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91019559 No.91019559 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>91021271

Previous: >>91012925

>> No.91019579
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Hololive sites

Twitch sites

>> No.91019622

Yesterday was kusoge vs kusoge and CC came out on top of GG. GG was stabilizing before hitting 5k. CC hit 6k and went down to 5k with overlap, then raided GG.
So no, you're wrong. GG just has an established viewer base for League.

>> No.91019647
Quoted by: >>91019880

>Literally 90% of Gigi's viewers were Fauna and CC viewers at the time
>and CC

Buddy this is the worst time to be saying this. CC brings almost no audience of her own, she borrows heavily from other EN’s audiences.

>> No.91019662

>asmongold at 200,000 ccv

>> No.91019675
File: 965 KB, 1080x1312, Screenshot_20241206_152745_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still time for management to do a naked dogeza and offer Fauna anything she wants to stop her from leaving. This is depressing

>> No.91019676

>Koseki slowly bleeding to a league collab
So this is the so called "Next Fauna" huh, im not impressed

>> No.91019678

So has Nerissa but this is way out of their usual timezones

>> No.91019681
File: 178 KB, 720x1210, Screenshot_20241206-172709~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are fucking melting down, YOU WILL BE A FAN OF DABOIZ

>> No.91019686


>> No.91019709
Quoted by: >>91020047

Riona can't make it through the sewers after 8 hours of Jump King

>> No.91019719

Jesus they just replaced Fauna on the league squad that easily?

>> No.91019720

kill yourself ennacuck

>> No.91019723
Quoted by: >>91019809

Yuropoors. Not even 30K during prime time. I am not impressed.

>> No.91019732

No one is even talking about Nerissa. She isn't a factor because she's out of her timezone.
Just like CC is for almost every collab.

>> No.91019734
Quoted by: >>91023766

>8 hours of Jump King
>still at the start
>less ccv than Kaela
Riona? More like ryona, because it's like she getting abused.

>> No.91019742
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>> No.91019743

Not a good comparison since GG was getting overlapped almost the entire time before the raids, but yes, CC is generally stronger than GG in CCV

>> No.91019762


>> No.91019774

Man the shitposters are really grasping at straws at this point

>> No.91019809

>Goalpost moving

>> No.91019822

>they're supposed to be friends and colleagues

>> No.91019830
Quoted by: >>91019897

It's 2 hours before Gigi's usual slot.

>> No.91019878
Quoted by: >>91020110

Can someone explain why that one schizo is obsessed with CC? Is it a ligger thing?

>> No.91019880

Yeah im sure GG appreciated those mighty 3k otomos, probably even less since otomos barely exist at NA hours
It was literally mostly saplings

>> No.91019883
Quoted by: >>91020035

CC typically has the highest CCV in her own timeslot. The current exception can be explained by GG having the league audience. GG's recent sub growth is off the back of those streams.

>> No.91019893
Quoted by: >>91020048

CC also started before GG did (and does so regularly), and given how much Kiara of all people is mogging everyone else in this League collab, it’s safe to say that streaming first is a huge buff.

>> No.91019897

Gigi streams around here frequently BECAUSE of her collabs with CC though

>> No.91019899

>Seething about 26k EU Box
When a year ago you only had 5k

>> No.91019908

Nobody tell this person that yagoo has flat out stated that he regrets not doing exactly this, he wanted to copy niji entirely and have everyone together in just one thing. They might kill themselves if they find out.
actually, someone PLEASE tell this person about it

>> No.91019924

Today, I will remind them.

>> No.91019929

3 months ago it was onky 15k

>> No.91019930

Whenever I see this kind of meltdown it convinces me that they never watch shit since Cover did try this 2 years ago, and it gave homos no fucking incline.

>> No.91019948
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>> No.91019962

They need to move the goalpost, they cant accept hololive is winning

>> No.91019966

A reminder that Holo VS Holo is anti behavior.

>> No.91019972
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>> No.91019994

It’s funny watching newfags have a meltdown. Cover already tried this

>> No.91020012
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>> No.91020021

Biboo is actually performing quite admirably given the situation. Every other EN though, yeah, not the best performance.

>> No.91020023

Why do so many anons think it's impossible for a new Holos to incline? Reminder to newfags that in this very thread people used to rag on Fauna for her empty timeslot, borrowing audience from Ina, being a waiting room for Gura, having a shit ceiling, no mindshare, etc. Guess what, over three years she inclined above everyone besides Gura.

>> No.91020035

CC usually has no overlap tho, and if she does its mostly just ERB whos a turbo shitter

>> No.91020036
Quoted by: >>91020118

Grems shitting on CC is actual anti-behavior

>> No.91020047

8hr and still going impressive she really wants back into the box huh

>> No.91020048

Kiara is still riding the Raora raid, and yeah starting early plus training arc buff.

>> No.91020054
Quoted by: >>91020265

im going to anti who i want and support who i want

>> No.91020079

Yet there is no time left for you homonigger.

>> No.91020084
Quoted by: >>91020164

So I like cocks. I won’t deny it that I’m pretty fucking gay, but something specific about anime dudes turns me off and that distaste extends to male vtubers as well. Like most anime has these boring self-insert dudes and even your popular side male characters (like Sasuke from Naruto) have this rather blatant, wish-fulfilling idea where it’s clearly the male creator imagining himself as the ‘badass’. Like the weird reality is most of your entertainment from anime these days comes from the female characters. Their arcs, the humor. It’s a weird upside down world compared to western stories where this is usually not the case. This type of anime cancer has spread to vtubers where most of your talent comes from the female side. The males still have the same, boring self-insert style of characterization that you end up with a bunch of either boring dudes or obnoxious assholes playing up some character to fulfill their power fantasies. It’s kinda sad to see so many Japanese women and female fans of anime get gaslit into liking what are effectively male power fantasies. Why is Kuzuha the most popular male vtuber? What even is his skills beyond he plays games good. Is he funny? Has interesting things to say? Can he sing? (lol) Why do nips seemingly enjoy his content? (Assuming his entire popularity isn’t artificially propped up by Nijisanji, which wouldn’t shock me) It’s no wonder something like Gintama was popular with women considering the series had so many funny characters, it was pretty refreshing difference from your typical manga/anime characterization of males.

>> No.91020106
Quoted by: >>91020359

I'm talking about Justice collabs.

>> No.91020110

Probably just a sister who likes to shit on cgdcts. She's got nothing really for sisters to latch on to so they latch on to some shit debuff stream #s and ignore all the times she gets 8k+. It's cute.

>> No.91020111
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Quoted by: >>91020232

>> No.91020118

>Falseflagging this early

>> No.91020162
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>> No.91020163

they are in fact a less interesting content
this is hololive, those people should fuck off to the rest of nijimanji

>> No.91020164

I tried watching Kuzuha play league once and it was actually fucking painful

>> No.91020182

Hololive lost my respect when they made Fauna feel so miserable she chose to fuck off.

>> No.91020204

CC usually tops CCV during Justice collabs. League is the exception here because GG has an established League audience, while CC's euroboomers will watch something else.

>> No.91020206

I'm already seeing sisters seethe about notKyo, talking about how "he might not be the person I thought he was" fucking kek

>> No.91020220
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Quoted by: >>91020714

>yagoo has flat out stated that he regrets not doing exactly this, he wanted to copy niji entirely and have everyone together in just one thing
Actual source for this? And if it's actually true, kinda grim

>> No.91020226
Quoted by: >>91020349


>> No.91020228
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>> No.91020232


>> No.91020238

They got included in the expo and expo streams, in the old NY countdowns, they merged the twitters, they had some of HoloEN famously do collabs with them for like almost a year and some HoloJPs do things with them including S-tiers like Suisei. Cover has tried it over and over and over.
What else do these people want, it doesn't work, it's not an awareness problem it's an interest problem. Cover was still trying to sell those shitty co-ed HoloExpo puzzles for MONTHS after everything else had sold out, do you think they don't learn from lessons like that? The fanbase knows who these guys are and actively, not passively, rejects them every single day

>> No.91020245

>biboo in before assmongoloid

>> No.91020265

>im going to anti
We know, schizochama. We know.

>> No.91020273

It’s a good thing that he didn’t follow through. There probably wouldn’t be a Hololive today if it just became a copy of Nijisanji.

>> No.91020279
Quoted by: >>91020406

Why do they even defend Aster? He's a shitter so logically they don't care about him

>> No.91020319

Was it painful beyond it being League?

>> No.91020338


>> No.91020349

Why did I try or why was it painful? If it's for the latter it's because he was absolutely supremely dogshit at the game. It was actually fucking absurd how bad he was.

>> No.91020359
Quoted by: >>91020400

GG beats her if its during NA hours but CC wins during EU hours is what Ive observed

>> No.91020384

Otomos have it coming tbf. Cockiest motherfuckers on earth that like to trashtalk because people generally like CC too much to smack back, but few people actually oshi her.

>> No.91020400


>> No.91020406

Mostly because they're not really defending Aster, they're defending Nijisanji, which will get even more black corpo accusations if this prospers.

>> No.91020422

Didn’t they fucking hate him? Literally no one liked him. The only reason he even got viewership higher than the girls is because he has a wiener.

>> No.91020426

why is there literally a guy(1(one)) spamming Riona?

>> No.91020430

Nice try, Gremcuck

>> No.91020432

GG always beats her during NA hours or during Lethal company collabs, do your reps

>> No.91020489

Why did Kiara just dox Nerissa?

>> No.91020515


>> No.91020516
Quoted by: >>91020720

Nah, its usually CC>GG>>Raora>>>>>ERB

>> No.91020519
Quoted by: >>91020653

So CC is the new target now that Fauna is leaving? What’s that idiom… “Green with envy”?

>> No.91020548


>> No.91020557
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Quoted by: >>91020592


>> No.91020573
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Quoted by: >>91020655

>> No.91020592

They are so retarded my god

>> No.91020600
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>> No.91020604


>> No.91020642
Quoted by: >>91020765

30K. Dirt world brothers, I'm not feeling so good.

>> No.91020653

Sapling going to shit on CC like Takos used to shit on Fauna.

>> No.91020655

Oh she's playing Splatoon?

>> No.91020677

ERB with the once in a lifetime 1k CCV, not even shiori does this bad

>> No.91020681

This game is pretty much Cover and merch, except this has actual real-time consequences.

>> No.91020714

If anything it points towards Yagoo either losing control and his homos are being neglected as a result or he’s giving up on them after babying them for 5 years

>> No.91020720
Quoted by: >>91020791

GG literally always beats CC in same content POVs

>> No.91020723

Why would they when Fauna is leaving

>> No.91020721

CC also loses to GG in horror games because of the screamer/scardy cat buff. But yea she beats GG in everything else. And is basically always higher than her in solo streams till GG catches the raids. CC almost never gets raided, she's basically on her own.

>> No.91020729
File: 512 KB, 1027x662, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitch content

>> No.91020743

The Justice collabs at a better time for CC than GG?

>> No.91020765

It's 27k, retard.

>> No.91020773

ERB is a shit support

>> No.91020791
Quoted by: >>91021051

Not always, and CC usually does better on solo content, so id say she still wins

>> No.91020801
File: 431 KB, 1410x2048, 20241120_170809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad that even though Biboo was just a little BiBaby back during the time, she was still able to experience the authentic Diablo 3 Launch Day experience.

>> No.91020824

oof... Yagoo should resign so Fauna stays at this point

>> No.91020845

Thank you, third world brother. I feel much better now.

>> No.91020855
Quoted by: >>91021177

This is such cope. Look how well Kiara is doing. CC’s first time streaming her POV for league should be a buff, not a debuff.

>> No.91020873

>Biboo telling stories of how she used to watch MMO streamers during launch and now she's the streamer others are watching during launch
I love this rock girl so fucking much, I'm so proud of her.

>> No.91020885

GG consistently beat her during ENrico, 7days and the Justice Halloween collab tho, so its not as clear cut as youre pretending it is
Also she usually streams with no overlap, which is its own buff

>> No.91020905

you know who they are counting and you still want to quibble

>> No.91020908
File: 149 KB, 945x2048, 1733517939743265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is messed up

>> No.91020936

Which MMOs tho, might have to put her on hagwatch

>> No.91020953
Quoted by: >>91021027

>Holo vs Holo

>> No.91020954

Holy fucking cope. GG mogs CC every time.

>> No.91020961

Do you think Diddysanji will catch on?

>> No.91020967


>> No.91020968
File: 16 KB, 368x387, Screenshot 2024-12-06 154700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like 30k to me.

>> No.91020973
Quoted by: >>91021112

gg doesn't have over 5k ccv right now
cc doesn't have over 5k ccv right now
This is the worst Small Dog Syndrome conversation I've ever heard.

>> No.91020979

Kingdoms of Amalur is not old

>> No.91020984


>> No.91020989

She achieved getting her dream job, ontop of liking and wanting to improve her idol activities. Completely winning at life.

>> No.91020995

I can see your pfp anon

>> No.91021008
Quoted by: >>91021095

>25k HoloEN box in EU hour
EU hour is finally catching up to NA hour!
(I know it's still mainly NA viewers, just getting bored at work while waiting for Biboo to get in)

>> No.91021012

The diddler if he was a twink

>> No.91021027
Quoted by: >>91021126

Holo deserves it after making Fauna miserable

>> No.91021043

>ENrico, 7days and the Justice Halloween collab
Wow GG is stronger at 4 AM EU time? M-masaka...

>> No.91021046

Everquest I, obviously

>> No.91021051

When’s the last time CC beat GG in head to head same content? CC was undoubtedly more popular at debut, but since ENReco, GG has mopped the floor with her. 7DTD is yet another example that nobody has brought up yet where GG outperformed CC.

>> No.91021054


>> No.91021095
Quoted by: >>91021215

sooooo true holobro we don't need Fauna at all!!!

>> No.91021108

>CC vs GG
Holy retard

>> No.91021112
Quoted by: >>91021299

No we HAVE to talk about which Justice runt is less of a runt than the other runt

>> No.91021126
Quoted by: >>91021236

Management made Fauna miserable. But you take it out on talent. Pathetic desu

>> No.91021161
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>> No.91021177

Totally has nothing to do with starting a hour earlier than everyone else and getting all the tourists. Which has proven time and time again to be effective. Freaking Raora had top CCV for a while because of an early start once before bleeding out slowly.

>> No.91021188

So you agree she doesnt always beat Gigi, good to know, if you had NA hours + league + lethal company thats a lot of exceptions

>> No.91021215
Quoted by: >>91021372

>Didn't mention Fauna
>Drags Fauna in in hope to make this Fauna vs Holo
Why are SEAfags like this? Go to bed, isn't it late over there?

>> No.91021219

Had he done that hololive would not be in such a good place today because it would have been just a copy of a more successful company doing the same shit. Hololive doing things differently is part of the reason it succeeded and became more successful. It still amazes me that management didn't understand this and tried to copy fucking nijiEN of all things in 2022.

>> No.91021223

Why would someone who doesn't watch nijisanji go out of their way to defend them?

>> No.91021236

Any girl that stays support whatever shit management made Fauna go through. They will be begging for her to come back eventually.

>> No.91021248
File: 26 KB, 231x221, 1719690746479323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeaj, im gonma shit on them, im gonna kiss em too, bet theyll HATE that

>> No.91021271

don't leave... please...

>> No.91021281

NGL bros I've been ululating uncontrollably all morning, can't help myself

>> No.91021285

This screams of Falseflag to me

>> No.91021293

I can't fault a man for being instinctively anti-dramafag
I can, however, fault a man for feeling the need to be openly involved in the drama anyways, even if it's on the side he sees as righteous.
The last time I did that was as a literal stupid 14 year old during fucking Gamergate. Biggest mistake of my life

>> No.91021299
Quoted by: >>91021417

ERB has literally less than 2k CCV right now, shes getting mogged by fucking Meloco, on her own timeslot, theres no cope this time

>> No.91021304

>pretending to be a brat
fuck off

>> No.91021328

Defending Aster is an extension of defending NijiEN as a whole.

>> No.91021344
Quoted by: >>91021533

I don't think that GG got good ENReco numbers at the start. I took her story getting going for that to happen. Don't remember if she beat CC on the first day or not though.

>> No.91021345

Internet points

>> No.91021347
Quoted by: >>91021666

pretty sure it was the asseto corssa practice in october until cc raided her later. justice barely collab with multi povs in cc normal hours

>> No.91021372
Quoted by: >>91021639

>please stop pointing out that HoloEN's #'s will be worthless without Fauna
nope, not happening

>> No.91021417

Nerissa isn't doing much better

>> No.91021433

Niji&Phase box 4K. That's good, right?

>> No.91021444
Quoted by: >>91021923

>14 year old during fucking Gamergate
jesus christ
how old were you when you started posting here?

>> No.91021451

Ok here’s my question then, why isn’t CC able to appeal to literally any demographic besides Euros? Because you look at Biboo right now way out of her normal timeslot and she’s still doing well. Kiara when she streams at late NA times when she’s in Japan generally gets the same or even better numbers. And there are countless other examples of holos doing fine outside their timeslots.

>> No.91021464

Wawa still the boss of holoEU I see

>> No.91021473

>holo vs holo

>> No.91021478

Nerissa is 4 hours off her usual starting time

>> No.91021519
Quoted by: >>91021651

>14 year old during fucking Gamergate
I was about to call you a baby then realized all that shit was 10 years ago. Christ.

>> No.91021533

Not at the beginning no, but since the end of Enrico she has done better at box events

>> No.91021545

With Gura and mooms inactive. Fauna lit took all the NA viewers with her.

>> No.91021562
Quoted by: >>91021820

CC did a Dark Souls stream around the clock to 10k people. Go check it out.

>> No.91021578

All this talk about multi POV comparisons, but everyone forgets that IRyS, a thread favorite, gets really bad numbers in multi-POV situations, while doing well by herself. Sometimes it shakes out strangely.

>> No.91021588
Quoted by: >>91021711

Please fuck off.

>> No.91021602
Quoted by: >>91021727

Nerissa and even GG are outside their usual streaming hours, ERB is streaming at her normal hours and shes getting mogged by fucking NijiEN, yuros would rather watch anyone but her

>> No.91021639

kill yourself ennacuck

>> No.91021651


>> No.91021654
File: 8 KB, 186x186, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gamergate was literally 10 years ago

>> No.91021665

doesn't that mean shes a shit streamer with few ''real'' fans and just benefits from the box

>> No.91021666

That seems to be it. CC had 7k, while GG had 5k. CC ended first and raided GG to above 7k.

>> No.91021669
File: 564 KB, 621x459, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91021698


>> No.91021698
Quoted by: >>91022454


>> No.91021711
Quoted by: >>91022080

>Please don't remind me that Gura and Mumei are graduating next

>> No.91021726

gamergate was justified the only issue is we lost now games suck

>> No.91021727
Quoted by: >>91021837

What yuros? Third worlders told me that yuros don't watch vtubers.

>> No.91021751

Are you capable of begin subtle or is this part of your schizophrenia?

>> No.91021765
Quoted by: >>91021807

Who the fuck watches LoL?

>> No.91021766

Doing fine is relative, Biboo has a mega buff going for her since new game, and CC at NA hours was still usually beating Kiara, Raora, ERB and even Shiori, who streams at those hours, so shes the second strongest justice at NA hours, despite streaming there less often than Raora, by all means shes doing fine

>> No.91021777

Games suck and now nobody buys them, I guess nobody really won. Except consultants who got to make six figures at do nothing jobs for 10 years.

>> No.91021804
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, Girls Wearing Clothes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holos for this feel?

>> No.91021807

Flips mostly.

>> No.91021820
Quoted by: >>91021953

>CC did [buff content and got good numbers]
We got a regular Einstein over here. CC is a classic popular 2nd choice, but few people’s 1st choice. Basically Koyori 2.0 who also performs great with no overlap, but has steaming dogshit numbers during box events.

>> No.91021837

Didn't Reine, Kaela and Zeta get more SC's from Yuropean countries than SEA

>> No.91021858

>EU hours
>NA viewers

>> No.91021874


>> No.91021923

I started looking at this site when I was 12, but refused to post until a year later because I was extremely scared of fucking up and being called out as not having lurked well enough.
Surprisingly, no one ever called me out as too young. Because I lurked. Now I'm 26 and probably get called a child more than I ever did back then because I'm still barely a zoomer

>> No.91021940
File: 196 KB, 1205x908, its over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91021952

Watame technically

>> No.91021953

You seem very upset. Try that again with bit more respect, boy.

>> No.91021956
Quoted by: >>91022316

Shhh anon, you cant point out Irys does way worse with overlap, its against the rules

>> No.91021992

Nigga..Biboo played 2m and the servers crashed, shes not even discussing the game.

>> No.91022020

How the fuck did GG's league stream take such a big hit? Is it actually because of Fauna? No way she's that powerful.

>> No.91022039
Quoted by: >>91022249

>NA hours
She literally streams peak JST time, what are you talking about?

>> No.91022080
File: 427 KB, 2549x1425, 20241206_151034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91022162

Cry Nijihomonigger

>> No.91022078
Quoted by: >>91022130

Not NA prime time

>> No.91022094

you just described hololive

>> No.91022122

oh of course because lazulight (1k ccv) and luxiem (9k ccv in 2022) sure did good having the same name NijisanjiEN

>> No.91022130

More like 4am in Jakarta.

>> No.91022160
Quoted by: >>91022375

Aster being called a VDiddy riled up the sisters in this thread huh?

>> No.91022162

every vtuber company including holo is stagnant except niji who fell off a cliff
kind of funny

>> No.91022164

You seem to have once again forgotten that Holo VS Holo is anti behavior.

>> No.91022180
File: 160 KB, 1238x2056, 20241101_135138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought like that before having a huge revelation while hanging out at the mall in May of 2015
I looked around and a thought popped into my head as I saw people living normal lives:
>Wait a minute. None of this shit I'm doing online actually matters in real life. What the fuck am I wasting my life on?
And then I left this site, the other site and posting online in general for the next half-decade before Covid.

>> No.91022179
Quoted by: >>91022847

It doesnt matter, trying to get into the game is half the fun of day 1, asmongold has like 200k viewers watching him try to get into the game

>> No.91022198
File: 968 KB, 1080x1304, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>January 4th
>Regarding the end of activities of HoloEN and it's affiliated members

>> No.91022196

It’s a combination of multiple factors, and that is just one of many.

>> No.91022214 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>91022298

Fuck off, you talk shit about my oshi I talk shit about yours.

>> No.91022241
Quoted by: >>91022462

Gigi's viewers were a mix of saplings, otomos, and first time league buff. She has none of those right now

>> No.91022249
Quoted by: >>91022495

Raora does a ton of collabs at NA hours, along some ocassional NA hours streams and her monthly chattini days, which always start at primetime NA, thats way more than CC who only shows up for box events and the occasional colla

>> No.91022261
Quoted by: >>91022293

Stop shitting on Fauna then

>> No.91022281

Kaela is honorary EN and she's ahead of Nerissa and ERB.

>> No.91022293

Fauna is not a holo anymore so we can shit on her all we want.

>> No.91022298
Quoted by: >>91022412

Calm down, Grem...

>> No.91022316

She honestly does OK with overlap when she's doing a solo stream, it's multi-POV for the same thing where she gets crushed. This happened in both ENReco and GTA.

>> No.91022326

>2 more POVs
>EU hours instead of NA hours
>While overlapped by Biboo and Kaela doing buff content
Gee anon, idk

>> No.91022328

League audience is mostly SEA and they are dead at this hour.

>> No.91022357

GG was the designate sapling POV she is nothing more than a runt without that value

>> No.91022364


>> No.91022369

How is 30k CCV during EU hours bad?

>> No.91022373

>hire zhang sister
>play zhang games
>stream zhang games
freefire streams next

>> No.91022375


>> No.91022379

The theatre already doing reruns

>> No.91022403


>> No.91022412

Pebbles falseflagging already

>> No.91022438
File: 1.00 MB, 2239x4096, GeD5A3OakAUgluH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91022437

Biboo new mint kamioshi?

>> No.91022453 [DELETED] 

>People only watch Gigi so they can watch their actual Oshi
Yeah it's been like that since debut

>> No.91022454

indonesians popularized holo vs holo schizo takes

>> No.91022461

The shitposter has been spamming it for the last hour. At this point they don't actually care about making sense they just want to shit the thread up.

>> No.91022462 [SPOILER] 
File: 4 KB, 760x662, 1728616788734593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still watching GG

>> No.91022474
Quoted by: >>91023558

>27k box in EU hour
>Only ~3-5k lower than averageEN box during NA time
Holo's EU expansion is doing well I see

>> No.91022484

It just is. Don't try to fight third worlder logic.

>> No.91022488


>> No.91022495
Quoted by: >>91022687

And they are always way lower than her JST slot because that's where her main audience is. CC is covering peak EU along with PST noon to afternoon in her timeslot, that's why she has so many NA viewers. Just look at her SCs.

>> No.91022506

diddysanji is genuinely funny, hoping it takes off

>> No.91022520

Dont look at CC and ERB right now anon

>> No.91022521


>> No.91022530
File: 3.05 MB, 1987x3011, 1727565984754737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91022584

>> No.91022537
Quoted by: >>91022771

Because Fauna would be getting 15k on her own, half the box is hers and it will leave with her.

>> No.91022541

>playing the invoker of league

>> No.91022552
Quoted by: >>91022811

Probably trying desperately to deflect from Quinn's comment / Aster drama

>> No.91022584

Uh oh sexrys melty

>> No.91022612
File: 358 KB, 1576x2500, 1721144269075104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91022613

who do you think are the ones who outed aster ? or do you think it's fake?

>> No.91022618
File: 56 KB, 1024x620, IMG_4583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91022760

Reminder that Kiara is STILL beating her baseline numbers 2 hours after she’s had time to bleed away her Raora raid and 1 hour she’s had time to bleed away to other POVs. All the “CC is only struggling because of X, and also Y, and also Z” is starting to sound like a bunch of cope. Somebody isn’t strong if they need perfect circumstances to get good numbers.

>> No.91022662
File: 1019 KB, 2324x3600, 1702397742200881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91022664

>Biboo is finally in

>> No.91022680

No snitching in the sacred # threads, niji intern kun

>> No.91022681

Biboo's actually REALLY playing the game!

>> No.91022687

Ofc they are lower than her JST streams, but she still streams way more than CC at NA primetime
And yeah, most CC watchers are still from NA, thats the case for all holos

>> No.91022688
File: 1.43 MB, 1683x973, 1730882274093012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91022823


>> No.91022733
Quoted by: >>91022989


>> No.91022754

POE2 and league at the same time. I wish I can duplicate myself

>> No.91022760
Quoted by: >>91023087

Anon shes still bleeding, what are you on about

>> No.91022766
Quoted by: >>91022899

GG is doing fine, you should be more worried about CC.

>> No.91022771

That's not ENReco

>> No.91022811

what did he say?

>> No.91022823


>> No.91022838
File: 306 KB, 705x499, 1730418050572962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91022847

Anon please, it's a buff, don't need to lie.

>> No.91022846
File: 657 KB, 699x734, 1707439560016344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91022966

Pebbles getting keked by Deadbeats live on stream

>> No.91022874

100% fake

>> No.91022884 [DELETED] 


>> No.91022886 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>91022984

>Grems, Saplings, and KFP coming together to slam on Otomos
Based, they had it coming. Uppity little shits.

>> No.91022899

>Grems actually shitposting about CC
What happened to autofister unity?

>> No.91022905

Don't care and didn't ask

>> No.91022916
Quoted by: >>91023025

so many greynames in biboos chat

>> No.91022945

Actually kinda insightful

>> No.91022946

she must be feeling like she made the right choice not to accept the holo offer

>> No.91022962 [DELETED] 

Luca's pet is loose again

>> No.91022966
Quoted by: >>91023825

Why are deadbeats EVERYWHERE

>> No.91022978

These are the type of people would be fine with the girls losing 90% of their viewership if it meant daboiz could get a 5% increase.

>> No.91022984

Be a little less obvious.

>> No.91022989

some kaelafag insists in calling Kaela an honorary EN, probably because he knows the ID brand is worthless

>> No.91023007
Quoted by: >>91023102

Cece should be banned from interacting with kiara so i dont have to listen to kiara speak german

>> No.91023011

I swear I heard fauna on rissa's stream

>> No.91023016

Us Lizbians only watch Valorant.

>> No.91023021

holos should play warcraft 2

>> No.91023025

Seems half and half to me

>> No.91023065
File: 2.58 MB, 3000x5967, 2024-12-06 top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it goes
>54,332: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>39,873: Pekora (Hololive)
>25,967: Wen (Nijisanji)
>25,480: Lamy (Hololive)
>23,010: Shion (Hololive)
>20,219: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>19,224: Ex Albio (Nijisanji)
>18,832: Nijisanji (Nijisanji)
>18,483: Subaru (Hololive)
>18,463: Ririmu (Nijisanji)
>17,579: Okayu (Hololive)
>17,556: Fauna (Hololive)
>16,180: Hinano (VSPO)
>15,768: Suisei (Hololive)
>15,722: Kanae (Nijisanji)
>15,485: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
>13,967: Ibrahim (Nijisanji)
>11,760: Koyori (Hololive)
>11,512: Gigi (Hololive)
>10,742: Aki (Hololive)

Gold for Kuzuha with VCR GTA with Pekora getting silver with baseball and Wen, bronze

>> No.91023078
Quoted by: >>91023171

Get back in the line buddy. We've been waiting for AoE2 2nd tourney

>> No.91023087

And even at the rate she’s bleeding, she’ll likely still end the collab with higher than average numbers.

>> No.91023102
File: 255 KB, 306x302, ich-fick-deine-mutter[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqaeyjz.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91023105

*yawn* is just too easy for the king

>> No.91023136

ripped away from GoGs store... BLIZZARD HATE

>> No.91023156

Biboo just saw the skill tree for the first time kek

>> No.91023162

This guy has autism, how can you play the same game every day for 30 years?

>> No.91023171
Quoted by: >>91023240

fauna will be gone and kronii said is hard to learn everything

>> No.91023182
File: 93 KB, 310x289, kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91023273

Not even shilling coca cola could defeat our king.

>> No.91023231


>> No.91023240

And? We have Advent and Justice as fresh meat for the tourney

>> No.91023263

Everyone got kicked out of the game again.

>> No.91023264
Quoted by: >>91023365

Still love CC, but Otomos needed a bitchslap, simple as.

>> No.91023273

Anon. Miko and Korone's cola shilling was yesterday. Their stream today was on the celeb's channel and beat the tinman

>> No.91023293


>> No.91023324

PoE2 is eventually going to be free to play, right? How do they make money? Cosmetics? Pay to win?

>> No.91023360

GGG shitting the bed with this release

>> No.91023365
Quoted by: >>91023610

I think you mean Grems. They need to interject Gigi into everything.

>> No.91023380

Cosmetics and storage

>> No.91023398

>How do they make money?
Selling stash space and cosmetics

>> No.91023399

>Cosmetics? Pay to win?
Cosmetics and Stash tabs

>> No.91023400

it's gacha, also yes, they release bunch of cosmetics

>> No.91023405
File: 78 KB, 1372x416, btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idk what else to say but what cover is doing to holostars is unforgivable.
>The boys deserve so much better with all of the hard work they’ve put in over the years, so much wasted talent.
>Starmin keep fighting we gotta show our oshis are worth it
>[] BTFO

>> No.91023415
File: 312 KB, 1920x1080, GeHVpOHaYAAOFel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little bit out of the loop so I had to check ...

>> No.91023464

Clearly they didn't fight enough, even Cover caved in to actual popular demand

>> No.91023469
Quoted by: >>91023543


>> No.91023482
Quoted by: >>91023748

>vtuber fans are empathetic

>> No.91023521
File: 2.07 MB, 1921x1081, 1720171152420700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never played action rpgs because I always thought they are too action focused and the plot sucks, never played Diablo 3 either. Does A-rpgs plot sucks ass?

>> No.91023543

What the fuck does that mean?

>> No.91023546
File: 1.27 MB, 1358x1428, no curnmvles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're getting a "voice comic" and that's it!

>> No.91023558
Quoted by: >>91023693

It's not that EU hours are good (they aren't) but that NA hours are bad, much worse than they ought to be.

>> No.91023597
File: 265 KB, 1423x2048, GeHvd_WXQAAUPUG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inb4 C-minor

>> No.91023610

NTA but grems aren’t the ones who keep shilling their oshi as “Kiara but better” or “Replacement Fauna”.

>> No.91023621
File: 923 KB, 1024x1024, jihad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume he mean


>Infidels feel our wrath
<(takbir Yagoo ackbar we declare jihad)
>In the name of hololive we'll clear our path
<(takbir Yagoo ackbar we declare jihad)
>We declare jihad against our foes
<(takbir Yagoo ackbar we declare jihad)
>Our bond as warriors only grows
<(takbir Yagoo ackbar we declare jihad)

>Nijitroons shall perish by our sword
<(takbir Yagoo ackbar we declare jihad)
>Beggars all go extinct
<(takbir Yagoo ackbar we declare jihad)
Phasekeks will all get tucked
<(takbir Yagoo ackbar we declare jihad)
>Okbuddy scum will feel our wrath
<(takbir Yagoo ackbar we declare jihad)
>Vshojosluts will know their place
<(takbir Yagoo ackbar we declare jihad)

>Male indies will cease to exist
<(takbir Yagoo ackbar we declare jihad)
>Only halal asmr will be the norm
<(takbir Yagoo ackbar we declare jihad)
>Haram malecollabs will forever stop
<(takbir Yagoo ackbar we declare jihad)

>I say takbir you say Yagoo ackbar
<(takbir Yagoo ackbar we declare jihad)
>Takbir Yagoo acbkar
<(takbir Yagoo ackbar we declare jihad)
>Takbir Yagoo ackbar

>> No.91023627

No one plays these games for the plot, I'll tell you that right now.
It's the endgame gameplay loop that's really REALLLLLLLLYYYYYYY fucking addicting.

>> No.91023653

military lolis ToT step on my balls use me as a chair

>> No.91023661


>> No.91023668

I thought Diablo 4 plot was okay, but at the end of the day it's a very small part of it for most people so it's not really were the main focus is at for the devs.

>> No.91023693
File: 1.41 MB, 320x240, 1730400225276088.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91023700
Quoted by: >>91023778

Grems are the ones shitposting, correct.

>> No.91023706

i play it for the plot
poe has good story and good story involvement in the endgame

>> No.91023710
File: 97 KB, 908x684, rider_ululate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91023717
Quoted by: >>91023792

Speaking of gacha. Which Holo will play Infinity Nikki? Or is it forbidden chink shit?

>> No.91023748

she said vtuber fans not /vt/ seenigs.

>> No.91023764
File: 200 KB, 2048x1448, Gd9Vlk_a0AEoi0p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91023766
Quoted by: >>91023836

wait did she stay at the start the whole time? Didn't get to the church at all?
Miko quit the game after 4 hours of being unable to get past the first 3 screens. some games just aren't for everyone.

>> No.91023769
File: 207 KB, 498x372, 1703772719856109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91023767

Finally, nazi cc

>> No.91023774
Quoted by: >>91023872

These are obvious false flags because nobody would unironically tout their oshi as a replacement for another vtuber or compare her to Kiara.
Grems actually think that spamming is a good way to win mind chair.

>> No.91023778

sit down threadcuck

>> No.91023784
File: 30 KB, 720x402, cinemaPeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91023792
File: 47 KB, 814x366, 1729059892805696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No perms yet
And yeah Chinese dev

>> No.91023799

you play for the plot? i only need some simple plot and just enjoy the gameplay

>> No.91023812
File: 9 KB, 421x155, 1707557387196611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91023876

>It's a real word
but I don't think he is using it right

>> No.91023825

they're a timeless design
so were Pebbles for a longest time, but they kinda fell out of favor once man developed bricks

>> No.91023833

You're really proud of this, aren't you?

>> No.91023836

bad look for her if she quits, she is known as the boring game girl

>> No.91023872
Quoted by: >>91023947

>Describes falseflagger
>Knowingly falls for it

>> No.91023874 [DELETED] 

Just like pebbles were totally the ones that called Biboo Gura's replacement and the new Gura every time Ennacuck botted her right? Totally not ennacuck and other sisters falseflagging to bait hate, totally.

>> No.91023876
Quoted by: >>91023984

its not a fucking real word real words get used nobody says im gonna fucking ululate in joy

>> No.91023907

>Trying this hard for CC vs GG
Ok, what happened with Niji this time, what did they do

>> No.91023915

Spent almost 20 years of my gaming life playing for the endgame grind. I can't do it anymore, now I just clear the story and put the game down.

>> No.91023932
File: 107 KB, 910x748, Rider_scammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91024014

Looks like Rider's running scams to stay afloat.

>> No.91023945

Aster failed to beat the diddy accusations

>> No.91023947

stop responding to ennacuck

>> No.91023948

They also sponsored niji as a launch campaign so they might avoid holo

>> No.91023963

Thanks, anon.

>> No.91023973
File: 295 KB, 456x315, 1620179287351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91023976

DiddySanji is real and Anycolor protected him

>> No.91023983

The purple one is a sexpest or something like that, honestly I don't care.

>> No.91023984

idk man, I might start ululating from now on

>> No.91023988
File: 554 KB, 1180x1838, defend this0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91024790

>wait no holostars countdown??
>theres no way they cant do even that for holostars?
>can they please stop treating them like this….its ridiculous.
>no like seriously
i dont want to hear any ‘holostars dont do well why should they invest’ maybe if they invested in treating and managing the boys better they’d be doing better too
>if they cant even let them have a countdown live nor starscolle when thats like the bare minimum anyone would have expected ESPECIALLY when its not that complicated then clearly theyre not giving a shit about stars and the boys. come on cover
>dont come to me or any of the stars fans telling us how we should or shouldnt feel btw.
>its block on sight.
>it should be obvious enough that this is a huge issue (out of many other huge issues…) that theyre not treating holostars fairly
<Maybe I'm coping. But when they use the "hololove production" term, then there is possibility that the stage will be a mix of girls and boys
<But again, it's my copium and I hope that the boys can also perform somehow instead of being absent


>> No.91024002
File: 31 KB, 720x180, 1733513123983264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyo came in with the steel chair

>> No.91024003


>> No.91024014

I think the retard got hacked

>> No.91024022
File: 310 KB, 616x1800, Astel commited wrong think, burn him at the woke stake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91024207

>the bois DESERVE so much better chud

>> No.91024046
File: 823 KB, 1984x2806, 1732335190361567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chu chu chuuuuu

>> No.91024064
Quoted by: >>91024118

What the fuck. Riot gave them girls free RP

>> No.91024103
File: 6 KB, 823x69, 1707642791359829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91024118

They gave them creator accounts before the first collab, which was why all the girls were lvl 30 with RP to use for skins.

>> No.91024125

>Biboo gets into the game before anyone else
>Server crashes
>Gets in again
>Server crashes and then they wipe her character
My wife...

>> No.91024168

I'm starting to think that beggars are too dumb to understand why the homos aren't as popular as the holos

>> No.91024182
File: 704 KB, 2048x1536, 1718517568328234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91024197

>Wawa spent all of her free RP on Caitlyn skins

>> No.91024207

>What if there are Palestinian people in his community
The simple thought of that even happening is hysterical. Soon they'll be marching in Gaza for da boyz

>> No.91024216
Quoted by: >>91024272

beggar status?

>> No.91024221

This basically strikes at the heart of CC’s problem. It’s nearly impossible to shill her without trying to sell her as a supposedly better version of some other holo. In addition to Fauna and Kiara, there’s also she’s “better Ame”. She doesn’t present any kind of appeal that isn’t just a shallow copy of somebody else’s appeal.

>> No.91024243


>> No.91024272

Eternally Ululating in despair

>> No.91024274

Always funny how people pretend that Fauna matters in any way. People won't suddenly stop watching Hololive when she graduates, because Hololive is more important than her, Hololive made her.

>> No.91024277

funny how you make fun of homos but it's all of Hololive that is crumbling

>> No.91024297

oh? how much did it get? I wasn't able to see it live.

>> No.91024302

You seem like a foreigner.

>> No.91024310
File: 300 KB, 1372x1804, trends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Otsukare everyone !!!!!
>Thank you for participating it was amazing
>It was so fun seeing the timeline full of the boys and for them to notice too!
>We ended the year with full week trend
Correct me if I'm wrong: trending with under 9k posts means it was some sort of local trend or personal trend, no?

>> No.91024344

Ain't no party like an Aster party!

>> No.91024379


>> No.91024389

fuck off cuckling

>> No.91024405
Quoted by: >>91024558


>> No.91024410

The Stars side has 800k views, is that not good for something that had 20k ccv live?

>> No.91024433
Quoted by: >>91024512


>> No.91024434

Man I would be so happy if ERB just vanished mysteriously forever

>> No.91024473


>> No.91024485

>The Stars side has 800k views, is that not good for something that had 20k ccv live?
This 36 seconds stream by Haachama had some 10k peak and 1M views already

>> No.91024512

I know you're not going to believe me but Aqua, Ame, Chloe and Fauna graduated from Hololive.

>> No.91024533

But the sisters told me the screenshots were fake

>> No.91024558
Quoted by: >>91024630

>EN box back 2022 numbers

>> No.91024582
File: 73 KB, 720x282, 1733475258257786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12k( Homos + Girls)
>Popular Demand LMAO

>> No.91024589

who cares, watch streams faggot

>> No.91024626
File: 562 KB, 3420x2214, nerissa 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I can't get past the feeling of HOW FUCKING WELL MIXED this cover by Nerissa was
The sound effect of an iPod with low battery fucks me to the highest and most primal level

>> No.91024630
File: 722 KB, 521x1107, 1702479596593052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91024791

>25k EU hours
>2022 numbers

>> No.91024663

the real question is: did those "new fans" stay around until this year? or did they leave because astel promoted mcdonald for free?

>> No.91024678

fuck league and gg

>> No.91024700

>images you can hear

>> No.91024731
File: 194 KB, 1219x394, 1709394362674014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91024806


>> No.91024736

It's time to give up, Riona.

>> No.91024744
File: 602 KB, 2549x1425, 30 days chart branches 20241201 (zako version).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the real question is: did those "new fans" stay around until this year?
Anon posted a chart showing conclusively that the answer to this question is: not really

>> No.91024747

They stayed on the same place they were always on. Twitter.

>> No.91024776

If they kick Biboo out a third time I'm going to be so upset.

>> No.91024790
Quoted by: >>91025008

>maybe if they invested in treating and managing the boys better they’d be doing better too
where is this coming from? there's literally no correlation between "managing" and vtuber success...
like it's literally never was the case
all the shit holos get they are getting BECAUSE they are popular not to make them popular... and only idea these faggots have is for stars to leech hololive... this is so fucking annoying

>> No.91024791
Quoted by: >>91025093

newfags don't remember how not even Gura could get 20k on EU hours

>> No.91024806

I love Aster

>> No.91024825

>800k people watched the video, probably just the group song with Holos.
>This resulted in 0 new streamviewers.
It really just debunks the whole claim of the homos having shit numbers cause people don't know about them.

>> No.91024827
Quoted by: >>91024974

NijiEN is catching up to Phase again.
Kinda worrisome for them.

>> No.91024835
Quoted by: >>91024958

There's a reason this was the single most successful EN song since 2022.

>> No.91024870

>insisting that 27k box is fine and Fauna won't kill it forever
uh oh holo bootlicker melty

>> No.91024900
Quoted by: >>91025080

mixers really make or break songs

>> No.91024902
File: 241 KB, 720x720, chu chu~ [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmljf6n.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91024915

You really got nothing today huh?

>> No.91024930

the problem not in hololive fan's preference... but nijisanji fans preference

>> No.91024958
Quoted by: >>91025096

I'm an early 2010s vocaloid fan and, up until that version, no rendition of vocaloid songs could ever even come close to their original version as devised by the original producer....
Then that one came and I was blown the fuck away, it's better than the original and created a bigger thing than it derived from

>> No.91024965


>> No.91024974
Quoted by: >>91025034

>NijiEN had a buff arc in Japan

>> No.91025008

They never want to admit the dubois are the problem and no amount of marketing will help them if dubois are boring and uncharismatic. Roberu is basically just very skilled with talking he isn't a gamer or singer.

>> No.91025034

Oh, I forgot about the botted karaoke.

>> No.91025080

Another song where the mixer carried massively is Marine's "stay with me"
Marine put her FUCKING HEART in that song (and likely hurt her throat in the process) but it came out better than the original, I was legit worried when I first heard it
>thought it would be her swan song, her magnum opus before graduation

>> No.91025093

I still remember that Dead Space 3 stream.

>> No.91025096

>no rendition of vocaloid songs could ever even come close to their original version as devised by the original producer
So true, few humans can match the dulcet tones of japanese microsoft sam

>> No.91025103

I agree about bad marketing.
For whatever reason when Cover tries to market homos they always promote them to Hololive fans.

>> No.91025115

Odd content choice


>> No.91025139

Fauna literally doesn't fucking matter. The box will not be affected by her leaving because she leeched off the box not the other way around. She would be nothing without Hololive and even when she graduates and reincarnates she will still be nothing without Hololive

>> No.91025176
File: 42 KB, 854x259, 1730855539254806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91025175
Quoted by: >>91025308

She's excited for the Indiana Jones game because Troy Baker voices him

>> No.91025178

uh oh samefag melty

>> No.91025188
Quoted by: >>91025348

it's members only

>> No.91025204

watchalongs are an odd content choice?
indy movies are beloved by ojisans

>> No.91025207
File: 531 KB, 1222x822, 1729029669418751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These numbers look culled.
>sub 20k 3D live
wtf is this shit?

>> No.91025224

that guy is having a full-on meltdown lol

>> No.91025230
Quoted by: >>91025357

Excellent bait.

>> No.91025273
Quoted by: >>91025408

You jest but it's true. Gumi's "Echo" is still unmatched
and it's not just because humans can't sing perfect pitch
>except for fucking Sora, that damn sexy human vocaloid
but because the mixer did a spectacular job there.

>> No.91025294

>What the audience is different between Holos and Stars?
I like anime girls and don't care for anime boys. It's that easy.

>> No.91025308

Why is always him or Yuri Ben10?

>> No.91025347

>this is what bootlickers actually believe

>> No.91025348
Quoted by: >>91025528

greynames in chat?

>> No.91025357

What fucking bait, it's true. She wouldn't be shit if not for Hololive, no one knew her before

>> No.91025408

But, with that said, Haachama's version not only is spectacular but the context of her then battle with the dichotomy between playing her role as written or branching to her true self (Haachama) made it so much more special

It's absurd how much the Holo girls improved on the vocaloid lore of the early 2010s. There is a reason there was a massive migration from one hobby to the other

>> No.91025427
Quoted by: >>91025700

Could be cull. Could also be that people aren't as interested as before.

>> No.91025434


>> No.91025464

>random niji wave live

>> No.91025488

while shitposters force themselves into extreme position, the reality of Fauna's future position is both happier and sadder at the same time
she will do okay, better than she ever did as an indie, better than any member of NijiEN since late 2022, she'll be a comfy 4view, maybe low 5view streamer
she will never reach the same heights she was capable of with Holo, no massive live events, no insane turnouts on outfit reveals, no spectacular sponsorships or cameos
same gonna happen to every Holo that leaves, sooner or later

>> No.91025528

it's still not set for members only

>> No.91025534


>> No.91025543

Jesus gigi

>> No.91025555

>ERB getting mogged by Doki and Kirsche
So thats it, this is the end of hololive??

>> No.91025618

Anime men are largely boring. Especially in the last decade. It's not just vtubing. You see merchandise trends, doujin trends etc where a male character simply aren't appealing, partly because they may as well be self inserts, so they get ignored. Like, the fact that a lot of doujins straight up doesn't use established males, but a random dude only further establishes that they're simply unappealing. Honestly, I feel like I don't really see a lot of male gacha characters featured in works beyond the main character. Male characters pretty much have to be extraordinary to get attention. Or just be in a Shounen.

>> No.91025676
File: 156 KB, 793x1200, 1710852532993048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) 117,359: Fauna (Hololive) Graduation Announcement
>2) 77,038: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) VCRGTA3
>3) 70,713: Mito (Nijisanji) Major Announcement
>4) 63,421: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) VCRGTA3
>5) 58,854: Korone (Hololive) MikKorone Important Announcement
>6) 54,332: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) VCRGTA3

2x: Hololive
4x: Nijisanji

3x: Kuzuha
1x: Fauna, Mito, Korone

>> No.91025684

Just a little shrimp that's all I could ever be...

>> No.91025686

Biboo has the strongest instantloss aura I've ever seen.

>> No.91025700

All of them at the same time?
