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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8546461 No.8546461 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>8547649 >>8558507

>Today stream

>Who is Beatani?



>Streamlabs, because superchats are for low IQ dads who like giving Youtube 30% of the cut:

> Data archive:

>Last Thread

>> No.8546641
Quoted by: >>8547060 >>8548851

I want to sign up for the magazine but don't know if I'm good enough.

>> No.8547060
Quoted by: >>8548851

Reserve a page and if you aren't feeling it someone can fill it later.

>> No.8547276
File: 123 KB, 690x1024, 1623502545165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8547359

I love this fucking bear

>> No.8547359
File: 562 KB, 1500x999, 1626985665053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.8547649
Quoted by: >>8547663

Literally who?

>> No.8547663
Quoted by: >>8547915


>> No.8547915

prove it

>> No.8547933
File: 157 KB, 2000x2000, 1623522209524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8548035

yes i would be upset but not with bea, the bastard is not taking good care of her, if he allows her to drink and mix her meds, not looking out for her sleeping hours

>> No.8548035
Quoted by: >>8548068

What if he can't look out for her because it's a viewer?

>> No.8548068

I'll kill you

>> No.8548555
Quoted by: >>8548923

>They think that she doesn't have a boyfriend

>> No.8548665
File: 2.90 MB, 1109x1435, 1603201548316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Physical Magazine Project

>Crosspost to Dedicated thread

>Initial sign up survey complete
We have gained ~32 submissions to fill just over 50 pages. Sugoi! Thank you to everyone who signed up so far. Details for the next phase of the project will follow shortly, but a few days may be required to put everything together. I will give an update as soon as I have it.

>Google Form / Late Signups
I have backed up a copy of the initial signup sheet. If someone wants to add a late submission, please let me know. The initial signup sheet will stay open and editable. Please feel free to use it to update any relevant information that is required.

If you wanted to submit but have not signed up, let me know why you are on the fence and maybe I can help. I'll be around for the rest of the day for any additional questions.

>> No.8548851

>Don't know if I'm good enough
It's the effort and thought that matters. I'm sure dads of all different talents are participating. I'm not the most creative dad, but I surely won't let it stop me. I know some people felt regret at their participation in the last project (or lack thereof), so this project was designed to include as many as possible. Also, if you back out, its not like we will hold it against you. Ideally everyone who signs up will submit, but we aren't held to a strict number of pages or anything, so don't worry about negatively affecting the project. I would really love it if you would participate with us. Do you have an idea in mind? Maybe we can help you flesh it out.

It's not even needed for someone to have a replacement. If someone who signs up doesn't submit, we just print the magazine shorter.

>> No.8548923

I want to know how everyone feel about it now since the thread has changed so much over the months

>> No.8549177
Quoted by: >>8549614 >>8549762

>Last minute project ideas
For any dads who didn't sign up yet, I'll do what I can to see if I can help get your creativity stirring on this thread. This thread being the one that was up during the initial deadline. As I said before, if someone wants to fill it in late (especially during this thread) it's totally OK.

>Travel/Photo blog
I was hoping for more of these. One of the Japan dads is going to take some pictures of Tokyo and possibly overlay Beatani on some of the images. Do any other dads want to do a photography based submission? You could take some local photos. Hobodad hiding spots? Oil balon travel blog? Risuna's favorite regional foods?

>Games page
How about a page with a crossword and a wordsearch on it, each taking half the page? For a crossword, you could think of some funny or interesting clues. I think it could make a great page for anyone who is a bit witty with words.

>Advertisement pages
Not many people signed up to do mock advertisements. I reserved one row for one myself, but maybe some more people can prepare various magazine advertisements to fill up some extra pages and give it a more magazine like feeling.

>Google forms link

>> No.8549290

Said this in the last thread but I wouldn't give a shit as long as it didn't overtake the streams and even then that'd bother me more because I doubt it'd produce anything interesting to watch or talk about than because of the mere fact that a boyfriend exists.

I guess in a way I hope there's no boyfriend but that's got nothing to do with Beatani and everything to do with the fact that having the occasional shitpost about it here is far better than having entire threads get turned into dumpster fires over goslings having meltdowns and shitposters spamming about it every chance they get.

>> No.8549341
Quoted by: >>8549623 >>8550160

I'll play along, when did she get the boyfriend? Before or after telling us that she was single?
I don't care about the private life of the chuubas I watch, but Beatani is a special case because she has shared a lot of personal stuff with us, and we have answered back being as honest as we can about of own situations
If we were to suddenly find out that she always had a boyfriend then our relationship of mutual trust would be broken beyond repair

>> No.8549614
Quoted by: >>8549842

I'll add a late submission in 5-6h if that's fine. Probably a 1 page travel ad but I haven't decided yet.

>> No.8549623
Quoted by: >>8550160

>If we were to suddenly find out that she always had a boyfriend then our relationship of mutual trust would be broken beyond repair
I agree with this. Having a boyfriend is no problem, but lying about it makes me feel used.

>> No.8549649
Quoted by: >>8549731 >>8549732

My idea for the magazine is to do something like pic related..disregard,ip range ban (i.e a photo with a 2D Bea put into it that feels like it fits). I don't expect the quality to be as high as this but will give it a go. Problem is I am not so good at drawing so looking for a draw Dad that can do a simple Bea with a transparent background. We can collab over discord and see about doing post editing of effects etc to make the photos pop better. Would be cool to put a quote of something retarded Bea has said recently too along with it. Plan it to be one page of the magazine and to be an ongoing thing and we can share credit for it.

>> No.8549731

search 『FGO』の聖地を巡ろう! 5周年企画 to get an idea of what I wanna do.

>> No.8549732

Post a link to the pic if you can't post images

>> No.8549762
Quoted by: >>8549842

I did haikyo exploring in 2019 if you want an article on that

>> No.8549788
Quoted by: >>8550160

You really think Bea would just lie to us like that?

>> No.8549842
Quoted by: >>8550087

Totally OK, thanks for letting me know. I'll check back later for your submission to the sheet.

Since Bea loves abandoned buildings and stuff, I think she would love a page like this if you're inclined to do it for us.

>> No.8550087
Quoted by: >>8550299

Ok, sign me up (phone posting rn). Also drove a van through hokkaido which is kinda related to the bus trip she mentioned a month ago

>> No.8550160

Same. Beyond repair is a bit dramatic, but I would would feel pretty bad for a while. Mostly because I would have been happy if she'd said it somewhere right away.
Not really. Joking about it is fair game though

>> No.8550274
Quoted by: >>8550555

So did Bea get a boyfriend? If so, I'm happy for her now!

>> No.8550299
Quoted by: >>8550682

Sure, I'll put you down on the spreadsheet as "Haikyo Anon." You thinking 1 or 2 pages or what?

>> No.8550325
Quoted by: >>8550442

If it'll set your minds at ease dad's she's not in a relationship and not looking for one. She wants you to focus on her content not her private life or lack of one.

>> No.8550337

Well I'll be honnest, I would hate it, definitely. I don't care if it's not healthy or w/e, it would just feel different. Plus I feel it wouldn't be Beatani, since her personality is what make it very hard for her to not be single. She already barely has time for vtubing, so if not single it basically would mean quitting at this point.

>> No.8550351
Quoted by: >>8550398 >>8550539

Lots of cuckdads around... I wonder if it's just a side effect of nutkumolity

>> No.8550398
Quoted by: >>8550486 >>8550535

I don't think you understand what a cuck is dadochama.

>> No.8550442

Thank you inner circle chama

>> No.8550486

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are grooming, supporting, raising and watching a girl for at least several months solely so that she can go get ravaged by other men. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little bear - doing your art reps, staying up to ungodly hours in the morning, making sure she has enough beer money, teaching her english, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raising the perfect bear? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who has nothing to do with the right way she grew up with, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind yet menhera personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least several months of your life simply to raise a little girl for other men to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

>> No.8550535

In this context: someone who enjoys his oshi having sex with other men.

>> No.8550539
Quoted by: >>8550717 >>8550765

It's just a general trend of this board, I noticed. People will go out of their way to signal how well adjusted they are and how anyone who dare to think otherwise is a an "incel" "virgin" should "touch grass". They're very loud. In reality a lot of people wouldn't like it, due to the very nature of the specific niche of streams who are vtubers.

>> No.8550555

I don't even know where or how this rrat started or why we're discussing it

>> No.8550605

Because this has been the talk of the board for a few day an some retard thought it would be hilarious to ask everyone here their thought about it

>> No.8550617
Quoted by: >>8550720 >>8557631

Bea started it, she's planning it as one of the RFA jokes

>> No.8550677

I believe this rrat because I want to believe

>> No.8550682
Quoted by: >>8552395

2 pages if haikyo, 4 if including the van trip too? Idk if that's too much, but I'm assuming big images.

>> No.8550717
Quoted by: >>8550853

>due to the very nature of the specific niche of streams who are vtubers.
vtubers are just streamers with an anime avatar instead of a facecam. I mean shit I'm pretty sure even twitch thots have the same kind of butthurt goslings we do but they just call them simps or whatever. the fact that big companies like hololive have used it to perpetuate cancerous idol culture and most surface-level fans assume every vtuber is like that doesn't mean it's endemic to the entire concept of vtubing.

>> No.8550720
Quoted by: >>8551887

>She hates us so much that she is going to make us cum to the noises of her and her boyfriend fucking

>> No.8550765
Quoted by: >>8550787

Or more honestly, I don't have any thought that I'm going to get to be in a relationship with a woman halfway across the globe in any meaningful way besides that of entertainment and viewer of entertainment. Like I guess the biggest thing would be the lie but well there is no lie, and it's a bit dumb to worry about hypothetical situations I think.

>> No.8550787

It was never about any hope of getting in a relationship or whatever.

>> No.8550853

>big companies like hololive have used it to perpetuate cancerous idol culture and most surface-level fans assume every vtuber is like that doesn't mean it's endemic to the entire concept of vtubing.
How new, this was like this much before Hololive. Many like Moemi literally staring every video with "Hi darling, it's your wife moemi", and even all the big ones wouldn't even dare touching any personal relationship stuff ever, would be just not appropriate. People saying it started with Hololive are delusional, it was always the norm, until it came to the west.

>> No.8550922
Quoted by: >>8551250

Being in a relationship takes time and focus. I prefer the vtuber to spends as much time and attention as they can on their vtubing, juggling both + a work is just detrimental to all 3 activities. It's pretty simple honestly.

>> No.8551250
Quoted by: >>8551419

Yeah, I don't get how people can pretend it doesn't have an impact on the vtuber. In Bea case she would honestly just quit vtubing.

>> No.8551366

>you now remember the one time her neighbor saw her naked

>> No.8551419
Quoted by: >>8551802

>In Bea case she would honestly just quit vtubing.
She is going to start the tinder arc just to prove your wrong.

>> No.8551513

Wasn't that marine?

>> No.8551563
Quoted by: >>8551664

I never forgot. The fact that she was more worried about him seeing her room than her naked was puzzling. Bea basically got Matsuri'd.

>> No.8551664

Her mind works in mysterious ways

>> No.8551734

rrat: it was actually a female so Bea got horny

>> No.8551802

>Bea starts going out with a guy just to prove /yah/ that she can have a boyfriend while still being a vtuber
>She doesn't have intentions of having a serious relationship with him, she is planning to dump him before the third date
>She brags while streaming about how easy was to get a boyfriend, and that she is now bored of him
>He watches the stream by chance and recognizes Bea
>Gets her very drunk the next time they meet
>Convinces her to let him take her to her home
>Dads get a notification about a guerrilla stream
>"Dadchamas... aaah... I got too cocky!"

>> No.8551809

He probably ran out from the smell.

>> No.8551863


>> No.8551887
Quoted by: >>8551920 >>8557631

Remember that voice changer that she made an offhand mention of buying a long time ago? For some vague idea?
I'm just saying, it hasn't appeared yet. And if this rrat is alive when it does it will be more funny

>> No.8551900
Quoted by: >>8552544

This is the plot of the doujin and
>"Dadchamas... aaah... I got too cocky!"
This is the title

>> No.8551920

Yes, it was in a community post.

>> No.8552395
Quoted by: >>8552506

2 or 4 pages is fine, we can discuss with the editor too if we want to get a feeling on what will look best. you wouldn't be the only person taking 4 pages, at least. for now, I will set the google sheet to 2 pages. thanks

>> No.8552506
Quoted by: >>8552614

When is the submission deadline?

>> No.8552544
Quoted by: >>8552945

Let me help you
>"Dadchamas... aaah... I got too cocky!"
>Next page is Bea reading the magazine during a stream
>The whole boyfriend thing was just an erotic story written by some dad for the magazine
>She has a troubled expression in the face
>"Why... why are you like this?"

>> No.8552614
Quoted by: >>8552982

we are going to put together some details this week and provide information on that this weekend. the initial timeline called for about one month to complete the submissions. if we went ahead with the one month, it would be about one month from this weekend (so, end of september, basically). I think one month should be enough for most people to prepare whatever they want to send. Does anyone think they would need more than one month?

>> No.8552945

Kek I'll keep this in mind...

>> No.8552982
Quoted by: >>8553730

Just realised the deadline coincides with the memeball schedule. I wonder if adding an extra week to make room for a report on /yah/'s cup run would be a good idea.

>> No.8553730

the schedule is flexible, so if that's something we wanted to do, i don't see a problem with it.

>> No.8553734

I wonder how her boyfriend feels about Bea not bathing for days on end, or spending all of her time drawing shit and getting drunk off three beers. Bea is not the best girlfriend material.

>> No.8553823

>not bathing for days on end

>> No.8553834

She's low maintenance, you can fuck her and forget about her for a while.

>> No.8553906

The reason Bea doesn't bathe frequently is because she wants to have sex in the bath, and her boyfriend is too dumb to take the hint and fuck her every day.

>> No.8556001

I know my cock is smaller than Beatani's
Give me a shot, a chance to win you Risuna please
I'm on my hands and knees...
For my face, in your tiddies

>> No.8557137

I love you, Risuna.
t. Risuna

>> No.8557258
Quoted by: >>8557282

Risuna's lips
I want to kiss

>> No.8557282

Risuna's gash
I want to smash

>> No.8557327

Risuna's dick
I want to lick

>> No.8557356
Quoted by: >>8557402

> Bea is not the best girlfriend material.
She's the best wife material.

>> No.8557402
Quoted by: >>8557723

I guess she would be good at sitting around, yelling at you all day and taking half your money without giving you any sex.

>> No.8557503

look anon, you can't pick who you fall in love with ok?

>> No.8557506

Risuna's cunny
Looks cute and tastes funny

>> No.8557631

Remember how Bea "collabed" with the sheep right at the beginning? She's going to do the same with a male or maybe an erotuber but prepare it so it's seamless. Low IQ dads won't be able to tell it's just a recording.

>> No.8557723
Quoted by: >>8557818

I want to be yelled at by the bear. Please, berate me more!

>> No.8557818
File: 429 KB, 451x635, E5tNDi4XEAkPiVd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If you don't come back with more mikan in 20 minutes I swear to Hiroyuki I'm cutting your dick off!"

>> No.8558507
Quoted by: >>8558567

Okay, but, is this true >>8551718 ?

>> No.8558567
Quoted by: >>8558601 >>8558870

She has visited more than once, but on the first thread she made here asking for advice someone did indeed call her nigger.

>> No.8558601

>implying she ever came here after that incident

>> No.8558650
Quoted by: >>8563555

All the bear paws drawings were fake

>> No.8558870
Quoted by: >>8558908

maybe "That bear degenerate" is supposed to be her

>> No.8558908

I think so

>> No.8563555
Quoted by: >>8566870

vtubers are fake

>> No.8563655

I was curious to see if someone would bump the thread

>> No.8566870

They're real to me damnit

>> No.8567255

Bea's cunny
Cute and funny
Torture Pichu
It gets all runny

>> No.8568974
Quoted by: >>8569401

This isn't good. I have almost no interest in watching the stream

>> No.8569401
Quoted by: >>8569909

then don't force yourself to watch it
you'll just be wasting your time

>> No.8569909

Why do I hear that in Bea's voice?

>> No.8570179

The thread is so dead compared to usual right before a stream...

>> No.8570295

There's not much to talk about right now. Dead threads are not necessarily bad.

>> No.8570592


>> No.8570719

I've just finished watching a different stream so I'm catching up with some stuff.

>> No.8572419

i always eat dinner before the stream and talk here during the stream. sounds normal to me

>> No.8573122
File: 2.25 MB, 2322x1980, 20210824_175809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made breakfast for Beachama

>> No.8573811
Quoted by: >>8574097

Does anyone have the Koikatsu card of listener-chan?
I have the one for Bea, and I can't find it on clover club.

>> No.8574097


>> No.8574374

Is Bea's setup retarded, is it the location, or does YT just hate us?

>> No.8574401

YT in general for small streams isn't too stable unless you live in the US

>> No.8574509

rrat:she’s doing it on purpose to have an excuse to stream on twitch or she’s running alot of tabs in the background

>> No.8574558

I've never seen this happen to any other small streamer I watch.

>> No.8574582
File: 725 KB, 1278x726, Screenshot 2021-08-24 231437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is how the end looks like huh...

>> No.8574585
File: 546 KB, 1920x1080, 1598875571316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8574587

Okay, YT hates us.

>> No.8574611

I was playing a game

>> No.8574616

this is the exact opposite of reality

>> No.8574654

susan is racist

>> No.8575172
Quoted by: >>8575283

This is why I let my membership expire.

>> No.8575283

but also smart guy

>> No.8575516

rrat: youtube ingest servers have server maintenance at 7am

>> No.8575712
Quoted by: >>8575837 >>8575841

Yeah, there's no way she can have sex in that room.

>> No.8575833

imagine the smell

>> No.8575837
Quoted by: >>8576266

the cans really set the mood though

>> No.8575841

Nah, it's fine. You do have to get a bit creative though

>> No.8575899
Quoted by: >>8576395

Just how much trash does she have on that desk to affect her network

>> No.8576091

There we go again

>> No.8576111
File: 81 KB, 480x640, 46919AD9-6970-4FA6-B754-283E7AD60764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8576286 >>8576523


>> No.8576266

Bea likes it in the can!

>> No.8576286

beatani is literally cigarette anon

>> No.8576358

I love this stinky bear!

>> No.8576395

just how many water cans does she have stacked around her pc...

>> No.8576437

Am I really the only person with a messy house?

>> No.8576472

No, but clean people are much more likely to answer in the chat

>> No.8576518

Mine's pretty bad

>> No.8576523

ok i will

>> No.8576654

Post pics, anon

>> No.8576775
File: 213 KB, 920x957, seep talk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8576864 >>8576960

Beatang's jealousy issues

>> No.8576864
Quoted by: >>8577752

What is the Beatang version of Chihiro's name? Chitang?

>> No.8576960

cute possessive freak bear!
she’s going to kill me next week!

>> No.8576995

It's dust and cat hair but fine otherwise, mostly

>> No.8577665
Quoted by: >>8577738

>I can't do it with you

>> No.8577738

She's right. It's why I might keep saving entirely.

>> No.8577752
Quoted by: >>8577957

Chihichang. Kaniko is Kanikong, the representation of an anon is Nanashicchi and Eira is Eitang
Moreover, Beatang is just a nickname(/species name), her real name is Chisatong. Serious Beatang lore please understand

>> No.8577877
Quoted by: >>8577992

>Poll: 86
>Viewers: 27
Good to see two thirds of dads don't like adds.

>> No.8577888

She's trying to kill the boyfriend rrat

>> No.8577957
File: 1.29 MB, 1760x1440, 1432242342352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not know that. Cool!

>> No.8577958

You can call me a yurifag but I'm ok if Bea has a girlfriend.

>> No.8577992
Quoted by: >>8578066

I specifically turn adblock off for these streams.

>> No.8578007
File: 48 KB, 1024x978, 1616863168089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8578036

888 I think you're onto something

>> No.8578066
Quoted by: >>8578738

I won't turn off adblock for anything

>> No.8578142

nuuta chad…..

>> No.8578201

Don't worry Bea, we were just joking

>> No.8578313

Why does the 20 minute option keep going up?

>> No.8578337
Quoted by: >>8578619 >>8578729

>hey dads aren't women weird
>hey dads you should totally norep for weeks and nonstop hornypost together with other dads
>hey dads you are disgusting and i hate you i would never find you attractive
Fine! I WILL fuck a dad, fuck it i'm done chasing cunny. I'm gonna slay some dad bussy instead

>> No.8578358

Artdads, we need aggressive JK Bea kabedon Risuna STAT

>> No.8578514

men are gross, sure sure, but what about MALE DOGS with RED ROCKETS

>> No.8578602
File: 33 KB, 201x160, ed5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8578619

Plenty of dads will have you. It's not a problem

>> No.8578689

Wait a minute, maybe Bea is Pekora who got raped by Miko

>> No.8578729
File: 209 KB, 860x509, rusinaxrisuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8578738

I won't turn off adblock for anything short of getting a chance to fuck the bear.

>> No.8578758

>Koopa has already cucked dads years ago

>> No.8578885
Quoted by: >>8579052


>> No.8578953
Quoted by: >>8578989 >>8579014

Why is Bea such a lesbian magnet?

>> No.8578989

Menhera magnet, so it makes sense that she'd attract that flavor too

>> No.8579014
Quoted by: >>8579414

my rrat is that she's an absolute cutie

>> No.8579052


>> No.8579066

I want to jokingly mount Bea!

>> No.8579165
Quoted by: >>8579290

This poor gray, he has no idea what's going on

>> No.8579226
Quoted by: >>8579301


>> No.8579232
Quoted by: >>8579282 >>8579313

leave for five minutes to take a piss and everyone's talking about koopa raping bea, what the fuck happened

>> No.8579255
File: 125 KB, 593x428, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8579282

it shouldn't take 5 minutes for that ojii-san...

>> No.8579290
Quoted by: >>8579326

I remember when I was that innocent...

>> No.8579301
Quoted by: >>8579333

She wants to rape kemono because of the trauma...

>> No.8579313

green haired girl was hitting on bea and took it too far so we have now deemed the green haired hag to be at fault in this totally unrelated situation

>> No.8579326

He was using the ojisan emotes unironically earlier too ahah

>> No.8579333

raping kemono/risuna is the only way of gaining control back in her life...
many such cases

>> No.8579394

XP hill is just Bea's version of this.

>> No.8579399
File: 76 KB, 976x549, blanket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the incident gave her so much ptsd she now has to wrap herself to feel safe

>> No.8579414

always has been

>> No.8579432

That's a new doujin plot that we have here.

>> No.8579469

I expect the R18 art on my desk by tomorrow morning

>> No.8579497

I honestly think this is an exaggerated version of reality from how she perceived the situation

>> No.8579509
Quoted by: >>8579713

I want to hornypost but it would be in bad taste considering she was molested.

>> No.8579528

Mine's mostly dirty dishes and cardboard I don't feel like taking down to recycle/throw away

>> No.8579555

Me and my pals used to pin each other to the bed all the time, no big deal. It was just a joke.

>> No.8579599

It's just wrestling

>> No.8579713
Quoted by: >>8579823

She's making it looks worse than what it was because she's autistic and can't handle regular affection

>> No.8579822

same. just don't be gay

>> No.8579823

Or maybe it just makes a good story

>> No.8580011

Maybe it's just another lie

>> No.8580019

Same. He put the tip in as a prank too.
>Not gay if I dont cum!

>> No.8580034
Quoted by: >>8580142 >>8580161

holy shit imagine how easy it would be to peer pressure her into sucking our dicks if bea had a meetup with dads

>> No.8580142

As long as everyone else is laughing she has to go along with it. It's just a prank bro!

>> No.8580161
Quoted by: >>8580277

imagine how easy it would be to peer pressure bea into letting us suck her dick if we had a meetup

>> No.8580277
Quoted by: >>8580375

Indirect kissing dads while sucking Bea's dick!

>> No.8580375
File: 27 KB, 499x321, meganehaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the best part

>> No.8580527
Quoted by: >>8580718 >>8580820

I know YouTube fucks with the numbers, but there aren't only 40 people watching. There probably aren't 169 either.

>> No.8580542


>> No.8580718

Well there are roughly 100 people online in the d*scord alone.

>> No.8580820

maybe 2 months ago i would believe that she had a chance at that high of a viewership , but with polls you can just enter the stream over time and still vote since it doesn’t expire or end, so multiple people can hop i and still vote or viewers can vote and stop watching and close the streams, 3etc.

>> No.8580997
File: 404 KB, 547x573, 1608532999139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8581051
Quoted by: >>8581284

I can't even escape the hololive talk here

>> No.8581163
File: 160 KB, 1300x512, 1623498482627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8581267


>> No.8581284

Yeah move on already

>> No.8581360

>You will never be able to see one of her protected tweets again

>> No.8581410
Quoted by: >>8581484

BGM is loud af

>> No.8581484
Quoted by: >>8581821

why are you telling me? tell beatani

>> No.8581511

Bea is really projecting on this one

>> No.8581766

Nothing she said is wrong, dragon was done wrong and had it's own company just kind watch as shit went horrible for months.

>> No.8581821
Quoted by: >>8581895

You are beatani

>> No.8581837
Quoted by: >>8581940

>can't comprehend why they would stay if they have a lot of money
I knew she was in this for the money...

>> No.8581895

i told her just for (you)

>> No.8581904

Thank you kind anon. I'm too shy to chat

>> No.8581940

It's confirmed now

>> No.8581993

I kind of want a draw along tutorial now, like the live2d ones.

>> No.8582087
Quoted by: >>8582624

This fucking grey doesn't know

>> No.8582191

hearing it out loud is still ridiculous every time.
>memorable stream
>our summer memory

>> No.8582364

Genuinely hate this noise

>> No.8582408
File: 38 KB, 342x217, 1628567733740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8582492

>that gulp
it's over nutkumolitydads.. go on without me

>> No.8582414

Me too so don't worry.

>> No.8582485

I barely survived that ear licking

>> No.8582492

save. your. cum.

>> No.8582501

literally just slurping up some noodles

>> No.8582602

Pretty comfy stream so far, I'm really enjoying it

>> No.8582622

I'll add these slurps to the H scenes in the future VN.

>> No.8582624
Quoted by: >>8583160 >>8583251

I only see these threads in passing, all I know you are all a bunch of dramafags
nade is much better than this deranged hag

>> No.8582663
Quoted by: >>8582796 >>8582852

The stream will be entirely like this and i'll stay flaccid

>> No.8582796

Yeah, it would do nothing for me

>> No.8582852
Quoted by: >>8583021 >>8583091

I could jerk off to a kitten in a meat grinder at this point

>> No.8583021

We know, Bea

>> No.8583091

She could literally start the stream and say zero and I would cum.

>> No.8583160
Quoted by: >>8583230

I don't want to hear unironic child groomers tell me I'm worse than them

>> No.8583230

They even go to bea discord to shill her too

>> No.8583251

Go back retard, you have some DMs to send.

>> No.8583278
Quoted by: >>8583678

Even when it's not Bea tier, ear licking asmr kind of shit makes my entire body convulse with cringe and it starts to almost hurt after several seconds. I have NO fucking idea how anyone can stand it, let alone jerk off to it.

>> No.8583490
Quoted by: >>8583563

Do people just not plug their shit in before going to sleep?

>> No.8583563
Quoted by: >>8583631

It goes in the cocoon with her. She falls asleep sending LINE messages to her boyfriend.

>> No.8583631

I'll have you know we moved over to snapchat months ago.

>> No.8583657

Im a gray what is nutkumolity

>> No.8583678


>> No.8583760
Quoted by: >>8584084

Dads have been asked to not jerk off for 2 weeks, or 1 week if you are under 24 so everyone can cum at the same time on stream. It's a science experiment/bonding experience.

>> No.8583789
Quoted by: >>8584084

people cooming to ringfit streams is hilarious to bea. watch the last one it's good
so now we're saving cum to cover the world in it during the next one

>> No.8583844
Quoted by: >>8584084


>> No.8584059
Quoted by: >>8584098

I'll be honest, this is making me want to start art reps. It seems nice if you can get in to it

>> No.8584084
File: 311 KB, 342x512, 1463164827789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8584252

thanks ill prep

>> No.8584098
Quoted by: >>8584229

even if what you make is absolute shit it can still be a fun creative outlet if nothing else

>> No.8584229

I just get discouraged too quickly

>> No.8584252

This is the stream, so you don't have time for the full experience, but a few days is better than nothing.

>> No.8584308

Make a quick doodle every day until you get better.

>> No.8584365

it doesn't have to be pretty if it has SOUL. draw what you like

>> No.8584386

no answer for that other than forcing yourself to finish every drawing you start even if the end result makes you want to crawl in a hole and die. even if you never get good you'll get better.

>> No.8585269
Quoted by: >>8585312

Will she do the plaid pattern or is it too mendokusai

>> No.8585312

I belieb

>> No.8585459
Quoted by: >>8585530

Bea is bald.

>> No.8585477

I waste my money on Bea membership

>> No.8585530
Quoted by: >>8585597


>> No.8585597
Quoted by: >>8585686

everywhere but her armpits, mustache and ass crack

>> No.8585686

Please anon I need to save my cum

>> No.8586571
Quoted by: >>8586846

Salmon spotted

>> No.8586765
Quoted by: >>8587521

I was looking forward to after the stream until I remembered I CAN'T JERK OFF UNTIL SATURDAY PUDFPHIUODFIU(ODG(U)G*(_R))*U*)$U(*$U*(

>> No.8586846
Quoted by: >>8586917

I don't care, AR

>> No.8586917
Quoted by: >>8587057

>Networking in the chat

>> No.8587057

Many vtubers would rather just chat normally and not have people see their name and instantly talk about it too. It's usually better etiquette.

>> No.8587442
Quoted by: >>8587480 >>8587576

do sheeps produce milk this is a very important question

>> No.8587480


>> No.8587521
Quoted by: >>8587608

Stay strong, coomer dad

>> No.8587576
Quoted by: >>8587625

most mamals produce milk

>> No.8587601

What do you dads think of the holoEN meltdown over omega happening right now?
I want to ask Bea

>> No.8587608

Oh, I am but after two weeks may God have mercy on my dick because I won't

>> No.8587625
Quoted by: >>8587699 >>8587989

d-do you produce milk?

>> No.8587669
Quoted by: >>8587780

Fuck of An*** you already tried to force that topic on discord earlier

>> No.8587699


>> No.8587740

I don't care about HoloEN. I only care about Bea.

>> No.8587741

I don't give a single shit about holoEN

>> No.8587747

i dont give a flying fuck

>> No.8587780

Anon im not even on discord, i hate that shit

>> No.8587989

not until bea mpregs me

>> No.8587999
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>> No.8588081

Uninteresting as fuck and overblown, and I wish you didn't bring that garbage here.
They just answered the actual answer, fictional genderless beings were a thing for centuries and it literally doesn't matter what some random twittards think about it, it's not a dogwhistle. Sure one could just avoid the question, but honestly it's just a basic question given the nature of the character. Both poltards and woke autists are so fucking annoying.

>> No.8588377
File: 1.01 MB, 1272x716, 1629499711245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8588470

the salmon typed something!!! haha XD
look look!!!!

>> No.8588839
Quoted by: >>8589112

Apologies dads, i didnt mean to upset, glad i didnt ask on stream at least.

>> No.8589112
Quoted by: >>8589149 >>8589354

I don't even understand how you could begin to think it was something one asks on a vtuber stream, just, how autistic can one be

>> No.8589149
Quoted by: >>8589193

where do you think you are?

>> No.8589193

On a thread related to Beatani, not some /pol/ shit

>> No.8589354
File: 69 KB, 300x300, 1627178946722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8589539

I already said sorry pls no bully

>> No.8589539

It's okay dad curiosity is sometimes more powerful than common sense.

>> No.8589922


>> No.8589935
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>> No.8589977
File: 272 KB, 547x573, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8589998


>> No.8590005

Comfortable and mostly on rails/10

>> No.8590021

cute / 10

>> No.8590026


>> No.8590077

focused bear is cute/10

>> No.8590080

only derailed once terrible/10
but also comfy/10

>> No.8590097

best bear/10

>> No.8590101
File: 965 KB, 1117x1182, 1606332470407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too slow

>> No.8590107

great cute/10

>> No.8591202

Fun and comfy/10

>> No.8591535

How the fuck is /yah/ so active? I envy you as a /kbns/

>> No.8591584

This is nothing compared to what it was a month ago.

>> No.8591735

luv me daughter
simple as

>> No.8592230

It used to constantly be top2~3 of most active theads, this is like 20% of its original speed

>> No.8592374
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>> No.8592691
File: 93 KB, 266x261, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8593382
Quoted by: >>8593725 >>8594246

How much do you love Bea?

>> No.8593725
Quoted by: >>8593851

When will you learn goslings this never ends well. But definitely marry and give a easy life to her so she can focus on her creative outlets.

>> No.8593851

I want a new mistake
Lose is more than hesitate

>> No.8593997
File: 120 KB, 500x500, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8594067 >>8595304

I am going to rub bea's ears and nothing will stop me.

>> No.8594067

she acts smug but she loves it

>> No.8594246

>Marrying her
...why? I'm sure she would be a great friend tho

>> No.8594383

I had some doubts about participating, but I can't say no after seeing the bear so hyped for the nutkumolity

>> No.8594560

>I can't participate, I'll be playing RFA!
Is she going to do the ear licking ASMR and the countdown while playing?

>> No.8594651
Quoted by: >>8595010

How can some dads turn into attentionwhores for Beatani so quickly? I boggles the mind how obvious dads are at treating things like a competition for Beatani's attention.

>> No.8594805

>rewatching the start of the stream since I was late
>says her room is clean because she can see half the floor
I'm going to have to buy a one way plane ticket to the XP Hill so I can become this retard's maid aren't I?

>> No.8595010
Quoted by: >>8595098

How new?

>> No.8595098
Quoted by: >>8595316 >>8595358

Fairly new.

>> No.8595304

You can have the ears but the tail is mine

>> No.8595316
Quoted by: >>8595751

A few days or weeks? I ask because a lot has changed in the past couple months. Long story short the attention competition was WAY more blatant in the middle days of the Beatani fandom. The threads had a lot of bitter namedropping and arguments, accusations of favoritism were everywhere. It's still around now but there would be 3+ threads a day back in late June/early July

>> No.8595358
Quoted by: >>8595751

You get used to it. They are just desperate for their serotonin hits.

>> No.8595751
Quoted by: >>8595999

A couple of weeks and lurking. Then I should not complain, it looks like things are not too bad.

>> No.8595999

Cool. Enjoy your stay on the roller coaster.

>> No.8596860


>> No.8597142
Quoted by: >>8597575

She actually thinks it's talent what gets you inside hololive

>> No.8597575
Quoted by: >>8597644

Being well connected and sucking a good dick are talents

>> No.8597644

Bea has points in both

>> No.8599251
File: 2.59 MB, 1872x1861, 1629754717346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fucking this bear!

>> No.8599538

my balls feel heavy, and warm
I'm not joking
what is happening to me?

>> No.8599641

You're becoming enlightened. Just hold on for a few more days.

>> No.8599688
Quoted by: >>8599733

Imagine Beatani weighting them with her palm

>> No.8599733

no, I will not imagine that
nice try

>> No.8599889
Quoted by: >>8599973

Sounds like testicular cancer caused by a lack of ejaculation. Surely you didn't actually take the nutkumolity joke seriously?

>> No.8599973

h-haha.. no..

>> No.8600318
Quoted by: >>8600405 >>8600536

I'd rather imagine Beatani being your actual girlfriend and telling you to go the full two weeks and constantly teasing you the entire time. Like sure on day one it'd just be a lewd moan here or there but by day 12 she's just straight up blowing bananas right in front of you and sending you nudes. etc. Then on the final day instead of it being an event to see what happens when a bunch of viewers explode at once it'd be an endurance run to see if you could survive two hours straight of the lewdest things she could imagine. and if you do, you get to put it in raw afterwards. Think about it, two weeks of pent up lust and frustration? No way that's not ending without a baby getting made.

>> No.8600405
File: 3.23 MB, 2500x2000, 1629493761881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You've been good for so long, I thought I'd bring my sister over too!"

>> No.8600536
File: 86 KB, 499x321, 1620060500911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you type this
