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File: 169 KB, 1200x675, nofavoritismhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
84006788 No.84006788 [Reply] [Original]

NijiEN- continuously going to shit
Some exec overseas- I have the perfect plan to fix this:


>> No.84007052
Quoted by: >>84007196

> Japan and China
Just rebrand them as NijiCN at this point. That's probably the only move if they wanna get rid of EN antis

>> No.84007196
Quoted by: >>84007462

No one that knows of chuuba matters will ever forget the black stream.

>> No.84007462

Except if you are chinks from the other side of the firewall who doesn't give a shit about what happened here

By rebranding into Chinese' slave branch, the EN antis and False will stop caring since they reached their goal while the livers will farm Chinese yuans to prove to investors that they are still worthy. It's a win-win situation

>> No.84008149

these threads are embarrassing to read because dramaniggers make it obvious they know nothing about the state of nijien before february
people have been calling them nijicn since 2022 and that includes your bpd whore

>> No.84008222

>denies favoritism
>has a cafe in his name specifically

Pottery in lotion

>> No.84008414

>nijien continues to shit itself in public
>nijikeks step in front shielding them

>> No.84008558

Did they make this phallic on purpose?

>> No.84009114

>people have been calling them nijicn since 2022 and that includes your bpd whore
That is partially true, yes the Chinese link is mentioned but only certain EN livers are deemed as Chinese cocksleeve like Vox. NijiEN as a whole still wanna cater to the English Western market, and they kinda succeeded, but now after the drama went down, ghe English market abandoned them and they are starting to shift their focus to SEA and East Asia, which is a different goal of "English branch", and this only confirms it

>> No.84011461

Go back to R*ddit.

>> No.84011506
File: 77 KB, 1024x796, Tranny Nijinigger Law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have used the hobo-samurai model for this kek, the raging ptsd drunkard is desperate for chink money always pandering to them when is running low

>> No.84014726


>> No.84014787

Vox has never been marketable to anyone outside of China

>> No.84014871

Selen was always one of the good ones nijinigger

>> No.84015722

Doki is taiwanese btw

>> No.84015907

Axel being a sexpest deflection thread

>> No.84017410

rrats when

>> No.84017884
Quoted by: >>84018411

luxiem is still hugely popular, what are you shitters even talking about

>> No.84018411

Vox is a fucking 3view

>> No.84018853
File: 391 KB, 543x707, voxcafedrink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84022441

What did they mean by this?

>> No.84022441


>> No.84022535

will it work this time?

>> No.84022610

Better than mainland.

>> No.84023169

I kind of like his edgy new outfit…

>> No.84023219

hong kong, but you tried

>> No.84023408

She‘s a mainlander though
