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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79514240 No.79514240 [Reply] [Original]

Mori Calliope, Nothing on Earth Can Make You Fall

>> No.79514308

rather than just admit everyone thinks he's dumber than shit, this guy has now decided posting images on the imageboard is anti behavior

>> No.79514330
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Reminder that Ope bodies Weird Cat in a 1v1

>> No.79514526
File: 178 KB, 1200x1209, FrJLrSGXoAIAPiM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>79469874

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAll12moB5s
Upcoming stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxsgkG4KpoA

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_jigoku6
Phantomime (August 16, 2024) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_pt_ec
//// Stream Go-Getters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTfxzvMDYQs

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
(NEW!) PHANTOMIME pre-order [Standard/Limited/Super Special Awesome Limited/Members]

One Piece Day ’24 SPECIAL LIVE
August 10-11, 2024 @ Makuhari Messe, Chiba
capacity: 7,860
guest starring: GRe4N BOYZ, Mori Calliope, Ado, BE:FIRST
//// Live archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.79514548
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Remember to love your Mori

>> No.79514580
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Quoted by: >>79514995

While you guys were having another slapfight, Mori was cute in chat

>> No.79514639

Never called you an anti, just a retard. You're further proving my point by bringing this over from the previous thread immediately. I'm not going to respond to you anymore because I'd rather talk about the karaoke

>> No.79514780
File: 694 KB, 694x788, 1718901412535504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm endlessly entertained by this vendetta you've formed out of basically thin air

>> No.79514811

I miss Kawaiiopeposter

>> No.79514851
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79514995

No, only red dead beats can't be beaten, normal debbies crumble easily.

>> No.79515000


>> No.79515496 [SPOILER] 
File: 326 KB, 2400x2400, 1713822505100876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79515561

Mori is a washed up bitch anyway. She doesn't deserve her label opportunity and should retire so real artists can shine.

>> No.79515500
File: 67 KB, 1000x1000, 1701792275996125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79515765


>> No.79515561

My C-MAN would never

>> No.79515765
Quoted by: >>79515958

judging from entirely chinese product description, I'm guessing this ain't the global push just yet?

>> No.79515809

Not that retard shitting himself over numbers, but she probally should just move it tomorrow since its way past the time she wanted to do it at this point and she always did rebroadcasts at her "other" time slot from when it initially is.

>> No.79515958

Pretty sure that was always a pipe dream unless that California office will somehow made it easier. Alcohol import is always a fucky thing.

>> No.79515989

9PM is honestly a pretty good hour for the part of the fanbase she's rebroadcasting for, the problem is that clashing unarchived content (rebroadcasted) with unarchived content (happening) just places people in shitty spot
any deadbeat who'd like to catch Liz' live in this time now has to pick

>> No.79516169

Poor Raora and Mori...their team is getting crushed by the hot chocolate country in soccer...

>> No.79516348
Quoted by: >>79516533

Not to mention that won't Mori have to continue to stay up to end the stream too?

>> No.79516464
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>> No.79516511
File: 3.70 MB, 1082x1530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going back to the Scarleposting, her mama draw her as a cowgirl
would look nice next to Sheriff Mori

>> No.79516533

yeah she needs to be there to stop the stream.

>> No.79516563
Quoted by: >>79516595

guessing this'll be the post-surgery karaoke? 'cause i'm not sure if i'll be able to catch it

>> No.79516595


>> No.79516655
Quoted by: >>79517738

She's doing it specifically for the EU viewers who missed it initially and the start time is around 8PM yuro time on a Saturday now, which actually works well. In terms of her being up at a bad time, she took a day off and clearly feels pretty good. Also no stream scheduled for the 30th JST so she may just rest that day too

>> No.79517033

KAF's group dropped an MV for a pretty decent song

>> No.79517510
File: 560 KB, 943x384, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79517607

>> No.79517607

I mean yeah, Go-Getters is fun and great but the OP is also pretty barebones with no actual lyrics. It relies entirely on the cool animation

>> No.79517666
File: 2.25 MB, 1280x720, the wall[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fuu8olu.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79517738
Quoted by: >>79518030

Calling it "for EU" always seemed like token call out. She always just rebroadcast in her late night JP slot if it was done in her normal morning one initially or the other way around if it was done in her late night slot initially.

>> No.79518030

I would agree other times, but this one is 100% her looking out for EU fans who may have come in with Justice considering the timing. She obviously isn't doing it for big numbers but just wants to give them an opportunity to check it out

>> No.79518365
File: 47 KB, 456x542, IMG_1970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79518710

RIP Italy

>> No.79518710
Quoted by: >>79519306

That's kinda culturally insensitive, Mori, you got an Italian kohai now... (a Raora as luigi edit would be epic bacon tee bee heach)

>> No.79518952

I am once again thinking about meeping the morp

>> No.79519072

We've got Morp karaoke at home:

>> No.79519297
Quoted by: >>79519825

actually since was probally goign to be their monetization relay, this will probally end before Mori's rebroadcast starts and can use it as the BGM to CC.

>> No.79519306

She loved it when Kronii did some Italian racism.

>> No.79519720

I love Mori and her FAT BUTT

>> No.79519825
Quoted by: >>79520055

pretty sure that was the ??? thing that got delayed to next week

>> No.79519898

I know, im just being silly XD

>> No.79520055

I wonder what is up with that. Hololive works like a MCN so they could get monetization instantly I'm pretty sure. I sometimes see small corpos get it faster than new hololive debuts.

>> No.79520214
Quoted by: >>79520504

issue might be on Hololive side
since we're in a contract closing period, enabling monetization at end of June might've caused something fucky with accounting?

>> No.79520285

Probably just being careful so that the channels don't get mass reported/mistaken as bots because of a sudden influx of money

>> No.79520492

>Dance Monkey
oh yeah wasn't this the artist's first song and she kept getting fucked over until today because of it

>> No.79520504

That could be it. I think Holo gives them a bigger salary their first month to cover for no monetization and it would be much easier to give them the monetization cut from a whole month rather than hurt them by taking the YT hit on a big block of SC over two days

>> No.79521323

Raceplay porn with those two when

>> No.79522812

Looks liek she is home.

>> No.79523219
Quoted by: >>79523453

Mori is my husband

>> No.79523292

Her karoke went from hours delayed and now it's turned into a rebroadcast.

I'm disappointed.

>> No.79523378

Alright, that My Way by Erb was fucking nice. Now back to the scheduled Morp.

>> No.79523398
Quoted by: >>79523679

it was always a rebroadcast anon

>> No.79523453
Quoted by: >>79525548

I have regular sex with your husband

>> No.79523485
Quoted by: >>79523982

shilling the album over and over to the same 2k people tuning in to the recent streams really drives the point of needing to do more popular streams in better timeslots

>> No.79523606
File: 99 KB, 242x325, 1688504587497636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Mowi for delaying the rebroadcast so I could be a lazy fuck and sleep in

>> No.79523679

no it didn't say rebroadcast hours ago when she first made it.

>> No.79523714

Yes it did you retard.

>> No.79523756
Quoted by: >>79523909

Holy shit you're actually fucking illiterate. Explains a lot

>> No.79523757

yes it did
also wasn't it made yesterday?

>> No.79523909

you know the retard makes those posts on purpose
he even makes Reddit spaces JUST to annoy you and you're biting that shit like a fucking Mcnugget
how do you have so little self-control

>> No.79523967


>> No.79523982
Quoted by: >>79524102

Didn't get made fun of enough last thread? Go back to your number cage already

>> No.79524102

the point of advertising is exposure, if that basic fact makes you seethe then maybe really cut it on the estrogen a bit

>> No.79524320 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_3837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79524367
Quoted by: >>79524592

You really can't keep your mind off trannies eh?

>> No.79524592
Quoted by: >>79525007

I try my best to ignore you for most of the day, actually
sometimes I just remind you how embarrassing you are being by seething against objective reality

>> No.79524742

Yet another example of why "no numberfagging outside of /#/" would drastically improve this board

>> No.79525007
Quoted by: >>79525148

>I try my best to ignore you for most of the day, actually
And other things you wish were true. They infest every aspect of your mind since you can't help but mention them constantly. I'm sure you will kill yourself soon in self-hatred.

>> No.79525148

in before he goes "no u"

>> No.79525498

Michael Jackson was such an amazing singer as a kid, kinda wish he stuck with vocals as a focus but I do get he started to focus on the pop star aspect

>> No.79525548
Quoted by: >>79525996

At least it’s not weird sex

>> No.79525996
File: 141 KB, 951x962, 1708377657217663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79526442

Well then you're out of luck becasue I'm having weird freaky sex with Mori.

>> No.79526319

This karaoke was pretty decent for her probably not having sang seriously and being mostly sedentary for a month+ before. You can tell there were cobwebs on high notes but they started getting better in the later portions iirc

>> No.79526442

Fuckin Austrians…

>> No.79526934
Quoted by: >>79527075

Deadbeats your oshi's hair is cute like that

>> No.79527075

thanks sapling

>> No.79527097

I saw the setlist and was like "meh" but damn, it's even better than I remembered.

>> No.79527128

kek, Liz even got the fucking recorder

>> No.79527924
File: 209 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_2980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79528340

Wonder if she's planning to stream tonight

>> No.79528492

considering she probably went home drunk at fuck off o'clock (and she still needs to end the stream), most likely not

>> No.79528544
Quoted by: >>79528905

She got home shortly before this stream and has to be awake to shut it off, I really doubt it unless she does a late stream.

>> No.79528905

Wonder why she doesn't just do it like Nerissa and Mumei where she just leaves the stream on loop until she wakes up.

>> No.79529027

Not just here, there's numberfag invasion in global, seems it's just an overall EU hour problem

>> No.79529193
Quoted by: >>79529357

Debuts + summer always brings them out

>> No.79529357
Quoted by: >>79529793

you know you could've made a post about the karaoke, but you bumped a dead thread just to cry about numberfags

>> No.79529725

Nezumori is MY wife

>> No.79529793

>"Dead thread"
>>79526319 (me)
Yeah this the song I remember her really remember her getting back in the swing of the things

>> No.79529813
Quoted by: >>79530039

Ope is MY onahole

>> No.79529978
Quoted by: >>79530299

I think I missed this karaoke originally and it's fucking great. Such comfy background for my own ER gameplay.

>> No.79529994
File: 107 KB, 975x224, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79531690

This is what happens when you decide to delay your karaoke by 5 hours into overlapping someone's more popular karaoke.

>> No.79530039


>> No.79530299
Quoted by: >>79531473

Make sure you don't miss out on the boss tracks though, the music department at FromSoft did an amazing job once again

>> No.79530454

Oh yeah this shit was good. Love the Southern twang she brings out for it

>> No.79530620

She really needs to learn to control her voice more

>> No.79530817
Quoted by: >>79531081

Did you forget the circumstances of this karaoke? This was the probably the longest she had gone without seriously singing/training her voice in 4 years

>> No.79530851

it'd force her to cut down on streaming, which is currently her favorite way of procrastinating
but it's basically impossible for her to gain proper vocal experience with the amount of streaming she's doing

>> No.79531081
Quoted by: >>79531360

If you can't tell already you are responding to an obvious shitposter.

>> No.79531320

Man, this really is an extremely comfy karaoke.

>> No.79531360
Quoted by: >>79531432


>> No.79531432

See he even signs his posts for you.

>> No.79531473

It's my third run through the DLC, I heard them enough. I'm just fucking around and trying to get myself some ancient dragussy while finding stupidly easy ways to get past some annoying encounters.

>> No.79531503
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>> No.79531615

what if mori wasn't a dork?

>> No.79531690
File: 17 KB, 457x111, 1701739259471848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about letting peeps catch the karaoke in case they missed it.
I'll watch after Liz.

>> No.79531769
File: 3.78 MB, 2480x3508, __mori_calliope_takanashi_kiara_takanashi_kiara_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_xu_chin_wen__9bcbd59174505f3d65137a088318a19a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79531825

This part was solid gold

>> No.79531825

I like Pomu/Mint's take more

>> No.79531842

6 hours, or when she wakes up lmao.

>> No.79531866

Both are good

>> No.79531915

Fair, but she set the bar pretty high

>> No.79531962

at least it confirms no stream

>> No.79532000

She should just wait until she gets a long enough rest desu

>> No.79532033

absolutely unfuckable and unlovable

>> No.79532219

>ERB considering doing doctor who watchalongs
If it includes classic I will jump to her train

>> No.79532311
Quoted by: >>79532380

Wait, why are we looping?

>> No.79532338
Quoted by: >>79532510

She'd be an assistant manager at a department store with two kids on the 9 to 5 grind and the world might be lesser for it.

>> No.79532380

Because the Morp is sleebing and will end it after she wakes up

>> No.79532420

Inb4 Liz redirects

>> No.79532472
Quoted by: >>79532999

she will
to Cecilia

>> No.79532497

I'll probably be sleeping, please do post if she does a cameo at the end

>> No.79532510

>Two kids
Yeah, ours

>> No.79532618

This dude glows so fucking brightly

>> No.79532651

Watching Liz, she repeats a few song a ton already

>> No.79532758
Quoted by: >>79534105

She really loves Kiss From a Rose

>> No.79532811

Wait, so this is technically a sleep stream. We did it memebeats!

>> No.79532940

I didn't realize she was just going to loop this shit for hours and hours. That doesn't terrible damage to her algorithm.

>> No.79532999

She chose Ollie, because she lost one of her biggest Zomrades died and she was really down because of that.

>> No.79533073

the channel is pretty much dead subs central anyway
it's all about the streaming platforms nowadays

>> No.79533076

It's already in the toilet

>> No.79533167

Where the hell do all these retards come from?

>> No.79533223

Mori invites them by shooting herself in the foot all the time

>> No.79533285 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79533949

Kill yourself in the most painful way possible.

>> No.79533348

Eat a bullet

>> No.79533416
Quoted by: >>79533499

Someone post that Ame image that's "All these numbers, yet you'll still never get a girl's". Forgot to save it last time

>> No.79533421

You too.

>> No.79533499
File: 422 KB, 621x802, numberfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79533651


>> No.79533552

Europe, in case that's not obvious at this point. The numberfagging peaked when the soccer game got delayed

>> No.79533651
File: 376 KB, 2893x3545, IMG_3716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big ups, have a Biboo

>> No.79533814 [DELETED] 

So do those type of posts go to global meidos or something because between here and global the local ones sure as hell ain't around anymore.

>> No.79533895 [DELETED] 

yes, being a woman is a global offense

>> No.79533949 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79534120

Certain posts go straight to global ones (like this one! >>79533285) but given the day and the time I'm pretty sure this specific troll has protection anyways

>> No.79534105 [DELETED] 

I will anti ERB for introducing me to that fucking Agadoo song.

>> No.79534120 [DELETED] 

Oh it's protection since you don't get warnings (unless you complain) when it is.

>> No.79534220

I think Ope should

>> No.79534245 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79534327

Four deleted posts in a row, a /morig/ record.

>> No.79534327 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79534461

when deadbeats give into their hysteria, jannies need to work extra hard

>> No.79534461
Quoted by: >>79534566

Okay but why are you being so autistic about a rebroadcast

>> No.79534566
Quoted by: >>79534687

anonchama, no one talked about the rebroadcast for the past 20 minutes, you can let it go

>> No.79534570

>Le Deadbeats will now abandon Mori after X
>"Happened" when Kronii first started
>"Happened" when Nerissa first started

Stop recycling your retarded arguments.

>> No.79534645
File: 97 KB, 1169x1226, 1683902982927259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79534646
Quoted by: >>79536539

You forgot IRyS.

It's really funny.

>> No.79534678

arguing with things people only said in your head is unhealthy

>> No.79534687 [DELETED] 
File: 304 KB, 463x857, 1718184458410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79534777

I just got here
Numberfags should link their own taint btw, especially autistic Poles

>> No.79534728

He has been given a free pass to shitpost all he wants. Of course he will abuse it.

>> No.79534777
Quoted by: >>79534914

>I just got here
>first thing I did was proudly reviving the shitposting
damn, your mother must've had a real loose grip

>> No.79534796
File: 385 KB, 1430x2048, GQSCQaJa8AA7VqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Ci's tummy?

>> No.79534823

Did she really streamed for 5 hours to sub 3k?

>> No.79534914 [DELETED] 

Go cry some more about Souls games, yurotrash

>> No.79534935 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79535389

numberniggers were spamming global as well with no pushback.

>> No.79535179

No discussion when there's a stream. Dead thread for dead channel.

>> No.79535184

i want to squeeze Morbi's butt while she's sleeping

>> No.79535200

Saw a random Japanese comment on Go Getters saying he doesn't watch Mori but it was a good workout song, so I tried it myself and it really is.

>> No.79535334

It is until the random techno breakdown at the end kek. Maybe a good time to do cooldown for a set of reps

>> No.79535355

Where is the anime airing in Japan anyways? I'm assuming there was some streaming site for them since Mori was watching.

>> No.79535389

As much as it personally upsets you (not in small part due to Mori's abysmal performance in that regard recently), the number of people watching a stream is generally relevant to the stream, more so than random autistic history, sports, cooking, game or roommate discussions this thread revels in.

>> No.79535422 [DELETED] 

rope yourself numbernigger

>> No.79535565 [DELETED] 

Not even 700k on her anime song. She's not getting anymore oppurtunities with this flop. Inb4 copebeat excuses.

>> No.79535750

When there's a Mori stream: No discussion
When there's a Double Dip stream: Off topic discussion
Doxbeats everyone

>> No.79535778 [DELETED] 

Trolling for days. Never deleted

>> No.79535876


>> No.79535954
File: 534 KB, 1500x1000, 1718218483681782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a morp
leave a morp

>> No.79535962
Quoted by: >>79537616

we need more Mori AMVs, i know there's the Jin one but that's about it

>> No.79536042

I just got home, she is looping the rebroadcast? Because I missed the first songs of the karaoke last time

>> No.79536045
File: 470 KB, 1080x1351, GLlVQ6vXMAAqOaV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gather them up, might be needed again.

>> No.79536114
Quoted by: >>79536243

Yeah, until she wakes up. She got home super late.

>> No.79536145
File: 91 KB, 531x398, Mori Excited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79536156
File: 112 KB, 850x1511, __mori_calliope_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kanoe_tatsukanoe__sample-c889fc733c6fbeae282ad5299f2bceab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79536374


>> No.79536243

Nice, I missed "It wasn't me" the fist time

>> No.79536374
Quoted by: >>79536463

I just wanna play with feet

>> No.79536396
File: 868 KB, 1258x711, Screenshot 2024-03-10 012034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of JWU I actually for real JWU
And I guess the rundown is
>Staff fucked up and forgot to press the "go live" button
>Morp slept with an unnamed Holomem
>She went to sleep with the rebroadcast on, has been looping for X amount of times
Do I got all of it?

>> No.79536409

The dead thread classic: Spam images to hide lack of discussion and avoid criticism. She's underperforming and you can't plug your ears forever.

>> No.79536463
File: 665 KB, 2247x4096, __mori_calliope_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_old_metal_666__5ee19c3053f3e9aa920f9ae67d1fb737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too debbie

>> No.79536462
Quoted by: >>79536738

it's not that they forgot, just said that it won't be possible
not the first time and won't be the last if something doesn't change

>> No.79536526
Quoted by: >>79536714

How's her recovery going from her knee surgery?

>> No.79536539
File: 371 KB, 2160x3840, __irys_and_irys_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_somebody_leiking00__3f6fee8b77cc66fd17fde8ecfb495131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79536638

IRyS is my second favorite, she's great. Hope they can get the second season of CHaD cast up soon ||IRyS is also super sexy||

>> No.79536580
File: 101 KB, 738x577, 1696858104085487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah mommy Mori put us to watch her singing on the telly while she has some adult fun in bed with another mommy

>> No.79536616

She's doing fine, if not extremely well for herself.

>> No.79536638 [DELETED] 

Deadbeats really are discord tourists. All the accusations were projection after all. How embarassing.

>> No.79536660
Quoted by: >>79536783

You've been spamming numberfaggotry for hours because of a karaoke rebroadcast

>> No.79536699


>> No.79536714

not great, she's stressing over it super hard since it's not progressing as swiftly as she thought it would while she hardly gets enough sleep and rest

>> No.79536738

How do you cope with the fact everyone hates you and Mori specifically singled you out that one time

>> No.79536783
Quoted by: >>79536916

Careful don't hurt his feelings too much.

>> No.79536819

So Mori gives the haters more attention than her fans. Not the own you think this is.

>> No.79536902

>Mori specifically singled you out that one time
based, got a timestamp for it?

>> No.79536916 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79537353

>think it discord
>get deleted
>cry about jannies
you guys just don't learn

>> No.79536936
Quoted by: >>79537139

You spend hours a day to seethe about an anime women you dislike. You existing just here is is the biggest self own there can be.

>> No.79536939
Quoted by: >>79538601

I never liked Taylor Swift, especially "love story"

>> No.79536989
Quoted by: >>79537111

There should be art of Morp in jorts.

>> No.79537008
File: 34 KB, 741x261, Screenshot 2024-06-29 144457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's underperforming

>> No.79537111
File: 47 KB, 850x478, 1691004600857059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79537298


>> No.79537112

>numberfagging is bad
>unless it's that one specific number
this is why you don't get to cry about this shit, you willingly enter their playing field and use exactly their way of arguing just swapping CCV for views

>> No.79537139
Quoted by: >>79538341

Not your hugbox
You just proved that statement right

>> No.79537270
File: 115 KB, 1351x638, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79537384

>So Mori gives the haters more attention than her fans.
You're basically doing this meme kek

>> No.79537298

Thank you

>> No.79537332

Deadbeats displaying hypocrasy by projecting their numberfag accusations like always

>> No.79537353 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79537490

I never cried about jannies, but I do remember you crying with your tail between your legs in the vod comments after she rightfully called you a tactless jackass

>> No.79537361

Damn, dude actually lives in his own reality.

>> No.79537384

you mean the meme with strongest association with Mori and deadbeats, cause of continued display of clown behavior

>> No.79537429

Couple interesting things I noticed in Mori's first ER DLC stream I keep forgetting to mention:
1. She was far, far less disgusted by the Gaol than I expected her to be. I thought she'd absolutely hate the meat things but I think she found them funny instead.
2. She thought Fire golems are some lategame thing. Then again I don't think I've seen any of the girls fight them which isn't really hard, just a bit tedious.

>> No.79537472

Do the fire golems actually drop anything?

>> No.79537490

anon, you will be boxing your random strawman for the rest of the day and it won't change the fact you eat up every single bait and continue to talk offtopic shit, then complain about "protection"

>> No.79537506

Yes actually

>> No.79537598 [DELETED] 

More off topic discussion than discussion about Mori. Classic example of Mori threads.

>> No.79537616

Some I found after searching "Calliope Mori AMV"

Also a channel with a bunch of them (including the Arcane Make 'Em Afraid Mori mentioned before and the kino Jin AMVs)

>> No.79537635

I'm pretty sure they all drop tears for the physick

>> No.79537664
Quoted by: >>79537744

The important drop are Tears for the Physick. They're gameplay equivalents of Tree Avatars from base game. The first one, amusingly, is the most important one since it drops the Deflect tear that lets you turn the game into Sekiro for 5 minutes.

>> No.79537665
Quoted by: >>79538015

Holy shit you actually are illiterate.

>> No.79537678
Quoted by: >>79538015

You lost

>> No.79537744

Is that what this guy is using?


>> No.79537825
Quoted by: >>79537952

nta, but yes, I don't think you get 100% phys block on any weapon block without it

>> No.79537952
Quoted by: >>79538025

doing a ng+ run with that would be a fun way to go through the game in a fresh way.

>> No.79538015 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79538136

Is she playing Elden Ring right now fucking retards. No she's streaming karaoke rebroadcast and you still aren't discussing that.

>> No.79538025

looks kinda boring compared to Sekiro deflects, but a ton more interesting than the usual rollspam at least

>> No.79538056

What DLC weapon do you think would actually get Mori to replace her Astel Wing autism? I think she'd like the unlimited throwing dagger weapon because it would let her do that semi ranged attack weapon like the r2 of the Wing

>> No.79538096

Been playing Lies of P, good game so far. Did Mori end at the boss cop? Aside from Biboo, did Bae beat it?

>> No.79538136
Quoted by: >>79538392

>More off topic discussion than discussion about Mori. Classic example of Mori threads.
>Literally talking about the MORI elden ring stream
You are really stupid

>> No.79538174

Yes, definitely. It's a bit tricky to get used to but it can make two of the more difficult bosses(Gaius and Radahn) much easier. And just like Sekiro, it can block attacks you really don't expect to block with your weapon.

>> No.79538181

She just got a new weapon in her last stream. we will see how she likes it.

>> No.79538197

honestly, the new katana she got can probably do it
she used Bloodhound fang for a long time and the attack sequence with teleport is somewhat similar

Bae and Bijou both beat it, yes

>> No.79538210

Bae did beat it

>> No.79538219
Quoted by: >>79538658

Mori gave up at boss cop because she was a bit stressed with recording at the time iirc. Bae beat it and was very proud of herself and rightfully so

>> No.79538340
Quoted by: >>79538446

She picked up the INT Katana with the Vergil moves at the end of last stream. I don't know what the damage is like but it seems to have more utility at least

>> No.79538341

>use exactly their way of arguing just swapping CCV for views
We can argue subs, she's tied with only Rissa for most gains in the past 30 days. with can argue SCs iirc she's top 2 (might #1) in EN despite having her off of nearly a months
I've always thought hyperfocusing on CCV as metric for performance is dumb, when there's like 5-6 stats that should go into consideration , and CCV is probably the flimsiest of that group
>You just proved that statement right
How? If top 5 on a weekly basis is "underperforming" to you then I guess you think the other 96% of the company under her is doing "abysmal"
At that point you just hate Hololive (which we already knew lol)

>> No.79538392

You are using that as an excuse to talk about your playthrough and Sekiro which she never played more than karaoke.

>> No.79538423
Quoted by: >>79540218

>no, no, we're doing the right kind of numberfagging here
the shit you get is exactly the shit you invite

>> No.79538446

She will atleast have a much faster weapon art. The main problem with astels is how fucking slow it is.

>> No.79538499
File: 236 KB, 668x598, 1692211418990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79538590

People were talking about karaoke before you started shitting yourself over it. Now it's looping. Do you want us to make the same posts from 2 hours ago?

>> No.79538571

She picked up Yoda's sword last stream but I'm not sure how good it is. I feel like it's ultimately inferior to moonveil despite a much more fun moveset. I wish she tried Milady with Wing stance ash because while the name is funny, the sword itself is one of the most pleasant weapons to use in the entire game and I think she'd really enjoy the combination of reach and speed.

>> No.79538590
File: 477 KB, 1536x2048, BD54E4D1-E85F-4B65-8CCD-14BF2237D99A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he just wants to be able to post HIS shitposts freely without being drowned out by Mori discussion.

>> No.79538601

Not even that dude lol.
This is me but please keep seething about the topics of this thread

>> No.79538655 [DELETED] 

Sub 700k on "the biggest song of her life" and surpassed by actual talents like Marine and Suisei regularly who aren't in UM.

>> No.79538658

>dropped Bloodborne since it interfered with new shiny ER
>dropped Lies of P since it was too hard
>picked up multiple JRPGs before ever trying Sekiro
the fact that she posed herself as some Souls/From games aficionado near debut and across her career is honestly damaging towards audience expectations of her

>> No.79538902

>beat it
Based the best MJ song and I missed this song live...

>> No.79538907
File: 1.43 MB, 2000x1414, 1689283915186898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79538938

Never forget she needed summons to beat ER and she conveniently beat BB off stream 5 times but needed summons in that too. But don't let deadbeats gaslight you about that.

>> No.79539018

You are as poor a judge of human beings as you are a specimen of one

>> No.79539073

Nigga fucking what
Explain in a way that doesn't make you sound like the schizos all of your posts conspicuously draw like honey

>> No.79539169

>doesn't make you sound like the schizos
You are 2 of his samefags late for that.

>> No.79539451

May a Ghost Cat haunt the dreams of, and afflict the carpets of, shitposters

>> No.79539555

And anyone who hasn't seen the ballad of buster scruggs

>> No.79539634

Considering how those types tend to live, they probally wouldn't be able to tell a difference in their carpet. They should just go touch a third rail.

>> No.79539689

generally in streaming games people are more excited about people that are either good, new or persistent if we discard all of the personality bits
Mori's playthroughs were lacking on most of those, which is why they generated fairly little buzz or discussion (even outside of the site)
compare to Bae who has a whole little character arc about growing into a gamer or Noel/Kanata who had some of the most successful series that got eyes on their other content simply through extreme persistence

>> No.79539749

seems like staff can start streams after all?

>> No.79539809
File: 746 KB, 806x1800, 1698157234538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79543098

>> No.79539866
Quoted by: >>79539949

What if Holo made something like a radio station and made a stream on the main channel that's on 24/7 and plays Hololive songs from every member (as long as the talent wants it and there aren't any copyright issues, for example SN songs probably couldn't be played). I think it would be interesting and allow people to find songs they like but wouldn't normally check out themselves, but I also don't know if realistically the demand for it would be high after a couple days of it being live.
Just had this vision while thinking about Holomelo Radio and how much I like those short segments of playing song of other members.

>> No.79539871
Quoted by: >>79539974

I don't think being surpassed by two of the most popular hololive members is "underperforming". What's the point of your numberfagging? Do you want her to be #1 and you're seething because she's not? She's already the most viewed and most superchatted EN. Let Marine and Suisei and whatever other JP have their spotlight

>> No.79539949

The reason they're just snippets in Holomelo (besides time) is to encourage people to stream the songs

>> No.79539974
Quoted by: >>79540274

once again, you're doing the "it's okay to numberfag if we use numbers we like"
and you're wrong on top of it, which just leaves further chances for numberfags to kek at you
you know you can just not reply and both of these things are not a factor anymore

>> No.79539979

I'm guessing She sent Jenma a copy of the vod to stream from her own PC since Kiara is away from home right now. Mori planned on being home to start it herself but was held up by whatever she was doing with mystery holomem.

>> No.79539992

I wouldn't be surprised if Kiara has given Jenma her bank account password honestly, those two are kind of an exception

>> No.79540014
File: 1.17 MB, 1000x1591, 1709687587716841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jig if someone wants to play, 400pcs
I know this site isn't the best but the other one is super laggy on my end.....

>> No.79540103
File: 57 KB, 172x262, 1709386111642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79540392

I guess this would be how autistic people look at and derive entertainment from streams

>> No.79540218

>the right kind of numberfagging here
I didn't say that, all numberfagging is inherently retarded imo
I just said the retard zeroing in on one stat alone cause it fits his narrative, while ignore several others just makes him look a clown that has has zero clue what he's talking about
>Sub 700k
You keep trying to say this as if it's a bad thing
>and surpassed by actual talents like Marine and Suisei
Or as if 686k in 40~ hours isn't literally the pace the most of their songs go on, the shit will likely hit 1 million before the end of the week
You're a numbermonkey with no sense of what "good" numbers are
Furthermore this angle is retarded cause your trying to numberfag a snippet of a song as apart of the ED that isn't even on her channel lmao

>> No.79540274

And what's the point of your post? Your friend is wrong, and so are you

>> No.79540348
Quoted by: >>79540428

It's a shame that she didn't get into Monster Hunter.

>> No.79540373

Damn I didn't know I missed a lot of songs

>> No.79540392

calling majority of stream watching population autistic since it disagrees with your personal experience/view is the most autistic thing a person may do
the same things are nearly universally true when applied to things like sports or entertainment, people love seeing newbies develop, underdogs making it and prodigies go on streaks
people who provide experience kind of in the middle lose interest much faster

>> No.79540428

Aussie concert into the surgery kinda killed it.

>> No.79540466

It's impressive how you wrote an entire paragraph worth of words, but didn't really say anything of substance lol

>> No.79540513
Quoted by: >>79540990

NTA but I don't believe the majority of the stream watching population cares overly much about the idol journey but for gaming. They just wanna see someone play a game and be fun

>> No.79540527
Quoted by: >>79540990

>if we discard all of the personality bits
And why would we do that?

>> No.79540990

because unlike being new, good or persistent, those are purely subjective elements that don't have a place or need for in even a slightly generalized model

acting like those aspects only have relevance to idols is really stripping a shitton of stuff from just generalized human experience and streaming metas as well
seeing someone new being exposed to content you like is the entire basis of react streaming
seeing people be good at things is why tournaments, speedruns and competitive scenes gather lots of eyes
and seeing folks being persistent is how you get challenge runs and marathons/subathons
it's a very universal thing, somewhat disconnected from purely the personality factor
Souls games just happen to be an extremely popularized recent medium where you can hook an audience through those aspects and my initial post basically just summarized why it only somewhat did it for Mori

>> No.79541674

I just don't see how that applies to Mori. You've retroactively assigned that to her based on your own biases

>> No.79541769
File: 329 KB, 570x473, 1719166932705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79541978

Who appointed you arbiter of all things objective

>> No.79541835


>> No.79541978
Quoted by: >>79543098

>react content existing is subjective
>competitive scene existing is subjective
>challenge scene existing is subjective
this is how talking with literal children works, things exist/don't exist on the basis of how they feel about it at the moment
but I made my point, the effects are observable and whether you want to believe it or not is not really my concern
at most it's Mori's, who seem to have realized it independently looking how weirdly insistent she was on not trying to summon in the DLC

>> No.79542025
Quoted by: >>79542109

That's cool and all but you seethed yourself to sleep the other night screaming about her being a fake fan because she didn't start the DLC when you wanted her to

>> No.79542109

you can continue to debate with your strawmen but as I said before, that's not particularly healthy

>> No.79542398

you literally opened this discussion with the exact same talking points, just with less autistic yuro seethe

>> No.79542439

Morbi toes

>> No.79542870

Mate you keep pivoting to new points but your OP was disingenuous af, don't try to make it sound like you're a neutral arbiter who's just talking about audience expectations.
I'd only count the Bloodborne one as mostly right because you're really ignoring all the circumstances around that period.
I criticize Mori /here/ all the time but you're not even a stream watcher, just the usual thread reading clip watching schizo

>> No.79542901
Quoted by: >>79543097

Mori in chat, ending soon

>> No.79542975

NTA but you're over romanticizing the appeal for these types of a games when it's as simple as "funni stream get mad when boss kill them"
>Souls games just happen to be an extremely popularized recent medium where you can hook an audience through those aspects and my initial post basically just summarized why it only somewhat did it for Mori
On top of that I think you're both talking out of your ass here, cause her original playthrough of ER pulled a large audience and got a lot attention both here and outside of here, especially since for a long while she was the only EN to actually to beat it while doing a majority of it's content
>generally in streaming games people are more excited about people that are either good, new or persistent
I also think you're also just deliberately trying to omit her from categories that you listed that she absolutely fits into but don't want to factor her into cause it'd make your point moot
>compare to Bae who has a whole little character arc about growing into a gamer or Noel/Kanata
Like when I think of "persistence" I don't think of Noel/Kanata using generic STR/DEX builds, I think of Mori brute forcing her way through the game with Astel's Wing's weapon art, I think of Ame brute forcing her way through the game with the butt slam and bubble blower, that's PEAK persistence
Also I'm not sure what the fuck ANY of this has to do with how her dropping Lies of P is "damaging audience expectations of her"
That other anon asked you a pretty simple question and instead of answering you decided to wax poetic about the very nature of streaming lmao

>> No.79543097

Oh earlier than we thought. maybe we might get a real stream after all?

>> No.79543098
File: 214 KB, 400x750, 1709643371299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79543863

I feel like it's at least once a week you go on these autistic tangents stopping just shy of calling Mori a bad streamer based on x/y/z and "muh objectivity" and it makes me want to beat you over the head with the physical manifestation of this post >>79539809 until you understand why no one likes having you around

>> No.79543180

Despite it being stupidly shamed by souls autists, I enjoyed the way Mori overcame Malenia by basically turning it into a tag team match with Tiche. That final combo they did to final beat her at the 12 hour mark was kino

>> No.79543211

She didn't sleep much, wish she could stream now though, tonight is empty.

>> No.79543385
Quoted by: >>79545272

Really the "Community" hate against summons is so silly, I wish they were a little different but I feel like a lot of them add a decent amount of character to the boss fights, like for the DLC I've enjoyed using *all* the cooperator summons and so far and they all seem well placed

>> No.79543391
File: 15 KB, 272x102, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79543564

Mori...you need more than 4 of sleep lmao

>> No.79543564
File: 390 KB, 2675x3370, 1715869792141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79545565

Mystery Holo X wouldn't let her sleep...

>> No.79543863

anon, for someone that gets weirdly defensive over things nearly every single day to the point even jannies started swatting you, your claims have zero weight

ER pulled a large audience at the start but also suffered a fairly drastic drop off compared to someone like Ina across playthrough (until her break)
also the way you argued against Kanata/Noel on the basis of their builds (and not what the streaming experience was like) really just tells me you missed the point entirely and there's no need to drag it out further
at the end of the day there is a set of people who will watch due to personality alone and everything else is down to the streamer to deliver

>> No.79543882

One more loop I guess?

>> No.79543941 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79544166

>defending the jannies
Alright everyone pack it up

>> No.79544159
Quoted by: >>79545272

It's dumb point to care about IMO cause most Holos in their first playthroughs either used ash summons or accidentally stumbled upon/got backseated into some stupidly broken build
The funniest probably being Reine, who accidently made a build that was able to just stun-lock Maleina for 90% of the fight

>> No.79544166 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79544325

anon, I can hardly express how much of a persistently annoying cunt you have to be to get jannies to dunk on you this regularly
you are an equivalent of an egg in their eyes, you might need to reflect on why is that

>> No.79544308

Mogged in views by SC reading stream. Sad but deserved.

>> No.79544325 [DELETED] 

I'm not even the guy you're arguing with anon, but after this last week and particularly today I cant take anyone who is satisfied with our meidos seriously. This thread in particular has some notable history with janitorial abuse

>> No.79544510 [DELETED] 

This is cope by doxbeats who love talking about rm

>> No.79544562 [DELETED] 

the 'abuse' amounted to fucking with people who tried to turn this place into their discord channel (either through persistent focus on off-topic, inability to ignore the most obvious schizo or weird namefag politics), which is why they still clearly have their job
the argument of
>he keeps deleting posts!
doesn't hold particularly well when the deleted posts are consistently shit

>> No.79544794

lmao what a re-writing of history

>> No.79544884
Quoted by: >>79544989

I can't take this post seriously when your forum literacy is being blinded by seething yesterday when debbies were talking about history, especially when the other schizo is latching on to your posts multiple times now.

>> No.79544897 [DELETED] 

I agree that they deserved to be deleted, but leaving the other clearly off topic shitposts up kinda speaks against your point.
Either way that's enough meta posting for today. I'll let you get back to arguing with that other anon about whatever

>> No.79544989 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79545088

>other people were talking offtopic just yesterday!
>g-get owned!

>> No.79545088 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79545229

Like I can't even tell if this is you or the other guy, you're blending in with threadshitters, congrats.

>> No.79545119 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79545267

It's a retard who didn't see that explicit bullshit that happened back in summer 2022.

>> No.79545229 [DELETED] 

>I can't tell the difference between obvious bait and post I need to respond to
>so I will respond to all of them!
you're so close to noticing what the problem is

>> No.79545267 [DELETED] 

>summer 2022
So doxbeats getting banned rightfully for off topic posting about rm

>> No.79545272

>Really the "Community" hate against summons is so silly
It's not but it's exaggerated greatly. Summons are another tool to set difficulty, whether you use them or not is up to you same way as anything else. Do strongest summons make fights simpler than majority of tools you have available? Yes. Should you try to beat bosses without them just like every other extremely cheesy tools? Yes, for sure. Are they the most offensive? Very far from it. It should be noted that From themselves absolutely WANT you to try running an actual summoner who barely fights on their own, giving you spells to heal allies without ever getting close to boss and multiple talismans buffing or working off summons otherwise.
The big problem with summons is that they change the flow of battle completely by getting boss attention, often to ridiculous degree. Hornsent eating big Mesmer combo or Igon eating the lasers from Bayle in your stead change the fight completely. It's something only summons can do. As a personal opinion, I would say that using an OP weapon is still more interesting simply because it's still YOUR 1v1 with a boss and not someone else's but I'm perfectly aware that jumping at some poor guy with Lion's Claw or Giant hunt is just as bad if not worse.
Reine's build was easily the single most OP build any Holo ran, only topped by Pekora's total metawhore build.

>> No.79545297 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 1536x2048, 1716122088190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79545905

I've never been janny-swatted, just making observations, like you, only I don't try to pass them off as objective reality. For all of your harping on people for their boogeymen, you're not above it all

>> No.79545356 [DELETED] 

Retard. the problem was that everything EXCEPT doxx shit was being deleted. At least pretend to know what the fuck you are talking about.

>> No.79545550

Summer 2022 really was the worse point of Mori career when the downhill started

>> No.79545565
Quoted by: >>79545839

Which Holo do we think was rocking the reaper?

>> No.79545578 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79545823

Twitchsimp schizo is infamous not just because of his really obvious posting style but because we had to use him as an example of what wasn't being deleted when it should have been in the IRC

>> No.79545727
File: 122 KB, 561x321, 1719463919256463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some short game series that you want Mori to play after she finishes p3 and skadoo tree?
I'd like to see her play Celeste, that's easily 1 or 2 shortish streams unless she goes for the heart of the mountain

>> No.79545823 [DELETED] 

Twitchschizoschizo is more annoying for throwing boogeyman accusations all the time. Besides it wasn't a lie to say she was being Twitch simp back then. She improved now.

>> No.79545839

Lui, hachama or maybe Marine

>> No.79545865

Seeing Mori go through the Portal games (or HL) has been on my wishlist for awhile.

>> No.79545885

The guy who did Gloomwood just made a game about Italian mobsters that's apparently fun.

>> No.79545905 [DELETED] 

sorry, must've confused you for sanctimonious cunt #47, thread is pretty rich in them for some reason
the fact that you have to equalize the statement of "Mori is a meh/mid/bad streamer" with some raving about hating her personally is what makes you fairly indistinguishable from #46

>> No.79545913

ace attorney i guess man I don't know I don't really care anymore

>> No.79546173

About ace attourney?

>> No.79546204
Quoted by: >>79546486

you can watch an entire Reine playthrough

>> No.79546300
Quoted by: >>79546374

Deadbeats aren't known to accept criticism of their oshi. They are the softest yesmen hugbox here and in chat.

>> No.79546374 [DELETED] 

I really don't care for your approval any more, Twitchschizo

>> No.79546486

>check her playlists
>60 different ace attorney streams

>> No.79546503
File: 193 KB, 660x660, 1719706898135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79546502
Quoted by: >>79546611

Lets be real, she's not beating P3. The "Persona fan" abandoned P3 for the second time. I'm beginning to think she's a poser about Persona too and only watched someone stream it and pretended to play it. There's a pattern.

>> No.79546611
File: 56 KB, 809x809, 1692857110256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not even the original poser dude
That's stolen valor!

>> No.79546661 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79546852

>the 'abuse' amounted to fucking with people who tried to turn this place into their discord channel (either through persistent focus on off-topic
NTA but that's not at all lmao, we notoriously have a janny that likes to get into retarded arguments and starts deleting posts and banning people if they prove him wrong
I once got a 3-day cause the fag tried to argue she was a "fake p3 fan" caused she dropped P3P, and when I told him she dropped cause the remake got leaked, he said I was wrong, so when I came back with several links about the leak matched up with her last stream of P3P, he submitted me to get banned for """offf-topic"""
Another time was during that huge ENxID LC collab when the retard kept insisting she wasn't talking, when I told him to watch the stream he kept repeating the same BS, so when the stream ended I posted several timestamps of her bantering with other members, so he submitted me for another 3-day, this time for ""trolling outside of /b/"""
Mind you the whole time this goes down, the usual ESL doxxfag will be here talking about her roommate but won't even get a post deleted
Not sure how you can defend this outside being so new you've never experienced our power tripping janny or you are him lol

>> No.79546715
Quoted by: >>79546784

I personally believe that she hasn't beaten P3 on stream because she doesn't want to cry on stream.
That game is legitimately heart-rending.

>> No.79546784
File: 299 KB, 601x349, 1691346687853019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great content though!

>> No.79546820

Kentucky Route Zero and Return of the Obra Dinn because I finally played them recently

>> No.79546852

What's your excuse for her dropping P3 remake? Is there leak for another remake?

>> No.79547132

She mentioned finishing P3 in her last RDR2 stream so it's still on her mind. That's far from being dropped

>> No.79547134

Yes we know you don't watch streams. Don't have to say it so loudly.

>> No.79547156
Quoted by: >>79547214

Ah, so my intuition was correct you are that fag lol
Try watching a stream by the vtuber who's general you stalk instead of asking open ended questions that have already been answered, like a retard

>> No.79547214

At this point I]'m pretty sure he just has a fetish for being called a retard.

>> No.79547246
File: 301 KB, 858x805, 1693947510401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your thesis statement included "Noel/Kanata had more popular playthroughs because they tried harder", because I guess Mori fighting Malenia for 15 hours isn't good enough, or even considering that there are a plethora of factors affecting viewership and several of them are unknowns, especially to us as audience members, like the recommendation bug that seems to be affecting her (which also doesn't even seem to be consistent). Are IDs all objectively meh/mid/bad streamers just because they have a smaller audience? Is Pekora's playthrough just anamalous in your eyes because it was popular despite her looking at guides and being a massive meta whore?
Until you can directly correlate anything you've said with specific, verified metrics, you can kiss my objectively pink asshole
To rewind a bit, getting pissy and lashing out at other people because they don't ascribe to your arbitrary ruleset in life is what's autistic behavior

>> No.79547427 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 1024x711, 1718678683137869m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79548306

>Lurk moar
>What the fuck did I just read
>Hey anon should we kiss?
>Get some help
>I want numberfags to leave
>Stop trying to fit in
>Based? No. Cringe? Yes.
>Fr fr
>Sure is summer
>We are so back
>It is so over

>> No.79547442
Quoted by: >>79547538

>Noel/Kanata had more popular playthroughs because they tried harder
why do you show in first line that you didn't read the post? that's makes the rest of your wall of text (even more) dismissible

>> No.79547500
File: 158 KB, 324x434, 1695979862631945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79547894

Little Kitty Big City. I think all the girls who played finished it in 1 or 2 streams, and its a cat game so Mori will like it.

>> No.79547536 [DELETED] 

Deadbeats posting without shitting on other Hololive members challenge: IMPOSSIBLE

>> No.79547538
Quoted by: >>79547635

>Noel/Kanata who had some of the most successful series that got eyes on their other content simply through extreme persistence

>> No.79547635

damn, my old eyes must be fooling me, that's an entirely different sentence

>> No.79547711
Quoted by: >>79547983

How are they different, Pedant God of Semantics?

>> No.79547768 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79547957

ESLbeats proving once again they can't read. Weren't they just accusing others of not being able to read?

>> No.79547809
Quoted by: >>79547983

>ER pulled a large audience at the start but also suffered a fairly drastic drop off compared to someone like Ina across playthrough (until her break)
They pulled like 6-11k regularly
Also lmao @ you giving an asterisk to Ina by mentioning her break when comparing her against Mori but not extending that same courtesy to Mori her ER streams had a moving timeslot (you probably weren't even there to watch those live)
>also the way you argued against Kanata/Noel on the basis of their builds (and not what the streaming experience was like) really just tells me you missed the point entirely
Well I don't know how you can jerk off over stuff like "persistence" and "streaming experience" while ignoring content of the stream is.
What you're telling me is you actually making any of these judgement calls or forming these opinions based on how they actually engage with the game and it's mechanics but merely how they react to shit
I guess Mori doesn't feign mental breakdowns when she dies to bosses for you liking

>> No.79547894

Yeah, both Stray and Cats Organized Neatly were amazing purely off the cat noises

>> No.79547957

Ewww, schizo have some self-respect and stop dickriding that other retards arguments when the shit you're trying to add on don't even make any fucking sense

>> No.79547966
File: 650 KB, 1893x1908, 1719708312352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent my day playing games and watching streams instead of arguing with a brick wall. How about you deadbeats?

>> No.79547983

for one, it's within the context of their own series and streaming identities, retardchama
Mori's feats of persistence are more tied to series like Crash or Bloodstained compared to anything in Elden Ring or other Soulslikes she attempted

>I guess Mori doesn't feign mental breakdowns when she dies to bosses for you liking
damn, you really start playing into what a fucking schizo JUST posted >>79547536
maybe go take a walk, calm down a little

>> No.79548159
File: 77 KB, 1024x1024, 1718832019714604m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79548367

I'm using Mori's karaoke stream as bgm to grinding the last bit of Holocure content there is before the update comes out

>> No.79548248
File: 879 KB, 1460x2048, 1719708626423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes Kamiyamaneki gets a little too weird with the anatomy

>> No.79548306

>>Hey anon should we kiss?
Oooh so that's what it was

>> No.79548310
Quoted by: >>79548405

AI slop

>> No.79548367

new updates gonna reset saves, Kay made the change to slow Kaela down a little

>> No.79548405

Nah they just really needed both the ass and tits in frame.

>> No.79548414
Quoted by: >>79548715

NTA but you're kidding right

>> No.79548422

>Mori's feats of persistence are more tied to series like Crash or Bloodstained compared to anything in Elden Ring or other Soulslikes she attempted
Says who? No one talks about either of those series anymore

>> No.79548433

Karaoke as BGM and got a lot of work done. Might have a nice drink and play ER tonight to celebrate

>> No.79548444
File: 259 KB, 540x614, 1689448207767035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79548819

The other debbie playing the jigsaw with me left so i spent the last hour and a half finishing it by myself. I think I'm going to play some more
All while jamming to Mori's karaoke on repeat of course

>> No.79548483
File: 413 KB, 918x717, 1718684936741261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79548715

Please dont joke about stuff like that. I know Kaela can handle it but my bones shook at the thought

>> No.79548502

She should practice this song and do it again in the future, it fits her voice well

>> No.79548715
Quoted by: >>79549213

I am fucking with you, yes

because they were both long ago and are also (sadly) way less popular series, no one is gonna be talking about Kronii's persistence in Blasphemous soon but people still bring up her hilariously stomping Margit

>> No.79548776
Quoted by: >>79549491

I wonder if she fell back asleep

>> No.79548819
Quoted by: >>79549170

Sorry debbie... I had some connection issues, it was disconnecting and reconnecting me every once in a while and every time it happened the pieces on the side moved slightly and it was driving me insane... I was also planning to head to bed, but something (I don't even remember what anymore) caught my attention so that plan didn't work out just yet. I had fun the short time I was there though!
t. 骨

>> No.79548868

I'll personally always remember the photo finish Bloodstained finale.

>> No.79548902

while anatomically possible pose-wise, the inhuman proportions (mainly the extremely narrow waist) make it look that much more uncanny

>> No.79549170
File: 67 KB, 483x496, 1702021000527201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79549835

It's okay! Sorry if it seemed like i was complaining. The website kinda sucks and I've noticed it disconnects everytime I change browser tabs so I understand lol Have a good night when you decide to go to bed

>> No.79549213

>Mori's feats of persistence are tied to less popular games
Isn't this a contradiction when she accomplished similar feats in Elden Ring? Her Malenia kill was basically the same thing she did with Bloodstained's final boss. And doesn't this line of argumentation also completely ignore Jump King, which was extremely popular and relevant to the audience's perception of Mori's persistence?

>> No.79549280

Fuck the games.
Do some watchalong series like Kiara is doing with Monogatari

>> No.79549491

I hope so. 4 hours ain't enough, especially if she was doing shit all day with mystery holonigga

>> No.79549576

A member's Kill la Kill or TTGL watch along would be fucking amazing

>> No.79549722
Quoted by: >>79551798

oh no, I actually agree with Jump King too, I think it's kind of regrettable that it became the weight on her neck for a while when it felt like it was so core for part of her stream identity
thats kind of the risk of banking on the persistence/challenge aspect, kinda like competitive, it can be very straining and stressful without proper mindspace
that's why playing the newbie and having people excited over pretty much everything you do - kinda wraps back to asking about Ame/Ina's playthroughs in comparison, they both came in saying they're absolutely fresh as far as From games go and the expectations were pretty much nonexistent

>> No.79549772
Quoted by: >>79549960

I say we watch Napoleon Dynamite

>> No.79549775
File: 2.84 MB, 482x706, miko laugh uooh [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4nxsj3.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79550091

It's funny when a arrogant retard like you make a dumb point and choose to die on that hill
Here you are trying argue that Mori trying to kill Maleina for 15 hours with a dumb meme build ISN'T an example of persistence but Noel going through the game with a fairly standard STR build somehow is
You can't even explain your original point in any certain terms without putting your foot in your mouth, so you've been stuck doing the "Oh those words I said? I actually I meant an entirely different thing!" pivot or using really vague platitudes and buzzwords in place of a proper explanation
>Isn't this a contradiction
>doesn't this line of argumentation also completely ignore
His entire argument has been full of contradictions and conveniently ignored facts, cause he didn't actually think it through and just wanted to say "pink women is bad and boring" but wanted to add unnecessary fluff so him being a shitposter isn't as obvious

>> No.79549835
File: 45 KB, 828x512, 20221227_175254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to apologize, I didn't take it that way lol thanks for the good night, you have a good rest of the day too

>> No.79549960
Quoted by: >>79550102

Did something happen related to that movie lately? Been seeing it pop up a bunch lately in other places.

>> No.79550091
Quoted by: >>79551683

I'll give you the benefit of doubt that you weren't the same cretin that wrote about "feigning mind breaks", but you're getting pretty close to shitting on Noel while completely missing the point why her playthroughs are associated with persistence
I suggest the walk all the same

>> No.79550102
Quoted by: >>79550273

Not sure, but there was a song in the karaoke rebroadcast that plays during it that makes me want to watch it with Mori

>> No.79550273

Ah k. Just seen some funny behind the scenes shit shared a bunch recently so i thought they were maybe doing something with it because that type of stuff has become part of normal marketing.

>> No.79550368
Quoted by: >>79550433

A nice karaoke, i feel like it wasn't me was the star of the karaoke

>> No.79550415
Quoted by: >>79551228

She forgot to take down the stream

>> No.79550433

Breakaway was the high point for me, personally

>> No.79550541
File: 242 KB, 498x490, IMG_3516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rissa raid

>> No.79550916
Quoted by: >>79551228

Mori you need to private the stream

>> No.79551067

>This tweet just popped up on my timeline
I have a feeling this was a Mori like kek

>> No.79551228
Quoted by: >>79551378

It's not a big deal. I think mooms left a unarchived up for like 6 hours by accident once because she forgot to take it down before going to bed. it will get taken down either by mori whens she noticed or a manager.

>> No.79551378

Normally I would agree but she sang a Taylor Swift song and apparently she's a huge prick when it comes to striking content

>> No.79551493

and you thought the smartest thing to do was to bring it up in the place where Mori has the second most mentally ill people out for her, eh?

>> No.79551517

I don't think there has been a unarchived karaoke by a EN holomem that didn't have atleast 1 taylor swift song lmao. Don't worry about it dude.

>> No.79551683

>but you're getting pretty close to shitting on Noel while completely
I hate people like you that bring up other Holos to use as a comparison/measuring stick in an argument then act all sanctimonious when someone flips the talking point against you
I'm not "shitting" on her, I asking you to explain how their playthroughs were actually different and why/how you associate hers with "persistence" despite the rather conventional build in contrast with the unorthodox shit Mori used
You're the one who brought her up to use as a talking point, now defend your point instead of trying pivot (I'd ask you same question about Kanata as well, but she hasn't actually finished ER yet so it's not a fair comp)
>completely missing the point
You've been saying this a lot while arguing if several different anons
If you had any ability to be introspective, you'd realize several people ""missing your point""" mean it's probably a shit point

>> No.79551705
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>> No.79551798
File: 603 KB, 1920x1080, 1691419663271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the newbie buff point is without merit, but I feel like you're overestimating how big of an impact it has, because everyone streaming it is still "new" to Elden Ring when going through it for the first time, regardless of their prior experience with Souls. I don't know anon, I think you're just picking and choosing what works for your argument, categorizing these other playthroughs in broad strokes while nitpicking the fuck out of Mori, even when the criteria discussed are just as applicable to her (same with the negatives applying to other girls as well), and also that there's so much more at play when it comes to viewership per stream I don't think basing all of this off of how Mori plays the game to be an objective marker of quality.

>> No.79551923

Family is visiting so I was hanging out with them, then we went to Church. Been a pretty fun day
