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73030120 No.73030120 [Reply] [Original]

Ex-Wactor and spanish-speaking indies general
Previous thread >>72964413
Pastebin pending.

>> No.73030156


>> No.73030222


>> No.73031474

I miss Axtre

>> No.73031630

Lily will pay for her crimes.

>> No.73032743
Quoted by: >>73032817

Sorry i dont oshi psycho stalkers with a track record

>> No.73032778
Quoted by: >>73033129

tic tac /idoles/ is cumming tic tac

>> No.73032817

Hi nico

>> No.73033046
Quoted by: >>73033460

I wish my oshi stalked me

>> No.73033129

Go away Loyal

>> No.73033186

Who else?

>> No.73033460

Mee too, need a girl who would obsessed about me

>> No.73034216


>> No.73034540
Quoted by: >>73059607

Some people speculate that Purin (Shura's sister) might be in. She posted some cryptic shit yesterday on Twitter.

>> No.73034660


>> No.73034974

You know what, I'm kinda fed up with vtubing

>> No.73035090
Quoted by: >>73035526

I need that doujin's name

>> No.73035208
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>> No.73035526
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>> No.73035751
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>> No.73036876
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Quoted by: >>73036927

Imagine the STDs

>> No.73036927


>> No.73037003
Quoted by: >>73038945


>> No.73037758


>> No.73037928
Quoted by: >>73038313

I remember when Hina clips were about her getting excited for learning a new thing

>> No.73038074

Meica drawing dicks on stream

>> No.73038148

Meica talking about dicks with a bunch of dudes

>> No.73038313

She's still learning new things

>> No.73038646


>> No.73038829

>The word Meica says the most is pene

>> No.73038888
Quoted by: >>73041176


>> No.73038945


>> No.73039563

>Page 8
>Not even 10 minutes

>> No.73041176


>> No.73042046

she really needs to filter at least the most retard part of her fanbase when she returns

>> No.73042726

And who are those?

>> No.73043083

She just needs to tone down that fake Rushia rage she used to do.

>> No.73043718
Quoted by: >>73046519

>leaving out 99% of her viewers

>> No.73044740
Quoted by: >>73045049

Same with argys

>> No.73045049

who's argys?

>> No.73045129

Those retards are sucking Magnus dick on discord and won’t come back to her so don’t worry

>> No.73045923

Are those the same sedai shills /here/ who harassed Natamos back in the day?

>> No.73046402


>> No.73046519

That'd make her almost watchable.

>> No.73047079
Quoted by: >>73048372

I don’t know, all I know is those Lily fans are going to Aivy, gata, Eru and some groomed 2view now

>> No.73047398

Yes, it was those faggots, they were so obvious it was almost laughable how bad they were at disguising themselves
Posts went like
>Natamos are whores! Watch sedais they aren't whores!! like those natamoes!!!

>> No.73048372
Quoted by: >>73048762

she will still have retards like Ikemen and DaniB just like Nisha who will probably have to deal with Cuckcell again

>> No.73048762

Is cuckcell still a thing?

>> No.73048995
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>> No.73049030

Yeah, last time I checked Enya banned him

>> No.73051264

how long until he gets banned again? I give him a week after her debut at most

>> No.73051477

Meica is cumming

>> No.73051592
Quoted by: >>73055237

Does Moyo annoy anyone else of you?

>> No.73052311

He is such an insufferable faggot.

>> No.73053298

I hope the Jew’s drill sergeant told her to never do her discount Pekora laugh ever again.

>> No.73054192

>10 minutes
>page 8
What's going on out there?

>> No.73055237
Quoted by: >>73055316

Calm down Kazzette

>> No.73055316


>> No.73056393
File: 43 KB, 732x313, Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 17-54-53 ♡ en X QUE TRISTEZA QUE EN UN MUNDO PARALELO PUDE HABER LLAMADO A LA MEMBRESÍA ONLYFLANS AAAA QUE FRUSTRACION _ X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73056654

They are busy with the groomed 2view. Lily will be watchable. Maybe I’ll give her another chance.

>> No.73057016
Quoted by: >>73058034

I don't get it, who're those 7 other girls?

>> No.73057476
Quoted by: >>73058134

Vjin girls treat her well and don’t pull Stacy moves on her. Meica and Nisha are her friends I bet but one is too young and the other we never really got to see interacting much anyway, it’s good she has friends who value her

>> No.73057482
Quoted by: >>73057587

Do you have the stamina to cultivate Eru every day?

>> No.73057587

Im not immune to stds

>> No.73058034
Quoted by: >>73058232

Most likely Misora, Luna, Himea, Eru, Sezia, Anya and I don't know the last one

>> No.73058134
File: 319 KB, 659x412, 1683913948176867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73058410

Nisha has always been a loner. She didn't interact much with the girls in her own gen back when she was in wactor. It seemed like she was about to open up to the newcomers (Neon, Sezia and Yuumi) but then shit went down and we never had a chance to see that happen. Pic related the last collab before the storm.

The only girl she really enjoys collabing with seems to be Meica, but the two are such polar opposites I honestly don't understand how they can get along. In fact I feel like coming into idolES (which seems almost like a certainty), Nisha's biggest weakness seems to be her reluctance to get along with her coworkers. I hope she can improve on that and I'm sure she will get along with not-Lily seeing as they both have very similar past histories.

>> No.73058232
Quoted by: >>73059126


>> No.73058410
Quoted by: >>73082039

not-Lily and Nisha’s interactions on twitter seemed genuine
I wonder if they have been bonding now that they are in idol

>> No.73059126
Quoted by: >>73059414

What was her name at wactor? I forgot

>> No.73059387 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.56 MB, 2326x2150, LunaSOVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't forget, right?

>> No.73059414
Quoted by: >>73059690

Yumi Nekomiya

>> No.73059535


>> No.73059607

I doubt about it, she said she will be streaming in English and have said before that in ES community she had to deal with “bad comments” a lot more than in EN community

>> No.73059645
Quoted by: >>73061855

Yamu status?

>> No.73059690

I liked her more as Yumi desu

>> No.73061127

Eru status?

>> No.73061197

On one hand I'm glad this place finally spoke about Magnus and his groomer circle. Keep it up so other girls are aware of his activities.
But on the other hand I'm worried about Sylvie because one of Magnus exfriends has been trying really hard to become her mod. The worst part is this dude leaked several of her socials on several places including discord servers and this site. Dunno if she knows how derranged this guy is.

>> No.73061487

Is one of the Sylvie doxxers friends with Magnus?
WTF then that Magnus dude is even worse.

>> No.73061660

What else do we know about Magnus?

>> No.73061755
Quoted by: >>73063527

Sylvie really needs guidance of someone like Shura, even if it’s not her necessarily

>> No.73061826
Quoted by: >>73061898

Sylvie still hates discord, male vtubers and mods. Even without anons watching over her she keeps the anti groomer attitude. You must be proud of her.

>> No.73061855

I think it’s obvious she had to word it like that to not make it targeted

>> No.73061898

You really don't know.

>> No.73061921

who the hell is magnus?

>> No.73062013

About to start

>> No.73062035

She constantly shits on discord, says that she won't follow back male vtubers that follow her, mocks mods everytime she can.
The one who doens't know is you.

>> No.73062231

>Magnus current pet project
>Magnus conversation with Aivy Lovencraft
>Magnus manages his talents’ Adsense accounts, which currently are that 2view, Aivy, gata, Eru and Anastasia

>> No.73062429

>Los consejos son gratis, solo disfruto de matar el tiempo hablando cuando se puede y conocer personas interesantes.
Talked like a real groomer

>> No.73062563
Quoted by: >>73062731

>Letting some fag from the internet manage your Adsense account

>> No.73062731
Quoted by: >>73064067

Is Magnus the reason why Lily left Sedai?

>> No.73062823
Quoted by: >>73063763

No anon. You really don't know shit.

>> No.73063272

How new?

>> No.73063465

I remember that there are some faggots spreading rumors on discord.
I guess you are one of them kek

>> No.73063527

So Shura convert her in Radiofuna and Megajorn cum dump lmao?

>> No.73063667
Quoted by: >>73064503

Shura doesn’t involve her friends with them

>> No.73063698
File: 1.59 MB, 498x373, objection.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73063829

Eru already had an adsense account from way back in the day, I doubt she'd give access to someone she barely knows, and Aivy still hasn't received one. You're full of shit.

>> No.73063763
Quoted by: >>73063942

I tell you facts, you only say 'yOu dOn'T kNoW sHit'
If you have something speak.

>> No.73063829
Quoted by: >>73064071

Eru doesn't even follow that faggot. I feel like this shitter is just making shit up.

>> No.73063852

>These retards think they can fool anons

>> No.73063942

He's not going to say anything, he just hopes that retards like Anysado will fall for his bait.

>> No.73064067

have you seen them interact in public after she left? I think there is your answer

>> No.73064071
Quoted by: >>73064450

He's telling a half truth, magnus is a groomer piece of shit, but Eru has nothing to do with him.

>> No.73064165
Quoted by: >>73064960

Fucking groomer

>> No.73064450
Quoted by: >>73064760

You think the collabs are coincidences, she’s seen how people reacted to megajorn and shura so she won’t be public about it. Might not have her Adsense but surely is with him

>> No.73064503
Quoted by: >>73064696

>t. threadwatcher
All of Shura's orbiters sooner or later become part of Radiofuna's brothel just like it happened with Yukine

>> No.73064696

Yukine did that on her own, not even shura has been in their show

>> No.73064737

Eru should practice changing chords

>> No.73064760


>> No.73064782

Shura has appeared on their channel what are you talking about, and more than once.
The two I know about is one as a participant for some game, and the other one as an announcer for their awards.

>> No.73064800
File: 373 KB, 795x334, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73065450

kys threadwatcher

>> No.73064960

now I feel like supporting not-Lily
Imagine having someone grooming your fans away

>> No.73065450

Anyone who gets on that show is instantly blacklisted from the girls I watch

>> No.73066097

who is it?

>> No.73066192
Quoted by: >>73066331

>magnus is telling anon to keep the good work and raise awareness on magnus activities

>> No.73066331
Quoted by: >>73066486

>Tries to smear Sylvie's reputation because she rejected his services
>Totally not magnus

>> No.73066486

I'm not shitting in Sylvie you fucking mouthbreather.

>> No.73066541

Eat shit trannya

>> No.73066659

Spoiler:nexcell is the translator

>> No.73068940

who is the doxxer?

>> No.73069722
Quoted by: >>73069954

>le megajorn boogeyman
Hi Magnus, still dont know how to larp as someone else?

>> No.73069954

Hi Megajorn, mad because there are girls that do not want to join your brothel?

>> No.73070621
File: 3.65 MB, 2560x1440, nisha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73071246

Can we stop talking about men...? I thought this thread was about Vtubers

>> No.73070815
Quoted by: >>73070920

>shitter's thread
>>can we stop being retarded subhumans

>> No.73070920
Quoted by: >>73071200

When will it not be a shitter thread? Because it seems to you all threads are shitter threads.

>> No.73071200

All threads not made by MiutomoOP

>> No.73071246

Is much better that shitposters efforts go to hunt down groomers than to shitpost about girls.

>> No.73071463
Quoted by: >>73071656

Does Lily or Nisha had any yabs during their previous lives or do they have a clean record? Just trying to find out what I am getting into once they join idol

>> No.73071656

> p-please give me ammo to shitpost
Oh Shitter-kun, are you even trying now?

>> No.73072000


>> No.73072051
Quoted by: >>73075922

magnus viejisto?

>> No.73072066

Tell me if she'll say anything interesting.

>> No.73072584


>> No.73073191


>> No.73073531

>Page 9
>4 minutes
Really what's going on?

>> No.73073536

I miss Neon, where is she?

>> No.73074304

Lots of bait threads on the catalog

>> No.73074404

Sisters are trying to bury any mention of Nijisanji drama

>> No.73074942

Are they drunk?

>> No.73075076


>> No.73075163
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>> No.73075922

i was thinking the same haha

>> No.73076556

It seems like a lot of people are graduating. Sometimes I think this hobby is dying for good.

>> No.73077549

Shura is seeing an iceberg about piracy

>> No.73077605

YOU for idol
THAT one for idol
the one over THERE, for idol too, why not

>> No.73078137
Quoted by: >>73078931

We need more short stack chubas like Shura

>> No.73078931

She can suck my dick without getting on her knees

>> No.73080184
Quoted by: >>73080996

Nothing has been the same since shit went down hard that one last time at W
Everyone changed for the worse, they need a corpo leash again

>> No.73080996

Shura is the same except horny for her chat, Yamu is the same too

>> No.73081816

I miss Neon

>> No.73082039

both are failed idols in the same age range, they probably met back in their jap days so they knew each other beforehand

>> No.73082575

She's constantly on the verge of dying, so I hope the best for her.

>> No.73083456

Lily is so fucking hot and evil, she's probably into chainplay too

>> No.73084225
Quoted by: >>73084860


>> No.73084600

>Shuwa made me brick hard before bed
Good night

>> No.73084725

I don't like being horny

>> No.73084860

You'll see

>> No.73085318

I bet she loves being forced

>> No.73085891
Quoted by: >>73086000

Wasn't Lily a dyke?

>> No.73086000
Quoted by: >>73086855

all chuubas are dykes

>> No.73086855

Not Pekora

>> No.73087356

I miss Amako Ikamin
