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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.79381290

Runny mascara emo elira pendora blowjob

>> No.79381359

grim, i do not remember her sounding this way, new VA skinwalking her or?

>> No.79381416

>OMG I'm soooooooo sorry. I'm not sure what happened. Did you ask my managers before buying tickets and booking hotels?

>> No.79381439


>> No.79381495

She's sounded like that for at least 2 years, anon.

>> No.79381540

>can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to put money out for this
>no refunds

>> No.79381598
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>> No.79381645
File: 267 KB, 585x564, 18453254565412954727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not funny anymore it's just sad

>> No.79381684

No it's still pretty funny

>> No.79381713


>> No.79381804

She literally sounds like she was just released from a rape dungeon. No she did not sound like that last year.

>> No.79381812

It's even funnier now hearing the pain in her voice.

>> No.79381825
File: 38 KB, 642x433, GGRTdsxacAAa1dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79381971

You do know people can look at her past streams to tell that you're lying, right?

>> No.79381866
Quoted by: >>79382000

it's a good thing you're just using a pomu image as a random reaction and you're not actually a pomudachi

>> No.79381970
File: 311 KB, 602x402, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79381971

>What is changing a mic
Yeah, looking at her past streams you'll know the only thing different is her quality.

>> No.79382000
File: 162 KB, 585x564, 2951390672645892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would "real pomudachis" do? Pretend everything is fine while she's clearly suffering from severe mental distress?

>> No.79382128

Oh nyo

>> No.79382146
Quoted by: >>79382763

ah yes. she bought the mic that makes her sound suicidal.

>> No.79382162

Real pomudachis enjoy the suffering of Elira and her clique

>> No.79382179

Dumb whore

>> No.79382182

actual pomudachis can be very happy that she's in a better place now.

>> No.79382591

>like she was just released from a rape dungeon

>> No.79382656

Elira Pendora rape...


>> No.79382670
Quoted by: >>79383906

gloat at her demise, my man. pomu is safe and well away from her clutches at last and as a result she is thriving.
what is there not to love? the only thing you should regret is that you have been duped into believing that the two were the best of friends, if you ever had been.

>> No.79382683


>> No.79382763

tfw I call work to report illness on the suicide-mic and it works every time

>> No.79383185
Quoted by: >>79383338

That looks pretty consensual to me, anon

>> No.79383338

one does not make management without being able to take it with a smile anon

>> No.79383645
Quoted by: >>79400820

She sounds more emotional here than in the damn black stream.

>> No.79383906

You people are mentally ill

>> No.79383913
File: 10 KB, 475x455, img_1_1715616042304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79389507

Man, I feel sad for the dumb bitch. I don't think she is evil just extremely retarded

>> No.79383979

The rapist? Me

>> No.79384040
File: 670 KB, 1079x605, Power of Mental Illness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79408470


>> No.79384997

Total Elira death

>> No.79385323

How is this cunt still getting a chat going that fast
How does she have an audience at all

>> No.79385734

damn at this point i think niji management are just fisting both the fans and the livers

>> No.79386799

>I can't believe there's a single person who would spend even a dollar to see me
Yeah, because there isn't. Almost nobody bought tickets and the handful who did were either fujos or people looking to see the actual talented girls.

>> No.79387782
Quoted by: >>79388998

I just feel bad for her even if she did do anything it's painful to watch this and Niji EN as a whole just languish

>> No.79387926

All they have to do is apologise to Doki. That simple. Also passionate make up yuri sex as compensation as well.

>> No.79388142

kys eliraschizo. I can't wait for karma to get you.

>> No.79388161

She could have had a little bit more tact with her coworkers. I believe Elira isn't evil, but her actions at the time were.

>> No.79388464

All she had to do was apologize to Doki BEFORE the black screen stream. It can't be undone now after half a year without an apology.

>> No.79388664
Quoted by: >>79389234

Doki would have to be a literal saint for that to work (even with her wish to move on, the black screen video clearly made her upset due to awful timing they chose on purpose) and even then, everyone else will still demand Elira's blood unless her literal soul was on the line and Niji has that kind of power

>> No.79388998

Especially the ones who weren't involved in the slightest.
For example, the newest waves obviously weren't involved. But also I'm pretty sure that people like Finana, Fulgur, Maria, Scarle, Aia, etc. are innocent.
Especially in the case of Aia, it was clear that she was crying a lot over the course of months after the Selen situation and engaged in self-harm (e.g. she couldn't do art or handcam streams because she was picking on her hands too much) and was overwhelmed by all the negative backlash. She lost a lot of weight, had a locked jaw, sleeping problems etc. But because her emotional support consists of the other members of EN and she like everyone in EN gets gaslit into thinking that they're nothing without Nijisanji, she won't leave.

Management and Elira/Vox have pretty much killed any chance of success for EN.

>> No.79389209
Quoted by: >>79389570

both have significantly contributed to turning NijiEN into a joke

>> No.79389234
Quoted by: >>79389678

>Doki would have to be a literal saint for that to work
What do you mean? Doki doesn't talk shit about NijiEN. If Nijisanji released a formal apology to Selen/Doki, then she would probably acknowledge it, accept the sentiment and once again ask for everyone to move on. Doki HAS BEEN a saint during all of this.

>> No.79389507
File: 68 KB, 256x173, pipyea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so too
I believe in second chances!

>> No.79389570

Yeah yeah, "Educate yourself", I know. But she has been friends with Selen and isn't known to be a bully.
What's wrong with him? He's probably the biggest bro in NijiEN, everybody respects him and confides in him. The fact that he's obese should make him very relatable to a lot of /vt/

>> No.79389678

She very likely would have chosen to be the better (wo)man, but with everything Nijisanji cost her and Elira's actions, I don't think she'd truly accept an apology and others wouldn't either even if everyone decided to move on.

>> No.79389719

>thread hits post limit and dies
>makes it again
>omg i feel so sorry for her :((((( she's just dumb not evil!!!

>> No.79389740

educate yourself, traps, Uki off-collab, groomer discord x2, Zaion "gaslighting"
"Council didn't do as well as expected", literally too fat to get involved in any 3D events which isn't really a yab but it does make him a joke

>> No.79389808
Quoted by: >>79389940

>Council didn't do as well as expected
Which wasn't entirely wrong at the time, but got hilarious in hindsight

>> No.79389940
Quoted by: >>79390030

Yeah, let's not pretend like Council wasn't being shit on here before that discord leak.

>> No.79390030
Quoted by: >>79397188

the difference is that it was NijiEN shitting on Council and then proceeding to absolutely implode, it's not like Noctyx was doing very well either

>> No.79390230

>I can't imagine there's people willing to spend money with niji
All out war

>> No.79390252
Quoted by: >>79390361

There was also the whole calling people freaks over shit you're literally making a living out of, with the bait-and-switch ASMR stream being the worst of it (I think it was on April Fools, but it was more spiteful than anything)

>> No.79390361

insane that Finana had an insanely successful first ASMR stream and then proceeded to never do it again while still being a coomer on stream

>> No.79390377

Mickey Mouse?

>> No.79390834

You know, it always felt off how Elira and Selen basically never interacted despite their designs and lore being connected the way it was along with their waves and their position in them also being connected.
Forcing it would have been awful, but it feels like such a waste now even if it would have eventually been rendered irrelevant. We really don't live in a perfect world.

>> No.79390962

They did interact in the very beginning. But after the first month they stopped and started avoiding each other.

>> No.79391274
Quoted by: >>79391521

Management shares half the blame. They tried to find games to play together but management never approved of any of them so they kind of just stopped trying. It didn't help they have polar opposite tastes.

>> No.79391404

Redeemable if she starts an onlyfans after graduating, it's the only way. She should do a 24-hour stream of naked dogeza to prove her innocence.

>> No.79391521

Makes you wonder WHEN everything started rolling downhill. You can still blame their initial failure to connect on Selen being shy, especially in a new environment, but did it actually contribute that much or was the whole thing actually fucked from the beginning?

>> No.79391539

Next thing you are going to tell me Elira is Mother Teresa and Vox is the Gandhi of Vtubing. Go back to your hole, little mouse.

>> No.79391545
Quoted by: >>79391713

I will only accept a group bastinado session with Vox and Mike Crinkles

>> No.79391639

Who knows. I've worked at enough places to know people will start resenting another for extremely petty reasons.

>> No.79391652
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Quoted by: >>79402345

Too late for that

>> No.79391679
File: 724 KB, 1600x800, 1709301167196218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79391894

It all started with a red fruit, and I don't mean Flayon.

>> No.79391695
File: 165 KB, 564x444, 1716500631294433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79391713
Quoted by: >>79392765

Fuck this would be so hot with their original designs. Shoes hung above their heads like trophies, their naked and vulnerable feet twitching in stocks...

>> No.79391794

The female members of the clique should do a three day batsu game — all-the-while naked, mind you — to atone.

>> No.79391894
Quoted by: >>79402387

We don't have time for you to retell the entire story of Adam and Eve, old man

>> No.79391988

elira is so sweet, why do you keep making this threads and bullying her ?

>> No.79392087

She’s the one that volunteered for that black stream, anon.

>> No.79392307

it's like she's trying her hardest to pretend to give a fuck

>> No.79392326

Of course only poor sisters would take this cancellation as a W because Riku gave them the concert for free anyway. Meanwhile the rich sisters are devastated that they wasted thousands of US dollars for nothing and the EN organs failed to perform in front of live audience, again

This Elira meltdown will not be acknowledged by those poor Twitter sisters and they will make sure they memoryhole that moment to pretend Anycolor did nothing wrong while continuing blaming the burner anti accounts

>> No.79392444
File: 60 KB, 300x300, 1708685382024536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finana was friends with Selen
She was friends with Zaion too and look where that got her.

>> No.79392467

When ever someone asks this my go to is Ethyria. Lazu and Obsydia were great when they started and had real chemistry. Then Ethyria had its debut and things started to go down hill

>Enna started out sweet and polite and just naturally showed her shitty personality
>Millie's infamous GC stream which showed a mean streak in some livers
>Nina being straight up ignored and kept out of group discussions like she was some black sheep, 3thyria
>The Vox ASMR yab that Reimu walked in on and started to flirt with vox in front of chinese sisters

Since Ethyria yabs got more and more common until you got to where we are now.

>> No.79392506

>black screen stream still happens
>but it's Elira and Vox getting railed by ugly bastards in purple rubber dragon suits while Ike sits in the corner
Is the timeline saved?

>> No.79392578
File: 851 KB, 1242x1722, IMG_1835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooooooooh, thats why she had a bump on her SC.

>> No.79392594

What’s Ike doing in that scenario, sitting in the chair?

>> No.79392765

I'll bet Mike Crinkles has the sexiest softboy whimpers. Imagine whipping the air right in front of his soles, watching him flinch, unable to steel himself for the moment when it actually makes contact with his arches...

>> No.79392884

Yes because he has nothing to contribute

>> No.79393246
Quoted by: >>79393414

>The Vox ASMR yab that Reimu walked in on and started to flirt with vox in front of chinese sisters
Wasn't she asking for something she got stumped over during a FNAF stream, but it was in the middle of the "date"?

>> No.79393414

Yep, that was what actually happened.

>> No.79393632

> Superchat only worth 8 AX concert tickets
Honestly kinda grim

>> No.79393723
Quoted by: >>79396392

>Enna started out sweet and polite and just naturally showed her shitty personality
>Millie's infamous GC stream which showed a mean streak in some livers
Guess who? Enna
>>Nina being straight up ignored and kept out of group discussions like she was some black sheep, 3thyria
Enna again
>The Vox ASMR yab that Reimu walked in on and started to flirt with vox in front of chinese sisters
Admittedly not Enna, but it's the type of content she normalized and vocally supported

Enna is probably behind the black stream too, encouraging Elira to "own the haters". You know that's exactly what she'd do.

>> No.79393730

this is the first time I've ever heard her voice, why do people watch her?

>> No.79393918

"I'm so le nerdy and so obsessed with anime boys"

>> No.79393974
File: 316 KB, 552x612, dokishock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elira being the actual judas of vtubers is one of those things that if you told me a year ago, I would never have believed you. she seemed like one of the generally friendliest and nicest ones, even if a bit bland

>> No.79394098

She's comfy and generic. Her streams are peak background noise.
t. former famelira.

>> No.79394103
Quoted by: >>79409162

her voice is legitimately very different now compared to when she started idk how to explain it

>> No.79394120

sweet feet to beat. in stocks. with canes

>> No.79394170
File: 97 KB, 736x1070, 1707199041124905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can still fix her

>> No.79394561
Quoted by: >>79394640

Would you believe someone telling you that Nijisanji will fire Selen over being uncooperative and overall harmful to the brand a year ago?

>> No.79394640 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 835x285, 1710760622440395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79394810

Remember when Selen was one of Nijisanji's biggest champions?
It wasn't even that long ago

>> No.79394810
Quoted by: >>79394925

>need someone to clip this and show the holofags
that's dumb, they'd just hate her even more than they already did

>> No.79394925 [DELETED] 

>being dumb
Say it isn't so

>> No.79395119
Quoted by: >>79395575

I always felt this way about them ever since I noticed the total lack of interaction and collabs over a year ago. However, I should also add that Selen would still tell stories mentioning Elira but Elira would never speak of Selen at all.

>> No.79395270
Quoted by: >>79399597

why does she sound so disingenuous?

>> No.79395365

niji and making people "attempt".

>> No.79395506

Clearly, real Elira has been dead for years, it's a alien bodysnatcher slipping up from prolonged Nijiabuse

>> No.79395575
Quoted by: >>79396392

Now that you mention it, I was famelira but not really into Selen and I still remember Selen mentioning her until the very end but not the other way around.
The more this whole thing unfolds the more I feel like something might have been broken early on between her and Selen.
I really wish Elira had graduated and given her actual, unfiltered side as an indie, back then. Even if she ended being in the wrong, I have a hard time believing she was some evil bitch who wanted someone to die.

>> No.79396392

The thing is, while she's definitely no saint, I don't think she actually wanted Selen to an hero, just get her to fuck off. I'm more willing to believe >>79393723, because holy shit Enna is a huge petty bitch and is the Satan to Elira's Judas.

>> No.79396465

It's getting pretty sad now. Someone needs to do a welfare check on Elira. I hope she one-day air all the dirty laundry out.

>> No.79396575

It is sad, but she deserves it, so it's funny. I don't like OP for making me hear her voice again, I thought I was going to watch the Shiko-noko-noko-noko-koshi-tan-tan video.

>> No.79396584

I don't want to put all the blame on Enna given the fact we don't have that much info but man, her putrid behaviour makes it hard to give her the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.79396934

Why are reimu's numbers so low? She streams almost every day and seems nice enough

>> No.79397116

It's really funny actually

>> No.79397177
Quoted by: >>79397555

She's boring and gets no advertising. Same reason most of Niji's numbers are dogshit.

>> No.79397188

No the difference is Myth wasn't huffing their own farts in a discord circlejerk over getting better numbers than Lazusydia. Even if Niji had won in the end, this leak still makes them look like cockheads.

>> No.79397555
Quoted by: >>79398043

>gets no advertising
>got 10k streams dropped on her before
>participated in collabs with 70k+ ccv
>got promoted at the highest levels by NijiEN which made Ethyria the star of the show for a year
>got personal attention from Hololive members

Give me a break. Nobody has been more promoted than her.
The reason her viewers never increase is because she sucks. Her voice sucks, her personality sucks, her attitude sucks, her content sucks.

>> No.79397845

>Elira gets laughed into obscurity, ultimately quitting streaming altogether and getting stuck in a deadend job while NijiEN crumbles for good
>Elira has a total breakdown during a stream and takes her own life from built up stress, with staff taking a little too long to shut it down
Pick one ending

>> No.79398030
Quoted by: >>79398205

I pick the Golden Route.
>Elira signs on for another 2 more years
>she can never escape NijiEN even post-merge

>> No.79398043

Unironically this. Her personality is just boring, even in collabs she fades into obscurity and that is with EN popular people as well as the JP people

>> No.79398205
Quoted by: >>79398328

But that's the ending where Doki suddenly evaporates during her wedding because the writers really wanted to force a bittersweet ending

>> No.79398229

being friends with X matters so little because she is the type that drops friends instantly when groups with bigger voices (clique and her groomers) tells her so like a loyal dog, never stopped to think even once
she is both innocent and not at the same time
i'll give fulgur a pass because he did apologize though the way he said it feels less of apology and more of aww millie cheered me up shes so sweet uwu

>> No.79398328


>> No.79398366
Quoted by: >>79398452

I don't know. The black video coming after the suicide attempt seems malicious. At best you could argue that move was extremely dumb, but I have a hard time seeing it..

>> No.79398452

Depends on what documents they were actually provided with (Niji is already willing to lie and break laws), but nobody apologized even via PLs for that months later, so, who cares?

>> No.79398576


>> No.79398681

>seems nice
She mocked Selen after getting hospitalised.

>> No.79399188
Quoted by: >>79400806

She's also still friends with Dokibird on Apex

>> No.79399342
File: 67 KB, 734x1010, IMG_1035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nicer than Millie at least. Imagine physically being present with the manager and outright laughing at Selen as she desperately begs for perms she shouldn't need, then saying this shit

>> No.79399464

...And Reddit still thinks we should be civil to the livers.

>> No.79399597 [DELETED] 

Because she is disingenuous

>> No.79400018
Quoted by: >>79403838

Fatfgur is okay in my book.
His only jab is his comment in the leaked Discord screenshot.

The nijileaker confirmed he was an okay dude, and he also stood up for Scarle and hopped on his PL to let people know she was okay.

>> No.79400054
Quoted by: >>79400661

I pick the deadend job. Maybe one day she'll donate to the stream of a certain vtuber anonymously, and that vtuber will pause and say thank you before continuing the stream.

>> No.79400080

I still can't decide how I feel about Ike. It felt like he didn't want to be there and I don't remember the black screen well but I don't remember him saying anything actually substantial. Wondering if he was gaslit into thinking she actually was bad since he always seemed to get along well with her prior to this.

>> No.79400285
Quoted by: >>79403551

Man, I don't even like Doki, but the passive-aggressiveness and general mocking tone of those tweets make me really angry.

>> No.79400515

AFAIK, there is no signs of malice on his part before or after the black screen (he definitely knows what lines to avoid crossing going by that one stream with drunk Vox and Selen). However, he's a pushover and easy to drag into bullshit like this even if he doesn't like it, which isn't a good trait either.

>> No.79400624

Why are dragoons still bullying her?

>> No.79400661

>works in some buttfuck nowhere grocery store where she can reflect on all the shitty stuff she's done
>blames it on everyone she wronged
>filled with self loathing and near an hero event
>finds some mailman or something while she's in a coffee shop crying to herself and they fall in love
>she has 3 children that she treats with love
>finally reaches out to the people she hurt and they've moved on long ago but thank her anyways
Am I a fag for wanting a redemption arc? Like she's a piece of shit but this would be a good outcome and actually show that humans can change. Would actually be sad if she did kill herself I think.

>> No.79400753

people like her don't change

>> No.79400775
Quoted by: >>79401265

You are a fag for writing this specific scenario, but otherwise, no. A world with more good people is better than a world with fewer people.

>> No.79400806

Proof of this? IIRC the screenshot of Doki being on Reimu's friends list is from January, well before the termination and the "an attempt... lmao" tweet.
If there's any evidence of them still being Apex friends AFTER February 5th, I'd love to see it.

>> No.79400820
Quoted by: >>79411824

That's true. She sounds like a mess here... or she's eating to cope with her emotional problems

>> No.79400889

That mailman? All me.

>> No.79400931 [DELETED] 

In my opinion it is not a form of harassment

>> No.79401015
Quoted by: >>79401048

You should be thrown into the sun.

>> No.79401048 [DELETED] 

You are a nijinigger

>> No.79401159

So Millie was right and /vt/ is seething about it? Many such cases

>> No.79401265

I wanted to write this so I could fantasize this >>79400889

>> No.79401299

go fuck yourself millie nobody will save you now enjoy giving blowies behind the starbucks dumpster for a living

>> No.79401526

I think she would accept the apology just to spite shitposters on Twitter who use her likeliness and brand as a way to shit on NijiEN, as much as some members like Enna, Hex, and Luca actually deserve it. Because seeing that one Shinanoko nokonoko koshitantan version she retweeted vs the version in the OP that was more heavily spammed, it’s clear that Doki has since moved on and is more bothered by people using her as a weapon.

Aia actually engaged in self harm? That’s news to me, and not in a good way. The whole debacle would have undoubtedly had a negative impact on people still in the company, especially those friendly with Selen. But I didn’t think it would impact her to that point either considering that she didn’t seem to have anything to do with it. I knew she had self worth issues but that’s actually sad to hear.

>> No.79401787

Because as much as dragoons like Doki, they like drama that much more. Fuck the actual explicit wishes of their "oshi".

>> No.79401823


>> No.79401840 [DELETED] 

Ensuring that Elira is punished is a moral duty, and since nijisanji has exposed their moral failings it falls to us to ensure the sacred duty is carried out

>> No.79401871
File: 3.93 MB, 1280x720, KuroSanji[sound=files.catbox.moe_2Fry92k7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just post the webm?

>> No.79401897

No one cares about Elira anymore. That's the problem. Their numbers are down and despite never coming clean about the truth of what they did they still face the repercussions. They must all feel like life isn't fair since the person they bullied didn't get crushed and forgotten like how it always goes.

>> No.79401907

Doki said not to use her image to Attack Elira

>> No.79401998

Don't taint their names by calling me a 'dragoon', I'm just a regular niji anti at this point.

>> No.79402032
File: 18 KB, 595x210, XDQzWij.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s clear that Doki has since moved on and is more bothered by people using her as a weapon.
She's actually been saying this as early as february. She's been very clear from the start that she doesn't like being used as a weapon to spread negativity. I can recall at least four times when she's said it in just the past few montths...

Also on the aia thing, NTA, but from what I've heard it sounds more like her antis were always there and always vicious, but they got energized and started working overtime after the doki thing to slam her with it.
nijiseethe. There's a lot more people that hate Niji than dragoons.

>> No.79402066

I'm just a Niji-Anti, not a dragoon

>> No.79402163

Bros really think only 1 fanbase hates niji fucking lmao

>> No.79402181

>Aia actually engaged in self harm? That’s news to me, and not in a good way.
Yeah, and that's only what she mentioned on stream. Granted, it wasn't just because of the Selen situation, but because of the general vitriol towards NijiEN and technical problems, too.
There was one stream where she thought she was muted and sobbed quietly for some time, until she noticed that her mic was hot. Then she would make several "jokes" about whether anyone would miss her if she died. It was a scary time to be an Aiadmirer.
Thankfully, she seems to have recovered now. But I was honestly concerned for a few solid months.

>> No.79402195


>> No.79402296

I don't feel bad at all bros.

>> No.79402345

>Black magic

>> No.79402387

No anon, it's something even funnier.
No time to explain.

>> No.79402657
Quoted by: >>79402860

Actual goons have moved on like she requested, the only people still bitching are just niji antis not actual goons. No, this is not nijiseethe, this is me being a loyal goon.
>Verification not required.

>> No.79402715

Sitting in the corner the camera doesn't catch so he can still be the Invisible Man in said timeline.

>> No.79402786

We are not even going to fight for her.
Neither discuss this statement.
All yours anon.
>"Go get her tiger!"

>> No.79402857

At this point, the truth is likely so banal that people will only be disappointed. Elira is evil? That has already been the narrative for months. She's innocent? We already know Niji's song and dance. A retard or all of the above? Meh.
That is, unless shit gets even crazier with fucking yakuza or something. Not that unlikely anymoree.

>> No.79402860

Yet here you are, in a Niji anti thread.

>> No.79402918
Quoted by: >>79405719

I just want to know who is the actual piece of shit manager that was put in charge of Selen. That's all I want to know.

>> No.79402941

Time and again, threads like this show me that most people actually aren't against bullying per se. They just want to feel good about bullying the "right" people, like this girl who is obviously having a hard time and crying right now.

>> No.79402972

NTA but doki's not streaming right now.
Seething quietly on a mongolian beef recipe sharing center out of fear of another #WhereIsSelen is still a far cry from actual harassment, like the sisters did when they harassed Sayu with doxx and calling her a pedophile rapist for over a year, or when the sisters made several god awful rentry attempts to paint Doki as some kind of psychotic, untrustworthy menhera bullying poor Nijisanji.

>> No.79403057
Quoted by: >>79403171

Perhaps one shouldn’t volunteer themselves to be the mouthpiece of the clique, then. Better yet, maybe never forming it in the first place was he way to avoid this scenario.

>> No.79403082

Her voice sounds terrible, like Enna-tier unlistenable wtf

>> No.79403171
Quoted by: >>79403594

So you're saying that she's an acceptable target for bullying? Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.79403219

>Read thread about Elira being sad
>Write fanfic >>79400661
hoping things go better for her.
>Defend goons
Yes I am clearly an anti.

>> No.79403262

I like more the scenarios in which she makes ammends with Doki behind-the-scenes and she returns as NOVA but with a black-hole/cosmic dangerous science thingie (Neutro star?) and ends up having a Sonic and Shadow dynamic with Doki because she can't play the good guy ever anymore, I don't think anyone has done a rival gimmick with VTubers unless it was on-accident or corpo-mandated bullshit that caused a full company collapse, and we already got a twin's gimmick fully realized before legit designed-to-be rivals schtick.

>> No.79403377

>rice farmer vox
lol, that was a good hearty laugh.

>> No.79403423

I just don't want anyone to get sad, even fucking Vox and Luca.
Doki choosing to move on in spite of everything is great.
Alas, we don't live in a perfect world.

>> No.79403551
Quoted by: >>79410783

What if she wasn't actually being passive aggressive and was just ESL?

>> No.79403594
Quoted by: >>79403877

No, what I’m saying is that people who discard their passivity for action make themselves vulnerable to criticism.

>> No.79403838

>he also stood up for Scarle and hopped on his PL to let people know she was okay
Make no mistake, he did NOT stood up for Scarle, he played defense for nijisanji using his own PL account.
People were mad AT niji, not at Scarle, back then because they thought that Scarle got stealth suspended for liking the anti niji comment.
God, what's with the recent Fungus' name rehabilitation and amelioration here?

>> No.79403877
Quoted by: >>79411986

Anon, we're in an Elira anti thread that celebrates her being very upset and on the verge of crying. This isn't "criticism".

>> No.79404103

What's your beef with Fulgur?

>> No.79404166

I'm a Sanallite.

>> No.79404287
Quoted by: >>79404749

Nah, I like this. It's sweet.

>> No.79404400

I just hate sycophant and edgy piece of shit like him.
Seriously, sucking up to Luxiem that early is a surefire sign of bootlicker.

>> No.79404749

>>79404287 (me)
AFAIK she's not some irredeemable Kissinger level monster. She can turn it around.

>> No.79405719

Didn't Selen's manager end up being the de facto manager for Zaion's wave? Not the two week hire, but her supervisor?

>> No.79405797

I want Vox, Luca, Uki, Finana, Elira, Enna, Millie, Hex and Kotoka to be miserable for the rest of their lives

>> No.79405838

I feel like somehow most people somehow don't know that he has unironic asperger syndrome (one of the reasons he and Selen got along so well) and the rigid thinking that comes with it, I can see both sides of the story what with Selen going menhera and recording VCs and whatever the hell else happened that we'll never know about but he was in the worst fucking position because the whole drama was a class-A ultimate woman moment for everyone involved, and he likely only got worked up enough to insert himself into the line of fire because Vox dragged him into it
Anyone who wasn't a regular viewer of Selen or especially Ike also wouldn't realize just how close they were on and off stream, they collabed almost as often as even Pomulen did and spent a lot of time in each others' open VC calls, honestly I'd go as far as to say she was his best if not only non-graduated friend outside of Luxiem

>> No.79405967

Reminder he is friends with Mr Underhill, a vocal Niji shill. For some reason just because he says he's not a journalist he's getting less flak despite doing the exact same shit as before

>> No.79406050

You will lose social poggers if you don't use your straight white male eyes to educate yourself like a total virgin who hasn't received a confirmation/OK sign to grow up in da hood Zaion bad

>> No.79406453
Quoted by: >>79406908

Would make his presence in the black screen video even more fucked up if people responsible were fully aware of this and the two were genuinely good friends (at least as far as Selen was aware). He otherwise has zero reason to be there, doesn't even contribute anything to shitting on her beyond simply being with the other two.

>> No.79406908
Quoted by: >>79407034

Eh I guess you could come to that conclusion but to me it's more just telling that he unironically believed the stuff being said and it wasn't necessarily malicious (on his part at least) whether or not it's the full truth. It's also important to remember that the whole branch was probably pissed as fuck about the girls having to banish half of their AR live segment to the shadow realm at the same time so I think that's the biggest reason any of them cared whatsoever what happened to a random coworker. I won't pretend to know what's going on inside people's heads though, I don't have schizophrenia I just want to watch anime pngs without worrying about their petty interpersonal dramas

>> No.79407034
Quoted by: >>79407407

It doesn't really matter what he believed at this point when he was willing to make a smear video unprompted against a suicidal woman who wasn't fighting back and simply wanted to move on.

>> No.79407267

Ok now how do we make this thread about Zaion/Sayu fellas

>> No.79407337

Honestly what really throws me for a loop was the surprise off-collab with fucking Hakka. Who was a participant on Wrestletuber just a week or so earlier. It's unlikely, but it makes me wonder if either Ike and Doki are in contact or Doki may have said something about him privately.

Though knowing how she wants to move on, She probably hasn't said anything regarding him. But fuck that collab has left me fucking lost on where he is on all of this.

>> No.79407407
Quoted by: >>79407802

I thought she was still in "I refuse to be silenced" mode at that point
But whatever, I don't fucking know, it's not my business and I don't get why any of them forced it to be in the first place

>> No.79407656

Mass-produce it

>> No.79407679 [DELETED] 

No shit anon, it's not every day a retard gives us a publicly justifyable excuse to shit on her, we are going to milk this for all it's worth.
If you want someone to blame, blame the retard for thinking that it'll be a good idea to publicly go "yeah, we fired her, but she is mentally ill so she deserved it"

>> No.79407705 [DELETED] 

I want their heads on a pike

>> No.79407802

the "I refuse to be silenced" is more due to the complete silence she was forced under during her suspension over January. It was fucking awful constantly worrying about her during #WhereIsSelen.
She just wanted to move the fuck on.
I don't think Hakka or Bettel is especially close to Doki to begin with, but Dtto collab'd with Reimu, too. There's really no point gossiping or dwelling on Niji anymore, since they're far too crippled now to hurt her again.

>> No.79407875

Hakka and Ike have been friends for like a decade and wrestletuber was a big unity event and huge for visibility, why would Doki be relevant to either of those things

>> No.79408015
Quoted by: >>79412625

This just shows me that you're the same kind of bully that drove Selen to her suicide attempt.

>> No.79408389

Last I heard, Judas was the one betraying all of his friends for money. Which is Doki

>> No.79408470
File: 39 KB, 172x160, you-are-mentally-ill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79408522 [DELETED] 

Yellow hands typed this

>> No.79408848
Quoted by: >>79410073

This is the first time I actually hear her voice, she sounds like an absolute bitch trying really hard to not laugh at her fans.

>> No.79409162

the voice change is due to all those Gangbang she did to please investors for that black stream.

>> No.79409292
Quoted by: >>79415610

>betraying all his friends for money
Oh, in that case, I guess it’d be Vox.

>> No.79410073
Quoted by: >>79431764

Confusing someone obviously on the verge of crying with someone holding back laughter is a sign of being on the spectrum, or at the very least being socially inept.

>> No.79410717
Quoted by: >>79420111

I was a tourist in /HAHA/ when the shikanoko video came out. Everyone in the thread was shitting on the video and artist to the point even when the artist put up a wholesome version with mint and Doki they were telling the poster to fuck off.

And this was way before Doki made her statement. I am not particularly into Doki that much but dragoons seem to be the nicest fanbase on this godforsaken board. They are not the ones after Elira. And a few months ago when Elira was on Hiatus and her fans were doomposting about her then some dragoons also expressed sympathy.

>> No.79410773

>to everybody who bought a ticket
All 11 of them!

>> No.79410783

Don't be stupid, anon.

>> No.79410961

Post her feet. Hurry the fuck up or I'm baiting with her reeeeeeeee

>> No.79410997

Got some pity money on that last stream

>> No.79411081

THAT'S what she sounds like? What the fuck?

>> No.79411085
File: 350 KB, 631x641, 1719189529066947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do wonder if this has something to do with the fact her model Mama worked with Doki again. Something that both Kyo and Sayu said was not possible for themselves due to Nijisanji barring active artists on their payroll from working with ex-Livers. Even her Mama has abandoned her.

>> No.79411143

Release the IRL bukkake video Millie

>> No.79411180

>Anon making shit up
Kyi said that he doesn't know if the artist may face any problems due to working with him but he did not want to put him in this position. It was a 'just in case' thing. It was definitely possible. Idk about sayu.

>> No.79411195
Quoted by: >>79411288

Sayu's thing was a bit different. In her case she was told she was too radioactive. It was for the best in the long run since Yuniiho's model is beautiful.
Kamamesi has no problems with Elira, apparently. She still draws her and retweets her random updates and posts. This little breakdown is about the AR Live and likely the upcoming merge, if not a build up from all of the other nonsense she's been put through since that godawful stream.

>> No.79411288
Quoted by: >>79411423

It's not nonsense if she deserves it. And she deserves a lot worse. Curb your saviourfagging.

>> No.79411350
File: 250 KB, 840x2028, GQMJjB_asAAKMRZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79420933

Kamame published new Elira art less than 10 days before the Doki reveal and retweeted Elira's GTA stream. If there's any issue with it, it'd come from Niji.
I think everything going to hell with Niji is getting to her. She and a lot of other livers invested much of themselves in Nijisanji and saw it as their long-term home. Unlike everyone else who left they probably didn't plan for a non-Niji future and are now looking in terror as the ID/KR future looms near.

>> No.79411423

I'm just trying to be charitable.
These breakdowns are apparently getting more and more frequent. Vivi had one a bit ago, Rosemi's been getting more withdrawn, Kunai just up and vanished from her niji account and started being incredibly obvious about what she's doing. Hex having his little menhera rants. Vox desperately backpedalling to his old model. I heard Aia's even been self harming. And now Elira breaking down about the concert.

I just hope all of this shit ends quickly.

>> No.79411427
File: 85 KB, 1176x837, CtF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% deserved, Niji downfall has been some of the funniest shit I've ever seen. Oh karma.

>> No.79411490

Why would she stream with the emotional anguish mic and not the lying vile bitch mic she used before?

>> No.79411538
File: 293 KB, 463x454, ogey2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch and support ghost maid, laugh at NijiEN.

>> No.79411586

I actually really do feel bad for her. There's no knowing the true extent of her culpability for everything that went down. But that black screen stream was the final straw, the last domino that really ensured the branch's end, and it's on her channel. That's tough, man.

There may have been a chance of recovery for the branch before that black stream. It would have been rocky, they may never have fully regained everything, but survival might have been possible. It was the final self-inflicted headshot.

>> No.79411778
Quoted by: >>79412033

Nah, it will continue to be funny until all parties involved with Selen/Doki's attempts are just as poor as she was after her termination, that they PLEAD for forgiveness, and realize they're shitty human beings. Then maybe it will stop being funny.

>> No.79411824

Fat Depressed Elira sex!

>> No.79411856

I'm not even sure if she can recover. In some way I do feel kinda bad for her but not a lot knowing what happened with Selen.
Chances are either she stays in niji to be financially covered or goes indie. No way any other smart corpo would accept her otherwise. And even if she goes indie she has a far bigger chance to die of irrelevancy.
Still, I'm not one to oppose a redemption arc, a true one, where the wrongdoes realize their mistakes and make amends, but Doki already moved on and took back everything that was taken from her.

>> No.79411986
Quoted by: >>79424913

Is it bullying when people cheer about a bully facing the consequences of their actions?

>> No.79412033

>I'm just trying to be charitable
Well you shouldn't be. And don't put Rosemi, vivi and aia on the same bracket as her. I feel somewhat bad for them too. As for Elira,
>>79411778 is appropriate.

>> No.79412046

Yeah I've been feeling the same here. While I don't have that much sympathy for Elira and Vox, it's clear plenty of the other talents within are at their wits end. I'm honestly worried that someone is gonna do something drastic if they either don't get out or something good happens there, but everyone knows that barring maybe a future Lux/Nox 3D the rest have little to look forward to.

Fucking hell, set them free already Anycolor, for everyone's sake. They're not lucky enough to have a third attempt not work. and Doki definitely dosen't seem the type to want someone to be in the mental state she was.

>> No.79412177

You mean the girl who defended people bullying a fellow talent so much she tried to kill herself twice? Perhaps even engaged in it herself? And then tried to pin all fault on the victim?
I know I'm probably in the minority here but to me killing someone directly or indirectly in this case is worse than an actual Pedophile, because even if that child is scarred for life they still have potential to do good for the world. When someone is dead they don't have that potential anymore ever. Even if that good is something as basic as entertaining people to keep them from ending their own lives themselves.
What Elira is getting isn't bullying, but punishment. Something her parents obviously never gave her and something she and all the other members involved with the attempts and the direct smear campaign deserve.

>> No.79412221

>Black screen video is still up

>> No.79412408

>Yeah yeah, "Educate yourself", I know. But she has been friends with Selen and isn't known to be a bully.
I'm pretty sure i've seen clips of notFinana and Dokibird collabing even before they joined Niji

>> No.79412414

>These breakdowns are apparently getting more and more frequent
And that's a good thing

>> No.79412446
File: 1.28 MB, 832x1216, 1708717014423467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only possible way to morally excuse her putting the blackscreen on her channel and making those statements is if she was soft pressured into it by Niji, and even then, the fact that we know her parents are well off would mean it couldn't have been a monetary threat that would make someone like Vivi fall in line.
So, let's say she has been pressured, what in gods name could they have used to pressure her with? Taking away all her equipment? No. Convincing her she'll never work in this town again, Hollywood exec style? She's not as insecure as someone like Pomu or Rosemi. Suing her and her family into oblivion? How? And if they did, that shit would never stand in court and she could have just said no, or countersued, using daddy's money.
Unless Niji blackmailed her with some horrendous crime(or tax evasion) they know she committed, there is little to no chance she was pressured into doing this.
Erring on the side of what's most likely, Elira is a vindictive bitch that did it because she thought she could earn some brownie points with Niji higher ups. Defaming a former terminated talent in the public eye already worked once.

>> No.79412556

Wouldn't explain Ike and Vox's presence.

>> No.79412625
Quoted by: >>79413020

I am driven by moral justice, unlike Elira, Enna and Millie

>> No.79412669

Give it another hour, sisters can't help themselves

>> No.79412675

Yeah at the end of the day I don't want any talent to die, even if they're unrepentant cunts like Millie and Enna (though I wouldn't mind squaring up with Vox in a boxing ring and knocking his ass to the mat)
I just want them to get their just desserts

>> No.79412712
Quoted by: >>79413368

I don't think even Ike can explain why Ike was there.
Vox is just a bootlicker to the core.

>> No.79412903
File: 238 KB, 384x476, newdokipeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even care anymore. Early on I was upset and wanting to at least keep watch on their downfall, but it's gotten to the point where they really can't hurt Doki anymore, and it feels like at least management is getting ready to either absorb or dissolve EN and run back to JP, which is pretty much all I can ask for.
I just want reassurance that another black stream or smear campaign won't happen again...

>> No.79412968

I don't either, but that's exactly why these people need to understand consequences.

>> No.79413020


>> No.79413029

>another black stream or smear campaign won't happen again...
But that's their main content, anon

>> No.79413122

They probably didn't like Selen saying there was favoritism (for them).

>> No.79413368
Quoted by: >>79413725

>I don't think even Ike can explain why Ike was there.

>> No.79413725

Ike is so irrelevant that he's not even getting shat on for being there lmao, he was just there, like >>79401871 webm shows only Elira and Vox, no one remembers Ike.

>> No.79414492
Quoted by: >>79416905

She doesn't sound sorry.

>> No.79415610
Quoted by: >>79416072

Is Selen so fat she counts as more than one person in your brain? It's pretty obvious Selen is an opportunistic Judas

>> No.79416072

And what was she supposed to do? Dissappear from the Internet and never be an entertainer again? Let the bullies TRULY win?

>> No.79416576

I'd be more sympathetic with the sisters if they at least tried to present themselves as better people, even with their history of disgusting behaviour.

>> No.79416779

She finally got what she deserved, isolated - alone - overeating - crying to cope. You can hear these wracked nerves in the way she jitters her speech. The shame is palpable.

>> No.79416905

she sounds like she's holding back laughter lmao

>> No.79417055
Quoted by: >>79418624

Doki laughs to hide the pain. Elira laughs to hide the shame.

>> No.79417525
Quoted by: >>79417593

That's a nervous laughter, she was clearly having a bad time trying to address the cancellation without saying anything that could bite her ass

>> No.79417566
Quoted by: >>79417619

She sounds exhausted, what a sad existence

>> No.79417593
Quoted by: >>79417664

now that is cope

>> No.79417619
Quoted by: >>79418857

exhausted? It sounds like she's this close from laughing at her audience for being stupid enough to actually buy a ticket

>> No.79417664
File: 1.26 MB, 2236x917, 1699063830900455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope? How? She deserves it.

>> No.79417735
Quoted by: >>79418810

A Japanese artist would never in a million years tell a big Japanese corpo to fuck off for the sake of a gaijin chuuba. That goes against the very core of their cultural programming.

>> No.79418624


>> No.79418810
Quoted by: >>79419471

>A Japanese artist would never in a million years tell a big Japanese corpo to fuck off
wasn't there a rumor of Anycolor paying literal peanuts to the hired artists and promising exposure and fame from being a mama of THE Nijisanji liver? Might as well say fuck it and aim for something better like gacha or Holo.

>> No.79418857

>no refunds
what a business model

>> No.79419471
Quoted by: >>79419680

Sure, but she isn't going to burn bridges over it.

>> No.79419680
Quoted by: >>79420933

well she did when she made Doki's model. Or do you think Anycolour isn't spiteful enough to blacklist her?

>> No.79420081

She was supposed to not lie and betray her friends for money

>> No.79420111
Quoted by: >>79420239

don't bother, no matter what you say sisters are so deep in delusions at this point i don't know which one is more delusional, kpoop fangirls or nijisisters
we are approaching july in 2024 and bitches still thinks only holo and dokifags that shits on niji

>> No.79420239

Don't know why you faggots like pretending faggoons weren't the number 1 Holo antis when Selen was in Niji

>> No.79420250

>Just bottle up your emotions when you're being harassed, with pre-existing mental issues, and pretend everything is fine
Hell, you fans are more likely to drive the remaining talents to off themselves than the antis.

>> No.79420284

In my opinion, it was Vox who lied

>> No.79420311

If by faggoons, you mean Luxiem sisters, then yes, they were and still are the number 1 Holo antis.

>> No.79420344
File: 171 KB, 574x570, 1719028603235148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79422862

>The same people who told her that she should get out and that she's a huge burden to the branch even though she was the only one organizing shit

>> No.79420410

Because she is a woman and easy to pick on. In case you haven't realized, /vt/ is an extremely hateful and sexist board full of bitter faggots who love holding grudges and vent their frustrations on others.
I feel sorry for her, literally a sacrificial lamb made out to be Satan by schizophrenic retards who never watched her. It should be Vox who should get all the hate yet here we are.

>> No.79420415

>betray her friends
*Betray her soulless corporate overlord, you mean.

>> No.79420459

Honestly yeah because let's pretend she's completely innocent and pressured by Niji.

If that was the case the intelligent thing to do would have been refuse. Endure a suspension and likely termination, then come out the other side with "I refused to slander my friend" she'd still have a career.

That she agreed to do the Black Stream, to me, indicates that on some level she believes what she said and that is nigh unforgivable.

>> No.79420495

>Le sexist
You're really not going to pretend this board treats women worse than men.

>> No.79420628

It's not worth it anon, people so brain damaged they think Doki is in the wrong are incapable of having coherent conversations.

>> No.79420740

Nobody liked Vox to begin with. Elira had, at worst, a neutral reputation, which is why it was such a shock to see her brazenly attacking Doki.

>> No.79420933
Quoted by: >>79421962

At least she doesn't seem to think so considering >>79411350

>> No.79421145

This but the mailman is a morbidly obese black man with a pill sized dick where the only way he can have sex is to vibrate on top of a woman
Nig is me btw

>> No.79421253
Quoted by: >>79421593

Depends how you want to view it. I think shitting on females is so normalized on 4chan, and especially /vt/ that it's common to see someone call Suisei an arrogant bitch or having dedicated hate threads for Calli, Kson, Shiori, FWMC or Ame or whoever is currently the talk of town, I could go on and on with that list. Sure, there's a ridiculous hatred towards men here, but seeing derogatory posts towards a female streamer is absolutely normal here, Holo vs Holo is also very common here.

>> No.79421593

You realize that most of the people shitting on talents are other women, right? The Kiara smear campaign was owned up to by another vtuber who got passed on by Cover. We know Reimu and Millie are chronically here (and if Millie is Enna is), and there is far too much evidence of smaller indies being here shitting on bigger talents too.

What I'm saying it's disingenuous to try to put this entirely on sexism, especially when you have no evidence of who is behind the keyboard on these specific posts

>> No.79421962

that was before the reveal. Let's see how Niji reacts now.

>> No.79422036
Quoted by: >>79423113

Elira PenisDragon

>> No.79422243

>Elira bad because uh she just is okay

>> No.79422516
Quoted by: >>79422712

"hatred" of males is just another excuse among many to shit on female vtubers. if male vtubers were such a hated cancer, you'd think more people would hatewatch them to expose them instead of spinning every nothingburger from a female as a world-ending calamity.

>> No.79422609
Quoted by: >>79422696

are you seriously thinking those bait threads with selen posts are by dragoons? with that retarded logic there are fuckton of watame viewers here and they love to start shit despite genuine watamates here can be counted with both hands
its already night there sister shouldn't you take go to sleep so you aren't late for school? this site isn't for minors you know

>> No.79422696

Tourists unironically believe every piece of bait on this board are the genuine thoughts of the collective here.

>> No.79422712
Quoted by: >>79423595

this board doesn't hate men it hates male vtubers. Nobody bats an eye if Vinny Vinesauce or Jabroni Mike collabs with vtubers. The issue is that 90% of guys that become vtubers are awful people like Luca. Give them a finger and they will bite off your whole hand.

>> No.79422862

Proof this ever happened? None? So she's full of shit

>> No.79423113


>> No.79423595
Quoted by: >>79423723

if this board hated male vtubers as much as you claim, why doesn't it talk about the evil things they do instead of seething about a femlae vtuber saying "improve yourself" until the end of time?

>> No.79423723

Because nobody but chinese fujos are watching them in the first place

>> No.79424083

Both of you are low T simps.
You feel bad for this bitch but what if she was a male? You probably wouldn't.

>> No.79424294

They're feeling bad because everything points out to Elira being a good person in a shitty situation. This is why no one hates Ike, despite him being male.

>> No.79424737

>everything points out to Elira being a good person in a shitty situation
This is a s much of a rrat as saying she's the sole EN manager

>> No.79424913

Yes. Whether something counts as bullying isn't about how much a victim "deserves it". If you send hateful messages to someone and laugh at their misfortunes, you're a bully.

>> No.79424985

There are now more people shitposting about Elira than people watching her streams. If you think that's "good" you're a sociopath

>> No.79425095

those 3 children? all of them me

>> No.79425372

>Elira being a good person
She hasn't apologised and never will do it. You know why? Because deep inside her she doesn't think she did anything wrong. She think she was better than Selen and if nothing of this have been revealed she will we living like nothing happened.

Bullies deserve the rope.

>> No.79425451

Millie had more quote replies to a tweet than peak CCV on a stream

>> No.79426454
File: 246 KB, 1617x905, 1712982536976429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79428028

Fuck it, might as well throw myself into the fire
As someone who watched Elira, Pomu and Rosemi quite a bit pre-luxiem, only to drop them all completely after, I never once saw any evidence that Elira would be a bad person, or had ill intention towards anyone. If she did anything after that I wouldn't know, but I'm sure someone would have caused a stir over it /here/, so as far as I'm concerned the black video was her first and only offense.
Doki hasn't said or even implied that Elira herself did anything bad to her, so even that black video is dubious and might have just been forced on her by faggycolor. I mean would anyone be surprised if that was the case?
Anyway just my two cents, I have no intention of ever watching any nijinig again, but I simply can't see Elira as this proto-satan that many people seem to make her out to be. Call it cope if you will

>> No.79427048

And? All that says is that people don't bring that into her streams. Are you saying we can't shittalk her on /vt/ to spare her feelings? If she's dumb enough to come here after everything that's happened, that's on her.

>> No.79427535
File: 10 KB, 220x124, good-jocko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79427803

Yeah I'm confused by people saying she sounds sad or like she just cried. She's weirdly jovial

>> No.79427958
Quoted by: >>79428673

Do you speak English on a native level? Her voice is wavering and has a distinct manic quality to it, she does giggle, but it's clearly nervous laughter. The overall effect is to produce a sense of profound mental instability.

>> No.79428028
Quoted by: >>79428833

There has always been a noticeable refusal to acknowledge Selen's existence despite the latter not having same attitude. Elira was pretty social otherwise too.
While that originally was dismissed as just general incompatibility, it's not unreasonable to now assume that Elira wasn't really fond of Selen. It's mainly a matter of how far that went.
We had Selen keep laughing her ass off as usual even when we know she wasn't all that happy. It's really up to interpretation and doesn't mean anything either way. For now.

>> No.79428673

It mostly boils down to wishful thinking on the part of people who want to believe Elira really isn't that evil, see >>79427958

>> No.79428833
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Quoted by: >>79429550

I don't know anon, it still feels like you're pushing it
I believe in innocence until proven guilty, so until I see Elira exposing herself as a bad person, or Doki at the very least hinting at her being responsible for the bullying I can't see her as anything but a person who took a bad deal and is now paying for it

>> No.79428977

kwab, sounds depleted and drained

>> No.79429338

No, bullying someone who you work with into trying to kill themselves, just because they're more popular than you despite all the bootlicking you do is sociopathic.

>> No.79429421
File: 1.08 MB, 1272x897, t-this is fine[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5gnm54.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, yeah this is painful, seeing someone clearly in despair always is

but NijiEN deserved it
maybe not the livers, even though some evidence of internal bullying is there
definitely the management, because holy shit how do you mishandle a branch like this
even more definitely, Anycolor
they're a dogshit company, blackest of black, their treatment of talent and fans to streamline profit creation is borderline abusive

after all, the livers can always save themselves with one simple move
throw Riku under the bus, if you've done nothing wrong surely you'll find a way to exonerate yourself and start over as an indie, retaining at least some of your fanbase

so i ultimately don't feel bad for any of the livers still in there, they're either guilty or too cowardly to abandon a group that sure, they're gonna feel attached to, but isn't the place they loved anymore
don't give in to sunk cost fallacy

>> No.79429534
Quoted by: >>79429893

>after all, the livers can always save themselves with one simple move
Yeah, like how Selen could just leave at any time. Surely, a glorified 2view in poverty like Vivi can also just leave, contract be damned.

>> No.79429550

When the black stream video was made, Gumi, one of Doki's closest irl friends said something like "wow did the bullies just self report?". Note that this person is very close to doki and would have known the smaller details about what went down.

Sorry anon, but your oshi is pure scum

>> No.79429674

Okay, two possibilities.
1) Elira's concert has been cancelled, but the fact that her fans have spent money that they're not getting back is so hilarious to her that she's still laughing about it. In this case, Elira is a mustache-twirling Disney villain.
2) Elira is distraught about the cancellation of the concert, doubly so because her few remaining fans are paying for the reverberations of her mistake. In this case, Elira is a human.

Now pick what is more likely.

>> No.79429849

1, because only a mustache twirling disney villian would go ahead with the black stream

>> No.79429893

Selen was held hostage because she wanted to negotiate an amicable dismissal, with farewell videos and the like
they can quit anytime

>> No.79429993

Definitely 1

>> No.79430004

And how many can afford to get terminated rather than graduate?
Like, for fuck's sake, they own your equipment.

>> No.79430198

Again, I question your English skills.

>> No.79430224


This is the thing that gets me about this whole mess. It's the thought that even despite the black screen video, maybe we're dogpiling on Elira and we got it wrong. I know it's a bit unlikely, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn that Nijisanji forced her to do that stream and that she was never responsible. We don't know for certain who was responsible and I don't think we'll ever know, but for as much as I want Niji EN to collapse, I can't feel comfortable about laughing at individual people still in there

>> No.79430257
Quoted by: >>79430972

You have to sign your streaming PC over to them. Doki had to go back to an old PC after her termination. This could be a big deal for smaller talents like Vivi.

>> No.79430406

NijiEN is a pretty tightknit group. They confide in one another and rely on each other for emotional support. And memes aside, they also have managers who regularly have meetings with their talents and help them with tasks and organizing stuff.
It's easy to tell them that "they can just leave", but getting unemployed in the competetive entertainment industry with no idea what the future may hold is fucking scary.

>> No.79430573

I've heard homeless crack whores sound less rough than this.

>> No.79430596
Quoted by: >>79431648

>muh Nijifamily

>> No.79430972

> Doki had to go back to an old PC after her termination.
This shit again.
No, Doki didn’t go back to an old pc, she kept using the same one she used while in Niji that she also partially upgraded not long before being terminated. Then she retired it for the all new build HYTE gifted her. Watch streams.

>> No.79430995
Quoted by: >>79431648

Even if Nijisanji coerced her to do it, she deserves all the criticism for agreeing to become the face of all this shit. She might've ended up on the Nijisanji shitlist but her life wouldn't be over. Assuming this scenario is real, she chose her career over integrity so it's only natural that she'd face the consequences of that choice.

>> No.79431554
Quoted by: >>79431844

If Niji "forced her" to stream, that means that she was given a choice between doing the stream and being fired. Being fired a week after the Selen termination would have been a massive boost to her indie career, so it really wouldn't have been the end of the world or anything. So this wasn't some kind of impossible choice, she could have simply just said "fuck off" and let them fire her if they were really trying to force her. She could have easily chosen to side with Selen instead of Niji. Unless they had her or her immediate family at literal, physical gunpoint, she is 100% responsible for her participation in that stream.

>> No.79431648
Quoted by: >>79431728

Yes. 3thyria are pretty close, Fulgur and Ike are the emotional support animals of many a member, and several other close friendships in NijiEN exist.
Calling the hatemob that filled Elira's and other livers' tags with gore "criticism" and the shitstorm that is still occuring "natural consequences" is a bit disingenuous, don't you think?

>> No.79431728

Hatred and shitstorms are natural consequences when you try to murder a coworker, yes.

>> No.79431764

>*giggle* I'm like, tots gonna cry *giggle* I can't believe anyone would give poor widdle ewiwa even a fiddy cent *giggle* *sniff*

you are easily manipulated

>> No.79431782

It is on her channel, opened the branch to more scrutiny for going into content intended for lawyers only (as per doki statements which were never disputed) and was written in a way to gain sympathy (by pushing the idea that there would be personal info on the 3 stooges) DURING Neopets stream as a prerecorded hit to make doki fumble. Don't forget the IR notice of a single line as well, someone really high up is involved in this shit and trusted the EN branch contact line enough to go along with it.

We can't make judgement calls on the black box that is en branch management, because it is hidden on purpose, we can't even badger them directly instead of the vtubers, every time shit happens the vtubers are on line of fire instead of the managers, so the only reliable point of contact is the damn vtubers.

>NijiEN is a pretty tightknit group.
The fuck was Nina problem with them for 6 months if they are so tightly together.
What was Scarle problem with Aster collab (totally not mandated on fucking leaks here).

>> No.79431844
Quoted by: >>79432031

>She could have easily chosen to side with Selen instead of Niji
everything you said would be true except she was definitely one of the bullies. and if she quit then selen started naming names, boom now she's jobless AND hated. at least now she's just hated. the fact that she did the stream and stayed meant she really didn't have the option of leaving because she CAN'T side with selen after bullying her.

>> No.79431975

To be fair most normal companies would just let you go and try to sweep everything under to save their own asses. Celebrities (even nice ones like here) tend to get it particularly bad just for being famous.

>> No.79432006
Quoted by: >>79432660


>Rosemi's been getting more withdrawn

She wiped all the Niji EN links off her page recently. If that's not a "so long and the fish were shit actually", I don't know what is.

>heard Aia's even been self harming

jesus tittyfucking christ. I'm gonna need a source because I don't want to believe that.

>> No.79432031
Quoted by: >>79432756

Nah, she could just go "I didn't realize how awful the things I was doing were until I pushed Selen to the breaking point, I regret what I did in the past, Niji came to me and tried to force me to slander her and I said no" and she'd still get support. Showing genuine contrition and actually acting in support of those words goes a long way.

>> No.79432121

>have managers who regularly have meetings with their talents and help them with tasks and organizing stuff.

If they had actual competent managers that help them they wouldn't be in this situation.

>> No.79432148

Did Doki try to commit suicide? Yes.
Did anyone in NijiEN try to drive her to commit suicide? No.

If all the hatred towards NijiEN leads to a liver committing suicide (which was fairly close to happening in at least one case), would you also say that you tried to kill them?

>> No.79432230

I'm very openly trying to kill the clique members and would celebrate if any of them an heroed.

>> No.79432315

>literally time a stream slandering her to start as she starts streaming again as a deliberate harassment tactic to make her break down
Your soul is as black as your company

>> No.79432356

>>79412046 (Me)
I specifically said I had little sympathy for her and Vox compared to the rest you cunt. While I think they're especially responsible for the they've done I can atleast see the possibility that maybe they're stupid asses got misled or coerced (unlikely as that may be.)

She's at best a coerced accomplice that took part in the shitflinging. I'm not gonna be like >>79424294 where her and Ike did equal amounts of shitflinging. Ike needs to apologize regardless, but atleast he didn't make a show of it and "volunteered" to have it on his channel.

>> No.79432394

I don't need any lifelines for this one Anon.
I'm gonna go with number one, this is my final answer. Please lock answer number 1 in Anon.

>> No.79432660

She wasn't self-harming in the sense of using razor blades or anything. But she's been stress-picking the skin on her hands to the point of them becoming inflamed, swelling and oozing with pus. She said that she couldn't write much on her keyboard because it hurt too much and had to skip handcam and art streams for a while.
Also, she had hypertension in her jaw so that she could only eat soup for over a month.
At that time, she would often cry and make dark suicide jokes about herself on stream and delete the VoDs afterwards.

That was ~2 months ago, and honestly I can't think I've seen her or any other liver in a worse state, even when she got all that hate before and during her debut phase.

>> No.79432694

Definitely numero dio, you can feel how sorry she is in her voice.

>> No.79432709
File: 119 KB, 674x450, socialcredit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hololive threads
>everyones just posting how much they love their oshis
>nijisister threads
>schizo rambling, blame games and rrats, both figuratively and literally


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>> No.79432756

thats still dependent on selen deciding to not fuck her up though
>"i told her how hurtful it was so many times and she even knew i felt suicidal and used that to bully me too"
makes elira look like she's not only the bully but now trying to take advantage of the tragedy she was part of making for her own benefit. pretty huge gamble to make, she knows everything that selen could say about her and she knew it was safer not to risk it.

>> No.79432791

Maybe on the surface, but I don't think so. After all that has happened I refuse to believe that everyone there is united, too much shit has happened. It's probably more unified now that time has passed but outside of friendships dating before joining and genmates I bet you everyone is keeping their cards to their chest.

>> No.79432808
Quoted by: >>79433599

With the recent bowing of Hololive to their Bilibili overlords, the irony of this comment is palpable

>> No.79432875

I'm sorry anon, but modern Holo is Xi-adjecent.

>> No.79433156

If the bullying was blatant then pomu and rest would have given indications. There was cattiness and hostility but majority of grief doki faced was due to shitty management(yasuuhiro) stonewalling her again and again.

>> No.79433241

pomu has given indications you retard

>> No.79433285

>I just hope all of this shit ends quickly.
And they film it

>> No.79433599

Other way around, Bili bowed to Holo. They launched an aggressive ban campaign against antis and dumped their Anycolor stock just to please them.

>> No.79433855
Quoted by: >>79433921

She gave indications.

>> No.79433921

>Suddenly the twins
