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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 45 KB, 680x510, 1698810781443033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73706151 No.73706151 [Reply] [Original]

As the dust settles and her CCV drops through the floor it is becoming increasingly apparent that she was in the wrong and that people only supported her because they already hated Nijisanji and her case looked easy to weaponize against them. It's never too late to admit you were wrong.

>> No.73706222

CCV does not equal the right thing Nijimonkey

>> No.73706386

Still three times higher than nijien

>> No.73706394

It's actually NijiEN's CCV that's dropping through the floor

>> No.73706432

Counterexample: Hololive

>> No.73706433

nice concert lol

>> No.73706546

Place you bets how many AR live deflection threads will we get today

>> No.73706629

mud hut dweller typed that

>> No.73706680

Its funny because they're literally admitting it was shit and blaming Selen for it.

>> No.73706800

What's the current cope from them anyway? I refuse to read the shit they type

>> No.73706813

neck yourself paki-chan, you stupid brat.

>> No.73706843

The real deflection is deflecting from the fact that you have no more actual drama to weaponize and are resorting to posting cherry-picked 140p pre-processing screenshots in an attempt to make the live look like some kind of unmitigated disaster despite the fact that they easily made over 1 million dollars from it
False has fucking nothing and no one's graduating despite the speculation of retards who don't even watch Nijisanji

>> No.73707055

Kek dyrbi

>> No.73707145
File: 230 KB, 1692x956, 1712736970502389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Swiped the Hyte collaboration
>Half of Twitch staff and all of Rivals staff are dragoons
>Head of Hyte PR and marketing simps for Doki
>Gets a custom Wingman printout from Apex staff
>Pretty much guaranteed NijiEN will never be invited to any collab event involving tournies for english speaking side
>Will be hosting Vtuber awards with Filian next time
the best one for me though
>Sayu keeps seethe posting her own increasingly hard-to-believe drama while passive aggressively taking digs at Doki because no one gave a shit when Zaion got canned
Doki stays winning

>> No.73707152

>the concert would have been 100x longer and better if it weren't for Selen leaving
>Selen sabotaged the concert and her coworkers, knowing Anycolor wouldn't bother to re-record any of her footage
>any other criticism of the concert (such as the shitty 3D) are to be dismissed as Niji antis

>> No.73707170
Quoted by: >>73707931

Sister The ones making these Doki threads are from your camp. If you didn't need to deflect from something why are you still bringing her up when she hasn't mentioned your company by name once since termination and still has yet to fling shit at your company?
The only reason this "drama" has gone for so long is because you can't stop dragging it back up

>> No.73707263

Hololive is not a metric for indies. And >>73706222

>> No.73707348
Quoted by: >>73707425

>Selen sabotaged the concert and her coworkers, knowing Anycolor wouldn't bother to re-record any of her footage
They actually tricked themselves into thinking this?

>> No.73707425

If the chinese were capable of critical thought, they wouldn't be in China

>> No.73707663

>dragging the Selen MV back into the shitshow
>Selen only gave them 1 day to check the cover
>managers never saw the video before and only saw it as shown in messages in the black video
>she could've fucking wait for a few hours

I don't watch Doki, but the train of thought makes no logical sense to the point I thought I was on twitter and had to say something

>> No.73707753

>any other criticism of the concert (such as the shitty 3D) are to be dismissed as Niji antis
sounds like a cult at this point lol

>> No.73707805 [DELETED] 

>Hurrrrr deflection
>Yesterday's catalog full of Holocucks seething at Niji's concert
This board is so pathetic sometimes

>> No.73707925
File: 94 KB, 924x637, Screenshot 2024-04-15 091024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post proof retarded sister

>> No.73707931 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>73710717

Ding ding ding! Winner! Dramafags are the death of this board.

>> No.73707951
File: 430 KB, 1024x616, 1694210313965541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73707984
File: 176 KB, 1429x339, IMG_1462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73708200

Doki’s the opposite of rent-free. You’re paying her to occupy your brain.

>> No.73708004

>Doki vs Sayu
Lol, you should ask Sayu for rent by now considering how she lives constantly in your head

>> No.73708050

Theres gonna be alot and those who "engage" with those thread tend to be sister trying to fuel the thread to make as if its relevant. You can already see it right in this thread itself. Anyway, just post some paizuri picture if you stumble upon these type of thread.

>> No.73708175

Believe you me Sayu-simp, she needs every penny she can scrounge nowadays

>> No.73708200
File: 114 KB, 1080x1304, 1709208571295169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel for your mental illness but I am also glad no one is your friend
>mental illness is important y'all unless people I like are slightly inconvenienced by it

>> No.73708362
Quoted by: >>73708499

How many Finanas

>> No.73708472
Quoted by: >>73708774

Why do you keep posting Super Man 64 pics?

>> No.73708499


>> No.73708718
Quoted by: >>73709207

>wait a few hours
She waited 37 you fucking illiterate nigger, don't even pretend you aren't the brownest esl nijisister, i bet all the white chinese stay 5 metres away from you

>> No.73708724

What were the numbers for the concert? I know there was around 20k for the free portion, does anyone have the count for the paid part?

>> No.73708774
File: 771 KB, 1015x609, n64_sm64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73708844


>> No.73708844
Quoted by: >>73735380

niji managers reveal

>> No.73708852

I'm just going to be generous and assume it was half that

>> No.73708860 [DELETED] 
File: 486 KB, 1080x950, Holofest5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73709207
Quoted by: >>73710235

Are you fucking blind? I'm fucking repeating what all those nijisisters are saying and calling it fucking bullshit. Oh wait maybe i should've clarified and said the nijisisters said that before you sperged out. My bad anon

>> No.73709225
File: 168 KB, 512x512, 1709467515298761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep seeing threads like this and I simply have to ask: what do you get out of making arguments like this?

Let's break down the situation. Even if Doki was in the wrong for not waiting about a day or so for permissions to clear, how does that justify years' worth of mistreatment? Not every single deliberate, shitty choice Nijisanji EN and its management made can be written off by "hurr durr dokibutt stupid MV". What do you even admit that you're wrong about? Being angry at a company for exploiting the hopes and dreams of people in a competitive field for their labor?

Let's clear the dust here. Dokibird could have had more foresight and maturity to wait a day, post a delayed MV, and apologize to her fans. But why would anyone hold that against her, after years of being strung along by her own fucking employer? Anyone would forgive a transgression made like that if it was preceded by years of abuse, neglect, and incompetence, especially if it's the job you depend on to keep dinner on the table and the lights on at home. What do you want people to say? "Yeah, you're right, a company should be allowed to fuck over people however it wants, whenever it wants, to keep the CEO's pockets fat"? Please get over yourself already.

>> No.73709515 [DELETED] 
File: 485 KB, 1536x2048, 1708921456754127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you get from constantly shitting on Niji? Does it make you feel like a big girl?

>> No.73709528
Quoted by: >>73709663

Reminder that the NijAR was recorded months ago, and they still pushed their shit out the window

>> No.73709663 [DELETED] 
File: 740 KB, 1080x1080, 1709117183184765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.73709691

>Doki: takes Sunday off, as she normally does
>sisters: malding and seething at the very thought of her of her continued existence

>sisters: trying to laugh through their tears of seethe, because Doki did not get 50k CCV today
>Doki: is not even streaming today, because today is Sunday, and she normally takes Sundays off

>> No.73709807

holy delusion

>> No.73709829

Wonder how much work Elira is putting into the re-emergence of Nova

>> No.73709859


>> No.73709914
File: 681 KB, 680x680, This bird kills fascists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is now Day 62 of the 3 day special operation against Dokibird

>> No.73709953
Quoted by: >>73710142

>sister falseflagging with biboo

>> No.73710015

Millie is saying it broke records, so it seems to have gone well

>> No.73710104
Quoted by: >>73710259

She meant it, as in it literally caused Riku to go into the studio and break physical records because the performance was that bad

>> No.73710142
Quoted by: >>73710275

they did the same shit with fwmc a while ago

>> No.73710200
Quoted by: >>73725743

didn't she nuke all of her PL?

>> No.73710222

Technically the record up to this point was 0 so if even one sister bought its a new record for the en branch lmao

>> No.73710235
Quoted by: >>73710766

Yeah my bad im blinded by rage so i thought that you were a sister typing that stuff and meaning it anon come give me a hug

>> No.73710244
Quoted by: >>73710536

Exactly. She was already fed up with how she was treated by the time the MV was posted early.
It was a stupid move but at the end of the day Selen had already dealt with enough.

>> No.73710256

>first sentence of OP is numberfagging pagpag
Imagine how great this board would be if we range banned SEA.

>> No.73710259

A-are the play buttons okay?

>> No.73710275
Quoted by: >>73719738

and now with mint as well

>> No.73710355

>another NIJISEETHE thread

>> No.73710473

>people only supported her because they already hated Nijisanji and her case looked easy to weaponize against them
As an outsider that doesn't give a fuck about Niji or this bitch, this sounds so true.

>> No.73710485

You what? Sayu may be emotionally unfulfilled, but if you think she's struggling to make a living, then that's the most delusional cope in this thread.

>> No.73710507

stop posting my wife's pictures retarded sisterchama

>> No.73710535

Golly gee, if the number 1 boot licker says so, then I guess it's true.

>> No.73710536
Quoted by: >>73712339

And she fucked over every other girl in her branch, especially Rosemi who hosted a gameshow she had to cut.

>> No.73710547

god her smug face turns me on she is in desperate need of correction

>> No.73710596

>Yeah, you're right, a company should be allowed to fuck over people however it wants, whenever it wants, to keep the CEO's pockets fat
It's actually worse than that. There's no clear through-line to how anything that happened could plausibly have benefited Niji or their pocketbook. Holding up and then privating the cover did not make any money. Refusing to let Selen graduate on her terms did not make any money. The black screen stream isn't exactly a profit machine. The larger internet has enough corporate sympathizers that "Ah, it sucks that this person got screwed over but that's what makes the business money, it is what it is" could easily have become the consensus if there was any appearance that's what happened.
Niji has had every opportunity to steer the narrative and the best they could come up with was that they destroyed their relationship with one of their most profitable streamers for reasons they can't explain, but seem to be entirely just catty drama and middle-management office politics.
They aren't upset that they couldn't screw over their talents for money. They are mad that they couldn't THROW AWAY money to screw over their talents and still magically keep that money.

>> No.73710642

Zaion was done dirty but she was not a big star like Selen was prior to leaving. In fact she had barely even been in there long enough for people to remember her name. She also doesn't have standout skills that few other vtubers do, Selen could gain more subs just from normalfags not being aware of her and thinking she is cool on hearing her story and seeing her play. Sayu is a .. Genshin streamer? Yeah, a game widely renowned for being boring and useless to watch if you are not a Genshin fan already. No surprise she is merely about the same as she was prior to Niji.

Also it's unfortunate but when Zaion was fired the perception that Niji was an evil petty company was mostly just rrats and bad vibes around here instead of being shocking nearly mainstream news like Selen's firing brought about. Selen was the straw that broke the camel's back but Zaion was a casualty of the sister defense force meta minimizing the impact.

>> No.73710705

it's more "Follow some simple fucking rules instead of pushing out a cover because you couldn't wait 3 days for a final check"

>> No.73710717
File: 353 KB, 1080x1641, member-Nijisisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73714382

member Ninisisters? I member.

>> No.73710735

As the dust settles and NijiEN organs finanas dropped through the floor it is becoming increasingly apparent that Kurosanji was in the wrong and that sisters only supported it because they already hated themselves and its case looked easy to weaponize against themselves. It's never too late to admit you were wrong sisters.

>> No.73710742

Sisters live on a different planet where 2023 was a good year for nijien with lots of events and you can ignore all the antis like pomu, nina, mysta, kyo, selen, zaion etc who all seem to point the finger at management being shit.
Lets ignore the banger at the start of the year of the ar live being 'delayed' due to covid in 2023 and then not being worked on at all for almost a whole year.
Like for gods sakes pomus first fucking orisong was still being dicked around by management as she was in the process of graduating despite being wave 1.
But nah it must just be that selen, the most ambitious of the bunch who continued trying to produce projects rather than giving up, is just imaging it all.

>> No.73710766

Can't exactly give you a hug, but maybe reread things with context so you don't act like those idiots on twitter. I still find it fucking hilarious that a person on an anonymous board can actually own up to their mistakes but those on twitter can't lol

>> No.73710866

>drop through the floor
Are you still saying you expected she'd have 120k every stream?

>> No.73710914

You're so desperate for attention that you couldn't even bother to read the post you are replying to and check whether one of your three different copy-pasted responses was the correct one to use. Here's your pity (You)

>> No.73711048

Who? Another generic blondie?

>> No.73711192

Holyshit Q4 isn't gonna look good.

>> No.73711272
Quoted by: >>73711389

>seriously believes 25000 people bought a 40$ ticket to the worst show ever put on by a corpo ever
>The FREE PORTION didn't even get above 25k viewers

>> No.73711273
Quoted by: >>73711421

Her paypig doesn't have enough money to pay for botting

>> No.73711302

You clearly do because you keep trying to deflect from it by posting bait threads.

>> No.73711389

>the worst show ever put on by a corpo ever

>> No.73711421
Quoted by: >>73712191

>nijifag taking about botting

>> No.73711442

the funniest thing is Selen is the sole reason they even got a concert. if the egotripping, psycho torturer managers didn't bite off more than they can chew and cause the First Obsydyan Calamity by trying to cancel and smear the one who's uncancellable and unsulliable thanks to paying every project out of her own pocket while management embezzled the funds for artists, all the stuff coming out one after another since the CEO evidently booted those managers would have been still sitting in development hell because either they were stealing the money, or just holding off on it to mess with the talent for shits and giggles (remember Pomu home 3D getting miraculously fixed after she announced graduation?)

>> No.73711504
Quoted by: >>73712098

>Holocucks seething at Niji's concert
Seething?. They were LAUGHING sister. Laughing at how retarded you inbreds are for praising something that looks worse than a PS Vita game. Laughing at your tears and copes and seethes and excuses about why it sucked

>> No.73711554

>big number = right

>> No.73711681
Quoted by: >>73711768

Why would they cancel the live in the first place?

>> No.73711689

You are either blind or purposefully retarded. The holofes screenshot looks perfectly fine. The girls aren't dyed purple and washed out. The models are properly proportioned. They have actual facial expressions. AND they have alternate outfits too... Its amazing how prone you sub humans are to self ownage

>> No.73711768

*checks script* uhh, COVID

>> No.73711833
Quoted by: >>73712091

amazing how the one officially called negligible is the sole reason everything went to shit in their view now

>> No.73711991
Quoted by: >>73712518

>>Sayu keeps seethe posting her own increasingly hard-to-believe drama while passive aggressively taking digs at Doki because no one gave a shit when Zaion got canned
Now THAT's not true.
Sayu explicitly hates the hypocrites who shunned her after her termination but then flock to Doki because it's "convenient"

There were some people who were friends before niji, ditched her after the termination, and then ran immediately to doki's defense to shit on niji because it was cool. THOSE are the people Sayu dislikes.

>> No.73712091

She had no effect on their stock but she sure ruined possibly the only huge 3D event Rosemi would ever have

>> No.73712098


>> No.73712191

Kewk go back to second grade

>> No.73712214

Can't prove a negative. You need to find one concert run by a vtuber corpo that was worse.

>> No.73712339
File: 24 KB, 294x299, 7968545869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73715931

>Concert was so shit the NDF sisters can't even defend it
>Sisters spend the next week /here/ saying doki destroyed it to cope
>Ignoring the fact kurosanji themselves delayed it for an entire year causing the issues involving deleting organs in the process
KEK. Your tears are genuinely delicious to see.

>> No.73712352
Quoted by: >>73712651

For anyone wanting a good laugh I suggest having a look at /NijiEN/ during the concert >>73625583 and search for 'selen' where you can see sisters like this one crying like toddlers.

>> No.73712410

Fuck you. I watched my oshi turn from a bright, sunny person into someone so depressed they tried to take their own life. And after it got exposed, they doubled down and attacked her AGAIN. You're not allowed to just forget that shit and let them make another black screen bullshit.

>> No.73712413

Or they couldve just re-recorded it... but that would cost money so no

>> No.73712461
Quoted by: >>73712943

>Literally every screenshot ever posted of the event
>The bilibili stream was muted for several of the songs cause they didn't have streaming rights
>The bilibili stream was ALSO constantly buffering clipping and skipping during the broadcast as all b2 streams do when streamed internationally
>The concert cost 40$ and was worse than a multitude of FREE concerts and 3dLives put on not just by hololive but Vshojo and small corpos like V4Mirai
>The models were off and stiff and ugly
>The choreography was sogshit, Nobody in Niji can dance
>The Girls didn't get any solos and poor rosemi only got ONE song to sing, Overall the girls had a third of the time as the boys did
I could go on. Literally every gif and screenshot from the show is horrific and eyebleeding. Onlyt he most delusional of pagpags and dicksuckers think it was anything short of a disaster

>> No.73712463


>> No.73712518

Shit, that must've been awful. I've read that even irl "friends" were avoiding her at cons as shit when shit hit the fan. Shame I was double turned off from watching her as zaion (niji humor on twitter and gachashit) because that fesign was too good to be wasted like that.

>> No.73712535
File: 160 KB, 270x395, 1708632837694226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73712740

It's "go reply TO all the threads" not "from" all the threads. I feel as though anons should start charging for the amount of English education the sisters are getting.

>> No.73712651
Quoted by: >>73713123

>Rent free
>This faggot goes to /NijiEN/ because of "hate" LMAOOO

>> No.73712740

No one cares about your slut mom

>> No.73712752

>She had no effect on their stock
It dropped from 3800 to 3100 after they terminated her and posted the black box stream, Why lie about objective fucking reality?>but she sure ruined possibly the only huge 3D event Rosemi would ever have
How exactly did SHE ruin anything?. What did she hold nijisanji at gun point and tell them to NOT rerecord shit like they obviously did for the boys with mysta having left?. What about Pomu and Nina's segments?. You retards are so fucking braindamaged

>> No.73712809

Yeah, that's the thing- there'd be logic to it if Nina, Pomu, and especially Selen were shown blatant favoritism, because they got some of the biggest numbers among the girls and thus pulled in some of the most money so Niji spoiling them relative to the lower-performing livers would make sense. But instead management at best didn't prioritize keeping them happy at all relative to other livers and at worst actively shit on them until they quit (or pushed back hard enough to give management an excuse to fire them, in Selen's case.) The only logical explanation is that managements' favorites among the girls were Elira and her clique, and if anything they probably seethed pretty hard at Nina, Pomu, and especially Selen having the gall to be more popular than most/all of their favorites.

>> No.73712901

Yeah, people just hear "sayu" "doki" and "upset" and assume she somehow dislikes the victim rather than the people who actually had something to do with her in the first place (IE the people who hated and attacked her, ghosted her, etc.)
Doki had plenty of her own shit to deal with, but it still hurts a bit seeing the people you thought were your friends not only fuck you over, but then flock to someone else in a similar situation while STILL ignoring you

>> No.73712943
Quoted by: >>73713268

>Onlyt he most delusional of pagpags and dicksuckers think it was anything short of a disaster
I would add the disgusting Chinese fujoshis as well. They were thrilled the concert mainly featured the boys being gay with each other.

>> No.73713123

It's been funny watching you meltdown all over the catalog for the past few months so I thought I'd go to the source for the AR Live. I'll probably pay you a visit again when the Q4 financial results are announced.

>> No.73713218

If you want a really fun time, go back to when Raz released her 70 page luca expose. /NijiEN/ was ZOOMING

>> No.73713268
Quoted by: >>73713555

lmao sister

>> No.73713292

AIIEEE luckily for Riku Chonoir and ROF-MAO don't miss! They will save Q4

>> No.73713358
Quoted by: >>73713489

>not even capable of forming an actual reply
If you want I can tutor you in English via zoom, I won't charge you too much due to your living conditions.

>> No.73713366

>assuming that i browse 4chan like this faggot and calling me names
Chill, I just joined in here. Rent free you obsessed dramafag LMAO

>> No.73713370

What records? It was the first EN concert for NijiEN?

>> No.73713489

Maybe teach your parents first of an actual english, call center agent.

>> No.73713541
Quoted by: >>73713824

Kek, okay sis, whatever you say. See you for the Q4 results.

>> No.73713555

Huh? Did you reply to the wrong post?

>> No.73713680

certified brown sister from pakistan

>> No.73713733
Quoted by: >>73713934

>teach your parents first of an actual english
You're trying hard but you're not quite getting there. I presume what you meant to say was something along the lines of "teach your parents English instead" or at least that's the closest I can gather from the near random mix of words you threw together.

>> No.73713824

Okay sis. Kys

>> No.73713934

Wow trying so hard to construct an english sentence nice one pajeet. You will never be white

>> No.73714079
File: 2.44 MB, 512x718, 1684607957921777.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Nijisisters" in a debate:
>Provide evidence and well-reasoned, logical explanations
>Precise and accurate use of language
>Usage of primary sources and reliable secondary sources

/vt/ vermin in a debate:
>Call their opponent "sister" or "retard"
>Dubious, reaching claims
>Evidence is random hearsay from dramatubers whose career depends on Nijisanji being perpetually in flames
>"you're brown"

>> No.73714120
Quoted by: >>73714611

Wow, see! When you really put your mind to it you can type legible English! You should've really used a comma or a semicolon between 'sentence' and 'pajeet' though.

>> No.73714214
Quoted by: >>73714527

These two
Are both Nijisiters. If you follow the comment chain up you'll see.

>> No.73714244
Quoted by: >>73714312

>Well reasoned,Logical
>Precise and accurate
>Muh Sources
and other lies you tell yourself

>> No.73714300

>proceed to post with no evidence, logical explanations, or sources
Well, at least we know which side you're on.

>> No.73714312
Quoted by: >>73714476

Forgot to add "you're wrong" to the epic list of /vt/ debate tactics

>> No.73714346


>> No.73714366

Me thinks you got that in reverse.

>> No.73714382


>> No.73714416
File: 140 KB, 779x1024, DFNaI2wU0AEMvS6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked first. What do you get by constantly shitting on what is now, according to /vt/ catalogfags, a low CCV indie streamer? Is it some kind of inferiority complex? Mommy and Daddy didn't give you enough love, so now you whore for it online? You're living vicariously through these chuubas?

Seek help. You're fighting a proxy war on the behalf of a corpo that could give less of a fuck about you and your money. Sucking off a CEO if you're Elira is how you keep your job; sucking off a CEO when you're being an anonymous dramafag online is just pathetic.

>> No.73714443

Sorry anon, gonna have to agree with the other guy. Your sentence made sense up until "of an actual english, call center agent" Either you were trying to convey "to be english speaking call center agents" or "Maybe teach your parents actual english, call center agent".

>> No.73714460
Quoted by: >>73714569

>AR Live is a massive flop and every 3D model looks worse than PSP models. Lost to a Gura and Promise collab as well as an IRyS cape reveal. Not even an outfit, a CAPE.
>Elira's grand return stream was a flop at 3k CCV peak and lost 2k subs
>Elira pussied out and set a 13-week sub only chat
>Doki got the HYTE Collab after they dumped Kurosanji
>Luca birthday flopped in SC and CCV
>Doki reclaimed her Epic Games account stolen by Niji making them seethe in impotence.
>Mint told Niji to fuck off and is thriving as an indie, even making friendly references to Doki
>Aia hinted at graduating and reactivated her PL
>Scarle reactivated her PL after getting harassed by nijisisters over fucking Starbucks
>Ren has been doomposting on his PL.
>Kotoka is on an infinite "mental health" break and will most likely graduate
>Millie's outfit reveal being a flop
>MK tournament flopped, couldn't even beat Korone
>Rosemi's 3D debut being the worst in Niji history
>Elira finally bothered to stream after 3 months of hiding, her audience is destroyed so she'll flop anyway
>Vox fucked off to be a white monkey on bilibili like a bitch, still gets shit views
>Luca shitshow and blatant favoritism, clear breach of contract yet still gets away with it.
>Play Button drama by le retard Claude "you could just fucking ask" Clawmark
>Hex yab comments about killing goldfish and dumping dead people's ashes "for fun", Zaion got fired for way less.
>Uki "White people scare me" Violeta
>The whole "We love artists" psyop when in reality Niji refused to pay many artists
>Virtual Rhapsody SEA concert is a glorified L2D Karaoke
>The concert is selling so badly they are removing purchase limits
>AR Colors rushed out and butchered a lot of footage due to graduated livers, fucked over Rosemi and Petra.
>3D showcases being rushed out before Q4 after being stalled for 2 years, will definitely flop
>The latest niji gen still can't get to 100k subs and almost never reach more than 3 finanas of CCV
>Stocks are stagnated and will fall once the sales ban is lifted
>Niji desperately spamming Iluna and XSoleil merch to get some scraps ahead of the Q4 report

>> No.73714476
Quoted by: >>73714738

You factually are wrong because >>73713934 >>73713824 are both sisters but you assumed they were niji-antis and (rightly) dunked on them.

>> No.73714527

And? I don't have coins here to spare for you. Why don't you watch the birthday streams faggot

>> No.73714569
File: 260 KB, 597x431, 1711611956600101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dokisharts will call out the OP for numberfagging and call Rosemi's 3D the "worst in Niji history" because it got low CCV, lemao

>> No.73714611
Quoted by: >>73715306

No one cares about your bootlicking to western language.

>> No.73714647 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 1400x900, eaP0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73714761

Posting a screenshot of your concert and there's nothing you can do about it, sister.

>> No.73714738
Quoted by: >>73715192

Spoken like a true retard. Review and scan who's replying to abnormal

>> No.73714761


>> No.73714786

Y'all are talking about Doki's declining CCV like it's an own, but... to a degree it's expected that her viewers would go down as the dust from her termination and redebut settled, just like how most other vtubers that get a lot of attention on debut (ie any Hololive vtuber) get more CCV in the days/weeks after debut than they do a month or two down the line. If we're talking numbers then

A) To what extent is "Doki's CCVs are going down" even true?
B) How are her current CCVs relative to where she was last fall as Selen? Any drop Doki gets is a nothingburger as long as she's at or above that level.
C) While we're at it, how have the numbers of the Niji girls who aren't in hiding been trending lately?

>> No.73714856

People still like her. It’s just that she’s a bad streamer that fills 90% of her streams with laughter because she can’t talk about anything interesting. People mostly check her out for her big projects/fps tournaments and not her playthroughs.

>> No.73714941

>"Nijisisters" in a debate
Yeah sure... "Evidence and well-reasoned, logical explanations" indeed

>> No.73715028
Quoted by: >>73715278

Proof of this that isn't a cherrypicked Nyfco screencap?

>> No.73715116

AR live is a success but thanks to Doki, the male fans who bought tickets for the girls are going to think twice now because they got cucked hard with their ticket. The girls barely scraped by an hour while the men got 2 hours worth of content. So yeah, Doki did a number on the future earnings of the branch.

>> No.73715115

But elirafag you should be proud!. Your oshi got over double the superchats in her return stream than rosemi got in her 3D Debut. Your oshi also got more than petra's 3D Debut, AND double what millie and maria's outfit reveals got COMBINED. Elira stays winning while the rest of the females in her branch wither, The clique queen is FINALLY on top baby!!.. all it took was taking out the competition

>> No.73715192

>who's replying to abnormal
I presume you mean who's replying to who. So for both comment chains they come from >>73712098 - clearly a sister. If you're not blind you can see that those two final replies come from the sister (or possibly two, maybe an extra one joined in).

>> No.73715278

>Show me proof of nijiniggers calling doki "dooki" and "grifter"
Uh... have you not been on the board for the past 2 fucking months?. also the fucking OP of this very thread???

>> No.73715306

>bootlicking to western language
If you don't like speaking English then maybe you should confine yourself to the parts of the internet that only speak your native tongue. It'd do the rest of the internet a favour too.

>> No.73715458

>logical explanations
Like "This is the most plausible truth as it involves the least amount of assumptions and it assumes that every party is telling the truth unless there is evidence to the contrary"?
I got a good chuckle out of that and "I will never summarize the most plausible sequence of events."

>> No.73715510

hi nijinigger

>> No.73715627

>CCV drops through the floor
Unironically a good thing; it means the tourists are fucking off. Can't wait for them to leave Mint alone.

>> No.73715870

It doesn't matter if Doki declines. She still gets more viewers than your 3view niji intestines, and as an indie she doesn't have to give a cut to a corpo.

>> No.73715884 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>73716113


>> No.73715931 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>73716718

>Hurr duh concert bad cuz me said so
Seethe sister. Kfp is niji

>> No.73716113
Quoted by: >>73716621

What part of
>It wasn't the graininess it was the lighting and the models and the chorea and the fact it was muted on b2
Do you NOT understand?

>> No.73716298

Well, she's doing well enough that she's going to Hawaii for a week without your support, seethe harder

>> No.73716366
File: 455 KB, 600x600, 1655500760698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73716669

Holy shit sisters, take the L and move on.
You will never win here, let alone gain the normies trust back.
There's no bouncing back from here. And niji cannot be fixed as long they are a combination of a shit corpo with shit managers and shit talents.
Go back to your dox site to do whatever you do and stop shitting up the catalog.

>> No.73716500

>"dust settles"
>absolute garbage subhuman of an OP
Like clockwork

>> No.73716504 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 512x512, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73718398

Based. Holotroons on suicide watch like their fat oshi Dooki

>> No.73716576 [DELETED] 

Replace 'Dooki' with 'sister' or 'pagpag' or 'Nijinig' and you'll see realize it's actually Holotroons you're talking about.

>> No.73716621 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>73716887

What part of cherry picked screenshots mean nothing don't you understand, retard?

>> No.73716669 [DELETED] 

Cry more. This isn't a holoboard. You were never a fan of JP vtubers. This hobby isn't yours alone. Seethe.

>> No.73716718

What the actual fuck... Niji concert bad, YOU are a sister. If that anon is KFP, he is gigayagoochad anti-nijikek monster

>> No.73716829

>This isn't a holoboard
The only reason this board was created was because discussions of Myth became so large in /jp/ that it pissed them off. So in many ways this is a holo board. I'll tell you what though - it 100% is an anti-Niji board. Better for you faggots to find a new home, this was never really yours to begin with.

>> No.73716835

Miss (sir), this isn't a nijikek board either. This board is owned by:
1) Indies
2) All the talent agencies except Anycolor Inc.

>> No.73716887
Quoted by: >>73717931

Show us the GOOD screenshots then nijinigger. Show us how good it actually looked. also not just screenshots. The noctyx gif of sonny uki and alban dancing was fucking garbage too. Or reimu being slowly lowered onto the stage before doing the joseph joestar run

>> No.73717190
File: 46 KB, 739x611, firefox_r60ecorbqY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the numbermonkeys seemed to float around 4-7k as a nice rough estimate, and I could see that happening, but it also depends on how she decides to market herself once her new skin suit comes out and she makes her real "debut." Right now there's still a lot of cons, merch, collabs, etc being set up which will likely help replace the dramafags with real, long-term fans. I don't expect her to reach modern hololive numbers any time soon, but she's very unlikely to reach her old averages as Selen (2-4kish)
Also remember that even at her absolute worst, most depressed state, she STILL was leading the pack in CCV, superchats, and merch sales for the girls, and beating many of the guys as well.

>> No.73717585
Quoted by: >>73717683

Daily reminder that you nijiniggers got btfo'd so hard that you went and made your own imageboard
And even that collapsed
Fuckin beggars

>> No.73717683

they fucking what?

>> No.73717889
Quoted by: >>73718084

You will read what i type and you will seethee so shut the fuck up mom!

>> No.73717931
File: 504 KB, 3840x2160, 1713110580202369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA and also not a Nijibootlicker, but it's definitely possible to get good screenshots if you have an eye for it (and also have access to decent quality footage).
Then again, it's possible to get good screenshots of just about anything if you have an eye for it, so it doesn't prove all that much I suppose.

>> No.73717932
Quoted by: >>73718284

KYS cry baby

>> No.73718084

>so shut the fuck up mom!
Are you having a breakdown, ESLchama? Lol

>> No.73718159

>somehow looks worse than in-game concerts in PSO2.

>> No.73718263

It's never too late for niji to admit wrong too
fuckin nijiwhore

>> No.73718284

I'm just doing charity by helping you sisters learn English. Clearly the education system in your country failed you so I thought I'd do my bit.

>> No.73718398
Quoted by: >>73718446

don't understand why nijiniggers keep using fat as an insult
are the fujobitches in niji all fat or something

>> No.73718423
Quoted by: >>73718468

They went and made one on infinitechan because they didnt like the mean comments /here/

But theyre still /here/ anyway kek

>> No.73718446

it's called projection LMAO

>> No.73718468

They can't do anything without leeching off Holo's tit. Just like how their english branch can't do anything without leeching off Selen.

>> No.73718537

Dramafags are eating well considering how niji pumps out drama like a fucking waterfall

>> No.73718546
Quoted by: >>73719538

>Decent Screenshot
>Blue saturation on a blinding white background
If that's decent I'm Mococoeh

>> No.73718565

OP is a masochist (homosexual) and feels really good when you call him a bad boy. There is no thoughts in that head except how to construct another thread to produce that dopamine.

>> No.73718588
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x2151, a literal cartoon villain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes, I wonder if they actually took the "fuck it, go heel" suggestion people made here a few days after the black screen popped up and anycolor was on flames.
I could buy the idea that now they are trying to create that image on any forum and social media with their sisters/NDF shitposting and tribalfagging everywhere and even some organs doing the same by being openly racist or stealing content from artists.
It's probably just them being retarded, but I'll keep this rrat in consideration just in case.

>> No.73718628

Why does she only ever look smug?

>> No.73718747

Daily reminder that dramafags are only stick around if there is drama to consume. They move on when theres no shit to eat

In other words, you did it to yourselves, negliniggers

>> No.73719004

It’s true. I forgot which Chan but they were getting assblasted so hard here after one of their yabs (I don’t know which one, they happen so frequently that they kind of blend together.) they made some shit board that no one uses on a dead Chan site.

>> No.73719538
Quoted by: >>73719701

Eh, it was the first screenshot I could find that wasn't obviously trash. I'd assume the anons in /NijiEN/ will have posted some decent shots by now but I don't have the patience to dig through that thread.
Also, I don't see the issue with the lighting? White backlight from the screen behind her, blue tint from stage lights in front of her. It's hard to tell from a close-up still like that, to be fair, but the bit of background visible below the screen is clearly tinged blue as well

>> No.73719648
File: 81 KB, 803x711, 1712943585608117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73719701
File: 429 KB, 913x716, 1713056592852355(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73720152

The problem is that there is no shading. It's all baked into the model, making the whole thing look incredibly ugly and jarring in motion compared to the effect that they usually go for, and that holo goes for. The lighting on the characters is nothing like the lighting on the stage and it fails completely to be AR.

>> No.73719738

it's hilarious aint it

>> No.73719743

Hey moron. She's talking about opportunistic cunts like Cy Yu, not Nijisanji.
Not that you care since I doubt you even read it the first time.

>> No.73719974

Jesus, the only bitch who needs to move on more are all these NijiEN fans

>> No.73720027

Your illiteracy is showing, sis

>> No.73720048
Quoted by: >>73720151

anon, they're too stupid to know what a heel is. they probably think it's too expensive to buy for something so uncomfortable to wear.

>> No.73720151

Nijisisters have turned themselves into the meme of the guy posing his pants in front of a crowd

>> No.73720152
File: 405 KB, 3840x2160, stillframe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73720377

Ahhh, I see the problem. Looking through the recording I downloaded, yeah the shading is definitely not real-time. Take this screenshot I pulled just now, for instance: there SHOULD be a reddish backlight/rim light on the model to match the lighting from the screen, but nope.
It'd still definitely be possible to cherrypick some decent stills where the lighting actually lines up (like the first one I posted), but once you put it in motion the illusion cracks way too easily.

>> No.73720196

There were those guys who ran a debut concert from a hotel bathroom, and half the talents quit a week later

>> No.73720326

Post the link or fuck off

>> No.73720377
Quoted by: >>73720528

Pretty sure THIS is the effect they were going for, but they just didn't actually bother to put it in properly. Probably too expensive (above $0)

>> No.73720385

/wg/ is that way sis

>> No.73720528
Quoted by: >>73720842

man, kanauru will be there downfall.
>inb4 some seething tranny says his work isn't good.

>> No.73720673

She's just genuinely not fun to watch and has no interest in most games, which hasn't changed since MGR I guess. First HD2 stream was just running in circles trying to make content off the teammates who had to carry someone that couldn't open a map.

>> No.73720842
File: 1.39 MB, 1429x805, firefox_PLKY6Q72FL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73720908

He already blew the fuck out of Niji AR live with Selen's birthday concert.

>> No.73720908

i've yet to watch this, but i can't give a shit about Nijis.

>> No.73721711

KEWK! Lurk more

>> No.73721787

Stop projecting yourself to me LMAOOOOOO you just keep coming back here talking about english not even the vtubers. Go to fuck your english teacher you seem lonely

>> No.73721798

>Regularly beats all Biji members with her ccv
You are right sis, thry should apologize. Jesus christ you are objectively retarded, I hope one day you will realize that.

>> No.73721850

Teach each other some english doggie style moves

>> No.73721933
Quoted by: >>73722386

Fun fact!
This webm is in a higher quality than the entire show was.


>> No.73722111

>because you couldn't wait 3 days for a final check
When is the cover going back up? Are the three days dont yet?

>> No.73722146

Elira needs to embrace the queen bee role and do femdom asmr.
Might actually save her career.

>> No.73722386

I wouldn't fucking doubt it.

>> No.73722948

You're brown

>> No.73722967
File: 93 KB, 1061x1480, lollololololollol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73722995

was it ever in doubt that dooki's numbers would go lower than a whore as soon as the drama dies down, she is not entertaining enough to keep five digits ccv and she cant participate in big numbers ccv booster jp events because a high profile nijisanji jp liver might be playing while streaming. her only high profile collab options is dtto and shylily, not the worst partners but a far cry from her options as selen.

>> No.73723023
Quoted by: >>73723074

That's outdated, now it's even worse.

>> No.73723074
File: 15 KB, 232x227, 1709652253326959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better, literally it makes the sisters and the ewiwaschitzo seethe

>> No.73724015

>big numbers ccv booster jp events because a high profile nijisanji jp liver might be playing while streaming
UH.. SISTERS?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqa4FTbEQE4
>Her only high profile collab options is dtto and shylily,
And Fillian and Snuffy and RPR and All her new Apex friends And Twitch rivals and...
>was it ever in doubt that dooki's numbers would go lower than a whore as soon as the drama dies down
Still higher than anyone in nijisanji sis ;)

>> No.73724141

>big numbers ccv booster jp events
in what world are tournaments ccv boosters
they're sweaty snoozefests where nobody talks beyond call outs.
Also she was just in a JP content creator tournament, so there goes THAT cope.

>> No.73724163

>Makes more than Gura
>Confirmed to be dislike bots because they only started to pop up after the VOD was up
>Unironic FalseSneed discord raid

Dramagoons are getting desperate

>> No.73724297

>makes more than gura
Gura's last merch line alone made more money than Vox's entire career.

>> No.73724311

This but with Sayu

>> No.73724463
Quoted by: >>73724484

...Anon? out of all the people to use for this, Sayu's the only one with a consistently growing ccv out of anybody who's worked at that company past or future.

>> No.73724484
Quoted by: >>73724555



>> No.73724491
Quoted by: >>73724529

>It doesn’t fit my mental disease so it must be bots
>Literally cites people in their next point self-destrying their own argument in their cope
Get help, then again your own country doesn’t like you getting help and prefers you would die pagpag, so I get why you are permanently/here: thinking you will amount to more than a fart, whishful thinking.

>> No.73724529

Yeah, it's bots and the discord hate raids are the one sending the bots. Where's the contradiction?

>> No.73724555
File: 178 KB, 1222x603, firefox_QnqbpCEM7l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73724597

Yes? She's comfortable enough to talk about her feelings, and her career is doing great right now, despite the sisters and their nonsense. She's getting sponsors, collabs, and her community is growing steadily.
Each stream's ccv grows and grows and grows as she brings more and more people into the community and subsequently keeps them.
She's recovered pretty damn well and is doing great right now.

>> No.73724574

>Ex-Niji tribalfagging deflection
Another thread of cope and seethe lost to facts sis. Congratulations, mot even the woke mob is so desperate and devoid of lie to take this many beating and continue.
You trily mist amount to nothing in life but being a clown for us to keep going after 3 months in being useless screamers. I loathe the day your brain will work and you will kill yourself over the realization on how worthless you will ever be.

>> No.73724597

Yeah she's comfortable enough to call herself a failure and wish she was still in Nijisanji. This was literally yesterday

>> No.73724630
Quoted by: >>73724780

Anon, I know you can't read, but this is embarrassing.

>> No.73724639
Quoted by: >>73724719

Actual /pol/ brain rot, holy shit

>> No.73724689

>Admits to stalk drama discords.
>Admits to fuel drama.
>Angry at drama.
>Still proves there are people who dislike her higher than her ccv.
>Actually tried to use the “Gura” argument thinking it’s not pure clown behavior.
The contradiction is that you still breathe, any normal human being who is humiliating themselves this badly would take a gun, but you are so retarded you think your seething is an argument. Cry louder, this is all you are worth for, clown.
See how people already moved on from your sad attempt ad looking worth a normal human being time.

>> No.73724696
Quoted by: >>73724768

>seriously thinks she's talking about Nijisanji
She's talking about her friends who ditched her after the termination notice you retard.
The "old world" is pre-niji when she was still an indie with a non-blacklisted reputation.

>> No.73724719

>No counter-argument
Thanks for saying I’m right, see you next thread unless your pagpag brain finally snaps and self combust over the retardness that is your existance.

>> No.73724768

That's such a blatant twist because she literally had a Vshoujo collab so it's obviously not about her being "blacklisted". The old world means Niji.

Btw her immediately shitting on Vshoujo after the collab made Zen run back to Fulgur

>> No.73724780

They learned English over ASMR videos, that’s all they watch to justify their existance and aboid the rope. Forgive them as they have not evolved to the point to know shame over their subhuman behaviour that only brings laught to others who have to assist to their poor circus performance

>> No.73724808

You know, I have to thank Anycolor. I spent the entire weekend being pretty disappointed seeing the absolute STATE that was the Miku Expo stage fuckery, but after seeing the ARLive, you know what? I judged Miku and that black screen void too harshly. It can always be worse.

Good Job Nijikeks, you made me feel a little better about something that had CR's fingerprints on it, fuck you.

>> No.73724845

Sister, you can't be serious.
I know you don't watch streams, but this is hilariously uninformed.
Maybe go back to pretending that mint and doki hate each other. You'd have more luck with that than this garbage take.

>> No.73724895

>Still proving I’m right about the deflection
>Nijisis cope over thei idea they have a point when this thread is about someone who did move on and the Nijisis can’t admit it because it will kill their own schizo demented fantasies
Keep dancing clown, you may delude yourself you have a point and are funny. You will never leave them alone because you desperately hope someone agrees so you can funally live in denial that your company is messing up over and over again because they are a bunch of narcs with no self-awareness.
The fans reflect the streamers, all idiots who will die on their own hill of being actually unable to build bridges and move on rather than hate anything that is not their world despite being the first reason it doesn’t work.

>> No.73724928
Quoted by: >>73725186


>> No.73725186
Quoted by: >>73725236

>Still no argument
Buy the rope, I’ll be waiting with the popcorn Nijisis.

>> No.73725236


>> No.73725247
File: 633 KB, 1873x713, 1608133700138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73725406

>Unironic FalseSneed discord raid
I know in general that is a shit post, but there's one thing that caught me off guard about FalseEye. During the livestream on the Raziel doc he was going over each item and when he reached the first mention of Elira (regarding AR Live)
>She was just someone they talked to, don't read too much into it
Then later when he reached the Aster part he completely ignored the Gurrat chant in chat.
This is after talking with Raziel and whoever corroborated the information in the document. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it or maybe he got some extra info that exonerates Elira.

>> No.73725370

Most delusional thing Ive read in this thread. That's an achievement.

>> No.73725406


Maybe, but in general he mentioned a few times how he didn't want to promote the GURRAT because he didn't have enough hard proof of anything. It could be him coping from being an ex-nijishill, or it could be him knowing shit we don't. Considering if he wanted to he could've easily suppressed that part due to helping her get things together, it's interesting that it was left in.

>> No.73725743
Quoted by: >>73725943

If she's smart, a lof. I doubt she plans to leave, but at this point it's better to have a Plan B.
Pretty much, even if she's in control of the squatter account, that account has been inactive for years and has ~800 followers. Restarting it won't do much and most of her fanbase wouldn't even know it's there.
But I don't know how much it'd matter because I'm 80% sure any graduation announcement will be community noted with a link to the PL account.

>> No.73725943
Quoted by: >>73727570

She doesn’t need a plan B. She turdwrangled all of those groomed high schooler managers to think she sells when the numbers literally says she doesn’t as Q3 shows, she can easily convince them that she can totally go into JP where she will stay as another of the many 3views.
Will she be happy? Of course, they are narcs in their hugboxes, look how quickly she moderated her stream, she will get her daily gaschamber session that everything is ok just like the Nijisis go back at the doxxsite everytime reality curbstomps their delulu into the ground.

>> No.73725968

her ccv is way higher than any niji lol

>> No.73726052
File: 55 KB, 802x386, HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dramagoons are getting desperate
>Gura deflection
Desperation is palpable

>> No.73726148
Quoted by: >>73734982

considering every liver that left nijisanji repeats how shitty the company is and how management is trash is not a doki thing anymore, sisters keep pretending only doki complain about the company and is all rainbows when literally every single ex niji including pomu has trash talked the company and how bad they treat their talents, selen is just one of dozens of talents that graduate this company because is shit, just look at the list of niji graduations, you can make an agency bigger than most out there out of it.

>> No.73726229

even on her worse ccv she mogs 99% of the branch playing shit games lmao she now has collabs with companies that dropped niji but you know what? she gets the entire piece of the cake instead of le 2% kekw, shes an employer now not a wagie

>> No.73726287

are this dramagoons, gura simps and false something something in the room with us right now? the cope is getting real lmao you sisters are so funny to watch melting down

>> No.73726512

Hey, the placement of the YouTube logo makes it look like a big clown nose. How very appropriate.

>> No.73727190
Quoted by: >>73731050

Yes. Mori's CCV does not acccurately reflect how important and relevant she is.

>> No.73727480

>Can't prove a negative
Yes you can you fucking idiot. That's one of the most repeated falsehoods of all time and one would think that at least some people spouting it would have bothered to check if it's actually true by now.

>> No.73727570

Damn dude, you must really fucking hate Elira.

>> No.73730182

Absolutely rent free lololol

>> No.73730339
File: 8 KB, 835x285, 1710761645080059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't watch Doki
This you?

>> No.73730707

Don't fall for false flagging NDF fags posing as dragoons
>death to all nijisanji

>> No.73731050

She isn't that relevant when it comes to streaming, which is why she has been trying to expand her streaming viewership recently.
Her importance lie in her music - which is all good, but that's not streaming.

>> No.73734595
File: 302 KB, 1051x1096, 1709174517060789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its never to late to let me see your pussy

>> No.73734932

>Fans reflect the streamers
True lol ,no wonder nijifans are cocksuckers listening to vox blowjob asmr

>> No.73734982

Other Ex-Livers:
>Wow it's so nice to have responsive management that sucks my dick all the time! See you next week at Tim Horton's, Millie!

>Wait 36 hours for perms? Inconceivable!
>The Chinese femcels and Filipino goblin bullied me into suicide :(

>> No.73735380

Too many

>> No.73738065

