get the former and while they used to say the latter whenever there was a graduation, there wasn’t anything in writing saying it was possible, and no one has actually exercised that option.

>> No.92986925

Ame is too lazy to even stream on her new persona. I don't see her doing anything for hololive unless she really needs the money. It's not like she is friends with any of them, even Gura.

>> No.92986940

>and the contract explicitly includes an option for her to show up again if she wants to
I'd love to see a source on this claim because not even Ame said this, and she laid it out the clearest out of anyone so far.

>> No.92989343

Fauna doesn’t care about money

>> No.92989789

All the shitposting about Cover and Holo aside, majority if not all of Holo members do seem to trust the management to some decent degree.
It’s not that they have no complaint, but more that they don’t think the management will intentionally do anything to fuck them over

>> No.92990058
Quoted by: >>92990902

Ame basically said the same shit, up till her graduation stream she had zero idea what being affliate entails beyond projects she was currently involved in not being cancelled. The whole affliate status thing is a giant enigma and nobody knows what the fuck it means for anyone. A year from now we'll see if it means anything at all or Ame was just paying lip service. Realistically if she doesn't show up for anything after a year you can safely write off affliation as a marketing tactic.

>> No.92990084

An Affiliate would not be able to join another company, and would probably need to ask Hololive for permission to even do collabs with them.

Fauna, by contrast, can join whoever she wants now, and so various companies will probably go ahead and shoot her an offer, and those offers are more likely to be generous while there is still buzz around her.

Even if she remains an indie, someone might want exclusive collabs with their company or something.

>> No.92990902

>The whole affliate status thing is a giant enigma and nobody knows what the fuck it means for anyone.
its pretty obvious what it is when you consider just how long in advance people record things but due to various difficulties and/or bullshit reasons they get put on the backburner for even longer than the years they can already take

>> No.92990979
Quoted by: >>92991081

>Cover mistreated Vesper and Magni

>> No.92991081
Quoted by: >>92991359

What possible QRD could you need? Holostars are treated like second-class citizens. Regardless of how you might feel about it or not, that's a definitive fact.

>> No.92991145
Quoted by: >>92991269

Especially physical goods like scale figures. Its a huge investment for a third party company, and it would probably make someone like Good Smile sour on Cover if they had to cancel a bunch of nendoroids or pop-up parade figures if Holo talents were departing the company after merch/licensing contracts were signed.

>> No.92991251

She is finally free. She only agreed to it because hololive is an idol company. That attracts a mentally unstable audience with different expectations of what a girl can or can't do.

>> No.92991269

yeah the physical angle is also a big part of it too
makes you wonder if smolame's going to show up at the next big event. i hope not.

>> No.92991359

give a blatant example

>> No.92991425

>the contract explicitly includes an option for her to show up again if she wants to
Ame did not make this sound true. When asked if she'd be in EnReco Chapter 2 she didn't know and said she'd ask. But do you really think she will?

Cover released their own explanation of the affiliate program and admitted it's no different from a graduation. They literally just wanted to abandon the word to try and reduce any bad press. Fauna's not leaving on amicable terms so she doesn't give a shit about protecting their brand image.

We've seen one piece of evidence of the affiliate program being different than a graduation so far and that was Ame appearing in 3D in the background of a video. That's it. That's all it is. Cover would receive a lot of flak if they actually tried to merchandise or puppet a former talent, but the affiliate status gives them the ability to say, "Hey guys, she still works for us technically, so this kind of stuff is cool, right? See, she isn't totally gone?" It's just a polite way of quitting the company.

>> No.92991466
Quoted by: >>92991539

Like what I said, I do understand it means merch deals and content made before end of activities don't get scrapped. But that isn't what fans want to know. They want to know if their oshi will ever make an appearance in any event again. That's the part that is entirely up in the air and I personally think we'll never see them again but only time will tell.

>> No.92991469

Affiliate status likely means they may work with Cover for certain events and continue selling merch items. Fauna mentioned she didnt feel like she was good at dancing and singing so maybe she simply doesnt want to do the special events parts of hololive and just wants to stream

>> No.92991539
Quoted by: >>92991972

you'll see them again in whatever concert was recorded 2 months prior to their graduation? what kind of stupid question is this?

>> No.92991617
Quoted by: >>92992209

>Affiliate status likely means they may work with Cover for certain events
This was never said by the way.

>> No.92991624
Quoted by: >>92994235

I buy this rrat. Fauna excels at zatsus and goofy karaoke, not singing and dancing. Although her 3d streams are sekushi as hell.

>> No.92991636

I'm gonna take a screencap of this post just to come back and laugh at you in the future

>> No.92991689

Fauna doesn't like Hololive anymore

>> No.92991833

The fact she didn't have any farewell merch also underlines this. Cover almost certainly wanted the M.I.L.F. hat sold again.

>> No.92991940

That wouldn't be farewell merch, to be fair.

>> No.92991972

No you daft cunt that's not what I'm talking about. Everybody knows about the existing prerecorded projects already. I'm talking about if they will come back in the future for live event appearances like anniversaries and the like, things like that. I obviously think its not going to happen. But people are holding out hopes that it will because of the unclear definition of affliation that has been put out.

>> No.92992178

no, i understand what you're saying, it's just you already know that they're never going to "come back" in any live capacity so it's something not even worth saying. people can hold out hopes for whatever, doesn't make it any less delusional and pretty clearly against what cover very specifically said.

>> No.92992209
File: 388 KB, 1345x644, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only evidence so far is that Yagoo tweet. We'll see in the future I guess

>> No.92992355
Quoted by: >>92992531

As opposed to him saying
>We look forward to using your voice in a Myth group cover to be released anytime from now to the heat death of he universe!
There's a non-zero chance she's in Gura's phantom song too.

>> No.92992424

Nice cope

>> No.92992531

He could have just said nothing about working together again like with all the other graduations

>> No.92992607

Yeah, on the projects that Ame was a part of that weren't able to get rushed out in time like the Faumei cover. She's not going to work with them going forward, just simply finishing what work is already there left to be done.

Ame's projects as Ame ended definitively when she left. I'm not really sure how so many people don't understand this. The wording everyone has given is very specific for a reason. "Some projects and covers".

>> No.92992697

>what is yorry sick you onii gay shi muscle

>> No.92992821

I would guess that they'll tag Ame for any future Myth-specific activities like if they do another anniversary song or concert, but that plus whatever existing work she had in the pipe will probably be the extent of it unless she decides to fully return.

>> No.92992895

That'd be a valid point if there was anything else pointing to it being "you'll continue to see the affiliate for years to come" and not plenty of things pointing the other direction of "it's going to be whatever didn't get finished".
Could be a translation error too, didn't catch that until it was mentioned by the other anon.

>> No.92994235
Quoted by: >>92994404

At the same time when she announced she was leaving she did say that it wasn't because she didn't want to be an idol.

My guess is that it wasn't the singing/dancing she didn't like so much as the fact that that part of the job requires spending 2-3+ months a year in Japan. The disagreement with management being that Fauna told them "I want to keep doing concerts but I don't want to have to travel as much to do them," Cover not being able to offer a compromise that satisfied her, and her deciding to quit rather than keep putting up with the travel or opting out of some concerts would make sense.

>> No.92994404
Quoted by: >>92994770

Or... get this... it could be because she sided with Dumb and Dumber and got booted over contract disputes.

>> No.92994491

Someone explain why Chloe gets so many akasupas. What is her appeal?

>> No.92994770

Yes, she quit over a dispute that happened a year and a fucking half ago involving two guys who for all we know she has never so much as fucking spoken to. Amazingly logical theory. Makes perfect fucking sense.

You schizo fucking lunatic.

>> No.92995051

will holofags ever stop being so retarded

>> No.92995148

It happened even before Kizuna Ai and it led to quite literally the biggest shitfit in the entirety of Vtuber history.

>> No.92995975

Fauna doesn't want to take bribe and be silenced. Based

>> No.92996335

It's justifiably blown up in the face of everyone who's tried it. Would be suicidal for Cover to even suggest the idea. Anyone who thinks it would be a good idea is a fucking moron.

>> No.92998183

The assumption is she probably needed to go to Japan to enjoy the benefits of affiliation for any projects she might still be on. Outside of the nendo, we have no idea what she was working on or with who. The Reine cover seems to be the implication that was her last project.

Affiliation as I can tell is finishing up any existing projects so they don't go right into the trash, maintaining product releases, using the brand strength of the character, and potentially being allowed to use it to whatever is seen as fit. There is an asterix there that allows the talent to come back and play the character which I assume emphasizes that it is a resumption of short term contract work, which I can see as Fauna declining.

Because once again.

Cover is in Japan. Fauna is not.

>> No.92998287

Nothing stopped them from running Aqua's merch again and she also graduated.
