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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7490609 [Reply] [Original]

Who in hololive is blazing beacon of health and who is going to turn into a pile of smelly toxic sludge from low physical activity and drinking too much monster?

>> No.7490647
Quoted by: >>7492012

Subaru and Korone are the only two I can think of who often talk about their physical activity.

Ollie is probably a rail because her metabolism is so fucking high.

Migo has been on the brink of death for, like, two years.

>> No.7490679
Quoted by: >>7490706 >>7491044

>most: Marine for physical health, Shion for mental
>least: Subaru physical and Reine mental
I do think Lamy and Mori need to reduce their alcohol intake.

>> No.7490706

Calli really doesn't drink as much as the memes would lead you to believe.

Lamy is a fish and probably has cirrhosis.

>> No.7490748
Quoted by: >>7490764 >>7492182

I'm scared for Nenechi. She seems the type to work hard a lot. Her manager even forced her to take a break. Hopefully, she's pacing her work now that she made her 3d debut.

>> No.7490764

Doubtful. Nene is a workaholic to the extreme. She's probably planning streams weeks in advance when off-stream.

>> No.7490784
Quoted by: >>7490797 >>7492182

Mr Koro snorts whey protein and has a .287 batting average. Nene is open about how tight and fit she is. Ina, Pekora, Porka, and Miko are a few off the top of my head who are in the chopping block. HoloEN in general (aside from Mori) seems pretty sedentary, Gura seems to have the diet of a small child

>> No.7490797

Ina is a neet to the extreme, but Gura was raised on a farm. You can't live that life for eighteen years and suddenly turn into a potato.

>> No.7490859
Quoted by: >>7490870

Roboco is a lifer but she’s the sort that gets easily sick unfortunately. Headaches, coughs, and sore throat is constant with her.

>> No.7490870
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Quoted by: >>7491923

Because her lifestyle and diet are atrocious. This bitch does nothing but stream and sleep. She probably eats cereal for dinner.

>> No.7490882

i don't believe gura is fat but if you told me she's got type 2 diabetes I'd believe you. especially with her complaining about being tired and lethargic and shit. from what she says on stream her diet is energy drinks, fast food and candy

>> No.7490891

Rushia should be everyone's main concern. Not only is she a massive menhera disaster but because of her lack of a blood vessel to the brain she can barely exert herself at all.

Just look at her choreography during any of the big live events.

>> No.7490896
Quoted by: >>7490901

Botan for health because old
Marine for health because old
Aqua for mental because legitimate autism and social anxiety
Haachama for mental because, mental
Kiara for mental because she takes internet shitposting a lot more seriously than she pretends
Shion for mental because depresion

>> No.7490901
Quoted by: >>7490917 >>7490918

Marine is literally 28.

>> No.7490917

Yeah, where did this hag rrat about Marine start? I can think of five others in hololive that have damn near ten years on Marine. Marine is unhealthy because she's lazy and eats trash, not because she's old.

She also must have a bitchin' metabolism because she's not even overweight; it all goes straight to her goliath ass.

>> No.7490918

Well she has the physical prowess of a 50 year old

>> No.7490949

I'd dread the day Kanatan tweets something about her hearing acting up again... please no

>> No.7490987
Quoted by: >>7491020 >>7491608

It's just an in-character joke
"haha I'm totally 17 years old forever but actually not" so even the other Holo girls call her old

>> No.7491020
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I love the fact she was able to run with it to such extreme lengths that it went from funny to cringe to funny again. This was a beatiful stream. HoloEN could never.

>> No.7491044
Quoted by: >>7491430

Marine is fine, she's just overworking herself. Worst case scenario she'll just have to take a few weeks off, unlike the many holos who have actual chronic incurable health conditions that can cause them to retire at any moment.

>> No.7491117
Quoted by: >>7491136

>and drinking too much monster?
Haachama... I'm pretty worried for her physical health, her tooth are decaying, she is gaining weight she drinks a lot of energy drinks (All said by herself), also her mental health is not the best considering recent circumstances

>> No.7491136

It's a phase a lot of zoomers go through. She'll get over it and maybe even start a fitness freak phase by her mid 20s. I wouldn't concernfag too hard.

>> No.7491410
Quoted by: >>7491651

least: pretty much all of them. I don't give a shit about them, they're here to entertain me.
On the other hand, I want to cry when I think about Kitanya being stuck in South Africa in the middle of a genocide, and being unable to get out. She's such a nice girl and I hope nothing happens to her.

>> No.7491430

Marine has the beginnings of arteriosclerosis in her legs as of March, Anon...

>> No.7491520
File: 1.01 MB, 1400x1800, 853545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She eats dirt. The other Holos have various health issues but she's the only one who eats fucking dirt. This goncerns me.

>> No.7491545
File: 59 KB, 540x440, 2tzo2k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7491662

Soldier: Marine
Sleeping kid: Fubuki, Rushia, Flare, Watame, Coco, Luna, Botan

>> No.7491608

At this point i still dont undestand if it's "i'm 17 but i'm not but i am" is part of the character, marine leaking info on accident and then making it part of character or just stream gag what have no connectipn to Marine's lore.

>> No.7491651

>On the other hand, I want to cry when I think about Kitanya being stuck in South Africa in the middle of a genocide
You should go there.

>> No.7491662

Rushia isn’t a hag though?

>> No.7491678
Quoted by: >>7491707

Look how high energy Nene is compared to anyone else when they're 3D together.

>> No.7491685

She's not a faggot zoomer, correct.

>> No.7491707
Quoted by: >>7491733 >>7491776

Because she's menhara as fuck. Same with Miko; it's not energy, it's psychosis.

>> No.7491716
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Quoted by: >>7493283

Towel, duck and dog are all pretty fit, I think comet isn’t bad physical health wise too.

Migos and gorilla are the ones I’m most worried about, the former because she’s literally dying and the latter because she’s going deaf in one ear.

>> No.7491733
File: 50 KB, 423x600, Kureiji-Ollie-6749622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Ollie? Energy or psychosis?

>> No.7491751

Little from column A, little from column B. I'm not big into rrats but I think part of the reason why she joined hololive was as an outlet for her energy, but that just channeled all of her free time into obsessing even more over the people she already obsessed over. Honestly I can't tell if the other hololive girls love her enthusiasm or are afraid of what she might do if they push her too far.

>> No.7491759
Quoted by: >>7492525

>he lacks critical information
Also proof that Marine's schtick is working

>> No.7491776

If anything she retarted herself to not think anymore.

>> No.7491828

She's the embodiment of ADHD. We would be luckier if it was psychosis.

>> No.7491840

Definitely big energy, seems like she loved being hololive liver and tries to spread awareness of other vtuber with similiar theme so they get more publicity.
Although to be fair being narcisstic/big energy on internet have an impact on herself or others for example people might get tired of ollie because she's everywhere or she always did something bad at the end.

>> No.7491864

Ollie's going on six months now and she has only ramped up her simping. I'm beginning to think she really is like that.

>> No.7491923
Quoted by: >>7492481

>She probably eats cereal for dinner
... Is that bad?

>> No.7491960

Stop using that stupid term to refer to vtubers, it doesn't work in English and will never work in English

>> No.7492012

Nene. Nene's got big abs.

>> No.7492182
Quoted by: >>7492213

EN in general seems like a mess, at least Mori talks about working out. Ame turned purple earlier this year and might finally get health insurance. Kiara is frequently in pain, rarely goes to the doctor, and doesn't seem to exercise though she doesn't seem to need it. Ina.... yeah. Gura is all over the place; she's not quite out of shape, but she might have the worst diet in HoloEN and her living conditions are questionable.

Nah Nene is fine, she just went overboard that one time.

>> No.7492213
Quoted by: >>7492481 >>7494206

Whats wrong with Ina? Cute humu draws stuff, never heard her complain about health

>> No.7492275

>goliath ass

fuck me marine is my dream girl good lord

>> No.7492393

You don't know anything about the countryside if you think it's odd for Gura to turn into a potato

>> No.7492427
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>> No.7492457

Neet =/= hikki
Why do you people always mix these up
Neet has NO job
Hikki is a shutin

>> No.7492481
Quoted by: >>7492603

Eating cereal period is bad. You need protein and animal fats, none of that corn/oat based empty carb shit.

She doesn't show any delirious health symptoms and seems to be a perfectly normal bodyweight but she is as completely and utterly inactive as any of the others. Total sitdown homebody type all her life. At least there's no reason to assume she eats as poorly as some of the others.

>> No.7492511
Quoted by: >>7492600

I was not aware that we had an organ v-tuber in hololive.

>> No.7492525

I dunno why but i'm triggered everytime i see "he doesnt know" or any of it's variation...
Maybe PTSD from when i learned that Yui Ishikawa got married....

>> No.7492600
Quoted by: >>7494023

>that "my liver is graduating" thread

>> No.7492603

Every day it changes

>> No.7492641

If you're legit getting dietry advice from someone on 4chan, I dunno what to tell you. It's like getting wellness advice from a barfly, or financial advice from a low-level pyramid scheme guy.

>> No.7492818
Quoted by: >>7492838 >>7493101

It never changed ever. Meat is good, meat is your main dietary staple, you need to eat meat and fast occasionally. Lots of meat. The cardio/heart disease meme about meat is just that, a bullshit meme. Vegetables range from okay to terrible, fruit is mostly just glucose and water so keep your intake down less than the prevailing "food groups" nonsense will tell you and eat organic. Processed shit like grains are terrible for you, and slave food. You can eat high quality beef and liver raw for the best health impact, no different from eating raw fish in sushi.

>> No.7492838

Oh and dairy and eggs are also your staple foods along with meat, don't forget that either. And vegetables, some more radical leaning people will outright tell you never to touch them.

>> No.7492916

Luna could barely do eight bodyweight squats in a row even with the shittiest form, she has to be one of the most sedentary VTubers out there. Reine is also pretty up there too.

>> No.7493101
File: 193 KB, 408x317, 1625358293799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7493169

There's basically no food that can really be considered "bad" if you've got your macro and micronutrients in check, basically all the "X is bad" memes come from badly done observational studies that don't take into account that you aren't eating X in isolation.

For example, cereals and red meat studies are usually done without taking into account the overeating factor that correlates with cancer and other cardiovascular diseases. The whole "vegans have better cardiovascular systems" is biased as the people that can follow specific diets for long periods of time usually practices sport, knows about calories, etc

It's not really that complicated to be healthy, everyday eat food that has a lots of micronutrients like spinach, eggs, lentils, pork meat, etc, try to hit your protein and fat requirements, fill the carbs sectioms with whatever grains/shit you want and hit the gym/run regularly ("sugar makes you diabetic" only applies to people that don't exercise, it's more related to caloric overcomsumption in long periods of time than it is to sugar/carbs intake).

>some more radical leaning people will outright tell you never to touch them.
You mean /fit/ carnitards than cannot even bench 2pl8, let alone 3pl8.

>> No.7493169
Quoted by: >>7493578

>You mean /fit/ carnitards
Actually I mean a cool Nordic guy that may or may not be a wife abuser, killer, and literal rapist, who could kick your ass in a fight, but yes.

>> No.7493283
Quoted by: >>7493578

Suisei is decently healthy, her only significant problem was throat damage which has been fixed by changing her voice. She used to be the best athlete in her school, but she had unspecified health issues and never returned to form. As an adult, she doesn't exercise outside of dancing lessons, but she seems to be doing alright.

>> No.7493409

>Yeah, where did this hag rrat about Marine start
iirc, she leaked her age when talking about some pokemon game and said that she played it when she was in grade school. From that, people calculated her approximate age.

>> No.7493578

>who could kick your ass in a fight
I truly hope that you aren't talking about Sven here because that would be hilarious. This is /vt/ so I'm not gonna post body as I'm already derailing the thread a bit too much, cheers from /plg/.
In those presentation cards she also talked about not wanting to exercise never again which struck me as weird as continuously dancing seems to be pretty taxing.

She's also like 43kg and 160cm so she's not overeating, that's for sure.

>> No.7493848
File: 304 KB, 615x900, 1622113874507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7493925

>Diet of noodles, candy, cookies and soda
>Never goes outside
>Barely gets any sleep
>Draws 10h a day, mangaka lifestyle
>Can barely do 5 minutes of RFA before entering dying mode
>Fainting and just sleeping on the floor from exhaustion is a common occurrence
>Resting heartrate at around 100BPM

Let me put it like this. Ina is dying before Kentaro Miura. I genuinely concernfag for her. She's really responsible regarding her work and arts, but really doesn't takes care of her body at all.

>> No.7493925
Quoted by: >>7493985 >>7494001

>Ina is dying before Kentaro Miura.

....Anon, you might wanna google Kentaro Miura.

>> No.7493985

I mean relative to her age. Before 54. I didn't know how to say it. He died this year I know. F ;_;

>> No.7494001

I think he meant in terms of age rather than actual time

I hope he meant in terms of age rather than actual time

>> No.7494023

That';s the best thread we've had in months.

>> No.7494206

poor girl has a resting heart rate of just under 90 and got murked by rfa
