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[ERROR] No.8019351 [Reply] [Original]

>Nepotism is good for Cover!
Except for rigger nepotism

>> No.8019441


>> No.8019588
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I'm guarantee some indie rigger on twitter who has done way better works than Anya and Gura's rigger would definitely take up the offer to do rigging for Cover, maybe even for free too cause it's good for the portfolio! but Cover will stick to pic related instead because of nepotism or whatever backwards business practices the Japs do.

>> No.8019628

>finally gets rid of the massive tits and the cardboard hair
>gets this shit instead
being anya is suffering

>> No.8019650
File: 3.59 MB, 334x298, 1628615803523.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost wonder if criticism is really frowned upon in Cover or something. Like surely someone would have seen this rigging and noticed it looked a little goofy and could have asked for a do-over but maybe that is seen as rude in Japan? Not that they don't have standards but that they're too autistic to enforce them.

>> No.8019653
Quoted by: >>8019683

>Rig for free
If they're so desperate then they're gonna be garbage

>> No.8019683
File: 494 KB, 597x900, E0f-jZsVoAEBJ_s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8019868

I guess Mamaloni fanart sucks ass because she does it for free?

>> No.8019792

I believe so, yes. You always hear stories about Japanese companies being inefficient, and American transfers pressing for work to be done by a certain time and their co-workers laughing as they'd never get away with such a thing.

>> No.8019811

They're a "professional" company. Acting on constructive criticism goes without saying. What's going on here is just them being incompetent.

>> No.8019868


>> No.8019939
Quoted by: >>8020103

LMAO, Reddit noticed it

>> No.8020037
Quoted by: >>8020096

most of the "constructive" criticism they get comes from people who don't know what goes into making a working live2D and blame everything on rigging. flat anya's problem is the whole package, first the artist removed all her redeeming qualities, then the modeler just took the reference art and stapled it together so tardboy could hit auto-rig and call it done

>> No.8020096
Quoted by: >>8020202

You don't need to be a Live2D expert to notice that shin's rigging is way shittier than everyone else's
Gura had the same problem, it's not just an Anya thing

>> No.8020103
Quoted by: >>8020138

Lmao Le xD reddit momentum hahaha :D

>> No.8020138

will be killed by a mod locking/deleting their threads sooner or later, just like with gura's cat ears rhombus head outrage that lasted about a week

>> No.8020149
Quoted by: >>8026063

Likely explanation is that there's contractual obligations that Cover can't get out of.

>> No.8020202
Quoted by: >>8020783 >>8021778

yes, but if you're going to criticize something and don't know what you're talking about you'll just be ignored, seen people blaming Irys' disaster on rigging when it's actually god tier but the character design just doesn't work with live2D

>> No.8020297

Literal 2view nobodies on Twitch have better rigging than this, embarrassing.

>> No.8020603

I can't wait for Hitomi Keris to take off that stupid disguise. Her real face may be controversial, but I'd like her better without that horrifying mask she's been wearing this whole goddamn time.

>> No.8020783

You'd expect at least someone at Cover to be knowing what they're talking about when it comes to Live2D and to criticise this rigging. Some peope complaining online being ignored or not is irrelevant for that expectation.

>> No.8020836

>whatever backwards business practices the Japs do.
All of them.
If it's bad for business they do it and force it to work via inhumane work hours.

>> No.8021222

I just noticed the mask. Wtf?

>> No.8021778

You're talking as though you know any better

>> No.8024807

Fuck. I can't unsee it now.

>> No.8026063

>contractual obligations
If they really had some kind of contract they could simply send him to the boredom room (or the remote work equivalent) and find another talented indie.

>> No.8026233
Quoted by: >>8026617 >>8028366

Tell me /vt/, why does she wears the mask?

>> No.8026617

Its because we all wear masks in our daily lives. Some are just more obvious than others.

>> No.8028366

Because pandemic now not only human need mask, chuuba avatar need one too
