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File: 1.25 MB, 1778x1024, abandoned ENkwabs kicked out of GTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78717330 No.78717330 [Reply] [Original]

>EN losers (officially and publicly abandoned by Riku) try to leech off JP GTA in a last ditch attempt to be relevant
>get told to fuck off by management and not disturb their JP masters

>> No.78717488
Quoted by: >>78717864

>it's a buff for hololive being limited by language
>it's a debuff for nijisanji
sucks to be them

>> No.78717504
File: 142 KB, 1096x249, 1718991150933435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last ditch attempt to be relevant

>> No.78717550

Why they never told the EN people it was a jap only event?
>Muh Roleplay
Kek no one cares. They care for the interactions.

>> No.78717679


>> No.78717722
Quoted by: >>78717907

Didn't some of the EOPs get into the server? No favouritism btw.

>> No.78717737


>> No.78717780
File: 20 KB, 960x229, DWRAknGW4AAVjxo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78718116


>> No.78717836
Quoted by: >>78718271

>The black guy gets bullied out of glorious jp servers folded 1000 times
Uh based

>> No.78717864

why do yo think we call them nijiniggers

>> No.78717907
Quoted by: >>78718755

They can all go into the server but nobody will accomodate them.

>> No.78718116
File: 19 KB, 869x669, Nijiniggers are always wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78718224

>AC retreating into Japan
>Simultaneously, Cover announces their "world-wide expansion" goals
It's like an all-out war

>> No.78718271

You are aware Vanta isn't actually black right?

>> No.78718410
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>> No.78718486

Did japs really this hostile toward gaijin or is this just the classic case of sister faggotry?

>> No.78718626

>he doesn't know

>> No.78718755

What kind of accommodation are we talking about? All they need is just a host for the server no?

>> No.78718765

The Wilson tweet reeks of sockpuppeting by managent, full of spelling errors and random ESLisms, it's the same underage pajeet "mane-san" tweeting on his account again

>> No.78718822

Do you know what vanta is?

>> No.78718943

Speak to them in english when necessary.

>> No.78719086
File: 663 KB, 2067x2756, aYAEgs1s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a little of both.
HoloJP's fanbase and members at least treats them like an exotic treat so they don't hate them.

The difference in mindsets mirrors the company exactly. NijiJP hates the west and treats them as a shitty forced side project, while outright refusing to market the JPs outside or the ENs inside of Japan. Holo treats all of the holos as one major entity and has no issues with cross promotion or interbranch collabs, if not encourages it.

>> No.78719187

It's a JP event where Japanese is the primary language spoken and the entire event revolves around roleplaying in Japanese. Having people who don't understand Japanese kinda defeats the entire purpose of the event. Klara, Meloco, and other JP-fluent livers get by just fine.
The obvious solution would be EN having their own GTA RP server but no one in EN has any semblance of unity so they can't even keep a Minecraft server alive. They pretty much did this to themselves by taking zero initiative for years and overly relying on Pomu and Selen for EN events. Now that they're gone EN is a ghost town and they're scrambling to join JP events instead of building their own.

>> No.78719192

jokes on you I'm a doki fag through and through. I just don't believe random posts on 4chan with no substantiated proof

>> No.78719248

Finana is part of the clique, I don't see her leaving.

>> No.78719250
Quoted by: >>78719919

>He doesn’t know
This information isn’t hard to find

>> No.78719257

>Holo treats all of the holos as one major entity
They clearly don't with the additional shilling and resources JP gets despite EN being way more successful.

>> No.78719428

>EN being way more successful
When was the last time an EN member hit 100k ccv

>> No.78719432
Quoted by: >>78719632

You act as if Holo has never had JP-only or EN-only events.
Marketing is one thing but it's understandable that Japanese streamers and their audience don't wanna deal with random gaijins screaming English at them. Imagine you're playing an English GTA RP server and some randoms join and start yelling in Russian at you.

>> No.78719450

Yeah, If anything Kunai's given the most hints that she's getting the fuck out asap rather than Finana. That alone discredits it all.

>> No.78719501
Quoted by: >>78719591

citation needed

>> No.78719511

Sister...watch you livers. They are dying

>> No.78719591

EN is having their second EN branch concert thanks to how successful they are before JP has had even a single JP branch concert despite having been around for 3 years longer than EN.

>> No.78719632
Quoted by: >>78719983

Except that rust was a thing in Holo and everybody be it from EN JP or ID were welcomed
Well everybody except the homos lol

>> No.78719670
Quoted by: >>78719702

? JP holos get concerts all the fucking time, EN don't because they usually don't have access to the studio.

>> No.78719702

There has not been a single JP branch concert with all the JP members.

>> No.78719763

That would take weeks. Imagine how many tickets they could sell just to watch the event. You could charge the same sister like 8-12 times for each day

>> No.78719791
Quoted by: >>78720085

? ...Do you know how many JP holos there are? Do you know how many solo lives they get every single month?

>> No.78719860
Quoted by: >>78720085

That is what HoloFes was before EN and ID existed

>> No.78719919

It is now after that place got nuked

>> No.78719937

Krisis more like "Cry sis" KEK

>> No.78719948
Quoted by: >>78720134

it's a rp server filled with japanese people rping. there's nothing to do if you don't know japanese.

>> No.78719983

Nijisanji has also had events that included every branch. This event isn't branch restricted even, it's just expected that you speak Japanese.
It's just not really appropriate for people who don't know the language to be joining an event they can barely participate in. Remember when Miko did her Minecraft event and didn't invite any EN's? There was a huge gaijin shitstorm over it when really she just didn't wanna change the event to cater to a foreign audience.

>> No.78720045
Quoted by: >>78720174

I'm a dumbass who couldn't read and thought the question was about Niji. I'd say the same thing though. There's like 40 something holoJPs now, right?

>> No.78720085
Quoted by: >>78720501

>thinking i'm talking about niji
Why take part in a conversation you haven't even read?

Why does the number matter?
>Do you know how many solo lives they get every single month?
Normally zero. A 3D stream is not a "solo live".

Holofes was not a JP only concert by design. What's the reason for there not being any JP full branch concerts alongside holofes in current year when EN can have them? Because JP isn't popular enough.

>> No.78720105
Quoted by: >>78720303

it's hilarious that sisters are pretending they didn't get kicked out the server

>> No.78720134

>it's a rp server filled with japanese people rping
Stop lying sister, japs can't RP.

>> No.78720141
File: 360 KB, 866x736, 20240308_215508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78726457

She was never part of the Clique, she is just a dumb, royal-sized bitch.

>> No.78720174

Why does it matter that there's 40 of them? They all can appear at holofes just fine as do all of EN who also have their EN concert on top.

>> No.78720229

suck my fat cock sistAAAAAr

>> No.78720233
Quoted by: >>78720359

First time I've heard about her being in the clique if I'm being honest

>> No.78720273
Quoted by: >>78720401

wait wait wait. the logic is
>EN is having their second EN branch concert thanks to how successful they are
but you are defend this
>They clearly don't with the additional shilling and resources JP gets despite EN being way more successful.

>> No.78720303
Quoted by: >>78720603

There's non-japanese nijiEN members on the server right now so clearly they didn't get kicked out.

>> No.78720359
Quoted by: >>78720432

but you have to admit she dumb. anoying dumb, not cute dumb

>> No.78720401

Do you not understand the difference between shilling and getting things due to popular demand?
HoloX was unpopular and got shilled for 2 years until they finally started reaching 1 million subs.

>> No.78720416
File: 7 KB, 226x223, 1707267560048643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78720432

Well there's no denying that but has nothing to do with the clique

>> No.78720501
Quoted by: >>78720756

>Why does the number matter?
? What do you think they do all day? Stream for a couple of hours and then go back to sleep? I know this might sound foreign to you, but they are busy working behind the scenes on their own projects and participating in the projects of their fellow holomem. Their schedule is insanely packed, and the queue for the studio is usually incredibly long. There's literally no reason or time for another branch concert apart from the Holo FES

>> No.78720603
Quoted by: >>78720984

Do they speak Japanese though?

>> No.78720756
Quoted by: >>78721073

How does there being more of them change anything? They don't automatically get more busy the more of them there are. EN schedules are just as packed if not even more so.
>the queue for the studio is usually incredibly long.
Why does this matter? EN concert would logically be held up by this as well but it clearly isn't.

>> No.78720984

No idea since I don't watch niji but it doesn't matter when the argument was that they're getting kicked out for being EN and not because people on the server only speak Japanese.
The only thing I know is that there's like 2 japanese people in EN and there's way more ENs playing than them.

>> No.78721018

wilson and luca didnt get kicked by management (they werent breaking any rules, so why would they get kicked), if any of the en livers is leaving the gta server, its from their own decision and they want to do other contents.

>> No.78721063

The only reason they are still not merging has to be because Niji can’t take JP backlash right now. They have been attempting engracement since March, now they will wait for EN to die down enough.
>Nah they will accelerate
Even better, more 2shitters into the fire.

>> No.78721073
Quoted by: >>78721450

? Are you pretending to be dumb? The more members there are, the tighter the pipeline of the studio gets. There's a reason they want to stop doing debuts for a while.

>Why does this matter? EN concert would logically be held up by this as well but it clearly isn't.
? Because they schedule the concerts a long time in advance, they don't wake up one day and think, 'Hey, next month we are going to do an EN concert, call everyone!' Maybe it works like that in Anycolor, but Cover usually takes their work seriously and tries to provide proper support to everyone.

>> No.78721137
Quoted by: >>78721892

yeah, just like how it was Kyo's own decision to take a break after pissing off the koreans amirite?

>> No.78721147
Quoted by: >>78721327

NijiJP absolutely hated having EOPs in their chat.

>> No.78721241

I mean wouldn't one of the rules be that you need to know Japanese enough to actually communicate

>> No.78721327
Quoted by: >>78722544

I don't think that was absolutely true but there are very little 2019-2020 era clips of Nijis speaking broken english to EOP viewers compared to holos

>> No.78721408
Quoted by: >>78722137

OP is petty and didn't provide context
Luca was harassing JPs and they were told to fuck off Luxiem is still allowed in the server because of course they are

>> No.78721450
Quoted by: >>78721507

>The more members there are, the tighter the pipeline of the studio gets.
A JP concert isn't going to hold up the studio any longer than an EN concert especially with how they're doing two entire days with just 20 members. Each member is clearly going to get way more time on stage than they would at holofes. This, again, is happening because they're actually popular unlike JP. Thousands might want to pay for a Suisei concert but those same people won't pay the same price just so see her on stage for 15 minutes.
>Because they schedule the concerts a long time in advance
What is this argument supposed to mean? Nothing stops JP from also organizing a concert that's planned a long time in advance to account for their "busy" schedules. JPs aren't even that busy and have shitloads of free time.

>> No.78721507
Quoted by: >>78721618

>This, again, is happening because they're actually popular unlike JP
> JPs aren't even that busy and have shitloads of free time.
Nah, I'm done with this, you are clearly just a shitposter, have fun with someone else.

>> No.78721618

One of the most "busy" JPs, Marine, has practically endless free time.

>> No.78721892

different situations, kyo had a fight with other livers so he rightfully got rested by management and wilson + vanta didnt do anything bad to the jp livers. they just wanted out themselves, hex is still in the server and hes definitely not proficient in jp. and luca is just a harmless gooseball, nobody in nijisanji hates him. hes flirty sure, but men are horni most of the time.

>> No.78722137
Quoted by: >>78723048

>Luca was harassing JPs and they were told to fuck off
Any examples?

>> No.78722420

Heard JP sisters didn't like Luca's antics. So he probably ruined it for everyone, specially non-speaking JP.

>> No.78722544
File: 598 KB, 616x868, Elira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78722733

It's not universally true of the talents but it is pretty much true for the Niji JP fanbase. They don't like foreign fans at all. Holo has *some* of this sentiment in it's fanbase but it's simply overflowing within Nijisanji.

>> No.78722601
File: 21 KB, 515x440, managementpostrophe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no no no no

>> No.78722733
Quoted by: >>78728309

>They don't like foreign fans at all. Holo has *some* of this sentiment in it's fanbase but it's simply overflowing within Nijisanji.
If you think this is a good thing or not is up for debate but orange dragon did a good job at bringing the EN and JP holo fanbases together

>> No.78722854

All of the NijiENs that gave a shit about trying to bring the EN and JP sides together are long gone. Selen, Pomu and DJ

>> No.78723048

Same menace he always is.
>running around laughing trying to get people with deez nuts jokes
>breaking server rules
>blowing up other peoples cars
>refusing to interact with people because he can't speak japanese
Faggot thinks he's the main character and this is his sandbox.

>> No.78723257

Holo EN and ID
>Considered a full part of Hololive can collab and particpate fully in all Holo events

Niji EN
>absolute red headed stepchild of a branch

Niji ID and KR

>> No.78723676

>Holo EN and ID
>>Considered a full part of Hololive can collab and particpate fully in all Holo events
There have been several events without any EN and ID.

>> No.78723801

>doesn't exist
>actually just NijiJP 2
>the story all of /vt/ is familiar with: being the autistic cousin/kid on the playground nobody wants to play with but parents/teachers force them into "playing" with you anyways

>> No.78723966
Quoted by: >>78730581

whats the problem here? just make your own gta server for EN its not like the branch is gonna dissolve soon right?

>> No.78725161
Quoted by: >>78725652

This was the most pathetic NijiEN leeching attempt yet. These two faggots were so desperate for just a crumb of relevancy but still didn't want to actually put in any effort to assimilate because they're lazy, worthless runts. Why are we even wasting resources on these leeches?

>> No.78725652

What resources are being wasted on them? NijiEN management does jack shit for anyone not in the clique

>> No.78726457
Quoted by: >>78746329

Gonna be honest, she's cute but I wouldn't Oshi her at all. Ever.

>> No.78726722
File: 487 KB, 546x815, 1718003229310395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's so weird, I think any one who tries to leech JP have never encountered anything like this before did you received a confirmation/OK sign to manesan before turning into irrelevant nijifaggots?

>> No.78726864
File: 1.82 MB, 1464x1578, 1707446049368198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what its even funnier knowing that nijisanji JP hates the EN side. They're genuinely an example of a clique.

>> No.78727143
Quoted by: >>78728125

Isn't this how he also got banned off nopixel servers?

>> No.78727549

Realistically, the reason there isn't a HoloJP branch concert is because it's not convenient to book a venue IN JAPAN large enough to justify it and not include EN and ID. Because space in Japan is harder to tap, unless it's of a size appropriate for a solo concert. Logistically, if you have a big concert in Japan, you're going to have EN and ID holomem around anyway for their own projects, so it's also easier to schedule them for recording, at which point you're just making another Holofes.

>> No.78727656

Tab reps

>> No.78727894

>the reason there isn't a HoloJP branch concert is because it's not convenient to book a venue IN JAPAN large enough to justify it and not include EN and ID.
>Logistically, if you have a big concert in Japan, you're going to have EN and ID holomem around anyway
In other words JP isn't popular enough on their own.
>space in Japan is harder to tap
It isn't at all.

>> No.78728125

he sexually harassed someone and basically made fun of trannies indirectly
but maybe it was one purpose because his exmod proved that he hates trannies

>> No.78728309

She did good all things considered, since she spoke proper enough English to communicate with both sides easily. And she had enough charisma to keep a conversation going.

>> No.78728785
File: 275 KB, 1128x638, 1719002375738650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total en death

>> No.78728803

its normal to blow up people's cars in gta, its not like death is a permanent state in gta lol.

>> No.78729072

Lol are they seething at Meloco more than the EOP's?

>> No.78729671
Quoted by: >>78746749

RP servers have no griefing autism rules. So unless you get provoked into a gang war or it's some personal vendetta manufactured through some course of a affiliation with another person, there's no reason for your character to randomly blow up shit.
>but my character is an arsonist fetishist
no he's not, and that's considered griefing.
>but my character is suicidal
also against the rules
t. played on gta rp servers including nopixel and even some small JP rp servers for reps, and they all have a similar rule to not engage in this behavior unless you initiate some sort of dialogue or provocation that allows you to take these actions
tl;dr not allowed to be angry murder hobo on rp servers

>> No.78729781

What does Meloco have to do with this? She's fluent in Japanese and can at least participate properly.
They should seethe at people like Luca.

>> No.78729962

tried shoehorning herself into every JP group
and she is already hated for only streaming in JP because they think she uses EN to bypass VTA

>> No.78730040
File: 147 KB, 1819x879, 1717542101704237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78730161

The majority fanbase of niji is female

>> No.78730121

The real answer is because she invited the eop ENs.

>> No.78730161
Quoted by: >>78731300

I didn't know bots had genders

>> No.78730581

the two who would have set up an en server are gone. there was one event done by someone else but they never did another one

>> No.78731300
Quoted by: >>78739985

There pronouns are I/O anon

>> No.78735552


>> No.78735656

it's fucking RP

>> No.78735983

that's actually sad

>> No.78736668
File: 371 KB, 750x404, 1710047002116055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just when EN was just starting to take off
I can't wait for the fire to spread from EN to JP.

>> No.78737811


>> No.78738035
Quoted by: >>78747793

Did you see her Anniversary stream with Elira?
Elira was treating her like she wanted to be anywhere else, and was eager to get the males on her stream so she didn't have to be alone with Finana.

Finana is like a hermit who does her own thing, nobody else talks to her

>> No.78738034

The Anycolor sisters want to limit the actual JPs in EN from particpating too? NijiEN must be seen as extremely toxic even to them.

>> No.78738046

This dude out here creating trouble and giving bad names to EN again lmao, dude just can't stop himself from *trying* to become a main character despite being annoying af

>> No.78738131


>> No.78738626
File: 212 KB, 1471x140, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78738777

This is either Meloco or Kotoka, and the latter one is still missing from her menhera arc.

>> No.78738777
Quoted by: >>78739635

>EN starting to take off

>> No.78739400

Just how rude were they in the server?

>> No.78739491

Luca went around unironically setting shit on fire and blowing up cars. In a serious RP server. This is the same guy that got permanently banned from NoPixel for sexual assault btw.

>> No.78739635

He means now that ENs were starting to join the server.

>> No.78739768

>japs can't RP
After watching a Phase connect JP play rdr2 rp...yea...Japs can't rp at. ALL. If they do. It's very light comedy shit.

>> No.78739867

not now phasekek, the men are talking

>> No.78739985


>> No.78740145
Quoted by: >>78740751

Are you retards gonna pretend Japan doesn't produce their own tabletop RPGs? Of course they can RP.

>> No.78740184

explosions and drama = more views and clips. luca knows exactly what hes doing to revive his channel after selen's termination backlash.

>> No.78740751

All of those suck. Japanese are automaton bugmen not any different from the chinese. They don't have emotions or expressions.

>> No.78740984

So, this kills the merging theory, right?

>> No.78741133

why would you think that? if anything that would be perfectly in line with niji's management incompetence

>> No.78741275

>Nip society known for ostracizing anyone who shames the company/school etc until they quit or kill themselves.
EN niggers absolutely destroy Nijisanji's reputation in the west with their constant yabs and retardation.
>Now insolated from the western vtuber scene try to leech off their JP senpais because nobody relevant wants anything to do with them.
>Get told to BTFO because they're a disgrace for the company, Kekekekek EN shitters are done for

>> No.78741313

Grim as fuck

>> No.78741386

johny somali

>> No.78741521
File: 65 KB, 1136x684, 182982387187632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The JPsisters are roasting Luca and EN. Also they absolutely HATE Meloco, blame her for causing the problem, and can't stand her attempts at a Kansai accent.

>> No.78741628

When people talk about "merging", they don't mean some high-effort program to integrate all the EN livers into speaking and streaming to a Japanese audience. Merging means what happened to ID and KR - stripping them of their unique branding and having them languish with the 700 other unsupported 2views as just "NIJISANJI" until they give up and quit.

>> No.78741757

unironically i kind of agree with the sisters here, it can`t be dismissed as cultural difference because luca is just a fucking asshole, blame the management incompetence letting someone like him in and still let him do as he pleases breaking bunch of rules causing bunch of troubles
but its ok because hes a luxiem

>> No.78741904

Isnt this apartheid and ethnic cleansing sisters?

>> No.78741922

squirrel classes?

>> No.78742190

NijiEN is a cancer. Who gives a shit about these losers.

>> No.78742551

Is this really a breakdown in unity though when Niji never had any unity to begin with? Fanbases often attack other livers and force apologies over any slight even within the JP branch. The JP sisters even did this shit to Yugo way back when over nothing really and this was before NijiEN really had a public meltdown..

>> No.78744551

Shut the fuck up

>> No.78744784

The only thing that's dead is your brain

>> No.78744891

race traitor

>> No.78745573
File: 395 KB, 543x785, 1714602943240024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch Wose, she was very excited to join the server and interact with her JP senpais. Planned to go in seriously and attempt to learn about everything while speaking in JP.
>Rest of EN joins and they're just fucking retarded and fucking around and cause all of EN to get kicked out.

>> No.78745787
Quoted by: >>78749234

>clings to retarded company
>retarded things happen to her
Who does she have to blame but herself?

>> No.78746034

Not all of EN got kicked out just the ones that can't speak Japanese. Rosemi should be okay.

>> No.78746079
Quoted by: >>78746375

But EN wasn't kicked out? Klara,Zali, Shu and Meloco were playing today

>> No.78746329

>She's cute
>I'll put my dick in her mouth but I'll be on my phone the whole time

>> No.78746375

They basically just instituted a rule to get rid of Luca. It inadvertently resulted in other EOP's like Wilson getting kicked too, but the rule was entirely to get rid of Luca.

>> No.78746654

Thought so. Luca always tries to get the same treatment as girls would and is on default annoying little brother mode. The problem is he doesn't earn that trust / attention and forces it on others.
You are beyond and idiot for allowing his behavior to pass. There's a lot of possibility for fun interactions and Meloco, Kotoka & fuck even Reimu were great ambassadors for EN in VCR servers. But it only takes one foreigner to spoil the experience for everyone.
Every anti knew if a EN JP merger occurred half of EN would be chopped off. Their JP manager who gave them a pass will have no power anymore as they wouldn't be considered independent and have to conform to the rules.

>> No.78746749

very true, and even if you have a story line where you snap. Get caught by the cops and your character is in jail for like a week = no content. Of course the EN community doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.78746900

>people overseas who can't understand Japanese should just keep quiet
Truer words have never been spoken.

>> No.78746919

Just like the gaijins doing backflips on public transport right? The Japanese will surely love the disruption to their quiet peaceful uniform lives, right???

>> No.78746989

>Fluent in
She IS Japanese

>> No.78747077

Luca is a moron and now all of JP are aware of it. It's weird as well because I remember he had more respect for his JP bros/sis in Crab Game than he did on the RP server.

>> No.78747282
Quoted by: >>78747962

niji jp fans are just jealous at luca and luxiem's success. they absolutely HATED it when vox went past the old guards back in subs count in 2023. luca despite getting hitted by selen's post backlash still has more subs than old guards like deron, funnily enough.

>> No.78747793
Quoted by: >>78748363

>Elira was treating her like she wanted to be anywhere else, and was eager to get the males on her stream so she didn't have to be alone with Finana.
Which is a shame because their drunk Halloween stream together back in 2022 was some of their best stuff ever.

>> No.78747873

honestly, fuck JPs. and fuck niji, seems like a super shit company.

>> No.78747962
Quoted by: >>78748677

Niji JP are the furthest thing from jealous. They find Luca annoying and I can't blame them. Special snowflake isn't going to get an exception for the rules. They should just lock him up in jail and he can role play there.

>> No.78747969

meloco is great, so fuck them too. also, she is japanese. she is literally the sister of one of Phase's JP talents.

>> No.78748123

Did he also got kicked out of the server?

>> No.78748193

I'll blame Meloco for dragging Luca and the other english-only's into the server, but shitting on her fake Kansai-ben is retarded when she knows more about Kansai culture than Toko-chan, the designated Kansai-ben niji. Even Joe gave her the OK.

>> No.78748363
Quoted by: >>78748505

All inhibitions gone. She didn't give a fuck about finana. Also busted in on pomu's discord call and made her uncomfortable

>> No.78748505

I'll shit on Elira for being a subhuman shitter but the Halloween stream wasn't an example of any kind of bullying. It led to funny and shocking bits but it'd be like getting mad about the Nenechi Ohapolka collab.

>> No.78748677

>jailing wuca for doing funny stuffs and create more clip moments for views.
relax its just a game lol, you made it looked like wuca is telling irl baseball pitchers to throw the ball at the batters directly on twitter.

>> No.78748884

She needs to go back to the hedgehog
>You didn't watch her before and you won't after
I still fucking watch her for her asmr and she's always stayed in her lane.

>> No.78749030
File: 269 KB, 1364x1400, 1717924262205137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion it wasnt a form of JP hating EN nijifaggots

>> No.78749108

I didn't say it as a bad thing. Jail can be a decent part of role play and he'll jive with the police as a regular. They should of punished him that way instead of getting rid of him completely as the alternative they chose. The problem is this Niji server doesn't have a judicial side to it since its more jobs interaction for fun content while Luca deserves to be incarcerated for rule breaking.

>> No.78749234

Where the fuck else could she go?
Indie? Either has to pull a selen or wait for months like pomu did. By that time, she's gonna be absolutely irrelevant.
Another corpo? Vshojo is already full right now (there's a lot of +s, but no new members since notMika). Holo hires are extremelly contested and there are like 4 spots only per year at most. Phase? Idol? V4? Nah, she's stuck in that hellhole.

>> No.78749366

you sound like you have no idea how these Role Play servers work to give a fair experience for everyone.

>> No.78749501
Quoted by: >>78749979

retard. 2Days Gamers Fes on May 2024, with HoloCity'24 as well, JP members are busy as fuck

>> No.78749913

NTA but it's a game with rules he clearly and repeatedly broke. There's plenty of leeway given by everyone to people on the server who're new, probably the best example I can think of is Mito getting kidnapped in the first dozen minutes and forcibly indoctrinated into a gang doing dirty work for them for an hour or two before they went
>hey so above board, we're going to do this bank heist but if you actually want out we'll just use you as a hostage and you're free to go after, we don't wanna force you into this for the next few days
and she decided to dip and had a "clean slate" as a result, despite being a clear part in crimes. You can't even really chalk this up to daisenpai tax as there's other examples, hers was just the first example that came to my mind. More than a handful of people got caught making drugs or robbing banks and just got a slap on the wrist for their first offenses.

Luca didn't even try to abuse the leeway people are given, he just went straight guns blazing and griefed. It's pretty clear-cut that he ruined it not just for himself but basically everyone else in EN.

>> No.78749979

None of those things are JP branch concerts nor do they prevent the existence of a JP concert. Gamers fes is a hilarious example since it did not happen due to popular demand but because some corp wanted a hololive event as an ad for a dogshit internet TV platform.
EN are just as busy and can have a whole 2 day concert for themselves because Cover knows it will actually sell out.

>> No.78750679
Quoted by: >>78752135

How's it knowing a fat white woman signed your lucub merch instead of some skinny little Filipino twink POG

>> No.78750935

>blah blah blah
jpfags are autistic and don't know how to have fun, what else is new

>> No.78751017

>By that time, she's gonna be absolutely irrelevant
Which means she's irrelevant now. You said if she had to wait as long as pomu and pomu is doing just fine.

>> No.78751145

>Biting the hand that feeds
Not even a fan of JP. Have fun with your fake lucub merch

>> No.78751405

They're not as lenient as the staff from VCR. So sad.

>> No.78751682

she is also quite a numberfag too so bet she isn't going to join any corpo that doesn't guarantee her 1k+ ccv which is just holo, phase and vshojo
all 3 are unlikely to accept her but i lowkey want to see her in holo only for the hillarious meltdowns and shitshows she brings

>> No.78751904

>following an incredibly lenient and basic set of rules is impossible for him actually
You said it, not me.

>> No.78752135

ok i get it, wuca broke rules and it wasnt a free for all server, it is rp with rules. but it was still funny to see wuca destroying jp livers cars kek, killing mito nonchalantly and punching kanae lmao. not many people can withstand how unhinge and funny wuca can be, hes a harmless cutiepie.
hes a corpo vtuber, this stuff with the autograph not written by the chuuba itself happens on a regular basis. its a shame, but not a dealbreaker.

>> No.78752237

>this stuff with the autograph not written by the chuuba itself happens on a regular basis.
Now this is a bad falseflag, lucucks are still denying that document even exists.

>> No.78752665

>hes a corpo vtuber, this stuff with the autograph not written by the chuuba itself happens on a regular basis
Nice cope, sister.
Proof next thread again, right?
