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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9102551 No.9102551 [Reply] [Original]

Catholic Lamy wants you to pray the rosary!

>> No.9102646

Through transubstantiation is it possible that wine is both the blood AND body of Lamy?

>> No.9104738


>> No.9106051

why are too many catholic holos?
i thought christian community in japan was minimal

>> No.9106086

It is minimal
But they work very hard to gain status and power Like the jews did to the USA

>> No.9106212

I blame Marimite for glamorising catholicism.
Go to catholic school, get your own little sister, fight Gigantor.

>> No.9106562
Quoted by: >>9112225 >>9160121

sedevacantist lamy!

>> No.9110362
File: 123 KB, 1175x923, 1E72234C-5A36-40E6-B7C8-AF4E2B7F310A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Catholic Lamy

>> No.9110391
Quoted by: >>9134461

So I know where Catholic Marine came from, but where did this Lamy rrat come from?
Someone spoonfeed me. I don't follow her.

>> No.9110470

God bless Catholic Lamy

>> No.9112183

they're around 1% of the population but are overrepresented among Japanese prime ministers (Christian PMs in general) possibly since many of the political class descend from samurai families, and a good number of those samurai converted to Christianity.

>> No.9112225

if she is catholic i will watch her

also, >>9106562 based

>> No.9116157
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Lamy has the catholic duty of becoming Christlike...
Now I understand!
Becoming Lamy is actually aiming to become like Jesus. Become Lamy = Become Jesus. Mind blown.

>1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

>> No.9116905

I'm not sure about the Catholic bit, but nun Lamy sounds great.

>> No.9118823

Which other holos besides Lamy and Risu are catholic?
I know Marine went to a catholic school, but i doubt she's actually catholic

>> No.9119167

>but i doubt she's actually catholic
excuse me, how dare you

>> No.9119721
Quoted by: >>9120167 >>9121059

Sora, Pekora and Suisei

>> No.9120167
Quoted by: >>9126311

I don't think Suisei is Catholic. Her mother is, but her father is Buddhist, and she's never made any reference to being religious.

>> No.9120366
Quoted by: >>9121181 >>9140147

I like to imagine that the Japanese version of /pol/ has people who believe that Japan is secretly run by Catholic infiltrators

>> No.9120661
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Stay away from my third wife, heaten Ramy.

>> No.9121059
Quoted by: >>9124265 >>9126253


>> No.9121099
File: 1.30 MB, 4119x2812, 1612013740872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9126277 >>9126890


>> No.9121181
Quoted by: >>9122259

For almost three hundred years the Japanese ruling class DID fear something along those lines.
It is not a perfect parallel to Western paranoia about Judaism, but the bakufu were deeply concerned that Christians would become a fifth column in their society. Then on some documented occasions, when protestants would try and explain how they weren't like those insane papists, or vice versa, no one seemed capable of believing that the branches were different at all. The theology and history of it was utterly lost on the Japanese.
And when I step back from things, I really can't blame them.

>> No.9121215
Quoted by: >>9122325

If she (or any other vtuber) is catholic, they are sinners by default.
>Thou shalt have no other gods before me
Creating and worshipping any other object/person except God is a great sin.

>> No.9121821

where did the rrat come from

>> No.9122259

They would have burned the ancient heritage of the Japanese for sure, temples would have been lost, mentioning certain folklore would be forbidden. The local architecture would lose space to christian internationalism. Like it was in all cultures Christianity spread to.

>> No.9122325
Quoted by: >>9122509 >>9122842

>Saints = gods.
Do protestants really?

>> No.9122509
Quoted by: >>9126549 >>9129568

Yeah they really. Prots are fucking idiots who think that their grandma in heaven is watching over them but St. Paul is not.

>> No.9122842

Well, to be completely honest, all branches of christianity are fucked up. For example, graves are idols by definition, they are the legacy of our pagan past, but ancient christians accepted it as part of christian culture in order to attract more followers. Even if it's a direct violation of one of the ten commandments.

>> No.9123091

If Lamy is legit catholic I’ll member her and akasupa, someone give me some concrete proof

>> No.9124265
File: 103 KB, 640x626, IMG_1003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sui-chan Chris-chan?

>> No.9126253
Quoted by: >>9126311

I can't moonrune, but she said some "Christian". Based

>> No.9126277
File: 1.03 MB, 598x1290, 1609303297602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Lamy descends from a long line of Hidden Christians just like Marine and Sora.

>> No.9126311

She basically said what >>9120167 wrote.

>> No.9126496

It takes like 45 minutes and I have shit to do today. Can I just do The Breastplate of Saint Patrick instead

>> No.9126549

We don't pray to dead humans, sorry. That's necromancy.

>> No.9126614

>They would have burned the ancient heritage of the Japanese for sure,
To be fair, nobunaga did that shit first even if it was justified because the Buddhists at the time were just as bad as ((them))

>> No.9126890

Took me too long to realise these christians still had both hands with them

>> No.9126961

Is Lamy actually?
And yeah, Marine's said she just went to that school because the other one in her area was bad.

>> No.9127041

Typical Prot, “church fathers were wrong”. Id rather have continuity with the church, which has always asked for the intercession of the saints, than believe everyone was wrong until luther or whoever founded your denomination came along. If you think it is necromancy, you deny Christ himself.

>> No.9127164
Quoted by: >>9127339

I was raised Prot and I still get the saint thing, even if I don't practice it. If you can rely on your community to help you during hard times you can rely on dead members of the community to put in a word with God. They aren't doing it themselves, they're just asking God to
>But they're dead!
Aren't Christians supposed to believe in eternal life? So what's the problem?

>> No.9127339
Quoted by: >>9129617

Some Prots hate Catholics and Orthodox so much that they will go out of their way to strawman to the point that they deny Christ.

>> No.9127735
File: 741 KB, 1175x1500, itsuwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amakusa-shiki Jūji Seikyō confirmed?

>> No.9127900

How do you say VIVA CRISTO REY in japanese anyways

>> No.9129425
Quoted by: >>9129671 >>9140024

>The local architecture would lose space to christian internationalism
You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, polcel

>> No.9129568

Whats worse its that they always comes up with the same points that catholics are tired from repeating the answer, like this dude over here >>9126549

>> No.9129617
Quoted by: >>9129780

The only thing all prots agree is their hatred of the Catholic Church

>> No.9129671

Don't reply to pagan crybabies.

>> No.9129780

That is true. We stay winning.

>> No.9130105
Quoted by: >>9130283

Reminder that the Pope is the greatest enemy of Christ on Earth.

>> No.9130283

Ogey prot. Did your lgbt lesbian pastor tell you that?

>> No.9130569
Quoted by: >>9130872 >>9134421

Why do humans divide themselves over dumb chuuni shit? Our species needs like another two centuries until we can finally become a united universe-conquering superentity.

>> No.9130680

We got Catholic Lamy, Pope Gura, and antichrist Bea. Am I missing anyone?

>> No.9130764
Quoted by: >>9131054 >>9141553


>> No.9130872
Quoted by: >>9130985 >>9132032

Yeah, youre an idiot if you think eliminating religion would fix the worlds problems.

>> No.9130924
Quoted by: >>9131054

Anti Christ Omegafaggot

>> No.9130985
Quoted by: >>9131648

It would probably exacerbate the myriad other problems, desu. I may not like religion myself, but I'm not going to pretend it's some kind of evil like I did in high school.

>> No.9131042
Quoted by: >>9132056

I've watched every Lamy stream and I have no idea where this came from. This board is wild.

>> No.9131054
Quoted by: >>9131539

We got two now, or was it changed?

>> No.9131539

No, I just call him that because he has a unironic god complex. But there can be multiple anti christs anyways. Pope Pomu was also a thing.

>> No.9131648
Quoted by: >>9134632

Which is why I respect people like you who have enough common sense to see beyond what is in front of them.

>> No.9131975
Quoted by: >>9135354

Both Sora and A-chan are definetly catholic.

>> No.9132032

Religion is a band-aid "solution" for some people, but because it's not based on reality (human nature), it's not a true solution. Ultimately people can achieve what it offers, mostly community and fulfillment (meaning) through other means. But you cannot "eliminate" religion from humanity as it is, just look at human history, countless different ones have always popped up in every corner of the world.

>> No.9132056

I'm more than sure that it's merely a shitpost with literally no background

>> No.9132134

Wait, they're catholic?

>> No.9132217

Never heard about Lamy being Catholic nor Risu. Only Marine mentioned Catholicism in her videos as far as I know.

>> No.9132281
Quoted by: >>9133060

How is Risu Catholic?

>> No.9133060

He's making shit up.

>> No.9134421

>two centuries
Oh boy you dont know how fucked up humans are in the long run.

>> No.9134461
Quoted by: >>9135607

It's entirely made up by one faggot on /vt/

>> No.9134632

Its not common sense when you think ending a concept could end (some)problems. Its just a tool and not the motivation for megalomaniacs.

>> No.9135354
Quoted by: >>9135825 >>9138393

How can a rampant fujoshi be a Catholic?

>> No.9135607

Lamy is clearly Catholic

>> No.9135825

Being a Catholic doesn't mean being perfect. We're all sinners, he who is without sin cast the first stone.

>> No.9136652
Quoted by: >>9137554


>> No.9136689

this is stupid there's no vtuber more japanese than lamy
she's 100000% shinto

>> No.9136729
File: 541 KB, 744x900, Hololive ayamy catholic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9136806 >>9136887

Don't forget

>> No.9136734
Quoted by: >>9137884

If she is catholic she's probably just doing it for the free wine.

>> No.9136806

Aww the way she says catholic is cute.

>> No.9136887
Quoted by: >>9137058 >>9137743

koreans are catholic. what's new?

>> No.9137058
Quoted by: >>9137743

If they aren't catholic they're part of very very weird protestant christian cults that act like what everybody thinks the illuminati does.
Like what happened to a friend of nabis here's her reaction to finding out

>> No.9137554

Subaru is such a cuck...
>hurr we shouldn't talk about religion, it's one of the things you should never talk about
It's one of the things that's most discussed about, you fucking retard. You just lost one sub for this cuckery, fucking coward.

>> No.9137634
Quoted by: >>9137700

Hololive has an explicit rule about no politics and no religion. Marine probably got scolded for this.

>> No.9137700

Probably not, she mentioned Catholicism several times in the past.

>> No.9137738

Well besides being Hololive rules, religion really is something that you shouldn't discuss. At least with someone you're not intimate, because discussions about religions tends to always ends with people fighting

>> No.9137743
File: 9 KB, 225x392, s. korea religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9138026


>> No.9137884
Quoted by: >>9138978

>free wine
your catholicism reps

>> No.9138026
Quoted by: >>9138160

>Believing Wikipedia

>> No.9138160
File: 183 KB, 580x568, s. korea religion 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9138265


>> No.9138265
Quoted by: >>9138550

That book is quoting Wikipedia, dude. Here are some better looks so you can educate yourself:


>> No.9138393

The same way an anon can post here but regularly offers Holy Mass for Delutaya, Pomu and other vtubers. If Vtubers did not exist then anon would never ask God to assist these people.

>> No.9138550
Quoted by: >>9138889

Okay, I've educated myself. I went to the actual Korean census from 2015 and it lists Korea as having a total population of 49,052,389, a Protestant population of 9,675,761, and a Catholic population of 3,890,311.


>> No.9138889
Quoted by: >>9139973

You didn't read any of the links I humbly provided you, shame on you. If you did read you'd know religion (specifically Catholicism) is growing and it shows a more recent census than the Wikipedia one you posted.

>> No.9138978
Quoted by: >>9139177

In the churchy family used to go to the priest would let people drink a good amount of wine. There were times he would have to get multiple refills.

>> No.9139177
Quoted by: >>9140700

On Mass? Cause thats not allowed, unless it was an eastern rite church

>> No.9139472
Quoted by: >>9139575 >>9139919

Catholicism does not require prayer or faith. It only demands participation in the sacred rites (within your ability to do so)

>> No.9139575
Quoted by: >>9140554

>Or faith
You kinda have to believe in the rites or else you're just doing shit for no reason.

>> No.9139919
Quoted by: >>9140554

This is extremely wrong, both Faith and prayer are important and crucial to Catholicism

>> No.9139973
Quoted by: >>9143117

Alright, I've looked through your links. The first link is from 2014, although by the numbers given in the Vatican News publication in 2020, the percentage of Catholicism has grown to 11%. Even if we assume that all of the growth of Catholicism comes at the expense of Protestantism, Protestantism is still currently a more numerous religious affiliation in South Korea, so to suggest that the extent of Protestantism in S. Korea consists of weird fringe cults or is otherwise unimportant is untrue. This is not to say that Catholicism cannot or will not overtake Protestantism in importance in that country, but the initial thesis - that Korea is currently broadly Catholic and that Protestantism is a fringe religion - is not correct.

>> No.9140024
Quoted by: >>9140260


There could have been an huge catholic ally in the Kangxi emperor had it not been for the fucking Dominicans.

>> No.9140147
Quoted by: >>9140299

Aren't a ton of influential universities, institutions and groups in Japan Catholic?

>> No.9140260

Both dominicans and jesuits were wrong. Jesuits were trying too hard to accomodate the faith to confucianism, instead of just doing what they did in Japan and Macao

>> No.9140299
Quoted by: >>9140478 >>9140620

I Think that is a point that is usually brought up, as in Japan Christian population is of 1% or even less, but they are extremely over-represented in important political positions

>> No.9140478

If anything it says a lot about how education under shintoism and buddhism is shit

>> No.9140554

No, no, no.
The major point of catholicism is that it is all-encompassing. The major theological thesis of catholicism and the reason why it is so dominant and why it was so dominant even after two major schisms is that it is truly all-encompassing. It does not matter what you believe in, the church does not demand "faith", it demands participation in the unified rite and crucially the acceptance of the dogma. Other than that, you can do whatever you want.
This is how Catholicism is distinct from the other two major branches of the Christian faith and even the predecessor and the successor.

And if you think about religion in a more abstract sense, this is correct. You do not follow a religion unless you participate in the rite. Everything else? It's just window dressing and no clergyman can see inside of your heart. They can only see you participating in the rite.

The thing that sets the protestant branch apart is the lack of adherence to any rite "sola fide". Faith alone.
As long as you believe hard enough you can be saved. This is intentionally vague and weasly. "I guess you didn't have enough faith after all, sorry". The catholics tell you what it takes, "participate in our rites, even if it's just once every few years, it's enough".

That is a very strange perspective to take, when it's simply not true. Keep in mind that the Americanized form of catholicism as much as it is part of the all-encompassing church, it is also a splinter group that was heavily, heavily influenced by the protestant rite. It is hardly representative of the will of Rome

>> No.9140620

a persecuted minority either gets a clue and get wealthy or turns theselves into the worst kind of poor shitters a society can have

>> No.9140700

We lived in a area with a big hispanic population.

>> No.9140951
Quoted by: >>9141793

Dude you need to believe in a God at a minimum to consider yourself catholic, just participation does not really mean a whole lot if you think whatever you are doing is dumb or something

>> No.9141037

Obviously you can discuss it in certain contexts. It's just not something you bring up casually.

>> No.9141123
Quoted by: >>9141266 >>9141793

>The thing that sets the protestant branch apart is the lack of adherence to any rite "sola fide". Faith alone
And catholicism teaches that instead of Salvation through Faith alone, you have Salvation through both Faith AND Works. Its extremely important in Catholicism what you believe in, in fact Catholicism is extremely strict with Dogma, unlike other sects. Theres a reason why accusation of heresy in catholicism is extremely grave and why excommunication exists.

>> No.9141266
Quoted by: >>9141711

The rest of the post is fine but
>Catholicism is extremely strict with Dogma, unlike other sects
I feel like you don't know about American Evangelicals. They're incredibly dogmatic, and the only reason they don't have actual excommunication is because they don't have a formal church to perform it (and they'll sure as fuck shun you from the community if you appear insufficiently faithful).

>> No.9141274
Quoted by: >>9141793

>That is a very strange perspective to take, when it's simply not true
Entire books have been written by Catholic Saints about the importance of prayer before America even existed. Go read Introduction to the Devout Life by Francis de Sales

>> No.9141553
File: 293 KB, 1415x2000, Baphometchama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baphometchama, actually.

>> No.9141711
Quoted by: >>9141965

Thing is, with evangelicals you can always just go to another evangelical temple, or create your owwn sect and you will continue being an evangelical, while in Catholicism if you don't believe in a single point of the Dogma, you stop being catholic, even if you still believe you are one

>> No.9141793

>you need to believe in a God at a minimum
Why is that?
What stops someone from earnestly participating in the rite, without faith?

>catholicism teaches that instead of Salvation through Faith alone, you have Salvation through both Faith AND Works
That is in theory true, but in the clerical pratice, catholicism has always been about the rite and NOT the faith. This goes as far back as the first schism, which which was a time where you quite literally could buy your way to heaven. It was not your faith, but the rite that granted you passage. Of course, this was one of the reasons why the schism happened and why protastants have their stupid "sola fide" garbage.

>Catholicism is extremely strict with Dogma
I do not think you understand dogma very well or have ever thought about it. Dogma does not mean "I believe this is true unquestioningly", rather it means "I will not question this".While you might say, these two things are the same, they're really not. There's a subtle difference here. Dogma also means that you do really not talk about it in a way that goes beyond what the church demands. This has nothing to do with faith, rather the practice of dogma is another rite, but a very implicit one.

Saints can write whatever books they want, it doesn't really mean very much. While they are accepted, they have no authority on church policy or matters of the faith itself.
They are people recognized by Rome.

>> No.9141965
Quoted by: >>9142283

>you stop being catholic, even if you still believe you are one
So what you're saying is that it doesn't matter what you believe. If the church recognizes you as catholic then you are catholic and if it doesn't you are not catholic.

>> No.9141993
Quoted by: >>9142060

Luv anglicanism
Luv her maj
Hate catholics
Hate nips

Simple as

>> No.9142060
Quoted by: >>9142278

you forgot "ate my wife"

>> No.9142107
Quoted by: >>9142761

>While they are accepted, they have no authority on church policy or matters of the faith itself.

>> No.9142139
Quoted by: >>9142761

>What stops someone from earnestly participating in the rite, without faith?
Because rites are specifically to honor a God the person believes in?

>> No.9142278

goes without saying really

>> No.9142283
Quoted by: >>9142761

>So what you're saying is that it doesn't matter what you believe
I'm saying exactly the contrary, what you believe is extremely important, even if nobody on this Earth doesn't know what you believe, and even if you lie about what you truly believes.
Please read this article as it explain the catholic position on that topic: https://www.fisheaters.com/solafide.html

>> No.9142365

Eastern Orthodox Suisei

>> No.9142761
Quoted by: >>9143518

This reads like a recommendation to me, rather than dogma. Keep in mind what catolikos means.

This is a interpretation from some American woman, I wield at least that much authority and I like my interpetation better. So mine is true and this one is not.

Is that really the purpose of the catholic rite? I think you're missing something.

>> No.9143031
Quoted by: >>9143097

The Church was one of the biggest proponent for the preservation of old documents and archictecture. If you have access to the works of Plato, Aristotle and all those old authors you have to thank the medieval Catholic monks for it.

>> No.9143097
Quoted by: >>9152782

Well for Aristotle you have to thank the Arabs first

>> No.9143117

That wasn't my initial thesis, I'm someone else, but there's nothing to add, I agree with what you said.

>> No.9143518
Quoted by: >>9162837

>This is a interpretation from some American woman
Bruh, the article clearly arguments against the usual american protestant position on the issue, and its not teaching an interpretation, but the position of the Church on the topic.
>and I like my interpetation better. So mine is true and this one is not
This is the biggest irony of your babble. You're very voval about how american culture is wrong about religion, but this talk about thinking Catholic Dogma is up for personal interpretation is precisely one of the vices of the common american view on religion!
The only interpretation that matters in Catholicism are the ones that the Church has declared and teached!

>> No.9152782


>> No.9158298

Blessed are you among women, Catholic Lamy

>> No.9160121
Quoted by: >>9160728

Sedevacantists are cringe crypto-protestant incels, Lamy is a SSPX church goer

>> No.9160728
Quoted by: >>9160791

SSPX is sedevacantist though

>> No.9160791
Quoted by: >>9160967

It isn't SSPX recognize the pope and the bishops as legitimate, but heretics.

>> No.9160967
Quoted by: >>9160987

Pick one and one only

>> No.9160987
Quoted by: >>9162141

>my father is an asshole so he no longer is my father
this is what you sound like

>> No.9162141
Quoted by: >>9163472

So a Mormon could be a legitimate Pope if he was baptised Catholic?

>> No.9162837

>this talk about thinking Catholic Dogma is up for personal interpretation
But where am I saying that?
You are thinking I am saying things I am not saying.

>> No.9163472

if he was elected by a conclave of cardinals, then yes.

>> No.9166290
Quoted by: >>9167244

What you're describing is not how Catholicism works but how it looks from outside. Sure you could have literally "bought your way to heaven" in the medieval ages but in the end when you die you are still judged not by the priest whom you paid (who may have even believed you were honestly trying to repent, priests are only human and can't see inside your soul) but by God. So even if you participated in rites and did everything you had to do to LOOK like a catholic you are still not getting to heaven if you didn't believe. At worst you're going to hell. At best and more likely if you were actually a good person despite not believing you're going to the purgatory.

>> No.9167244

"Buying your way to Heaven" isn't even how indulgences work, even in the middle ages when they were abused by unethical clergy. Indulgences only provide a remission of temporal punishment for sin, they don't save anyone. If you're in Purgatory you're already saved and will make it to heaven 100%. Purgatory isn't even a "place" it's a preparatory stage to develop the level of holiness required to stand in Gods presence

>> No.9167479
Quoted by: >>9168220

So Hololive is just a Jesuit gay op? great

>> No.9168220

wtf I love Jesuits now
