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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.76886637
Quoted by: >>76887646

Can't boycott what I don't already watch in the first place

>> No.76886641
File: 78 KB, 673x527, gumba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga this is a Holo board. Why (you) posting this?

>> No.76886654
Quoted by: >>76887819

Do we finally have an Eliraschizo?
Actually looks more professional than a lot of things NijiEN has made though

>> No.76886681

where is this image from?

>> No.76886717

you sacrificed your time to photoshop all these things which are easy things to do

>> No.76886750

post tits

>> No.76886761

Telling /vt/ to boycott Nijisanji is like telling Indians to boycott toilets.

>> No.76886777

I've been boycotting her before it was cool.

>> No.76886784

don't even get her stuff sent to me anymore. algorithms killed that bitch.

but wtf, if you made this anon it actually looks good. kurosanji should hire you.

>> No.76886791


>> No.76886804
File: 1000 KB, 250x336, Enna Mwah[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fod4dnd.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76889770

The least obvious schizo falseflag thread on the board.

>> No.76886819

The hashtag doesn't exist on twitter yet, so OP is posting their draft.

>> No.76886878

But Indians did boycott toilets they shit on the streets

>> No.76886881

graphic design is my passion...

>> No.76886920
Quoted by: >>76887005

I already unsubbed from her during the black screen incident

>> No.76887005
Quoted by: >>76887461

You never watched her. None of you larping fags did. If I were posting on reddit I'd at least believe you. But this shithole? Nah way too many larpers.

>> No.76887072
Quoted by: >>76887176

That's the joke retardchama.

>> No.76887143

I was already hiding channels with にじさんじ in their name/titles long before any of this. Niji always rubbed me the wrong way.

>> No.76887176
Quoted by: >>76887383

No is not? /vt/ will never boycott niji. Vt isn't just holo fans or doki fans. Vt is all sorts of fucking deranged fans. When sisters stop watching niji then you can compare them to Indian boycotting toilets.

>> No.76887179
File: 3.88 MB, 2039x2413, @akkgsyk[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, you didn't need this.
Anyone who wanted to already doesn't want to see her anymore.
Hope it gave you some catharsis, though. At this point I just want Niji to go away forever so people can heal faster.

That said, there's no fucking way I'm going to stop browsing her art tags. That design is SEX INCARNATE. You'll have to pry my dragon sister folder from my cold, dead hands.

>> No.76887251

I boycotted her since NijiEN creation

>> No.76887259

I don't care enough to actively boycott anyone from Kurozhangji, let them die on their own

>> No.76887269

This reminds me of that one Kpop stans instructions on how to boost views on their oshi's music videos

>> No.76887290

can't boycott something you never bought anon. All of /vt/ could "boycott" Elira and it wouldn't make any real difference.

>> No.76887321
File: 1.11 MB, 3422x4096, 1708242170707479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76887410

This is actually pretty nice bait.

>> No.76887383
Quoted by: >>76887540

/vt/ is a Hololive board. Other fanbases are merely tolerated because they can't be driven out.

>> No.76887410
File: 383 KB, 1327x1465, F2wu1WVXMAEA6Cl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heart and brain says no but my dick says fuck yes

>> No.76887461

She lost like 55k subs so far, it's not statistically unlikely some of those would be people here. He'll there's plenty of people in mint and some in lazu who used to watch her and turned against her.

>> No.76887540
Quoted by: >>76887767

The board is called virtual youtubers no where in the board it says is a hololive incel gentlemen club.

>> No.76887601
File: 700 KB, 1020x477, ApplicationFrameHost_feshBz0xwZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't an oshi or anything but I watched her pretty heavily in 2021 and 2022, and a bit in 2023.
Gonna miss her long comfy streams, but I can't even hear her voice without thinking of that stream anymore.

>> No.76887624

and you still never watched her? That's irrelevant to my original point. NONE OF YOU WATCH HER. you can't boycott what you never were interested into in the first place. You're just a dick rider riding what currently cool to do on this shithole board.

>> No.76887646


>> No.76887657

dangerously based

>> No.76887767
Quoted by: >>76888425

Nobody cares faggot. /vt/ being a misnomer is the only reason why your kind is allowed to post here.

>> No.76887819
Quoted by: >>76887961

Yup, I'm pretty sure most of the anti-Elira stuff is the work of one very dedicated schizo. Of course more than one person dislike her, but a lot of the anti posts smell of samefagging.

>> No.76887961
File: 2.23 MB, 1420x1988, 1710481149727049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76888077

Wouldn't it be insane if the EliraSchizo was NotSoDeadpool or EliraSavedMyLife?

>> No.76888046
Quoted by: >>76888159

ngl Elira is kinda hot and the fact that she's an evil bitch kinda turns me on a bit... and I fucking hate all of nijisanji... if evil... why hot?

>> No.76888077

Wouldn't be that surprising. Although
Would be ironic, imagine abandoning the girl who "saved your life" in her darkest hour and then going on a crusade to destroy her life.

>> No.76888159
Quoted by: >>76888168

>the fact that she's an evil bitch
More like a petty POS. She lacks the character to be a true villainess.

>> No.76888168

still hot and would fuck her...

>> No.76888185

i never watched her at the first place

>> No.76888248
File: 353 KB, 1494x1974, 1710047756916153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the day you saved my life was the greatest mistake in yours.

>> No.76888316

The black screen stream was the first and only stream of hers I watched.

>> No.76888425

You do care considering you want this board to be full holo lmao. Why don't you rich oil barons make your own site and fuck off from vt? Then you can have your own version of truth social chud?

>> No.76888488

nta but why are you seething? Does it really hurt that much?

>> No.76888586
File: 126 KB, 1024x1024, Doki_Hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but chill out. I know the elira thing is rough, but there's gotta be healthier ways of dealing with this. It's okay to take a step back and just watch them go off on their own. Instead of spending time making boycott elira stuff, spend that time to make something nice for your new oshi or finding someone else that makes you happy.
Probably a terrible forum to say it, but lifting people you like up is a lot more fulfilling than dragging others you don't down and dwelling on them.

>> No.76888743
Quoted by: >>76889028

>Why don't you rich oil barons make your own site and fuck off from vt?
Oh the irony. What happened to that safe space circlejerk board someone made for nijiniggers because they were bullied so much on /vt/?

>> No.76888899

>Would be ironic, imagine abandoning the girl who "saved your life" in her darkest hour and then going on a crusade to destroy her life.
honestly not uncommon for schizos, see the kekbeats that turned on Mori when she was down in the dumps and in an obvious self-destructive spiral in early 2022
some angry ex-fans hound her to this day

>> No.76888907

I hope you kill yourself you disgusting subhuman filth. No, in fact, I hope someone else kills you, very slowly and painfully. Elira has done nothing, NOTHING, to deserve shit like this, except for host one corpo mandated PR video. That's it. She's a harmless retard that never did anything to anyone for years, but now she's satan because of that? Unironically die so your infected diseased dna never gets passed on.

>> No.76888951

Take this shit to twitter you fucking faggot.

>> No.76888992 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 762x1199, F8EIchgbgAAbvOw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira it's like 8 AM for you. Go the fuck back to sleep and start rethinking your life before you do something even more stupid.

>> No.76889028
Quoted by: >>76889348

Hololive fans proving their full of shit every single time. When will you tribal monkeys stop ruining vtubing?

>> No.76889052

Dude chill, he's probably not going to even upload it to twitter and if he's stupid enough to do it people will jump on his neck for trying to whitewash Anycolor.

>> No.76889065


>> No.76889083
File: 75 KB, 240x240, 1658718462698344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Enna? Are you sure you should be here shitposting instead of working on your resume for whatever the fuck you'll be doing once your branch folds?

>> No.76889098

Holy based

>> No.76889348
Quoted by: >>76889651

You wouldn't even know about vtubing without Hololive lmao.

>> No.76889429

better, wrote a script that auto downvotes her videos

>> No.76889613

Is hilarious when you think about how much holobronies like him shit on Twitter and reddit but love using their tactics.

>> No.76889624
File: 334 KB, 976x1800, 1706443910133982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. She's hot and I'll continue to lust for her as I always have rather than simp for some faux-pity seeking attention whore.

>> No.76889651

Nijisanji existed before hololive newfag. Without riku yagoo would be running a tofu stand instead.

>> No.76889722

So the boycott will work

>> No.76889770

Smoking toad

>> No.76889942

Now i WILL watch her. Not your personal army, fuckface.

>> No.76890001
Quoted by: >>76890116

>unironic twittertroon style boycott
The absolute fucking state of this board

>> No.76890095

She is already down to 1finana. People have been boycotting her all this time

>> No.76890116
Quoted by: >>76890203

And is hololive fans doing it too.

>> No.76890203
File: 35 KB, 306x228, no pag for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76890678

>Anyone that hates the clique must,has to be a hololive fan
Or maybe, just maybe people are sick and tired of your bullshit shitting on the branch?
Catpcha: P4G00J

>> No.76890678
Quoted by: >>76890944

Everyone knows where most of the tribalfagging is coming from. Holochud. Your fanbase love casting stones while living in glass houses everytime time. Cry more Twitter tranny.

>> No.76890944

>he says this while tribalfagging a clique in his black corpo
Are all of scarle viewers hololive fans? What about selen, what about pomu, what about sayu, what about nina

>> No.76891340
File: 186 KB, 530x432, 1644812529663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off tourist.

>> No.76891457
File: 4 KB, 48x48, 1685900894173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna have to be that one guy that says something that warrants "NIJISEETHE" replies here, but has Elera ever had any true yabs or proof of being an evil bitch prior to the black screen video?

Alot of anons will point to that 4chan post about her PL, but that's pretty flimsy. I'm talking about screen proof she was an actual cunt. That will prove to me it was her free will over being the chosen voice for niji during that black screen stream.

>> No.76892111

>has Elera ever had any true yabs or proof of being an evil bitch prior to the black screen video?
No. Even with her old account nuked people she would have been beefing pre-Niji with should have stepped in with recites.
Outside of absolute schizophrenia, woman hasn't done anything. She even kept away from Nijisanji drama.

>> No.76892145

Why are men like this?

>> No.76892425

The only thing I can really remember is when Millie's PL took one tweet out of a series of tweets a schizo ""femboy"" vtuber Mocca made about something to do with how you need to make a good first impression when debuting out of context to randomly shit on the guy, Elira's PL agreed with her.
I dunno if it was deliberate or not though, probably not, they're pretty stupid. Probably just saw one of the tweets in her feed and didn't bother to read the whole thing and Elira same thing, probably just saw Millie's response and presumed the rest. You can probably find all the relevant screenshots of it by searching the archive.
That's about the only thing I've ever heard about in regards to "yabs". Lyrica was pretty well liked and Nova was pretty much a nobody.

>> No.76893620

Is there new drama? I haven't bothered to keep up.
Any proof that she's management or a petty bitch?
>t. literally never watched nijisanji, except for one Rosemi Yugioh stream

>> No.76893707
Quoted by: >>76894117

if the OP image creator is a male and not a female that would be really sad. holofags are becoming the sisters they hate so much

>> No.76893889

wash your goddamn vaginas

>> No.76894117

the inevitable consequences of dramafagging

>> No.76894153

Thanks I needed something like this to post and spread in fb

>> No.76894274
Quoted by: >>76894735

I used to dislike Niji like y'all did but after seeing all this mindless hate propagated by dookiefags I'm starting to have my doubts if I'm being honest y'all

>> No.76894304

"But I did have breakfast this morning"


>> No.76894735

Trying too hard
Has the standard for false-flagging deteriorated so much? Put in another y’all jesas

>> No.76895001

How did you manage to spend time and make it look appealing but also completely overlook the

>> No.76895533

That's some pretty slick UI. I could use that as a front end dev. Do you have a fiverr or something?

>> No.76895592

Honestly nice work but it really looks like those sisters who tried to pump the views on the new niji MVs like kpop stans.
