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File: 479 KB, 1658x2215, 1629733563571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8482267 No.8482267 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>8488064 >>8488120

A thread for the discussion of the Pool Party Psychopomp of Paradise herself, Mori Calliope, and the members of her extended universe.

>> No.8482303
File: 1004 KB, 220x285, Mori Crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8484150

>You will never be Mori’s little brother.
>you will never grow up with Mori in the same house.
>Mori will never use you, her little brother, as a substitute boyfriend to know the boyfriend experience.
>you will never cross the line between brother and sister with Mori and have sex.
>You will never move to rural area to raise your child with Mori in peace.
Why are we even here? Just to suffer?

>> No.8482407
Quoted by: >>8482759

Can anyone recommend rapsody to her? She'd be a great influence for mori. She's one of the best modern lyrical rapper atm

>> No.8482429
File: 376 KB, 512x512, 1629518842837.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Mori gf

>> No.8482430
Quoted by: >>8482716

The trick is to not take what global says seriously. Kronii seems to be about the same level of our boy when it comes to gaming streams so far.
>Reacts and focuses on the gameplay for a majority with little chat interaction
She will grow like Mori in due time and when they do collab next month I expect kino.

>> No.8482439
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8482543

because the reasons they have are not related to gaming streams

>> No.8482660

Okay morig, what's your current favorite modern rap song? For me it's this

>> No.8482670

Global treats Mori like shit because she's not a NEET like most of them and is actually proactive with her life. Go figure.

>> No.8482675

you were sayin'?

>> No.8482716
Quoted by: >>8482783

I don't know, I find Mori talks to the characters and self inserts a lot more these days. Pretty funny

>> No.8482726
Quoted by: >>8482781 >>8482835

How was the pool party stream?

>> No.8482754

>new tweet from Mori-senpai
Dangit, made me check

>> No.8482759
Quoted by: >>8483035

are you the same anon?>>8482407

>> No.8482783
Quoted by: >>8482965

Sorry, meant to say early on Mori after re-reading my post.
Kek made me check too.

>> No.8482781
Quoted by: >>8482828


>> No.8482812
Quoted by: >>8483035

I don't have one. Rap sucks.

>> No.8482828

Nice, I was gonna watch it on my lunch break and then she delayed it. I'll check it out tonight.

>> No.8482835

it was chill and mori revealed she is using only the 1% of her power

>> No.8482925
Quoted by: >>8483217 >>8483373

What would you do to make calli accept her body

>> No.8482941

im not too much to listen to rap, mostly mori's and Old eminem so i cant give an opinion about my current favorite rap since i dont listen to it

>> No.8482965

Same. Unsubbed to this lying whore

>> No.8483035
Quoted by: >>8483125

Jes, love me some lyrical raps.
Try listening to a good one. It's basically a more melodical version of slam poetry

>> No.8483125

ok anon, since you asked without being an asshole about it, i'll give her a try

>> No.8483154
Quoted by: >>8483221 >>8483242

What did she say? Was too busy vibing

>> No.8483199

Anyone else think it's cute that almost all of the EN girls (minus Ina) hired the same person to do their logos? Kronii and Ceres got theirs made by same person

>> No.8483217

Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! Tomboy erotic !!!!!! Tomboy's belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic … ToT ToT ToT

>> No.8483221
Quoted by: >>8483396

nothing, the joke was Kronii checking her phone in the game 12 minutes and saying "Oh a new tweet from Mori senpai!". This bitch lmao.

>> No.8483242

>wife gets murdered
>better check my notifications

>> No.8483373

Write sappy poems about how beautiful I think she is and hide them around the house so she'll just be going about her day and get surprised by one.

>> No.8483396
Quoted by: >>8483682 >>8483887

It's even funnier that she missed Mori actually showing up in chat.

>> No.8483682
Quoted by: >>8483772

Mori has actually shown up in every single Council kouhai's stream since debut. Truly a Unity Chad Reaper

>> No.8483772
Quoted by: >>8483906

but the rrats told me she hates hololive...

>> No.8483887
Quoted by: >>8483982

Just like when Mori didn't notice Sora-senpai in her first stream

>> No.8483906
Quoted by: >>8483989

Really cause a rrat told me she was a cute nee chan.

>> No.8483982
Quoted by: >>8484288

Kek schizos really hold grudges for this long huh. Careful, might cause early male bald pattern

>> No.8483989

obae, rrat

>> No.8484150
Quoted by: >>8484214



>> No.8484214
Quoted by: >>8484930

because he is the OP of every thread in which this ritualpost is made first

>> No.8484288
Quoted by: >>8484483 >>8484706

What? No, I thought the parallel was really cute. They both got so invested in their creepy kusoges that they didn't notice the daisenpai

>> No.8484360

Damn, riri's original slaps. Why wasn't hyped that much here?

>> No.8484435

you expected anyone from here to remember that her original was going to premiere today considering the absolute shitshow that was yesterday?

>> No.8484483
Quoted by: >>8484605

Yeah I think they misunderstood point you were trying to make, Mori's reaction when she did notice Sora was telling enough https://youtu.be/W_4OvSJ-UIg

>> No.8484524

By the time I woke up she was halfway through announcing t shirts, and it's been nonstop streams since then

>> No.8484605

He was dead on about male pattern baldness running in my family though so it evens out

>> No.8484706

My bad, should've added a hearty kek at the end imho

>> No.8484930
Quoted by: >>8485014 >>8485340

Is that why the alliterations are so shit lately?

>> No.8484994

songs still good but i got baited so hard by the first 15 seconds

someones gotta teach these girls their voices are amazing for low register jazzy singing

>> No.8485014

most definitely the reason why.
>Incest loving coomers
>Good alliteration
Yeah you need brain power that hasnt been sapped.

>> No.8485224
File: 165 KB, 376x213, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8485338 >>8485393

Mori's recent twitter images are really special
>Her face
>Kiara's feet
>Her boobs

>> No.8485338

Next, her fat ass

>> No.8485340

yes, notice how when kawaiiope poster is the first post on a thread it always has a decent/good alliteration but with the incest poster he just doesnt care and only wants to ritual post his fetish

>> No.8485342
File: 3.87 MB, 1560x2382, 1629372427923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

森りん頑張って !!

>> No.8485393

Kek, good eye

>> No.8485679
File: 390 KB, 650x650, Ouro_Kronii_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big, obscene tits
>didn't even bother to fake being entertaining
>sex voice
>Good singer
Is there even a point in being a Mori fan at this point?

>> No.8485711
File: 35 KB, 800x600, 1623719648476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8485884

>Good singer

>> No.8485917
File: 71 KB, 376x814, 1627187630629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8485949
File: 80 KB, 1000x563, stop replying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8485965
Quoted by: >>8486086 >>8486128

What do you want Mori to do with her second base?
Besides HolohousEN of course

>> No.8485979

What songs do you want to be included in the rap karaoke? For me it's this
Might want to change baghdad to kabul to make it more relevant though kek

>> No.8485988

>good singer

>> No.8486048

Yes because she is the true idol experience unlike your nepotism whore

>> No.8486086

Use it to raise our children.

>> No.8486093

Mori made this post.

>> No.8486128
Quoted by: >>8486247 >>8486281

Seems like a family vacation house more than anything. Her parents are staying there

>> No.8486247

Damn, how loaded can a local comedian and professional singer can be

>> No.8486281
Quoted by: >>8486970

Yeah I'm surprised, I thought it wouldn't be too big. Considering Mori doesn't seem to like large living spaces..but maybe it could also be an en house

>> No.8486384
File: 3.02 MB, 2333x1307, FAKE LAND [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fom94n5.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8486717


>> No.8486461

I was, but I had to sleep through the release to make it to today’s stream

>> No.8486528
Quoted by: >>8486842 >>8486879

>Is there even a point in being a Mori fan at this point?
Considering that people use 森カリオペ to shill their indie vtubers? No.

>> No.8486717

Yeah, no way she's covering FT on a karaoke. My bet is on some eminem and hopefully kanye

>> No.8486842
Quoted by: >>8487193

I don’t mind the extended Universe if it’s actually discussing Mori’s close friends. But if it’s just anons trying shill their indie oshis, they can promptly fuck off.

>> No.8486879
Quoted by: >>8486968 >>8487601

>replies to bait with bait

>> No.8486968

When everything's bait, nothing is.

>> No.8486970
Quoted by: >>8487548

Didn't Mori repeat quite a few times that she doesn't want an EN house?
And in fact I'm pretty sure several others, at least Ame and Kiara have said that they prefer living on their own as well

>> No.8486975
Quoted by: >>8490690

Stop timelooping
Post fav western rap songs

>> No.8487042
Quoted by: >>8487319

since tomorrow is the TTRPG, does that mean ame can make it or is it one of those "in theory it should happen but in the end it didnt"?

>> No.8487138

Schedule is out

>> No.8487193
Quoted by: >>8487428

But the problem is that several anons keep making excuses and keep lowering the barrier so their oshis, who have little to no connection to Mori, so they can fit in the Extended Universe.

>> No.8487319

Ame is home already. She tweeted it

>> No.8487342

>kanye's runaway was released 10 years ago
Holy fuck I'm old as fuck

>> No.8487376

there's too much shit to report, I can't be bothered

>> No.8487414

I'm gonna make breakfast with Mori, see you virgins

>> No.8487428
Quoted by: >>8487615

Deadbeats, no matter who, have always been unfaithful to Mori and are manwhores. It’s just how god awful the deadbeats have always been.

>> No.8487483

God it's a good schedule. Fuck. It's making me hard and she's even on vacation.

>> No.8487510

YT not giving me a notification , fuck you Susan. Exciting week with two MV releases, no doubt Bully for the first one. Cant wait for Moririn to make us breakfast and the planning a session stream too. The Haacchama collab will be kino of course, hopefully it has some of the same energy as MiCoco did.

>> No.8487548

She doesn't want them all to live together permanently, but she definitely would get a sort of vacation house for them to live together in for like a month or two out of the year.

>> No.8487601

True, you gotta respect that commitment.

>> No.8487615
Quoted by: >>8487847

Mori deserves better than the fanbase she has.

>> No.8487633
File: 174 KB, 499x516, 1628006719280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8495665

Bully time

>> No.8487665

Yay! Breakfast with Mori, and hell yeah cover release!

>> No.8487667
Quoted by: >>8487785

How's the breakfast stream going to work? We're not getting another camera stream are we since she probably doesn't have the equipments yet on her second base.
I'm gonna keep my expectations in check and assume it's a bg + asset stream. Still excited for it though since pool stream was great

>> No.8487705
File: 264 KB, 1112x2048, E9ET3-mVkAE31Yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8487751
Quoted by: >>8487871 >>8489101

>next week gonna be sparse
goddamit, and it was going so well

>> No.8487785

Could just do what Gura did. Talk us through what she's doing with some sounds and show us a picture after of what she made.

>> No.8487847
File: 263 KB, 824x1456, Tired Mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8488008

It really is unfair, considering all the effort Mori puts in her streams. Just hope she gets better fans.

>> No.8487871

Here's to hoping for a watchalong next week

>> No.8487906
File: 40 KB, 446x690, 1627396356607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8488020

>another "deadbeats are the worst" circlejerk
Have some self-respect you ingrates. Just because you're a pathetic timelooping bait-biting piece of shit doesn't mean everyone is

>> No.8487995
Quoted by: >>8488225 >>8488471

Posting Ririsya's collab song with an unrelated vtuber and an "unrelated vtuber". Now you know why Mori likes the rrat.

>> No.8488008

Don't know about the others, but I exclusively watch Mori and no one else.

>> No.8488018
Quoted by: >>8488133

Did the falseflagger dig through the archives to repeat that schizos talking points? It's not the same dude
I was the one who posted it first, hadn't had my lunch yet so was really cranky at the time sorry

>> No.8488020

by this point it's clear that they're antis
poisoning the well against genmates and indies Mori was friendly towards is just a way to show the rest of the board 'see how deadbeats treat other chuubas' and further turn the board against Mori and her fanbase alike

>> No.8488064

>Those boobs
>That tummy
>Those hips


>> No.8488120
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, 40 cakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8488649 >>8495362

i appreciate the return of alliterations OPbeat, but Psychopomp starts with an s sound, not a p sound and thus doesn't alliterate with pool, party, or paradise

>> No.8488133

You aren't you when you're hungry.

>> No.8488225
Quoted by: >>8488367 >>8488414

You're talking about the artist who made that other vtuber? That's quite a stretch

>> No.8488312

>nooooo fuck the extended universe
Why are we in this timeloop again? Nigga support small creators. That's what Mori wants of us and she was a small creator back then too. Pay the debt of not discovering Mori before by loving others who were overlooked.

Or at the very least give HoloID a chance.

>> No.8488367
Quoted by: >>8488699

NTA, but MB is supposed to be the Rrat

>> No.8488414
Quoted by: >>8488699

Do I really have to spoonfeed you? One of them is the rrat.
I fucking hate newbeats.

>> No.8488420

>Why are we in this timeloop again?
cause you keep reacting to it, dummy

>> No.8488422
Quoted by: >>8489034

>Or at the very least give HoloID a chance
Made me kek, thanks anon. Alright. I promise i'll watch an ID stream this week.

>> No.8488427
File: 251 KB, 1200x776, __gawr_gura_mori_calliope_watson_amelia_ninomae_ina_nis_and_takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_freeze_ex__a901b5f524a55a3ea80a4a5ad3c58bf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hololive love

>> No.8488471

2.9k views. Holy shit. It’s must be like being drafted to the NFL after playing pickup ball in the park.

>> No.8488473
File: 579 KB, 1000x1500, 92203485_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8488556

Mori's extended universe(Me, and my future children with her)

>> No.8488556
Quoted by: >>8489172

Mori's expanded uterus.............

>> No.8488649
Quoted by: >>8488761 >>8488840

I tried to find synonyms for psychopomp, but the only ones that came up were, Death, Azrael, Santa Muerte, the angel of death, Grim Reaper, pale rider, the reaper, the rider, Shinigami, so I can went with psychopomp.

>> No.8488699
Quoted by: >>8489164

Different accents. Also offtopic also doxx.
Post songs you want mori to cover in her rap karaoke. Mori likes rap, you have done your rap music reps right morig?
Kanye is always a safe choice

>> No.8488707
Quoted by: >>8488903 >>8489279

Some people just want to watch Mori exclusively and don’t want to watch other women. Not their fault they want to be faithful.

>> No.8488761
Quoted by: >>8489010

Incestbeat? Keep up the good work.

>> No.8488840

purveyor of paralytic patter

>> No.8488903

Nigga just stop it, stop pretending to be me. I was that schizo a few threads back. As I said I was hungry since I didn't have time to get lunch yet so I got all schizo

>> No.8489010
File: 92 KB, 812x501, Not the incestposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8489494 >>8490016

I'm not the incestposter, don't know why people keep saying that.

>> No.8489034

Reine will have a mario cart practice collab with Irys in a few days.

>> No.8489101
Quoted by: >>8489190 >>8489357

If it's going to be a "second home" why is she so focused on spending time with family?

>> No.8489164
Quoted by: >>8489357

Ririsya isn't offtopic. And no, I listened to metal before Mori came along.

>> No.8489172

kek, nice one

>> No.8489190
Quoted by: >>8489282

shut the fuck up already you damn schizo.

>> No.8489279

And some people want to talk about people adjacent to Mori. There's room for all sorts of folks here and you ain't going to police a fanbase who can't agree on a single thing to comply to YOUR wants. If you don't like it, simply don't participate.

>> No.8489282
Quoted by: >>8489441

Didn't mean to sound rude, just genuinely curious. She was making it sound like she was going to spend a ton of time there

>> No.8489284
Quoted by: >>8489414

Kronii mentions Mori quite often

>> No.8489357
Quoted by: >>8489570 >>8489762

What are you even asking?
Ririsya is on topic, discussion of brrat's past life isn't
Also try giving kanye a listen. I didn't listen to any rap too when I was young but growing up I started giving other genres a chance.

>> No.8489360

Just watched the VOD. I love her impressions of the new gen, but man the immediate label of Baelz as the aunt because mori is like her sister just makes my skin crawl. Mori tried to shut it down but she sounds more like a kindergarten teacher when she said it so nobody in chat gave a shit and just spammed too late

>> No.8489414

I mean honestly after watching all the council debuts I could definitely see her personality meshing with Mori the best.

>> No.8489441

An anon made an assumption that it was a vacation home. His reasonings made sense to. Explains why the family cat is there too

>> No.8489494
File: 308 KB, 1636x619, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a lie btw

>> No.8489570

Then it's just a Ririsya video. The rrat's past is purely coincidental. :}

No I've been digging more into j-rap and vocaloid. I didn't join the hype years ago I sorta regret I dismissed it as otaku shit.

>> No.8489762
Quoted by: >>8490035 >>8490149

She was talking as if this new place was somewhere she going to spend close to half of her time (a second "home, not just "place"). Next week is going to be sparse with streams, implying she's focusing on family time/another vacation. Just wondering if it's going to be a place more for vacation or work

>> No.8489905
File: 34 KB, 396x396, Nerine_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8490007 >>8490172

How do we save her bros? She’s been in a state of decline for a while now and I can’t help but try to save her from obscurity.

>> No.8490007
Quoted by: >>8490172 >>8490220

Who again? I've seen her a couple of times but didn't bother checking.

>> No.8490016

because your subjects are so stagnant, and seemingly synch up with the start of somebody's spam squirting their semen to sister sex. They seem to suggest you're scared of spreading your selections past superficial synonyms and siblings.

>> No.8490035

>first time home in years
>"why is she spending so much time with her family?"
She's going back to Japan in two weeks. Relax. Any speculation about what happens afterwards with this new place is as worthless as speculating why she was going back in the first place before she told us.

>> No.8490149
Quoted by: >>8490322

>Next week is going to be sparse with streams, implying she's focusing on family time/another vacation
First we don't really know how "sparse" it's going to be. Second we don't know the reason it's going to be "sparse" unless she discloses it. Try not to overspeculate her life and just enjoy the contents she has given and will be giving to us this week

>> No.8490172
Quoted by: >>8490274


>> No.8490220

Nerine. A member of the extended Universe

>> No.8490274

Watcha gonna do? Hurt my feelings? Fuck off.

>> No.8490322

Mori's definition of sparse is weird anyways. Better to just wait and see.

>> No.8490595

>Tsunderia follows her
Nah bro she's doing fine. I watch literal 2views.
But how is she related to Mori again?

>> No.8490647

She does look like a character yuki mama would design. Unfortunately even mori's sister is more on topic than her

>> No.8490690


>> No.8490772
File: 117 KB, 850x991, __yuul_b_alwright_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_m_r_b__sample-95d224fbb685251fc8b417f6adab2cab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8490893 >>8491155

More Yuul tomorrow!

>> No.8490893
Quoted by: >>8491042

More Vic* tomorrow

>> No.8491042

I wish. Probably not hearing from him again til the Malkavian ball is over. I am excited for Huntermyth girls in formalwear though

>> No.8491155
File: 167 KB, 1876x1668, 1627148208904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8492203

More Tiara!

>> No.8492034
Quoted by: >>8492113 >>8493796

>A member of the extended Universe
And who decided that?

>> No.8492113

some faggot who said "hey look, this is what Mori would have been if she wasnt in Hololive!" Forgetting that she was inclining as Backgammon.

>> No.8492203
File: 293 KB, 671x783, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8492841

More Watoto!

>> No.8492391

>"hey look, this is what Mori would have been if she wasnt in Hololive!"
pretty sure that he said that sop and mori sounded similiar so he thought that mori was sop and i see that "what if" used more when it comes to true 5%

>> No.8492474
Quoted by: >>8492534 >>8492873

I think people are misunderstanding what she said in members stream a bit. All she pretty much said was music was making more money than the 9-5 job which obviously had horrible salary

>> No.8492534

This was a few months ago that anon said that.

>> No.8492841
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x1000, 1616044273220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And More Mori!

>> No.8492873
Quoted by: >>8493177

She said much more, like multiple times. It's def enough for her to stay there

>> No.8493177
Quoted by: >>8493340 >>8493355

Not enough for her to not work the shitty job obviously

>> No.8493340

She wasn't working the shitty job for money, she was working the shitty job because otherwise she'd have to come back to America, and we all know how she handles failure.

>> No.8493355

Visa visa visa...
and it had its ups occasionally like that one kid

>> No.8493635
Quoted by: >>8493690 >>8494391

Why not jrap in the US?

>> No.8493690

Not a large enough market

>> No.8493779
Quoted by: >>8493907 >>8494144

Even if she was "inclining as Backgammon, she was always going to be the "sideshow" unfortunately because that's what THAT Mori wanted to be. What she is now is absolutely a much more fufilling path than the one she was on course for

>> No.8493796

A Nerinefag who couldn’t be subtle to save his life.

>> No.8493907

ogey, Ame

>> No.8494144
Quoted by: >>8494534

she would have been happy and grateful either way and we would have like 2 streams a week from her if she wasnt in Hololive. She wouldnt have been a sideshow but whatever, ya cant turn back time to find out and it sure as hell doesnt pay to speculate.

>> No.8494149
Quoted by: >>8494195

Good thing her new schedule is mostly collabs so I can save money on SCs

>> No.8494195
File: 60 KB, 800x604, paypigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel you bro

>> No.8494391

What part about "escapist til the end of my days" eludes you?

>> No.8494534

Hololive didn't save her, because she was fully capable of taking care of herself, but it made her a whole hell of a lot happier and healthier. That's pretty much it

>> No.8494837
File: 655 KB, 543x717, 44104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite Mori reaction image?

>> No.8494881
File: 5 KB, 153x102, Screenshot_20210823-171908_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori liking spree on latest community post comments
My heart

>> No.8494955
File: 3.21 MB, 2048x1144, 1621980808183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8495204


>> No.8494967

I love my Mori

>> No.8495035
Quoted by: >>8513161

I didn't see it till now. I hope she likes mine.
Damn youtube not giving me a notification

>> No.8495036
File: 36 KB, 720x222, 20210823_142126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its real
Thanks Moririn. I love you!

>> No.8495037
File: 18 KB, 313x289, notogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8495105
Quoted by: >>8495410 >>8496413

Did you get a notif for that?
Shit's been hella slow lately for me.

>> No.8495162
File: 54 KB, 500x523, 1622488176713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always thought of this as the Mori ogeyface

>> No.8495173

Moririn probably reading all our comments while getting her hair done. Cute!

>> No.8495204
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, 1610631207911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good pick

>> No.8495206

>deadbeats getting shadowbanned
>comments not appearing in chat
>comments not showing up under videos
the Marco Holt saga....

>> No.8495243
File: 13 KB, 255x315, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8495323
File: 195 KB, 720x720, 1625525803716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8495362

Not him but I used psychopomp once with an s alliteration once.

>> No.8495410
Quoted by: >>8495532 >>8496413

I got the phone notification for the like. Didn't get one for the community post earlier today. Only knew about it because someone posted that the schedule is out.

>> No.8495459

it is pain being poor

>> No.8495519
Quoted by: >>8496253

Wow I never knew she liked those

>> No.8495532
File: 64 KB, 726x546, 1623279020579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8496413

checked the mailbox and there's a letter about the like
never got that notification though
and still haven't got one for the schedule, same as you
fuck this shit

>> No.8495565
File: 339 KB, 464x562, 1615631312681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8496381


>> No.8495651
File: 261 KB, 502x436, 1627666319855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8495665

This post has a powerful aura.

>> No.8495675
Quoted by: >>8495931 >>8496470

[Chicken news] She was roasting Mori's height and Mori dm'd her, got spooked but it was about something unrelated.

>> No.8495704
File: 144 KB, 827x1669, 1617624676855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8495788
File: 499 KB, 700x873, Mori with gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always useful

>> No.8495830
File: 180 KB, 828x448, 1620743486235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8495931
File: 551 KB, 2352x3333, 1621908627784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8496393

I am also weirdly slightly tilted by this height debacle. Just let her be tall damn it

>> No.8496003
File: 33 KB, 172x140, 1628429848351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8496097
Quoted by: >>8496147 >>8496193

Mori being active at this time of day is fucking weird. I'm used to waking up to a bunch of activity that happened while I was asleep.

>> No.8496147

she's eating Cane's rn

>> No.8496193
File: 158 KB, 309x303, 1624500475870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I'd be able to take my time writing out my thoughts because she wouldn't see it til she woke up but now you're telling me I have to have that shit ready from the get-go? I've been stuck on my letter for over a month, I'm ngmi...

>> No.8496239
File: 748 KB, 1280x720, Going Ghost [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Funsgd0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8496306 >>8496433

>its real
maybe not a direct consequence of this, but I just noticed that there are seven times the comments under the pool party VOD vs the twelve minutes VOD, despite them having roughly the same number of views

>> No.8496253

She usually doesn't

>> No.8496306
Quoted by: >>8496580

Established audience. All the regulars leaving comments versus someone who's just starting out.

>> No.8496337
File: 119 KB, 186x258, 1620953647725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, all of them are my favorite.

>> No.8496369
File: 1.32 MB, 951x933, 44444444444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8496381

>she wants to be lusted after

>> No.8496393

>that design
She's tall in my soul!

>> No.8496413
Quoted by: >>8496641

Youtube fucked me out of a like. Fuck you Susan! I want my heart from Mori

>> No.8496433

Mori unitentionally(?) feeds into her attention whores who only fish for hearts. Many comments are soulless and even ctrl+v comments from past videos.

>> No.8496470

Chicken needs to be careful considering Mori is ACTUALLY taller than her (if you know what I mean)

>> No.8496476

>there are people who don't put their heart and soul into comments

>> No.8496580
File: 145 KB, 1754x2192, 1621012378657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Established audience
Well, that's what I'm getting at.
Free will is a myth.
Religion is a joke.
We're all controlled by something greater:

>> No.8496592
Quoted by: >>8496637

I just take one thing I liked about the stream and write a few sentences about it. She does the same thing with SCs.

>> No.8496637

That's what people should do at the very least.

>> No.8496641
Quoted by: >>8496822

no notification != no like, check the comment itself

>> No.8496662

I always put my heart and soul into my comments. That's why mine are always posted like 10 minutes after the stream.

>> No.8496708

Hey, I put my heart and soul into my comments and make sure they arent at all like the prior streams comment I left.

>> No.8496757

I think about what to say every time. I'm not very original though.

>> No.8496810
File: 7 KB, 301x112, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8497370

Speaking of comments we like,

>> No.8496822
Quoted by: >>8496897 >>8496921

I did. I posted it after she was probably already done giving them out. I hope she goes back and gives it another pass through

>> No.8496897
File: 203 KB, 791x847, 1616133098941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8497094

Not sure if that ever happened.
No worries, you'll get 'em next time.

>> No.8496921
Quoted by: >>8497124

I've considered doing this but I don't wanna look like I only commented for a silly heart.

>> No.8497094

It's happened before on at least one members stream.

>> No.8497124
Quoted by: >>8497242

I always comment on everything, so people have probably seen me around enough to not think I'm doing it only for the heart

>> No.8497242
Quoted by: >>8497551

That's... kinda what I assume about compulsive commenters. Covering all the bases and all.

>> No.8497370

cute JOPbro
and correct

>> No.8497551
Quoted by: >>8497910 >>8498597

Hey, I only leave comments on streams I catch live. And only to help with the metrics. A heart from Moririn is just a bonus. I almost never leave one in the community posts because Susan never fucking tells me about them.

>> No.8497910
Quoted by: >>8498823

>only leave comments on streams I catch live
But you do catch them all, right? :}
yeah, susan hate

>> No.8498597
Quoted by: >>8498823

Same as this

>> No.8498780
Quoted by: >>8499335

Fauna mentioned Mori and how shes an ASMR visionary

>> No.8498823


^I'm this guy, but yeah I catch pretty much all of them live

>> No.8499112

>Didn't get a youtube notification about the T1 member stream
>Didn't get a notification about Mori releasing her new schedule
I will never fucking forgive youtube

>> No.8499335

Actually I can see where she's coming from. Mori pulls out some really nice ideas for ASMR considering she doesn't watch it often. Or at least she doesn't seem to.

>> No.8499404
Quoted by: >>8500489

I wonder how different her streams would be if she was a 2view.

>> No.8500194
Quoted by: >>8500530 >>8500680

what did Mori say during the sc reading when she read that akasupa about whether baelz is auntie or uncle? Sounds like "let's leave bae out of our fucking rude mouth"

>> No.8500489

She probably wouldn't stream if she wasn't in Hololive honestly. It took a lot of help for her to enjoy streaming (Thanks Ame)

>> No.8500530
Quoted by: >>8501046 >>8501227

>Mori is aggressive fighting against "Family"Fags to prevent her Kouhai from being stuck with the curse she has.
Kind of based not going to lie

>> No.8500680

She told those retards to leave her out of their faggotry even if Baelz is fine with it. I dont think Baelz knows where that shit is even coming from.

>> No.8500991
Quoted by: >>8501088

oh shit looks like Ame is playing Spongebob before More does

>> No.8501046

The nee-chan/sis thing is cute though, but the dadfaggotry was terrible during the debuts. Tourists literally have no brain.

>> No.8501088
Quoted by: >>8501294 >>8501308

Oof. That honestly means Mori won't play it period. You know how she is.

>> No.8501175

Ya Nee-chan/sis is fine but this mommy daddy, child, uncle shit is fucking retarded.

>> No.8501227

Yeah. The dad joke was harmless enough in itself, but holy fuck did it get run into the ground quickly. Best to clamp down on it hard for the new girl, she can always run with it later if she wants.

>> No.8501241
Quoted by: >>8501340

true since they established that was their expression of how close they are. That was until I read the comments from mori's twitter post saying baelz is her sister and it's mostly "DOES THAT MEAN SHE'S OUR AUNTIE?" fucking retards

>> No.8501294

Hollow Knight, RE8, and now SpongeBob lost to genmates :(

>> No.8501308
Quoted by: >>8501581

Not necessarily, Mori played Night Delivery even after Ina, same with Stickmin after Gura. When it comes down to it she just plays what she wants.

>> No.8501340
Quoted by: >>8501449

>true since they established that was their expression of how close they are.
I mean its also because they share the same Art Mother

>> No.8501449
Quoted by: >>8501525

It's because they share the same rigger anon

>> No.8501525

Ya thats right. I got that mixed up in my head, my bad.

>> No.8501581
Quoted by: >>8501870

Night Delivery is a single stream though. She wanted to make a series of SpongeBob and was finishing series so she could when she got back (probably). Hopefully she says "screw it" and plays it anyway

>> No.8501583
File: 504 KB, 1280x720, I Love All My Deadbeats [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgzyr6w.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, she sounds so... mature here.

>> No.8501625

Yeah it's cute, but honestly I'd prefer it doesn't exist so we don't have to deal with auntie shit and push that shit on her kouhai.

>> No.8501662
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x720, You Can Tell Who's New Here [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdg056u.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fug, meant this one.

>> No.8501733

>bullying newfags
Don't you want to expand your audience Moririn?

>> No.8501870
Quoted by: >>8502057

I mean, I don't think Ame and Mori have a ton of fanbase overlap anyways. Don't see a ton of deadmates around.

>> No.8501879
Quoted by: >>8501977

Yes, she became very motherly after she had my child.

>> No.8501977

boys can't get pragnant anun

>> No.8502051
Quoted by: >>8502441

>Still haven't watched the scarface watchalong
God All these streams I've not been able to keep up with, falling though the cracks.

>> No.8502057
Quoted by: >>8502213

Ina and Mori don't have a ton either but she still dropped Hollow Knight

>> No.8502213
Quoted by: >>8502339

I think Mori just didn't want to play Hollow Knight, if she really liked it she would have played it off stream like she did for Re8. Fine with me, I thought it was fairly boring to watch.

>> No.8502293
File: 2.92 MB, 1548x2048, 1629594817672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8502938

>> No.8502339
Quoted by: >>8503406

I mean...Hollow Knight was a whole lot more fun to watch than 20+ straight losses in GG...

>> No.8502441
File: 114 KB, 549x827, 1624776262646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8503004

Can't relate as of right now, but I'm going to a very remote place soon and will miss the whole next week and a half entirely. Not sure how my body will handle the withdrawals.

>> No.8502716
File: 728 KB, 1591x1440, Smug Calli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First one I saved

>> No.8502876
File: 139 KB, 313x289, not ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8503998

>tfw youtube didn't notify me of the members post

>> No.8502938
File: 301 KB, 1920x1080, Calli_Can_Wait[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5acykl.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8503044 >>8503104

I can't wait for the next time these two collab together as a duo

>> No.8503004
Quoted by: >>8503087

Luckily for you, next week will be "sparse," whatever that means.

>> No.8503044

Should ask her about it in the t2, she's been reading all the sc's regardless of ammount.

>> No.8503087

She might mean end of week when she's traveling home will be sparse honestly

>> No.8503104
Quoted by: >>8503200

That one spy game was pretty kino, I hope they play it again

>> No.8503200
Quoted by: >>8503336 >>8503474

That's about as likely as BoneBros finishing We Were Here Too

>> No.8503298
File: 143 KB, 880x960, 1618567378677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found the audition tapes in the archive

Ya boy really IS Ryuko, isn't she?

>> No.8503336

That one Mori specifically said they weren't gonna finish though. Rainforest said they wanted to finish Operation Tango.

>> No.8503406
Quoted by: >>8503566

speak for yourself retard

>> No.8503474
File: 2.89 MB, 472x274, RipReaper[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4cg8xo.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8503838

This was pretty good for an ending

>> No.8503566
Quoted by: >>8503741

I've had people get angry for implying she's not competitive and people get angry for implying 20+ losses wasn't actually a fun experience for her. Which one is it?

>> No.8503741
Quoted by: >>8503858 >>8504405

Mori likes GG and Mori likes playing with deadbeats. Simple as.

>> No.8503838
File: 56 KB, 610x566, 1629263642321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8503906

Without audio, it looks like Mori got bonked for sniffing Gurhombus' hair like the sneaky little pervert she is.

>> No.8503858
Quoted by: >>8504054

So she's not competitive, because losing 20+ straight matches would not be fun for anyone with a competitive bone in their body

>> No.8503906

Moririn's smell fetish...

>> No.8503964

so deadbeats, it's a fact that outside here most people think kronii is a mori 2.0
so this is good or bad for mori herself?

>> No.8503998
File: 313 KB, 828x1146, morirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Missed opportunity to get a heart from YT Mori
>Got a like from twitter Mori instead
I'll take it

>> No.8504029
File: 40 KB, 500x527, EhcP3fcVoAEADcg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8504082

>Mori Breakfast cooking stream.

She gonna do this with a webcam?

>> No.8504054
Quoted by: >>8504164

competitive people on all levels constantly have losing streaks while they have a blast all the way through, either through figuring small improvements or new gameplans or just taking it chill and messing around
the idea of competitiveness is about wanting to improve and win, but smart people understand and accept losing is part of the process, brainlet

>> No.8504082

Probably not, maybe take pictures of it and show the stream

>> No.8504091

Kinda pointless. Piggybacking on the gap Moe concept artificially isn't helping anyone in the long run

>> No.8504130

Kronii is the one being labelled, if anything I just feel bad for her not having her own identity. Mori says she's streaming for fun now and I believe her. I'll just stick with my Mori as usual.

>> No.8504154

Its bad for Kronii because no one can compete with my Boy

>> No.8504163
File: 5 KB, 180x250, 1611582105130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8504888

if people start defining other talents as some kind of 'version' of you, then you already left a mark on the industry
I feel she would personally find it to be a huge compliment, even if someone calls Kroni 'Mori but good', just cause it means her name and identity carried on

>> No.8504164
Quoted by: >>8504344

>the idea of competitiveness is about wanting to improve and win
>Didn't open the game once in the month between streams

>> No.8504344
Quoted by: >>8504608

and? the game isn't a priority for her, but she still shows intent to improve in small steps, she was even thinking about her options and strategies during today's zatsu
she put DOOM down for 9 months but she still came back with ideas of wanting to improve and get through the challenges
why do you set those things as opposites to each other when her goal isn't being 'the best', just 'better than I was last time'

>> No.8504405

It's purely a way to play a game with DeadBeats and Mori has accepted that. She enjoys the music and characters but not the gameplay. That much is clear

>> No.8504463
File: 147 KB, 849x1200, 1629250263681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, Anonymous, take you, Mori Calliope to be my wedded wife. I promise to stand by your side through good and bad times, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I vow to stay true to you and love you unconditionally for the rest of my days.

>> No.8504601
File: 23 KB, 602x281, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8504662 >>8504837

Deadbeats, you aren't trying to sabotage the Clock are you? Otherwise I'm just gonna assume Kronies are stupid.

>> No.8504608
Quoted by: >>8504975

Just look at Idol Manager. She actually enjoys playing that and values improving at it off-stream. Probably already has more hours logged than GG.

>> No.8504662

I wanted to see the incest ending. I voted yes.

>> No.8504685

God can you stop being a bunch of faggots for even just a short while.

>> No.8504837

oh no no no kronibronies!

>> No.8504888
Quoted by: >>8505045

This. Although I feel bad for Kronii. While I see that she's definitely EN2s breakout star judging by the subs, it feels like most Mori antis have latched onto her.

I feel that Mori is really proud as a senpai. And again, all of them are works in progress, in need of polish , and I really want Myth to triumph over this responsibility.

>> No.8504925

What are you predicting for Mori's 1 year?

New album announcement?

>> No.8504975
Quoted by: >>8505291

sure anon, and I fucking hate DMCV because 9 outta 10 times I'll just idly launch FTL
it's not at all about just being a bigger time and attention investment that can afford at the moment, I must despise the gameplay

>> No.8505012

Anniversary EP. Album would be too much on her plate, but I'd like to be wrong

>> No.8505039
Quoted by: >>8505057 >>8505156

debut rewatch drinking game

>> No.8505045
Quoted by: >>8505177 >>8505308

Yes Mori tried her hardest to say that Kronii and her were not alike in the zatsu today, and Kiara actually mentioned all of them were unique as well. Mori antis are not the fanbase you want.

>> No.8505057
Quoted by: >>8505156

"Take a shot for every TEEHEE"

>> No.8505128

Likely to be a Single, not even an EP much less an album

>> No.8505156

Fucking kek, deadbeat suggestions would be gold for that.

>> No.8505177
Quoted by: >>8505352

you don't want any antis in your fanbase in general since they will turn on you at the drop of a hat if you step out of their assorted 'standards'
we seen that over and over, the real fans stick through the lower points even if they speak up/ain't cool with everything

>> No.8505291
Quoted by: >>8505388

A single match of GG takes less than 5 minutes. Making any notable progress in Idol Manager takes at least an hour. It's the same reason Mori isn't taking a single minute to practice for Mario Kart. She's not competitive.

>> No.8505308
Quoted by: >>8505614 >>8512649

I watched the 12 minutes stream and Clock is all right, she really is the runaway best of council, but I really want to know more before making her the Kobe to Mori's Mike.

>> No.8505352
Quoted by: >>8505457

Deadbeats can be some autistic spergs but damn we are loyal to our boy at this point. I would die for her.

>> No.8505388
Quoted by: >>8505545

....erm, she's most comfortable playing gg on PS. She doesn't have the consoles stateside.

>> No.8505457

honestly, schizos go about ficklebeats but the last ones were more or less weeded out at the SV collab into the ASMR where she said how much time she dedicates to streaming
whoever held at that point is just claiming the rewards now

>> No.8505459
File: 350 KB, 1158x1638, 1627832809903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excited for her to show us her burnt breakfast!

>> No.8505545
Quoted by: >>8505673

She was equally bad on both, if anything her Johnny on the fight stick was the best she ever was

>> No.8505548
Quoted by: >>8505811 >>8506407

I honestly don't see it, Mori isn't Mori just because of the gap-moe. What makes Mori for me is a combination of weird slang, determination to get better, appreciation for Indie content and the way she interacts with the Deadbeats/4chan.

So far Kronii seems very different, more refined in a way yeah but not necessarily achieving the same level of authenticity and endearment that I feel when I watch Mori.

>> No.8505614
File: 133 KB, 857x1200, 1605139746600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8505926

>best Council
that's Space
I'm not joking, her model has a fantastic vintage feel, she's sexual but without being vulgar about it, she has a very lively and shitposty sense of humor and she seems to draw a lot of joy from banter
and at the same time it doesn't come off as stand-offish or overwhelming like it sometimes does with Kiara
imho as far as strong points go, Sana is definitely fucking up there

>> No.8505673
Quoted by: >>8505715

Maybe she needs to bust out xrd while in the states.

>> No.8505715

consider - with US distances, especially in middle of Bumfuck County, the online experience would be even fuckier

>> No.8505811
Quoted by: >>8505946 >>8506214

I personally still haven't seen the "moe" part of Kronii. Mori has an unbeatable natural gap.

>> No.8505926
Quoted by: >>8506111

I agree, Space was the one that stood out to me as the most put together. Wonder what that says about my taste...

>> No.8505946

>natural gap
Does this really exist outside of kayfabe?

>> No.8506065

Considering that Gura said Mori still "guhs" offstream and what Kiara has said about her. I honestly believe Mori is just naturally gap moe.

>> No.8506111

she oozes personality, if she can actually keep it up she might grow to be my second fav EN (currently a Takobeat EN wise, Rosebeat overall)

>> No.8506174

She's a quiet person, almost seeming aloof at times, who gives off a cool aura according to Kiara and other people she's crossed paths with like Fubuki, and fronts as a serious rapper. But she's just a shy, dorky, considerate, and compassionate young woman who also happens to spit bars. I'd say it's true.

>> No.8506214

This as well, Kronii comes off as serious, and we have not seen her melt yet.

What makes Mori objectively better isn't that she's cooler, it's that she casts that endearing aura as well as all the things she does when not on-stream. It's the gap between when she is on reaper mode and what she's like playing games or doing mundane stuff.

Kronii hasn't shown that gap yet. And without the same gravitas in music, I don't think it equates well

>> No.8506286
Quoted by: >>8506370 >>8506702

>projecting this hard ass rapper persona professionally, loves baggy clothing and use of edgy language and imagery
>but also a sweet teacher for children and caregiver for elderly, lover of pets, clumsy dork and fan of cute things privately
she was scientifically modeled to be the perfect tomboy

>> No.8506370

fuck, just make it perfect woman*

>> No.8506393
File: 562 KB, 441x613, 1612587045210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8506541

What website do people use to find how much someone made on a stream from Supachats??

>> No.8506407

don't forget sometimes acting totally crazy in way most other could only wish to be.

>> No.8506541
Quoted by: >>8506570

not helping you numberfag, anon, do your own reps

>> No.8506570
File: 136 KB, 1011x382, C1dsjH6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it.

>> No.8506702

>Created a chuuni persona way before hololive
>Literally begged a video game company for hours, live.

>> No.8506732
File: 120 KB, 999x347, svOPUfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8506839 >>8506970

I'm glad Snek had a good Day.

>> No.8506831 [DELETED] 

that new hairdo

>> No.8506839


>> No.8506893 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8507132

Why are deadbeats like this?

>> No.8506944
Quoted by: >>8507092

fucking stop doing that
who wants to know, knows, shut the fuck up about it

>> No.8506970

Me too.
Also imma be honest and say that I don't buy the clock hype, and I'd rather support the reaper's sister and her owl protege.

>> No.8507072 [DELETED] 

I just saw it too. Looks good. I will miss the pink though.

>> No.8507092

Sorry, Mori.

>> No.8507130
File: 43 KB, 600x600, poster,504x498,f8f8f8-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8507239 >>8507361

Please stop this doxxbeats.

>> No.8507132 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8507201

Everyone knows who she is. Deal with it.

>> No.8507201 [DELETED] 

Nah, fuck off.

>> No.8507239

Fuck me, i thought this was a mori cube gif

>> No.8507281

Ah so long and pretty, ghost is strong lately.

>> No.8507361
Quoted by: >>8507403

As much as I hate doxxbeats, she's actually the worst for literally talking about getting hair done in stream today and "there". Truly the DoxxQueen

>> No.8507403
Quoted by: >>8507858

Stop making excuse for you doxfaggotry.

>> No.8507409
Quoted by: >>8507455

>Not even subtle

Why are newDoxxbeats like this? At least attempt to conceal things.

>> No.8507455

>Why are newDoxxbeats like this?
Because you won’t report shit.

>> No.8507570

Yo, those two latest chapters actually made me hella sad. All the girls having obligations bigger than themselves and Amelia having to put herself through Hell. I hope it's worth it because I liked how their relationships all built up. Let them be happy, damn it.

>> No.8507579
Quoted by: >>8507742

>Gura not calling Calli "Mori" because it sounds too womanly

>> No.8507592

Gura stop containment breaking jesas

>> No.8507590
Quoted by: >>8507742


>> No.8507595
Quoted by: >>8507751 >>8508029

[Gura news]
Gura's been catching herself calling her "Mori" lately. She thinks Mori sounds too "womanly" and thinks "Calli" fits her much better because it's cuter

>> No.8507616
Quoted by: >>8507751

[Gura News] She thinks "Calli" is cute and "Mori" is very womanly.

>> No.8507642

Mori is like that one OPM character

>> No.8507656

Gura BAKA keep calling her Mori...

>> No.8507704


>> No.8507725

Her eyes......

>> No.8507728

What about Moririn though?

>> No.8507742
Quoted by: >>8507959

she clearly meant mature but she fumbled her words up, since she mentioned 'Calli' fits more cause it's cuter

>> No.8507751

>Gura knows about AA Calli.

>> No.8507831
File: 857 KB, 1000x1545, seeeeeeex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori love!

>> No.8507858
Quoted by: >>8508097

I literally prefer DadBeat loops to doxxbeats, Anon, that's how much I hate them. She knows what she's doing here and the doxxbeats have every right to take what DoxxBeat Prime has given them

>> No.8507959
Quoted by: >>8508005 >>8508012

So, if Baelz is her sister and Gura is her Bro, what is Mumei?

>> No.8508005

her pet owl

>> No.8508012


>> No.8508029

But she's still calling her Mori, does this mean she's just uncomfortable with how sexy she finds our boy?

>> No.8508030
File: 526 KB, 2048x2048, Mori091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-Calli Love?

>> No.8508097
Quoted by: >>8508505

I am confused by your sentence

>> No.8508178
File: 1.51 MB, 2039x2894, E1ZQWNCVEAQgiom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8508407 >>8508488

Calli Love

>> No.8508177
Quoted by: >>8508769

Here's hoping we shed some ficklebeats to Kronii so that thread quality goes up.

>> No.8508362

Ow the Edge

>> No.8508407
Quoted by: >>8508488

Calliope majin tenshi...

>> No.8508438 [DELETED] 

It's really cool isn't it?

>> No.8508464

She's still our Mori, but she's something different to Gura. It's fine if we call her different things, but we can compromise on Kawaiiope.

>> No.8508488

Go back to /callig/, Calliopeople

>> No.8508505

>She pretty much doxxed herself. I hate doxxbeats but this time I'm not going to report their shit because it seems like she was asking for it.

>> No.8508569
Quoted by: >>8508737

I want to brush Moririn's beautiful long hair...

>> No.8508616

God shes so fucking cute

>> No.8508624
Quoted by: >>8508719

Stop making excuses.

>> No.8508648

She knows we know. Literally talked about getting her hair done today on stream kek.

>> No.8508665

still retarded, you don't report to 'protect Mori', you report to keep some semblance of board rules and discussion quality, retardchama

>> No.8508719
Quoted by: >>8510518

She didn't need to mention the hair appointment in today's stream but did deliberately. Alternatively, some tweets could have not been made literal hours after the stream

>> No.8508732

So I recently caved and made a twitter because I was getting sick of the twitter UI cockblocking me and figured it'd be easier to keep track of Mori and other chuubas this way anyway. I instinctively liked the tweet and had half a mind to leave a comment, but I use the same username and stopped myself because then I'd just be another one of them. It's too powerful...

>> No.8508737

This is how to do it subtly, newbeats.

The ones complaining about doxx won't be able to whine without sounding like a schizo.

>> No.8508769

anon, the only thing that will happen is that they spam that she should be more like kronii and that there are still some retarded schizos like that thread purityfag and sometimes getting visits from purgeschizo

>> No.8508874

Doxxbeats on Twitter need to fuck off

>> No.8508968
Quoted by: >>8509052

Mori, just cosplay yourself already, you amazing dork.

>> No.8508975

That's not a very nice thing to say to Mori

>> No.8508976
Quoted by: >>8509275

So pretty much all her most loyal sc'ers?

>> No.8509028

Yeah, Ill fuck off to Mori if thats what you mean.

>> No.8509052

Halloween onegai...

>> No.8509180 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8509191

Had a moment where I said, "Holy fuck" when I saw her.
Don't really want to talk about it too much but I can't help but say she looks like she's lost weight too.

>> No.8509191
Quoted by: >>8509379 >>8509778

Nigga shut the fuck up

>> No.8509243
Quoted by: >>8509276 >>8509298

Fuck, I hate being a doxxbeat. I'm gosling so hard

>> No.8509276

Fuck off.

>> No.8509275

I SC her almost every stream but I don't crowd her with comments, not even on her Mori account.

>> No.8509298

Why? I'm already dating Mori so you should go away.

>> No.8509323
Quoted by: >>8509369 >>8509697

Mori's roommate is public knowledge, everyone know who she is, you can't even listen to her songs without getting recommendations of the roommate account too

>> No.8509335
Quoted by: >>8509487

I made this post.

>> No.8509371

Why are doxxbeat like this?

>> No.8509369

So? Don't post about it here faggot.

>> No.8509379

You're creating more disturbance complaining then if you just left it alone.

>> No.8509383

This was me, I wrote this.

>> No.8509487
Quoted by: >>8509596

Both me

>> No.8509596

i made this post

>> No.8509615
File: 162 KB, 424x390, 1600999889901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8509845

she do be cute though

>> No.8509659

Jannies, do your job...

>> No.8509697

It rubs a lot of people the wrong way because it's reminiscent of tweets from a former member of Hololive's roommates account that were pretty clearly piggybacking. No one likes to think our boy might be doing the same

>> No.8509742

Why are doxxbeats like this?

>> No.8509759

Even if she is, you can't stop her from doing it.

>> No.8509778

Nice of Mori to join us, guess you wanted to see our reactions.

>> No.8509813


>> No.8509822

Quick check. How many people are upset and how many are not? Reply which.

>> No.8509845
File: 58 KB, 912x701, 1614026339538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will get away with everything because our boy is too kakkoii for this decade

>> No.8509931

Good. I want her to stay successful in the far future as well.

>> No.8510009
File: 12 KB, 512x512, 1629526173570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8510088

>Reply which
uncontrollably horny

>> No.8510012


>> No.8510056
File: 36 KB, 474x361, 216516874864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8510135

God fucking dammit not this shit again.

>> No.8510088


>> No.8510113

holy shit meds

>> No.8510135
Quoted by: >>8510890

Deadbeats are incapable of self-control.

>> No.8510144
File: 232 KB, 1544x452, horny_eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know they aren't intentional but the fuck-me eyes make it impossible to be upset at anyone who wants to talk about it.

>> No.8510164


>> No.8510208
Quoted by: >>8510480 >>8510518

Considering she owns two houses now think Mori is very commited to Hololive. Would be pretty stupid to quit now when her expenses are growing. Think she just wanted to show us her hair since she talked about it in the stream earlier.

>> No.8510231

Why do we all have to be like this. I hate you guys for what you do but I understand and hate myself as well

>> No.8510289
File: 50 KB, 700x593, 1628310354722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori reading this thread right now.

>> No.8510403
File: 8 KB, 184x256, 1624552928074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such is the fate of all deadbeats.

>> No.8510416
File: 37 KB, 528x480, Sad Skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8510465

I am absolutely not gonna make it, lads. Here I am trying to enjoy the new girls and bam.

I miss her...

>> No.8510419

We know you like sturing shit, Mori, you stupid bitch also I wanna make out with you really bad fuck you're hot.

>> No.8510429


>> No.8510437
File: 2.56 MB, 190x200, 1603360222880.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like

>> No.8510465

I was going to watch Space's stream but suddenly I really really don't care at all

>> No.8510480

I honestly think this as well, Mori has been chatting with us a lot lately.

>> No.8510481

Moririn wa kakkoii
Kakkoii to kawaii

>> No.8510518
Quoted by: >>8511192

Yeah that's the point of distinguishing between accounts. It's like >>8508719
said. Chose one or the other or it becomes this. It was probably deliberate though and would be fine if it weren't for the non-contained doxxbeats on Twitter

>> No.8510554
File: 92 KB, 1024x1162, 1629408824509 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8510630

Why be mad about it at this point. Mori if you are here youre very beautiful that is all. May I have your hand in marriage with the blessing of Papa Reaper?

>> No.8510563
File: 3.85 MB, 1200x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate you guys for what you do but I understand and hate myself as well
I don't. You don't gotta act like the roomate doesn't exist but you shut the fuck up about it here. Simple as that.

>> No.8510630
Quoted by: >>8510721

No, sorry.

>> No.8510689
Quoted by: >>8510761

Alright the results are in. The true state of the thread is 100% MORI LOVE!

>> No.8510721

Based papa reaper, bitch thought he could cut the line.

>> No.8510727

I'm not upset but I'd rather fags do not blatantly break rules and further divide janny attention, because shit like this lowers board quality overall in the long run

>> No.8510750
Quoted by: >>8510850 >>8510890

And here I thought we won't end up like /oo/ with the hormyposting.

>> No.8510761
File: 361 KB, 887x864, 1611288521887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not 200% mori love
/morig/ is reclining...

>> No.8510831
File: 130 KB, 1125x619, 0E53C001-FC13-4A51-B29A-E8BFEFFFA820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8511014 >>8512753

"These" people are the reason why she probably shouldn't do this. They're straight up admitting they can't control themselves

>> No.8510850 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 654x502, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8511062

You have literally never been in this thread if you think we don't hornypost.

>> No.8510890
File: 29 KB, 487x333, 68778687689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think kroniifags just one upped the entirety of /vt/... hell maybe even /jp/ regarding self control.

That's NTA though, back to 森カリオペ, why are we so problematic?

>> No.8510973
Quoted by: >>8511613

Wait whats going on with Kronii now?

>> No.8511014

>People who hide it cant control
>I can simp for two people just being an outright fag about it
This dude over here looking like a clown.

>> No.8511018

Differences of opinion and strong desires to be heard.

>> No.8511033
File: 485 KB, 790x654, 1613710793238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8511613

>kroniifags just one upped the entirety of /vt/

>> No.8511062

We do, but to the extent that /oo/ is beginning to make themselves known. Take note that theyre a relatively young split.

>> No.8511192
Quoted by: >>8511964

Ever think she just likes being open with us? There's no hidden meaning behind it. Let her be open about all of herself.

>> No.8511339
Quoted by: >>8511580 >>8511613

I don't think you actually know what we're talking about. The thread kind of screeched to a halt.

>> No.8511540
Quoted by: >>8511729

The worst thing this always invites is people speculating her true intentions. Like holy shit we just had an episode dealing with the numberfag and anti-unity schizos trying to spin narratives and being possessive of her, now you people can't help yourselves but make wild assumptions based on a fucking selfie? Get a grip already

>> No.8511580

That's because Kronii isn't streaming. Also not that much to talk about but coooom

>> No.8511613
File: 43 KB, 481x551, 3214525345643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A chaotic combination of her not having an r18 tag, her personality and everybody cooming over her underboob.

Granted I just came back from work and looked over twatter at random and got surprised by the doxxes

>> No.8511729

They're busy coommming to a wall clock.

>> No.8511964
Quoted by: >>8512074 >>8512277

I still remember how she really wanted to share her first Photoshop of her at Chubs gunmetal during the Sandler Watch-Along. 100% think she wants to share this with us. Still, think some of the others make a good point that this might be used as ammunition against her.

>> No.8512017
File: 28 KB, 400x400, ciVmG0S2_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8512062 >>8512221

In other news, I'm shadowbanned in Sana's chat. This is my first time in Sana's chat.

>> No.8512062


>> No.8512074

*Funeral* not gunmetal.

>> No.8512141

"DoxxBeat Prime" isn't completely tongue in cheek because it has a lot of merit to it. If you can't get over that she's like this, she might not be for you honestly

>> No.8512221

I think Im shadowbanned in Kroniis chat but when I re open the chat my message doesnt get deleted it just didnt show up on her chat screen at the which was weird, only showed up during gameplay.

>> No.8512277
File: 559 KB, 1920x1080, EyljZW5WYAI7tpv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8512461
File: 16 KB, 422x92, 1598339156186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8512583 >>8512643


>> No.8512583


>> No.8512643
Quoted by: >>8513120

You late beats are lucky, try to get in a little earlier next time, k'? :}

>> No.8512649
Quoted by: >>8512809

>making her the Kobe

You fucker I kek'd

>> No.8512756
Quoted by: >>8512862 >>8513085

She just posted a comment too about T3 being moved, said it will be fixed on the twitter schedule.

>> No.8512753

One of them is going to try to track her down during this trip, aren't they?

>> No.8512811
File: 146 KB, 1080x518, Screenshot_20210823-212504_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8512809

Very subtle helicopter joke.

>> No.8512862

seems like a correction rather than reschedule

>> No.8513015
File: 32 KB, 731x156, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8513186

My Mori... My Mori...

>> No.8513085

Considering making the jump from t2 to T3 for this last hurrah

>> No.8513120

Thanks Mori, Susan was a whore that didn't notify me.

>> No.8513161
File: 72 KB, 1079x432, -3of2xy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She came back and liked mine! :D
Mori love

>> No.8513186

I haven't gotten a heart yet bros...

>> No.8513456

>decided to nap after work and not leave a comment
I'm really ngmi...

>> No.8513513
File: 139 KB, 915x798, 1621470677580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a small thing, but so sweet
