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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.78564651
Quoted by: >>78565757

bootleg genshin looking asses

>> No.78564790

Yellow's outfit + purple's chest size and hair would be perfect

>> No.78564794

Damn bratty Lunlun

>> No.78564913
Quoted by: >>78565134

if Genshin started adding 2 & 3 star characters

>> No.78564977

>JP wave
why anyone would care?

>> No.78564994

Lunlun's the only good one.

>> No.78565117

>no cunny
At least the furry looks breedable enough

>> No.78565134

number 5 is the fodder you feed to your characters

>> No.78565261

These guys have some nerve releasing an onahole vtuber but I'm willing to give it a shot when they release a plushie

>> No.78565327

All female niji wave?

>> No.78565494

Niji JP is EOP kryptonite. Also why the fuck do they all look Chinese?

>> No.78565548

one of these kids just doesn't belong here

>> No.78565757

Same as holo

>> No.78565865

>japanese names
>the most blatantly chinese designs ever seen outside of a rice field

>> No.78565948
Quoted by: >>78566169

multiple hololive members have abandoned outfits that looked too chinese specifically

>> No.78566169
Quoted by: >>78567867

I meant the newest wave

>> No.78566889

Niji gen? Where's the man? Is it the floating dog?

>> No.78567867
Quoted by: >>78583428

Apart from green Furina, I don't see how the rest have Genshin vibe (unless I'm not that well-versed in Genshin arts)

>> No.78568642
Quoted by: >>78571142

Because Niji has made zero attempt to advertise their JP talents outside of Japan since Salome, western interest in NijiJP has dried up. To put it simply, nobody cares as a result of their terrible business decisions.

>> No.78569242

Not even nijien or the other split cares about them, go shill them in /jp/

>> No.78569602
File: 71 KB, 800x450, 1713841947256951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New chink comfort women for miload

>> No.78571142
File: 83 KB, 600x584, thewho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78571607

>since Salome
The only Niji JP I ever knew was Lulu. I watched Niji EN from day 1 on until my oshi left again and yes, I do speak Japanese. Niji JP has never existed outside of Japan.

>> No.78571223

a lunlun is fine too

>> No.78571607
File: 149 KB, 1781x1543, salomebots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The woman who was botted to high heaven to pump their stocks and then dropped down to nijiEN levels the instant they sold them.

>> No.78576031

I wish niji keep debuting new wave every 3 months. imagine how much twisty numbers they will have kek

>> No.78576837

I'm going to fuck the rabbit

>> No.78579687

5 of 5000

>> No.78581885

Im hoping LunLun ends up being a breakout success

>> No.78582985
File: 67 KB, 525x600, 1714509089460847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78585223

Well, main thing is - Hololive is doing some work by filtering their recruits, so usually these recruits have some PL to back up their portfolio - making it interesting for /vt/ to try identifying them. nijis on the other hand, are guaranteed to take some absolute street shitters with no experience whatsoever. There *might* be someone decent, but really - who cares? It's better to check up on this wave in two months, if at all. Who would join nijisanji out of their own free will, considering just how bad the contract looks? Desperate rejects, pretty much.

>> No.78583428

Furina is just blue Miorine
I see Green Nano in Cecilia instead

>> No.78585223

Like as much as I want to say Yagoo's a benevolent man who finds all the diamonds in the rough, and to an extent that's true, holo's recruits are generally very well vetted. Niji gets lucky here and there since they get a shining gem every 20-40 attempts, but the average is pretty... poor. And then they leave them to fester instead of giving them proper support, management, and guidance.

>> No.78585620
Quoted by: >>78590384

finally someone knew about salome the IPO baby that got botted to the moon LMAO

>> No.78585689

is nijisanji dipping their toes into chinese market again??

>> No.78585785

niji only luck is at the start, niji is basically MCN come out of nowhere recruiting all of the top youtuber back then, like pewdiepie, markiplier ALL OF THEM, then keep debuting mid lvl youtuber and monopolize the entire JP industry with their brand, after that their recruitment is nothing than short time money making and ignore their small new livers.

>> No.78585910
File: 42 KB, 640x427, 1713513642266812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78590260

When you think about it - it's ridiculous how it's the audience doing the vetting process in case of nijisanji. You know they are shit, we know they are shit. Just do your job instead of forcing consumer to do it for you. Yeah yeah I know - this is much cheaper... short term.

>> No.78585933

>where are the threads about that....?
you just bake it, thanks for the thread anonchama

>> No.78587821

So, looking at LunLun makes me think that they are from the 1 year old VTA auditions which was separated to "Normal" audition, "Mascot" audition and "Supreme Elite" edition. It's clear who's a Mascot here, but who is a Supreme Elite?

>> No.78587890


>> No.78587895

what the fuck is a supreme elite? (not miko)
Like were they auditioning for their next botdump like Salome or something?

>> No.78588084
Quoted by: >>78588401

>what the fuck is a supreme elite?
That's a mystery. My first guess would be some already established content creators like gamers, musicians, etc. But, then again, they had a lot of those in normal VTA waves, so it might be something different.

>> No.78588251
File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, F_Hv2iAaoAAyUu0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78588401

>>78587821 (Me)
Also, looks like I was right. Just look at who was at the auditions teaser picture.

>> No.78588401

>>78587821 (Me)
>>78588251 (Me)
>>78588084 (Me)
And looking at the other auditions pictures, It's most likely that "Super Elite" are those who have some kind of professional skill in some arbitrary area.

>> No.78588475
Quoted by: >>78588565

>another mascot
Didn't their most popular female talent come explicitly from someone who decided they fucking hated being a mascot?

>> No.78588555
Quoted by: >>78588699

>what the fuck is a supreme elite?
Lawyers, doctors, surgeons, mechanics, pretty much anyone who has a technical skill that goes far and above flipping burgers.

>> No.78588565
Quoted by: >>78588844

Weren't they on the NijiGTARP server at the same time?

>> No.78588583

JP Talent. JP Branch. NijiSanji.

>> No.78588699

That's cool but what the fuck does that have to do with being a good streamer?
Are they looking for some kind of lecturer?

>> No.78588761

They are looking for someone to pay minimum wage who should not be working a job at minimum wage. Seriously man, you translate it and tell me yourself.

>> No.78588844

A quick google and youtube search says no.

>> No.78588961
Quoted by: >>78589259

Any adult voice actors in the new gen? Might have a look if that's the case (exept if it's kaede).

>> No.78589259

Debuts are this weekend. You can see it for yourself in just couple of days.

>> No.78589465

They fear justice

>> No.78589589
Quoted by: >>78589832

Nah, I'll be asleep. That's like 3 AM PST and I don't even speak Japanese.
The most I might do is hop into Unnamed's 3D vod that same day and see if Doki shows up.

>> No.78589745

yellow looks like the heroine in my ntr gemu
blue looks like the heroine in my gacha gemu
purple looks like the heroine in my ugly bastard sluttification gemu
pink looks like the heroine in my fantasy monster rape gemu

>> No.78589799

nijifags are too busy shitting up holo threads to post about their own new girls.

>> No.78589832

Well, I didn't say anything about watching the debuts live. There will be vods and clips after.

>> No.78590260

part of the fun of new nijisanji waves is just seeing whatever schizo they managed to recruit this time. like that dude who used to stream tf2 and then faked his death via cancer just to come back as nijisanji vtuber. like fuck it i want nijisanji to full send it and just start hiring the most degenerate people and see what sticks. jsut start recruting 0 viewer streamers with no background or people who stream on Kick. shit would be fucking hilarious

>> No.78590384

It was obvious from the start
Not a single nijiJP had anywhere close to those viewers. The wave after her didn't even break 30k and those 3 livers dropped down to 350 ccv within a week

>> No.78591477
File: 77 KB, 1024x796, 1717644669442330m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78591849
File: 1.04 MB, 2015x1564, image (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry we only talk about vtubers who can get 50k subs in a single day

>> No.78593923

I noticed yesterday that 1k subs got culled from all of them in the evening. Hope the culls don't happen in large numbers. Regloss lost like 250k collectively after debut..

>> No.78595637

This one.

>> No.78597271

LunLun cute

>> No.78598882
Quoted by: >>78602532

Let’s be fair, they didn’t just bot her, they also shilled her pretty hard, which was actually a pretty good decision up until they stopped doing it.

>> No.78599437

are you sure this isnt the stolen picture of some shitty chink gacha?

>> No.78601255


>> No.78602281

this isn't the thread?

>> No.78602348

No one gives a shit about niji

>> No.78602532

Once you use bots it all goes out the window. It’s like saying “well sure that olympic athlete used steroids, but to be fair, he did practice a lot”, once you cheat, the results are null and void, her numbers mean nothing
