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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.85715108
Quoted by: >>85724272

she wants to do lazy react content

>> No.85715206

Whore herself though she doesn't seem like that type so I have no clue?
Idk maybe activists like trans right or trash like that?
Like no fucking clue mate.
After I watched some new justice and avent clips they are so unchinged that I don't even know what does hololive block them to do.

>> No.85715221
Quoted by: >>85718873

Hololive has a lot of homework and meetings that gets in the way of streaming, and also perms. That comes with many benefits, especially monetary, but also with a lot of mental burden

>> No.85715286
Quoted by: >>85717593

she wants to be able to get married and pregnant

>> No.85715300

The permission shit fucking sucks.
Not every Holo wants to be a singer/dancer.

>> No.85715485

She wants to collab with males.
Search your hearts, you know it to be true.

>> No.85715508

Aren't they getting like permission to almost all new games? Like what can't they play realisticly?
Any small Indie dev would kill for them to play their game

>> No.85715578

Anything Sony

>> No.85715629

She wants to live in the zoo that is her house and get fucked by all her animals in peace.

>> No.85715644


Also its less about needing permission and more about getting permission. A pointless time consuming process, plus we learned Fauna wasn't even told she had perms.

>> No.85715662

Flesh streams and semi flesh streams
Collab with other streamers w/o going through management's vetting process

>> No.85715675

guess she didn't want to do the idolshit and you can't not do it

>> No.85715720

>Ironmouse also hates permissions
>Ironmouse's YouTube gets nuked and there's literally nothing she can do about it
Permissions autism is there for a reason.

>> No.85715905

I don't pay attention so I don't even know what the ban was for. Music?

>> No.85715921
Quoted by: >>85716409

She is a fat tatted up whore who hates idol culture, she wants to make cuck content and whore herself out to irl streamers for clout chasing

>> No.85715992

>What can't she do in Hololive that she can do on Twitch?

>> No.85716115
Quoted by: >>85716337

I really wish she starts just usual personal streams as indie. That's all I want.

>> No.85716194 [DELETED] 

why do you eat pagpag saar
what can't you taste on normal food that you can taste on shit saar

>> No.85716241

If you think she's going back to streaming you're retarded. Cover would never have given her that generous deal if she went back to her previous vtuber persona. They'd gain nothing from it and other members might follow her. Future hires might be more inclined to pull a kson if there's almost now drawbacks to emulating Ame's exit.

>> No.85716298

>El no sabe
She's already updated her indie account to say she'll be becoming a full time streamer.

>> No.85716320

IM stole content from other creators

>> No.85716337

No you don't. Just look at KSON. She is 3view now

>> No.85716358

Helldivers 2

>> No.85716404

>indie account
I don't think he's gonna buy it

>> No.85716409
Quoted by: >>85716666

> who hates idol culture,
everyone sane does. I long songs and dances, but the "idol" part is fucking shit.

>> No.85716420

Ame is not going indieshit. She will always be Hololive.
notAme is retarded piece of shit indieshit whore, but who gives a shit about nonHolos?

>> No.85716443

>Cover would never have given her that generous deal if she went back to her previous vtuber persona
I mean it's possible they didn't want her to immediately hop to an alt like the fucking day after not-graduating but maybe that's part of what her weird situation enables. that or she thinks cover can't do anything to her anyway even if they get mad because suing someone overseas in another country is not easy.

>> No.85716495
Quoted by: >>85724816

Gura used to slam the fucking perms so much in 2022, now she just doesnt stream to protest that, i think

>> No.85716510

Most of the non generic streams she did in 2021 are disallowed now
>Bubba radio
>Non-karafun karaokes
>General alternate 3D model stuff (You have to go through an entire bureaucracy permissions bs to do a single stream with them)
And even then:
>Other ideas that she needs to ask permission before even get to trying them
On top of that she has to go through "homework" that gets in the way, and I'm not talking about idol stuff, general work for shit that doesn't really benefit the fans but the company only i.e. promotional stuff.
Hololive is becoming way too standardized, the benefits are great: Great concerts, big events, little drama. But it comes with the downside that it's starting to become soulless. For someone like Ame that's too big of a downside.

>> No.85716513

React shit. Literally every whore and homo that does it is at risk of having their whole channel taken down with basically no warning. If your 2view indie oshi does it you'd best warn her because Ironmouse giving up without a fight is going to embolden more people to start issuing strikes.

>> No.85716529
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>> No.85716554

Well, well, well

>> No.85716666
File: 87 KB, 710x1024, IMG_0243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you anti idol culture faggots try to shit up Hololive? Go watch cuckshit in Nijisanji or Phase you stupid dumb fuck

>> No.85716722

>if you don't like idolshit then you like ntr
You are an idiot.

>> No.85716739

>going indie
She doesn't want to do v-tubing anymore. At least not as a face.

>> No.85716747

You think Cover will offer everyone the same deal? That every future hires would have the level of influence Ame has?
Like, if those "future hires" want to pull a KSon after 4 successful years as Holo members, I'm sure Cover would be fine. After only a year or two? Fat chance

>> No.85716753

She doesn't like idol stuff, and perms prevent her from doing her 3D home shenanigans

>> No.85716766
Quoted by: >>85718996

I guess it's more about what she doesn't have to do, waiting on permissions and getting approval for projects. Also doing whatever dumb 3D idea pops into her head on a whim without running it by people or having autistic JP middle managers tell her too many ame alternate appearances dilute her brand or whatever the fuck.

The issue is that although all that bureaucracy was stifling, she DID pull off creative projects and with all the other talents right there to take part they ended up being something special. Leaving behind the holo environment that lends itself to these kind of events that Ame loved doing just so she can have the last say on everything seems dumb to me. After the halloween haunted house project when Ame decided to stop organising big events she lost whatever spark she had left - she COULD still be that creative person in holo she just stopped trying to be.

I'm sure she can pull off some cool ideas as a streamer on twitch that would have been hard to do at holo but missing out on 18 other talents ready to take part, funding and connections is a big blow. Yeah she could reach out to other vtubers on twitch but it's not the same, reactslop and playing whatever fotm is around is a path of least resistance they all go down sooner or later she will never have that same community again unless she starts her own group or something.

>> No.85716787
Quoted by: >>85731946

>If you think she's going back to streaming you're retarded
Meanwhile her YT and Twitch accounts:
>new content in October
>future full time streamer

>> No.85716838
Quoted by: >>85716970

Flesh streamer or fresh avatar?

>> No.85716874
Quoted by: >>85717262

Guess all corpo vtubing is now dead since there's now no drawbacks to milking them for an audience and then becoming a kson tier ewhore for money if you can just come back if it fails.

>> No.85716970

She is absolutely going to try and slowly but surely pivot into fleshstreamer

>> No.85716991

Wait a second is she seriously going back to her PL stuff AND starting a new account on top of that?
I thought she was just tired of streaming and being an internet personality but doing both of those completely contradicts that...
I really don't understand what she is doing. Between this and her stream yesterday I am so confused by her actions

>> No.85717061

React content.
Same as MxR, really.

>some pajeet or company "on behalf of the original author" files a false claim
>Youtube, instead of checking whether the complaint is legit or even the complaint entity is, just nukes/strikes channel.

If I was youtube CEO, i'd instate that all copyright claims should be done by physical copy and be sent physically in the office, preferrably signed/e-signed with the actual human being beside it, but we can only dream about it.

Funniest think about it, that, apparently, Daily dose of internet is fucking immune to that shit.

>> No.85717135

WTF Cover isn't a black company!??? talent first money second???

>> No.85717142
Quoted by: >>85717313

he's gone? l used to watch his skyrim mod reviews. Oh well.

>> No.85717143
Quoted by: >>85717207

She wants to start collabing with males duh.

>> No.85717182
Quoted by: >>85717365

Satan, it's not our fault that you are so disgusting you can't even land a roastie, so you simp for some anime avatars,
Idol culture is cancer, a safe for work variant of onlyfans. End of story.

>> No.85717207

those males. all me.

>> No.85717262

Do you realize that corpos have real whores among their ranks? And that has never been a drawback

>> No.85717268
Quoted by: >>85717306

It becomes really obvious once you finally extricate your blue triangular suppository.

>> No.85717273
Quoted by: >>85717478

Can't forget perms also have an expiry date on them too.
Hence why all RE4 streams completely stopped. That's worse than getting no perms at all. Because the game is left unfinished and no hope/little chance of getting them again.

>> No.85717278
Quoted by: >>85717510

Maybe he reaches out and gets permission first? He also has to go out and at least compile everything into an entertaining video, meanwhile all these lazy fucks just sit there munching on something and saying "what the fuck?" Every once in a while.

>> No.85717306
Quoted by: >>85717430

Literally what are you trying to say with that post.

>> No.85717313

They've got banned fairly recently, like month ago and so.
Though the writing was on the wall there, because they also reacted to the nsfw content and got smacked with it before.

>> No.85717329

She wants to do 3d stuff.
Is probably what motivates her the most.

>> No.85717337
Quoted by: >>85717592

>If I was youtube CEO, i'd instate that all copyright claims should be done by physical copy and be sent physically in the office, preferrably signed/e-signed with the actual human being beside it, but we can only dream about it.
Youtube does it the way they do because the Law holds them liable if they don't respond in a "timely manner". To accomplish that in volume requires Youtube's approach.
What you suggest would be considered aiding and abetting piracy/voilations.
Is it stupid? Sure. But it's also the law.

>> No.85717365
Quoted by: >>85717614

What board do you think you're on

>> No.85717430
File: 346 KB, 512x512, unnamed (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85717466
Quoted by: >>85717594

i don't think it's about 3d stuff, nothing stopping her from doing it like kiara does

>> No.85717478
Quoted by: >>85717639

Re4 wasnt timed.
But it had this horrible drawback of needing to age restrict it.

>> No.85717510
Quoted by: >>85719991

>Maybe he reaches out and gets permission first?
Most of those copyright claims are not even from creators, you retard.
Lurk more, the problem is not new.

>> No.85717593

yeah with me

>> No.85717592
Quoted by: >>85717711

We've obviously needed copyright reform forever but extremely entrenched and corrupt industries prevent that. The American Internationalists just got Vietnam (the country they went to war with) to close a website for simple copyright infringement.

>> No.85717594

Is 100% the 3d. They using other far different modles need permission beforehand.
Buffson was never seen again for a reason.

>> No.85717614

Hopefully, white board.

>> No.85717638
File: 72 KB, 585x555, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is improving herself

>> No.85717639

that age restriction shit did not make any sense when Dead Space was just fine

>> No.85717704
Quoted by: >>85718570

>whore yourself
>Uniqe and creative.
Whoring yourself is the least creative thing you can do. It was done all across human history.

>> No.85717711
Quoted by: >>85717783

>We've obviously needed copyright reform forever
Americans have second amendment, but they are have too deep stick up their ass to act on it.

>> No.85717783

>they are having a stick stuck too deep in their ass

>> No.85717800
Quoted by: >>85718636

Karma is a bitch, ain't it holodrones

>> No.85717854

I'm curious if most people will continue to watch Ame on her indie side. I feel like she'll just be another Kson. Respected but not watched.

>> No.85717979

I give it 6 months until she gets bored of it. Then another year until she decides to come back for the money.
She can't commit to anything and needs management to force her to actually get shit done. Remember all her news shows?

>> No.85717989

whenever you want to do a creative stream you need to seek permission and argue with japanese suits for months

>> No.85717996
Quoted by: >>85718087

Exactly this. She will become 3 view or even less.

>> No.85718087

>hasn't even left yet and you're already giving her the "she's a whore anyway I never liked her" treatment

>> No.85718096

Her gunpla building stream, a gelgoog marine I think, had 2k last night on just YouTube

>> No.85718147

holofags like to say nijifags true oshi is the company, very much a projection from holofags

>> No.85718216

it's true for the nijisisters but the male nijifans seem to want their oshis to leave that dump
just another thing sisters and bronies have in common

>> No.85718223

Well I don't know whether that will hold true.
As of now, she's just someone who doesn't want to do her job anymore but still wants to profit from said job while working somewhere else.
Maybe there's more than meets the eye but currently my respect for her is kind of crashing down.

>> No.85718324

She's been called a whore ever since she did that karaoke thing with blue homo.

>> No.85718413
Quoted by: >>85718629

>General alternate 3D model stuff
doesn't kiara constantly use her whore alternate 3d model? Even on her anniversary stream?

>> No.85718487

She already had shit views when overlapping advent and was trying to not overlap them.

>> No.85718570

I don't think he mentioned vshojo

>> No.85718629
Quoted by: >>85718794

No, and she needs to ask for permission for that.

>> No.85718636

Do you just parrot that line thoughtlessly as a mantra

>> No.85718788

People don't even watch her now. She's the runt of EN and doesn't make music to make up for it like Mori, Bae, Kiara, and Liz do. She will be streaming to maybe a few hundred. Great for groomers. She'll probably just quit streaming in a year or so.

>> No.85718794
Quoted by: >>85719994

what's that then?

>> No.85718873
Quoted by: >>85720686

>Hololive has a lot of homework and meetings that gets in the way of streaming
But she never fucking streams though?

>> No.85718896
Quoted by: >>85719101

Thank you for the good post. The kind of environment that leads to gimmick streams where Ame creates alt characters like Ghost Ame, AIAme or Bee Ame virtually on a whim are dead in the water without 10 layers of faxed permissions and that kind of goofing around is core to what she enjoys about streaming. She doesn't hate Hololive considering she argued and negotiated to keep one foot in the door if the grass isn't greener on the other side, but it's clear she's been struggling with it and has finally had enough.

>> No.85718996

Honestly this is rich. Maybe Holo is as dark as Niji after all. Doki was right. Indie is the way.

>> No.85719101

Man. I'm worried for CC then. She seems like the exact type of person to do creatividad content.

>> No.85719228

What's the problem with 3view, I don't watch kson at all though. My current favorite streamer is absolute 3view but she's great. Normal people often can't be into an autistic person.

>> No.85719254

She wants the Filian audience, not the Hololive audience.

>> No.85719272

I honestly think this is worse than just outright graduation, because it feels like such a copout for baiting her fans and just letting Cover milk the Ame IP. She’s obviously been done as a streamer for over 2 years now, and all the cope about her having some kind of 3D studio or whatever is so retarded. The fact that even she clarifies herself that she’s not gonna stream anymore, not really have access to her Twitter, or join most future events might as well just make her graduated anyway. Fuck Ame, now Gurs is probably gonna be motivated to do the same shit, cause she might as well have been “soft graduated” for the last 3 years

>> No.85719453
Quoted by: >>85719847

another future member of dokibird inc

>> No.85719788

Remember when she was the only EN not to show up for the countdown concert. The signs were there.

>> No.85719847

That would be really cute

>> No.85719855
Quoted by: >>85719959

I think the biggest thing is that CC and Ame were hired at different times. Year 1 HoloEN and year 4 HoloEN are like night and day, it seems.

>> No.85719959

It's definitely worse now, with Cover being bigger. Sad really.

>> No.85719991

The ones that got mouse WERE though. It wasn't some random troll that fucked her over, if it was then it wouldn't even be a problem and her channel would be back by now.

>> No.85719994

She asked for permision.

>> No.85720006

She never popped up on my radar precisely because she was a Holo. If she's going indie, then there's a chance.

>> No.85720053

The youtube system is a result of them getting their shit sued hard and losing, the record companies got to design the system as a result.

>> No.85720109

If they aren't a random troll then why aren't they responding to her lawyer

>> No.85720112
Quoted by: >>85720509

The shareholders would be ecstatic if this works out. They've always seethed about not being able to recycle their IP after the voice actor leaves. I wonder if Aqua full on left because Cover wouldn't agree to continue compensating her if they continued using Aqua's likeness in future promotional material. If that's the case, then perhaps Ame, someone who doesn't really seem to give a shit about making a lot of money, has just straight up given them the okay to keep using the Ame IP without compensation.

>> No.85720137
Quoted by: >>85720552

Can have actual good rigging now
Can collab with whoever they want
Can participate in whatever event they want
Can plan and do whatever they want
Can play any game they want
Don't have to deal with "idol" meetings
Don't have to deal with perms autism
Don't have to play a character
Don't have to Roleplay
Don't have to deal with mentally ill fans
Don't have to participate in Holo mandated events
Don't have to apologize to unicorn"fans"
Don't have to deal with retarded management

>> No.85720193

Except Gura seems to like all the idol stuff or at least was better at pretending to which is all the stuff Ame hated and will no longer be part of.

>> No.85720213
Quoted by: >>85720552

Because hololive is a toxic work environment that stifles her ability to express herself

>> No.85720251
Quoted by: >>85720552

>She’s obviously been done as a streamer for over 2 years now,
done as a streamer in the environment that Hololive provides
there is a gulf between what living in the hololive environment means and the general indie streamer life where you can just turn on the stream and do whatever

>> No.85720394
Quoted by: >>85720740

>The fact that even she clarifies herself that she’s not gonna stream anymore, not really have access to her Twitter, or join most future events might as well just make her graduated anyway.
Cover wants to keep her IP active and she gets royalties, it's a purely business decision.
There might be a clause that prevents her from joining another agency like Vshojo as well but I guess that's the pros and cons you gotta weigh when doing this sort of deal.

>> No.85720509
Quoted by: >>85720740

>without compensation
She still get royalties

>> No.85720522

>stream once in a blue moon while working with holo
>suddenly a full time streamer when indie
I wonder what's gonna be the cope this time.

>> No.85720552

Sorry I know you Indie fans always saw this stuff, but I've never been able to understand... What exactly is this super creative stuff all these indies do with this alleged amazing freedom they all have? Because I don't really see it. On the contrary I see
>whoring yourself out
>male collabs\
>flesh streaming
Not really great stuff.

ALSO.... You all claim Ame is quitting to do all these things and she has all these plans and it was just Hololive holding her back but... Really? Do you really think she is maigically going to become mentally stanel and competant and do all these cool things after 2 years of barely even being able to play video games on stream?
I don't know. I'm skeptical about this whole thing.

>> No.85720579

I only cared about her because she was part of Hololive, whether she continues as an indie or not is irrelevant to me

>> No.85720586

Holobronies and Nijisisters are two sides of the same coin.

>> No.85720614
Quoted by: >>85720712

She wont have fucking retarded suits hindering her from using silly 3D models like beeame etc

>> No.85720686

cuz there are too much homework and other obligations, like pillow business with me

>> No.85720712

Oh and if Fauna was an indie she could have done 4 seasons Fauna if she wanted too (or just Emo/Goth Fauna with black hair, changing hair colour is verboten in Hololive)

>> No.85720740

>and she gets royalties
Do we know that for sure? Obviously I would love for that to be the case, and would set a great precedent for those who get burnt out over time. I haven't heard any confirmation and it seems like Ame herself doesn't fucking know. As far as I'm aware, her contract ends September 30th, and she has nothing else signed with them as of yet.

>> No.85720742

She can do silly small ideas without permision autism

>> No.85720769

No one asked for your retarded faggy opinion, Holobrony.

>> No.85720786

You're under the assumption YT makes sense
Reminder that SSSniperwulf was not terminated for doxxing another person's house and ALSO doing lazy react content which wasn't even actually reacted to.
But she makes YT money so who cares?

>> No.85720814

She literally mentioned any new merch she gets after grad(not) will still help her.

>> No.85720847

Probably more so shit she doesn't want to do anymore. I bet they have to do at least one worthless meeting a day on top practicing things she's just not good at (singing and dancing) and I imagine all of en that doesn't live in japan is sick of going there.

>> No.85720852

She said buying any merch of Ame in the future will still support her.

>> No.85720903

She was hired as a streamer for EN. The girls who speak japanese and want to sing and dance are flourishing. The girls who want to do anything else are suffering. Even if Ame streams as a 3-view, it seems like she will be satisfied. That's the message I'm getting from her coworkers and herself.

>> No.85720921

Permissions are never the problem as proven by literally everyone who went indie, they keep playing the same games they did in corpos.

>> No.85721021
Quoted by: >>85721205

>I don't know. I'm skeptical about this whole thing.
All the retards saying going indie will be great won't even watch. She will be 3view after a week. Not even being nasty to her, she's free to do whatever she wants. It's her life.

>> No.85721040

If they didn’t want to be singer or dancers why apply to a singer/dancer corp? The other stuff agree with it’s so dumb the image of the company gets worse the more the talents get restricted.

>> No.85721067

>and she gets royalties
>Do we know that for sure?
Why would she agree to the semi-graduation thing otherwise? If that was the case then the agreement would only benefit cover and she would have just graduated normally instead.

>> No.85721098

She said it herself
. She works on spurts of creatividad. She will go indie burn herself there and maybe comback.

>> No.85721097

Retards on this board will never understand perms shit is a way streamers push off things they get harassed about by their fans to nebulous management.

>> No.85721130
Quoted by: >>85721291

I feel like Cover's restrictions on alt characters (and Ame has talked about how Smol Ame and Bee Ame can't be whipped out without permissions anymore) primarily has to do with visual elements that could be problematic for the presentation of the IP. Autismal corpo shit. CC (so far) hasn't really created any visually distinct characters but re-contextualised her default one in line for the bit. Mimicposting in Prey, resizing herself to match the visual style in Minish Cap, etc. So the stuff she does, while also creatividad and very entertaining, doesn't seem to poke at the same sore spots that Ame's does.

>> No.85721205

That’s the best part of how she left, she doesn’t have to worry about being a 3-view cause the money is still coming in from horological for her 1 hours guest appearance once a year with Kerch sales. She is truly free to do what she wants regardless of who watches.

>> No.85721212
Quoted by: >>85721400

So many people itt AND in the Ame general straight up admitting to letting her go and not following her as an indie is hilarious, these fags genuinely oshi the company.

>> No.85721238

Hololive of 2020 wasnt as focos on dancing as it is now.

>> No.85721241
Quoted by: >>85721328

Ame began as a twitch streamer and she clearly doesn't enjoy the restrictions of japanese corpo culture even for the money

>> No.85721291

Cover has a big issue with not wanting to dilute the brand image of Holos.
Basically what ironmouse does with her 50 different outfits all in different styles with little cohesiveness is what they don't want.

>> No.85721328

This, its probably the same with Gura but Cover is probably more willing to accommodate her.

>> No.85721357

No shit dumbass. cover is dealing with the japanese side of game studios and they lose there shit over it. AtlusUSA for instance went into dsps persona 3 videos to make fun of him meanwhile atlus jp didn't want to give mori permission to play p3 until there was a new version of the game to shill. ever notice how jp streamers mostly play western games like minecraft, gta, ark and apex? Ame if she played a japanese game would be dealing with the american side of the business.

>> No.85721371
Quoted by: >>85721922

Hololive in 2020 was explicitly marketed as a streamer group, not an idol group like HoloJP/ID. Things changed around the time Omega got fired in 2022 where they started branding them as idols.

>> No.85721383

it's literally over, she only has green haired goth costume
the humanities, the creative expression! If only she could be able to stream with black hair she would have 4M followers already....

>> No.85721395

>Cover has a big issue with not wanting to dilute the brand image of Holos.
because idolshit

>> No.85721400

>read the general
>people willing to watch her
Why come her and lie?

>> No.85721414

Are you seriously asking this after 4 years of watching her?

>> No.85721492

It's not only perms for games, they also lost perms for a lot of songs. Ame lost perms for like half of the songs she used to sing in karaokes, lost like 4 vods of watchalongs because they also lost perms for them

>> No.85721519
File: 460 KB, 540x466, who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>changing hair colour is verboten in Hololive
Are you retarded?

>> No.85721533

>fwmc driving to the pile of dead bodies
>stop car to attack cactus's

>> No.85721656

I honestly think she just wants to play with her silly little 3D models and not being able to do that was all she needed to start disliking working there. I bet if she could still throw out buffsame, became, etc whenever she wanted she would still be happy being in hololive. Game permissions be damned.

>> No.85721721

There are many answers to that question.
Use any 3D model she wants. Sing English or Disney songs. Play Genshin, Honkai, etc. Play Silent Hill. Collab with whoever she wants. Do IRL streams like at Twitchcon.

>> No.85721746
Quoted by: >>85721936

A good entertainer doesn't depend on permissions to be entertaining.

>> No.85721757

Literally the only Holo that ever got permission for it and then they refused to let anyone else do it after her.
They also forbid cat ears, bunny ears etc. now after changing their policy sometime in 2022 so it doesn't clash with other girls like Okayu and Pekora

>> No.85721805
Quoted by: >>85722055

Everyone overestimates themselves. Taking on a job thinking you can do it then get burnt out. Can happen to everyone, specially after getting financially stable, it breeds laziness. You start looking for an easier job.

Then regret it later in life.

>> No.85721807
Quoted by: >>85721869

>Sing English or Disney songs.
Wouldn't she still get taken down for this

>> No.85721820

That was before the new rules. Kiara and Mori both talked about it. They can have highlights, but their main hair has to be the same color. Hell, they wouldn't even let Fauna have the Bald Hitman head overlay.

>> No.85721823

>Play Genshin

>> No.85721869

Thing is aroubd 2022 cover only let you do unarchived songs from a list

>> No.85721875

In Ame's case, the benefits don't match her style, I think. She... can't really sing. She's not a dancer. Having seen her before she joined Hololive, her natural temperament is basically Tenma but without the liquor so she's always fighting that when she's streaming with Hololive so she doesn't say or do something that'll get her in trouble. If she's indie, she can act rougher and do more off the cuff things without the needs to kowtow to the bureaucracy.

>> No.85721911

Unironically, she would like that. She and Gura hate being in the spotlight, Gura in member's literally tells them that she fucking hate greys and that she doesn't like being big, and Ame has done things to get less viewers on purpose, she even posts the links of other streams so you go watch them or tells things like "I'm reading sc, you can leave now if you want, look this other person is streaming go watch her"

>> No.85721922

Ahh I see tyty, them yeah I can see why they would all be burnt out of it. Still seems like such a waste from the company to let such good talent either go or rot in inactivity. Corpo will be corpo i guess hopefully they don’t lose too many more before they fix their shit

>> No.85721936

There are still holomems to enjoy, and she encouraged us to do so.

>> No.85721938

>Use any 3D model she wants.
>Collab with whoever she wants.
>Do IRL streams like at Twitchcon.
>Sing English or Disney songs. Play Genshin, Honkai, etc. Play Silent Hill.
I'm pretty sure it's not that straightforward? Don't they have rules of restreaming or something.

>> No.85722040
Quoted by: >>85722267

Reminds me of how Jerma's streams developed. Before he started getting big, he was a lot more controlled and able to bounce off of chat- but once the weirdos started coming out in force, you could see the way the energy drained out of him. The Viewtiful Joe stream was a fucking travesty.

>> No.85722055
Quoted by: >>85726836

I'm the same. Have quite a bit saved, all I want it is to buy a small flat and be unemployed for atleast a year. Chill out. And look for new line of work because I'm fucking done with what I currently do. I'll lose money, but don't care. Can't take it with me and no kids to leave it to.

>> No.85722076

The toxic FPS player who slams desks when she joined was peak

>> No.85722154

>won't graduate but already revealing plans about her side hustle
Not everyone who watched her browses reddit or 4chan, and they won't know she's streaming on some other place. They'd be waiting for her, for 'Ame's voicepacks', and won't know any better. She's a horrible human being.

>> No.85722248

She doesn't want those people. Noboy disagrees that she's horrible, that's her appeal to her fans.

>> No.85722267
Quoted by: >>85722646

That’s any streamer who goes from small to big and blows up IMO the stream/chat interaction goes to shit, you can watch it in real time with a lot of the talents out there once they big.

>> No.85722271
Quoted by: >>85730206

She changed her name to something"3D", and as Ame she said things like wanting to be able to put mocap sensors to her dog, or objects, she has been studying about mocap things. Everything indicates that it will not be a simple "I play Overwatch for 8 hours and I sleep for 12 hours in a stream with a video in the background" channel, but rather a gaming channel focused also on the mocap technology she likes, her dancing and singing skill can be used with that too

>> No.85722287
Quoted by: >>85723974

Honestly, none of that sounds like it'd be worth throwing away a perfectly good job and dealing with the kind of merch management bullshit that Doki is dealing with.

>> No.85722359

what is "word of mouth"
>She's a horrible human being

>> No.85722640

if she does push through with her la creatividad, then good for her, I'll probably keep supporting her.

her hobby streams were very nice and so were her 3d streams.

if she pulls a Kson and just does the same thing, then I'll regret being her fan at all.

>> No.85722646

It's mostly a problem for streamers who rely on the chat interactions to fuel their content. Some streamers are chill or focused enough that a rabid chat spamming flags and bouncing up and down for attention won't affect them, but the more you interact the worse their streams become.

>> No.85722644

>she fucking hate people who don't pay
lol what a cunt.

>> No.85722855
Quoted by: >>85722974

Is Ame going back to being Sachiowo or is she forming a new persona?

>> No.85722864

That's my concern, too. Kson talked a big game and never delivered. Hell, Pikamee used to be the only streamer I watched, but I haven't touched Henya since all she does is react to shit. Even if I'm just listening to them as background noise while working or playing a game, I want them to actually do something entertaining.

>> No.85722906

kson makes me sad because I see her streams pop up in my feed from time to time and sometimes it is something fun like her building a model kit (I think she did one today actually) and it makes me want her to improve again, but then 90% of the time it seems to just be her sitting in front of her computer reacting to her chat and nothing else (not even in a zatsu stream, just whatever she was going to do gets sidelined). Even in terms of her creative streams like model kits or crafts she is falling behind all of the 2views that showcase their hobbies nowadays (I know that my gf really likes some Chinese accountant chick that just does cooking and crochet streams 95% of the time, for example).

>> No.85722942

Shitty VRchat and react slop

>> No.85722974
Quoted by: >>85723418

She already rebranded her PL.

>> No.85723015
File: 1.34 MB, 2012x1136, IMG_5118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What can't she do in Hololive that she can do on Twitch?

>> No.85723073

what is this from

>> No.85723418


>> No.85723456


>> No.85723542

Not taking three days, it's piss easy to find if you know her (former) PL.

>> No.85723571

She will stream daily for the first week and then fall back to streaming once a month again.

>> No.85723713
Quoted by: >>85724285

That's because Gura only cares about money

>> No.85723966

what the fuck kind of name is "dooby THE roingus"? what is a roingus?

>> No.85723974
Quoted by: >>85725611

but is it worth not giving up 50+% of your gross incomr?

>> No.85724100

Hey I like watching the Kson streams when she has the big titty Demon girl on

>> No.85724118

>Minecraft but her model is an animal
Wow so creative much independence

>> No.85724133 [DELETED] 

“Goinus” was too obvious

>> No.85724223

“Groinus” was too obvious

>> No.85724272
Quoted by: >>85724349

this. She's going to take the Kson route but probably with less whore stuff. Women hate putting effort into work, even when their work is practically effortless

>> No.85724285

And her little baby

>> No.85724349

Incel seethe. Arteries clogged full of incel seethe.

>> No.85724430
Quoted by: >>85726305

Kson should drop stream altogether and just work as owner of a hostess bar, she has a great taste in women.

>> No.85724437
Quoted by: >>85726494

Froot deflection post

>> No.85724490

Game comes out
>She can play it without waiting for permissions
Game came out 23 years ago, author is missing and the only way to play it is through piracy
>She can play it without waiting for permissions
Random idea came out, maybe it's shit, maybe it's good, only takes a few minutes to set up
>She can do it without waiting for a whole bureaucratic system that may have dissuaded her from doing it anyways
Want to just stream game she can just play
>Before you do that finish this homework that will leave you tired and without any desire to stream
Hololive is moving so much towards idol shit that the ones that just wanted to stream are done, it won't take too much time before all that remains in Hololive is just Gura-likes that don't stream except when it's time to milk their fans, hope your blue dorito is worth it

>> No.85724516
Quoted by: >>85727694

Cover really needs to get their shit together with permissions

>> No.85724559


>> No.85724627

time will show I am proven right. I was right about Kson, I'll be right about this. I'm not even unsympathetic to the perms hort shit, that must be absolutely maddening to deal with. But I also know that, like Kson, she's not leaving to do La Creatividad. She's leaving to do the laziest, easiest, lowest-effort content she can get away with. You retards called me an icel when I said Kson would do it and look who was fucking right.

>> No.85724665

She's gonna be hugeroingus.

>> No.85724803

>Gura told members they are special and she hates non-paypigs
Just like a OF whore would

>> No.85724816

>to protest that
That sure is working!

>> No.85725078

Is there any real indication that this is the case? As much as I'd like to believe there is, I haven't personally seen any outside of some real reaches combined with extreme copium.

>> No.85725359

oh yeah MODS. Freaking needing permissions for Mods man

>> No.85725367
Quoted by: >>85725702

>Gura in member's literally tells them that she fucking hate greys


>> No.85725411

I agree that she will be happier without perms autism, but I also think she's not that good of a streamer to remain popular on her own. Her La Creatividad boils down to using fan-made models and assets on stream, her actual content was always subpar.

>> No.85725611
Quoted by: >>85725747

Depends on how much work you want to put in? She could end up like Grimmi if she's not careful.

>> No.85725694

Damn it didn't take long for the holocult to turn on her. She didn't even graduate yet!

>> No.85725702

My oshi used to praise greys and call members morons wasting their money (even though she had good memba streams). I miss her

>> No.85725747

She's less lesbo bait than grimmi

>> No.85725785

It's hard to find zatsu themes when she's mostly on her own.

>> No.85725791

She wants to eat bread. She doesn't care that it will hurt her tummy anymore and she doesn't want anyone to stop her

>> No.85725885
Quoted by: >>85725967

talk thrash on people and things she hate

>> No.85725967

You can't thread yourself, and she will also be able to play Sublime

>> No.85726114

The Hololive that would let Ame do her La Creatividad stuffs is long gone.

>> No.85726166

Yeah but the lack of cohesiveness between mousey's 69 different models and beeame, buffson, etc are night and day. All of Ame's shit still had blonde hair, her outfit, and/or the smolame base. They were all immediately recognizable as Ame.

>> No.85726178

Okay, but will she go full on flesh streamer or remain a vtuber?

>> No.85726194

What is Korone Sonic, Alex?

>> No.85726272

It's not about popularity or money, look at other industries, there's always been people that had to choose between the money, popularity and already established work vs working on what they actually want. After 4 years Ame chose the later, she doesn't want to be an idol, she likes singing and dancing but she doesn't want them to keep increasing in focus when all she wanted to do was play games and do silly streams

>> No.85726289

vtuber probably

>> No.85726305

Ai Sayama please sit on my face

>> No.85726427

I won't mind as long as she picks one. If she starts as a youtuber but milks doing face streams like a certain whale, I'll be pissed.

>> No.85726494

Froot deflection

>> No.85726598

>I was right to judge all women and entertainers lazy!
Your opinion is shit soup.

>> No.85726607

I think that if she does go indie for content creation, as another anon pointed out in another thread, it's not terribly likely she'll do flesh streaming again. Or did you guys forget how absolutely paranoid she got about being recognized and potentially stalked once Ame became really popular?

>> No.85726632


>> No.85726654

If I were to guess. She doesn't like the idol side of being in Cover.

>> No.85726777

Kronii has said very plainly that staff drags their feet when it comes to permissions sometimes.

>> No.85726836
File: 33 KB, 564x661, 1669767395779361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same. let's move in together and become professional stream watchers (no homo)

>> No.85726844

she can show her body and do react content now

>> No.85726878

And she was being diplomatic because she's still an employee. The perms system makes sense, but cover staff needs to take it as seriously as the talents/their managers and the higher ups do, because it's clear most of them don't give a shit.

>> No.85726929

And gura has MVs that have been in hell for 3 years...
Where is the FauMei orisong...

>> No.85726941
Quoted by: >>85727162

I guess twitch>youtube, twitchtuber> youtube vtuber

>> No.85727085

>Playing small Indie games
Only Celeste, Pizza Tower, Undertale, Hollow Knight, Hades who don’t need any more support. And then you’ll watch the chuubas copy the same game choices as each other.

>> No.85727162


>> No.85727278
Quoted by: >>85727327

Then they should in Hololive

>> No.85727327

*shouldn't be in

>> No.85727404


>> No.85727429


>> No.85727505
Quoted by: >>85728344

Link to here indie Twitch?

>> No.85727551

Cover force the idol shit on her and limited the game she can play so she hates it

>> No.85727572

>numbers brainrot

>> No.85727694
Quoted by: >>85728388

yeah bro, why doesn't cover just make 3 man indie devs respond to their non-existent contact emails or force billion dollar companies like Sony and Capcom to have unrestricted streaming permissions

>> No.85727768

Mori's newest outfit literally comes with bunny ears though.

>> No.85727783

She deserved it

>> No.85727789
Quoted by: >>85728212

holy fuck you guys are just as bad as the nijisissies

>> No.85727885

>everything that puts "muh woman" in a slightly negative light is INCEL behaviour!
And it's not even the case here. Women statistically on average are less competitive than men throughout all of history. There are exceptions, but it's completely normal for someone to not want to be on a grindset job with constant goals and benchmarks to reach for.

>> No.85727989

Explain how have you fuckers already found her

>> No.85728039

People always knew her PL, and she retweeted her new account

>> No.85728047

biggus dickus

>> No.85728131

>he thinks they don't want to be found
They very openly promote themselves, she's literally got her penis in Cover's mouth on the one account while farming cash from her simps on the other.

>> No.85728212

Cope. Ame was important in the grand scheme of things, but as a streamer she was always mediocre. In fact, Myth as a whole is completely mogged by their own kouhais.

>> No.85728218

If she knows what's good for her she'll stay 2D. Her face is not cute.

>> No.85728254
File: 123 KB, 1413x561, 1667575371259352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't like it? don't join
I blame the homos

>> No.85728283

Why did she make it this easy to find?

>> No.85728344


>> No.85728360

>Become indie
>Remember that indies actually do a good job at looking through their fanart and hashtags unlike all of the popular chuubas
>This ends up being more annoying than whatever Cover asked of her

>> No.85728388

They could try to influence indie developing community to start adding explicit statements granting streaming permission in their terms of service or somewhere. Indie developers rely on hype for marketing so they would add such statements if they knew it was needed. Just inject some shills into game-dev forums. Try to get it added on FAQs or hint sections for big game-dev resources.

>> No.85728472

It's kinda funny how Ame ended her legacy being the thing everyone hated Mori for while Mori has somewhat softened with time.

>> No.85728627

unironically no one that cover hires will be able to do this
they would unironically have to hire an extroverted game lover as a talent and she would have to do it

>> No.85728635
File: 669 KB, 1024x576, 01560165015601501515015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly anon, Fields of Misteria perms are fucking nothing.
The girls are clearly asking for some pre-2010 game where the company and the publisher are 2 different people to ask.

>> No.85728698
Quoted by: >>85728977

Good things "idol culture" did for Hololive
>give the talents an excuse to put on big song perfomances
>create memes about how un-idol-like their regular content is
Bad things
>invite schizos into the fandom
>every individual schizo counts as a separate point here
>seriously, it's just not worth it
Everything else good was pre-existing and not a result of idol culture. Yes, INCLUDING CGDCT.

>> No.85728744

She always said she liked the idol things, but you know, actually doing it, like events, 3D events, concerts, dancing, singing, what was making her mad was having to do things like the paper stuff they have, multiple recordings for things, meetings and that shit. Same argument that the nijisisters used with Aqua saying that she hated the idol stuff

>> No.85728929
File: 2.36 MB, 1024x1024, number monkeys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85728925

She wants the attention and money.

>> No.85728977

Bad things: your company implodes like nijis unless you have a monopolistic corruptive influence on the platform directly

>> No.85729002
Quoted by: >>85729772

What's karafun? Is that like joysound?

>> No.85729051

The algorithm just keep throw it to my face. I didn't even knew who that was until I come here

>> No.85729075
Quoted by: >>85731348

>She... can't really sing
Anon have (You) been in a coma since 2021 or something?

>> No.85729122

Why wouldn't she, is a better question.

>> No.85729138
File: 78 KB, 772x525, ESL dekinai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85729147
Quoted by: >>85729715

s a c h i
...the retvrn?

>> No.85729444
Quoted by: >>85730300

have you guys seen how sexy she is? Gawd damn!

>> No.85729445

Why does everyone seem to just assume she is going independent?

>> No.85729569

is she joining nijisanji? or phase? or shitshow corp?

>> No.85729715

Anon do you think jannies are fucking bots or something?

>> No.85729752
Quoted by: >>85730612

>Hell, Pikamee used to be the only streamer I watched, but I haven't touched Henya since all she does is react to shit.
lmao, you keep repeating this as if it makes it true. she only does lazy shit when eating or sick. probably never watched a single second of a pikamee stream either

>> No.85729772

Karaoke page and it has a story in holoEN. It's other thing that happened that most catalofags (the bad ones) don't know, but in 2021 they were gonna lose the unarchived karaoke perms permanently, it didn't matter if you don't monetize or delete it. The EN management gave up, but the ID members told them that they could use karafun and that they could even monetize the streams. The problem is that there's a lot of songs that aren't in karafun, Ame for example lost probably around 10 or 15 of her classic songs, and recently it seems that certain music companies also restricted some songs and also karafun loses some karaoke tracks, in that process Ame lost at least 30 more songs and she had to ask perms for every song that she could sing in karaokes, just in case,that means that many songs were denied, who knows how many more songs she lost

>> No.85729777

i think there was some activity on her PL

>> No.85729823
Quoted by: >>85730451

I assume he means she'll disappear forever, just like, uh, zero graduated chuubas over 2view have literally disappeared because it's the easiest job in the world

>> No.85729879
Quoted by: >>85730444

I have to assume you're asking why are people assuming she's continuing content creation at all, because even in the best case scenario, there is no Earthly fucking way Cover would contract her while still allowing her to join another corporation.

>> No.85729883

>trannitor is deleting all the sachi/dachi threads
Bro you're not "protecting her from doxxing" or whatever inane thought it is you have in your head, you're making it so teammates won't go to her new channel. Get a clue, faggot, you're not helping her when you do that and talking about vtubers isn't against the rules.
>/vt/ still has the fourth worst moderators on the site

>> No.85729997

Indie while having a hololive special contract that doesn't let her join other companies. Good move by cover and Ame that helped them make that new contract

>> No.85730038

I remember her first or second stream and she was almost crying talking about how grateful she was to join Hololive and that she had things happen to her that had her pretty down right before. I'm willing to bet that the Hololive stuff was just to heavy for her and she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

>> No.85730056

play games

>> No.85730206

So like filian the whore?

>> No.85730300

Culona colombiana

>> No.85730336

Tube means youtube, she's not a vtuber.

>> No.85730395

Exactly that, down to setting her own house on fire and all that goofy Hispanic shit that Twitch fags love.

>> No.85730421

This is actually a good point. These girls aren't stupid, she knows her PL was basically kson/gura tier "secret" at this point and made it a point to make it easy to find and make it obvious she's returning to them. Just arbitrarily shutting down info on it is counterproductive, unless they're actually trying to damage her.

>> No.85730444
Quoted by: >>85730511

Yes I am asking why people think she is continuing content creation at all.

>> No.85730451

Hitomi Chris.

>> No.85730510

anon, the part to focus on here is "whore" Filian the whore is a whore. Ame is not a whore.

>> No.85730511

She literally updated her PL recently with "full time streamer"

>> No.85730612
Quoted by: >>85730767

Dunno why you're so offended by that, I'm in the same boat as him. It's not impossible to pull off, but there are a lot of chuubas that don't understand why people like SOME of the corpo restructions.
I bet Gura would be clever enough to pull it off, should she want to.

>> No.85730673

Recently, meaning as she started her GTA stream. She actually used her PL to shill a new account that will be the full-time streamer, retards here keep calling her by the PL name even though that isn't the full-time streamer's name.

>> No.85730715

corpo shills exposing themselves
let alone the feigned interest in ame all of a sudden

>> No.85730737

Filian uses a VRchat model while doing content for ADHD kids and she's very sociable. Ame is going to make content as if she were in a garage by herself and focus more on the technology or games, not in farming content to tryhard the n°1 in the popularity charts, the fewer viewers she has, the happier she will be

>> No.85730745
Quoted by: >>85731148

Why yes Ame, it's definitely a good idea to do indie streams when people have your irl name...

>> No.85730767

because you make up shit

>> No.85730769
Quoted by: >>85731314

Did we even hear Chris's voice? Would we even know if she "came back"? (She never even debuted)

>> No.85730811
Quoted by: >>85731314

She never even debuted

>> No.85731064

she made it incredibly obvious. her new accounts are broadcasted like an airport landing strip

>> No.85731148
Quoted by: >>85731867

How is it any different than doing Holo streams? I really doubt that she's going back to flesh streaming, anon.

>> No.85731220
File: 982 KB, 696x720, 1684148924127020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get how permissions is ever the answer to why a corporate vtuber graduates. Most of the games I see indie vtubers play which corporate ones don't have nothing to do with permissions, because every now and then one will. And sure, there's a lot of old games that it might be difficult to get permissions for, but have you seen the random shit Korone plays? She doesn't have trouble getting permission to play obscure games from the 80s. What game could any of them possibly want to play that they can't get permission for? Whenever a corporate vtuber graduates and goes (back to being) indie, they end up just streaming the same shit they always did, with the two exceptions being lazy react content and being a whore.

>> No.85731314

People have posted her stream here before. You can watch it on youtube.

>> No.85731348

just because fauna, shiori, and cc exist doesnt meal Ame still isnt soul

>> No.85731361

It's not necessarily the case here, but there has been complaints from Holo talents themselves in the past concerning perms. It's out there in the open. They're the ones in the corp, not you, so you don't know how many times and for what games she may or may not have tried to get and been denied or had it take forever.

>> No.85731411

The thing is vtubers are extremely uncreative so they want to play flavor of the moment games and so even when they can get permissions, it might take a week too long and the trend has already passed. Or they want to play their one favorite game on stream or some shit and it's not allowed. Although I don't understand the idea with those games because presumambly they aren't allowed for indies either, I don't get it.

>> No.85731444

roin gusling

>> No.85731574

They're young adults with mental issues.
They're allergic to commitments.

>> No.85731612
Quoted by: >>85731865

how different was sachi to ame? I didn't watch her before. When corpo chuubas go indie for some reason I get afraid that they'll turn giga stacy and be rude.

>> No.85731641

whats amelias indie account again

>> No.85731782
Quoted by: >>85732112

>corpo vtuber
>buys game
>downloads it or boots it up
>has to file up that she wants to play a game
>manager who’s probably scratching his balls sees the request
>contacts the person holding the rights to it
>waiting for hours, days, even a month
>”now stinky mcfartnuts, you are allowed to play the game”
>adds it to the schedule of the next week because we can do it in the same week
>finally streams it

>without perms Vtuber
>buys game
>downloads it or boots it up
>streams it

>> No.85731865

She wasn't afraid to say nigger.

>> No.85731867

Idol fans are schizo enough to believe that this new Ame "betrays" Hololive and that whatever new idea she gets to do isn't worth making her coworkers sad.
Enjoy having pizzas sent to her address during a stream.

>> No.85731900

>male collabs\
Only delusional fags are worried about this. All of these women are seeing a guy in the background, besides the rare few gay ones.

>> No.85731905
Quoted by: >>85732500

Cover doesn't recognize blanket statements like that, they need a personal perm, there was a precedent, but I don't remember what game it was. That's just how japanese garbage of copyright system works.

>> No.85731946

got a link or hint? I didn't pay much attention to her in holo since her gremlin screeches filtered me but I'm willing to give her fresh start a chance.

>> No.85732112
Quoted by: >>85732435

You're right, but can you name a game that this actually happened with? Every FOTM game they've played, they played it while it was still popular. Every mainstream game that came out that I can think of they also played as soon as it came out.

>> No.85732297

After all, the only place that white people love and belong to is Twitch, that is their habitat. If your oshi is white, you will inevitably have to open Twitch and watch them on there in the end

>> No.85732435

elden ring was a bitch with perms (and fromsoft in general)
you can lose perms all the time since they are time based or something
and this isnt a big mainstream game but aoe2 they had to get perms per stream, so you'd apply and get perms for like thursday and sunday stream and then had to reapply if you wanted to stream more

>> No.85732500

>Cover doesn't recognize blanket statements like that
Those can be retracted at anytime and you can get a strike, see Pewdiepie
