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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.8992970
Quoted by: >>8993195

OP let’s crowdfund a group of cute Indonesian girls (low salary) to play Torchbearer on stream. We won’t sexually molest them so there won’t be any controversies and it will be great content what do you say.

>> No.8993011
Quoted by: >>8993038

>get tens of online girls to secretly trust you and act as your therapists to get away from your unloving wife
>make them dependent on you and start doubting all their other friendships
>rub your cock against one after getting invited to her house
>get cancelled
This world is just not fucking fair man.

>> No.8993038

People who did this used to get beaten in the street

>> No.8993091
File: 57 KB, 640x640, 85435487798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will be writing it about conner before too long....
i warned you guys about it....... this is your chance to do some thing!!!!
if you ignore me you will be saying "why didnt we see the signs" YOU WILL JUST HAVE NO EXCUSE
PLEASE LISTEN ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8993143
Quoted by: >>8993466 >>8994125

I've been telling VSJfags that Connor was trouble ever since he showed up. I think a few are on the same page and if this situation won't make the rest change their mind, nothing will until he fucks up

>> No.8993144
Quoted by: >>8993193 >>8995162

What is this about?

>> No.8993176

So some indie got groomed? Is it worth actually reading that wall of text?

>> No.8993193
Quoted by: >>8993277 >>8994856

I did some basic reps and it looks like the vshojos have been playing dungeons and dragons with an e-celebrity who has, true to form, been exposing unwilling females to his penis

>> No.8993195
Quoted by: >>8993228

> We won’t sexually molest them

I promise nothing

>> No.8993224

Holy shit that's a LOT of people with twitlongers in her profile.
This one might actually be legit and not some thot bitching about their ex-bf

>> No.8993228

you’re allowed to molest them if you’re female and one of the talents

>> No.8993236

Seems like a shitty person, but she should have just told him to fuck off. People nowdays really like to stretch the concept of "abuse" and "trauma". If the worst thing that happens to you in your life is having a shady manipulative friend on the internet try to get in your pants, you're doing pretty good all things considered.

>> No.8993261

It’s not criminal but I definitely don’t want anything to do with anything he does

>> No.8993277
Quoted by: >>8993295 >>8993300

What do you mean by playing? For what purpose?

>> No.8993292

good. fuck him. glad hes canceled not because of what hes done but because he got caught. fucking retard.

>> No.8993295

He runs games for them as the DM.

>> No.8993296

He has done it several times already, he deserves to get exposed. What a retard.

>> No.8993300

I’m sorry I didn’t actually read any of the links in my Google search, only the preview text

>> No.8993324

Having seen coordinated attacks against targeted streamers before I'm leery to make any judgements until Arcadum explains his side.

>> No.8993326

What does this have to do with vtubers?

>> No.8993328

I'm not reading that shit. I'm happy for you though, or sorry that happened.

>> No.8993358
Quoted by: >>8993384 >>8993415

I knew something was up with him. I was watching his streams with Vshojos, and get seemed to have gotten a bit too personal with Froot in particular. Focusing on her way too much, creating an entire character to be a love interest for her character, and was in her Discord too (so he either asked her for an invite, or paid for her Patreon). I bet she was one of the girls he tried to groom.

>> No.8993378
Quoted by: >>8995099

I think technically a png tuber on twitch so still within the category of vtuber.

>> No.8993382

It's related to VShojo's D&D campaign and involves a bunch of EN indies. It's sorta relevant, though I don't fully understand why all of /vt/ needs to know about it.

>> No.8993384
Quoted by: >>8993416 >>8993442

But why don’t people want hololive to collaborate with VShojo and pals? It makes no sense.

>> No.8993398
Quoted by: >>8993426

Lmao fuck this thot, i sure hope the same happen to calli and ollie for mingling with e-celeb

>> No.8993415

If you want the current vsj rrats, Haruka had been feeling inexplicably under the weather recently...

>> No.8993416

You think this shit doesn't happen in JP?

>> No.8993420

The Arcanum guy runs the Vshoujo DND games. Momo I think is also technically a vtuber, she sometimes streams with an avatar.

>> No.8993424

>tl; dr:
The guy is a DM with marital problems, he allegedly gaslighted various women into pitying him and having trust issues. He also had ERP with them in DMs and apparently sexually assaulted one of them
>Why should interest me
He was involved with some vtubers, most recently VShojo in a DND campaign


>> No.8993426

it’s actually going to happen to Ollie though

>> No.8993433
Quoted by: >>8993483

Did he do anything sexual to anyone yet? Like something really sexual that would have him at the very least be brought to the police station?

>> No.8993438
Quoted by: >>8993495

I don't get it, what did he do wrong?
Are males not allowed to be emotionally vulnerable or be afraid of being abandoned?
If you express these feelings you're immediately "manipulative" or "grooming".

Seems like an issue of gender roles to me.

>> No.8993442

What the fuck is the relevance of Hololive at all here?
Is this the world's laziest falseflag?

>> No.8993443
File: 294 KB, 420x413, 1623916200960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why Holos should be kept in their bubble or especially away from Twitch and especially away from males.

>> No.8993451
File: 116 KB, 640x640, 1627563221272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that shes back in the US, mori's next isn't she.

>> No.8993466
Quoted by: >>8994125

These two have a point.

>> No.8993483

You're looking for this.

>> No.8993495
Quoted by: >>8993525 >>8993636

I'm reading through the 9 rrats and aside him from being a creep due to emotional instability I haven't seen anything he's done illegal, but it might pop up soon. I hate tldr shit.

>> No.8993517
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>> No.8993525
Quoted by: >>8993603 >>8993636

I read the twitlonger and all I saw was a man with emotional issues venting to an internet friend.

>> No.8993540

She probably sympathizes with the online cheating and manipulation

>> No.8993543
File: 25 KB, 886x320, 98DC5B44-92F9-4324-B46B-EA9C705E44D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8993591 >>8993594

>> No.8993565
File: 111 KB, 1080x665, 0C5F7823-8C05-4FD7-9D0B-52836AD9ABC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8993591 >>8993594

>> No.8993588
File: 19 KB, 602x216, 824916EC-5093-4EEA-9FBF-55D854541E09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8993591
File: 320 KB, 672x562, 1623227335807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8993618 >>8998560

I remember when VShojofriends were riding high on VShojo having no drama.

>> No.8993594
Quoted by: >>8993652

genuinely no splitfags give a shit about what the shojos have to say man
why are you posting

>> No.8993603
File: 438 KB, 645x582, 1624852494406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8993642

>you see, HE is the victim here becuase no girl will help him to cum!!

>> No.8993604

>Arcadum asked to scratch my back and play with my hair. I was obviously okay with this because he hadn’t been intimate with me before this point and I am super friendly in this sense with others. It was only when his hands started wandering where they shouldn’t when it became something more. I finally got the courage to get up from the seat I was in, he also stood up and attempted to embrace me very close. I allowed it because I assumed it was a hug, only to feel his erection against my leg.
>My mistake in all of these encounters was remaining silent and not telling him to stop, but years of sexual and emotional abuse from older men has taught me to just let it happen and move on.
This is why I don't believe this shit. She who was previously sexually assaulted by an older man, allowed this older man to scratch her back, touch her hair AND hug her? What the fuck is this?

>> No.8993610
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>> No.8993618
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>> No.8993631
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>> No.8993636
Quoted by: >>8993667 >>8993735

You only read the Momo one I bet. Scroll down.

Nothing here's about being a lawyer or pressing charges, it's about everyone realising the guy they stream with and considered buddies has been hurting their friends, consistently and at scale.

>> No.8993642
Quoted by: >>8993675

He told them it was okay to throw him out like trash which they did unconciously. They were the one that kept coming back.

>> No.8993652

how about you continue not caring in your own threads

>> No.8993656

Women are naturally mentally ill. Please andastand.

>> No.8993658
File: 289 KB, 498x306, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8993701 >>8995268

>It was only when his hands started wandering where they shouldn’t when it became something more. I finally got the courage to get up from the seat I was in, he also stood up and attempted to embrace me very close. I allowed it because I assumed it was a hug, only to feel his erection against my leg.
>I remained motionless and did not touch Arcadum back in any way, shape or form.This weird, dry-humpy embrace lasted several minutes as he cried into my neck. I could feel him gripping at my shirt and pants and holding me violently and just crying into my neck.

>> No.8993667


>> No.8993673
Quoted by: >>8993698

Why are people giving an opinion when we haven't heard Arcumdum's side yet?

>> No.8993675
File: 350 KB, 403x552, 1622492498493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically if youre being serious fuck off, dont reply to me again weirdo

>> No.8993677

Nooo you don’t understand he was counseling her though her emotions and giving her great advice there was no way to know he was actually a sex pest (if you have borderline personality disorder)

>> No.8993680

I agree that she seems weak, but that doesn't change that this guy a piece of shit - if it's true what she says, of course.

>> No.8993689

Deer in headlights is a common trauma reaction.

For fucks sake my dude I have the official autism papers and even I have enough shreds of empathy to understand this stuff

>> No.8993698
Quoted by: >>8993734

#believe wahmen

>> No.8993701
Quoted by: >>8993743

*humps against your legs with my erect cock as I cry into your neck*

>> No.8993721
Quoted by: >>8993759

Maybe now you fags will stop calling people incels for not wanting some groomer e-celeb asshole to rape their oshi?
This is only the millionth time this has happened.

>> No.8993734

this guy is scum even/especially if the girls he preys on are borderline internet sluts. you’re a bad person if you do that.

>> No.8993735

So they're just trying to destroy his reputation for being an emotionally unstable creep and no charges are forthcoming?

>> No.8993743
Quoted by: >>8993780 >>8993781

But where's the assault?

>> No.8993758
Quoted by: >>8993772

Arcadum asked, HE ASKED to scratch her back and touch her hair. She fucking allows it. Like fucking hell man. You've been assaulted for YEARS and you still allow that shit. Not to mention, in all of that she says she allows it. This isn't sexual assault. This looks like a guy taking his shot and the girl kind of allow it and later VERY regretting doing that. This is fucking stupid.

>> No.8993759
File: 321 KB, 1626x1417, 1627974672398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What tactics can I employ to get Mousefags to disavow Connor? Please, I'll do whatever it takes.

>> No.8993770
Quoted by: >>8994834

Bound to happen with Connor someday, You can only call people Incel for so long for them not wanting him slither around with the girls.

>> No.8993771
File: 25 KB, 593x173, 03F0056A-F041-42B7-B36F-DF0E777C03CD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8993772

ahhh yes the cosby defense, they didnt say no so whats wrong???

>> No.8993780
Quoted by: >>8993885

That's how you would react in that scenario?
Okay fag... whatever you say.

>> No.8993781
Quoted by: >>8993885

I would feel pretty fucking assaulted if that ham planet did that to me.

>> No.8993790

The death of EN vtubers will be caused by e-celebs and it can't come soon enough.

>> No.8993809
Quoted by: >>8993833

She didn't say no and even said yes. What's actually wrong with that anonchama?

>> No.8993811
Quoted by: >>8993834

Same here. I think it's quite possible for me to die some kind of a stupid death because when some seemingly dangerous shit happens I'm always just dumbfounded and can barely move. A lot of people react like this.

>> No.8993817
File: 409 KB, 900x900, 1621979834940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8993882 >>8994569

What you just described is cancel culture to its core. They don't want actual justice, they want to set the narrative before the guy even gets a chance to rebut the accusations, thereby ruining the guy's rep whether he's guilty or not

>> No.8993829
Quoted by: >>8999112

That doesn't rise to the level of sexual assault. He tried to make a move on her, she didn't say anything but acted awkward, and he eventually fucked off.

Also don't invite a dude to your house if you're terrified of him and have an extensive history of being abused?

>> No.8993830
Quoted by: >>8995150 >>8995932

It's endlessly fascinating to me how women always gravitate towards these kinds of men.

>> No.8993833
File: 880 KB, 297x277, 1625473499835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just said yes to me right now
look I even copy paste it from your very own post
I copy pasted that from you!!! now bend over soi boy, daddy needs to cum.......

>> No.8993834

Anon... read that shit. He asked permission.

>> No.8993840

If I ask to give a girl I know a shoulder rub and she smiles at me and says okay am I supposed to infer that she said no?

>> No.8993850

No means no, and yes also means no or what?

>> No.8993857
Quoted by: >>8993900 >>8996172

This is why I don't want males in EN Nijisanji. Every male in the western vtubing sphere is a ticking timebomb of menhera. Did he do a horrible crime? No, but he's a creep. He had a wife and still hit on multiple women.

>> No.8993864

Yes! But see, the thing is, he did something that causes people to view him negatively

>> No.8993882
Quoted by: >>8993918 >>8994359

Well it's only ten seperate online personalities that each have a reputation to keep and who all have corroborating stories, it's nothing definitive for sure.

>> No.8993885
Quoted by: >>8994127 >>8998029

Why did she give him permission to touch her in the first place?
The "you would be okay with that?" question wouldn't apply to anyone who said no in the first place. ESPECIALLY someone who claims they've had -multiple- older men take advantage of them in the past

>> No.8993886
Quoted by: >>8993924

hahaha e-celebs are all pathetic creeps and you faggots want them to interact with your favorite vtubers?

>> No.8993900

I’d let gay men in. Maybe bisexuals if they have a verified history of dating men romantically. Straight men just can’t help but rape if they feel they have power or leverage.

>> No.8993918

What's the definitive thing? I'm on rrat 5 and the most I got is that the dude is a creep in an unhappy marriage. Is that the extent of his sins here?

>> No.8993921

So a #metoo scenario happening in the vtuber world, eh?

>> No.8993924

No. I don't want them to. I never wanted Arcadum to be with my shojos and I want Connor to fuck all the way off.

>> No.8993929
Quoted by: >>8994043

You guys never actually see cancel culture don't you? This is basic women hates men tactic. Consent can be rescinded. Men don't need emotional support. Ugly men belongs in the trash.

>> No.8993934
Quoted by: >>8993968

Guess I won't be wotching those vods anymore. Was he known to be a wierdo even before this?
Also based

>> No.8993939

false flag alert!!! beware everybody this is false flag to make the gatekeepers look bad or that we are gay!!! it is probably conner himself

>> No.8993943

please understand that people can be shitty without breaking laws.

This is a creep who has fucked up 10+ people's lives to varying degrees, do you think that goes without consequence once people find out that they've been chilling with a schizo creep?

>> No.8993955

So people are trying to cancel other people now not for any form of sexual assault, but just because they don't like them? Did he actually do anything?

>> No.8993958

Nice try, fag

>> No.8993968

*watching, god I'm drunk

>> No.8993987
Quoted by: >>8994024

Fucked up? What the fuck did he do? Fucking nothing. People were the one leaving him. No one wants to handle that kind of emotional baggage.

>> No.8994024

He behaved inappropriately as an older married man and this may or may not change your opinion of him based on how important you think that is

>> No.8994040
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1622045387589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it wasnt illegal!! the poor dude just needed to cum, these sluts are clout chasing!! hes based
since when is /vt/ full of incels?? umm, jannies? do something!!!!

>> No.8994043

Who cares. This drama is why men and women are traditionally segregated.

>> No.8994054
Quoted by: >>8994080

Anyone over 10 has realized some of their friends are assholes or creeps. Anyone that makes friends on the internet has realized this dozens of times. It's not life shattering. I feel worst for the girl who got pawed at by him IRL but the rest just didn't suffer any significant harm.

>> No.8994058

Sorry, but they are all mistakes. There's already some gays in Nijisanji but they've never hurt people and are some of the most helpful chuubas in the company, there is nothing good western gays bring to the table.

>> No.8994069
Quoted by: >>8994160 >>8995147

>vtubing is now having MeToo drama
Well, it was fun while it lasted...

>> No.8994078

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8994080
Quoted by: >>8994155 >>8994175

Did you not pull those friends up when they were acting like creepy assholes?

>> No.8994092
Quoted by: >>8994266

What did he do though? Why not just fire him for being unprofessional? File lawsuit for hostile work environment? Get together and demand something be done or they all quit? No need to make this public if this is just some work related stuff. I fucking work in the real world where you put up or shut up, do something or gtfo of this building before I call security to have you forcibly removed. Wtf is this shit?

>> No.8994093

Seriously though, for people who hate women so much they sure picked the wrong hobby to get into.

>> No.8994101

Westerners ruin everything they touch.

>> No.8994103

welcome to 4channel, now get out.

>> No.8994104

Modern American culture really do be accusing any men, who are even slightly awkward with women, of being sexual abusers huh

>> No.8994111
Quoted by: >>8994139 >>8994152

>h-hey c-can I scratch your back?
>okay anon.
>a-and maybe you will allow me to play with your hair too?
>no problem anon, go for it
>*goes for a hug*
>she stands there looking like she is anxiously waiting for it

>> No.8994115

the only thing that they want to do is to make the guy stop acting like a creep for his own good before he actually rapes someone

>> No.8994125

Mousefag here. Connor will never do something like this to Mouse because he is a great guy. He is not some uglybastard tub of lard who plays DnD all day. He is a man who leads a busy life.

>> No.8994127
Quoted by: >>8998029

Still waiting for someone to answer

>> No.8994139

I rub my erect penis on her

>> No.8994149

How the hell can I trust your word after all this shit? You can't know what happens behind closed doors. Besides, I've heard from people who do watch his collabs that he seems like a creep. Substantiate them claims nigga.

>> No.8994152

its called filtering, its to find the incels so we can do this to them and ultimately get them away from the group. you dont want males near your oshi do you? she did the vtubing industry a fucking favor. this guy could have been organising the holomyth dnd if nobody put a stop to him
t. woman

>> No.8994154

I can't believe 5e influenced a man to do this.

>> No.8994155

You just mock them. People outside of the west normally just laugh at an awkward friend who did something retarded and creepy trying to get laid instead of "pulling them up" to give them a long talk about how yes doesn't always mean yes.

>> No.8994157

wow random viewer. you sure have all the insider info

>> No.8994159
Quoted by: >>8994180

>who has fucked up 10+ people's lives to varying degrees
There is no crime to being weird on the internet
There is also no crime to telling weird people on the internet to fuck off
You can dislike him and block him and tell him you can't participate in his DnD anymore.
Heck to save from yourself looking dumb you can even tell your own audience that things were getting really creepy in the DMs and you don't like him hitting on you.
But to claim that you are being groomed and to coordinate a hit like this is arguably closer to criminal harassment and conspiracy (the civil cases, not criminal) than what he did.

His only actual crime was adultery since he had a gf. And most of these women he talks to would probably be ok with that of all the things he's done

>> No.8994160
Quoted by: >>8994288 >>8994303

>western women join a group or hobby
>accuse people of rape, usually falsely
>rinse repeat until the end of time
Nothing is sacred

>> No.8994170

(2D) tits or GTFO

>> No.8994175

I just stop talking with them.

>> No.8994176
File: 1.86 MB, 3486x2374, doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. woman

>> No.8994180
Quoted by: >>8994933

>His only actual crime was adultery since he had a gf
go back (to kabul)

>> No.8994186
Quoted by: >>8994226

He associated with a groomer in the past, he's one, too.

>> No.8994189
Quoted by: >>8994232 >>8994495

Connor will never do something like this to Mouse because Mouse has super aids and can't be touched. He can probably fuck froot or veibai if he ever returns to the UK though.

>> No.8994222

I can't see the holomyth getting off the ground without Calli DMing it. She was a major driving force in putting it together.

>> No.8994226

Doesn't sound like that to me https://youtu.be/QOL0DpifhN4

>> No.8994232

the funniest part (in a sad way, I actually do care about mouse unlike vcucks) is that connor ONLY started telling people to stop shipping once he saw what she looked like irl. there is also the absolute gem of him psychopathically making fun of her condition until she cried on stream, then laughs at her crying (yes im serious).
damn, he sounds like such a NICE DUDE....

>> No.8994236
Quoted by: >>8994273 >>8994817

>t. woman

>> No.8994263

You guys excited for Mori and Ollie to play Apex with Connor? I can't wait

>> No.8994266

He works freelance. So the equivalent of firing him is making him unemployable.

>> No.8994273
Quoted by: >>8994674 >>8999163

I literally am a woman, a born one too and i been told im 10/10.
I even took a pic of my tits and ass saying "hi vt" written on them, but I just remembered its a blue board so i cant post it. sorry

>> No.8994288
Quoted by: >>8994479

>women join a hobby
>creeps join the hobby afterward with their eye on the women
stop being a spineless beta and kick out the creeps.

>> No.8994293


>> No.8994295

wow gee it's almost as if women who choose to be vtubers shouldn't interact with men at all as they are usually the kind of girl that is the perfect target for manipulative perverts

>> No.8994303

>usually falsely
bullshit aside that's why man and women use to not spend time togheter, we are dumb horny monkeys; modern life requires a level of self control not everyone is capable of

>> No.8994306

t. Connor

>> No.8994332

Why are all angloids and welsh such cunts?

>> No.8994333
Quoted by: >>8994377 >>8994459

If you actually knew anything about Mouse, you would know that she loves that clip. And that they discussed it on her streaming anniversary. You're not fooling anyone, holobrony.

>> No.8994340
Quoted by: >>8994490 >>8994577

>guy is an asshole
>cry and rub dick on girl while crying in a pathetic excuse for female companionship
He just sounds pathetic.
Did he like extort money from these girls? Rape one? Like what's the fucking scoop here?

>> No.8994359

...hey, this reminds me of the 'sodafunk is a guy' discussion. They're all in a conspiracy, that must be it.

>> No.8994373
Quoted by: >>8994402 >>8994503

Maybe I'm retarded but it seems like this guy is just lonely and awkward and looking for people to talk to and this dumb cunt is reading way too far into it.

>> No.8994376

I told you faggots. I told you from day one that Arcadum was a creepy That DM that had serious issues and shouldn't be supported. You all laughed and told me to take my meds. Now who's laughing you fucking faggots?

>> No.8994377
File: 144 KB, 492x492, 1624822125875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8994423

>she told me she just fell on the doorknob, its ok shes not being abused

>> No.8994402

you're right the first time. you are retarded

>> No.8994423
Quoted by: >>8994472

Again. You don't watch her streams because they laughed about it.

>> No.8994436

Vshojo characters are prostitutes and whores anyway the dude was probably just honoring and entertaining them

>> No.8994454

I hate Connor but this wasn't abuse, he said something retarded and they moved on after Mousey got over her embarrassment and even discussed it. Mousey isn't fragile minded. He can fuck right off though since he's a leech and spouts lies about Vtubers, and I hate his faggoty podcast.

>> No.8994459
Quoted by: >>8994817

>I-it's okay, Connor fans, I like him a lot.
This is how they trap girls.

>> No.8994466

>He asked me if I was okay with him masturbating while he was in a call with me and if I could help him.
> I agreed to let him do it

>> No.8994472
Quoted by: >>8994579

are you fucking stupid? the point of my post is that you blindly trust what she says because you are a spinless cuck. you then say "she laughs about it", proving my point that you blindly trust what she says because you are a spineless cuck.
dont reply unless you're saying something new. thank you

>> No.8994479

The "creeps" are the people already in the hobby that have no interest in the women joining in the first place, chucklefuck. Do you really think women gave a shit about Dungeons and Dragons until it became the new hip trend on streaming sites that could make them money? You don't need to answer.

>> No.8994483
File: 271 KB, 379x508, 3C53BDAE-A496-4D19-BCAE-D95BE84078CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8994594 >>8995261

I said this in the previous (now deleted) thread, but this is one of the reasons why I don’t like vtubers interacting with e-celebs
E-celebs are busybodies carried by their audience and no actual talent in terms of clout. Collabs with vtubers are a must, you have Nijisanji who is a popular established corpo, as much as I don’t like them VShojo has gained good reputation and their members know how to behave when needed and then you have well respected indies and small agencies like the ones able to have their own threads here
If you have to interact with non-vtubers, do it with artists, respected VAs or even your family members, not some anituber or clipper just because they’re popular, you don’t know what kind of people are and may not take you or vtubing seriously

>> No.8994490
File: 277 KB, 640x642, 1625611764998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did he like extort money from these girls?
>Rape one?
>Like what's the fucking scoop here?
Girl says the guy "emotionally groomed" her, they met up, and later on he asked her permission to touch her hair/scratch her back, she says yes (even though she claims multiple older men have taken advantage of her). He got an erection, hugged her and she felt it through the pants, now she's basically claiming rape

>> No.8994495

I don't care what happens to the brit bong whores. Only Mouse because she is sweet and deserves love.

>> No.8994503
Quoted by: >>8994605

Just read the whole thing if you wanna call a random cunt cunt bakanon, also you can be shitty and have personal problem at the same time
personal experience lol

>> No.8994532
Quoted by: >>8994597

>He was here to do what he'd always done. I put on my sexy act as best as I could for him, because I didn't want to disappoint him
>I brushed it off and assured him I'd love to be his friend, and continue our little arrangement
lol wtf poor guy

>> No.8994539
Quoted by: >>8994569 >>8994600

why doesn't she take him to court then if she feels so strongly about it

>> No.8994548
Quoted by: >>8994602

Is this true? Seems like you're just making shit up.

>> No.8994569


>> No.8994577

all no, just women being women

>> No.8994578

Actually this whole shit just goes back to the whole thing about why the FUCK does anyone outside of off-collabs (which aren't even strictly needed if you really live that close) need to know who the roommate is? Why does a fucking online DM have to visit their house IRL? Why don't all of them stay as anonymous as possible? You're all FUCKING VTUBERS

>> No.8994579
Quoted by: >>8994632

Of course i trust my oshi, are you trying to play some detective who analyses every little interaction? If that's the case go do your VOD reps you fucking nigger and don't comments on shit you don't know, you arrogant little holobrony

>> No.8994594
Quoted by: >>8995103

vtubers are ecelebs too

>> No.8994597
Quoted by: >>8994720

This is crazy. You guys must be lying.

>> No.8994600

Only sensible and rational adults who don't frequent social media would do this.

>> No.8994602

It's real, it's in the doc by RemiTheSiren · @RemiTheSiren

>> No.8994605

I did read the whole thing.
The guy just got jealous about not being able to play video games with her and then his gf got angry at him for talking to girls online and told him to stop and this random cunt somehow made out like she's been sent to auschwitz.

>> No.8994632
File: 365 KB, 854x1079, 1627385874919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8994700

wait.... mouse is your oshi?? ohnonono.... sorry, um... lol
how do I put this ahahah...
I dont talk to cucks, sorry, so fuck off ahahahaa

>> No.8994636

Deadbeats will defend this

>> No.8994646

Why? Unironically, because they are women

>> No.8994653
Quoted by: >>8994736

This is, by the way, why I don't want Hololive girls to collab with dudes.
>it's different!
No. Women are too emotionally susceptible to manipulation. And dudes in vtubing or streaming must have a baseline level of openness/charisma that when you add in a complex or a menhera episode can end in something that you might otherwise never see coming

Honestly he should've just followed Koopa's lead and groomed and fucked a fan instead. He had fans, right?

>> No.8994674

So what? Use another site, how do you think the /horny/ thread is alive?

>> No.8994673


>> No.8994680
File: 82 KB, 884x660, A70E8E99-76DC-4FF4-B44F-5A542ADD4172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8994922

Anon predicted this time ago

>> No.8994700
Quoted by: >>8994742

Out of points? It was inevitable afterall, you put up a good fight newfag.

>> No.8994712

lol its always discord

>> No.8994720

It's the jadez · @jadezvr twitlonger
I was on the fence about this issue but having read all the stuff I'm ready to say fuck these cunts

>> No.8994736
Quoted by: >>8994772 >>8996365

Unfortunately, you'll get dumb bitches like Ollie and Mori who don't realize they've been groomed and will just say this guy's not like the others.

>> No.8994742
File: 652 KB, 762x690, 824534598645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8994788

ewwwwww.... a cuck replied to me ahahahaha OMG
you will just get bull bbc germs on me... ewwwww so gross!!!!

>> No.8994744

I hate the fact that I am never given a chance to even interact with women and yet am branded with the same cross as faggots like this which, if it wasn't already garaunteed, makes sure I'll never have the chance to find somebody I can be happy with.

>> No.8994772

Yeah. The difference between this incident being an incident and a non-issue was her falling into it enough to accept it. If they became a "thing" and she defended him, nobody would bat an eye.

>> No.8994788

I Love NTR UwU

>> No.8994798
Quoted by: >>8994822 >>8994948

Reading through it all, listening to the audio, this is literally just a bunch of scorn women with a bone to pick
The "grooming" is a stretch, the "sexual assault" is non-existent.
Arcadum two timed a bunch of broads, and they are all mad coming out to attack.

Literal nothingburger that will not hurt his streaming career.

>> No.8994800
File: 27 KB, 281x328, 1627005645236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of those situations where everyone involved was in the wrong, but because we live in the metoo era of cancel culture, he'll have his rep ruined and the women won't have to take any responsibility for their own actions. Clown world continues

>> No.8994817 [DELETED] 


>> No.8994822

fuck off northernlion you will never be a vtuber

>> No.8994834


>> No.8994856

>hardcore ttrpg player
>sexual abuser

>> No.8994869

don't forget the femboys, there's 2 now

>> No.8994876
Quoted by: >>8995154

He was a creep who tried to groom my vtoobers, fuck him.

>> No.8994878
Quoted by: >>8995082 >>8996149

I've watched their podcast before, he sounds egotistic, bragging about how annoying his "fans" are, saying shit like "being popular is tiresome sometimes". fuck that guy

>> No.8994890

>fuck 5e
I... I mean... I agree, 5e is shit but where does it come into this?

>> No.8994908
File: 122 KB, 609x496, 1624832659729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes the man should not have cried and humped, but therefore the women should not have been sluts, they both are in the wrong!

>> No.8994922

No one who watched Arcadum is surprised about this. He always was really damn obsessive with girls.

>> No.8994927

Stop whiteknighting for tubby

>> No.8994933

Umm excuse me in kabul its ok to have 4 wives so he'd actually be in trouble for flirting with 10 women. Too bad he shoulda stuck with 3 to be safe, 5 if he was daring

>> No.8994935

>ntitled document
My Story

I believe I was forced and groomed into silence about my experience up until this point. Recently there has been a lot of drama circulating around one Jeremy Black aka GloriousArcadum. I am going to be briefly and concisely describing my experience(s) involving this person.

On the night of 11/25/2019 I was sexually assaulted by Arcadum in my own home. I invited Arcadum to my home in hopes to help him escape his supposed abusive household setting with his significant other and simply wanted him to have a fun weekend with my old roommate and I
This is what she gets for being a saviorfag, or at least what she think she got.

>> No.8994948
Quoted by: >>8994992

>that will not hurt his streaming career.
You’re dumb.

>> No.8994952
Quoted by: >>8995004

>give consent 5 times leading up to the hug
>"i think he kissed my neck, even though he explicitly did not touch my genitals or breasts"
>i think its assault!

>> No.8994968
Quoted by: >>8995025

>VRchat drama

>> No.8994983

>you're making it worse its like "this is the last oxygen i got... from the orphanage"
Not gonna lie he actually did extremely good damage control with the humor there.

>> No.8994989

They are roasties jealous of other women getting male attention so they worm their way into the hobby. This happens every time.

>> No.8994992
Quoted by: >>8995375

The sexual assault literally didnt happen

The only thing he has done wrong was be a coomer to some of age women and trannies behind his ugly fiances' back.
His fiance' will leave him, but all of the viewers arent going to give a shit
All the 13 year olds will leave to virtue signal but will eventually come back to watch their favorite storylines.

Remember Doc?

>> No.8995004

Adding to that, no one has anything to say about the fact she's claimed numerous older men have supposedly taken advantage of her... yet still gave this guy she just met, permission to touch her(?)

>> No.8995005

>yes the women should not have gfebaited that hard and dishonestly, but therefore the men should not have been lonely and deluded enough to fall for it, they both are in the wrong!
This is how you sound. See how different it feels when you swap the position of the victims?

>> No.8995025
Quoted by: >>8995073

right? there's literally a video in youtube of guys fucking in vrchat,this shit is normal there.

these women are just mad because chadcadum ended their side ho status so abruptly

>> No.8995038

Anonchama, she should had known better if she had been through that shit before.
She looked for this

>> No.8995049

tldr: cock rub leg

>> No.8995051

This but unironically.

>> No.8995054

>Twitch thots get into vtubing
>Bring retarded twitter drama with them
>Start to cancel people
This is why vshojo e-whores should be excised like the cancer that they are.
Besides since they are whores whatever this guy done to them is completely fine. Raping or killing a whore is barely a crime and rubbing a penis on one is not even an issue. That's what they are for after all.

>> No.8995058

they need to deconstruct vtubing norms cause reasons

>> No.8995073

>side ho
Do women really?

>> No.8995082

His fragile ego was probably the only thing standing between him being a creep (I can convince women/creep on them) and a full on rapist/psychopath (Fuck it, I'mma just take it). I hope he's reborn into what everyone thinks he is.

>> No.8995098

He's obviously baiting, but yes. Women really

>> No.8995099
Quoted by: >>8995152 >>8996170

png tuber - its a stretch to call it a vtuber
twitch - its a stretch to call it a vtuber

both together - not a vtuber

>> No.8995103

t. vshitjofaggot

>> No.8995136

get married and sooner or later some side ho will gravitate to you. this is simply nature at work.

>> No.8995147
File: 496 KB, 1242x1495, 1937A389-05C4-4EC9-9D48-720CEAAB0B0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8995150

She tried to be saviorfag, failed miserably and now is blaming it on him.
The only reason those wahmen allowed him in their circle is because of the DnD campaign, otherwise they would just go back on sucking Connor's bong cock.

>> No.8995152

I always considered png tuber to be just a poorfag trying to get his "career" off the ground

>> No.8995154
Quoted by: >>8995180

Your vtubers (vshojo) are whores. Why would anyone groom a whore?

>> No.8995162

A professional Dungeon Master who runs Dungeons&Dragons games on Twitch has been accused of sexual harassment by several women. He's the DM of the current big Vshojo campaign, which is why people are talking about it here on /vt/.

>> No.8995180

Arcadum, please.

>> No.8995181

>woman cheats on husband (froot)
>man cheats on wife (this guy)
Why are you anons like this?
They are BOTH whores and should be shunned.

>> No.8995209

That guy has raped and/or molested someone

>> No.8995211

>they are both based
I want to see this guy and froot hook up now

>> No.8995214

Take your meds

>> No.8995217
Quoted by: >>8995230

This rosetard will probably turn right around and call people incels for trying to block obvious groomers from the community.

>> No.8995220

Surprise surprise, another creep. Now you know why Hololive is right not to hire males. This stuff will always happen.

>> No.8995222
Quoted by: >>8995741 >>8999579

He's not based but he doesn't deserve to be cancelled when froot got away scot free

>> No.8995223

The discussion isn't about who is whoring themselves out, it's about all the other shit.

>> No.8995227

>YoU CaN WiThDrAw CoNsEnT!!!

>> No.8995229

Gatekeeping wasn't a mistake

>> No.8995230

He comes off as a male feminist, 100% either rapist or molester

>> No.8995238
Quoted by: >>8995276 >>8999579

literally nobody gives a shit about froot cheating and this guy is done for his whole internet life

>> No.8995254

Imagine HoloEN management being so useless that they still allow male e-celeb collabs after seeing this.

>> No.8995261

They'll continue not to listen

>> No.8995266
Quoted by: >>8995332

Its his long term fiance from before he blew up and got famous.
Good on him for testing the waters to potentially drop the fat cow.
He hasnt put the ring on it for a reason.

It reminds me of that NFL player who got flak in the news for dumping his long term GF from college the day before he signed like a $50m contract.

>> No.8995268


>> No.8995274

He is 100% right. This is why males getting involved in vtubing can only lead to disaster. Bless Hololive for recognizing this and keeping the girls safe. Wish I could say the same about a certain other major vtuber agency...

>> No.8995276

If he was doing something I was interested in I would saviorfag him but I really hate D&D, played it a long time ago and later on regretted how gay it all was.

>> No.8995291

Be sure to archive this

>> No.8995298
Quoted by: >>8995394 >>8995504

He is back on UK, so he is fucking Vei rn.

>> No.8995301

>he thinks they care
how new?

>> No.8995321
Quoted by: >>8995449

So am i getting the picture right, he is a lonely creep that slide into girls DMs, for some fucking reason girls with some kind of influence. It fucking works and whenever he gets the chance he cries about his miserable life and ask if he is allowed to touch them. They say "yes" and he does and sometimes pops a boner.

>> No.8995327

Gura collabing with 8bit drummer when.

>> No.8995328
Quoted by: >>8995387

I do want that. That's why I want Holos to stay within the umbrella of Hololive/Stars as much as possible, or just hang out with Japanese chuubas.
As far as VShits and whoever else on Twitch, have at it. I don't care. Yes, I don't give a shit if they feel safe or empowered. I don't care about them. Disappear.

>> No.8995332

>dumping his long term GF from college the day before he signed like a $50m contract
what a chad

>> No.8995339
Quoted by: >>8995449

what is this weak ass shit. If you are gonna bring drama don't bring this weak trash

>wah he stopped talking to me
Fuck you OP for making me read this.

>> No.8995370

I wonder how many famanons think like this only because if his accent.

>> No.8995375
Quoted by: >>8995483

>implying any of the players will stay with him after this
Arcadum is a leech that needs other people to stay afloat. He is not capable of content production without them. He is dead in the water permanently. Hell, I would not be surprised if he turns on his stream tomorrow (today?) and just blows his brains out on stream.

>> No.8995385
File: 23 KB, 376x386, femboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8995422 >>8995542

Taiga got MeToo'd. Is he still alive?

>> No.8995387
File: 2.59 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, I don't give a shit if they feel safe or empowered. I don't care about them. Disappear.

>> No.8995394
Quoted by: >>8995458

Big deal. Half of England fucked vei.

>> No.8995401

Everyone in this thread saying the same thing will happen with Connor is missing the crucial difference that this was some basement dwelling DND neckbeard and Connor is rich and attractive.
Remember it's only rape if you're ugly

>> No.8995422

you can survive being metood so long as you dont pretend to be a sjw, its literally the one thing they need to do yet groomers/pedos keep falling for the wolf in sheeps clothing meme...

>> No.8995442

>it's only rape if you're ugly
I can't believe people still don't get this, it's so simple but people just don't get it.

>> No.8995449

I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't get the hype

>> No.8995458

Wtf bongbros I didn't get my turn

>> No.8995460

He should get on stream and issue a non-apology that his huge cock collides with people in his immediate vicinity when he gives his famous backrubs

>> No.8995462
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, ugly bastards only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8995487 >>8995490

What if your oshi is into fat ugly men?

>> No.8995464
Quoted by: >>8995495 >>8995677

you have no fucking idea lad. Never with ne cause im a fucking nerd but i seen it happen ,women will instantly embarrass themselves for a chad. Guy wil treat them like shit and they will like it and go back for seconds and thirds and fourths, is insane. Ask a femanon here, they will deny it at first but then they will asmir that they too let themselves be the side chick.

>> No.8995483
Quoted by: >>8995506

This is Twitch with millions of people wringing their hands to make a name for themselves.
For every streamer who refuses to join his campaigns, there are 300 more who will jump at the opportunity.

Do you really think that an accomplished storywriter who thinks fast on his feet cant come up with a good enough story to appease his fans?
I mean he convinced all these women to ERP with him and keep it secret for a long time, with his gift of gab

>> No.8995487
Quoted by: >>8995566

Which VN is this?

>> No.8995490
File: 243 KB, 348x440, 1629053652891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She literally is

>> No.8995495
Quoted by: >>8995510 >>8995514

Were you wearing a blindfold when you wrote this?

>> No.8995504

>he makes vei cosplay as ironmouse
>he whips out an IV pole from his luggage and with an empty IV bag he wraps the tube attached to it unto her wrist
>vei is confused but somehow this whole thing made her more wet as he easily entered her.

what a chad

>> No.8995506
Quoted by: >>8995553

See: Adam Koebel. This is worse than that.

>> No.8995510

it was too emotional of a post, they were crying and hands shaking.... please understand

>> No.8995514

im phoneposting cause i can't sleep

>> No.8995523

>Like a dozen people in this thread defending a dude who dryhumps girls in public

Never change /vt/

>> No.8995541
File: 37 KB, 531x290, risunya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8995596 >>8995631

>> No.8995542

As far as I know he only lost a few hundred fans of dozens of thousands and didn’t get the chance of going to Digikomi, I think he’s fine
LOL, I get he has girls drooling after him but if he’s involved in a sexual scandal people will start saying he looks like a predator

>> No.8995543

>in public

>> No.8995545
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, 1627336321399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitch attention whores being whores for attention
Holobros, let's put aside our differences this once to laugh together as fellow Youtubechads

>> No.8995551

Hugged a girl with a boner
>In public
In her home

>> No.8995553
Quoted by: >>8995610

Arcadum reports to no-one, he is a twitch streamer.
Koebel getting fired as a PR move from his company is completely irrelevant

Arcadum has more hours watched on Twitch than Critical Role does.

>> No.8995566
Quoted by: >>8995836

Think it might be one of the Eden Ritter games.

>> No.8995573

It's amazing how despite being an illiterate retard you still managed to make this post.

>> No.8995574
File: 1.13 MB, 498x498, 1610131875429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FAQ nijinigger this is serious becase CONNER IS ALMOST GOING TO FUCK OLLIE, and maybe niji after......

>> No.8995580
File: 134 KB, 458x444, 1628549607830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and HAHAHApilled

>> No.8995596

canceled my membership

>> No.8995597

I've never stopped laughing at vshojo and I never will. It really makes you thankful that Hololive has standards

>> No.8995610
Quoted by: >>8995733

I see you don't understand what happened to Koebel and why he's no longer doing anything TTRPG related or even streaming. It doesn't matter that Arcadumb had more viewed hours than CR. Both are shit. But Arcadumb is dependent on leeching naive streamers. CR faggots still have voice acting to fall back on. The fat fuck has nothing left for him after this.

>> No.8995625
Quoted by: >>8995642

Femanons in pure cope mode in this thread.

>noooo protect the side chick, i sympathize becauze i was also the side chick once!!!! what? Did i got back to him, well yes of course, multiple times, yes i knew i was the side chick.

femanon, you were the aide chick, you knew it and you went back again and again, now you ask for people to feel bad. Come on now.

>> No.8995631
File: 237 KB, 1289x1080, D9B42D70-BCF0-44F0-B0BD-84125F02AAEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, I can’t get really mad at this desu
Based, Twitch is a cancer platform

>> No.8995632
Quoted by: >>8995651

I am not a fan of niji but they are miles better than vshojo bitches

>> No.8995642

here is a tip for samefagging coming from an expert: if you are the only one in the thread saying some obscure phrase like side chick, dont reuse it

>> No.8995646

i respect a chad who dumps his side bitches in one go. at discord at that.

>> No.8995647
File: 122 KB, 242x242, 1780D760-C324-47B1-987B-05D44DF34C6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it’s skin is that colour.

>> No.8995651
Quoted by: >>8995668

Nah, Niji is much worse

>> No.8995665
File: 350 KB, 600x338, illyasmad maximo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8995685

This is so fucking unfair why the fuck are guys like that able to get a fucking harem ITS NOT FUCKING FAIR

>> No.8995668

t. vwhorejofag

>> No.8995672
Quoted by: >>8995831

>obscure phrase like side chick

>> No.8995677
Quoted by: >>8995703 >>8997287

I don't let myself be a side hoe because relationships are for homosexuals, touching people is gay, wearing revealing clothes is for lesbians, and sex is for animals. If a male or female approach me for conversations I'd say nothing or leave. Talking to people IRL is gay.

>> No.8995685
Quoted by: >>8995696

its called abusing your powers and you dont want a harem built on that. You want a harem build on love and loyalty

>> No.8995696

No, I want to fuck hot chicks who worship me

>> No.8995698
Quoted by: >>8996212

>There are people who browse this accursed website specifically to screenshot people and submit them to a twitter account whose sole purpose is for retards on twitter to make fun of retards on 4chan
Just get in here and call us retards in person you faggot

>> No.8995703

based sigma

>> No.8995716

t. used femanon side chick

>> No.8995724

The problem is Froot and Arcadum aren't cheating on their spouses with each other

>> No.8995733
Quoted by: >>8995770

>. It doesn't matter that Arcadumb had more viewed hours than CR.
Wrong, it matters a lot. He has a huge fanbase that spans over dozens of streamers who had never played D&D.
Arcadum has 100x the pull than Koebel ever did on the platform.
You can try to act like those leeching streamers are going away, but its not going to happen. They will continue to line up hand over fist.

>> No.8995741

Its easier to get out of shit like that when you are a woman, usually.

>> No.8995748

don't you have a married man to find, hoe?

>> No.8995747

Who's calling him based?

>> No.8995761
Quoted by: >>8995803 >>8995850

I hope at least Nyanners doesn't do this kind of thing...

>> No.8995770
Quoted by: >>8995813

>He has a huge fanbase that spans over dozens of streamers
That are going to drop him like a rock. You think someone like Cohh is going to support him after this? Fuck no. Arcadum has zero pull on the platform after this. You also misunderstand the relationship. Arcadum leeches other streamers, not the other way around. But I'm done arguing with you. It's clear you're not doing so in good faith. That or you're actually clinically braindead. Neither is worth responding further.

>> No.8995803

Nyanners is to beta to rub her dick on other e-whores

>> No.8995808
File: 31 KB, 739x415, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8995871 >>8996396

Ewww why date or fuck vshojo girls? They are awful

>> No.8995813

>You think someone like Cohh is going to support him after this?
WHo gives a fuck about Cohh when GTA Rpers and other more niche groups are getting campaigns too?

You are fucking delusional, not to mention time heals all.

>> No.8995815

woman moment

>> No.8995831
Quoted by: >>8995975

fuck off eop, I’ve never heard that phrase other than coming from normie tv shows. it is obscure in the context of vtubing (which is the board you’re posting on)

>> No.8995836

Yeah its from Eden Ritter, hopefully Eden Ritter 2 gets translated eventually.

>> No.8995842
Quoted by: >>8995903 >>8999024

The dude cheating was the worst part about this
Infidelity is fucking disgusting
Men being creepy though is because both men and women develop sexual complexes but only men are punished for them because men are told that if you aren't competent and in control at all times as a man your existence is a crime and that it's morally just for you to never have sex for free

>> No.8995850

nyanners called a guy he looked like grumpy cat as a conversation starter.

i think she's fine.

>> No.8995871

They're more emotionally unstable/actual whores, therefore easier to fuck

>> No.8995874

is there a bigger cucked group than vshoujo fans? They even have to protect conor online while he's busy creampieing your oshi because you know it would make her smile.

>> No.8995900
Quoted by: >>8995984 >>9001018

>be a fat lonely neckbeard
>become successful
>suddenly girls everywhere want your attention for easy fame
>take advantage of it
can't say I wouldn't have done the same

>> No.8995903

I hate all of them really. He already got a girl and here I am with no gf.

>> No.8995915

Nope. Only group that comes remotely close is holoEN gen 2 fans

>> No.8995932

Most women are caring. When you present yourself as vulnerable they feel the need to help you.

It's a powerful manipulation tactic. It makes people feel like they're a bad person if they even question it.

>> No.8995973

>Just casually drops in how she hated doing a certain community roleplay because her fans were creepy as fuck
If the whole world smells like creepy shit maybe it's time to check your own shoe?

>> No.8995975

SEA detected.

>> No.8995977
Quoted by: >>8996003 >>8996323

Connor can't have sex with Ironmouse and I don't think anyone is actually attracted to Ironmouse apart from Connor anyway

>> No.8995984

He should have just dropped his fiance and started dating someone else when he started getting famous
All of this would have never come to this point

>> No.8995995

This is why I just run away from women to the point where I feel nauseated and start to have a panic attack and need to step in a cold shower when I got hugs from my girlfriend, haha

I don't trust men or women, but I still want to love a woman...

>> No.8996000

a different one of the girls said he ASKED her if he could masturbate in vc with her and she said yes, then he ASKED for a NSFW pic and she said yes……all of a sudden she was emotionally abused and forced to consent to these things

fuck outta here not everyone is a fucking retard in these situations, it’s just a convenient concerted campaign to cancel a creep for being a creep when he should’ve just stayed far away from women on the internet

>> No.8996003

>DUDE my oshi has a 0.3% disease and will LITERALLY DIE if a man touches her!
You cucks slay me.

>> No.8996008
File: 717 KB, 1242x1149, 768C5126-0B85-4581-9700-9F933DBBBCE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8996012
Quoted by: >>8996044 >>8996600

It's a weird psychological mindgame. You seemingly have to be drifting in & out of being vulnerable and presenting yourself as a hardass (or at least just being high status, whether that is through looks, fame, or whatever else). If an average guy tries being vulnerable right off the bat a woman would throw him to the side without any thought.
t. guy who has been in that situation

>> No.8996018

did you fail to read the second part of the sentence?

>> No.8996031

Ironmouse fans will be on suicide watch if she ever reveals that she can touch another human being.

>> No.8996044
File: 314 KB, 570x578, 1622938953059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8996583

femanon here.... your story is so sad.... whats your discord? I want to save you.......

>> No.8996128

Bait aside the awkward mousey Connor interactions like this and the mousey crying with gratitude/Connor eating sandwich blissfully unaware are the dark comedy everyone enjoys, even the two streamers themselves when they look back.

>> No.8996149

for anyone else interesting listening, it was their 22th podcast episode

>> No.8996151
Quoted by: >>8996247

The truth is he needs to be cancelled shunned and ran off the interner for cheating, but no one cares about infidelity in the Western world, so they had to cancel him a different way.

>> No.8996152
Quoted by: >>8996239

>Most women are caring. When you present yourself as vulnerable they feel the need to help you.
I must be really repulsive then, because no women have ever come to my rescue.

>> No.8996170
Quoted by: >>8996374

The vast majority of vtubers stream on the Twitch, the biggest streaming platform of the internet.

>> No.8996172

Just hire a gayboy twink. Those aren't gonna fuck any women.

>> No.8996187
Quoted by: >>8996998

That gets me every time too. It's the biggest cope I've ever seen on this board and lots of people seem to actually believe it

>> No.8996212
Quoted by: >>8996255

some twitter gimmick accounts owners are retarded
there is also the guy who looks thru twitter drama for indie vtubers and reposts them on his account to mock them or give his opinion while his followers do the same
hes not any better than the people he mocks and he sure is retarded

>> No.8996239
Quoted by: >>8997406

you ugly bruh. just embrace it like me and get rich enough to buy an android.

>> No.8996247
Quoted by: >>8996315

>no one cares about infidelity in the Western world
Westerners care far more about infidelity than Easterners, where it's practically expected to cheat on your wife while you're out on your business trips

>> No.8996255

Most gimmick account owners are retarded

>> No.8996315
Quoted by: >>8996393

Eh, at least here in France they only scorn at women's infidelity. Last president was caught having an affair and the public reaction was either amusement or people actually thinking it was cool.

>> No.8996323
Quoted by: >>8996364

Doesn't she literally have a daughter too?

>> No.8996364

Yes, who is probably a teenager at this point

>> No.8996365

Mori? When she has gotten groomed? If anything her autism prevents that.

>> No.8996374
Quoted by: >>8996440

>The vast majority of irrelevant nobodies stream on the Twitch

>> No.8996393

Isn't his wife like decades older than him? Of course he's going to cheat.

>> No.8996396
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 1601136445343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Date? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU7PDwVbE8I

Fuck? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbfpxrzSOlc

>> No.8996440
File: 382 KB, 1362x890, average twitch streamers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon dont you know these renowned vtubers such as .... a straya skeleton?

>> No.8996517
Quoted by: >>8996535

the vtuber tag is fucking useless, legit vtubers sometimes drop them and people like soda use them.

>> No.8996535

soda is a vtuber

>> No.8996544

>live for almost 12 hours
Dedication if nothing else

>> No.8996583

Never trust a femanon, bitches are fucking insane. Think about the type of menhera women that uses an imageboard, it's a not a stable women.

>> No.8996589
File: 213 KB, 767x877, old-yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8996601 >>8996685

How the fuck did you niggers allow a literal raid thread instigated by twitter white knights of some ethots to reach 350+ posts?

>> No.8996600
Quoted by: >>8996636

Sadly true. Arcadum was pretty smart about it:
>"I'm having problems with my girlfriend and feel awful about it"
>Establishes he has a girlfriend (so he's not just a loser)
>The problems can't be directly blamed on him, there's another person involved
>He's suffering because of love, how sweet
It's much more effective than "I'm suffering because I'm a smelly NEET with self-esteem issues because I'm a smelly NEET".

>> No.8996601

SEA hours

>> No.8996628
Quoted by: >>8996680

thats my girlfriend you're replying to incel, back the fuck off!!!!

>> No.8996636
Quoted by: >>8997460

I can think of lots of words to describe men trying to get women to pity them for sex, and "smart" isn't one of them

>> No.8996678
Quoted by: >>9001021

Nah. 5e is cool.

>> No.8996680
Quoted by: >>8997160

Theres way too many femanons in this board, is only a matter of time until one of you faggots starts unironically simping for one.

>> No.8996685

Wow its like /vt/ isn't overrun by tourists!

>> No.8996710
Quoted by: >>8999468 >>8999528

I used to laugh at Ninja for refusing to stream with women
Turns out he is the smartest streamer out there

>> No.8996779

3d women, not once.
this is why you have oshis

>> No.8996813

>Dude he did nothing wrong!
Yeah, he's just being emotionally vulnerable, and needy, and possessive, and demanding. It's totally normal to demand your friends are always available whenever you want them, and shame them when they spend time with other people. It's normal to ask your friends to distance themselves from friends and family. If spending time with you makes your friends depressed, that's a good sign.

>> No.8996850

He did something wrong, but is that worth cancelling someones career over?

>> No.8996889

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8996906

What I learned from this thread and browsing /vt/ takes and .txt is that I have never said anything based enough to be included in one of their screenshots.
Fuck. Gotta step up my game.

>> No.8996909
Quoted by: >>8996955 >>8997030


>> No.8996911
Quoted by: >>8997092

None of that makes him a groomer or a predator or whatever.

>> No.8996925


>> No.8996955

If being an asshole or a loser means you should be cancelled then I think about half the world's population is due to be cancelled

>> No.8996963
Quoted by: >>8997030


>> No.8996983

This is why you don't collab with men. They are all thots who are constantly trying to manipulate people into touching their wieners, or doing other crimes.

>> No.8996988
Quoted by: >>8997045 >>8997158

Its not that he didn't do anything gay for retarded
He did nothing worth the shitstorm they are putting him in.

Its like getting executed for driving 1 mile over the speed limit instead of Maybe a ticket. That genuinely bothers me

>> No.8996998

If people can create the disability rrat out of Mumei, then this is no different.

>> No.8996999

society needs to crumble….. one incel at a time……

>> No.8997005
Quoted by: >>8997078

yes, you should be canceled if you're an asshole
you can be a loser just don't be weird about it

>> No.8997030

At least try changing your samefagging up, dumb roastie

>> No.8997045
Quoted by: >>8997103

why defend a fat neck beard who literally cryhumped while also posting about how matsuli is a slut for having a man open her door?
incel logic.. /vt/ never change

>> No.8997078
Quoted by: >>8997150

>you should be canceled if you're an asshole
like I said, that qualifies about half the world's population, and that's no exaggeration

>> No.8997088
Quoted by: >>8997119

Just don't talk to women and you won't have any issues. I haven't spoken to any women outside of my family in a decade and I'm doing just fine.

>> No.8997092
Quoted by: >>8997133


Doesn't matter, I'm not a cop, I don't care about the labels. He fucked them all over and they realised it was a pattern, that's enough to not want to work with the guy. That's fair enough and while 4chan will sperg about the whamen and debate consent, the real lesson is chat shit get hit, don't fuck with people

>> No.8997103
Quoted by: >>8997148

You say "literally" as though some loser having a breakdown and getting a boner is supposed to be a big shocking event.

>> No.8997119


>> No.8997133

He didn't fuck with anyone though, he's just emotionally vulnerable, and needy, and possessive, and demanding.

>> No.8997148
Quoted by: >>8997210

ok then let me rephrase
>why defend a fat neck beard who literally had a breakdown and got a boner while also posting about how matsuli is a slut for having a man open her door?
>incel logic.. /vt/ never change
happy now incel?

>> No.8997150
Quoted by: >>8997206

yeah, the world would be a better place if the shittiest half of humanity did not have a platform

>> No.8997158

If this were two or three twitlongers rather than 10 and growing you might have a non-retarded point.

Dude's fucked with enough people and they all realise it now so they unionised to protect others

>> No.8997160

Isn't that Koopa?

>> No.8997200
Quoted by: >>8997263 >>8997268

Is this Momo gal retarded? The guy was a supreme autist, sure, but how does one even fall for this shit?

>> No.8997206
Quoted by: >>8997256

And you thinking half the world shouldn't be essentially killed somehow doesn't put you in the "shittiest half"?

>> No.8997210
Quoted by: >>8997297

No, I don't give a shit. There's no reason to cook up a fuckpot about this. Nothing happened and these girls are acting like their lives are ruined.

>> No.8997256
Quoted by: >>8997282

I'm on 4chan, of course I'm in the shittiest half. But at least I'm self aware of it

>> No.8997263

Clout chasing

>> No.8997268

>Is this Momo gal retarded?
She is vshojo affiliate. What do you think?

>> No.8997282

You're an idiot

>> No.8997287

based schizo

>> No.8997297

you just sound like youre being defensive because you are similar to the fat neckbeard being publicly humiliated rn.
please answer truthfully if you post in the matsuli hand threads etc.
to be honest, I dont care either, im more attracted TO the "fuckpot" than the topic itself (unless it happened to a holo then I'd care).
the point is when you choose to be so defensive over THIS incident and not the thousands of yabs that female chuubas go through, if you think about it your posts are stupid.

>> No.8997311
Quoted by: >>8997400

This why you don't want males in the mix. Seethe all you want but it's true

>> No.8997400

>This is why you don't want western ewhores in the mix.

>> No.8997406

It's hard to accept, but being depressed about it won't change anything anyway so might as well make the best of it I guess. I just hope SJWs don't manage to ban them.

>> No.8997460
Quoted by: >>8997556

If it works for a lot of people, is it really that stupid?

>> No.8997556

It doesn't work though, there's nothing less attractive than a self-pitying man

>> No.8997590
File: 219 KB, 1376x1114, 1618760823924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8997731

>be the most successful ttrpg vtuber

>> No.8997644
Quoted by: >>8997765

fuck off

>> No.8997731
Quoted by: >>8997797

Now i am really glad that Mori didn't join with them.

>> No.8997765

go back to discord

>> No.8997770

Wby are femanons seething so much over this stupid bullshit.

>> No.8997772
Quoted by: >>8997849 >>8997858

if there's not a police erport nothing happened. Never trust the word of a thot anons

>> No.8997797
Quoted by: >>8997842

Did she considered joining? Never heard her talk about that.

>> No.8997842
Quoted by: >>8997942

mouse talked about playing a ttrpg with her on their collab

>> No.8997849


>> No.8997858
Quoted by: >>8997937

allegations don't suddenly become true if they're in a police report

>> No.8997937
Quoted by: >>8997970

not what I'm saying. Untill they report it I assume they are lying it afterwards it goes to the I don't know time will tell category

>> No.8997942

I see. Didn't watch that shit because of vshojo bitch.
Glad she dodged that bullet. Hopefully she won't be inviting those whores to her own sessions.

>> No.8997970

People can report lies to the police, and they're not accusing him of doing anything illegal anyway

>> No.8998029
Quoted by: >>8998150 >>8998288

She probably thought the touching wouldn't get to the point of dry-humping and sexual groping. Why do people need to explain basic human interaction to you?

>> No.8998150

>Why do people need to explain basic human interaction to you?

where do you think we are?

>> No.8998186
Quoted by: >>8998330

Oh no not Arcadum. I remember him from VRChat

>> No.8998288
Quoted by: >>8998483

>dry-humping and sexual groping.
She explicitly said that he did NOT grope her genitals or her breasts, and she "thinks" he kissed her neck and she "thinks" she felt an erection through his pants.

>Why do people need to explain basic human interaction to you?
You want to know what basic human interaction is?
When you are in private, and you continually give consent for a man to rub your hair and scratch your back, someone who has previously shown to be attracted to you, you allow them to go in for a hug.
Basic human interaction would say he's trying to get into your pants, and at a certain point especially after you have given so much verbal consent, it would turn into implied consent.

But he didnt push, he didnt grope, he didnt look for the implied consent. She never felt violated and had to revoke consent.
Only months later its he "might" have kissed her neck.

Im actually sort of baffled right now, its like none of you have ever had sex in your life before. And you know Arcadum was trying to have sex but got scared or something.

>> No.8998312

Vshojos are completely unrelated to this drama btw. They only played on his stream, they did nothing to cancel/drama him.

>> No.8998319
Quoted by: >>9001021

>fuck 5e
this had nothing to do with 5th edition

>> No.8998330

Pretty ironic i know of him because of the clip of him telling a story of him DMing for furries who was ERPng.

>> No.8998355
Quoted by: >>8998455

It's too late. The schizos have already internalized it as being "the fault of those dumb whores" and will endless parrot it even if Arcadumb gets on stream and confirms everything.

>> No.8998391

they don't feel that way atm.

>> No.8998403

Vague posting on Twitter and discord means they’re as much involved.

>> No.8998455

CHADCADUM would say he didn't have sexual relations with these women, which is 100% true but chat would go ballistic anyway because their oshi is watching.

>> No.8998483
Quoted by: >>8998602 >>8999192

>Im actually sort of baffled right now, its like none of you have ever had sex in your life before
Where do you think you are?

The fact that I'm a virgin and can still see that he was being a creepy weirdo only goes to show how bad it is. Your attempts to defend him only out yourself as a fellow sexual harasser who sees themselves in his actions. Here's an idea for you: kill yourself.

>> No.8998500

Why are they apologising then?

>> No.8998522

There is no difference between vshojo and random indie whores

>> No.8998560

This is not a vshoujo drama you fool
But in a way, they are a victim of it

>> No.8998602

>The fact that I'm a virgin and can still see that he was being a creepy weirdo
The fact that you are a virgin means you clearly dont understand the eggshells and tiptoeing you do when trying to initiate consent with a new partner, especially if its a fling.
Its abundantly fucking clear.
Its only "creepy" because it doesnt translate well into text.

Real life isnt like pornography

>> No.8998697

He's using his position to get access to vulnerable people (average women), so yes.

>> No.8998741

>History of abuse
>Get abused again
Every fucking time.

>> No.8998827

>pond ASMR
My sides

>> No.8998885

Why do you think that's it's always the same people that get abused? Predators learn to pick their victims at some point

>> No.8999024

Based. Fuck Arcadum and fuck Froot (Sloot)

>> No.8999064
Quoted by: >>8999107

So no actual groping happened. Is this another case of Fedmyster? Being a manipulative cuck

>> No.8999107

he groped one girl IRL, rest of it is just discord tranny ERP

>> No.8999112

>Also don't invite a dude to your house if you're terrified of him and have an extensive history of being abused?
Anon, that's victim blaming, you can't do that! How am I supposed to find helpless victims if you ask them to grow up?

>> No.8999163

Too stupid to know you can use catbox? I almost believe that you're a woman now, well done

>> No.8999192

Why are you talking about things you've literally never experienced?

>> No.8999326
Quoted by: >>8999374 >>8999418

Hold up a fucking second.
Some of these twitlongers like Naomi fucking recorded coversations they had with him, twice.
That means one of two things.
>They already condemned him and started recording stuff for evidence
>They record lots of people "just in case"
Thats a fucking yab in and of itself major breach of privacy. At least chat logs are written down and screenshotted when people want to voice chat in private they don't want that shit recorded.
Its only SLIGHTLY forgiven if they knew they were to sink him in advance because it means they don't do it regularly

>> No.8999374

>major breach of privacy
People are allowed to record their conversations with other people you sperglord

>> No.8999406
Quoted by: >>8999673

In some places you aren't allowed unless you ask them for permission

>> No.8999418

>They record lots of people "just in case"
When I was younger and was spending time with damaged people on skype groups, there was a girl always recording vocal conversation

No, most of the time it's illegal to do that without the consent of everyone involved

>> No.8999427

And its fucking creepy.
Just like what he did wasn't illegal but was weird as fuck

>> No.8999436

Actually it depends on the state. Some states have two party consent laws.

>> No.8999468


Don't forget the Doc.

>> No.8999528
File: 127 KB, 845x406, 1618512306511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9001650 >>9001906


>> No.8999579
Quoted by: >>8999680 >>8999710

I havent done my reps on this one, the fuck happened with froot?

>> No.8999673
Quoted by: >>8999712 >>8999733

Instant messaging software often records logs by default, that's not illegal

>> No.8999680

Cheated on her husband when he was in service, and some story about a patch store with /k/ or something

>> No.8999710
Quoted by: >>8999955

She is a /k/ schizo who cheated on her bf while he was in the army
And she scammed people on patches
/k/ unironically is more concerned about the patches

>> No.8999712
Quoted by: >>8999733 >>8999757

I assume thats because they give permission when they accept the T&C then, so it depends on how it is recorded

>> No.8999733
Quoted by: >>8999796

Sure but by using the software everyone knows that there are logs. That's not the case with vocal conversation. Also >>8999712

>> No.8999757
Quoted by: >>8999783 >>8999794

that's now how the law works, you can't override it by signing some terms and conditions

>> No.8999783

The law is that you need permission, by signing T&C you are giving permission

>> No.8999790

This is why I stopped playing DnD.
Somehow, it was always full of this shit.
Back in the day, if a female player dared to participate it would be likely she would be molested through the rp.
It wasn't just the sexual harassment, people went too far in the rp in general.
It isn't the first time there's a drama about it.
There is a reason why DMs emphasize their sessions to be a "safe space" and talk about limits so much nowadays. It was just so much of a problem.
I've heard Arcadum was cool. Shame.

>> No.8999794

Yes you can, since at this point, it's informed consent. Recording someone that doesn't know he's being recorded is not informed consent

>> No.8999796
Quoted by: >>8999867

>Sure but by using the software everyone knows that there are logs
Not at all, you don't even need to be using the same software, I could be using software that records everything to speak to you using software that records nothing, good luck claiming that's illegal

>> No.8999867
Quoted by: >>8999930

>Not at all, you don't even need to be using the same software, I could be using software that records everything to speak to you using software that records nothing
You probably wouldn't be able to use it as proof in court as it was recorded without consent. As for suing someone and winning, I'm not sure

>> No.8999930
Quoted by: >>9000034 >>9000090

If someone breaks into my house and tries to kill me and I record them does that evidence become invalid because I did it without their consent?
Sounds like an outdated law that doesn't make sense anymore, in the age of the internet, nothing is private

>> No.8999955
Quoted by: >>9001115 >>9001165

PFFFFFTTT, Ok i gotta find this. Sounds fucking hilarious. How'd she fuck people on patches?

>> No.9000034

I think the law is more about conversations, and expected privacy, so you could argue that they are in your home illegally and should have no expected privacy

>> No.9000040

Didn't a critical role guy get cancelled because he made a rapist NPC try to fuck one of the main characters and it caused the Girl playing to go on a twitter meltdown?

>> No.9000090
Quoted by: >>9000199

>If someone breaks into my house and tries to kill me and I record them does that evidence become invalid because I did it without their consent?
It's on your private property. If they get in without your consent they can't expect to be protected by law like other people. These kinds of laws don't exist on the internet

>> No.9000179


>> No.9000199
Quoted by: >>9000313

>If they get in without your consent they can't expect to be protected by law like other people
That's not how the law works

>> No.9000290

Haven't read the whole story, but small things so far people omit which give me a huge wtf:
>Tiff isn't Arcadum wife. He kept calling her that despite her reluctance to tie the knot
>The reasons why he had such a shit setup 2 weeks ago wasn't because he was on vacation, but because Tiff arrested his PC to go through his DMs with various girls

>> No.9000313
Quoted by: >>9000370

That's how it does. Stand-your-ground laws allow you to do to people on your private property things that you wouldn't be allowed to do to people just walking in the street

>> No.9000370
Quoted by: >>9000441

And now we're understanding that the context matters, and in the age of the internet, saying it's illegal to record things doesn't make any sense because literally everything is recorded

>> No.9000441
Quoted by: >>9000524

Again, that's not true and that's not how it works, especially for vocal conversations, which is what we were talking about in the first place

>> No.9000524
Quoted by: >>9000896

I'd like to see someone sue me for saving my skype calls

>> No.9000896
Quoted by: >>9000935

Again, that probably won't work as it's not like they suffered from anything, but on the other hand you probably won't be able to use them in court to prove anything

>> No.9000935
Quoted by: >>9000992 >>9001066

People use secretly recorded conversations to prove shit in court all the time, that's like the most common way to get evidence to convict someone

>> No.9000992

That work only if the law agrees with it, or if you have an authorization from the police or something

>> No.9001018

Well, but surely you wouldn't be stupid enough to confess to multiple girls in a span of a week or two, considering that all of them have infinite amount of dirt on you because of your daily schizo ramblings and begging for fapping together on discord? And considering that you have a girlfriend and your fanbase thinks of you as some perfect couple and shit will hit the fan at any smallest sign of your possible infidelity?

>> No.9001021
Quoted by: >>9001428

>People actually defend this shit.
Not surprising for a thread filled with twittards.

>> No.9001066

Its only in some places that you need both people to concent, other places only require 1 person to concent (which would be the one doing the recording)

>> No.9001115

Sold patches and never delivered.

>> No.9001165

Man /k/ really want their fucking patches, jesus.

>> No.9001428

I've only followed D&D from far away but wasn't 4e already hated? Is 5e even worse?

>> No.9001650

You can't groom an adult jesus fucking christ this is how you get shit like >>8999528

>> No.9001777
Quoted by: >>9001866

Burgers seriously surprise me by amount of coomerbrain retards in pretty much every hobby. I've never heard of anything even remotely similar here, DnD players are just nerdy guys and girls, different degrees of nerdy but a lot of them are well socially adjusted normalfags who are only slightly nerdy. There are female DMs, male DMs in full girl parties, female DMs in full guy parties, mixed parties etc. People just play normally and the worse thing that could happen is probably someone drinking some beers and willingly hooking up after the game.

>> No.9001866
Quoted by: >>9001910

There's a reason why people have separated males and females through the ages. Most people have a hard time containing themselves

>> No.9001906

i think ive been browsing /vt/ for too much, but that is the most well written post ive evee read in a long time

>> No.9001910
Quoted by: >>9001959

Muslims aren't people anon.

>> No.9001959

I'm not talking about muslims, I'm talking about Europe 50 years ago

>> No.9002522
File: 809 KB, 498x280, archer-emiya.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a man, I'm here to mansplain to all of you lowly whores the morally correct opinions people should have:

>whether tradcucks and breeders like it or not, women are granted legal equality with men and thus are free from male control as much as any other person
>agency and personal responsibility go hand in hand
>vtubers who voluntarily and EAGERLY consort with men are choosing to be whores
>this disqualifies them from justifiably claiming to be victimized because they willfully put themselves in a vulnerable position of their own accord
>recording conversations prior to me2ing arquiem betrays the fact that they felt safe enough to continue consorting with him even after supposedly deciding he was unsafe, thereby exposing them as actively manipulative and malicious which destroys the entire credibility of their victimization claim WITH THE HELP OF FACTS AND LOGIC
>recording presumably private conversations in private nonpublic spaces without consent from both parties is a FUCKHUGE violation of the spirit of two party consent laws in at least those relevant US states where discord allows residents to still use its platform
>users of these platforms signed an agreement allowing the service provider to keep logs, NOT other users of the service
>recording conversations without consent from both parties is effectively an abuse of the discord service and all users engaged in it should be summarily banned from the platform
>posting logs on Twitter is promoting the violation of another social media platform's terms of service which presumably include NOT doing or promoting illegal things, thereby necessitating the banning of all who participate in such conduct
>the sayno2rage incident also brought to light the possibility that such incidents are possibly organized conspiracies among groups of individuals in order to make an end run around the law in an attempt to use extralegal means to deprive someone of their ability to make a living
>this kind of blatant vigilantism is a flagrant attempt at violating that person's civil liberties

tldr Cancel culture and me2 are always in the wrong at all times. The means justify the end, not the other way around. What twatters and ledditors are doing is benignly iimmoral at best and pathological sociopathic at worst. Order is the glue that holds society together, even if it means people get away with being petty shits. Throwing puritanical religious fervor into the mix (and make no mistake, the culture war is a religious crusade against relative moral impurity) only drives people to conflict and war with one another, which will have even greater and more jarring consequences that's already come to include assaults and deaths.

Or to put it simply, the only way for society to function is to ensure that snitches ALWAYS get stitches no matter how sympathetic they may be. Society can't maintain itself without trust, and an explosion in mentally unhealthy people afflicted by chronic backstabbing disorder threatens to tank everyone's quality of life. If you value first world luxuries, you should only ever see women publicly executing men's reputations via the court of public opinion as a threat to everything you hold dear.

Just as some men deserve to be yeeted off a cliff, a not insignificant number of women unironically deserve to be stuffed in fridges. That's just the grim reality of life. Granting half the population sainthood status just because you want to put your peepee in their vajayjay is the most cucked thing anyone can possibly do. It's time for naive, childish faggots to stop pretending the primary role of women isn't pleasuring men and having children. At this point cancel culture deserves to be fumigated with extreme prejudice, consequences and actual victims be damned.
