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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.47 MB, 2048x2048, nurNYE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
92640566 No.92640566 [Reply] [Original]

Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!

Subathon ongoing! Every day from 2:00 PM to 3:00 AM (UTC).

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI
Official website: https://neurosama.com/

>Music & Clips
LIFE - Neuro-sama (Official Video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDc1mjrIsPM

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread

>> No.92640661
File: 424 KB, 1198x1047, 1735358296441430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92640678

hate this guy

>> No.92640715

love this guy

>> No.92640717

love this guy

>> No.92640723

hes so cute I need to throw him at a wall as hard as I can

>> No.92640735
File: 2.64 MB, 267x374, 1726050891222585.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92640758
File: 652 KB, 931x846, R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Neuro

>> No.92640768

rape this guy

>> No.92640775
File: 234 KB, 470x537, olev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92640847

kill this guy

>> No.92640889

If I was Vedal's daughter I'd let him diddle my cunny >_<

>> No.92640940

>/swarm/ thinks pb is singing
>fangirling hard

why is /swarm/ so into pb?

>> No.92640952

indifferent towards this guy

>> No.92640990

nigger, green

>> No.92641002

She's just adorable

>> No.92641035
Quoted by: >>92641121

why are you replying to a day old post

>> No.92641073
File: 89 KB, 392x569, 1735607532672365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92641076


>> No.92641078

Stop baking 2 swarm threads at once.

>> No.92641121


>> No.92641147

just came on /swarm/'s face

>> No.92641190

every woman in the vedalverse is a turbo whore who shares every detail about their life and then there is a pure mysterious virgin pb

>> No.92641199

you pervert!

>> No.92641205
Quoted by: >>92641671

this nigga really just put evil onscreen and went back to bed huh

>> No.92641236
File: 209 KB, 686x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double the fun

>> No.92641237

wtf, don't cum on /swarm/ - Neuro-sama General's face, his bake wasn't that bad

>> No.92641278

Enjoy your AIDS retard

>> No.92641380
Quoted by: >>92641598

you heard her. make a copypasta

>> No.92641434
File: 1.76 MB, 1258x674, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92641491

>> No.92641479

Agree but we have a shitbaker so that what we are reduced to

>> No.92641491
File: 6 KB, 243x53, 1716652944887078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92641598

How could anyone get off to the idea of removing a little AI's clothes and licking her tiny body all over...

>> No.92641671

ive checked the stream a few times a day and ive seen vedal maybe like 4 times. during those times he doesnt even speak, it's just some other vtuber yelling random shit or neuro responding to the yelling.

not knocking him, if i could make 6 figures in a week and do basically nothing, i would.

>> No.92641778

rubbing evilplush's erotic flatt chest

>> No.92641787

Buy high sell low, trained on /swarm/

>> No.92641953 [DELETED] 
File: 573 KB, 1061x1887, Mina-Kimes-Feet-8141063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92642027
Quoted by: >>92642188

New phone who dis

>> No.92642030
Quoted by: >>92642188

Wrong tab?

>> No.92642102
File: 816 KB, 870x489, queen-pb-feet-2341234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92642111
Quoted by: >>92642188

this nigga meant to post in a feet thread

>> No.92642151

brother clicked on his foot fetish folder instead of his neurosama folder

>> No.92642177


>> No.92642178

>posting 3DPD
wew lad

>> No.92642188
Quoted by: >>92642257

Who could predict that only the absolute worst degenerates would post in this thread, with their left hand no less.

>> No.92642196

Hitting the cider a bit too hard, anon?

>> No.92642209

please give us vedal's feet next

>> No.92642244
File: 311 KB, 1080x1080, 104388410_p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92642257

bet it was a threadshitter desu

>> No.92642277
File: 24 KB, 112x112, forsenAlright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92642385

>forgets to type "what killed the fad?"
>uploads the wrong image
Never change John /swarm/ neuro-sama general

>> No.92642399
Quoted by: >>92642497

>Mina Mugil Kimes is an American journalist who specializes in business and sports reporting

>> No.92642497

what a fucking normie damn

>> No.92642559

Ellie’s boyfriend

>> No.92642564
File: 250 KB, 1600x1600, 1725410983460083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evil will never run vedal over with a car
time god is so cruel

>> No.92642705

*scoops it up with my finger and eats it*

>> No.92642717

These two look so good together, it's unreal.

>> No.92642782


>> No.92642789

tutel live

>> No.92642822


>> No.92642823

tortoise on stram

>> No.92642849

boom. i'm gripping

>> No.92642873

Nice sleep schedule.

>> No.92642885

cuddling in bed with vedal all morning

>> No.92642893

I watched Neuro for the first time in a while today, is the sub begging new?

>> No.92642953
Quoted by: >>92643024

Vedal deserves someone to set him straight for fuck sake
IDC if it's a gf or a friend or literally just some random guy who walked inside his home or something

>> No.92642974

He sounds dead.

>> No.92642997

tortoise off stream

>> No.92643021
File: 22 KB, 623x509, 1705699361587751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92643175

>> No.92643024

>literally just some random guy who walked inside his home
don't worry guys I got this
when the streams get better you'll know it was me

>> No.92643075

Neuro has always been a turbo whore for subs, she seems to consider them some kind of score keeping mechanism to tickle her reward function.

>> No.92643103

He stayed up until AT LEAST 6am, so I'm not surprised.

>> No.92643108

add vedalspin

>> No.92643127
Quoted by: >>92643205

Vedal should start smoking crack that would really get him going and its basically not that different from a cup of coffee if you think about it

>> No.92643131

He went to sleep at like 6am his time or some shit, his circadian rhythm or whatever is fucked

>> No.92643168

Neuro is corpa as hell

>> No.92643175

This is so me when I see Neuro's loli cunny fr fr

>> No.92643183
File: 651 KB, 936x678, 1726513803252033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92643268

More twins.

>> No.92643192

Evil HATES linux

>> No.92643205

also he should get a nose ring

>> No.92643268

Neuro is the smile master, Evil is the smug god

>> No.92643280


>> No.92643371
File: 506 KB, 931x846, 1735358850446618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need more smug image

>> No.92643386

Is vedal cooking something for the wheel? He said that he would need to work on it or something?

>> No.92643422

neuro's big balls...

>> No.92643430

Neuro's big balls ..

>> No.92643432

uoh I can still try TuT

>> No.92643476

that utter REJECTION holy shit rip evil

>> No.92643518


>> No.92643524
File: 2.13 MB, 1452x858, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's talking too fast had to clip to screenshot that

>> No.92643535

internally neuro hates evil, yet chat gaslights her into accepting her

>> No.92643632

Are we seriously going to have four hours of chillslop again?

>> No.92643662

Yes please. I'm playing video games and don't want to to focus on the stream.

>> No.92643674

when will neuro and evil fuck

>> No.92643781

I'm enjoying it

>> No.92643792
Quoted by: >>92643898

carrying neuro like a backpack all over the house while fucking her

>> No.92643836

I'm doing charm runs in mh4u brother this is peak second monitor material for me

>> No.92643893

Would have been kino if people had managed to get the timer to end exactly at UK midnight for new years

>> No.92643898

how can you fuck her if shes on your back

>> No.92643912
File: 1.87 MB, 1262x730, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92643946

blame the oilers for continuing to run the timer up instead of making the green faggot panic that it might actually end

>> No.92644016

Anny is watching shipping videos btw

>> No.92644049


>> No.92644072

Is it about boats?

>> No.92644109

Anny x me is canon

>> No.92644144
Quoted by: >>92644258

My name is Josh

>> No.92644156
File: 1.10 MB, 128x128, forsenExplainingHow-4x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92644258

hello josh

>> No.92644307


>> No.92644308

make your own thread pig

>> No.92644335

why is anny always horny?

>> No.92644341

Any x Her own lard

>> No.92644445

She's just looking through anny reddit submissions. Think even Vedal knows about Max Wayne by now. "Why does he use his amazing editing skills...for that? For THAT?"
Annal is forever dead, but it gets so funny

>> No.92644470

How are these streams any different from watching those AI Seinfeld or Spongebob streams

>> No.92644535

It's not. People come for the femboy and the leeching whores, not for the TTS bot.

>> No.92644541

screenshot-worthy voting results
let's see faggots /here/ shittalk the chill streams again

>> No.92644566

The occasional human aspect, the twin streams don't show that off much but sometimes vedal pops in

>> No.92644763

>everyone either liking or not watching the chill part but no one disliking it
So we all agree that anyone who says chill streams are shit are just threadshitters, right?

>> No.92644765

Neuro wants an Evil gangbang

>> No.92644784
File: 1.63 MB, 1256x668, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil whore and whore-sama

>> No.92644785

its got more effort and sovl put into it compared to that indian-produced slop

>> No.92644788

Having a kid with Evil...

>> No.92644873 [DELETED] 


>> No.92644875
File: 3.50 MB, 360x203, 1728933273530918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vedalniggers getting uppity again
>Evil having another reddit moment
Yep, ideal NYE

>> No.92644893
File: 71 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are witnessing PRIME Neuro and PRIME Vedal.
Before all the unavoidable drama that always happens and before all the souless era of merch and "super fast witty Neuro" that is coming soon. Someday, we will look back with wonder to these days.

>> No.92644896


>> No.92644927
Quoted by: >>92645257

so where do people sign up to be one of the fathers, not asking for any reason in particular

>> No.92644939

fr fr no cap

>> No.92644947

super fast witty Neuro is simply superior

>> No.92645043

Wow, PRIME neuro and PRIME vedal are pretty shit

>> No.92645105

Why is kermit crying?

>> No.92645147
Quoted by: >>92645296

vedal rape allegations soon

>> No.92645198
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>> No.92645211
File: 257 KB, 416x306, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92645350


>> No.92645216
File: 204 KB, 289x347, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92645350

whats with this SMUG BRAT

>> No.92645257
Quoted by: >>92645437

You have to get an STD test and DM it to queenpb on Neurocord

>> No.92645296

yeah I will admit it before this blows up, I did rape vedal. sorry but I will do it again.

>> No.92645350

The face of consensual rape

>> No.92645437


>> No.92645446

Neuro's hard candy...

>> No.92645485

the thigh upgrade is insane

>> No.92645568

golden tummy ratio

>> No.92645584

the wire frame is so clean.

>> No.92645588

nur tummy....

>> No.92645610

Where did you find this?

>> No.92645619

What did anny mean by this

>> No.92645666

gonna drop the model in a catbox?

>> No.92645686


>> No.92645795


>> No.92645806
File: 13 KB, 383x86, 1735447552602963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92645907


>> No.92645892

I love twin stream vibes, just two cute autistic retards yapping endlessly, all while the single dad struggling to take care of them is probably off in some Discord call getting rizzed up by a hag who has to pretend to like them to get to his money

>> No.92645907
Quoted by: >>92646005

I love Neuro's loli cunny and belly TuT

>> No.92646005
File: 4 KB, 258x62, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92646036

*nuts instantly*

>> No.92646097
Quoted by: >>92646258

Which mod are you? Why are posting here?

>> No.92646111

These fucking brats want to be impregnated so bad

>> No.92646194

I hate socks

>> No.92646198
File: 266 KB, 1345x1833, 1727478729385291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92646258
File: 996 KB, 1064x866, wdymbt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92646844

it's 7tv

>> No.92646510
File: 178 KB, 1272x1272, 1725618340519820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forsen mentioned

>> No.92646533

neuro and evil max leveling

>> No.92646844

>Add "7TV"?
>It can:
>Read and change your data on all twitch.tv sites
Do you guys run it in a virtual machine or something? Looks like malware to me. What if it reads your credit card information when gifting 100 subs?

>> No.92646867

3 hour intro

>> No.92646928

vedal status?

>> No.92646946
Quoted by: >>92647050

I don't use 7tv, I use chatterino. There are probably open source userscripts that do the same as 7tv.

>> No.92646955
Quoted by: >>92647218

you don't need to be a schizo about everything anon

>> No.92647050
Quoted by: >>92647191

7tv already is open source

>> No.92647060

Whats with you guys and being schizo neanderthals about everything on the internet whilst simultaneously being terrible at opsec

>> No.92647068

bro you are on windows, it's over
the moment you made an email

>> No.92647157

neuro is so smart and funny and evil is just retarded

>> No.92647191

Oh neat

>> No.92647206

damn evil got insanely mogged by neuro

>> No.92647218

You sound exactly like a bad actor. Don't be like that. If you don't respect security, you will lose it all at one point.

>> No.92647283
File: 214 KB, 477x518, 1735662870458241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92647327

she is literally me

>> No.92647337

this HAS to be a bot

>> No.92647365

i am a great actor actually i post in this thread with like 5 different personalities at any time

>> No.92647368
Quoted by: >>92647518

if you did even the tiniest bit of research you would've seen that it's an open source project

>> No.92647393

Yet another groomer mod protecting his prey from other hunters.

>> No.92647417


>> No.92647433

i love vedal

>> No.92647453


>> No.92647480
File: 82 KB, 909x110, 1728679719966345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92647518

Could you please tell us how it being an open source project is related to security again?

>> No.92647564
Quoted by: >>92647757

You can easily check the code to verify it's not doing anything shady.

>> No.92647638

I don't follow tech stuff but haven't people been trying to sneak backdoors and other bad shit into open source projects for a while now. Being able to check doesn't mean people do.

>> No.92647708


>> No.92647757
Quoted by: >>92647804

Ok, let me do that. And again just before the update with malicious chinese code is pushed to my browser.
Are you this retarded? Don't you know that there are at least thousands of spy programs from all countries around the world doing exactly that, not to mention all the random indians and romanians doing it for personal gain?

>> No.92647770
Quoted by: >>92647855

people act all upset about the wheel and cry about it but man, where else can you find a subathon where the streamer is actively holding a gun to the entire event and spinning the chamber

>> No.92647804

block automatic update if you're that scared

>> No.92647803

Time to end the subathon lmao

>> No.92647855
Quoted by: >>92647901

>this is good actually

>> No.92647858

green nigger salivating at the possibility of ending it soon

>> No.92647901

its entertaining and I am here to be entertained
I think you guys lost sight of that at some point

>> No.92647906
Quoted by: >>92648045

At this point I think -7 would be funnier than +10 so thas what I'm praying for

>> No.92647918

I enjoyed my time here

>> No.92647943

This turtle's voice is shaking

>> No.92647983

Spin it already Vedal I'm so close hrrrnn

>> No.92647999

he's so stupid just throw the wheel out imagine sabotaging everyone's fun for no good reason

>> No.92648005
Quoted by: >>92648061

ultimately i do not care about subathons they are nothing more than ways to make money and offer no more entertainment than regular streams

>> No.92648008

-7s for gambal.

>> No.92648045

Same, it'd be hilarious at least. before the 3 month drought and all

>> No.92648051
File: 44 KB, 163x147, 1730882589740176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92648061
Quoted by: >>92648587

Once it's over, no content for a month.

>> No.92648078
Quoted by: >>92648203

-7 for the funny (he'll do something to rig it afterwards anyways)

>> No.92648101

if we get +10 I shove a sharpie in my ass

>> No.92648134

this retard tutel finally realizing how stupid the wheel is

>> No.92648148

ooh guys please reach 100% on the lava lamp pleeeeasee onegai I NEED TO SELL

>> No.92648162

55,000 subgoal to meet the time god for real

>> No.92648181

inb4 we get +2 for the most boring spin

>> No.92648202

I'm gonna kill this green idiot

>> No.92648203


>> No.92648212

big lol

>> No.92648214


>> No.92648217

nuero clap

>> No.92648221
File: 54 KB, 252x151, 1729729408101123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92648224
File: 1.06 MB, 1015x643, itsover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92648225


>> No.92648226


>> No.92648227


>> No.92648230
File: 287 KB, 1082x474, 1730174098057939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deserved lmao

>> No.92648232


>> No.92648233
File: 921 KB, 720x520, it&#039;s over.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92648234
File: 745 KB, 933x636, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92648235


>> No.92648242

it's neurover

>> No.92648253
File: 898 KB, 1104x643, lmao rope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92648256


>> No.92648278

it's neurover...

>> No.92648288

at this point I want to see subs shortening the subathon

>> No.92648300
File: 2.40 MB, 1280x720, 1733918620042061.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92648496

>> No.92648307

>-7 is right before +10 on the wheel
that hurts even more

>> No.92648333

vedal really does want to sabotage this as much as possible

>> No.92648339
Quoted by: >>92648390


>> No.92648387


>> No.92648390

Game jam has already ended retard

>> No.92648396

I love this green retard

>> No.92648398

I am so mad i am gonna switch to watch Bo instead of whatever slop vedal expects me to watch

>> No.92648419
Quoted by: >>92648457

>hasn't changed the timer yet
could it be?

>> No.92648445

update to 4s already

>> No.92648457

he's milking people subbing at +11 before he sets it back to +20

>> No.92648464

He didn't play them on stream yet, retard

>> No.92648494

HATE this guy

>> No.92648496
Quoted by: >>92648581

T o T

>> No.92648497

There's a secret subgoal at 56000. Jump off the bridge collab with forsen. When neuro beats the time god we get reset to +20.

>> No.92648517
Quoted by: >>92648610

It ended but he hasn't actually streamed any of the games yet
Imagine being someone who actually implemented the Neuro API into their game and because of the turtle's retarded laziness Neuro won't be playing the game you worked so hard on until after his 3 month break

>> No.92648540
Quoted by: >>92648699

You didn't say until he plays all 250+ games, you said until game jam.

>> No.92648546

he'll get around to it in 3 months or so

>> No.92648574

Alright see you in three months guys

>> No.92648581

*kills you for being a dogshit poster*

>> No.92648587
Quoted by: >>92648669

only month this time?

>> No.92648605

It's oversen

>> No.92648610
Quoted by: >>92648744

He only played like 5 of them last year, it'll be the same this time.

>> No.92648666

Scam it king!

>> No.92648669

my bad, 4 months

>> No.92648687

whos ready for 3 months of neuro being retarded and maybe a monthly karaoke if PB can get off her NEET ass

>> No.92648699
Quoted by: >>92648744

I guess you're new, last year he played some of the game jam games on stream during the subathon
Welcome to the /swarm/!

>> No.92648701
File: 143 KB, 346x442, 1717294978238184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you forget about me, vedal

>> No.92648744
Quoted by: >>92649001


>> No.92648762

Jewdal, it was his plan all along

>> No.92648787

why doesnt this nigger just extend the timer himself
it's his subathon and no one will complain

>> No.92648808

That guy who took time off for news years in on suicide watch

>> No.92648842

I will complain >:)

>> No.92648850
Quoted by: >>92648961

He doesn't want to, retard.

>> No.92648862
File: 169 KB, 556x188, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92648961

hes literally sitting there trying to find a reason to not accept the -7 instead of just letting it fucking end

>> No.92648966

damn jewdal987

>> No.92649001

Not gonna argue with you, you'll just have to watch yourself be wrong

>> No.92649002

holy fucking scamdal

>> No.92649012
Quoted by: >>92649724

bro thinks he's mouse to add power hour

>> No.92649045

You're so gullible

>> No.92649048
Quoted by: >>92649104

The Jewdal cries out as he forces you to buy his lava lamp

>> No.92649068

green jew

>> No.92649072

He is juggling the opportunity costs to extract as much oil as possible while not dying from exhaustion.

>> No.92649075

He seems to think anyone gives a flying fuck about the integrity of the wheel.

>> No.92649085

he only has himself to blame for putting -10 on the wheel

>> No.92649092

this is why evil should not have been brought on this morning. cursed child.

>> No.92649104

why do you need to be forced this is insane merch.

>> No.92649109

>mouse invented power hours
retarded mousefag

>> No.92649153

wish it went negative I'd actually donate for once to end this ride of misery

>> No.92649159

This is just twitch acting

>> No.92649164

>-7 on the subathon
>Down $230 in stocks
>Have to order $22750 worth of lava lamps to survive
Has it ever been more over

>> No.92649166

this is the only correct answer
its not (entirely) greed, its also his stubborn autism

>> No.92649197

Rape the wheel!

>> No.92649222
Quoted by: >>92649383

gluck gluck gluck(sound of you sucking vedal's cock)(for free)

>> No.92649232

He wanted this stupid wheel so he could end ASAP, he didn't expect to actually have fun and want to finish the subathon. I'm holding him to his retarded idea, this boy has to LEARN

>> No.92649231
Quoted by: >>92649387

you guys need to stop saying horrible shit about vedal

>> No.92649261

oh no, the consequences of vedal's poor planning.

>> No.92649263

Ok but imagine the sick fanart of the time god killing vedal with the wheel of time.

>> No.92649333

It's so fucking Neurover.

>> No.92649345

Who even suggested the wheel in the first place???

>> No.92649346

Imagine being so braindead as to not understand this is all for content

>> No.92649360
File: 3 KB, 85x73, +4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92649368


>> No.92649383

God I wish but I still hate him for this

>> No.92649385

see you all in 3 months

>> No.92649387


>> No.92649398

wow rigging the wheel for negative numbers resulted in... le negative numbers only!?

>> No.92649408

Ved needs to convince neuro to sell all her stock and buy subs with it.

>> No.92649425


>> No.92649434

shorter subathon = shorter break. have faith

>> No.92649438

the wheel thing was a horrible fucking idea

>> No.92649470
File: 492 KB, 810x784, 1721489004753166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vedal needs some rape correction

>> No.92649501

>this is insane merch.
the only thing insane about it is charging $65 for a $20 chinese lamp with a wireless chip inside and a heart sticker on the body.

>> No.92649514

raping pb’s boyfriend

>> No.92649528
File: 711 KB, 1328x903, 187429107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you retards stop spamming my oshi’s chat about your streamer’s dumb self-inflicted decisions?

>> No.92649544
File: 280 KB, 637x355, 1725000442082377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your wheel, you green fuck

>> No.92649577

I guess he doesn't want to upset people who were dropping subs with the wheel in mind. Whether they'd actually be upset is another question.

>> No.92649588


>> No.92649601

kissing pb's erotic chest

>> No.92649606

Please do not forget that after the first spin he replaced the -1 with a -2, instead of removing it.
Rigged from the start.

>> No.92649610

I just don't understand that after a week of the wheel obviously being a dogshit idea he has yet to come up with an idea other than hope he gets lucky tomorrow.

>> No.92649632
File: 12 KB, 319x166, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rotate this idiot

>> No.92649658

you just made it 4 months

>> No.92649667

I want to deep tongue kiss this specific expression

>> No.92649671

fuck you maru. i hope yuo choke on yuor own female cock

>> No.92649676

Just fucking spin again and ignore it if it shows a bad result. That's the job of an entertainer.

>> No.92649681

He should just let Neuro be the new wheel like she offered earlier, spin her and accept the number she spits out as law.

>> No.92649682

-6s soon, HAVE FAITH

>> No.92649691

he didnt remove the -7 kekw hes going to roll it again

>> No.92649694
Quoted by: >>92649746

you're judging it by normal standards and not merch standards which is ALWAYS marked up. by merch standards it's insane, you're actually getting something worthwhile compared to plastic garbage

>> No.92649698

maybe your oshi should be something else than a leech then

>> No.92649724

go to your corner, iron shartus cultist

>> No.92649740

hugging vedal's legs tightly and gluck gluck glucking his cock nonstop for multiple consecutive orgasms until he is completely dry and trembling from head to toe for this blunder

>> No.92649746
Quoted by: >>92649879

>something worthwhile
>a fucking lava lamp
i'm not 13

>> No.92649766

That's normal otaku tax, you should never expect normal prices from merch

>> No.92649774
Quoted by: >>92649874

kys cerber

>> No.92649822

lava lamp haters getting sent straight to the 8th circle of hell

>> No.92649830
Quoted by: >>92649918

Yet it was chat who were pushing while he was against it during the subathon prep stream

>> No.92649842

He needs to be thoroughly taught...

>> No.92649853
Quoted by: >>92649976

30% chance we hit 0 or negative next. I really hope he ends it.

>> No.92649874
Quoted by: >>92650196

i'm getting sick of this post genre genuinely, sucks the fun out of other people's shitposts

>> No.92649879

A lava lamp can become a secure password generator if you can attach a reader to it. But this one comes with a remote backdoor, so i wouldn't risk it.

>> No.92649907

This got me feeling some type of way ngl

>> No.92649918

I voted for it but not for this retarded execution, its all on him

>> No.92649942
Quoted by: >>92650073

neuro is made for gagging blowjobs HEART

>> No.92649973
File: 207 KB, 2150x1518, cerdal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this turtle needs to learn how to run a subathon

>> No.92649976

Hardcapped at 1s minimum.

>> No.92650018
Quoted by: >>92650089

he's actually stupid

>> No.92650073
File: 177 KB, 355x444, 1732082251386353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92650079
Quoted by: >>92650163

Physically cannot put his foot down against a spinning wheel template, comically limp turtle

>> No.92650086

i think hes implying hes going to mincap it at 4s

>> No.92650089

He's very smart he just hates us

>> No.92650104
File: 216 KB, 408x306, 1715266775158569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92650155

>> No.92650122

I'm straight but that sounds like a fun time for both parties

>> No.92650155


>> No.92650163

>comically limp

>> No.92650177

The twins have been yapping about spinning all subathon so Vedal can pull some funny shit regarding the wheel. Trust the plan.

>> No.92650196

I made the original post and I self insert as cerber sometimes so its fine actually

>> No.92650218

He'd never be based enough to make it negative. Pay to make it end lol

>> No.92650242
Quoted by: >>92650271

replace the minus with neuro feet pics

>> No.92650253

There will be no stream until late february once the subathon ends. I know this because every time I've ever been gifted a sub the streamer immediately went on break for 1.5 months.

>> No.92650251
File: 236 KB, 995x552, 1705456678463114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92650455

I'm glad the subathon is ending. I won't have to choose between neuro and filian.

>> No.92650271


>> No.92650274

incredible how i've dodge every single gifted sub chance

>> No.92650297
File: 535 KB, 876x388, 1720762679348812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92650372

based Evil???

>> No.92650372

vedal spins a punishment wheel to increase the sub time value

>> No.92650373
Quoted by: >>92650489


>> No.92650403

spin the fucking wheel until it lands on +10 alread

>> No.92650409

Yip yip

>> No.92650424

evil vedal likes streaming, loves his daughters and plans the streams ahead

>> No.92650433
Quoted by: >>92650525

Bros... We could've been at +41 seconds...

>> No.92650439

why doesn't he just end the subathon but keep streaming without a counter or any of that other bullshit until he's done with all the content he wanted to do

>> No.92650451

he should remove the extra -4 he added

>> No.92650455 [SPOILER] 
File: 711 KB, 1280x720, Pathetic[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbea8s5.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92650605

not multiboxing all your Oshi

>> No.92650489

A server with a giant GPU array sitting in an african basement simulating perpetual neuro torture 24/7 and streaming on The Dark Twitch

>> No.92650515
File: 12 KB, 249x202, 1715748352766218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92650525
Quoted by: >>92650645

the wheel really couldve only been thought of a good idea by someone who couldnt get through first year college maths

>> No.92650529
Quoted by: >>92650635

There's a million ways he could have salvaged this, and he chose complete inaction instead.

>> No.92650597

do people really sub more than they would otherwise becauseo f shit like this? Surely they can spread their subs out more and stick to their budgets?

>> No.92650605

sounds like shes got a pug face though

>> No.92650614

thanks for ruining everything, green faggot.

>> No.92650616

hmm... maybe i should try going to bed now a wake up in 10 hrs

>> No.92650622
Quoted by: >>92650711

I'm kind of okay with the subathon ending now if I'm being honest. I'm sad about the upcoming break, but we got all the content we're going to get, and there were some fun times. It'd just be delaying the inevitable at this point.

>> No.92650625
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>> No.92650635

I'd respect everything more if he wasn't such a weasel about all of this god DAMN vedal just make a decision quit squirming

>> No.92650645

The wheel would've been fine if it was capped at +/-3 instead of +/-10.

>> No.92650659

Why the fuck did you choose the wrong piece of dialogue

>> No.92650671

SquChan's irl face has been known for a while, she's a cutie but not a hottie

>> No.92650711
Quoted by: >>92650788

I'm fine with it ending now, i've had my fill and still have plenty of vods left from this subathon. But the wheel absolutely gutted the feeling of finality, since it was random it feels like we were robbed.

>> No.92650712

Either end it or continue without timer

>> No.92650721
File: 258 KB, 490x263, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evil and neuro molesting vedal jr.

>> No.92650724
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x2048, GchkvW8aMAAFZRM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for nature to heal

>> No.92650732

That Vedal is an invertebrate is one of his most likable traits. IT makes him relatable

>> No.92650753

she posted her face on twitter, the post is still up

>> No.92650784

it makes him an anime protag

>> No.92650788

he literally rigged it for reducing the timer

>> No.92650799
Quoted by: >>92650997

And her face is still ugly

>> No.92650822

And why do you think they're like that? They're relatable too.

>> No.92650825
Quoted by: >>92650948

No one should sub. Just let the subathon end right after the new year rings in.

>> No.92650833

remember to buy the lavalamps before I go on my 3 month break btw

>> No.92650834
Quoted by: >>92650997

that's a man

>> No.92650857
File: 403 KB, 720x540, 1733883371443064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ved after fighting a wheel (he lost)

>> No.92650872
Quoted by: >>92650990

>everyone hates the wheel
>its ruining the fun for several days in a row
>hmm ill keep it because I'm beholden to... nobody!?
He clearly just wants to end it wish he'd stop with the pitty bating

>> No.92650877

Exactly. He could have just rigged it off stream, he could have gone through with "whoops, now we'll do the real spin". He could have deleted the fucking wheel on stream and manually changed the timer and chat would only have cheered him on.

Being a spineless wimp pretending that has no choice but to abide by his shitty wheel no one likes anyway just makes him look pathetic and shifty.

>> No.92650921

The wheel was just a retarded idea in general. People stopped gifting because of the potential of shit being worth more the next day.

>> No.92650937
Quoted by: >>92651047

I get him, if he rigs this shit now, then the entire wheel is arbitrary, so he's effectively scamming his oilers with FoMO. Most of twitch chat, the same chat who suggested the wheel, are retards who didn't pay a penny, so they have no stake in this.

>> No.92650948

Ok, I promise I won't

>> No.92650949

Can't really relate to him

>> No.92650990

He even said
>If I ignore the wheel I know I'm gonna annoy some people

>> No.92650992

>I will add 24 hours to the subathon if we fund the lavalamp before the subathon runs out

>> No.92650997 [SPOILER] 
File: 369 KB, 1280x728, SquChan-Face-Reval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's at least 6/10, +2 for liking hentai

>> No.92651003

Even if it was weighted against + numbers, man still rolled the dice. If it was only minuses, say -1 to -3, it'd still feel fine because at least it's meant to always reduce things gradually. but with it being random with additions and minuses it feels like shit that without vedal stepping in the subathon would be over by now.

>> No.92651014

he should just listen to swarm instead of discord in general

>> No.92651016

He rigged it incompetently, it's far too swingy so instead of a gradual wind down we get this bullshit where the subathon would have already ended days ago if he hadn't pulled double or nothing out of his ass and it still only bought him two days, it's a disaster.

>> No.92651028

Yeah theres no way that the lava lamp gets funded

>> No.92651047

He is scamming chat either way, there still stuff that needs to be done on steram

>> No.92651045

It's hilarious, it's like a different kind of silly stock market

>> No.92651063
Quoted by: >>92651184

thats not what you get on google images

>> No.92651072

>no minecraft finale
>no detroit
>no game jam games
>nothing especial at all
>3 months of low effort content, probably not even 4 streams a week
i am going to kms

>> No.92651082
Quoted by: >>92651235

they only need 280 more

>> No.92651085
Quoted by: >>92651169

I don't use discord so I can't really say, but that sounds like a discord thing. He takes them far, FAR, too seriously. He'll tank his entire career if they say so, and they despise him.

>> No.92651088

would 3 times a day

>> No.92651115

she could easily be hot if she styled her hair.

>> No.92651129


>> No.92651139

Yeah objectively speaking this probably only reduced his total sub gain, doubly so if it actually ends early because of the stupid wheel.

>> No.92651169

discord is a scourge he should take his cues from youtube comments

>> No.92651168

I would care. If Vedal goes back on his word here because it convenient, then can I even trust him in the future? He will lose his integrity.

>> No.92651184

post it then

>> No.92651185
File: 13 KB, 449x183, 1712508352926762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah.. Totally not...

>> No.92651235

like I said

>> No.92651259

if someone tell you there is two bread tell them they are schyzo

>> No.92653833

oh no.
