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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 896 KB, 3614x3575, 1728253673782699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
86988582 No.86988582 [Reply] [Original]

Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

Previous >>86835675

Remember to report shitposting, trolling, and offtopic.

>> No.86988876


>> No.86989472

finally... i felt so lonely

>> No.86989906
Quoted by: >>86992121

I'm gonna miss their hips, bros

>> No.86991058
File: 507 KB, 1080x1080, 1676817657328114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86991682
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>> No.86992038


>> No.86992121
File: 2.69 MB, 690x720, perfection [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhl1f09.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hips are erotic

>> No.86992254
File: 15 KB, 250x391, ^5A347160D1C9A11CCE97110CAF1B04FFE86E73B2A3E3F8F265^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86992612

>twitch forcing every loli vtuber to be "UwU wholesome" streamers

>> No.86992612

As it should be, the more childlike the better :)

>> No.86992893
Quoted by: >>86993224

You need variety in life, anon. What good would seiso girls be if we didn't have mesugaki and kusogaki to contrast against them

>> No.86993110

i like the childlike ones as much as the next guy but i would also like some variety

>> No.86993224
Quoted by: >>86995910

I've explained the thesis of mesugaki several times by now. It's anti-woke at its core when executed in the proper manner. Kusogaki is ironic-core through and through.

>> No.86994960
File: 3.87 MB, 1280x720, 1687037840004.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86995423
File: 243 KB, 1080x1092, Screenshot_20241007_192853_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taffy's hips ToT

>> No.86995910
Quoted by: >>86996384

>It's anti-woke at its core when executed in the proper manner
Why are you trying to make cunny political?

>> No.86996384
Quoted by: >>86997360

You seem confused by the nature of the statement. That's okay.

>> No.86997360
Quoted by: >>86998841

Care to explain it?
Or do you just spout unhinged unintelligible drivel and pretend that you're smarter than everyone else when no one knows wtf you're talking about?

>> No.86998544
File: 258 KB, 1920x1017, GZViVnOXMAAo046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berry just posted a Live2D wip. Look at her loli hips and tummy.

>> No.86998841

The nature of the mesugaki is in the active flirtation, in which they provoke the male into his naturally dominating role, and in doing so they can fall into their subtle, natural, female submissiveness.

>> No.86999009
File: 239 KB, 680x563, 1706013843216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.86999145
File: 44 KB, 451x770, 1720853083746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you too, no one fucking cares retard

>> No.86999226
Quoted by: >>87000914

So what does your cope about how getting dominated by a little girl actually makes you very manly have to do with "woke"?

>> No.87000914
Quoted by: >>87001108

it triggers libcucks like nothing else. Also getting a little girl pregnant is the most anti-woke, lgbtqbbq+ obliterating act possible

>> No.87001108
Quoted by: >>87001261

Sir this is the vtuber cunny thread
You can pretend to have severe brain damage over there

>> No.87001261
File: 584 KB, 2150x3035, 1634596912646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87001656

you will never be a true lolicon

>> No.87001656

If being a true lolicon means being a /pol/tard I'd rather be a fake lolicon that jerks off to lolis instead of jerking off thinking about alphabet people

>> No.87001832 [DELETED] 
File: 709 KB, 3072x3840, 1727436799999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87002482

least obvious glownigger

>> No.87002470
Quoted by: >>87004020

what happened to /vt/? the board slowed down alot even during the day and it's infested with politic fags regurgitating buzz words. did something change or was ame graduating that so big of a deal it killed 80% of people's interest and made tge other 20% revert to politics?

>> No.87002482 [DELETED] 

*tackles and pins to the bed
*starts vigorously suckling on her exposed nipple even though she's way to young to produce milk.

>> No.87004020
File: 2.21 MB, 1792x2304, 1727224534503899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a month to the accursed day now. The GPT bots are ramping up across the entire Internet, bringing pol-shit everywhere. Buckle up

>> No.87004756
Quoted by: >>87006081

adoptable model https://x.com/NatsukiSaika/status/1843031759845564439

>> No.87006081

someone already adopted it 17 hours ago, surprisingly

>> No.87007940
File: 2.21 MB, 2016x1942, 1728201592002800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87017170

>> No.87008486
File: 173 KB, 1445x1445, 2304978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she makes me so horny

>> No.87008919
File: 790 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20241007_233157_Twitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87010268

Diggy diggy hole

>> No.87010257

No we have enough girls that act like retarded toddlers

>> No.87010268

just anti her yourself anon, don't be lazy

>> No.87011516
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>> No.87012345
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Latest ASMR (video)

Last Stream

Upcoming Stream
Twisted Tuesday/Marshmallow reading !! (waiting room not up yet)

>> No.87013563
File: 421 KB, 2480x2480, GZVcFk_asAYDMvg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not letting the thread die on a hag post

>> No.87015306
File: 1.09 MB, 1292x1725, 2814259f93a08d493045a812675c6b0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87015947

Twisty stop this

>> No.87016773 [DELETED] 
File: 314 KB, 536x800, 1721359018968729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twisty is getting cucked by cute girls

>> No.87016889
File: 79 KB, 564x564, 6drmm3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87017170

I fucking hate Tenma but god her model is absolute sexo.

>> No.87017410

Her model is our model now since she accidentally posted the whole psd and live2d rigging files

>> No.87017434
Quoted by: >>87017468

at least try to blend in jesus fuck

>> No.87017460

Nobody cares

>> No.87017468

whenever i see posts like that i like to imagine a SEA getting paid 1 usd per post

>> No.87017551

>1 usd per post
You're insane if you think they're getting paid that much

>> No.87017587
File: 181 KB, 1437x809, 1699672309817677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need. can just buy a pass and bot that shit.

>> No.87018795
File: 649 KB, 1755x2048, 1008754510836084306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87019995

it's been a few months since i went a single day without cumming. i'm in a permanent state if post nut clarity. i'm going to stop cumming and hopefully get the motivation to chat in streams again. i'm starting to miss talking to the cute girls here.

>> No.87019995
Quoted by: >>87021450

I'm going to be watching chats like a hawk to see if any regulars get active again. I won't say anything, but I'll know, Anon.

>> No.87020697
File: 221 KB, 1080x1200, GW9uT24WwAAUp4k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87021110

Mond is so sleepy

>> No.87021450

last time i was actively chatting i didn't cum for a month and a half you'll forget about this post by time i recover

>> No.87021977
File: 415 KB, 2434x1440, 1846701431202706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87022130

>> No.87022130

cute plant child

>> No.87023584

What caused Mond's change in personality? I'm not complaining.

>> No.87023800
File: 147 KB, 1500x1500, 1707640644236901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good day /Uoh/
God I fucking love Irina

>> No.87024369

She's cute

>> No.87025594
File: 68 KB, 800x600, 1727727274708529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laffy Taffy

>> No.87025677
File: 354 KB, 820x777, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87026651

>> No.87026554
Quoted by: >>87074453

only mond can save cunny vtubing

>> No.87026651
Quoted by: >>87027108

why is this brat staring at me like that..

>> No.87026767
Quoted by: >>87028606

the lack of degeneracy where she is at made her realize she enjoys it.

>> No.87027108
Quoted by: >>87027520

she is so cute it reveals a hidden emotion within you

>> No.87027520
Quoted by: >>87028948

>hidden emotion
the desire to rape her ?

>> No.87028606

I don't think marriage is degenerate

>> No.87028666

She's just being the cute schizo she is

>> No.87028948

the desire to rape her mind blank

>> No.87029725
File: 236 KB, 1188x1968, 1724180298386259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love fucking Irina

>> No.87030236
File: 441 KB, 451x508, 20241002_162902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87030857

Inis is live!

>> No.87030408
File: 2.42 MB, 2560x1066, Rimaeri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87030436

She's on Youtube today, and for future streams!
Be sure to follow her there!

>> No.87030634

She is dead and never coming back. Move on nigger.

>> No.87030674

was she your sister

>> No.87030707

I miss her too

>> No.87030857
File: 1.01 MB, 1913x1054, Screenshot_20241008_111846_Twitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream is kill, but her return is nigh

>> No.87031031
File: 580 KB, 1388x1200, kwj2t6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KH Days | Oh brother, this guy STINKS!

>> No.87031434
File: 169 KB, 1000x2125, Full Taffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My faith is strong, I will not falter
The seeds of her passing, an offering to the altar
I sow them with good deeds and tears from our struggle
From the ashes she'll rise, new fruit from the rubble

>> No.87031736

tenshi should do asmr

>> No.87031871
File: 363 KB, 629x1176, 1725441157891371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day, she will return to us

>> No.87032008
File: 1.53 MB, 1814x1032, tenma handcam sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87032133

Why does she remind me of my high school literature teacher

>> No.87032222


>> No.87032274
File: 1.06 MB, 1918x1080, Screenshot_20241008_115617_Twitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neppie is playing Little Goody Two Shoes!

>> No.87032707
Quoted by: >>87033016

I remain impressed by how many youtubefags just use their full legal names to chat with anime children

>> No.87032780

Irina Dead Space

>> No.87033016

truly an enigma

>> No.87033329 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.41 MB, 1419x798, irina dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87033428

me on the left

>> No.87033669
Quoted by: >>87033951

why every time she's posted there's a dog

>> No.87033693

Hold on, getting an AI to look for those ground tile patterns in every google streetview image, real estate ad and facebook pic from Portugal

>> No.87033951

she's White.

>> No.87034036

Her hands look like claws. Tenma handjob!

>> No.87034450

Is the PC version of dead space just broken?

>> No.87034538

I'm hoping there's fanmade patches or something to make it less buggy

>> No.87034704
Quoted by: >>87034729

Irina's pee stream uoooohhhh

>> No.87034729
Quoted by: >>87034821

into my mouth ToT

>> No.87034810
File: 1.28 MB, 1411x795, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hag hands

>> No.87034821

It's so salty... just how I like it

>> No.87034855
Quoted by: >>87035004


2008 DS?
You might need the unofficial mouse fix, also vsync fixes a lot of engine bugs

>> No.87035004
Quoted by: >>87036089

she's using a controller, but I'm not sure if vsync is on. For deadspace, doesn't that lock the game to 30fps?

>> No.87036089

30 fps is better than zero-g jumping and then not landing but just flying stopped facing the ground because the engine won't recognize you've landed

>> No.87036196
Quoted by: >>87040337

why does neppie love girls so much ?

>> No.87036667
Quoted by: >>87036745

>don't cum for me
sorry Irina...

>> No.87036745

Objective: impossible

>> No.87036803
Quoted by: >>87036865

Irina' dad? Me.

>> No.87036865
Quoted by: >>87037074

I wish you had won

>> No.87037074
Quoted by: >>87037498

I already won. She's a part of my life

>> No.87037498
Quoted by: >>87037668

That's one of the cutest things I've ever read, adolf-tan

>> No.87037668

Thank you. She will birth the next generation for the master race. I entrust her with that.

>> No.87038832
Quoted by: >>87038910

I'll give irina to you fuckers if you promise me you'll take her travelling out of this god forsaken country

>> No.87038910

Deal, I love traveling

>> No.87039802
Quoted by: >>87040492

youtube chats feel closer than twitch chats even though they should be the same

>> No.87040337

because she is really gay. she would switch all straightfaces for girls if she could

>> No.87040492

It was really comfy

>> No.87041710

>Bambi evacuating
based, trying to ride this hurricane out just isn't worth it

>> No.87041778
Quoted by: >>87042722

Miwa playing with her wood soup is so fucking cute and autistic she seems so happy like when you give a kid crayons to keep them quiet

>> No.87042722

She just spoke Russian and jumpscared me

>> No.87043882

Do you guys post porn in this thread?
I have a kk scene with a small biboo and I don't know if I should post it here or in horni

>> No.87043944

yes, sometimes people post catbox links here

>> No.87043977
Quoted by: >>87044293

catbox it probably. no meimei type shit.

>> No.87044000

I may just have to come to terms with that I might not sound as cute and funny as the others

>> No.87044169
Quoted by: >>87070171

ok, who the fuck are you

>> No.87044255


>> No.87044293
Quoted by: >>87044633

>meimei type shit
like what? how do you think meimei shit is different lol

>> No.87044414


>> No.87044600

nobody will sound as cute as miwa, you might as well take the L and go with it

>> No.87044633
Quoted by: >>87044725

nta but he probably means either illegal shit or gross body type

>> No.87044698

So /uoh/ you count this as a loli now?

>> No.87044725

I'm not a meimei fan, but she doesn't do illegal shit

>> No.87044842

that is were you are wrong buddy

>> No.87044890

and I'm the queen of england

>> No.87044916
Quoted by: >>87045232

her proportions (not counting her tits) are more childlike than 80% of the chuubas posted here. yes, she's a loli.

>> No.87045010

I don't take random 4chan rrats claiming her discord was illegal at face value, especially since it is still up as far I can tell

>> No.87045078

she's cringe, but this is even more cringe
>nooo you can't do illegal stuff
like, who asked?

>> No.87045232

>if you ignore her not being a loli then she's a loli

>> No.87045301

surely you have better things to do than start the loli debate over a day old post

>> No.87045354 [DELETED] 

Koinu asking for money again

>> No.87045475


>> No.87045476

will she dm me every morning

>> No.87045511

what is she giving in exchange?

>> No.87045682
Quoted by: >>87047077

at this point i don't care. what you need is 1.be able to entertain lurkers or talk to yourself if you can consistently get a few regular lurkers you will eventually get recommended by twitch or youtube to other people. if you run out of chat topics you can scroll up in chat and reply to older messages to start a new conversation
2.have a cute model. don't half ass and try to be petite adult. use this post as a guide >>86791497 if being a small child scares you with the new twitch rules get a model like twitch.tv/rena_chuu. she's borderline for me. she's small enough for me see her being posted here but i can also understand why most anons would tell me to fuck off if i posted her.

>> No.87045889
Quoted by: >>87046028

i understand why neuro didn't bake. once mei startes getting talked about they always time loop this shit. kill yourself.

>> No.87046028

I'm not the same guy, I don't even watch her anymore.

>> No.87046564


>> No.87047077
Quoted by: >>87048895

>be able to entertain lurkers
this. i don't like to jump on zatsu or gaming streams where the chuuba will talk like she's having one on one conversation with the viewers. Sometimes it's fine, but the topic should not be specific for a viewer, but enough for whole chat to enjoy. imagine a chuuba responding to "i sent this x thing on discord, check it out"

>> No.87048895

>i sent this x thing on discord, check it out
i saw this a few times while watching chuubas from my recommended tab. nobody that was posted here, but it kind of turns into a public members stream at that point. it's a good way to interact with existing viewers but it puts a barrier between you and newer potential viewers.

>> No.87049243

Oppai loli is extremely valid.

>> No.87049482
Quoted by: >>87051820

cool, go make your own thread for them

>> No.87049604
File: 165 KB, 1248x1092, 17438010084057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87049990

nobody likes her not even the other place you tried posting her. take your whore somewhoere else.
i'm going to rape you

>> No.87049990

QRD? I don't actually know her, I was just browsing the tag and she seemed alright

>> No.87050382
File: 550 KB, 2706x4096, 7901132851246358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3dpd whore

>> No.87051820

they're uoh and belong here.

>> No.87052172
Quoted by: >>87054126

they do not make me uoh; they do not make me T0T.

>> No.87052449
Quoted by: >>87054126

I will never understand you fags fascination with trying to weasel into where you're not wanted
it's like you get off to being hated

>> No.87052665
Quoted by: >>87053378

loli bj

>> No.87053378
Quoted by: >>87054203

standing loli bj

>> No.87054126
Quoted by: >>87055985

sorry to hear that.
so if she's not 100% dfc, then she's not a loli? small mounds disqualify you?

>> No.87054203


>> No.87054707
Quoted by: >>87054872

Anyone live?

>> No.87054872

aruru and zenya

>> No.87054946
File: 836 KB, 3856x3528, aruruswimsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ruru's first time multistreaming on youtube
if you have a spare tab it helps her to watch both


>> No.87055166

I'll be watching the youtube one so she can get youtube partner

>> No.87055659
File: 99 KB, 479x1292, getnaked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pegging my big brothers

>> No.87055777

She will never hit partner she keeps getting more and more boring

>> No.87055985

pretending to be retarded is only cute when girls do it
in your case it just makes people hate you more

>> No.87056156

>4000 watch hours in a year
she'll hit that for sure

>> No.87058427

I've been telling everyone to get their youtube ready to be a backup. I hate being right

>> No.87058717
Quoted by: >>87059218

aru keeps getting boringer. how do we save her?

>> No.87058720
Quoted by: >>87058991

Are there any ASMRs where they stick to the setting and setup instead of devolving into noises and sweet nothings for 30 minutes straight? I can't properly get immersed unless I can imagine my actions within the context of the roleplay.

>> No.87058991

That's the nature of livestreams, you can watch prerecorded audios for what you want

>> No.87059063

i'm going to beat you brat

>> No.87059218

i forgot to delete the name. sorry for being cringe.

>> No.87060225
File: 855 KB, 2922x4096, 1704958822539316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87061375

Singing cunny dragon

>> No.87061375

Wrong thread, this is the anti and organizing raids on vtubers thread

>> No.87062694

gonna go to bed and dream of little girls in frilly dresses

>> No.87063617
File: 318 KB, 1423x2048, 1712669602511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself retard

>> No.87064166
Quoted by: >>87064273

it's been a while since you were here. i wonder what made you resurface? the thread is and has been slow for a while.

>> No.87064273

probably stopped taking his meds

>> No.87064424

Unironically, she showed her crotch on stream

>> No.87064466
File: 41 KB, 167x216, 1726514190573829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this treasure I summon rin wasabi the grand schizo of vt

>> No.87064778
File: 209 KB, 1532x1872, IMG_6371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those eyes..ToT

>> No.87064901

This is literally a flesh streamer and not a vtuber but the mods of vt don't give a shit about enforcing the rules anymore.

>> No.87064984 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>87065933

The history of fallenshadow:
>used to say she was asexual
>dated a mod back in 2019
>flew and visited him in Florida
>climbed up his shoulders to strap a monkey to his ceiling fan
>came back and broke up with him shortly after
>(did not disclose that she went to Florida a second time in Feb 2020 to March 2020 until this month when she finally hinted at going back to Florida for the second time)
>grandfather died of covid
>marley, her cat, dies after choking on her hair tie
>started doing GFE in 2021
>claims she's mostly a lesbian now
>calls everyone who follows her husbands
>ramped up in 2022
>held a subathon in 2022 to pay for her house mortgage because she says she's going to get evicted very soon (subathon goals have not been completed till this day)
>says she's bi now
>during the subathon, she got confronted about having an ex, which she was silent about on stream until now
>she clearly states that she had a boyfriend back before she started vtubing, and the most she did was hold hands with him
>said that she lived in a hotel away from him while visiting him with her mother
>(did not disclose the skinship they shared while hanging the monkey on the ceiling fan of her boyfriend's ceiling fan in his house)
>got the first major boost to her career with clips at the end of 2022
>tried to launch a clip channel with filian's clipper on youtube
>stopped a few months later, claiming he was too expensive for what he did
>dropped her first merch drop in 2023, earning 6 figures in one merch drop
>the start of her gamersupps sponsorship
>one of her community artists dies of a heart attack brought on by consuming too much gamersupps
>first long mehera break in a couple of years
>made many alt twitter accounts where she schizo rants and gives you ARGs to try find new alts, claiming only the real husbands of hers would be dedicated enough to find them
>end 2023
>had another meltdown and deleted all her alts
>claims to never do another alt account again
>start of 2024
>had the biggest menhera meltdown thus far, going away for 3 months for mental health reasons
>2 months in, she goes to America and visits her friend, sleeping with her in her house and having secret business trips with her
>goes to a gun range and shoots a gun for the first time
>talks to men a couple of times despite promising and telling her husbands on discord that she has interacted with 0 men
>this was leaked trickling week after week after her return from her hiatus
>comes back from hiatus
>new year new me
>starts doing body cam streams
>gets together with more sexually active girls like denpa and fefe
>small menhera meltdown during her drinking stream where she rats out her friends for being babies despite being 30
>stream gets banned because she says she wants to khs
>ban gets revoked due to twitter uproar
>comes back from ban and keeps going
>starts new drama on twitter about all indie managers being secret boyfriends of their vtubers
>you are now here

>> No.87065933

yeah, me

>> No.87066533

kys catalog nigger

>> No.87067165

Schizos out at full force. Meds probably ran out.

>> No.87069011

If they were doing illegal things on discord then they are just asking to get fucked and will eventually. Discord works closely with law enforcement and scans any image posted.

>> No.87069133

She's half and half, I will agree that she is retarded though. Her old model was beautiful but for some reason she wants to be a clown now i guess honk honk

>> No.87069342
Quoted by: >>87078614

She's a vtuber but she occasionally irl streams too. She will do shit like wear the same outfit as her model. She flesh posts a lot on twitter too. She also sells lewd irl content. She doesnt sell actual nudes tho its all softcore shit.

>> No.87069471

ellie was cutest when she used this png her new model is lame

>> No.87070171


>> No.87071875
File: 278 KB, 1000x1000, 1725055092094838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am here to shill my kidwife because she is very talented and deserves more love
She has cute song covers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v44D1u2j8sY
She can draw https://twitter.com/miwapeito/status/1840474653812477988
Relaxing asmr https://www.youtube.com/live/9FdBKEsm83U
She animated and voice acted this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUABoiZJD8w
She also sucks my cock

>> No.87072103
Quoted by: >>87073199

first time hearing that. where did it come from?

>> No.87072145

Not a loli and stop spamming her in every thread on the board

>> No.87072273 [DELETED] 
File: 645 KB, 859x810, uohbunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87072402
Quoted by: >>87072500

When does she stream?

>> No.87072500

NTA but she streams 5 days a week around 3pm EST

>> No.87072642
Quoted by: >>87072768

can you tease who you are anon

>> No.87072654
Quoted by: >>87073109

Dont you know? Its only bad if the "meifag" does that
Me raiding the board with Miwa is ok because I say so

>> No.87072768
Quoted by: >>87072957

go back to the catalog you tourist this is 4chan

>> No.87072957

you sound like a tourist with the way you shill miwa. fuck off retard

>> No.87073031

kek catfight

>> No.87073109

I already know its the same person. And no surprise he is raiding /asmr/ at the same time
Literally every time

>> No.87073199

I believe you are replying to the person who penned it first on this board.

>> No.87073931
Quoted by: >>87074633

Can you go back to being creepy pervs please? I want my oniichan back

>> No.87074453
Quoted by: >>87074742

I will crush your hopes. Mond is not her first identity before that she was shybunnyvr. She stopped all posts and interactions around the same time mond debuted and came back after Mond set her account to private and left when Mond set her account to public. They're both German neet schizos, they have the same art style and they both have the same fans

>> No.87074633
File: 793 KB, 1165x1027, 1724276180970072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to drug and rape my little sister!

>> No.87074742

>mond was a vrchat streamer
it makes sense that she knows how to keep chat entertained if she was a vrchat streamer from 5 or so years ago. how the hell did she manage to not get bland, gay, and boring like the rest of the vr streamers?

>> No.87074822

She is older so she has more experience in being an entertainer

>> No.87076448

That entire post is schizophrenia. Mond is not and was not a pornstar.

>> No.87077204
Quoted by: >>87077297

does your uoshi have a website?

>> No.87077297

Define website
She owns a domain name with redirects and MX records, does that count?

>> No.87077705

Mond doesn't have a PL and it most definitely wouldn't be a Vrchat pornstar you fucking moron.

>> No.87078516

Mond wasn't all that entertaining. She just rambled on about her autistic interests.

>> No.87078614
Quoted by: >>87078625

You can find her pussy on the net tho

>> No.87078625


>> No.87078673

anyone do something I can masturbate too recently?
