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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79929742 No.79929742 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people get upset over male interaction? Is interacting with males detrimental to your CCV and income?

>> No.79930267

It is detrimental to my vtuber enjoyment. Homos are boring horny pests that don't bring anything good during a collab.

>> No.79930389

Kiwifarms took over the board about 8 months ago, that's basically it.

>> No.79930678
Quoted by: >>79962146

I think it's safe for Gigi to interact with homos now, it's not like she has high CCV anyway for it to be a risk

>> No.79930802

Why are you fags so retarded? people want to watch anime girls, not dudes flirting with anime girls.

>> No.79930929

>dudes flirting with anime girls
>half of chat makes horny jokes and go ''AYOOO''
do you listen to yourself?

>> No.79930935

I don't want to watch women flirting with women either, homosexuality is wrong.

>> No.79930999

Considering viewers are split between Gigi and ERB, she's actually destroying Ceceilia lol

Unicorns are so pathetic, ERB will be the most SCed and highest CCV holoen member soon

>> No.79931443

>its okay to have sex on stream because the chat is saying it
do you listen to yourself homobeggar?
you are gay, so you are wrong.

>> No.79931607

>holo vs holo
how is the empty concert nijinigger?

>> No.79931661

Wrong, ERB is s going to be a Kiara and Gigi will be on top. Ceci has a chance of she does lots of asmr and gfe.

>> No.79931698

Probably baiting, but I'll bite: A lot of people have crushes/are in love with their our are searching for a chuuba to fill that role. When you have an actual girlfriend IRL it doesn't matter if she chats with her male coworkers because at the end of the night she's going home with you, you're fucking her, etc. When you're watching a chuuba, there is no such defense, no such security.

>> No.79932156
Quoted by: >>79962146

I'll give my personal opinion lol It's not upsetting, it's just not interesting to me, I won't talk shit or anything but I also won't watch. I just want to chill from my stressing life and watch cute anime girls. Men aren't the same, it's not cute.

>> No.79933087

If you want a serious answer, males aren't the problem, it's the homos.
Men = professionals (like Kojima)
Homo = leeching sex-pests that can't go 5 minutes without being horny. Just look at the flip homo.

>> No.79933272

I don't see how this imagine implies anything that you wrote.

>> No.79933765

I hate StarsEN. I hate their fans. The average male ENVtuber fan is a retard that shits up everything they're apart of. as a Chad CGDCT enjoyer I want nothing to do with them. That's why

>> No.79933859

ITT Sisters trying hard to steer the conversation away from the absolute failure that was the AX Nijisanji booth

>> No.79933927
Quoted by: >>79937801

clearly not, since HoloJP exists.

>> No.79934274


>> No.79934454
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i only watch vtubers to fill a void of female interaction and i watch my oshi because i want to be with her irl. if i watch a stream and i hear a male voice i just leave. if i wanted to watch a man i would just tune into my flesh streamer oshi

>> No.79934467

We want cute anime girls. Cute girls doing cute things. Guys have nothing to do with that. They by definition are not and never are and never can be the same mood and content as cute girls. I don't even dislike them on principle unless their actions paint them as terrible people (like Luca, and I apply the exact same standard to girls too).

To me being asked to treat them all the same is like being asked "why don't you want an ice cream sundae mixed in with your Chinese food, psssh quit being a baby it's all food just accept it." Yes it is all food and edible, but they don't taste good together and nothing you can ever say can convince me otherwise. Girls like ERB are like a Chinese restaurant constantly pushing that you go try the ice cream sundae. We can already start to see the effects of this.

>> No.79934527

>Why do people get upset over male interaction?
They aren't entertaining and are just in the hobby to try to fuck vtubers the same way women enter male dominated hobbies to try to fuck men
>Is interacting with males detrimental to your CCV and income?
No but disregarding fans is and the overlap between male collabers and vtubers that don't try to make entertaining content for their fans is like a 90% crossover

>> No.79934626
File: 224 KB, 890x858, they don't even care about holostars only to own u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's all political in nature.

>> No.79934688

there's a surprisingly large overlap between tranny activists and homobeggars

>> No.79934766
Quoted by: >>79936028

Basically this, if I wanted to watch dudes I've got plenty of dude YouTubers I watch near daily. These are cool dudes who like shit I like, not effeminate guys gaybaiting for a teenage girl audience. That isn't for me, I do not want it. Keep it out my sight and I won't care, it has its role and its audience and that's fine. But don't shove them in my face to get to force me to care about them and never, ever try to guilt trip me or coerce me into liking/watching them or else they won't like me anymore :'(. That's manipulative bullshit tactics and I don't have time or care to try to please some rich internet panhandler's feelings.

>> No.79934912

Ok sister, I bet your panties get soaked when two homos tease kissing each other.

>> No.79934935
Quoted by: >>79935048

That was after CC raid btw

>> No.79935028

kf unironically loves homos and always have so this post is funny

>> No.79935048
Quoted by: >>79962790

notice how whenever there's multiple people streaming the worst ones always receive the raid

>> No.79935065
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Quoted by: >>79946723

desu males should be the ones everyone else leeches off of

>> No.79935123

>I don't know about y'all but I tried to watch every Bettel stream to up the viewership because a certain toxic corner of the fanbase uses 'live viewership' to dunk on holostars and define 'success' but it always felt futile and demoralizing because the viewership was nowhere close to the girls and eventually gave up.

>But now that Liz has debuted and openly shitting on and pissing off this toxic minority within the holo fanbase and she is getting very high viewership, I am watching every stream of hers and will support her financially because I really believe she has the talent, charisma and being a girl, has a realistic chance of being in the top 5 most 'live viewership' holoEN member and it makes me so excited to see them mald and cope trying to dismiss her numbers and achievements.

>I hope other starmin can give her a chance and support her by tuning into her streams especially when she collabs with the boys after the collab ban. The mixed collabs should get higher viewership than girls only collabs and this will encourage the other girls to dismiss any worries of losing fans or backlash.

>> No.79935131

Trannies are jealous of the usual cute girl because it embodies something they desperately want to be but never ever will have in their lives. It's being so cute and feminine that it is sustainable as a job and is a daily showering of love for being cute and feminine. It's everything they want but never will get. So no surprise they are grass green with envy and will always take any options out there to try to dig at them or make the experience less fun for the audience out of the deepest of spite.

>> No.79935167
File: 136 KB, 625x625, 1674970035735627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Echoing this
>Get off of work
>Want to relax
>Options are chill girl doin' gamin or guy cussing a lot and getting mad at video games
The Hololive girls barely bring up sex at all (save for Shiori and Gigi talking about their yaoi/yuri crap on occasion. I don't want to think about it.
The closest Holostar I got into watching was Gamma and I was down for it until he built a gigantic pile of shit in Minecraft.
I eat when I get off of work man. Give me a break here.

>> No.79935223
Quoted by: >>79935517

>Homosexuality is straight
>Heterosexuality is gay
Kino. Mr Kojima-san i got a new idea for a game that you might like.

>> No.79935517
Quoted by: >>79945445

cuckoldry is gayer than homosexuality
willingly watching is cuckoldry sex you arent having is cuckoldry

>> No.79935541

if i want to watch male x female interaction, i can just watch porn

>> No.79935653

An important note is that some female chuubas have cultivated audiences that are more open to male interaction. The most successful is probably Dokibird. Her dragoons not only dgaf about the genitals of her collab partners, but a large number of them are female "femgoons" anyway who doubly don't care. Although she isn't too popular in /vt/, Ironmouse also can collab with males without her fans minding. As the poster child of Vshojo, she both has the power and arguably the responsibility to tend to any new talents there, regardless of gender. Finally, we have ones like Elizabeth Bloodflame and Juna Una who sometimes encounter controversy from adjacent intra-agency fandoms for their preference for male collabs, but do so anyway because they use their interactions to effectively gatekeep the unicorns surrounding their coed enclaves.

Whatever path a female chuuba chooses, perhaps the most important thing is to stick with it. The people who get punished hardest for male collabs, are female chuubas who are reaching out to males for the first time.

>> No.79935674

>has a realistic chance of being in the top 5 most 'live viewership' holoEN
poor mental patient

>> No.79935921
Quoted by: >>79936786

Not to shit on dokibird but neither of them are nearly as successful as holos

>> No.79936014
Quoted by: >>79936120

All I am learning from reading through all this, is that unicorns are crying fags on a social justice crusade to instill the social norms they want - which is to gatekeep their imaginary relationships with entertainers they throw money at. Laughable delusion.

>> No.79936028
Quoted by: >>79936261

I never got this "just watch a male flesh streamer" response. If it was as simple as that, I wouldn't watching vtubers in the first place, men or women. I want to watch content creation in the form of anime, and male flesh streamers are by and large anti-weeb or aggressively normie. We need more genuine unironic brotubers like Heavenlyfather.

>> No.79936120
Quoted by: >>79936920

Yes, I too believe transgender women should be allowed in female bathrooms, we need to smash these decrepit social norms!

>> No.79936227
Quoted by: >>79943907

Unikeks don't qualify as people and last time I checked the unikek club only had 60 members LuL

>> No.79936261

its more nuanced than simply not wanting a male anime character, i just consider vtubing women and vtubing men to be like oil and water, you shouldnt mix them. watching a male vtuber who is just like a regular guy but with a live2d avatar or who puts effort into it is fine but i dont want to see them collabing with or polluting my female vtuber streams.
the worst is when you tune in to a vtuber you like and theyre streaming and there is just a faceless male voice hanging out with them in VC or something along those lines.

>> No.79936702
Quoted by: >>79936741

So you just hate men?

>> No.79936741

yes i hate men which is why i said it was perfectly fine to be a male vtuber and i also said previously that i watch male streamers

>> No.79936782

I disagree on the mixing (or Dokibird streams wouldn't be entertaining) but let's set that aside and assume a male and female vtuber interacting is never a good idea no matter what. Both posts being responded to implied there's no reason to watch a male vtuber or a male flesh streamer, a sentiment I've seen multiple times. People can have their preferences, but there's this aggressively myopic view of vtubing that genuinely seems to limit the entire medium (at least in the en-speaking world)

>> No.79936786
Quoted by: >>79937140

It is true that Dokibird will never have the same reach as Gura. However, as a 4view she is easily larger than most vtubers overall, and she is financially successful enough to drop 150-300k on a single skinsuit reveal.* You don't necessarily have to be the biggest vtuber overall or even the biggest in your particular niche to be "successful."

>*Dokibird is notoriously irresponsible with money, but the fact that she can get away with this is also quite illustrative too.

>> No.79936841

"watch a male vtuber over a male flesh streamer"
Fuckin hitting reply too fast.

>> No.79936861
File: 257 KB, 1113x1016, GRQ2suVbEAAAF1H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most chuubas especially 4views are open about collabing with males, some even benefit greatly off of such interactions.
The "male = bad" bit only really pertains to Hololive and other corpolikes concerning their target audiences.

>> No.79936920

I'd much rather have a trans woman in the lady's toilet than at the urinal next to me. :\ Maybe it's because I'm not gay, but I don't typically notice the genitals of the men peeing next to me. But I'd sure as hell notice if they had fake boobs.

>> No.79936948

bad example, the vine gang isn't full of sex pests

>> No.79937140

she's in the top 1% for sure, her manager definitely earned a seat in heaven for all of their support

>> No.79937254

Yes, and the fact that you chose Limealicious as your image adds to the point. Dokibird, Filian, and Limealicious all have VERY different streaming personas, yet they still are similar in that their audience will let them collab with virtually anyone. As you note, corporate vtubers seem to find themselves with less tolerant fandoms, but fortunately we are seeing some corporate Vtubers like Juna and ERB fighting to change the culture.

>> No.79937320
Quoted by: >>79937591

You think she's only collabing with Vinesauce people? She's as much in twitch vtuber circles as anyone. Hell, she's collabed with Porcelainmaid and has shown up in multiple Holostars chats.

>> No.79937395
Quoted by: >>79938226

Would they be ok with holos reaching out to people like OneyPlays?

>> No.79937535

Vinesauce hasn't been a close group of friends who constantly collab with eachother for like, 7 years. They all obviously talk but they've almost never been attached at the hip outside of Imakuni and Hootey. Hell Vinny and Limes went from a collab or two a year to like 7 in this year so far, further proving that Vinesauce has NO IONGRTEGRTIOY^T RT, as is known.

>> No.79937553

No surprise all ccvs in the west are dropping , mixed gender banter preferable for entertainment purposes, this is why the biggest hits in every media is mixed , like the power rangers . For discussion , for comedy ,for working cooperation it gets less stale with time if it is mixed gender rather than just girls or just bros

>> No.79937591
Quoted by: >>79937719


Limealicious still has a reputation for wholesomeness, and she maintains it when outside her circle. When Limealicious took part in Dokibird's wrestletuber mass collab and was given the chance to trash talk her opponent Kai, she instead talked about how she hoped to win the fight quickly because she wanted to take a nap. (By contrast, Kai was talking about how she'd take Limealicious's "limes", squirt them in her eyeballs, and then beat her ass, which Dokibird and cohost Mint promptly turned into a sex joke about eating ass)

>> No.79937719
Quoted by: >>79938021

Which is funny, because Limes loves rimming. It's like all she talks about. She's constantly asking chat if they wanna rim.

>> No.79937801

But even the top of HoloJP (be it viewership or SC / merch) is heavily dominated by unicorn-friendly Holos. For one Suisei there are multiple others (Pekora, Marine, Migo, etc.)

>> No.79937897
Quoted by: >>79938465

>unicorn friendly

>> No.79937979

>fighting to change the culture

>> No.79938006
Quoted by: >>79938465

pekora? Marine? unicorn friendly?

>> No.79938021

When your personality doesn't revolve around being a disgusting whore like 90% of twitch, making dirty jokes sometimes is actually funny.

>> No.79938226

Holostars would probably do better with the Oneyplays crew. Most would feel right at home on the couch with them (especially Bettel who had similar content pre-vtubing). The problem would be some of their newer fanbases. It reminds me of NotVesper and NotMagni's first post-graduation stream together and there was one girl in chat getting legitimately offended by some of the unfiltered stuff they were saying. If Chris pulls a Donkey Kong censor with any active Holostars boys, twitter would throw a fit.

>> No.79938346

unicorn won sister, time to accept the truth

>> No.79938465
Quoted by: >>79938602

Yes, they are both unicorn friendly unless you are a shitposter. Professional activities always get a pass.

>> No.79938467

Because if you aren't shipfag/beggar than it's shit content

>> No.79938511

someone like dokibird isn't a Holo. if she joined holo, it would then become something people question. a non-holo doing male collabs is just expected as possible generally. it's disappointing to some if it happens but it's basically like "well what did you expect.." in response.

the thing is Hololive's fame and fortune and clout, 99.99% of it, comes precisely from its cute girls atmosphere collabs and psuedo-idolish kind of thing a lot of its talents have going. it's no surprise or secret that the company's success has nothing whatsoever to do with dudes, they are relatively a non-factor that exists technically because yagoo has some insecurity that cover isn't as good as anycolor unless it has large market share in the female audience demographic; japanese companies pretty much fucking live by monkey-see-monkey-do mentality. if you join holo and want to try to force in male collabs are a regular thing you're ignoring the reality of all the history and star power of the brand and that's perceived as ignorant or disrespectful in trying to upend the successful formula due to main character syndrome. the audience was built by fans of cute girls. it leads the market because of cute girls. so to join it and go "you know what fuck all your cute girls shit you need to put up with me because I'm a big boss bitch" just makes you look like a narcissist shitter who thinks she's hot shit and the boss of the world now because cover graciously allowed her to join their company. this just naturally evokes a "she needs to learn she doesn't run this shit" kind of response in cute girls fans hence we constantly see the pushback.

>> No.79938565

>>79935653 (me)
One thing that (most) successful male-collabing female chuubas DO have in common is that they don't flirt with their collab-mates. Forgot to add that.

>> No.79938602

A male collab is a professional activity, then.

>> No.79938708

male collab to "own le unicorn" or "destroy the culture" are not professional and belong to whatever twitter or twitch garbage they belong to

>> No.79938753
Quoted by: >>79938867

doki literally has a boyfriend she never talks about on stream, and when she collabs with other girls she never mentions males unless they're comfortable with it. She's no different to unicorn panderers.

>> No.79938764

This WOULD be a valid point, but Elizabeth Bloodflame has not only revolted against this culture right off the bat, but as of right now she has really gained traction too. I suspect that some of her audience comes from outside the typical hololive demographic, but even so the fact that she is "inside" the so-called walled garden might be the key that lets her blow it up.

>> No.79938778

fuck off homobeggar

>> No.79938779

She just wants to sing, man. The dudes sing too.

>> No.79938826

all male vtubers and vtube adjacent streamers are massive cocksuckers who ruin any stream they are in and 99% of them are only in vtubing to try to fuck the girls

>> No.79938867
Quoted by: >>79939108

Do you have a source? The only reference I could find to Dokibird having a boyfriend was an old post stating that she used to have one in her pre-Niji days, but ended the relationship when she had to choose between him and streaming.

Either way, her fans likely wouldn't care.

>> No.79938898
Quoted by: >>79950101

kobo went from being gura level sub getting to being lucky to get $20 in supers a stream.

>> No.79939083

Ollie was popular at first too, just sayin'. Whatever audience that's tapping into, it does not have a good track record. Meanwhile, people openly wonder "how the FUCK does Gura still pull 30k viewers" years later even when she does almost jack fucking shit and mistreats her position. it's because cute girls fans are the true heartwood core of the holo fandom, simple as. she stays cute and true to how she's been? the audience can expect to have a good time watching a cute girl and nothing more or less? they'll watch.

>> No.79939108
Quoted by: >>79946517

iirc she broke up with him pre-niji. She even had art of her with him way, way, WAY back. Like earlier than 2018 back. I'd be surprised as hell if she ever found the time to find someone during or after her Niji days, though. She's constantly overworking herself with projects and surrounded by her helicopter parents. Any dude who'd date her would have to put up with barely, if ever being able to see her, and that little time would be her minutes away from passing out.

>> No.79939236
Quoted by: >>79939354

A male collab is a professional activities if it's done for, well, purely professional reasons, in professional environment or is beneficial to the streamer's career (instead of the streamers' own interest in playing with each other). That's why IRyS is unicorn friendly even though she worked with Dokomi's catboy. Why Pekora is unicorn friendly despite her collab with the fat JP celeb (carefully vetted and monitored by management). The examples go on and on.
Collabing with males because the chuuba wants to enjoy her time with them, on the other hand,...

>> No.79939253

What indication was something like boomer vs zoomer a means to "own le unicorns" or destroy idol culture"? I feel like the only collab where you could make that argument about would be the vesper kronii therapy stream.

>> No.79939354
Quoted by: >>79942645

so basically it's only okay if they're literally forced to do it by their contract and have no agency in the situation?

>> No.79939501

Only time will tell. The fall of Nijisanji has released a large number of coed-friendly fans (like me) into the rest of the vtuber ecosystem. So maybe this time will be different. Or maybe not.

>> No.79939750
File: 708 KB, 2400x1080, no one needed to 'own' anyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79940538

It's always about fighting a culture war, morality, and virtue signaling, but never about simply enjoying things as they are, wasn't it?

>> No.79940538

Why yes. I do support talent freedom, thank you very much.

>> No.79940794

>The fall of Nijisanji has released a large number of coed-friendly fans
nijien quality plummeted after Luxiem

>> No.79941132
Quoted by: >>79941854

You don't watch streams do you? To not understand the context of my post and picrel.

>> No.79941854

She attended the 11bit Studio event in person, had Q&A and some interviews with the developers, had fun and that's it. No Drama, No Issues and a seamless integration of males on stream. Why is it that when you guys try to change a culture, the first thing that comes to mind is to forcing it?

>> No.79942005
Quoted by: >>79943079

>talent freedom
finally outed yourself faggot, get out, theres no talent freedom in holo and get filtered faggot.

>> No.79942515

I want CGDCT just like Jap promised.

>> No.79942645

They don't need to be forced - it's all a matter of image. As long as the fans can be convinced that the interactions were done professionally (ideally, but not neccessarily for work / career progress), it's ok.
Like, Pekora's collab with Hikakin was her own idea, but it was convincing enough that it was done professionally (vetted and carefully monitored by the management as she said) and for business (the guy is popular so it was beneficial for Pekora or both of them) so it was all fine.
Similarly, it was why Miko who used to collab with males when she was a nobody, was still able to switch to the "no male allowed" stance afterwards without being shat on by her fans.

>> No.79942644

Hey, you could just leave ERB be instead of getting all huffy over the fact that she speaks to men.

>> No.79942815

don't tell them, the homobeggars will use it to attack kronii and demand more homocollabs.

>> No.79943079

Context: some dramatuber put out a video using 4chan posts to support their narrative, now the board is infested with bait threads for the next one. This is alongside nijisisters making deflection threads with the recent event

>> No.79943527
Quoted by: >>79949453

Being a vtuber in itself shapes your entire stream. All your content is permeated by the feel given off by your model, like food cooked with spice. Having that model on the screen is like a neon sign constantly blaring 'Look at me. This is me. This is what I want you to see. Everything I do, everything I say, is coming from this.'
And knowing that it is artificial, knowing it is a deliberate statement of intent, basically means that model is always subject to a critical, judgmental eye. You have a bare, exposed muscular chest - are you trying to attract gay men? You have hair with a shock of other colours and a scar on your face - are you chuuni, do you seriously think this is cool? You're wearing a dapper suit - are you trying to pretend to be well-dressed and rich? Because we know you're just a streamer. This feeling of duplicity, of basically looking at someone wearing a muscle suit, is what turns people off.
Women don't have this problem, because even knowing its artificial, the kind of conclusions people jump to there instead are 'you're trying so hard to make me think you're cute. Aww, you're trying to hard to pretend you're a princess/student/demon lord.' They want to buy into what the woman is selling. They don't want to buy into what the man is selling.
That's why male flesh streamers escape this, just by not having that low-level feeling as though someone is (badly) roleplaying in front of you all the time.

>> No.79943617

the one on top will be Ceci.

>> No.79943813


>> No.79943907

These responses show how pathetic the anti-unicorns are.

>> No.79944566
File: 168 KB, 440x622, 11medc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79946409


>> No.79944872


>> No.79944876
Quoted by: >>79945267

gonna cry? make another thread to seethe? poor unicorn, nobody likes him and people think he is mentally ill

>> No.79944941

>Most chuubas
lol NO, most chuubas specially the biggest one are NO MALES collab

>> No.79944995


>> No.79945058

Pretty much

>> No.79945179

chalking up the difference between Liz's CCV and Cece's CCV as "hurr one doesn't talk to males" instead of the latter being a better streamer than the former , lol

>> No.79945267

stop crying sisters, create another ERB thread as many as you want, that wont change the fact that unicorn won again, no males collaber will always win.

>> No.79945372

Biggest in terms of what? Who cares about CCV when you're literally signing deals here and there. See Suisei, Mori, Kobo.

>> No.79945389
Quoted by: >>79947006

Males actually don't lower the viewcount, every single case was actually the streamer just being worse than the rest

>> No.79945445

Is it cuckoldry if I never thought of them as an oshi in the first place? Try again fag.

>> No.79945499

Pretty sure the debuff was not only ERB but Gigi as well. She isn't very interesting.

>> No.79945566

fippy bippy

>> No.79945967

>"destroy the culture
You have no idea what that really is

>> No.79946285
Quoted by: >>79946458

This can’t be real

>> No.79946409

The three comments in order are:
-a fallacy
-/pol/ bullshit

>> No.79946458

See >>79934626 it fits perfectly

>> No.79946492

Unicorns are a myth, only the mentally ill use them as a mask.

>> No.79946517

Being a househusband tard wrangling your streamer wife sounds like a good life

>> No.79946609

vtubers basically replaced cute girls doing cute things anime for me
i don't want dudes in my cute girls doing cute things anime, and i don't want them in my vtuber streams

this too, contant yuribaiting is about as obnoxious. though i do like when the girls are actually honest about their sexuality and lust for dick sometimes, towa thirsting over ed was really cute when she first started

>> No.79946664

>>I hope other starmin...

>> No.79946723


>> No.79947006
File: 22 KB, 1797x78, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the final offhand remark to add insult to injury after homobeggars have decimated the core fanbase, sucked the talent dry of any future growth potential and tossed them to one side
>They were never good

>> No.79947945
Quoted by: >>79950356

Perhaps the bigger question is why don't more female chuubas pursue the path laid down by Dokibird, Juna, and others that would allow them to expand the coed-friendly niche? Perhaps it is harder to be genuinely entertaining as a comedian than it is to simply harden some weeb penis.

Because if there is one thing that IS common across all male-collab female chuubas, it is that they do NOT coomerbait. (well, not on purpose cough cough Juna)

>> No.79948024

Again this timeloop?
Vtubers are characters. Yes, they are 99% improv, but they are still characters. (I like calling it "stand-up anime.") And I happen to dislike flirty people irl, so I don't watch flirty characters. Simple as.
>though i do like when the girls are actually honest about their sexuality
Agree, occasional such comments are ok, I have no problem with that.

>> No.79948356

Vesper was cool. But I only got to watch a few streams and then he flipped. I guess mental illness is a job requirement, but on a girl it can be cute, depending on other factors, on a guy no.

>> No.79948385

it's annoying how many guys like that doll faggot are v-tubers now

>> No.79948673

Why do kenzocucks love dick so much?

>> No.79949113

Gigi is into Yuri? I need to watch her more.

>> No.79949453
Quoted by: >>79949525

I guess I just interact with this medium differently than most people. I just like the idea of real-ass dialogue coming out of anime characters. Like Smiling Friends, but anime.
Remove Holo from the equation, you got Shondo and... that's about it. Ironmouse, Numi, Bao, Dokibird, Filian, Onigiri, Anny, Chibidoki, entirety of Vshojo, most small corpos; they all collab with men.

>> No.79949525
Quoted by: >>79949651

so you just have to remove the largest v-tuber company for your faggy example to work?

>> No.79949651
Quoted by: >>79949857

The post you initially quoted literally said Holo is the exception. There are tens of thousands of vtubers outside of Hololive, some of which are bigger than many Hololive members. It's like saying "there are no shooters on Nintendo consoles, therefore shooters don't exist."

>> No.79949857
Quoted by: >>79950291

so only the ones outside the most successful v-tuber company matter? sounds like whore cope to me

>> No.79950101
Quoted by: >>79950799

tourist? gura has never been good with supas

>> No.79950189

unicorns are hardly people OP, they are basement dwellers

>> No.79950291
Quoted by: >>79950346

But the entirety of JP does male collabs, as well as a chunk of EN.
Sounds to me like male collabing is the future.

>> No.79950346

anon this thread is about hololive

>> No.79950356

>Perhaps it is harder to be genuinely entertaining as a comedian than it is to simply harden some weeb penis.
Bingo, unicorns are coomers who want their precious fetish idol for themselves, so they can fap and pretend their are dating exclusively. Most female chuubas coast on their horniness, but suck at being entertaining to a wider audience - or being professionally consistent for that matter. This is also why many look at vtuber fans as if they are freaks, because we get associated with coomer unicorns and their autistic possessiveness.

>> No.79950431

is this a seething 2 view I smell

>> No.79950603

>men are boring horny pests that don't bring anything good
Many such cases

>> No.79950769
File: 37 KB, 518x437, 1657290912712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get into a loser hobby
>surprised said hobby is filled with losers
The most self-aware normalfag on the entire 4chinz.

>> No.79950799

are you fucking retarded or can you not read? Kobo was one of the fastest ever to 1 mill and now has 2.5 mill. aka gura level sub growth. now that she is full fag enabler no one ever superchats her when she streams and she has like zero members. Gura makes in the hundreds of thousands per year in members alone and has received more SCs all time than Suisei despite Gura intentionally nerfing herself by refusing to do SC reading streams and turning SCs off all the time and never streaming.
Fucking pippa made $254,000 in SCs in 2023, fuwamoco made $245,000, Kaela made $157,000. Kobo made $96,500 of SCs lifetime. in the past week Kobo has mad $94.

>> No.79951136

NTA but why bring up suisei? she was never in the conversation for high SC earning in the first place, her fanbase spends it all on merch.

jesas, really?

>> No.79951230
File: 1.36 MB, 1488x2000, unicorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am honestly impressed, that anon has pierced the veil. Unicorns are some sad shits.

>> No.79951485

There's a reason she shilled her tier 2 membership on her 2nd anniversary promising ASMR (she got 10 takers)

>> No.79951532

pretty funny how an affluent group of people generates so much seethe for supporting the things they enjoy, or rather for not supporting the things they don't enjoy

>> No.79951716
Quoted by: >>79951801

>ERB is s going to be a Kiara
So she'll be pro-unicorn with a diehard fanbase?

>> No.79951800
Quoted by: >>79951902

suisei debuted 2 years before Gura

>> No.79951801

I think it's more of a shiori situation where she sets specific expectations during debut and ends up with a diehard fanbase of hololive antis

>> No.79951902

so? she also never did SC readings and she had like 300 viewers tops before 2020. i'm just thinking that propping gura up would make more sense by using a holo that does do SC readings and gura still earns more than.

>> No.79952429
Quoted by: >>79952665

>toxic minority within the holo fanbase
On twitter I exclusively follow holos and the artists they retweet and it struck me the other day how almost none of them ever acknowledge stars in any capacity whatsoever. They don't make art of them, they don't retweet any official announcements relating to them, their followers never bring them up and they're never called unicorns or incels for it. I had literally one that would post the occasional piece including holostars who I would've happily continued to follow them if they didn't go and make a snarky sister tweet which just seems to be the nature of all homo fans.

>> No.79952528

Almost every holo that collabs with men a lot has become a runt and the same will be true for ERB in a few months

>> No.79952665

>which just seems to be the nature of all homo fans
Unironically small dog syndrome. Even ignoring the falseflagging shitposters here, there exists a group that genuinely believe Holostars isn't popular because Hololive is keeping them down.
Cover could debut a new Holobranch but because none of them would shout out a Stars member on their debut, they'll start saying things like "they HATE the boys!"
Ironically, the biggest targets for this is Mori, Ame, and Kronii since these three used to be significant supporters of the stars members but are now suddenly "scared to talk about them".

>> No.79952692

> Kobo made $96,500 of SCs lifetime. in the past week Kobo has mad $94.

Jesus Christ, now I know why she is chasing that chink cock.

>> No.79953638
Quoted by: >>79954073

I came to holo to watch idols not whores

>> No.79954073
File: 8 KB, 176x176, 34522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in other words, you should be watching ERB and Mori instead of Marine and Miko. Got it.

>> No.79954478

Is being a numberfag a terminal illness?

>> No.79956996
Quoted by: >>79957584

>Is interacting with males detrimental to your CCV and income?
Its a debuff. Not a death sentence. Not everyone is Suisei, Mori, Ironmouse, Filian, etc. Unless you can mitigate such a strong debuff, its isnt worth it. Look at globie from Brave Group. All the girls collab with the guys but only three are strong enough to deal with the debuff.

>> No.79957257
Quoted by: >>79959727

I don't and find great irony in the fact kronii/vesp was in and of itself the 5 seconds of genuine male/female content we got before they had sex and proved why we can't. And that it was like truly great, a movie of it would basically be the movies they made for women during the 90's. Like, the actually good ones too.

Anyway it's detrimental to CCV now because it makes you look leftist, which is going to lower the profitability of anything as culture slides away from the anti-natalist philogoblin that was always destined to be chained up behind a wall like the piece of shit it is. We getting this cask of wine from the basement or what?

>> No.79957302

>sex on stream
The absolute delulu that rests on your scrawny shoulders.

>> No.79957378


>> No.79957435

As if it wasn't obvious enough with how often they post-ironically call themselves "Holochads" and spam AI Unicorn pictures.

>> No.79957460

Fippy bippy

>> No.79957584
File: 557 KB, 600x824, 1719979870028068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean talk to a man without fucking him? Suisei and Mori can because pre-dismissal, Ironmouse can because bubble+connor, Filian is getting the benefit of the doubt as an atheletic rainbow dash goblin and is the only one in that list who could fall into debt in a week from talking to the wrong boy. That's another aspect of it, women's taste is shit. Ironmouse is smart because she very specifically made it not-shit, she picked a cheese getting champion, dared you to hate him and you couldn't. Why does Kr/Vesp fail to replicate this despite being incredibly similar? When you realize it has nothing to do with if they actually had sex or not you will be free of the cycle of cringe and the leftism will leave your body.

>> No.79959213


>> No.79959318

You guys DO know that even the ones who aren't publicly speaking to men on streams or whatever are doing that to prevent you sperging out and when they turn the stream off they're calling their boyfriend up and spending your money on him... right? at least if they collab with men they're being honest with you

>> No.79959442

>psuedo-idolish kind of thing

Its not pseudo-idolish, its an actual idol thing. From the start Yagoo's dream was to be LARP as an idolmaster manager and own a studio of anime girls based around AKB48. We joke about yagoo's dream being ruined but the amount of fucking concerts the girls have produced has proven they're not playing around the idol identity. That Gura is doing more idol activities than actually streaming proves this.

>> No.79959527
Quoted by: >>79959720

man you people have weird fantasies, can't you just watch cute girls without thinking about dicks?

>> No.79959554

Right? Unicorns get some sort of lowly comfort out of thinking they have something special, if they can screech and get them to step carefully to not remind them that they are not the only men in the world, and that being a member or superchatting means they are a couple. Its fucking cringe. Its delusional cope, and screams of insecurity.

>> No.79959720

>you people cant enjoy anime girls without thinking about dicks
but also
>noooo they must not be near other men
>please my oshi, wear the burka
>I need to know you are safe from homo's sexpesting you
>my ''fun'' is ruined if I see you with another man
mental illness

>> No.79959727

This is one of the most terminally online posts I have read in a good while.
>had sex

>> No.79960074
Quoted by: >>79961563

While from two different POVs, these two opinions pretty much sum up the disdain for male interaction. It was something that was known before chuubas, in "classic" Japanese idol culture. And it has now reached into current idol culture. There's a strong aversion to interaction with males. Just as an example Kiara actually had to ask if it was okay for her to interact with a male during her early days in Hololive.

>perhaps the most important thing is to stick with it. The people who get punished hardest for male collabs, are female chuubas who are reaching out to males for the first time

Its just the way things are. The only way to make it known is form the start or early on. Bae admitted to being a stars fan early on, and JP holomems like Fubuki have been open to interacting with the Stars, seeing them as members of the company, Conversely, "pure" Idols like Kanata, Irys, Kiara and Fuwamoco want to maintain a seiso image and thus minimize their interaction with males for the sake of the audience they cultivated. Its not too hard to figure out.

Ultimately, it should be down to choice. Kanata publicly stated she would prefer not to collab with a male, and thats how it should be. The term "beggar" is used because that what it boils down to "begging" for collabs with males. But not actually caring if they collab with the males. And when it happens, the "collaber" loses one avenue for growth. Now mind you, this doesn't have to apply to everybody. But there are some idols who believe in idol culture.

>"how the FUCK does Gura still pull 30k viewers"

While I get your point, I would point out that Gura is an outlier. If Gura had debuted at any point after 2022 or before 2020 it would be valid. But Gura's debut was a lightning in a bottle. She debuted during COVID days, and at the time when many people considered it her "peak". It was also the first EN gen for Holo. The subs she gained within a month was meteoric and not something that can be replicated. In addition, the fans she got during this period were the most hardcore, a reason why chumbuds have developed the notoriety they do. Gura is complex enough that she exists as a subject unto herself. That there is an entirely line of Gura-killers and Gura-likes that want to replicate or model after her success speak for itself.

But yes, I will admit that Gura's nature as a 'pure idol contributes to her success. But its also complex because she could have taken some others trajectoiesy and it would have still worked. COVID days were very magical, like a literal dragonbreak.

Its too early to tell. ERB only just debuted. She's not been monetized yet, nor has she started collabing with anyone. And while ERB is pulling a lot of weight due to her PL, she is going against a strongly instituted idol culture, now firmly in place after a certain Omega is gone.

The next few months are going to be interesting.

>> No.79960452
Quoted by: >>79960562

>fauna eats meat irl
>fauna eats meat on stream
Only one of those would piss me off and I'm not vegan. The idol and the person behind the idol aren't the same person. PL shit only matters to those that care about it. I don't give a fuck about irl shit. I'm watching cgdct to avoid irl.

>> No.79960562

This. I dont give a shit what the chuubas did in the past or with their rm. I am watching an anime, I am watching a character.

>> No.79960655
Quoted by: >>79960731

It is hilarious after all this time people still try to resort to public shaming on unicorns.
>>79950769 is right; it's a loser hobby, which is precisely the core of its resilience. Losers do not truck in the coin of reputation; they do not have any to lose, or any need to apply pressure using such a volatile currency as clout. You cannot threaten someone by taking away something they do not have.
No, they can be seen by the whole world as the most disgusting, contemptible people on the planet, and yet they will continue to berate, lecture, and mock without pause or shame, even with a Cassandraic sort of pride. Because at the end of the day the market keeps proving them right, and so they keep getting satisfaction.
Want to defeat them? Support the vtubers. But of course, that would be, uh, parasocial, wouldn't it?

>> No.79960731

What a corny monologue, go touch some grass faggot

>> No.79960771
Quoted by: >>79960799

Way to prove the point LMAO

>> No.79960799
Quoted by: >>79960830

>got you to reply
did you just take the bait faggot?

>> No.79960830
Quoted by: >>79960893

If you take every bait, are you really a bait taker?

>> No.79960893
Quoted by: >>79960926

>keeps replying to me because mad
seems like the market is proving me right faggot

>> No.79960926
Quoted by: >>79960952

You just contradicted yourself.

>> No.79960952
Quoted by: >>79961033

>lying to save face

>> No.79961033
Quoted by: >>79961071

I hope it has been educational for you.

>> No.79961071

It has certainly been entertaining to watch you bite faggot, enjoy being a proud loser

>> No.79961126

Nice essay, amigo. Mods, take this guy out and kiss him.

>> No.79961267

That anon isn't wrong. I'm a single guy without family and very few friends that hauls stuff for a living. What ever shit you want to say about people that care about the idol vtuber hololive cdcgt unicorn crowd has already been said and the current unicorns are the result of all that vitriol. I don't like my hobby being tainted by bullshit that doesn't matter. Homos and the begging are just another form of bullshit that doesn't matter to my enjoyment of the hobby. Anyone making it something that does means they are scum that needs to be purged.

>> No.79961397
Quoted by: >>79962605

I’m a Rosarian (female, so no, I am not a cuck) and I tried watching the collab.
It was atrocious, zero chemistry, GG is annoying af and kept repeating “it’s so easy” in the most atrocious pitch. I wanted to give her a try but I could feel a nerve snapping in my brain each time she opened her mouth. And she kept on doing it.
Liz is shit at playing games, too, which doesn’t help the CCV, but I’m more inclined to watch her tryhard and eventually develop some skills. Just not with GG on screen.

>> No.79961563
Quoted by: >>79962605

The issue isn't just delivering content people want, but content people want to pay for. It is certainly conceivable that many people will happily gulp down good free karaoke, but why would anyone feel inclined to give her money for it? This was the answer that the idol conceit was supposed to answer - you support them because you feel that you, as an audience member, are inextricably tied to their success. That they rely on you.
But even setting aside the future holostar collabs - let's be real, a lot of the normal viewers probably know nothing about her chat or twitter interactions right now - my gut feeling based on how she's been executing her whole game plan, with rebroadcasts and spam karaokes, is that her fans will, by and large, repay her with cheering in chat and not much else. She has only given them shows, not any reason to be attached to her.

>> No.79961601

you do know that parasocials are not just unicorn right? its ironic you guys bitching about it while fujos, shipper and fleshtuber who follow youtuber/streamer real life relationship is also parasocial, the worst part about you is you bitching at unicorn in their own stuff, if you dont like it, GTFO, you want homo collab? watch niji or some shit, if you want CGDCT watch holo or other all female only chuuba.

Before you call me unicorn i'm not and idc about homo collab, i watch kronii vesper collab while also watch gura and all no male collab too, but you retards are worst than unicorn come to place for them and want homo collab instead.

>> No.79961886

why would I want to watch someone who clearly is not entertaining enough to hold his own audience be unentertaining on the side of what I actually want to watch?

>> No.79961990

>holo vs holo is okay now
can you faggots be consistent for once in your lives?

>> No.79962002

Honestly, I think unicorns and homobeggars are two sides of them same coin - one side wants forced inclusion, the other wants forced exclusion. And both sides screech at each other, souring the discourse and content for everyone else. As with all obsessive fans, they do not like letting the talents chose, because they are invested in things turning out a certain way, and essentially play tribal games of cultural politics to get what they want. Some streamers do not want the collabs, some do, which side moans the loudest about their choice they do not like? Some dude above just said the other side needs to get purged? These people are a cancer to the hobby if you ask me. Let the talents pick their own shit, and let it sink or swim without moaning like children.

>> No.79962142

>collab with males that you can leech / have bigger channel than you is ok, so you can grow your channel
>collab with the males below you (Holostars and Tempus) is not, they will gimp your channel, easiest example would be Zeta from Hololive ID, ririka and ao from regloss
It's so easy

>> No.79962146

>are boring horny pests
>literally every western female vtuber
>most JP female vtubers
Actually watch a stream for once.
>I just want to chill watching women who don't care about me but only care about my money
Easier to say you just don't want to give other men money, even though you kind of do when you SC a female vtuber.

>> No.79962236
Quoted by: >>79962570

always has been, holo are well known for it and their walled garden, holo are not GFE, they are selling CGDCT which is in line with unicorn like that is mainly no males and its not just holo because its selling like crazy, if ppl want homo collab chuba theres A LOT OF THEM, go ahead there, its like you want french food go to french restaurant and if you want italian go to italian restaurant, dont go to french food and mad at them telling them to sell you italian food instead, ofc they will kick you out.

>> No.79962274
Quoted by: >>79962570

I don't necessarily agree with the unicorn definition. Unicorns have two shades, the first is that they do not want to be forced to watch male interactions. If they see one, they leave. One philosopher described such phenomenon as an invisible gun.

>> No.79962375

Fairly certain that most female vtubers will also spend the money they give them on enjoying life with other males?
Maybe they just want to pretend its not real and have the experience of female company for a price, a sort of cabaret but with no physical contact?
It is understandable, but sad that they do not see how their desire sometimes conflict with the world around them.

Living in delusion will do that.

>> No.79962542

The sad thing is if you look at Lirik, one of the biggest twitch streamers, his subs were always great, staying around 15K. Until around the third quarter of 2022 where they started trending downwards. For 2023, he averaged 12K. For this year, 10K.
His hours didn't change. His average viewers didn't change. So what happened there? Well, he announced in August 2022, on stream, that he was going to be a dad. Note that this guy had kept the fact he was even in a relationship pretty well under wraps. It wasn't a real secret, but most casual viewers wouldn't have known.
Of course, it was a happy announcement. Of course most of his audience doesn't want to fuck him and were happy for him. But the fact is that this kind of thing disconnects the streamer from their audience.
As a streamer, the more you make an audience aware of the fact that they are replaceable to you - that you have other social connections that can do what they do - the less attached they become. And then the less money they give.

>> No.79962570

But is that a settled thing within the company, that these collabs are forbidden? Because from where I am sitting, it seems that obsessive fans want to control what the talents do, because they have a certain taste. Are the customers making the food or are the talents?
So you agree that both sides are essentially waiving a threat to get the talents to behave a certain way?

>> No.79962605
Quoted by: >>79962754

That's a reasonable opinion. I don't care for erb but I watch gigi. I dislike erb on principal alone but she's not bad on stream to watch. I didn't have a problem with the collab just that they were lacking chemistry. Which I don't know how to feel about.
Nta, but to me it's hard to gage how well or bad she's doing. Currently erb is just another holo. I'm going to guess a pretty substantial monetary support in the beginning roughly the same as biboo and then a sharp drop but not a downward spiral. Just coasting on 3k-4k viewership with a steady but lackluster showing for sc and merch. Unless she drops an album or monetizes some original songs. That's more industry related and while I don't think her singing is impressive the music industry is unpredictable with popularity. If she can get one big hit she would need to really try to recreate it over and over again. Not easy but not impossible. I want all holos to succeed even the ones I don't like.

>> No.79962626

>Easier to say you just don't want to give other men money, even though you kind of do when you SC a female vtuber.
that's not even remotely what he said? why can't beggars go one post without shitting on female vtubers and projecting their own cuckold fantasies?

>> No.79962672
File: 957 KB, 1181x1079, 1719243362195615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just glad ERB is the only one sabotaging herself. The entire rest of the gen haven't mentioned the homos at all. Just pure CGDCT.

>> No.79962754
Quoted by: >>79963138

Biboo is an interesting case. Great debut, slow start, but is now doing even better. I feel like she is just a few feats short of "true" greatness

>> No.79962790

Either internal company policy or just women's natural commie behavior.

>> No.79962792
Quoted by: >>79963077

I’m literally the same way with my IRL streamers for the past 10+ yrs. I always shitted on female streamers and cringed when my favs had a girl on stream since half of chat hated her and the other half simped. Well expect the ONE dude that made it his content to hit on girls, that one was fine.
Idk what’s the problem tb h, even Ninja in his prime made a comment how having females on with him was bad for his Brand. Fuck even Piewdipie had haters when he started bringing on his wife on streams.

>> No.79962988

Exactly this. Each of them are demanding the girls change their content to suit them... Except, of course, the unicorns actually tune in and buy merch while the homobeggars virtue signal and demand that girls collab with guys they never watch...

>> No.79963001
File: 84 KB, 262x263, 1719747692372736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RR CC GG Alliance

>> No.79963077

It's interesting. I watch male fleshvtubers too, and I always hate whenever they bring their wife on-stream. It's always so awkward when he has a complete change in personality just because he doesn't want to embarrass her.
This has made me a firm believer in gender segregation for streams.

>> No.79963138

It's the endurance and the zoomers I think. I sub to all of advent I just don't watch her streams the whole way. It's the case of
>I go to work and come back
>I sleep and wake up
>she is still streaming.
I can't follow for more than 2 hours I have shit to do. But a lot of younger people might be able to and I like to think that she has that as an audience that will grow with her. She also gets clipped a lot and is memeable, so maybe if she gets the meme buff.

>> No.79963506

If only male vtuber fans could sit and watch male vtuber streams instead of begging for collabs in female vtuber streams that would be nice, don't you like your homo? Watch him then

>> No.79964087
Quoted by: >>79965148

unicorns and numbermonkey. the lowest scum.

>> No.79965010
Quoted by: >>79965120

>one of those actually supports the talents and puts their money where their mouth is, the other is only a toxic mouthpiece without benefits
>one of those keeps to a rare concentrated spot that provides cgdct content (and very successfully so), the other gets into this one spot out of misplaced moralfaggotry in the attempt to turn it into the same slop they could get everywhere else but deliberately choose not to
To qualify as one side of a coin homobeggars would have to have any worth to begin with. The biggest difference is probably that unicorns are only reacting and you see this everywhere these days, because "unicorns" exist in a lot places, they are just commonly known as a "core audience" (something exceedingly rare and already shunned in some industries). There are people who don't want the stuff they like, support and have genuine interest in to be fucked with to validate someone's vapid social media stance that week and then there are people who want to fuck with stuff others like because social media told them it's a thing and bad that week, when they (very obviously) don't have any actual interest in it. And then there are those like you, who conveniently live out all the context and "mistake" those two sides as the same. That people are forced to react to the "tribal games of cultural politics" of others doesn't make them "the other side of the same". And ironically in true mythical fashion you wouldn't even know unicorns existed if it wasn't for the retarded village mob who came to burn their secluded forest down for no real reason.

>> No.79965120
Quoted by: >>79965697

Holy fuck why do Unicorns love to play the victim so much?

>> No.79965148

your oshi cares more about both than he does about you

>> No.79965241
Quoted by: >>79967963

Why homobeggars are so worthless? They are most pathetic things i've ever seen.

>> No.79965697

>Holy fuck why do beggars love to not watch streams or at any value to anything ever so much?

>> No.79967963

Seafag, go to bed.

>> No.79972378


>> No.79973423
Quoted by: >>79974135

GG fucked herself harder than ERB did with the timeslot she chose. Now she's basically a 3-view because she didn't establish a fanbase

>> No.79973708

I'm over here wondering if a male vtuber interacting/collabing with female vtubers without coomerbaiting or being a general horndog/sexpest at all would be detrimental to the guys income.

>> No.79974135
File: 287 KB, 1536x2048, GQ1J3X4XEAAEzzU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was already a 3view previously so its nothing new for her. The hard part now is making herself more unique. I feel her current design is shit because its too much of a Gura lookalike. The hoodie and tail has got to go. Keep the crazy hair, eyes, spats and tomboy attitude. Lose the hoodie and tail. Oh and the wierd looking thing thats looks like a chumbud but isn't.

>> No.79974140

>Is interacting with males detrimental to your CCV and income

>> No.79974220

I was about to immediately downvote! Then, I realized it was holostar JP post. I was stunlock because I can't remember a JP post about them .

>> No.79975610
File: 160 KB, 799x500, no males.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is interacting with males detrimental to your CCV and income?
For the most part - YES
