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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 350 KB, 650x650, Nanashi_Mumei_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8453766 No.8453766 [Reply] [Original]

I've been a fan of Hololive for a year and a half. Watched a Holo Vod every day for a year straight. Today I decided I'd be boycotting Cover because I don't like where the company was heading. The hostility I got was insane wherever I mentioned it. I realized I'd been part of a fanbase of nutjobs that worship a corporation. I'm not boycotting Cover anymore because I'm not even interested in Hololive anymore. You bootlickers are ridiculous.

>> No.8453823

No one likes where the company is heading but when I fully submit to the real-life bullshit behind it all this hobby is dead in the water for me

>> No.8453829
Quoted by: >>8455115


>> No.8453877
Quoted by: >>8454586 >>8460242

I dont waste my time watching streams. I just look at clips sometimes and then come here to read the rrats. Way more entertaining.

>> No.8454554 [DELETED] 

this is what happens when trannies try business management anon

>> No.8454586
File: 528 KB, 497x538, watame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based clipfag

>> No.8454617
File: 2.54 MB, 640x360, watachips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8455115

Yeah I'm not reading all that but you're a faggot and you should kill yourself

Just watch clips if you wanna kill a thread with your bitching my nigga

>> No.8454655
Quoted by: >>8455115

dont use the anxious owl for your schizoposts, freak.

>> No.8454663
Quoted by: >>8455115

do not make a cope and seethe kusothread with a picture of my oshi, ``thankyou''

>> No.8454829
File: 270 KB, 434x528, 1629619662910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you be a little more specific? You're mad about what, exactly?

>> No.8454917
Quoted by: >>8455115

You sound like a nutjob yourself desu

>> No.8454992
Quoted by: >>8455115

Don’t use the cute owl for your shitposting, nigger

>> No.8455024
Quoted by: >>8455115

You're just a person on the internet, nobody gives a shit what you do. Sorry you didn't get praised for your courage.

>> No.8455043
Quoted by: >>8455115

there's literally nothing wrong. You're welcome to watch whatever but you really should take your meds

>> No.8455064 [DELETED] 
File: 929 KB, 3013x2963, 162969565924555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this for you anon, go boycott cover

>> No.8455115
Quoted by: >>8455199 >>8456552

cucks together strong!!

>> No.8455133

What are you mad about? I'm confused

>> No.8455199

fucking idiots, i AM her boyfriend. her bird pussy is tight as hell.

>> No.8455346
File: 74 KB, 276x334, 1629612216035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8455391 >>8455484

There was a tweet from Shachi's Twitter with broken hearts on August 1st, does anyone have the screenshot of that one? Not sure if the other ones have further context. But it sucks for Shachi if she broke up with her boyfriend specifically to be an idol and is still getting smeared by you schizos.

>> No.8455368
Quoted by: >>8455801

ohnonono…. hope nobody passes this info to those jp unicorns……

>> No.8455382
Quoted by: >>8455436 >>8455527

Nice, it's great to see they're not lonely. I don't care if they date in their personal lives. Honestly, I'm not a waifufag. I wouldn't care if they were openly in a relationship. I'm just here to watch cute girls.

>> No.8455391

>Whaaaaaa I had to break up with my boyfriend because of my career path!!!!
Could've literally stayed an indie. My sympathy dies at the threshold of other people's rational choices.

>> No.8455430 [DELETED] 
File: 809 KB, 1420x732, 1629701540948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8458743


>> No.8455436

this is literally how a cuck thinks when their crush tells them about a new boyfriend
>im happy that you’re happy, you were out my league anyway!!

>> No.8455484
Quoted by: >>8455634

more likely that they just ended the relationship regularly instead of mumei dumping him for her new job in that scenario.
itd be worse if he left her, and mumei had old wounds open back up from everyone discovering her past accounts

>> No.8455507

idolschizo cope

>> No.8455508
Quoted by: >>8455582

vtubers aren't your girlfriend, or a candidate for your girlfriend

>> No.8455527
Quoted by: >>8455656


>> No.8455566

not your hugbox faggot, if you can't take then neck yourself already

>> No.8455569

this thread is nice lel

>> No.8455582

the relationship between vtubers and their audience has always been a parallel to a real relationship you fucking idiot. have you watched any jp ever? Let me guess. You first watched vtubers when holomyth debuted??

>> No.8455634

The real hell would be if it isn't her since the voices have some significant differences. Her bf broke uo with her, and now she is getting shit for everyone thinking she is Mumei + has a boyfriend and Mumei is getting shit for having a boyfriend

>> No.8455642

mumei being a used good somewhat turns me on even more. im a disgusting cuck

>> No.8455653

>the relationship between vtubers and their audience has always been a parallel to a real relationship
Is this how virgins see vtubers?
They're more like prostitutes or hostesses
You are one dude in a chatroom full of thousands of others dudes, you do not have a chance

>> No.8455656

Delusional. Your Vtuber idol isn't a real person and the real person behind them is hardly like the persona they put on. You come for the character. Enjoy that and don't get them mixed up.

>> No.8455678

Because your 'boycotting' is annoying virtue signaling.
It's not the Holobrony fanbase's fault you decided to be a twat.
You'd be ridiculed for forcing posts like that in every fandom. Especially since you're intentionally doing it during an event.
Outside of moments like this, plenty of people have quit vtubers and Hololive and , outside of troll responses, they just get a "understandable, come back when you feel like it".

>> No.8455688

>They're more like prostitutes or hostesses
this has to be a banner some day

>> No.8455693
Quoted by: >>8455810 >>8465356

>a parallel to a real relationship
you poor, poor soul. I hope you find a real life friend soon.

>> No.8455759


>> No.8455762

Honestly, I'm happy for both of them. Owl girl sounds like she's so comfy.

>> No.8455801

>JP whales
>care about EN
can you please be less retarded for once?

>> No.8455810

literally watch a stream
why the fuck are you here??
I hate having to spoonfeed retards on what vtubing ACTUALLY is, WHY ARE YOU HERE???
watch a marine, rushia, pekora, miko etc stream. please for the love of god watch vtubers before posting on /vt/...

>> No.8455819

My dumbass fell for this meme before and I had been so heartbroken by it that it caused me to completely change for the worst.
Don't fall for this meme, retardchamas. They find another dick right after they have tasted yours the very same day/week.
>from your cuck truly

>> No.8455841
Quoted by: >>8456038 >>8456961

What does the personal life of the roommate, in which you have to take the effort to learn about, have to do with the enjoyment of the vtuber? Everything she presents on stream is the character she wants to portray. As long as she doesn't talk about her BF as her vtuber, it's fine. Things that happen behind the scenes are insignificant. You shouldve been immersed. When you took the effort to pry into her personal life you kill that immersion and destroy the point of what made Vtubers so appealing in the first place.

>> No.8455843
Quoted by: >>8456070

I do watch vtubers, I don't pretend they're my girlfriend, because I'm not a retard

>> No.8455892

Dont let the door hit your ass on the way out faggot kek

>> No.8455901
Quoted by: >>8456679

You fell for a woman who works at a club where she sees many men for money and you thought you were actually special to her?
That's social darwinism at work

>> No.8455944
File: 394 KB, 804x782, 1629331694810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8456041

No vtuber (or in general, woman) will ever see you as boyfriend material because you're spending your time on the internet watching adult women roleplay as anime girls, you fucking faggot.
Stop being delusional and accept you're gonna die alone, you say that shit like you have a fucking chance of getting with her, kek

>> No.8455960

Ogey. Bye.

>> No.8456000

kys, take meds or suck 7inch bbs
pick one

>> No.8456038

>What does the personal life of the roommate, in which you have to take the effort to learn about, have to do with the enjoyment of the vtuber?
it improves the enjoyment because it gives me shitposting fuel

>> No.8456041
Quoted by: >>8456493


thank you for explaining what a parasocial relationship is.

No one here knew that.
thank you for explaining what a parasocial relationship is

no one here knew about it

>> No.8456059

get help retard holy shit lmao

>> No.8456070
File: 144 KB, 492x492, 1624822125875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vshojo doesnt count.
re-read what I said you fucking brainlet. oh my god I cant believe youre making me repeat myself... you reddit children are SO ANNOYING!!!!

>literally watch a stream
ok?? following me so far retardchama??? I mean a STREAM! not a clip!!
>why the fuck are you here??
following me so far redditchud?? I ask this because I really wonder how you know so little about vtubers but come to a board specifically made for discussing vtubers......
pay attention to this part vshojokek. notice how it says a JAPANESE stream???
>I hate having to spoonfeed retards on what vtubing ACTUALLY is, WHY ARE YOU HERE???
hopefully you can figure this line out by yourself. take your time :)
>watch a marine, rushia, pekora, miko etc stream. please for the love of god watch vtubers before posting on /vt/...
understand now? I am trying to get you informed on what vtubers are, some nice ones to watch and as a bonus I only chose the really good ones. not shit ones like matsuri or ayame!!

>> No.8456142

>rage quits Cover, doesn't rage quit Procter & Gamble

Just support the JP talents that actually give a damn, they won't be with the company forever and when they move on you'll have name recognition to them on their new persona.

>> No.8456158
File: 735 KB, 999x747, 1629691438747~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8456193
File: 23 KB, 480x417, 1604859759488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not them but you shut your fucking whore mouth, Matsuri is my wife

>> No.8456258

ey 200k subs already not even trying

>> No.8456280
Quoted by: >>8456415 >>8456524

Owlbros, im more concerned of the owl frens, since shachi was it seems friend he/she with tumblr zoomers. Someone who was a regular in hee strean can confirm if she's also like that?

>> No.8456311

What's the healthy reaction otherwise, retard? Shoot the boyfriend?

>> No.8456415
Quoted by: >>8456524

Damn so many typos. But you get the gist. Is she also a tumble zoomer with pronouns? Thats one step below kiara

>> No.8456419

you should see a therapist or a psychologist, something of that sort. I'm not trying to insult you. you legitimately have a warped view of reality and need some sort of help. talk to your friends or family about it.

>> No.8456493

The inconsistent capitalization of the "N", the inconsistent pontuation and inconsistent wording at the end tells me you wrote that twice instead of just copy pasting it
Nice one retard

>> No.8456524

Literally who cares holy shit

>> No.8456549

i watch them and don't see any of them as GF material, i open the stream, am entertained for a few hours, close the stream and then i have sex with my girlfriend later that day.

>> No.8456552

you will never be with your oshit

>> No.8456594

don't shit on cute oni, you disgusting chromosome collector

>> No.8456609
Quoted by: >>8456680

This faggot thinks he's in a relationship with an anime girl

>> No.8456679

i had youngfag syndrome

>> No.8456680

most people browsing this board seem to think that way. it's schizo central.

>> No.8456688

I've been watching vtubers since Kizuna Ai took off. You're mentally ill.

>> No.8456704

there's no point trying to reason with a cuck, he is at the lowest of lows

>> No.8456765

Watch only japanese chuubas retard

>> No.8456824
Quoted by: >>8457440

it is really confirmed that Shachi is Mumei because look Mumei is cute and I don't want a cute girl to be harassed by such :(

>> No.8456854
Quoted by: >>8456902

don't give a shit about your retarded since I only watch the clips for the entertainment they provide

>> No.8456902
File: 188 KB, 590x469, 1629062704992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only watch the clips

>> No.8456952
Quoted by: >>8457043 >>8457080

Listen to me, you fucking retard. You've been fed a lie. The only difference between what they're doing now and what they've been doing is the fact that Japanese women and Japanese people in general lead very private lives. It's very likely that most of these women have boyfriends. They just maintain the illusion of being pure seiso idols to keep you schizos from going apeshit like you currently are. Deal with it, or fuck off already. You will never date, fuck, or even have a one-on-one conversation with any of these women. Ever.

>> No.8456961

I'll gladly explain.
Why do priests have to remain pure? Because they're the embodiment of a perfect being, in this case God.
As for vtubers, they have to remain pure because they are the embodiment of anime girls, which are ideal, perfect beings. Therefore, vtubers can't have boyfriends, sexual lives (outside of masturbation) or any sexual experience, otherwise they are a filthy whore and should not become a vtuber.
If you don't agree with me you're a cuck and you should kill yourself, but before you do at least understand this much.

>> No.8457003

Wait I dont get it

Are you homosexual? if so rope yourself

>> No.8457043
Quoted by: >>8457096

You keep repeating the same line cuck, no one cares if you like your western whores we are just pointing out their deception

>> No.8457053
Quoted by: >>8457143

>Why do priests have to remain pure?
They don't. They actually have to get married to be able to get their own parish.

>> No.8457080
File: 57 KB, 640x640, 85435487798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

careful cuck, youre sounding awfully incel right now....
wouldnt want your employer to find out now would we??

>> No.8457096
Quoted by: >>8457127 >>8457134

I've been watching vtubers since Kizuna AI debuted. It's all the same shit, just that the comfy veil of illusion has been lifted due to westerners being unable to hide their private lives adequately, so this is the fallout.

>> No.8457127

nah. it's because you are a filthy eop and cannot read japanese to find these public info of jp girls.

>> No.8457134
Quoted by: >>8457352

a truly pathetic lie.... come on at least research a little to find out if your lie would even be possible kek

>> No.8457143
Quoted by: >>8457631 >>8465380

I see, thanks for the correction.
I'm aware that different religions and spiritual practices require different forms of purity, but my point stands.

>> No.8457185
File: 40 KB, 750x456, 1628782432566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8457205

Fuck off, Attention Whore. Rather than quietly leave a fandom, you decided to make a thread for some (You)'s.

>> No.8457205
Quoted by: >>8457248

go back

>> No.8457248
File: 446 KB, 459x581, 1628782702783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8457316

To where, fag? Does some other site have rights to the usage of that word?

>> No.8457316
Quoted by: >>8457399 >>8465746

do I look like I know where that word comes from idiot?? I’m not a cuck sorry…..
perhaps reddit or discord??

>> No.8457337

but I don't understand japanese

>> No.8457352
Quoted by: >>8457443

Right, because translations don't exist. I've picked up enough Japanese over the years to have some understanding of what is being said. Anyway, seethe more, faggot. I'll keep enjoying the entertainment for what it is instead of having retarded expectations for women playing anime characters.

>> No.8457399
Quoted by: >>8457520

Then why the fuck are you autistically focusing on a single word? Go back wherever the shit you come from, ESLchama.

>> No.8457440
Quoted by: >>8457602

It isn't confirmed & Shachi is continuously involved in "x vtuber at Niji/Holo is actually Shachi" rumors until more evidence comes out for their real identity. It could be Mumei putting on a voice, but there is a fairly substantial difference between the two's voices. All the schizos on this board were convinced that Haachama quit to join some random extremely small company because they sounded vaguely alike, so don't put much evidence in the "they sound similar" camp

>> No.8457443

why would I read what you say when I know you’re a compulsive liar?? Please enter something in the name field when you post from now on, so I can immediately hide them….

>> No.8457520
Quoted by: >>8457547

did you just autistically focus on my post to reply to it?? Kind of weird! Go back to where you come from cucklord….

>> No.8457547
File: 32 KB, 271x403, 1628794926823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8457580


>> No.8457580

why do you autistically focus on saying ESL?? Is it some kind of autism stim?

>> No.8457602

Thank you anon

>> No.8457631
Quoted by: >>8458414

it's funny to me that inside your head vtubing is some sort of belief system loosely based on your vague knowledge of abrahamic religions, but I find it even funnier that you decided masturbation is a-okay despite most of them considering it a sin.

>> No.8457681

They hated him because he told the truth

>> No.8457729
Quoted by: >>8457940

I like this thread

>> No.8457781

you can't reason with this level of mental illness. all you can do is laugh.

>> No.8457809

They need to fire the retard that pushed the loreshit

>> No.8457850

Priests remaining "pure" was some shit Catholics made up so state law of automatic inheritance to children wouldn't apply and all the priests' wealth and land could be taken by the church. I'm a Christian btw, fuck the Catholic church I hope the earth opens up and swallows them whole

>> No.8457869

I will say after today that I never want to hear a Nijifag complain about idol culture again after the slew of unicorn-tier celebratory diarrhea I've read in these threads.

>> No.8457935

Just leave quietly and find a new hobby, i will do the same once ENgen2 friend groups of unironic westaboos with pronouns find their way into the company and burn it from within.

>> No.8457940

Yes, it is entertaining and has cute owl

>> No.8457955
Quoted by: >>8458159

This. Orthodoxbros A.K.A the actual Christians never had those retarded rules. I do think it's interesting that anon is directly drawing inspiration from the cult of boy diddling, though.

>> No.8458005
File: 322 KB, 500x491, Unicorns get the rope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorns were never welcome in hlg or hlgg, now fuck off.

>> No.8458066

>unicorns were never welcomed by the people who were never welcomed
Oh nooooooo please no!!! Hogg hates me? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

>> No.8458159

In olde english days there were psychopaths who basically maxed charisma stat. Without understanding of psychology and shit the church/state just labeled it a spell called "glamour" and said they must've got the power from the devil because there wasn't a sufficient explanation for wtf was happening. So basically vtubers might be normal ppl with maybe above average charisma but the avatar provides a buff. Fortunately the buff degrades over time and constantly streaming drains their stamina so you get to see them eventually with a -2 charisma penalty. But vtubers like Ayame seem to have a pretty high level glamour cast.

>> No.8458414

Yes, she needs to be sexually active with (You) eventually, so it's okay if she masturbates like crazy.

>> No.8458516

So you are the schizo calling everyone a shill?

>> No.8458578

All me. I am their boyfriend

>> No.8458743
File: 475 KB, 720x1130, Screenshot_20210823-064938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally why people also thought penguin was her.

>> No.8459024

I recognize this, but it's also a thing because you're trying to prevent Man's passions from overtaking the most important one, which is God's.
Other practices have other requirements, for example that masters do not have sexual relations with their disciples.
Vtubers are our most recent stride towards making our waifus real, in which waifus (the ideal, perfect women) become real through an oracle (the roommate, the flawed female).
In order for vtubing to work the oracle is required to have a certain purity, it's really that simple

>> No.8459113

Hlgg is a shithole full of retards and they are not welcome here, but it's okay since they mostly stay contained in their threads.

>> No.8459205
File: 52 KB, 413x380, o4tn29QG6b1qg4hw0_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8459426

This only applies if you have a crush on the girl/want to fuck her/are in a relationship with her
If you don't have any intention on fucking her in the first place why would you care? Sounds to me like you're projecting a little bit. Maybe you're just too delusional. Maybe what you're actually looking for is escapism from your sad miserable life.
Could it be that being bothered by the personal life of online entertainers makes you way more pathetic than people simply following their content? Food for thought, I guess

>> No.8459275
Quoted by: >>8459287

I don't think that how tumblr work but God a head get them you.

>> No.8459287

what did he mean by this

>> No.8459320

keep this cinnamon roll away from your schizophrenic rants rrat

>> No.8459325
Quoted by: >>8459774

>drawing barely mentioned on her debut
>zero drawing on her first week

Ummm bros? Is it actually HER?

>> No.8459426

Why would you look for sexually attractive women on the internet?
It's either:
>you want to masturbate
>you're looking for a partner
If you truly wanted entertainment you'd be looking for a male, but cucks do neither. They look for attractive women, WITH PARTNERS, and give them money, all so they can enjoy their inferior, helpless position. Cucks literally enjoy suffering.

>> No.8459459

hlgg is a glorified discord server, anon. nobody likes them.

>> No.8459567 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 832x190, Screenshot 2021-08-23 12-14-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know how tumblr works: the post
Not to mention that "name" and "face" combination makes it a very popular nickname. If you knew how cache works, you could see the tumblr post. It's some old boomer who draws his wife and daughters.

>> No.8459713
Quoted by: >>8459957

>the relationship between vtubers and their audience has always been a parallel to a real relationship
Holy schizo. Meds FAST

>> No.8459765

The cucks are coping anon. Keep it up

>> No.8459774

All vtubers accused of being HER are HER anon, her schedule is light because she has five other roles go play

>> No.8459957

go back. you don’t fit in despite heavy lingo usage. Sorry pal….

>> No.8460057

I'm exclusively completing that annoying as fuck captcha just to call you stoopid anon, how could you waste a time on a thot lol.

>> No.8460059
Quoted by: >>8460168

>Why do priests have to remain pure?
They don't actually. Only catholic priests do that and the do it because of political faggotry 700 years ago. Already your entire premise fails at the start.

>> No.8460121

>Always been
2020 Holofag detected

>> No.8460139
File: 446 KB, 674x452, 1629554311321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8464802 >>8465664

>Master, boyfriend bait successfully planted. Holoniggers are seething
>Well done Agent 103.50, head to the extraction point, Agent Selen will join you shortly
>Put Niji Wave 3 on standby
>Operation: Holocaust 2.0 will now commence

>> No.8460168

No it doesn't, plus another anon said that already.

>> No.8460242


>> No.8460701

No, its how a healthy person thinks who doesn't think they are in a special relationship with slmeone as one viewer among thousands.
Its funny you consider other people cucks whwn your mindset of the chuuba being the girlfriend of her viewers makes you a cuck to the hundred other idiots who delude themselves the same way. Meanwhile everyone else understands that the girl behind the avatar, which they will never meet, is just a entertainer which thsy enjoy playing a character they like.
If you were not such a pathetic normalfag you would get a real waifu. And if you were not such a loser you would get a real girlfriend. Unicorns are pathetic half-states.

>> No.8460755

nice blog post faggot

>> No.8460793


>> No.8460945

>The hostility I got
sounds like twitter

>> No.8460996

are you a marine by any chance?

>> No.8461182

youre confusing vtubers with vidols schizo, take your meds. go outside and touch ass

>> No.8461399
Quoted by: >>8461616 >>8464682

This isn't an airport. You don't have to announce your departure. No one cared what you thought before and they definitely don't care now. Go do your own thing anon.

>> No.8461616

go back

>> No.8464352

if you need friends anon, im here for you

>> No.8464388

go back

>> No.8464486

every single female on this planet has at least one boyfriend or man that they are fucking. it is not possible for them to be without one, they have lines of men waiting for a shot with her even if she is morbidly obese.

>> No.8464617

It is just 4chan. 4chan is bought by cover corp.

>> No.8464682

No point in humiliating a broken heart homie.

>> No.8464724

nigger, they're just YouTubers with anime avatars, you should seek therapy ASAP

>> No.8464752

Boycotting over...? You probably got hostile responses because you were being incredibly stupid.

>> No.8464766

Go suck some more dicks, Vei

>> No.8464781

Not even a bullet to the head is enough of a punishment for idolfags.

>> No.8464802

he cant keep getting away with it

>> No.8464835

Same but you're a faggot for making a thread about it. Just quietly stop watching, no one cares.

>> No.8465356
Quoted by: >>8465549

you need to go back

>> No.8465380

A better example is monks. Regards, Orthodox.

>> No.8465549

how does it feel to always get cucked by girls who dont even know you exist?

>> No.8465650


>> No.8465664


>> No.8465746

everyone uses fandom you fucking newfag nigger

>> No.8465753
File: 1.49 MB, 1465x1114, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the relationship between vtubers and their audience has always been a parallel to a real relationship you fucking idiot
Anon, you don't know them, and they don't know you. You know of them and they barely know you exist out there.

>> No.8465816

Please anon tell me this is bait...
