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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 71 KB, 598x838, filian-and-goodsmile-might-be-in-hot-waters-with-this-one-v0-ucj9e2yiynad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
80026899 No.80026899 [Reply] [Original]

It's fascinating to see how active and bloodthirsty NDF became in the past day the moment the yab wasn't related to Niji
They really have been so deprived of W's for the past year, they immediately pounced on this opportunity

>> No.80027333
File: 308 KB, 1500x1416, 1720229031336044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80027548

is this a bot? I refulse to believe someone is going around posting this pic in every filian related thread.
op awful bait, here a pity (you)

>> No.80027572
Quoted by: >>80034409

Obsessed schizo
>Spamming your comic in every single thread related to Filian

>> No.80027722

OP reminded me of a post I saw in another thread earlier so I'll just link that instead and call him a retard. >>79999808

>> No.80027731
Quoted by: >>80027918

>I refulse to believe someone is going around posting this pic in every filian related thread.
Think again.

>> No.80027918
File: 170 KB, 358x994, 12PjjubmiT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80028300

anon that's sad

>> No.80027965

>Niji getting dunked on for months
>Filian drama happens
>Nijisisters finally see a break so they go hard on Filian drama

The only people I've seen that truly dislike Filian are twatter pearl-clutchers who cry about racism; i.e., faggots

>> No.80028058
Quoted by: >>80028741

You can just say you live in the Hololive bubble anon it's okay.

>> No.80028087

there's also that one uppity henyafag that likes to interject any time he can.

>> No.80028300

Listen, I could be grinding in FFXIV, or I could be posting the same image over and over again. Either way, I'll be entertained on this Friday night.

>> No.80028361

never stop, king

>> No.80028396
Quoted by: >>80028759

seething 2view, stop shitting up /lig/ with your crabbing >>80006141

>> No.80028439
Quoted by: >>80028741

that's also the sister demographic

>> No.80028452

Maybe try elden ring? everyone and their mother seems to be playing it right now. Haven't played ffxiv since like shadowbringer. Is the new expansion any good?

>> No.80028461

>on the side of twitter cancel party
Do they know?

>> No.80028466 [DELETED] 

if we rangeban filipinos this board and perhaps the entirety of western vtuber culture would become 10 times better overnight

>> No.80028515

save my zoomer oshi

>> No.80028596

>two troon choices

>> No.80028714

It's Saturday.

>> No.80028741

>If you dunk on niji and nijifags you must be a holofag
keep seething, sister

>there's also that one uppity henyafag that likes to interject any time he can.
lmao saw him in the cross-thread quote above

>that's also the sister demographic
based and redpilled. and they wonder why people love dunking on them

>> No.80028759
File: 107 KB, 329x790, 1705179556304754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80028892

Snackers are the worst chat hoppers in /lig/ and everyone knows it and everyone hates them for it. This isn't some big secret. She interrupts other people's streams so she can make content for herself. She's basically a female Nux Taku

>> No.80028892
Quoted by: >>80029032

>She interrupts other people's streams so she can make content for herself
The henyafag appears

>> No.80028939

>get caught making merch without the creator's permission
>this is the ndf fault!!

>> No.80029032

Henya's not the only person she does this too though. The quoted tweet is even using a picture of Layna, who snackers had a weeks-long meltdown over because she dropped out of some event Filian was doing.

>> No.80029254

Isn't this technically a none issue since the model was open source to begin with? and even if it is an issue given the ammount of added toggles, the changes (Inb4 just a color change hurdur) the lack of interest from the models creator up till it became a somewhat profitable for them how would a possible court case pan out?

>> No.80029619
Quoted by: >>80029732

You can't "open source" a 3D model, retard.

>> No.80029665
File: 122 KB, 1379x1070, 1706664998457652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80044967

I remember that. Layna, the girl who has a compromised immune system and chronic illnesses has to skip out an event that meets in-person because of people participating getting COVID. Snackers definitely had a normal reaction after that.

>> No.80029710

The model is not open source and the license states what you can and can't do

>> No.80029732
Quoted by: >>80030027


>> No.80029828

you got the wrong guy, this started in /lig/ and spilled over the moment they found out. Everyone calls /wvt/ and /asp/ a crab bucket, but /lig/ is a fucking shark tank of /here/ chuubas and the MINUTE someone fucks up like this it's a frenzy.

>> No.80030027

That's not the same thing as open source.

>> No.80030079

>oh shit I've been found out, better try another angle

Technically not open source; she bought the rights to use it for monetized streams, however those rights don't apply to tangible products (i.e., toys, plushies, etc.). The creator does have authority to take action.

However, this drama has been drastically blown up by antis who have seen an opportunity to discredit and attack Filian, and likely dogpiled GoodSmile to wipe and delist everything when things likely would have been resolved behind closed doors (between Filian, GoodSmile, and Jingo)

>> No.80030339

jesus christ anon, hire a hooker.

>> No.80030388
File: 87 KB, 332x439, 1696903304296960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80030545

Believe it or not anon people can watch more than one thing.

>> No.80030545

I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.80030683
Quoted by: >>80033083

No but I'm not a pedantic autist and I used my brain to come to the conclusion that the term the original anon meant was "public domain" as it can be confused with "open source" by humans sometimes.

>> No.80030747
Quoted by: >>80033083

For a basic discussion on a Mongolian basket weaving board its close enough being pedantic is retarded and you should know better asspie-chan

>> No.80031045

>if you make fun of a retarded twitch whore royally fucking up you must love niji and hate hololive

>> No.80031170
Quoted by: >>80033083

If you couldn't understand what anon meant by "open source" in that context, then you're either retarded or ESL

>> No.80031206

Snackers trying to blame Nijisisters so people stop paying attention to their oshi being a scam artist

>> No.80031897
Quoted by: >>80037984

you filian cucks are so fucking dumb

>> No.80032010

based snackers, nijisisters need to keep getting shit on

>> No.80032063
Quoted by: >>80032811

filian is not just some retarded twitch whore, stfu tourist

>> No.80032130

you sisters need any distraction you can get, we get it

>> No.80032174
Quoted by: >>80032811

too obvious

>> No.80032177

>and even if it is an issue given the ammount of added toggles, the changes
retard she barely changed shit
it comes with a bunch of add ons and she uses them
she doesn't own shit
get fuck

>> No.80032205
File: 65 KB, 585x462, uh oh indeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me when I commit copyright theft

>> No.80032268

American copyright only protects the specific expression of the idea (rindo) in that tangible medium (3d model)
It does not protect the idea behind the expression.
The bar to claim a character is very high, and typically requires a combination of looks, characterization, and story.
Like a spider themed superhero wouldn't infringe on spider-man until they looked and acted like him.
The shit where companies sue over look alikes? Thats trademark law, or companies brow beating people into backing off with threat of legal disputes and trademarks have an extremely high bar, and need to be applied for.
Jingo can sue, and try to take it to court, but he probably won't win. Often threat of legal action is enough to get people to back off, since legal disputes suck, but it would probably be worth it for filian to fight it in this case.

>> No.80032811

Yeah she is.

The grift of "thing i like is popular with hololive fans" is too obvious indeed

>> No.80032880

its an open secret that twitter sisters/vtweeters (niji's main demographic) despise filian. shes unironically the most hated vtuber on twitter for making a george floyd and hitler jokes while ignoring the drama it caused. they even brought up the drama in /nijiEN/ and tried false flagging in /haha/ and /mint/ to talk shit about filian. some of it is salty liggers, but this is mainly nijisharts who have hated filian for years

>> No.80032900

Well then, carry on shitposter, you go and shit up the board, the good ol' fashion way. God speed o7

>> No.80032932

>she bought the rights to use it for monetized streams
No she didn't.

>> No.80033083

You're using the wrong term, you mouth-breathing retards. Did you clowns drop out of school?

>> No.80033316
File: 3.55 MB, 1708x1566, 1720191651592262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jingo can sue, and try to take it to court, but he probably won't win.
He already won lol
This stupid bitch admitted she never paid or bought the model. She never had any rights to make any money off it

>> No.80033719
Quoted by: >>80034179

She also admitted to being a terrorist.

>> No.80033740

>American copyright only protects the specific expression of the idea (rindo) in that tangible medium (3d model)
That is absolutely not how it works you fucking moron

The character of Rindo is Jingo's intellectual property and IP transcends medium.

>> No.80034156
Quoted by: >>80034375

Stream income wasn't dependent on the model though. And at no point did she attempt to sell the pirated merchandise (the model). >>80032268's point still stands that the merch is out of scope. She would have to be literally selling the 3D model or products made using the model. But all merch she sold was made using new models and were marketed as a different character entirely. Yes, someone selling a superhero that superficially resembles Spiderman but paletteswapped, speaking in thick Russian accent, named Ivanho, is entirely fair use as long as they do not literally use Marvel's products to make their own products and resell them

>> No.80034179

good. the judge will give her life sentence as bonus

>> No.80034190

>anon makes a mistake
>people above 90IQ would understand what he meant based on context
>pedantic faggots screech to think they're smart

>> No.80034244

Yeah but they weren't selling "Rindo", they were selling Filian

>> No.80034375

Hey retard. If she actually did pirate the model she has to pay up everything she ever earned as filian , every single bit, every single donation, every single whatever the fuck
You best pray with your little 9 year old hands that she isnt this fucking retarded because she is not just fucked in the vtubing world but in life as well

>> No.80034409


>> No.80034428

Thats trademark, not copyright. Much higher bar for trademark.
Even different versions of the same character will have different copyrights.

>> No.80034462

Maybe in your imaginary world, but in real life that isn't how it works. You should probably step away from the computer and calm down a bit

>> No.80034472

>take someone else's IP
>name it something different
>it is now a new thing
That's still not how it works

>> No.80034523

Who is using none of her(Filian) own assets. Every single tweak and color in that model is part of the base kit of sliders and costumes it comes with. The only unique thing here is the name that got slapped on it.

>> No.80034536
File: 1020 KB, 2558x1375, 1720191343388275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the "Filian" which is actually just recolored Rindo that comes when you buy... Rindo? Pic related the file that comes with Rindo.
She changed nothing about it

>> No.80034598

And the "Filian" that was being sold was literally just a colour swap of "Rindo".
In the vast majority of cases, that's not transformative enough to even attempt to debate fair use/etc.

It would be me hue shifting an official Luigi model to have blonde hair and yellow eyes, calling him Sproingus and then claiming that i have the rights to it and its likeness.

>> No.80034635
File: 16 KB, 240x240, NR40803lxzAZsjEt-BmyFJg-t240x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80035987

>But your honor, they weren't selling "Gawr Gura", they were selling "Filian"

>> No.80034663

Sorry, was "Rindo" performing for many months, or was Filian? Using a model doesn't grant the model creator total creative control over the performer, not even the original license states this.

>> No.80034730
Quoted by: >>80034813

Kill yourself

>> No.80034749

sorry bro
IP doesn't have squatters rights

>> No.80034763

>your honor, my client's fame was built on her character, the 3D model was secondary or even tertiary to her success. Here are examples
>case dismissed

>> No.80034778

you're too low iq to be in this conversation

>> No.80034813

I realize you're upset, but the legal system regarding copyright law is determined entirely by scope

>> No.80035028

This is now the second time this particular vtuber has gotten a public deal with a model that she didn't talk to the original artist about.

Mint, now this.

Just get a new model you stupid bitch.

>> No.80035044

It's okay anon everyone here has some form of autism, yours is just stronger

>> No.80035354
File: 171 KB, 860x934, retaredfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant believe this random guy managed to steal Filian's model and make a doujin about her 3 months before Filian ever existed.... Can Filian sue him for copyright theft?!?!

>> No.80035604

Eh, I don't care. Filian has endeared herself to me with her flips and antics.
I say we all focus our hatred and disdain on the well deserving, like anyone from niji.

>> No.80035647

By the way, I want to make an important point before I head out. Filian's usage of the Rindo model for streaming has been entirely within the scope of the license. The apparent point of contention is about merch. Under the rurus, there would be a problem if she literally resold the Rindo model or used it to make 3D figures. But all Filian merch was produced from scratch, without using the original Rindo model asset in any way. So this becomes a trademark design dispute, for which again, the bar is very high, especially for something like a catgirl wearing a sailor suit. Our Russian spiderman would easily pass muster, and there's a very strong argument that the Filian character is legally distinct from the Rindo character (who, again, was never the actual subject of the merch, which was marketed under the Filian brand, not the Rindo brand). If they had stated they owned Rindo and were selling Rindo merch, that would be a problem, but they did not do that

>> No.80035807
Quoted by: >>80036979

>If they had stated they owned Rindo and were selling Rindo merch, that would be a problem, but they did not do that
That is exactly what she did

>> No.80035987

Is this your OC anon? Pretty cute.

>> No.80036066


>> No.80036271

You're right, but trying to explain copyright vs trademark design dispute issues to the midwits here is impossible.

>> No.80036610
Quoted by: >>80037035

>By the way, I want to make an important point before I head out. Filian's usage of the Rindo model for streaming has been entirely within the scope of the license. The apparent point of contention is about merch.


Okay, but another issue is she's stated that she just ripped the model from the get go, never getting it from booth in the first place, so aren't we back to square one here?

>> No.80036639
Quoted by: >>80037667

A lot of people have had it out for Filian. Those people are praying this is enough to ruin her life. It won't be.

>> No.80036846

Based unashamed shitposter

>> No.80036979

She's giving permission to make filian merch, not Rindo merch.

>> No.80037013
Quoted by: >>80037185


>> No.80037035
Quoted by: >>80037916

So yeah she may have to pay a fine for this if someone even care enough about it. Irrelevant.

The issue is making money directly with the copyrighted design, not using it to stream, unless specifically forbidden.

>> No.80037185

It's still filian and not Rindo. The original asset isn't used at all.

>> No.80037210
Quoted by: >>80037407

You need to understand that a streamer using an asset doesn't make the streamer = the asset. Rindo and Filian are not the same thing. Filian is merely using a product.

>> No.80037267
Quoted by: >>80037407

There is no filian you retard. She is using a completely unaltered and 0 changes Rindo model

>> No.80037336

Legit retard. Try to sell nicky mouse merch with the only difference from Mickey being nicky has green eyes and let's see how it goes.

>> No.80037392

wait there's WHAT out there?
...Are there doujins for the other jingo models? They're really fucking hot

>> No.80037407
Quoted by: >>80037521

>Rindo and Filian are not the same thing.

Filian is a vtuber that has visual features of Rindo but isn't literally Rindo.

That's totally legal.

>> No.80037437

(Me) Please do it for real. I want to see a filian pre schooler end up in jail.

>> No.80037521

Do it then.

>> No.80037667

>A lot of people have had it out for Filian. Those people are praying this is enough to ruin her life.
I don't get this mindset... I mean I do, it's envy, a short-term emotion. But these people don't realize that they themselves foster this type of mentality that will affect them if they get to big?
>aka build an image / community that preys on someone bigger then get preyed yourself when you get bigger
The only reasons why someone would do it is, they don't plan on becoming bigger or they're idiots. Of course this dismisses anyone who's only a fan and refers to people who want to build a fanbase(artists and other wannabe vtubers)

>> No.80037709

Stop trying to deflect using NDF. I consider Filian and Niji organs to be the same level of talentless garbage that have no passion or love in them and should be shunned out of Vtubing forever. Hope she reincarnates as a fleshstreamer after this debacle and takes her annoying zoomer fanbase with her.

>> No.80037721

Kek, I missed this. Filian is fucking cooked all the cope is useless when GSC itself admitted it.

>> No.80037729

Dangerously based.

>> No.80037859

Give me a single reason why Filian getting in trouble isn't justified.

>> No.80037916


So there is literally no issue with her pirating this asset, recoloring it, and then amassing an entire career off of it? That's before we even get to merch sales because she never purchased this asset to contact the original studio in the first place.

>> No.80037928

Kids need their daiily dose of TikTok

>> No.80037984

>Ask a question
>You're a Filian cuck
Kill yourself unironically you single celled mouth breathing faggot.

>> No.80038046
Quoted by: >>80038233

She didn't recolor it. All the assets are included in the download.

>> No.80038070
Quoted by: >>80038705

Because if she gets got for this, that means she'll... stop streaming for a week while she preps and finally uses the sekrit model thats been ready for over a year now. It's an armageddon scenario here, truly.

>> No.80038233

You idiots just play ignorant because you have nothing to better to do

>> No.80038324

Cope. Laughing at retards on the internet is my hobby.

>> No.80038388

Why didn't Filian remake her model like Neuro to avoid problems?

>> No.80038475
Quoted by: >>80038908

You're the one trying to argue the fact that there's no problem with her pirating the model, despite the fact that if she pirated the model that means 100% of her streams are illegally using the model, as opposed to just having problems with the merch rights in the scenario that she did buy it. The absolute worst argument you could make in her defense is that she pirated it as a result.

>> No.80038514
Quoted by: >>80038603

Why didn't Filian remake her model like Neuro to avoid DMCA problems?

>> No.80038551

Because using a model she paid nothing for is part of her brand and she's the main representative of the "western indies don't need permission for shit unlike those cucked japs" mindset.

>> No.80038559
Quoted by: >>80038908

There is an issue with pirating the asset. There is no issue with recoloring it (I mean, not unlinked to the pirating) and there is no issue with using it to stream. The only issue is pirating, stealing, but what you do with something you steal is unrelated to the crime of stealing.

The merch sales are, indeed, a massive fuck up and I'm completely on the artists' side on these. Worst thing is, it's not like she's the only one in trouble. Any company making products from a copyrighted, stolen, design can get massively fucked.

That being said, knowing Filian I'm pretty sure she'll land on her feet, no one wants a trial, everyone wants money. They could use this opportunity to make a deal and I wouldn't even be surprised.

>> No.80038595
Quoted by: >>80038669

That's the funny thing.

She did. She has a Filian model made from the ground up for her specifically that's in the metaphorical vault, never used once but has existed as an option for a very long time.

>> No.80038603

Audience reflects the streamer. Both are mentally challenged.

>> No.80038669
Quoted by: >>80038797

Is there any proof that it actually exists?

>> No.80038705

Isn't this just helping the justification for Filian getting her ass slapped for this?

>> No.80038722

Grifters do not like spending money

>> No.80038797

He is lying out of his ass. Its a Rindo model that was made

>> No.80038824


>> No.80038875


>> No.80038878

I'm not talking about the live2d model, I'm talking about a 3D model she's mentioned on stream for probably a year, year and a half now. At least to my knowledge. Sadly I can't find a clip of her speaking about it specifically so I don't blame you for saying I'm full of shit, you can probably dig through the archive and find some mention of it though.

>> No.80038892

Bro if Jingo finds out she has been doing this behind his back its going to be all out war
>not credited anywhere

>> No.80038908

I was arguing the opposite

The fact that she admitted several times that she pirated the model means that there's no real ground to stand on trying to argue about whether she can or cannot sell merch since she didn't buy the model in the first place

>That being said, knowing Filian I'm pretty sure she'll land on her feet, no one wants a trial, everyone wants money. They could use this opportunity to make a deal and I wouldn't even be surprised.
Yeah this is just a blip, she could definitely have another model up and swing for another nen in no time, it's just crazy that this had to happen twice for her to do something about it

>> No.80039197

NTA but he's probably talking about the infamous filian "debut" meme

>> No.80039489

Someone send this to Jingo so they can claim ownership of it lmao

>> No.80039628

She deleted her tweet

>> No.80039734
Quoted by: >>80039819

What was the tweet? A screen shot of it since its deleted maybe faggot

>> No.80039762
Quoted by: >>80039907

manager stepping in
Also, it was probably just to test the waters, and also pretty hard to read.

>> No.80039819


>> No.80039907
Quoted by: >>80040138

She is her own manager https://x.com/filianIsLost/status/1797534860971843587

>> No.80039990

Uh oh

>> No.80039996
Quoted by: >>80040182

I think the main takeaway from all this is that you can never trust a Filipino.

>> No.80040138

Not a chance (even though a "manager" would only step in during a crisis)

>> No.80040145

>deleted tweet
Uh oh

>> No.80040182
File: 318 KB, 480x452, GL_nH6RbQAAL-l0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80040394

because unlike tutel she's not using her brain

>> No.80040550
Quoted by: >>80040782

Despite the stream persona, she's not dumb, not that dumb
So she just thought she was above consequences and that it "wasn't worth fixing" this potential problem. Also, it became her image a long time ago, changing it wasn't worth the trouble since she thought it would never have consequences.

>> No.80040712

>Everyone who shits on my indie whore is a nijisister!!!
Fuck off

>> No.80040742

sister-coded language

>> No.80040782
Quoted by: >>80041235

>thought it would never have consequences.
So what you’re saying is that she’s dumb.

>> No.80040811

*uh oh*

>> No.80041129

Hololive fans are famous for loving twitch indies so if you hate them you are definitely a nijisister.

>> No.80041235

Nah, honestly more of a slacker. It's not like you think it will never have consequences but more like not wanting to face the possibility. Either way, I gave my opinion

>> No.80044692

You don't have to dislike her to think she fucked up.

>> No.80044967

Considering how fucking copyright law illiterate they have demonstrated themselves to be recently, it is obvious they are all children without any life experience or critical thinking skills.

>> No.80045069

if you take two L, flip one of them, rotate both by 45deg and combine them to touch points, it is niji W

>> No.80047069


>> No.80049397

Beyond based, keep going king.

>> No.80050885

Do people seriously believe that "sister's" would waste their precious time of filian?

>> No.80051110
Quoted by: >>80051204

most probably liggers but 100% includes nijinigs, holofans, vshojofans, and small indie fans. Oh, probably phasecucks too, especially those retards

>> No.80051204

I find it funny how corpocucks pretend to be ontologically superior to everyone else but are clearly insecure about any logger stealing even a hint of their thunder. Success isn't enough, they want monopoly. A gross sentiment.

>> No.80051741

stop breaking the law, asshole!

>> No.80051847

>logger stealing even a hint of their thunder
None of them have done that to this date.

>> No.80052089

to be fair liggers sure seem to be good at stealing lmao

>> No.80052253

Who the fuck is this fox bitch and why do people keep spamming the catalog over this literal nobody

>> No.80052359

Don’t blame NDF for your whore of an oshi’s mistakes. Watching sisters and snackers right now is like watching two retards fighting.

>> No.80052407
File: 512 KB, 955x715, 63737347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i refuse to believe someone is going around posting his pic in every filian related thread
captcha: pnoy on

>> No.80052443

>Breaking the law, breaking the law!

>> No.80052528

They deleted the tweet announcing her figure lmao

>> No.80052677

It's kind of odd how suddenly so many people have turned on her, it's like watching a swarm of piranhas eat something. I don't think it even has much to do with us, so much as random sisters being extremely jealous of her success being given an excuse to tear her down just fucking ripping her to shreds.

>> No.80052946
File: 460 KB, 1774x1754, doki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet fillian's fans are seething knowing their retard oshi got her merch post deleted and canceled but this one is still getting all the views

>> No.80054632

What are you talking about? The dramafags are holobronies
