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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 361 KB, 1920x1080, E-HtyCtUcAQr087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9044395 No.9044395 [Reply] [Original]

>Upcoming Stream: Frostpunk #2

>Most Recent Stream: Portal 2 with Baelz

>Debut VOD:

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmbs8T6MWqUHP1tIQvSgKrg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii

>Current Schedule:
9/01 - Frostpunk @ 6PM PST / 9PM EST, (9/02) 1AM GMT / 10AM JST
9/02 - Hollow Knight @ 1:30PM PST / 4:30PM EST / 8:30PM GMT, (9/03) 5:30AM JST
9/03 - Break
9/04 - HoloCouncil Collab @ TBA

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread:

>Current Bond Level: 0.5

>Fanfic Listing:

>Fanart Gallery:

>Clock Sounds:

>> No.9044412
Quoted by: >>9045800

remember to read this based post

>> No.9044411
File: 203 KB, 590x707, kronii paizuri 9:1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9044561 >>9044660

Welp, it's back.

>> No.9044417
File: 95 KB, 595x842, E-COW2gUYAAEM9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea how much I love this woman.

>> No.9044427
Quoted by: >>9045803

>threesome with time and chaos
>rat rides your face while cackling
>kronii rides your dick while commenting on how pathetic you are

>> No.9044434
Quoted by: >>9044467 >>9044538

bringing this up since I didn't want to bring it up in an already dying thread. but hell yeah this would be a great idea.

>> No.9044439
File: 409 KB, 1240x1754, 92416621_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9044472

>> No.9044467

Seconded, someone mention it to Sana in stream. She'll be the one who pushes for it if Kronii is on the fence.

>> No.9044472
File: 85 KB, 618x480, 1630431870841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful design

>> No.9044474
File: 3.10 MB, 2445x3500, 1630325680709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii is having a lot of fun.

>> No.9044496


>> No.9044500
Quoted by: >>9045029


>> No.9044514

this rrat

>> No.9044521

We need this and contemptible valley girl Kronii as webm sound files STAT

>> No.9044535

>that background shake with every table slam

>> No.9044538

That would be amazing, they agree to do rival battles at certain parts of the game, god that would be so hype

>> No.9044561 [DELETED] 

>Kronii mumei
They know owl has a boyfriend right?

>> No.9044573
Quoted by: >>9044596

What does Kronii say at the end?

>> No.9044581

Dont start this retarded loop here

>> No.9044588
File: 151 KB, 540x540, 1630325201666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9044590
File: 315 KB, 2480x1347, E-LfhCaVEAca8Kj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9044596


>> No.9044603
Quoted by: >>9044690

yes, her

>> No.9044604
Quoted by: >>9044651 >>9044686

clock chads are anti-rat unity bros

>> No.9044618

Glados will marry Kronii lets GOOOOOOO

>> No.9044620
Quoted by: >>9044665

i made this post

>> No.9044627

Congratulations GLaDOS you won the Kronii bowl

>> No.9044638
Quoted by: >>9044687

Is Kronii a Sneed or a Chuck?

>> No.9044639


>> No.9044641

>you will never be an automaton and marry kronii
I'm ngmi

>> No.9044651
Quoted by: >>9044681

>clock chads are anti-rat
not me

>> No.9044655

Best part of the stream. Right next to hyper egirl Kronii.

>> No.9044657

Robots love Kronii as much as we do

>> No.9044659

i don't remember making this post

>> No.9044660

>Panzui got bumped
>Replaced by lewd
>Lewd only has 8 posts total

>> No.9044662

>AI gets to marry Kronii
It's not fair

>> No.9044665

no i made this post

>> No.9044673

>After years of working throught her issues along side you, Kronii is finally happy
>She streams a couple of time a week with minimal anxiety and worry
>She created a solid connection with her chat, something that while not perfect it's comfy
>She can be her sassy and chill self among her friends and co workers without needing to appeal to self deprecating humor
>She can look at herself in the mirror and accept her faults, but also see her hard work and her qualities
>At night she doesn't wake up randomly crying with anxiety anymore, she sleeps soundly by your side. At peace.
>Love doko?
>Love koko

>> No.9044681
File: 1.86 MB, 3148x4096, 1630217320031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9044808

kek that's not what I meant and you know it

>> No.9044686

no no. the only things we are anti against are doxxfags and kronii antis

>> No.9044687

she seems to be a damn city slicker

>> No.9044690
Quoted by: >>9044807

Nah, if Kronii was then Mumeis mic wouldn't be so shit

>> No.9044713

That's the good shit

>> No.9044731

Kronii strikes me as someone who will develop a parasocial relationship in members only streams when those becomes a thing.

>> No.9044737
Quoted by: >>9044954

Do you know the time stamp?

>> No.9044757
Quoted by: >>9044774

Kronii strikes me as someone who [projection]

>> No.9044766

I hope so

>> No.9044774

this, stop it you fags

>> No.9044776
File: 115 KB, 428x424, ゴズリング168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She had her suspicions when she missed two of her periods, ever since she had grown accustomed to her body, she had never missed a menstrual cycle.
>The next symptoms soon followed: Nausea, swelling breasts, fatigue and of course morning sickness.
>She didn't want to believe it, she had watched enough human media to know what she was suffering from.
>A being such as herself, was it possible? She didn't know.
>She was unsure on what to do, she could have accessed the temporal stream to confirm her fears. Yet living in the mortal world had affected her thinking to the point that she had taken the mortal approach as her first recourse.
>She went to the local pharmacy, buying not one but two pregnancy kits. She needed to double check. She needed to be sure.
>She went back to their apartment, she sat down a the toilet seat and proceeded to administer both tests.
>She was sitting at the dining table, staring down at the both of them, two lines in each of them.
>She was pregnant.
>What was the next option?
>It wouldn't have been that difficult to rectify this little mistake, she just had to reverse her body's internal clock back before her womb got inseminated.
>It was actually surprising how long it took considering her vigorous sex life with anon.
>Anon, just what would he think?
>He never really showed any interest of having a family, he seemed to be contented enough with the sex.
>She was confident she could convince him to get rid of the baby.
>Raising a family? Her and him? A mortal and a fundamental force of existence? What a joke, a preposterous idea.
>She grabbed her chest.
>It would be awful, being a mother. To have something so weak and defenseless be entirely dependent on you. To raise it for many years, to ensure it reached adulthood.
>She wasn't even a human, so she didn't even any experience with such a thing.
>Why would she let the baby go through something like that?
>She started rubbing her temple.
>What about her duties? As the Guardian of Time? How could an avatar of the Gods even think of entertaining the thought of being a mother? Ludicrous
>Her heart beat was picking up a pace.
>No, she should stop it right now. She should stop thinking right now.
>Thoughts started intruding in her mind.
>She in the hospital, cradling a baby and with anon by her side.
>Feeding the baby, watching the child's first steps.
>Sending them to school, watching them grow up with friends.
>She choked back the tears.
>She didn't even notice him.
>A soft and gentle hand on her shoulder.
>She suddenly jolts out of whatever reverie she was in.
>"A-Anon?" She stared at him, adrenaline pumping through her veins.
>Not now.
>She needed time to think.
>She wasn't ready.

>> No.9044783
File: 25 KB, 513x600, 1630335023528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes with me

>> No.9044807


>> No.9044808
File: 117 KB, 270x279, 1629981119291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and you know it

>> No.9044816

Kronii sure love machines.

>> No.9044827
Quoted by: >>9044975

that's one of the worst things that would ever happen to Kronii. She deserves a lot better.

>> No.9044841
File: 160 KB, 298x321, kronii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii love

>> No.9044850

Damn that spoiler got me right in the kokoro.

>> No.9044855

I'm Glados

>> No.9044861

don't throw away child please!!

>> No.9044865
File: 206 KB, 573x683, 1630469429314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9044962 >>9045097


>> No.9044868


>> No.9044872

You wish. She's been nothing but closed off so far.

>> No.9044902
File: 631 KB, 1020x1745, abozj0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kroniis soft Kroniis...

>> No.9044917
File: 2.47 MB, 720x796, kronii_clockdoko[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fogn9hz.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9044928
Quoted by: >>9045123

i wish kronii was my mother

>> No.9044930
File: 7 KB, 259x194, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9044932

Fuck I regret writing Bae ryona now, her dynamic with Kronii is too cute for that. I'm not gonna write crossover fics until they've actually collab'd now.

>> No.9044954


>> No.9044962

god my dick

>> No.9044975

I'd honestly feel horrible for her if that happened. That's just falling into the abyss for a streamer. I hope she makes friends with the council girls to cope instead.

>> No.9044982

what do you guys think kronii feels to be the No 1 of her gen?
i hope she doesnt gura'd

>> No.9044993


>> No.9045015

I doubt it. Gura had a higher growth and gap. EN2 also got fucked by Susan so numbers will be meaningless for a long time.

>> No.9045029
Quoted by: >>9045105

>When the small, confused and excited Baelz reaches for a kiss Kronii attacks her
>She envelops the tiny brrat's mouth with hers, deep kissing the girl
>Her hands start touching the inner part of Baelz's thighs, massaging them near her pussy
>When the brrat is released from the kiss she's in a scared and horny stupor
>She tries to run, but auntie Kronii doesn't allow any escape
>She just continues to molest the fragile girl with lustful intent
>She kisses her necks and traps, fondle her almost non existent breasts all, she rapes her mouth again with her tongue
>All without touching her pussy directly
>Eventually auntie Kronii carries Baelz to the bed
>Fuck logic and rational thinking
>She was going to take the girls first time by force

>> No.9045040

She's the only real breakout 'star' but all their numbers got buttfucked so hard, it won't matter

>> No.9045041
Quoted by: >>9045164

>my oshi is gura
>girl who acts like a total tease to cover up her insecurities
>ends up leading her gen by a considerable margin
>it makes her impostor system flare up

>my EN2 favorite girl and now overall second favorite girl is kronii
>girl who acts like a total tease to cover up her insecurities
>ends up leading her gen by a considerable margin

Oh no.

>> No.9045083

I mean hey its working for rushia
kronii would probably just use it as an excuse to shit on herself though

>> No.9045092
File: 154 KB, 685x345, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit found out this place has quality greentexts, prepare for newfags

>> No.9045097

She's from Joisey?

>> No.9045100
Quoted by: >>9045131

no, she'll just kronii. It's not like Kronii is being put on a pedestal just because she does better than her genmates. I don't expect anything out from Kronii since she's doing things her way and is getting some good results so far.

>> No.9045105


>> No.9045118
Quoted by: >>9045170

reddit is warded off by SEEEEEXXXX posters

>> No.9045123
Quoted by: >>9045180

She doesn't

>> No.9045131

>I don't expect anything out from Kronii since she's doing things her way and is getting some good results so far.
this, Kronii is Kronii

>> No.9045136


>> No.9045139
Quoted by: >>9045199

there have been so many newfags since the en2 debut already
I dont like it

>> No.9045144


>> No.9045152

Bros your doomposting is scaring me, someone please assure me she's not gonna get rid of her massive milkers.

>> No.9045163

No, Kronii earned her success

>> No.9045164
File: 57 KB, 700x401, 1630155875445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9045165

Friendly reminder to gatekeep following redditor behavior
>-oomer posters
That is all.

>> No.9045166
Quoted by: >>9045229

How do we make Kronii cry?

>> No.9045170
Quoted by: >>9045196

BASED coomers they are our guardians against rrats trying to smear Kronii and normalniggers

>> No.9045178

desu if i had to rate gen 2 it would probably be
Kronii>Mumei=Fauna>Sana(I just can't stand the aussie accent)>Rat

>> No.9045180

just like his real mom

>> No.9045182

Stop being retarded, anon.

>> No.9045192
File: 19 KB, 112x106, redditfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9045224 >>9045283


>> No.9045196

Trying to hard reddit

>> No.9045199
Quoted by: >>9045232

At least the hype seems to be divebombing. I was really expecting this collab to be sitting at 40k viewers, but it was only 12kish for most of it. I'd give it 2 or 3 weeks before we're back to relatively small comfier communities.

>> No.9045208

If anything, I think she would like you to respectfully look at her eyes. You can stare at her milkers all you want since they'll never go away, but she wants your attention.

>> No.9045220

I'm reminded of her reaction when her fans told her she's at 200k

>Kronii: Yeah but for how long?

I don't think she cares about the numbers.

>> No.9045222

enough bro, she's still in the experimentation phase

>> No.9045224


>> No.9045229

Marriage proposal followed by kissing and hugging
And then baby making sex

>> No.9045232

i think its because of the time it was held if it was earlier it might have more views

>> No.9045245
Quoted by: >>9045281 >>9045287

Possible Ina-Kronii offcollab?

>> No.9045251
File: 290 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20210830_200553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9045269 >>9045302

Can we at least keep this one tho?
It's cute

>> No.9045250
File: 282 KB, 659x695, unknown-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9045254
File: 1.11 MB, 977x858, 1629956184108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an idea. I've been studying the Kronii soundbyte database--the hard part is out of the way as you've been compiling it--and in the future I may be able to stitch together enough sentences to synthesize her voice with neural software (like resemble AI) and make it read scripts. The best part is I can expand upon it and constantly improve it as time goes on. However this will take a shit ton of effort and I need to gather the autism required to do it. Time will tell, so to speak.

>> No.9045269
Quoted by: >>9045336 >>9045344

No, no frogs allowed.
They're cancer, you let one survive, they will multiply.

>> No.9045278

Why the fuck are you on Reddit?
>m-my friend sent me this...
You don't have friends.

>> No.9045281
Quoted by: >>9045296 >>9045372

I think they live at opposite sites of the country
Any doxxbeats here to confirm?

>> No.9045283
Quoted by: >>9045320

wojack and oomers I get but I literally never see pepe anywhere besides here and the odd twitter pfp. If anything its been adopted by twitch of all things

>> No.9045287

no for the time being,
the chinaflu is very bad right now

>> No.9045296

>Any doxxbeats here to confirm?
no thanks

>> No.9045302
File: 133 KB, 707x1000, 1630143395393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes live your best life, post pepes to your content

>> No.9045305
Quoted by: >>9045374

At first I was against this, but maybe chemo will be needed...
Abortion, futa and ryona writers, do what's necessary when the time comes. I'll survive somehow..

>> No.9045320

-oomers are all forced memes from wojaks. It's a way to cut off the head of the snake.

>> No.9045334

Based, keep at it anon

>> No.9045336
File: 302 KB, 660x649, 1621584382841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9045344

fuck off schizo

>> No.9045347
File: 184 KB, 474x396, 1630106896666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take my autism anon, really want to see this happen

>> No.9045368
Quoted by: >>9045405

>Redditors are already flooding us with their shit.

>> No.9045372
Quoted by: >>9045411 >>9047813

where is that takobro image of a kronie and deadbeat hacking another deadbeat to death?

>> No.9045374
File: 257 KB, 762x800, ゴズリング15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fics are too powerful for you, anon.

>> No.9045405
Quoted by: >>9045445

>talks about reddit constantly and not kronii
really makes me think

>> No.9045411
Quoted by: >>9045452

We need another version with them beating the reddit frog to death.
Drawfags assemble!

>> No.9045427
Quoted by: >>9045463

is it post-nut hours? i was expecting mroe kronii-baelz abuse fics

>> No.9045429
Quoted by: >>9045473 >>9045638

not the drive sound guy but here https://files.catbox.moe/rz9lt2.wav

>> No.9045445

>Just ignore cancer.
Pathetic attempt on your part.

>> No.9045452
Quoted by: >>9045502

enough, your the only one bringing them up

>> No.9045463
Quoted by: >>9045493

It's late bro...everyone's tired.

>> No.9045464
Quoted by: >>9045554 >>9045612

what did she mean by this?
I actually dont get it

>> No.9045473
Quoted by: >>9045638

It's really low, can you please re-record it at a higher volume?

>> No.9045475
File: 254 KB, 2048x2048, E14Bt9sVUAM1soE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9045493


>> No.9045502

Nah, you can fuck off back there.

>> No.9045512


Guys, I know these tweets are off-topic and shouldn't apply to us, but do keep this in mind whenever you make fan-stuff.

>> No.9045532

They've been coming here in higher frequency for at least 2 weeks now and it's noticeable, slowpokechamma.

>> No.9045534
File: 83 KB, 703x709, 1629851769089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9045616 >>9045617

I don't think Kronii is ogey

>> No.9045551
Quoted by: >>9045589 >>9045617

Out of context soundfiles are going to break here.

>> No.9045554

soundanon its time(heh) to stop

>> No.9045552

We're not monetizing anything....right anons?

>> No.9045561
Quoted by: >>9045602

i don't read moon runes brother

>> No.9045573

le ebin funny meme, kronii.

>> No.9045583

it was because that shitty steam game, that stole a hololive fanart

>> No.9045589
File: 145 KB, 1080x1185, 1583711216541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, still masturbating to the soundfile Kronii

>> No.9045602

second twitter link is the translated one, onii-chan.

>> No.9045605

She knows about https://files.catbox.moe/nqnuf7.webm bros...

>> No.9045612

i am down for a dr seuss reading stream,
then i will suck kronii mommy milkers

>> No.9045616

is she meming on us

>> No.9045617

Kronii, forgive me...

>> No.9045621

Unless someone here steals Kronii's art assets and then creates a shitty H-game on Steam and somehow says we're responsible for it., we should be okay.

>> No.9045626

She'll be ready someday. Good stuff anon.

>> No.9045628

You heard her. Stop jacking off to out-of-context sound bytes, you freaks.

>> No.9045638
Quoted by: >>9045662

Didn't catch that. sure. Here you go

>> No.9045644

This doesn't apply to us because nobody here will ever be japanese.

>> No.9045648
File: 155 KB, 512x512, 1611363548872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the Dr Seuss quote have to do with it?

>> No.9045652

I'm jacking off to them with all the context tho.

>> No.9045657
Quoted by: >>9045680 >>9045690


>> No.9045662


>> No.9045665
Quoted by: >>9045745

I think she's referencing the 4000 clipniggers already posting the "first time" bit. The second I closed the stream I already had 2 in my reccomended.

>> No.9045674
File: 59 KB, 620x441, 1630437169025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9045704 >>9045745

So at this point its save to say that kronii is here + hates us right?

>> No.9045680
File: 281 KB, 620x327, 1630367865469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17 hrs

>> No.9045690


>> No.9045691
File: 71 KB, 618x680, E9nokOlXEAIztVG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah what

>> No.9045693

I think it's referring to her "cumming there here and everywhere" in Baelz stream

>> No.9045704
Quoted by: >>9045731

lol no. I bet that she doesn't know we exist in the first place.

>> No.9045714

Critical thinking anon. It can be interrupted to ways.
1. They were bouncing all around in Portal 2 and their antics were funny.
2. Anything can be funny depending on the context it's taken from
Based on her follow up comment, it's going to be #2.

>> No.9045717
File: 241 KB, 951x554, F6799586-B861-43E9-A76E-D4CA90E6C763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You complaint has been noted and discarded, move along

>> No.9045731
Quoted by: >>9045771

better stay that way

>> No.9045733

oooooooh that makes sense

>> No.9045745

more like this really >>9045665
Remember, Takeshi didn't give a single fuck when he was having the time of his life in that tunnel.

>> No.9045766
File: 802 KB, 2480x3508, E9-DCOaVEAgBEuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9045771
Quoted by: >>9045801 >>9047246

This, she'll absolutely despise us if what happened in the collab tonight annoys her..

>> No.9045786
Quoted by: >>9045818

Kronii is on a retweet spree.

>> No.9045795

It was the only franchise she could get the permission to post. Please undastan.

>> No.9045800

based anon. respect

>> No.9045801
File: 89 KB, 491x446, 1593983342769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My sexual degeneracies always end up hurting the ones I loved
Why God

>> No.9045803

kronii is bigger so she should be the one face-sitting

>> No.9045818

she made an autistic joke that didnt land but cant back out so shes spamming retweets to drown the post

>> No.9045829

hi it's me kronii's husband!

>> No.9045835

Shes just like me

>> No.9045842
File: 175 KB, 587x900, E-HUxFMVcAU8MCs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9045852
Quoted by: >>9045934

I don't think this is goslinganon stop falseflagging fag

>> No.9045864
File: 163 KB, 604x655, 111111111111111111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I retarded? I don't get the relevant of the Dr Seuss quote

>> No.9045898
Quoted by: >>9046007


>> No.9045912

Dont worry about it, no one does

>> No.9045915
Quoted by: >>9046007 >>9046539

She made a reference to that quote in the collab, but since not many people get it, or just want to take things out of context in general, she posted that.

>> No.9045921
File: 243 KB, 934x1061, 86AAEB06-FC3A-4A37-8B1E-FFE25F56B94A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate En clippers so much, fucking leeches the lot of them

>> No.9045934
File: 172 KB, 1917x1042, f86b54096cbbb49a93a216c16af1067b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9045943
Quoted by: >>9046265

how else do you expect them to make a living? getting a job?

>> No.9045942

waiting for this. can't wait to make kronii I love you anon

>> No.9045946
Quoted by: >>9046007 >>9046539

She made the reference during the collab. Its funny how half of the people didnt get it during the collab and it seems an even bigger chunk of people talking about this dont even watch streams.

>> No.9045949
Quoted by: >>9046265

it's a love hate relationship, they leech true, but they also megaphone kronii

>> No.9045950
File: 380 KB, 667x955, 1629834360653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the clock

>> No.9045958
Quoted by: >>9046052 >>9046208

That's A LOT of retweets, my phone is getting spammed with notifications...

>> No.9045965

Wow that really is what she did. She's so fucking gap on accident.

>> No.9045969
Quoted by: >>9046033 >>9046265

Clippers could use their channels to land a job with any MSM considering how much clickbait and out of context shit they peddle .

>> No.9045998
Quoted by: >>9046265

God I hate clipniggers so goddamn much.

>> No.9046007
File: 264 KB, 341x382, 1630162496824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah thanks I get it now. She seems genuinely peeved about it

>> No.9046033
Quoted by: >>9046265

>journos are just the clippers of real life
suddenly it all makes sense

>> No.9046036
File: 770 KB, 970x545, B8C725B5-C5FD-44CF-BF2A-8F944829D5E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9046038


The out-of-context she's referring to.

>> No.9046044
Quoted by: >>9046265 >>9046317

I see the expected names have already made their way to upload this clip.

>> No.9046052
Quoted by: >>9046163

21 retweets since that reference tweet already.

>> No.9046070
File: 108 KB, 640x905, bxruul47k9j71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna sleep but kronii is awake and posting

>> No.9046072

Is Kronii...actually vanilla dork...

>> No.9046097

very creative

>> No.9046105

Please tell me if Kronii asks it, Clover can go after any of them that are monetized.

>> No.9046107

we know that she's a dork for a while

>> No.9046113
Quoted by: >>9046184

Yes, she loves holding hands and chaste kisses

>> No.9046124

what makes sanakronii such a better pairing than takamori.

>> No.9046137

they could but they use clippers as free advertising so they won't

>> No.9046145

Cover actually allows clippers to monetize their shit, as long as they're not uploading full streams.
And since Hololive is the latest hot trend on the Internet, this is why there's so many of them.

>> No.9046150

It's not forced and Sana doesn't constantly sperg for Kronii tiddies off-stream.

>> No.9046162
Quoted by: >>9046175

Well, for starters, one of them didn't force desperately try and force it during their debut stream.

>> No.9046163
Quoted by: >>9046226 >>9046293

man shes gonna fucking psych herself out if she keep freaking out over little stuff. I didnt even notice it when it happened in stream, chats gonna chat though I suppose

>> No.9046164

I doubt they care. It's advertising for them.

>> No.9046175

*one of them didn't desperately try to force it during their debut stream.
Don't type at 4 AM.

>> No.9046184
Quoted by: >>9046428 >>9046920

>holding hands and chaste kissed
Shit like this is rare her when it comes to stories, but it gives me more despair and crushing pain that any other theme. Thank god most of the stories about daily life with Kronii that start out sweet, end in smut or her getting her holes fucked sideways. The sex brings me back from the void.

>> No.9046208

I still can't get her to show up in my notifications. I've done about everything I can think of but she's the only one that doesn't show.

>> No.9046210
Quoted by: >>9046249 >>9046299


>> No.9046214

Clippers are unironically just motivated narrativefags, think about that.

>> No.9046226
Quoted by: >>9046261

this general is too pure to see that as lewd

>> No.9046249

hey, not here. Go to the rat's general to do that stupid shit of yours.

>> No.9046261

two anons actually reacted to it saying they came everywhere too soo uh yeah not that pure

>> No.9046265

Is this really worth getting mad about?

>> No.9046271

Kronii is definitely Asian. I've heard that accent a ton of times before. Probably Chinese or SEA. Definitely not Japanese, highly unlikely she's Korean

>> No.9046286
Quoted by: >>9046291


>> No.9046291


>> No.9046293

I get psyched out when its just my online friends seeing my cringe tweet, can't imagine thousands of fans and influencers and friends and colleagues.

>> No.9046296
Quoted by: >>9046417 >>9046452

Is the collab worth watching? I over slept through it.

>> No.9046297


>> No.9046299
File: 494 KB, 724x724, 1630477055601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9046304
File: 339 KB, 750x985, 81C7445B-038D-4FC1-98CA-447D70DF7D1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9046343

Holy shit
Sauce: https://twitter.com/saltseacake/status/1431361216291639298?s=21

>> No.9046303

no but that's not gonna stop me

>> No.9046317

Why am I quoted? My response has little to no anger in it.

>> No.9046321
Quoted by: >>9046347

Is she really mad? She's retweeting art now, I think she was just joking around but people got confused

>> No.9046325
Quoted by: >>9046344 >>9046348


>> No.9046336
Quoted by: >>9046359

She's Korean. This has been confirmed.

>> No.9046341
Quoted by: >>9046665

don't try to test us doxxfag.

>> No.9046344


>> No.9046343

Face and skin color are still fucked up.
Worst of all She's smiling

>> No.9046348

cosplay chads...we won...

>> No.9046347
Quoted by: >>9046371 >>9046380

>People take something Kronii said out of context again like they usually do
>She makes an autistic joke and pretends to be mad about it
>People think she's unironically, seriously mad
>She gets embarrassed and starts spamming retweets to bury it
I love this cute autist!

>> No.9046357

No really, clippers have been a force of nature for forever, but I like being mad, it's cathartic

>> No.9046359
Quoted by: >>9046384

uhhh when? did she say this on stream? if it's roommate shit nvm

>> No.9046369

More like annoyed. Even the holo talents expressed their annoyance with clip channels and said that they wish they didnt do this clickbait stuff. What happens is that it paints holos as something theyre not to new people and they come in expecting them to behave ina certain way. Or they end up spamming their chat woth whatever meme the clip was pushing.
Im also annoyed that these people earn money by rushing to make a retarded clickbait thumbnail and subject and use the lowest form of content editing. Theres no love for the talengs. This is purely done for money.

>> No.9046371

kek, love you Kronii, you were amazing in the collab tonight

>> No.9046380

She didn't even make a joke! Just clarified what she was referencing (the quote)

>> No.9046384
Quoted by: >>9046434

Debut stream she said she speaks fluent Korean as well as English.

>> No.9046417

I liked it, if you hate the rrat probably not, if your neutral on her or like her, definitely, Kronii was very funny in it

>> No.9046423


>> No.9046426
Quoted by: >>9046447 >>9046460

Kronii wasn't mad guys, I was just making a joke

>> No.9046428
Quoted by: >>9046496 >>9046615

>Both of you sit on a bench
>After walking in the park in a summer day it's inevitable that your bodies would get tired
>You and Kronii talk about what you're going to have for dinner
>While talking your hands touch each other lightly, and then your finger get enlaced
>For a while your conversation gets quieter and quieter until it completely stops
>You focus on Kronii's warm hands and she does the same with yours
>The emotional connection between you are manifested by that simple and yet powerful act
>Holding hands, minutes in that bench seems to become hours
>It could be eternity

>> No.9046434

she could be literally someone who just knows korean well????? how was that confirmation but anyways let's just drop this topic

>> No.9046446
File: 121 KB, 503x526, 1630443927888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9046484

>kronii humming ode to joy

>> No.9046447

very funny, kronii

>> No.9046452

Pretty good. They have a weird dynamic that gives off vibes like Kronii has babysat a lot in the past. Kroniis also too tired to not filter out her sarcasm and it lead to a really great moment where she blows up at a negging chatter.

>> No.9046457
Quoted by: >>9046477

Isn't Rizulix also one who does this?

>> No.9046460

Kronii defense force got activated lmao

>> No.9046467
File: 3.54 MB, 528x560, Kronii_Gosling_Fade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wake me up when Kronii comes back...

>> No.9046477

Yeah, he's also doing clickbait clips.

>> No.9046484

I want us all to request this during her firs karaoke stream.

>> No.9046489
File: 1.12 MB, 957x1200, 1629824314169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night brother

>> No.9046490

We just finished. She's gonna shower and hop back online in a bit.

>> No.9046493
File: 327 KB, 1229x2048, 1630274792883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9046509 >>9046530

Kroniichiwa Ourobros! Woke up just before the stream but ISP decieded it was a good time for maintenance so I am gonna watch the stream now, how you doing?

>> No.9046496
Quoted by: >>9046619 >>9046781

Now write the part where she gets analy fucked on the bench or she whips out her clock or whatever. Please. Dont do this to me.

>> No.9046509

It was great, you're in for a treat. I'm watching kronii's retweet storm at the moment and going through art

>> No.9046530

doing fine taking a quiz right now. The stream was very fun!

>> No.9046539

Kronii's not stupid, she knows whatever clips are plastered everywhere are how normalfags who weren't here on the ground floor are going to perceive her. So if they see clips of her reference, or Bea saying it's their first time. It's going to create an image that Kronii is going to have a shitload of trouble shaking. Especially since Clover won't care and just sees all the clips as free advertisement.

She's definitely going to be more self conscious with what she says now.

>> No.9046541
File: 383 KB, 1448x2048, 29DA144A-1800-4BA0-BA75-B00825874A00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9046569

Kronii love

>> No.9046581
Quoted by: >>9046602

>Twitter Web App
That makes me feel good for some reason. That people still use twitter on computers and not phones.

>> No.9046589

That's my wife right there

>> No.9046596

My clock dork wife

>> No.9046599
File: 85 KB, 600x1025, E-KrG5zX0AAuwiU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9046653 >>9046683

The woman cooks for me

>> No.9046602
Quoted by: >>9046625 >>9046635

Ok old man

>> No.9046615

Vanilla overdose, I'm die

>> No.9046619
Quoted by: >>9046666

anon you can't keep running away from intimacy what are you a faggot?

>> No.9046625

Watch your mouth whipper snapper.

>> No.9046635
Quoted by: >>9046659

>not following kronii in twitter
okay retard

>> No.9046649
File: 316 KB, 750x749, D7C9A081-98A3-4837-93C3-47A218633713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9046653

amazing pic

>> No.9046659
Quoted by: >>9046673 >>9046764

I will NEVER use twitter
not even for kronii

>> No.9046662
Quoted by: >>9046685 >>9046700

I am literally Ryan Gosling.

>> No.9046665

I'm not trying to doxx. It just bugged the shit out of me and I realized she has an Asian accent I've heard a lot before. I don't ever wanna see what she actually looks like or know too many personal details. I like Kronii not the person behind her.

>> No.9046666

Im extremely lonely and incapable of forming human connections with anyone, so I use the idea of raunchy degenerate sex to numb the feelings of lacking daily intimacy and warmth from someone, with a union thats built on mutual love and respect.
Yes, lovely stories hurt.

>> No.9046673
File: 813 KB, 721x713, 6BAB2B2C-89D7-4BC0-A3C3-402F71031009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9046740


>> No.9046677
Quoted by: >>9046709

Call your mother and talk with her. It's been months.

>> No.9046683
File: 926 KB, 827x750, E8423443-3B54-4FC5-A35F-CECDC96971C4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hungry now. I'd eat whatever Kronii makes even if it tastes bad, but that's not possible because anything Kronii makes is perfect just like herself

>> No.9046685

I´m the doctor.

>> No.9046700

you wish you were hot as me, the real Ryan Gosling.

>> No.9046703

It was so cute when she drank out of the straw bros...

>> No.9046706
Quoted by: >>9046728

I used to feel that way. I hope you get better Anon. I can only suggest therapy.
We're all gonna make it.

>> No.9046709

My last close family member is dead for over a decade.

>> No.9046728
Quoted by: >>9046780

Im going to therapy for 2 months now. I want to change. I dont think ill find love, but I just dont want to react to it as painfully as i do. Just to accept and move on.

>> No.9046732

>lovey stories hurt

Then suffer through them, become stronger

>> No.9046740
Quoted by: >>9046789

The invention of social media and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.9046751

I wonder how good Kronii is at cooking and what does she enjoy making.

>> No.9046764
File: 109 KB, 422x691, 1630225371001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not helping to boost her numbers

>> No.9046780

best of luck anon, i also struggle with similar issues, hopefully you can achieve peace of mind, I think that's the least anyone should strive for

>> No.9046781
Quoted by: >>9046825 >>9046843

>You both go home with enlaced fingers
>The whole way you and Kronii exchange silly clock puns and jokes
>Reaching home you go to the kitchen to prepare dinner, Kronii readies the table and then start to check her twitter
>While you are cooking she suddenly hugs you form behind and teases you while in your surprise you try not to fuck the food up
>After her teasing you kiss eachother, nothing lewd and long, just a quick kiss followed by smiles of pure joy in both of your faces

>> No.9046789

True, but also I get pictures of anime girls in their panties sent directly to my phone so you take the good with the bad

>> No.9046797
Quoted by: >>9046833

I just misread kroniis twitter handle as Cuckeroni.

>> No.9046825
File: 225 KB, 330x412, 1630268309839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9046833

What's wrong with you?

>> No.9046843
File: 364 KB, 528x528, D8551275-8460-4BCA-8BC2-CB309B9E2283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damnit I love my sweet Clock wife so much and want to hold her hand

>> No.9046877
File: 491 KB, 2036x2100, 1610850261441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9046926 >>9046947

Thread making fag here. I'm going to sleep Was having another dry coughing fit, but took some medication for it and it's calmed down. (blogshit end)
If the bread baker is here, I know you got this.

Let's all hope Kronii is okay and can get through this fine.

>> No.9046878
File: 354 KB, 922x830, 3454222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9046949

>look what I made for you anon

>> No.9046887

We need to add the /here/ code word to the main OP in the next bread

Unless you think we should change it before every stream

>> No.9046919

Let's not, especially after what happened tonight.
Kronii affiliating herself with 4chan would be a terrible idea for her image to the normalfags.

>> No.9046920
File: 52 KB, 329x329, ゴズリング72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"UWAK!" Kronii cried out in frustrated anger, this was the fourth time you had just beat her at Strive. The more heated she became the more did her skill degenerate.
>"I'm tired of this game, it's not even that good." She put down the controller, extending her neck backwards behind the sofa headrest in obvious annoyance.
>You can tell game night was done, she didn't have the sanity left for another round. You turn off the console and the T.V, relaxing in the hanging silence.
>You slowly try to slide up your hand up her thigh, it get's immediately intercepted.
>Kronii looks at you a little miffed with a puffy pout as she grabs your offending fingers, bending them slightly. She was a really sore loser.
>"Not now anon, I'm not in the mood." She says dismissively.
>"Alright, I'm not gonna do anything." You say, leaning forward.
>You give her a light kiss on the lips, staring at her Azur eyes for the longest time. There was, something there. It felt haunting, like a memory.
>You start scooting over, enveloping her in your arms, wrapping them around the midriff.
>You rest your chin on her shoulder, taking a whiff of her hair. She just took a shower, she smelled of lilac and rain.
>Your hands are intertwined with hers, your fingers dancing together.
>She's quiet, silent, yet you knew what the both of you were thinking
>She turns her face back towards yours, long strands of beautiful black hair brush against your face.
>"Don't think I'm gonna forgive you like that, we're not gonna do anything tonight." Her face is a light shade of pink, she want's to be mad at you, but she can never maintain it for too long.
>"That's fine, I don't put up with you because I like the sex." You give her another kiss, a peck on the lips.
>You just sit there, she in your arms. You feel her breathing, you feel her heartbeat. You take in her scent. You take in her everything.
>She rests her head on your chest, she's so warm. She's so soft.
>"Anon." She whispers out, in a voice so quiet that it barely reaches your ears.
>"You love me right?" You snort a bit, amused by the question.
>You tighten your hug, sliding on the sofa until you're both lying on the seat.
>"Always and forever. "You can hear her sniffling.
>She was crying.
>You just kiss her on the scalp, rubbing your arms on her back.
>You will never let her go.

>> No.9046925

but why tho

>> No.9046926
File: 199 KB, 429x396, F76E78C8-4E31-42FA-AFC7-9C12B59281A2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, hope you don't have any serious health conditions. Stay strong

>> No.9046947

have a good sleep and get well soon.

>> No.9046949

Doesn't look too bad, but I prefer my cereal with beer instead of milk, unless it's your milk, Kronii

>> No.9046952

Do the holos know they're popular on 4chan or just reddit and twitter?

>> No.9046959
File: 444 KB, 1247x634, 1265362124321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro... my heart going full Takeshi right now

>> No.9046973

I'm sure they know that 4chan talks about vtubers. They just don't go /here/ to egosearch.

>> No.9046972

This is retarded for multiple reasons, the first of which being that she's probably not even /here/ to begin with so it's pointless, but if she was it would be extremely obvious to everyone, and a bunch of dumbfuck newfags are being drawn to this place all the time both because of people posting about this general in other places and because of the new debuts.

>> No.9046984
File: 84 KB, 528x560, 1611540008112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9047005
Quoted by: >>9047102

They know about this place. Risu and Moona have explicitly mentioned it in the past. There's no real indication of how much they lurk here or even if they've posted, though.

>> No.9047012

This is like a hot iron straight into my heart.
And this
>"Anon." She whispers out, in a voice so quiet that it barely reaches your ears.
>"You love me right?" You snort a bit, amused by the question.
>You tighten your hug, sliding on the sofa until you're both lying on the seat.
>"Always and forever. "You can hear her sniffling.
>She was crying.
>You just kiss her on the scalp, rubbing your arms on her back.
>You will never let her go.
Was it being twisted

>> No.9047054
File: 349 KB, 281x281, 1600199655825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I much, MUCH prefer these to ero stuff.

>> No.9047071
File: 341 KB, 500x275, tennant_sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love thie woman, thank you goslongbro

>> No.9047088
Quoted by: >>9047117 >>9047148

They know us, they aren't going here to egosearch because of all the shitflinging and ratts. Or mention us because of how poisonous it would to their reputation.
I mean 4chan's back in the news because /pol/'s posts are being subpoena'd by the Jan 6th commission. Not a good time to make a shout out to us.

>> No.9047092
File: 134 KB, 842x1306, 479D4395-B29D-4F0E-A6F6-A00C48634B48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9047102
Quoted by: >>9047185

Hololive ID is an exception to the rule since sites like reddit are banned in ID, so the only way to have a static interaction is through places like 4chan.

>> No.9047117

fucking /pol/

>> No.9047148
Quoted by: >>9047167 >>9047169

even /pol/ can't get away from that nothingburger, huh?

>> No.9047167
Quoted by: >>9047220

Oh fuck off.

>> No.9047169
Quoted by: >>9047220


>> No.9047183
File: 189 KB, 815x1220, 14D6C2F6-68E5-479A-8C62-DDC3C26E5356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9047185
Quoted by: >>9047263

How the fuck is reddit banned over there but not 4chan?

>> No.9047220
Quoted by: >>9047234 >>9047235

yikes guys. you really want to carry that tone /here/ of all places?

>> No.9047225

what timestamp?

>> No.9047234
Quoted by: >>9047293

Out. Now.

>> No.9047235
Quoted by: >>9047293

Back to your containment board.

>> No.9047246

I just woke up, what happened?

>> No.9047263

>According to the Ministry of Communication and Information. Reddit was banned because it promoted pornographic materials and not only Reddit was banned, Imgur and Vimeo were also banned.
Why 4chan isn't banned too? That's a good question.

Do your reps, everything is in the thread.

>> No.9047283
Quoted by: >>9047304 >>9047358

She made an extremely mild autism joke that nobody noticed but some people here are still in a wad about because it'll expose the sekrit clubhouse

>> No.9047293
Quoted by: >>9047318

Oh, just Kronii being her usual self and having a swell time with Baelz.

"yikes" is a bad word here? huh, what are the odds that I'd be using /pol/ words unironically?

>> No.9047303

doomposters finish masturbating now they are doomposting until their sacks get refilled

>> No.9047304

>because it'll expose the sekrit clubhouse

>> No.9047318
Quoted by: >>9047387

>Playing stupid
Buzzwords are always bad words newfag.

>> No.9047358
Quoted by: >>9047409 >>9047413

Nobody gives a shit whether she 'exposes' us or not. Some people are just sad because there's a possibility she might not like all the fanfics (which, yeah, no shit, there was one a while ago where she beats Bae to death and she gets immensely grossed out by step-sibling incest, of course she wouldn't like them) or that it'd reflect badly on her to her audience if she acknowledged 4chan outright (which is a more reasonable concern).

>> No.9047387
Quoted by: >>9047402

Okay? not sure why you're seething. I've never posted in /pol/ just so you know, so newfag does make sense. Can we just go back to Kronii? You can just disregard the political opinion and continue kroniiposting.

>> No.9047402
Quoted by: >>9047409

>More buzzwords
Follow your own example then.

>> No.9047409

>there was one a while ago where she beats Bae to death


>> No.9047413
Quoted by: >>9047473 >>9047490

In the end it doesn't really matter either way because Kronii isn't actually mad at people taking what she says out of context and making it lewd. If she was she'd have called people out sooner when they did it earlier last week. She just pretended to be mad to be cute.

>> No.9047445

Watch her Interstellar watchalong, in the movie they are in a cornfield farm that has issues with dust storms and here are some kronii paraphrase quotes
>I guess you could call him corny
>uh oh they got him cornered
>another one bites the dust
Yeah, she's dorky

>> No.9047455
File: 339 KB, 1948x1915, 1629647670789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9047641

I hope Kronii generals slow down in the future cause it is actual hell trying to do your archive reps currently.

>> No.9047473

I wonder if people will ever notice that they crossed the line when they intend to annoy her for the sake of reactionbaiting.

>> No.9047490

I think she is irritated because this fucks with her image, since she's still in the stage where how people perceive her is extremely malleable. That's the probable reason for why she's hiding her tits right now, she doesn't want to be known just for them. So having people take a joke she made out of context to make it sound like she's lewd is the last thing she'd want.

>> No.9047502


>> No.9047539

>trying to rip High Energy Kronii and stitch it into coomer bait
>Baelz's screaming keeps cutting in
i'm a rat anti now

>> No.9047562

Rat antis are not welcome in this thread.

>> No.9047575

hi im a coomer so you better hurry up with that audio or I'm gonna blast the thickest load you've ever seen on your face

>> No.9047582

Leave my rat imouto alone you literal fucking autist

>> No.9047623

Please don't hate Kronii's friends...she's suicidal without them...

>> No.9047625

Get fucked -oomer fag.

>> No.9047641
Quoted by: >>9047727

Slowing down probably, but not for while. If anything, we're getting cross-migrations from different generals because of the uniqueness of this melting pot of a general. Not to say that it's a bad thing. The fact that we managed to get this general running at a consistent and organised fashion shows the dedication kronies are making to make this general interesting, except for shit-stirring tourists or those few bitter fags up there that sperg out the moment you talk anything politics.

>> No.9047658
Quoted by: >>9047672 >>9047716

It was just a joke I don't hate any EN or Holo for that matter. In fact I really like Baelz, sexually.

>> No.9047672
Quoted by: >>9047686 >>9047709

I really like Baelz as a stand-in for the little sister I don't have.

>> No.9047686
Quoted by: >>9047728

you do know you don't really want a sister right? you want a convenient cumdump right?????

>> No.9047695

Sounds updated. I personally like Dr._Kronii.mp3
>I am cumming here and there and everywhere.

>> No.9047709

I'm going to sexually bully your non-existent little sister of you don't mind

>> No.9047716

I'll probably never like baelz to be honest, ollie and her has the same vibes and I'm not into that shit

>> No.9047727
Quoted by: >>9047853

>those few bitter fags up there that sperg out the moment you talk anything politics.
That's a good gatekeeping tactic because if you want to kill a general. You can do it one in two ways. 1. Make a discord to tribalize the community 2. Inject partisan politics.
Anyone who attempts the first one will be told to fuck off. So we got to gatekeep against the second.

>> No.9047728
Quoted by: >>9047747 >>9047774

I don't care about sex or not I just want a cute little sister I can take care of and be there for when she feels sad or is hurt so that way I'll feel needed and reliable, and then maybe she can play games with me and will listen to me nerd out about shit no one else cares about

>> No.9047747
Quoted by: >>9047758 >>9047818

sorry anon but that only happens in anime wake up

>> No.9047758 [SPOILER] 
File: 146 KB, 1820x755, 1er.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please let me dream. Please let me dream. PLEASE let me dream.

>> No.9047774

You also have the bonus of feeling useful when you help her understand how to play games or do things online, or answer her homework. It's cute

>> No.9047813
File: 287 KB, 1454x1088, public executions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9047853


>> No.9047818

I agree with this anon
t. have a small sister

>> No.9047839


>> No.9047853
Quoted by: >>9047894 >>9047902

but it's a rather harmless opinion though? Not against the idea of gatekeeping partisan politics. Just don't see how that comment would incite even shittier people to visit this general.

Nice. Thank you so much Takobro.

>> No.9047871
File: 425 KB, 1080x1163, Screenshot_20210901-172028_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9047890 >>9047902

>> No.9047890

this but with kronii instead

>> No.9047892

Wanted to post horny ideas for any interested writeanons but I ended up browsing the fanfic archive and jacking off to a decent one. Keep up the good work, horny writers.

>> No.9047894
Quoted by: >>9048490

Mentioning politics of any kind is almost exclusively used to shitpost, bait and derail. Feigning ignorence is step 2.
Same for so called "harmless doxxes".

>> No.9047902
Quoted by: >>9048490

Nothing is harmless, you let cancerous thing in, more will always follow. I don't see why this is so difficult for you to understand why people are being so diligent about this.

The dead should stay dead.

>> No.9047905
File: 520 KB, 549x550, 1616805404438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9047925 >>9047929

Let them come, I'll cum on every last redditnigger and spread their boipussies so much that you'd be able to fit their whole supply of onions milk in them.

>> No.9047923
Quoted by: >>9047948

when you're hornii for kronii, checking the archives would always do the trick unless her 18+ art starts piling up or something

>> No.9047925


>> No.9047929

Based. Dont forget your zinc and pumpkin seed supplements to keep your prostate exceptionally strong.

>> No.9047937
Quoted by: >>9048048

Which one?

>> No.9047939

So lads how does it feel to be in le ebic leddit screencap?

>> No.9047948
Quoted by: >>9047978

She doesn't get enough good 18+ art.

>> No.9047957
Quoted by: >>9047975

Is there a gallery for all the art that artists itt made?

>> No.9047960
File: 1.27 MB, 1400x1950, friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember who you're friends are. Do your part

>> No.9047968
File: 12 KB, 360x344, ゴズリング9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck...I don't want them to read my shit...

>> No.9047975

Art and image based oc*

>> No.9047978

RIGHTTT??? I think the most decent one right now is the instant loss one and the one made by sunset

>> No.9047989
Quoted by: >>9048084

It'll be fine, they'll probably stumble upon my Ame mindbreak fic and leave.

>> No.9047991

>Baelz’ screaming keeps cutting in
I fail to see how that’s a bad thing, being loud and annoying is exactly what makes me want to fuck her lights out

>> No.9048014
Quoted by: >>9048055

Do bread bakers count as friends?

>> No.9048048
Quoted by: >>9048062 >>9048136

This kind of scratches my moral degen fetish.

>> No.9048053
Quoted by: >>9049800

>Futa"chads" leeching on people that actually do something good for the thread
Fuck off

>> No.9048055

Yes. I think of them as the proposed scholars or engineers from Takobro's art

>> No.9048056
Quoted by: >>9048245

I feel like there’s been so much writing in this thread that we’ve already exhausted all the obvious ideas, so it’s either we delve into increasingly degenerate shit or find more creative ways to fuck with time

>> No.9048062

Good tastes

>> No.9048071
Quoted by: >>9048109

It's too "weird" and "creepy" for their normalfag asses.

>> No.9048084
File: 766 KB, 4096x2928, IMG_20210831_160123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still waiting for more of that, writechad

>> No.9048109
Quoted by: >>9048197

to be fair, goslinganon's first entries we're pretty vanilla and cute

>> No.9048127
File: 338 KB, 612x596, 1614190963320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9048221

It's too late already goslingchad...
Redditfags were always here, and it just happened one drooling containment breaker nigger just couldn't help himself and posted his ebin greentext screencap.

>> No.9048136

That's a classic. Good taste

>> No.9048145
Quoted by: >>9048198 >>9048423

>Don't want normalfags to read your stuff
>Use a normalfag meme like Goslin
I feel your pain, but I don't get it.

>> No.9048184

Don't worry goslingbro, reddit niggers won't stay, at worse some containment breaching fag will post greentexts on their site

>> No.9048197

Those are precisely the things most of them don't get, and if a normalfag doesn't get something, his first reaction is to blame it for being "creepy" or something. They don't gosling and fantasize about this stuff like >we do, out of "respect" or whatever.

>> No.9048198
Quoted by: >>9048228

wait gosling's a normie meme? I consider myself as a normie and this is the first time I've heard about it

>> No.9048208
File: 1000 KB, 1463x2000, 023B7532-215A-485A-B4B7-B258B9A2C15D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9048249

An open letter to all reddit tourists

>> No.9048221
Quoted by: >>9048318

woah where'd you find a pic of kronii after our 5 hour long sex session

>> No.9048228


>> No.9048233
Quoted by: >>9048260 >>9048331

Kronii: wife
Baelz: imouto
Mumei: daughtru

>> No.9048240
File: 220 KB, 463x453, 1629968019433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so a common criticism of kronii is that she doesn't seem to be able to carry a conversation with chat or know how to fill dead air super well, and while i enjoy kronii's streams a lot i think there's some substance there

how would you phrase a supa telling her to just play word association when she's not sure what to say? im behind on my awkward communication via donation reps because im poor

>> No.9048245
Quoted by: >>9048275

I was that anon early on who joked about age progression/regression hentai involving spinning the clock on her head. Then some other anon went, and I quote
>regress Kronii while you're deep in her for that ultra tight cunny UUUOOOHHHH
I don't think it went any further but the idea was lowkey interesting to me.

>> No.9048249
Quoted by: >>9048318

>5 hour long


>> No.9048260
Quoted by: >>9048274

Why do I want my wife and I to have incestuous relations with my sister and daughter?

>> No.9048274
Quoted by: >>9048356

Because nothing is sacred and they're all holes to be filled

>> No.9048275

That's fucking hot. Now I'm interested too

>> No.9048318
Quoted by: >>9048393

Meant for >>9048221

>> No.9048331
Quoted by: >>9048374 >>9048416

Sana: childhood friend
Fauna: creepy neighbour
I’ve really come to like the idea of fauna giving off hex maniac vibes

>> No.9048356

dangerously based

>> No.9048374

>that spoiler
does that mean she also sells her milk to strangers?

>> No.9048393
File: 304 KB, 453x464, 1607334538771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9048510

if you're that strong how about I fuck you for five hours tough guy?

>> No.9048397
Quoted by: >>9048535

If she wants help, she has 56 colleagues with more experience than us to ask advice to.
She should train to start conversations with chats, and have ready topics to talk about.

>> No.9048416
Quoted by: >>9048436 >>9048647

>Fauna stalking you and Kronii while you're on dates
>it's incredibly obvious but she thinks she's being stealthy
>having stopped time sex with Kronii in public but Kronii """accidentally""" forgot to stop Fauna
>she's shamelessly watching and touching herself while you fuck Kronii
>you make eye contact just as you cum

>> No.9048420
Quoted by: >>9048535 >>9048647

she literally just started just wait til she gets used to talking about shit constantly

>> No.9048423
File: 63 KB, 600x600, ゴズリング144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using Gosling way before reddit, I'm not stopping now.

>> No.9048436

okay now that's hot writefags you know what to do

>> No.9048490
Quoted by: >>9048501

Alrighty then. Guess I know now what not to say.

Maybe it's because I'm "politically insensitive" if that's a thing. I will shut up about it for the sake of this general.

>> No.9048501

Good man.

>> No.9048510

Yes, Kronii please do that

>> No.9048535

theres a million different reasons why she could avoid getting help (being shy, a colleague phrasing advice unclearly or some shit) so just throwing the phrase "word association" out there could help but what you said is still p fair

holos basically always come from content creation backgrounds so there's a good chance she's streamed before and by good chance i mean she 100% has but she absolutely hasn't streamed for an audience this big before which probably changes things. still fair point tho

>> No.9048636

She carried conversations with chat pretty naturally during the hk stream, I think she just falls short when focusing on games

>> No.9048647
Quoted by: >>9048727 >>9048758

on a partially unrealted note, after reading that one Fauna thing somebody wrote the other day, i've been thinking of something
>Fauna's following you.
>You know for *sure* that she's tracking you, again.
>It's hard not to notice, given how obvious she is
>Her horns are sticking out from behind the pole, for god's sake.
>Ask her what she thinks she's doing.
>Fauna says she's just trying to make sure you're safe!
>She doesn't want you to get hurt!
>Ask her why she picked up that empty bottle of soda you threw away a while ago, then
>She tells you you need to be more careful, people could be trying to steal your DNA! It's definitely not that she wanted to check its nutritional information to make sure you weren't having too much sugar again!
>Ask her to just go home, please, this is weird
>She eventually relents
>As soon as she gets home, she takes your spare key out from under the potted plant, unlocks your door, and throws herself on your bed
>Spends a few minutes just indulging in your scent
>She starts masturbating, making sure to mark your bed with her scent
>That way, you'll smell like her, so those other whores will know you're taken

>Sure, she's not in a relationship with you *officially*, yet, but it'll happen soon! She needs to be prepared!

>> No.9048727

hi anon you forgot to add
>ywn eddy

>> No.9048758


>> No.9048874 [SPOILER] 
File: 1015 KB, 6155x3463, test-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9048900

Looks great!

>> No.9048907

Absolute gorgeous, takronii chad

>> No.9048922

Sick nuts

>> No.9048960

Cannot wait to see the end result! Awesome work Takobro!

>> No.9049135

Very nice

>> No.9049148

Fucking nice!

>> No.9049192

I kneel, takobro

>> No.9049390

Awesome looking takobro

>> No.9049489
Quoted by: >>9050157


>> No.9049503
File: 139 KB, 409x439, 1629980439065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the collab VOD, that was fun! I hope they play portal 2 again! Also fuck clipniggers

>> No.9049581

Aw we look cute getting bossed around by our warden

>> No.9049596
File: 1.58 MB, 1920x1080, 5ECC41A8-23C9-4A17-B6AD-E73E1B02B60F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based and unity pilled

>> No.9049770
Quoted by: >>9049800


>> No.9049784
File: 781 KB, 4096x4096, 20210901_144831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9049910 >>9050050

>> No.9049800
Quoted by: >>9049920 >>9049959

Futafags are their own writefags though, and thus make their own content and contributions to the general. Also, they serve well as a filter for outsiders.

>> No.9049910

AHHHH armpits underboob

>> No.9049920

This, as there’s very little art they end up relying a lot on the writing, whereas the normalchads can use more of a mixture
I imagine writefagging will tone down a bit when more art has been done, at least the horny side of writefagging might anyway

>> No.9049959

Makes sense, if undesirables can overcome the SEXposting then the futaniggers are next to stop them

>> No.9049962
File: 16 KB, 500x166, 1630472697619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9050023

wtf is this real?

>> No.9050047
File: 146 KB, 305x330, 1630352096739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9050050
Quoted by: >>9050833

I love the art but I'll never get the point of spreading the armpit. Mm I supposed to somehow penetrate the pores of kronii's armpit or something?

>> No.9050078


>> No.9050088


>> No.9050157
File: 232 KB, 600x342, 1265362124666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9050168

based edit anon

>> No.9050186
File: 2.39 MB, 1334x750, DE781DC2-752B-49A8-89E5-07F6D6937CCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9050258 [SPOILER] 
File: 452 KB, 1306x2584, kronii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dropping an aggie artwork

>> No.9050375

is that a troopa

>> No.9050500


>> No.9050606

there has to be some way to test whether she knows about Takeshi or not, other than a big fat akasupa.

>> No.9050636


>> No.9050736
File: 72 KB, 735x735, Homemade-Bread-Recipe-735x735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9050920

Ready at death's door.

>> No.9050833

You're supposed to conceptualize the odor.

>> No.9050860

The crossover that was never meant to be

>> No.9050920
Quoted by: >>9050986

Oh shit are we going straight for the kill blow on Ame?
I thought kronii would rather keep her around as a playtoy?

>> No.9050986

Oh she'll be fine. Multiple timelines exist for that very reason.
