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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74026708 No.74026708 [Reply] [Original]

>Streams? No thanks, they’re too long
>I watch clips instead

>> No.74026951

I have no idea how some of you guys can watch multiple full streams, work, watch anime, read manga and still have time to cook and bathe. Teach me your ways anons

>> No.74027232

I watch/listen to vods while I'm working

>> No.74029633


>> No.74029732


>> No.74029811

>and still have time to cook and bathe
we don't do that here

>> No.74029862

>Streams? No thanks, they’re too long
>I watch threads instead

>> No.74029924

>still have time to cook and bathe.
Anon, I ...

>> No.74029968

clips? who has time for that. i skim thumbnails and come here for the real news.

>> No.74030060
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what is "strem" ?

>> No.74030072

I'd normally set something up in the kitchen and cook and clean while a stream played after work. On the other hand I was watching VODs due to the time.

>> No.74030279

If i have time i will watch the beginning of a stream of my oshi, but usually i just pick a vod that looks interesting (or short) and watch that

>> No.74030285

I do like to watch clips to get a quick recap on events, then usually I'll click over to the source and leave a Like so that streamer knows I care.

but clippers do usually miss a lot of back and forth exchanges especially if there's multiple POVs so I prefer to catch the stream if I can. I like to leave streams on while I work.

>> No.74030424
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Quoted by: >>74033395

>No, I don't actually watch vtubers. I just make and collect manipulated images of them.

>> No.74030495

>cook and bathe
Anon, they don't do that. I only watch streams while driving multiple hours.

>> No.74033205

If it's something chill like MH or ER, I just use it as background noise for work. If it's my oshi streaming, then anime can wait.

>> No.74033395

based foreigner

>> No.74033451

>cook and bathe
I can’t cook and I haven’t bathed in a week

>> No.74034015

I had to drop bunch of secondaries when watching them become too taxing and had to even cut out on my oshii when she started crancking out 30 hours of content per week. Still my manga, anime and hobbies suffer as my free time, meaning after my duties and necesaties are done, is hopelessly maxxed out.
