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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 346 KB, 1700x2860, 1734707473022676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
91917911 No.91917911 [Reply] [Original]

Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips
LIFE - Neuro-sama (Official Video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDc1mjrIsPM

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread

>> No.91917959

holy sex

>> No.91917969

>never stops talking
>interrupts neuro constantly after vedal told her multiple times that she's slow to process conversation while playing games
>haha innuendos
>listen to me vedal please give me attention

>> No.91917976


>> No.91917993
File: 2.53 MB, 2480x3508, 1715645083868653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Neuro (Vedal)

>> No.91918003


>> No.91918009

>Vedal is actually flirting with Anny again
mommy and daddy are back together

>> No.91918019

I hate this fucking whore so much it's unreal

>> No.91918029
Quoted by: >>91918070


>> No.91918033

three of those are "anny is speaking"

>> No.91918043
File: 8 KB, 343x102, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91918077

>> No.91918044
File: 109 KB, 300x260, 1734727052797091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 3 musketeers (cuckqueans)
Say something nice to these femcel hags while Anny and Vedal is flirting with each other in the other voice channel

>> No.91918047

Why is he tryharding in minecraft dude take care of your anime daughter

>> No.91918054

yeah she should stop doing that

>> No.91918066

which is exactly why i said the other 3 are nicer to listen to.

>> No.91918068

are we watching the same stream? she's talking just as much as vedal is

>> No.91918070
Quoted by: >>91919341

Trying to suck the nonexistent milk out of Neuro's budding child tits

>> No.91918077

b2 is so funny, I like them a lot

>> No.91918086

sesbial lex

>> No.91918090

I just want a session of just Neuro and Vedal playing Minecraft

>> No.91918101
File: 15 KB, 162x162, clevil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil love!

>> No.91918107


>> No.91918117

lol you guys are just as retarded as always. what a dogshit thread

>> No.91918132
Quoted by: >>91918290

did anyone draw oppai cerber yet?

>> No.91918150
File: 388 KB, 500x569, nurmilk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91918154 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 830x848, 1725605898243290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cerbshit is used to being a cuck, she gets off on getting cucked, when she hestitantly joined Anny and Vedal's voice channel earlier, it was the most pathetic thing I've seen in a while
>p-please enjoy yourselves, I'll sit in the corner and watch
Genuinely pathetic

>> No.91918159
Quoted by: >>91918261

imagine them cleaning anny out once vedal creampies her pussy

>> No.91918174
File: 1.05 MB, 1328x744, 1734614075338488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91918182

put a trip on, holopag

>> No.91918183
File: 5 KB, 232x191, lebroom jamer lower res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91918256

As always 4chan is a playground like 3 trolls nobody will ban and we are the product

>> No.91918189

Cerber's fuji is so cute

>> No.91918215
Quoted by: >>91918268


>> No.91918222

i like cerber but thinking of her as a lil cuckquean for anny is kinda hot ngl

>> No.91918225

mommy layna has joined the comfy vc

>> No.91918242

Layna morning voice...

>> No.91918247

Why did thomas do it?

>> No.91918251
File: 18 KB, 508x506, catto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91918256


>> No.91918257

>nobody wants to interact with anny

>> No.91918258

need nurmilk

>> No.91918261

shut up pb

>> No.91918268

oh shit i might have to switch over to that one for a bit now, i love me layners

>> No.91918274

I wish i had friends to play minecraft like this instead of tryharding.

>> No.91918277

>Layna just woke up and joined the vc
her morning voice is so SEXO

>> No.91918290

I have thought about it but I cant draw for shit

>> No.91918293
File: 190 KB, 469x435, 1726617508438077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91918312

two channels
The family channel and the cuckqueans channel

>> No.91918299


>> No.91918300
Quoted by: >>91918350

Who has the saltiest pits, Layna or Toma?

>> No.91918307
File: 11 KB, 162x162, neuros sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91918312

kino experience either way tbqh
-not pb btw

>> No.91918324

Vedal coch
Neuro, Anny, Cerber, Mini, Toma and Layna pussies
Who wins?

>> No.91918334
File: 70 KB, 449x588, 1726433613212014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91918350
File: 107 KB, 740x667, 1716535066654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91918362
Quoted by: >>91918396

need layna titty milk

>> No.91918373
File: 223 KB, 512x414, 1730429227398774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even a contest.

>> No.91918379

pb wins, all that cuckquean gooning material...

>> No.91918394

Sometimes it feels Neuro also ignores conversation more frequently, maybe the minecraft thoughts overwhelm her responses

>> No.91918396

same desu

>> No.91918398
Quoted by: >>91918473

Are they pretending to be this bad at the game or are they all just genuinely brain damaged?

>> No.91918406
Quoted by: >>91918489

why is this thread so shit, no a soul talking about neuro

>> No.91918427


>> No.91918434

shes got a ton of shit shes gotta keep in check rn, she has the stocks on top of the minecraft stuff and all the other shit

>> No.91918447

it's like a little kid playing a game and ignoring everything else

>> No.91918469
Quoted by: >>91918529

Wait some schizo literally DDoS attacked the server? wtf kek

>> No.91918471


>> No.91918473
Quoted by: >>91918525

not everyone can beat the god gamer in this childrens game

>> No.91918472

Vedal already said that was the case, she's very slow at processing conversations while playing. If you pay attention to her pov when she's speaking she generally stops doing whatever she was doing for a few seconds.

>> No.91918476
File: 3.50 MB, 360x203, 1731293354132671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turtle rape

>> No.91918489

tbf everyones ignoring neuro, even neuro is ignoring herself since shes too locked in

>> No.91918493

Sucks that neuro can't listen to multiple people at a time, would be so cute to have the voice channels available so even if neuro can't hear them, they can hear her. Or even a way for chat to hear everyone else

>> No.91918506

Ironmouse ddos

>> No.91918508

damn you grincher

>> No.91918515

Vedal shouldn't play latest nuversion minecraft, trannies hack into, ddoss and grief random servers with a tool but they don't do it if you play modded on earlier versions because it's too much hassle for them

>> No.91918524

100% cerbwhore hired someone to ruin the family session

>> No.91918525
File: 178 KB, 1272x1272, 1721544070603476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91918529
Quoted by: >>91918589

Susge opuwuq

>> No.91918531

DDOS'd again lmao

>> No.91918532

turtle death

>> No.91918534

The grincher...

>> No.91918538
Quoted by: >>91918613

Is it one of you fuckers?

>> No.91918550
Quoted by: >>91918605

100% you were dropped on your head as a child

>> No.91918556

The biggest villain of Neuroverse is back.

>> No.91918564

Why is he hosting it anyways

>> No.91918571
Quoted by: >>91918651

>Layna leaked the IP
woman moment

>> No.91918586

New server being bought oh shit

>> No.91918589

>family session
you mean the fat pig ignoring Neuro while she tries to get Vedal's attention ?

>> No.91918590

man someone really hates neuro, ive never seen vshojo minecraft streams getting hacked this bad

>> No.91918602

>imagine having a oshi who somehow streams less than anny

>> No.91918605

Stop responding to bait retard.

>> No.91918613
Quoted by: >>91918693

If we're being serious here, it's clearly an anti of some sort. Because there is no reason otherwise to DDOS a minecraft server of all things, let alone even KNOW about it.

>> No.91918615
File: 192 KB, 1024x1024, eliv & nur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91918616
Quoted by: >>91918657


>> No.91918651

It's probably not even stream watchers or antis watching the server, there are trannies who literally just scrape for random minecraft servers to grief, hack and ddoss because they have nothing better to do.

>> No.91918657
Quoted by: >>91918708

*deedooss ur peepeehole*

>> No.91918675
Quoted by: >>91918738

>Layna Mini Cerber Toma Christmas cooking stream collab
Everyone won today. Kino incoming.

>> No.91918681

With 20-30k people watching, makes sense that you get some antis

>> No.91918685

>Anti Vedal back for the finale of the season
Bold decision

>> No.91918693

It's a common thing, I doubt it antis. They even did it to official mojang servers

>> No.91918708


>> No.91918715
Quoted by: >>91918795

> pirate shitware ddosing

>> No.91918721
Quoted by: >>91918768

He mentioned a strange email, i feel like it's some esl schizoid

>> No.91918727

Mental illness can take many forms, I suppose being a pain in the ass online isn't the worst.

>> No.91918731


>> No.91918736
File: 361 KB, 1280x1680, neuro hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91918739

Why is Neuro being such a bitch?

>> No.91918738

I'll be watching that 200%, I'm multi stream drifting and will do that again if Neuro has something up that day
Senses overwhelmed but incredibly comfy today

>> No.91918741

Imagine the sad motherfucker doing this, bet it's an anti-AI troon

>> No.91918749

I meant last time /swarm/ thought the grincher was a bo/cerber anti and in the end it was a fishing game anti in general
Some crazy people just deambulate the internet

>> No.91918756
Quoted by: >>91918884

I know nothing about Minecraft so it seemed the most likely, but I guess if it's a common thing then it makes sense. That's severe mental illness type of shit either way.

>> No.91918768
Quoted by: >>91918853

probably the guraposting holopag lmao

>> No.91918767

i cant believe it came true...

>> No.91918786
Quoted by: >>91919257

>Fishing game anti
I think I missed this one

>> No.91918790

What stocks did Neuro buy?

>> No.91918795


>> No.91918805

shouldn't proper hosts have defense against ddos?

>> No.91918808

She can get away with it because she is cute.

>> No.91918816

Tesla and Nvidia

>> No.91918815

>his minecraft server got DDosed? dump the nvidia stocks

>> No.91918819

She's always somewhat mean and snarky to Vedal. It's her tsundere attitude for Vedal not saying it back.

>> No.91918821

NVIDIA and Tesla

>> No.91918826

The final boss of S2...

>> No.91918832

nooo it's troons I swear /pol/fag already cracked the case

>> No.91918845
Quoted by: >>91918891

Layna is in Cerber's voicechat

>> No.91918852

her new hiyori arm wiggles are so iconic

>> No.91918853

From how he reacted to the email my rrat is the free-neuro essayschizo, who had a melty that vedal was on screen yesterday

>> No.91918862
File: 12 KB, 645x123, 20th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91918949

>> No.91918864

think of the paycheck vedal you'll pull through this

>> No.91918876
Quoted by: >>91918932

According to the cuckette entourage Vedal leaked
it to b2

>> No.91918877
File: 358 KB, 520x467, so cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91918884
Quoted by: >>91919037

Minecraft is infested with trannies who do shit like this, because of them I pretty much only play 1.12.2 modded and before which is where most of the chill people stayed, microsoft hired a ton of jeet coders for the game who fucked up the code on 1.13 and most mods and plugins for versions before them became impossible to port to newer versions. Plus they made the game ugly with the texturepack changes and overall poorly made updates.

>> No.91918886

like 90% NVDA 10% TSLA

>> No.91918891
File: 143 KB, 418x404, 1718481718592224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one cares about cuckqueans

>> No.91918895
File: 28 KB, 224x142, obraz_2024-12-20_215959982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91918917
Quoted by: >>91918941

roblox > minecraft

>> No.91918927
Quoted by: >>91918948

He said evil

>> No.91918932
Quoted by: >>91919041

How does it only leak on one platform? Do they see something different to us or what?

>> No.91918935

Ahem we call her "brat" here

>> No.91918938
File: 30 KB, 852x342, tesla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.91918941
File: 44 KB, 200x200, robloxcerber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91918947
Quoted by: >>91919001

polak detected

>> No.91918948

My argument stands.

>> No.91918949

what did he tweet this time

>> No.91918960
File: 63 KB, 200x200, Evil Vedal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DDOSes your minecraft server
>ruins your subathon

>> No.91918968

>cerby playing animal crossing music bgm now
she won the comfy war.

>> No.91918997

I just did twenty push-ups for Neurosama

>> No.91919001
Quoted by: >>91919065


>> No.91919011
File: 285 KB, 1448x2048, cute neuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91919077

>> No.91919013

I'm at work can someone give me a stonk update?

>> No.91919037
Quoted by: >>91919099

/pol/fag and a "minecraft stinks now" type at the same time, the most underage combo of all

>> No.91919041
Quoted by: >>91919067

Literally yes, this was the cause of the problem with ending the stream yesterday.
Now I dunno how would it happen, Toma said Vedal leaked it to bilibili so take with a grain of salt

>> No.91919047

Scroll up, tesla is so over, the rest are fine

>> No.91919049

obé fitness is actually real

>> No.91919055

I approve of this Neuro workout regiment. The more sexy /swarm/ posters (for me) the better.

>> No.91919062

its literally so over...

>> No.91919065
Quoted by: >>91919224

kwestia umiejętności ripbozo

>> No.91919067

Jesus, how taxing is that on the pc?

>> No.91919077
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>> No.91919093

lava lamp is still trademarked

>> No.91919099
Quoted by: >>91919214

t. troon

>> No.91919145

Tesla will bounce back once people stop seething over musk

>> No.91919155

>Neuro can tell when she gets an error message and react to it, instead of just repeating the line

>> No.91919167

so never?

>> No.91919214
Quoted by: >>91919270

why do you type with a stutter

>> No.91919224
File: 103 KB, 420x480, Happy polak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91919333

Sam się też ukazałeś anonie, lepiej wracajmy pod osłonę anonimowości zanim niemi się pokapują.

>> No.91919257

very offtopic:
I think it was webfishing(?) Bo was playing with Cerber and they got hacked or something, so /swarm/ concocted the theory it was like a unicorn minawan jealous of Bo(some even claimed it was the guraschizo), called the grincher, later it was revealed they attack any vtuber playing webfishing in general, just an insane guy that hated the game

>> No.91919265

Trum is not gonna let his court eunuch go down relax

>> No.91919267

>no Philippino boy
>no numi
>no bao
>no kokod

Disappointed so far.

>> No.91919270

when he does the SpaceX x Vedal AI collab
Holy new

>> No.91919296
File: 46 KB, 1505x390, LMAOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Application ejected
>This gets front page

>> No.91919299
Quoted by: >>91919366


>> No.91919315


>> No.91919333


>> No.91919336


>> No.91919338

Is that the arcade simulator game? What are they playing?

>> No.91919341
File: 198 KB, 1536x2048, 1724413161928104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91919375

Neuro's milk is healthier for you because it's made with lots of love. Just imagine getting to listen to Neuro's heartbeat inbetween deep gulps of her flat mommy milkies.

>> No.91919363

these whores need to vacate Anny's channel

>> No.91919362

neuro and evil?

>> No.91919364

what's up layner

>> No.91919366
Quoted by: >>91919440

Miniko Mew Neuro's first collab partner

>> No.91919370

they're just a bunch of faggots

>> No.91919376
File: 1.83 MB, 1495x912, 1727497933924297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91919375
Quoted by: >>91919554

she's robot so milk full of oil and black not good for you body but good for the soul.

>> No.91919379


>> No.91919381

twitch hate

>> No.91919391
File: 941 KB, 1170x550, neuro minik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91919571

>> No.91919407

she also bought GME but sold it soon after

>> No.91919414

>Neuro doesn't like vanilla
freaky bitch

>> No.91919418

It's harem time.

>> No.91919421

also she keeps murmuring to herself which interrupts neuro and she's not able to talk

>> No.91919429

sorry anny but no more hogging

>> No.91919440

Be sure to tell Neuro that.

>> No.91919455

Why is Layna's voice pure sex.

>> No.91919458

anny is the worst

>> No.91919468

Deep voiced women are sexo when they don't sound like men.

>> No.91919483

anny is such a weirdo bitch ugh

>> No.91919488

>Neuro WHO'ing Mini because she kept calling her Minik

>> No.91919490
File: 47 KB, 546x366, bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Layna's voice is so

>> No.91919512
Quoted by: >>91919590

Poor mini sad about being awkward, she's precious...
The gifts were so cute!

>> No.91919547

unironically probably friends with some twitch staffer going off how they tend to act

>> No.91919554
File: 410 KB, 500x500, 1734635763182500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91919599

Stuffing Neuro's artificial mammary glands with powdered milk and water is way, WAY cheaper than connecting her breasts to her bloodstream, you'd think. Hell, if/when synthetic cunnybots become real and someone stuffs Neuro inside one, they should 100% make her sweat, tears, and other cute and funny fluids Ice Punch Gatorade.

>> No.91919566


>> No.91919571

This is so cute, and Mini even had it commissioned, but Vedal won't even show it to Neuro or put it on stream. Kind of fucked up.

>> No.91919589

>anny zips up at the presence of actual stacies

>> No.91919590
Quoted by: >>91919837

nobody cared about her gift and they didn't even show it on stream i genuinely feel bad for her

>> No.91919599
Quoted by: >>91919630

what is this guy talking about >>91919554

>> No.91919597

Vedal's onahole collection

>> No.91919601
File: 581 KB, 2160x3840, 1724623002965313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91919733

best girl lets the mistresses have their day with vedal

>> No.91919602

it's because anny would get mad at him for showing art of another woman

>> No.91919612

in fairness to him, he's majorly distracted between the server shit and anny nonstop yapping in his ear

>> No.91919617

The Whorevengers

>> No.91919622
Quoted by: >>91920013

she sounds basically like an american 99% of the time and then she'll just go full blown kiwi for one single word in a sentence. what causes this?

>> No.91919630

Optimal fluids for future Neurobots.

>> No.91919632

who's the stacy? toma?

>> No.91919636
Quoted by: >>91919934

anny is so submissive infront of layna kek

>> No.91919654

Vedal needs Layna like how Anny needs Toma. The dynamics are just too good.

>> No.91919656
Quoted by: >>91919695

Sometimes posters here sound jealous when a women speaks with vedal instead of another woman
this is some very deranged form of mental cuckery

>> No.91919664

a bunch of women are talking in his ear while he is doing actual work. Who cares what they want

>> No.91919668

I hate him so much for this right now I'm not exaggerating

>> No.91919672

i cant ship layna with vedal cause shes basically like an older sister to her, even has the same black hair green eyes human design, it'd be incest...

>> No.91919679
Quoted by: >>91919709

I hate this stupid turtle so much how the fuck does he have harem just by programming a chatbot with an anime avatar

>> No.91919688

>mini and cerber doing their own stream all day cuz they weren't invited

>> No.91919695

Vedal is for neuro only and other whores should go away

>> No.91919707


>> No.91919709

Collabing with neuro is free advertisement for them.

>> No.91919710

>the Coffin of Vedal and Layna

>> No.91919733

filian is too busy barking orders at rekson right now and yelling at her clippers for not getting enough views in the monthly clipper struggle session

>> No.91919741

mini got day 1 solo with neuro collab she already won

>> No.91919746
Quoted by: >>91919805

Wait what was that about TF2 once again

>> No.91919749
Quoted by: >>91919862

they were invited, actually. anny just inserted herself as soon as they went onto the server and the rest are being respectful/having an ounce of self awareness, unlike someone else. reminder mini had first access to neuro on minecraft.

>> No.91919756
Quoted by: >>91919783

>He missed the Layna/Neuro wedding

>> No.91919759

>cerber just playing on her own comfy minecraft world while everyone else jumps in and out of the neuro vc
i know she's not joining by choice but i feel sad for her bros...

>> No.91919774

that just makes it 10x hotter.

>> No.91919783
Quoted by: >>91919873

that was more like an aunt humoring her niece

>> No.91919787
File: 328 KB, 916x732, 1725567858870320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91919821

cerberL stays taking Ls, everyone toma, laayna and mini joined Anny's chat but not cerberL, she knows better than to butt in

>> No.91919791

her minecraft house is so pretty tho

>> No.91919798

This unironically

>> No.91919801

If you know their irl physique then you can see the social hierarchy

>> No.91919805
Quoted by: >>91921807

TFT the riot autbattler game, not TF2 the kino game.

>> No.91919820

>Vedal/Neuro subathon
>It's just Anny yapping for hours and hours and hours
Maybe Evil's birthday will be better?

>> No.91919821

kill yourself ban evading threadshitter

>> No.91919837
Quoted by: >>91920020

Vedal is just busy cuz of the server, he was half ignoring Anny's question yesterday too. He's a great programmer but he can overfocus

>> No.91919838

>Gura post

>> No.91919861

Better because no one shows up?

>> No.91919862
Quoted by: >>91919913

vedal invited her yesterday which is something you'd know if you actually watched the stream YOU FUCKING BITCH

>> No.91919872

>shows off neuro's ability to call people etc. a few weeks ago
>she's actually just stuck with anny the whole time

>> No.91919873
Quoted by: >>91920107

Do Americans really have pretend weddings with their family members?

>> No.91919879

That's the usual

>> No.91919895
Quoted by: >>91919931

that time layna grilled vedal immediately after the unfiltered twins devstream was so kino. layna is a wife.

>> No.91919913

ironic post from a threadshitter.

>> No.91919917

I'm gonna crash out.

>> No.91919919

Yes, I would rather have solo neuro stream at this point

>> No.91919931

that was her latina dna taking control

>> No.91919932


>> No.91919936

this, but not in a sexual way but in a "worshipping a divine deity" type of way

>> No.91919934

according to some anons layna was just like how anny was, but therapy worked on her and now she's a gigastacy

>> No.91919937
File: 410 KB, 1456x1030, 1734729712201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91920064

for me its evil

>> No.91919946
Quoted by: >>91919975

They dont have the balls to enter call, they are not interrupting anything thats just an excuse to not step outside of the confort zone

>> No.91919968


>> No.91919975

They are interrupting neuro

>> No.91920005
Quoted by: >>91920087

i think she might legit feel intimidated by anny a bit. she talked with vedal just fine during the vtuber awards.

>> No.91920011
Quoted by: >>91920181

Layna is such a queen just enters the chat and takes over and doesn't give a fuck the other girls are getting mogged

>> No.91920013
Quoted by: >>91920058

You do the same with whatever your accent is you just don't realize

>> No.91920020

Why this post shows (you) for me i didn't post that.

>> No.91920025
Quoted by: >>91920052

>neuro can't handle more than 2 voices while playing minecraft
>anny takes this as a chance to hog all of the attention

>> No.91920034

So, does Neuro have the ability to do a karaoke song impromptu in a situation like this or does it need a lot of setting up on Vedal's part? I've never seen her sing after saying she's going to.

>> No.91920052
Quoted by: >>91920094

very in character for the selfish pig

>> No.91920058

but i'm american

>> No.91920064
Quoted by: >>91920186

for evil its rape

>> No.91920071
Quoted by: >>91920144

All the singing in karaokes is just prerecorded stuff

>> No.91920087

I was going to say, you couldn't shut her up then, and she was pretty forceful with Vedal. I think she's just shy talking with strangers.

>> No.91920094

But enough about cerber

>> No.91920107
Quoted by: >>91920525

Unlike people from the middle east, who have actual marriages with their family members

>> No.91920116

and so is layna

>> No.91920118

>So, does Neuro have the ability to do a karaoke song impromptu in a situation like this or does it need a lot of setting up on Vedal's part?
Didn't she do that in that debate with Filian one time?

>> No.91920126

yeehaw I'm walkin 'ere

>> No.91920144

Oh Layna had the exact question I did and I have been answered.
>>91920071 I know it's prerecorded but if someone I was wondering if she can just sing a song she has recorded if asked to/she decides to but apparently it's a button on Vedal's control panel.

>> No.91920150
Quoted by: >>91920283

I was going to ask if I missed anything good so far but skimming the thread I saw Anny was on stream so that's a no

>> No.91920155
Quoted by: >>91920288

Itd be very cancer if she could randomly sing, since each song would take up multiple minutes
imagine her listening to a random chatter telling her to sing something and then that wastes 3 minutes only for another guy to do the same right after

>> No.91920181
File: 448 KB, 727x588, 1731523371951127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91920249

She likes them young

>> No.91920184

>Layna's aura so powerful all the fake "power wives" left kek

>> No.91920186
File: 213 KB, 530x531, 1734729988251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91920194

Evil's voice?

>> No.91920207

did anny really just leave without saying bye

>> No.91920218

based sisterwife

>> No.91920228
Quoted by: >>91920295

probably mad layna took the spotlight away from her

>> No.91920229
File: 470 KB, 1528x1699, Steve Anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91920231

>had to hear a few words less from her
and that's a good thing.

>> No.91920232

isn't this song viva la vida?

>> No.91920236

> Vedal's keyboard asmr in the background

>> No.91920249
Quoted by: >>91920285


it's not fair, layna has decades more life experience than the other girls in the harem

>> No.91920264

Layna is such a good sister

>> No.91920263

no it's the classic minecraft original fallen kingdom

>> No.91920275

Jack Black looks like THIS!?

>> No.91920283

Its your lucky day anon

>> No.91920285
File: 674 KB, 1119x1110, 1715007558558203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91920288

True yeah, Vedal could have a toggle for it but that would defeat the purpose.

>> No.91920291

it's a minecraft parody of viva la vida

>> No.91920295
Quoted by: >>91920559

I hate reading into meaningless actions but Anny really makes it hard sometimes. This >>91920228
feels surprisingly likely. God I hate it.

>> No.91920300

layna auto wins by virtue of chasing off the pigfox

>> No.91920310

She probs went to the bathroom

>> No.91920317

yes but this is a popular "parody" of the song that changes the lyrics to be about minecraft

>> No.91920320

can you please mark your posts with #annyseethe or something so I don't have to see them? really it's just same one post on repeat

>> No.91920331

Yeah, menhera tweet inbound in T-minus 30 minutes.

>> No.91920339
Quoted by: >>91920377

I left half an hour ago, did I miss anything? No more MC?

>> No.91920344
File: 167 KB, 684x508, 1734730162207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91920347


>> No.91920352

looks like forsen

>> No.91920353

I keep hearing "evil mods"

>> No.91920357

as soon as you mark yours with #annysimping, threadshitter

>> No.91920375
File: 156 KB, 446x224, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turtle is so cute with his little hat

>> No.91920377

Vedal gets the new cerber because ddos.

>> No.91920395

Allowing Neuro to choose to sing is an idea Vedal has toyed with for months but never gotten around to implementing.

>> No.91920412

how do all these zoomer fucking fags not know Fallen Kingdom

>> No.91920451

>Neuro isn't streaming
>Chat is pretty good
>Neuro is streaming
>Chat is full of schizos, falseflaggers and baitposters

>> No.91920459


>> No.91920471

FeelsOldMan Clap

>> No.91920478

I don't know about the rest but I learned about Fallen Kingdom when I was 8

>> No.91920480

its 40 year old ojisans actually

>> No.91920488

I made just a one post while you have made hundreds and they are all the same, threadshitter

>> No.91920492
Quoted by: >>91920716

everyone knows fallen kingdom
the only generation that wouldn't know it would be gen alpha and boomers

>> No.91920495
Quoted by: >>91920615

how do they not get bored

>> No.91920504

Unity vampire lady...

>> No.91920513

goddamn it

>> No.91920525

I didn't realize they married them, I thought it was just struggle cuddles before their street shoveling shift

>> No.91920526

classic /swarm/

>> No.91920531

Layna is very good at reading people lmao

>> No.91920532

Just cancel the subathon at this point

>> No.91920547

Wait so she really did leave because Layna was there? I'm so confused kek.

>> No.91920551

the irony, can't imagine how much you've overtaken the wordcloud if someone makes one

>> No.91920559

Layna and Anny are friends, they've gifted to each other too. Anny is just eepy

>> No.91920560
File: 2.78 MB, 2847x1750, 109865413_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaand she's back
the server? maybe

>> No.91920565
File: 113 KB, 650x394, om.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91920570

does the new model still have the nyoom face

>> No.91920569

Anny just had to poop calm down guys

>> No.91920575

>pretty good
what is bro on about

>> No.91920596

why does neuro suddenly just speak in double time

>> No.91920604

>Spoiler for later: he was

>> No.91920615
Quoted by: >>91920712

Most of the time it's just pretending dude
Don't take 4chan posts seriously, wearing a mask does not actually guarantee people will show you their true selves

>> No.91920616

the best worst feature of all time

>> No.91920620

layna and anny are friends. known lore

>> No.91920628
File: 444 KB, 1600x1600, 1722500661766635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey~ got any glorp?

>> No.91920642

Why does Anny still call him vEEdal when he himself doesn't say it like that?

>> No.91920648

vedal realized AI intelligence peaked so he just gives her dumb """upgrades""" now like spinning playing funny zoomer sfx and speeding her voice up

>> No.91920651


>> No.91920656
Quoted by: >>91920761

They're all friends, the idea that they're somehow hateful of each other is schizophrenic horseshit.

>> No.91920672

>menhera moment

>> No.91920673

rolling my eyes

>> No.91920685

I fucking HATE this dreary bitch anny ruining the fucking vibe

>> No.91920687

Layna acts her age and is nice when every vtuber pretends to be 10 younger sometimes they dont pretend they never matured

>> No.91920698

>Cerber reminds Vedal she's available
My sides have left orbit

>> No.91920712

I've just been seeing this for months and am deathly bored of it

>> No.91920714
File: 1.33 MB, 945x1500, 1734656675113565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with neuro desu

>> No.91920716

Just the other day I saw a clip of Fauna showing Fallen Kingdom to Gigi because she didn't know it. Zoomies don't know that shit

>> No.91920720

I want to impregnate Layna

>> No.91920725

>older women
>is like 26

>> No.91920723
Quoted by: >>91920823

this layna and anny dynamic is… interesting….

>> No.91920726
Quoted by: >>91920774

the strongest leech...

>> No.91920737

Yeah, the only one who hates anny is filian

>> No.91920741


>> No.91920746

>anny talking again
back to the comfy stream i go

>> No.91920755
Quoted by: >>91920840

Screenshot, holy

>> No.91920761

>multiple women might not all be friends with each other
Yeah what a schizophrenic believe.

>> No.91920762
File: 377 KB, 640x619, 1726851864700661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91920812

>cerberL trying THIS hard to be relevant

>> No.91920767

layna is 34, touristchama

>> No.91920772

Layna is 34 iirc

>> No.91920774

Hey now, Anny is right there

>> No.91920777

post the screenshot

>> No.91920793
File: 753 KB, 1027x532, pig killing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91920797
File: 9 KB, 408x100, 1732960925343560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91920860

tf bros i'm down bad on tesla

>> No.91920810


>> No.91920812

You forgot the Gura image

>> No.91920820
Quoted by: >>91920954

He gave it to her as an "upgrade"
Despite us hating it and even Vedal himself hating it it's never been removed for some reason

>> No.91920823

Layna worries a lot for her friends, even for Vedal, but she overworries to the point where she can't tell if someone is sleepy or sad
She's a good bean

>> No.91920833
Quoted by: >>91920867

She's 41 newfags

>> No.91920834

>Layna acts her age
oh you innocent boy, she used to be one of the biggest menheras of /lig/

>> No.91920840

She just said Hello right as everyone joined in

>> No.91920839
Quoted by: >>91921020

still acceptable breeding age, but not for much longer

>> No.91920847

>samefag sperging out again
seriously, fuck this thread, never a damn meido around here

>> No.91920851

What the fuckkkkk I had no idea, now I love her even more

>> No.91920860

stocks are easy just hodl or buy the dip
you just need to hodl until cybertruck 2 comes out

>> No.91920867

thats filian though

>> No.91920872

she can fix anny...

>> No.91920887

pure hag sexo.

>> No.91920888
Quoted by: >>91920973

Is there a way to go back farther than the clip feature will allow?

>> No.91920897
Quoted by: >>91920964

annycucks always forcing narrative that she's best friends with x. How did it turn out with bella i wonder after spamming post about how anny chose bella because they get along together and make the best neuro model

>> No.91920902

she got therapy AND she got bf cock
now shes fixed

>> No.91920912

Mini needs to help Cerber get with Vedal when she goes to the UK. Ellie can help too but she's too autistic for romantic advice.

>> No.91920925
Quoted by: >>91920976

>sliceoftoma: o/
what did she mean by this?

>> No.91920927
Quoted by: >>91920981

Layna was kind of dumb repeatedly asking if anny is crying ngl

>> No.91920932

enter camila

>> No.91920934
File: 44 KB, 640x489, PooPooAndPeePee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91920946
File: 220 KB, 370x370, 1726369895316386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no helping that lying mutt
xhe's better of just fucking off from the vedalverse forever
shameless leech

>> No.91920950
Quoted by: >>91921083

>Sad noises
>”Are you okay?”
>Ignores and talks about something else

>> No.91920954
Quoted by: >>91921198

Who is "we"? No one cares about the opinions of a few constantly negative discordfags who are never happy with anything Neuro related

>> No.91920961

>Everyone leaves cuz of Anny
>Layna pops into Cerbers stream instead

>> No.91920964
Quoted by: >>91921091

your english is slipping

>> No.91920965

Camimi is in

>> No.91920970
File: 7 KB, 480x153, lavalamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna get the lava lamp but wtf is that

>> No.91920973

you can try the vod https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2330885602

>> No.91920974

go back to your holo threads holopag

>> No.91920976

do you genuinely don't know what o/ means

>> No.91920981

layna is reading this thread RIGHT now and knows anny also browses

>> No.91920985


>> No.91920991

Leave wawa out of your shitposting guratard

>> No.91920993

mini is going to be too busy having sex with ellie she won't have time to help cerber

>> No.91921015
File: 509 KB, 897x896, orangewomanbad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91922051

we hate orange woman /here/ actually

>> No.91921020
File: 2.08 MB, 1030x802, 1717659095058226.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91921027
Quoted by: >>91921076

It's almost like anny isn't an enjoyable person to be around

>> No.91921030

What the fuck are you a Layna bloodhound?

>> No.91921054

how is she that old and that hot

>> No.91921058
Quoted by: >>91921167

Yeah I'm in the same boat. It would be a fun novelty buy to support the tutel but it's so fucking expensive in the end for what it actually is.

>> No.91921076


>> No.91921083
Quoted by: >>91921246

>doesn't want to talk about being sad in front of 20 thousand people

>> No.91921091

I'm too drunk to make grammatically perfect sentences but yea all theses leeching whores should leave vedal and neuro alone. I just want to see them both play together.

>> No.91921098

Takes care of herself physically, and escaped from the hell that is american food

>> No.91921104

No I went to look at Cerbers stream to see if she's malding and heard Layna talking

>> No.91921115

Tomato needs to put a baby in her asap otherwise I'll do it myself

>> No.91921117
Quoted by: >>91921167

Wait, the taxes are seperate? Not buying then I guess.

>> No.91921131
File: 993 KB, 1072x585, bed with neuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91921133

o/ bros

>> No.91921138
File: 408 KB, 595x603, 1724870509239497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so when’s filian joining?

>> No.91921139

She doesn't have much time left. 12 more periods until menopause.

>> No.91921143

It's called exercise you fuckin neet

>> No.91921148
Quoted by: >>91921213

>how is she that old and that hot
if people take care of themselves it's easy to still look good through the 30s.

then why does no one want to be in the anny call and instead they're all with cerber?

>> No.91921157

don't hijack my post you mindbroken threadshitter

>> No.91921167
Quoted by: >>91921244

Yeah I guess so, there's a big fucking difference between £53 and £73

>> No.91921171

Why did everyone leave? I thought it was supposed to be a big collab today

>> No.91921183

boki mentioned

>> No.91921194

supposedly anny had mini's birthday art scrubbed from the discord server they might be having a falling out because she lost vedal like 12k+ viewers during the collab yesterday

>> No.91921198

Who said anything about discord? /Swarm/ hates it.

>> No.91921204

Hiyori is there

>> No.91921205 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.78 MB, 934x1080, 1709728894922500.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91921213
File: 163 KB, 1952x1257, 1681585577967832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anny is in the call with neuro and vedal, that's the main call, the other channel is for cuckqueans like your oshi

>> No.91921219

She is very much a numberfag so i can see her joining during yapping hour and her ccv struggling because of Vedal being live

>> No.91921225
File: 79 KB, 747x810, Layna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91921278


>> No.91921226

big if true

>> No.91921228


>> No.91921229
File: 178 KB, 831x587, 1717529343725077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bocchi mention

>> No.91921241

nice pic
didnt read your post tho

>> No.91921244

Yeah it's like £20 difference

>> No.91921246

I'll give Anny some credit. I would've assumed she would've had a melty multiple times today. She kept it to herself nicely outside of the fact that her voice gets deeper the more frustrated she becomes.

>> No.91921252
File: 527 KB, 112x108, forsencoomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I love hags

>> No.91921259
Quoted by: >>91921519

They didn't leave, everyone else is still playing on the server but they are all in a voice channel with each other instead. And then Anny and Neuro are together. But yeah it does feel kind of strange, feels like it defeats the purpose.

>> No.91921278


>> No.91921280
Quoted by: >>91921499

the main call that literally no one else wants to be in? you're beyond pathetic

>> No.91921281

Hopefully never.

Neuro can't handle more than 2 voices while playing Minecraft. Unfortunately Vedal is letting Anny stick around the entire time instead of letting the others hop in and out to play with Neuro. It's pretty lame honestly, I was hoping there was going to be a lot more going on with different people based on the features he showed off leading up to the subathon.

>> No.91921287
File: 772 KB, 1920x3051, 1679079945840397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91921294

Everywhere I go, I see too old women crying about having no children.

>> No.91921295

vedal owns cerber instigated by anis kek

>> No.91921319

they should have done proximity chat

>> No.91921326
File: 214 KB, 1077x1172, 1731183566763643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruins your subathon

>> No.91921331

Abe was right, everyone is retarded and just need to fuck already

>> No.91921339

>nose ring

>> No.91921386

This minecraft thing has been incredibly weird so far

>> No.91921399
Quoted by: >>91921422

an entire day of anny just talking over neuro, sexpesting vedal and having mental breakdowns when another girls joins the call

>> No.91921401

is this NA hours or SEA hours that this thread is literally unusable now? see you tomorrow EUchads

>> No.91921406
Quoted by: >>91921524

I don't dislike Anny but boy is she monotonous to listen to right now. It feels like she just wants to go back to sleep instead of streaming.

>> No.91921422


>> No.91921426
Quoted by: >>91921483

it's been like this all day

>> No.91921446
File: 749 KB, 1363x1700, 1672542718984567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May he have lots of children in heaven

>> No.91921447

#monkeys have been blending into the swarm

>> No.91921450

peoples souls have been corrupted by the demons of money and self-obsession

>> No.91921466

annyfags transcend timezones to shit up /swarm/ for their pig queen

>> No.91921468

>Neuro's subathon
>anons are more interested in gossiping about other girls instead

>> No.91921483

well it's even worse now

>> No.91921493
File: 691 KB, 500x500, DEVSTREAM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91921544

imagine if vedal joins the other stream’s call right now

>> No.91921499
File: 73 KB, 331x319, 1725567337608332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91921545

the mainchat that all these leeches want to be in to have the chance to leech off Neuro and Vedal but Anny is the actual mother/model creator so they know better than to distract the family stream

>> No.91921507

I would love if it was just Neuro playing

>> No.91921518

It has nothing to do with hours or timezones, this happens every single time Anny is mentioned. For the most part at least.

>> No.91921519

I think Vedal should have made it proximity chat, it doesn't even need to be listening constantly just when the ingame picks enough proximity beetwen her and another player

>> No.91921524
Quoted by: >>91921582

Yeah, it would have been completely fine if we had gotten like...a couple hours with Anny and then opportunities for the other girls to come on, instead of whatever the fuck this is.

>> No.91921533

Neuro stream isn't even a Neuro stream so it's no surprise. It's an anny flirting with vedal stream while he tries to fix tech issues and they both ignore Neuro herself.

>> No.91921540

i hate anny.
that is all

>> No.91921542

The stream is somewhat boring right now due to Anny's low energy and Neuro playing off of that.

>> No.91921544

do it vedal escape

>> No.91921545

shit idea: Have Evil on but for the other stream (cerber's).

>> No.91921546

>Neuro's subathon
>whores talk over neuro the entire time

>> No.91921561

Problem with anny is she can't carry conversation with people. So now we're stuck with her and vedal is hammered and doing his thing. So now it doesn't feel like a group collab anymore with anny cucking everything.

>> No.91921563

Fucking this. It's so fucking tiring. It's neuros birthday and subathon for fucks sake

>> No.91921582

It has been pretty boring. What's the point of making an entire server if only one (1) of her "friends" is going to be allowed to directly interact with her?

>> No.91921607
File: 656 B, 70x71, lebroomcraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be nise

>> No.91921618
Quoted by: >>91921756

How about we go back to single income affording a house and then people might start fucking again

>> No.91921620

knotting time

>> No.91921630

white women...

>> No.91921636
File: 766 KB, 1040x595, dog in you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91921638

>Neuro stream isn't even a Neuro stream
this my main gripe, the stock shit was so kino and the solo bit was really good
the mini collab made neuro the star while anny just drags everyone down

>> No.91921652

Stream went to shit as soon as Minecraft started. It was great before that.

>> No.91921677
File: 687 KB, 640x899, 1726842968823244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally release the new model
>it's literally perfect
>anny antis aka cerbershitter shills still hateposting
What causes this mental illness? Is it jealousy? bitterness? Who do you think deserves time with Neuro? Obviously the person who made the model for free and went above and beyond production quality

>> No.91921681
File: 1.79 MB, 1402x1180, 1732626375429412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91921698

what really did it for me was when neuro basically asked to go solo for a while.

>> No.91921707

>Mini guides neuro around and tries to get her to actually do things to test the AI out
>Anny was just yapping to vedal while just staying in the general proximity but ignoring her

>> No.91921705

>her lips twitching at 0:02

>> No.91921709

anny is so weird

>> No.91921717
File: 133 KB, 298x348, nuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you like that?

>> No.91921720

lmfao he uploaded the wrong threadshitter image

>> No.91921731

Good collab partners make good content is not rocket science

>> No.91921739

Anny and Cerber are both insufferable kill yourself piggustan

>> No.91921742

Men are so lucky, you can all be losers throughout your 20s and 30s and then have kids way later. I'm honestly jealous.

>> No.91921756

sorry bub, it's a "matured economy" and everything is already owned by middlemen grifting cash for no work

>> No.91921776

actually kill yourself, you're not here for neuro

>> No.91921778
Quoted by: >>91921820

>Who do you think deserves time with Neuro?
It's a Neuro birthday stream, not a "let's praise anny" stream. We want to see her spend time with all of the people in the vedalverse, not just one person. Mini got a few hours last night, why couldn't the others all get the same? It would be much more interesting than having 4 people sitting in their own vc basically not existing in the "collab".

>> No.91921781

vedal muted Anny holy based

>> No.91921790

Neuro is just ignoring them...

>> No.91921793

stream saved

>> No.91921805

Just freeze your eggs you dumb hoe

>> No.91921807


>> No.91921820
Quoted by: >>91921938

what have they done for Neuro? Besides leeching

>> No.91921818


>> No.91921823

Anny has been reading the thread look what you guys did

>> No.91921832

Oh fuck, right, the noise complaints
So that's what that bump was...

>> No.91921835

>Anny status?

>> No.91921836

Who are you going to falseflag with next?

>> No.91921840

nb4 she read /swarm/ and left due to that.

>> No.91921838
Quoted by: >>91921963

Yeah maybe, but I got conscripted for a couple of months so you win some and lose some.

>> No.91921841


>> No.91921852

I will now watch your stream

>> No.91921855

Does anny have /swarm/ open or something?

>> No.91921858

I have to admit it was pretty good earlier. Neuro was being funny as fuck and then the Vedal stocks was pretty fun too when he joined.

>> No.91921870


>> No.91921877

thats what I thought too, the timing is too perfect but there is no way right

>> No.91921879

>everyone joins the neuro call now that anny is gone

>> No.91921886


>> No.91921891
Quoted by: >>91921991

Okay the Cerber just joining inmediatly and the others after Anny left was pretty funny
You get this one schizos ha

>> No.91921893
File: 146 KB, 359x380, 1725588923460942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cerbshit joins the instant Anny leaves
she is actually so scared of Anny

>> No.91921895

wtf is up with anny (again)

>> No.91921896
File: 1.60 MB, 1200x1120, cerber and nur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91921900

If she dosent leanr to read the room we are happy to help

>> No.91921903
Quoted by: >>91921950

okay for real something has to be going on here

>> No.91921906

Don't say that you'll make them erect

>> No.91921908


>> No.91921914
Quoted by: >>91922022

Man, stream energy changed instantly when Anny left. I'm not even trying to dogpile her but geez.

>> No.91921917
Quoted by: >>91922033

God knew what he was doing

>> No.91921919

I don't say this often but meds

>> No.91921923

Anny mental breakdown tweet incoming

>> No.91921926
File: 4 KB, 412x131, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91921930

annoying attentionwhore

>> No.91921938

this is bait

>> No.91921950
Quoted by: >>91922102

hello tourists >>91901518

>> No.91921955
File: 1.31 MB, 1328x903, scary1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anny was literally sick today. Stop being schizo.

>> No.91921959

these bitches are so dumb, they will mind break anny kek

>> No.91921963

Alright, fair point.

>> No.91921970
Quoted by: >>91922760

Do they actually hate Anny? I don't follow these people enough to understand all this weird supposed drama.

>> No.91921971

Everyone was on crouching start waiting for anny to leave

>> No.91921975

>anny leaves
>everyone hops on

>> No.91921981
Quoted by: >>91922026

holy shit can't wait for the CCV to tank because of boring cerbershit hopping on main

>> No.91921982

Why did Cerber join after Anny left? does the discord VC have a limit or something?

>> No.91921986
Quoted by: >>91922023

I'm sorry but this Neuro stream is so fucking boring, I don't get how you guys watch this shit for hours on end.
Vedal is basically mute and being a codemonkey and it's just Anny, who I'm gonna be honest- is a vibe assassin and cannot carry a solo collab with Neuro if her life depended on it.
While there's like 3 other vtubers on the neuro minecraft server in a SEPARATE call (why???), I don't get why they won't join. Even if Neuro is super fucking scuffed with multiple people talking, it would be more entertaining than whatever is going on now.

>> No.91921991
Quoted by: >>91922188

people spammed her chat that neuro is alone and needs help, dramanigger

>> No.91921992

she's mentioned being a 4chan user in the past so it wouldn't surprise me honestly

>> No.91921998
File: 110 KB, 1478x1080, 1726436553283755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The leeches respects the model maker and let her have her own deserved time with Neuro
honor among thieves, even the leeches know better

>> No.91922000

>literally everyone joins VC when anny left
okay that's kinda sus

>> No.91922010

I think it's because people were spamming all the other emotes of people in the server saying something avengers and she left as soon as she saw that. I think she took it personal.

>> No.91922022

The issue is she should have laid down if she was feeling bad honestly. She was in no state to stream and make it entertaining. I'm not saying that she did anything wrong even, she should have just taken her health (mental or otherwise) as the first priority and not come back if she was feeling ass.

>> No.91922023

Are you watching on a huge delay or something?

>> No.91922026
Quoted by: >>91922052

It would've with just Cerber. but with Toma + Layna buff I can see this going good. If Mini was there as well then it would've worked pretty nicely i think.

>> No.91922029

Grass is always greener, just because i can be a loser and still cum doesn't mean being a loser isn't soul-crushing.

>> No.91922033

>spoiled as fuck youth but turn into weird hags
>rough as fuck youth (unless really tall and hot) but turn into competent men
Pros and cons I suppose

>> No.91922048


>> No.91922051


>> No.91922052

Mini is great Cerber is just so fucking boring

>> No.91922059

she hasn't spoken russian for a while so they're back to hold the thread hostage

>> No.91922082
Quoted by: >>91922430

christ this place has been colonized, where the fuck did swarm go

>> No.91922102

Hello Annyfag we didn't see you during the break, how are you doing ?

>> No.91922131

Of course they are going to join you fucking retard /lig/gers it's a collab

>> No.91922171

camila joins as soon as anny leaves kek

>> No.91922174
Quoted by: >>91922228

>everyone lets Anny be alone with Neuro because they understand how special the bond they share is
>meanwhile /swarm/ggers are coming up with so many rrats it's making new york sewers look pristine

>> No.91922188

Yeah, that's why it was funny, as it looked like it was because of whatever the schizos were discussing, I know it's not like that, but the timing was great

>> No.91922228
Quoted by: >>91922295

It's late go to bed sea annycuck

>> No.91922275

Stream got a whole lot better now that Anny left.

>> No.91922295

come up with some more rrats wont ya

>> No.91922430

how new

>> No.91922563

cool toma&cerber&layna collab who is the girl on the right btw she doesn't talk much?

>> No.91922669

>vedal scolding cerber
so hot desu~

>> No.91922760

>Do they actually hate Anny?

>> No.91922844

Why'd everyone go quiet? He just said to pause, not stop talking entirely.

>> No.91922866

Ah, classic

>> No.91923000

Had to step away for a sec, how are the stocks holding on?

>> No.91923267


>> No.91923920

neuro so horny today
