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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.69982824

I hate this shit.
How hard is it to at least offer S, M, X and XL?

One-size-fits-all is always Japanese L which is between American S and M

>> No.69982848

you fat

>> No.69982863
Quoted by: >>69998021

Just don't be a fat fuck.

>> No.69982891

Oversized shirts are in fashion. Get on with the times.

>> No.69982937

Imagine the smell

>> No.69982942

>fat fuck filtered
you love to see it

>> No.69983009
Quoted by: >>69991376

Wearing L doesn't make me fat.

>> No.69983027
Quoted by: >>69991718

>width 63cm
Is it normal? I had like 70 cm waist when I was 15 yo 55kg kid

>> No.69983083
Quoted by: >>69991376

one size fits all (manlets)

>> No.69983113

Are you guys asian? Try being /fit/ and over 6ft with a good frame and wearing japanese clothes.

>> No.69983128

actually, maybe she just doesn't want filthy males buying her stuff

>> No.69983149
Quoted by: >>69991376

Men bros, are we being ignored in favour of women?

>> No.69983177

only men that look like faggots can wear that.

>> No.69983183
Quoted by: >>69991376

>t. anorexic manlet

>> No.69983198

Short kings keep winning.

>> No.69983205

Not really, this looks like something a 13 year old would wear. Looks like some gamer merch. I'd be more comfortable in wearing an anime girl shirt to be honest.

>> No.69983223

who the fuck would even wear that

>> No.69983255
Quoted by: >>69995138

Just take this design and print it yourself. What's Cover gonna do? Sue you?

>> No.69983264
Quoted by: >>69983399

Based Mooms filtering the fat fucks from her fanbase.

>> No.69983350

Americans coping and slurping their HFCS.
>No, no. T-they are the m-manlets.

>> No.69983358

I love when vtubers have outfits that remind you of the early 2000's aesthetic. (2000-2010)

>> No.69983396
Quoted by: >>69983465

Get fucked fatty
Lose some weight
Fat people don’t deserve nice things, they don’t even deserve things, they should be forced into mandatory slavery until they lose weight

>> No.69983399
Quoted by: >>69991376

She's filtering every normally proportioned adult with that shit.
If you can wear that you're either 12 or a literal midget.

>> No.69983406
Quoted by: >>69991376

One size fits all Japanese. Cover hasn't realized they need to offer bigger sizes in the west.

>> No.69983465

How much of a midget are you to wear S?

>> No.69983469

I didn't expect anons on this board to be so fat. I assumed everyone was pretty much average.

>> No.69983497
File: 308 KB, 494x500, moom shirt anpanman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the roundest hoomans will do to that one-size shirt

>> No.69983498
Quoted by: >>69983547

I wear a medium despite weighing 180 lbs. if you can’t wear an L you’re obese, simple as

>> No.69983547
Quoted by: >>69983635

funny how you shared your weight but not your height, fatty

>> No.69983576
Quoted by: >>69991376

I'm three feet across at the shoulders. I have to wear a three just to be able to lift my arms to the side.

>> No.69983587

But the fitness industry is more developed in the US than in Japan, so it's a great place to lose weight!

>> No.69983629
Quoted by: >>69991376

free size is not a medium in the US

>> No.69983635

Doesn’t matter in this context but I’m a solid 5’9
I’m considered overweight and these clothes fit fine

>> No.69983639

>You don't wear normal Japanese size? You must be fat!

>> No.69983662
File: 80 KB, 960x544, 1694872096718763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69991376

LMAO at all these midgets and pencil width niggas going "y-you're fat!" Go ahead and disclose which part of SEA you're from

>> No.69983691

You can get that t shirt custom made in some chinese sweatshop for $10

>> No.69983765

I'm guessing that was to save costs, like this nice of merch normally wouldn't be available for the occasion of just a random new outfit, vs appearing later in the more-important birthday or valentine's merch.

but they could make it work if they just had one size, so it'd cost several times less an investment to get them made to get them under whatever internal limits, and they knew it would be an irreplaceable moment to seize on the hype because a bunch of people will be stoked seeing moomps wearing it and go "man if only we could actually buy that shirt", cover went "in fact, you can!!"

>> No.69983775

call me stupid but can someone convert those dimensions to the lettered sizes?

>> No.69983782
File: 23 KB, 824x746, 170734525687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's going to wear the $31 shirt

>> No.69983819
Quoted by: >>69987749

>I’m a solid 5’9
Nice copium, 5'8 manlet. Probably skinnyfat without a single ounce of muscle as well.
No wonder why you can fit in teenage girl clothing.

>> No.69983823

31 is the price of a normal lunch
Stop eating and buy stuff to support your livers

>> No.69983852

No nigga, I'm 6ft 5 and weigh 100KG. I actively play rugby and box. I'm not fitting in fucking jap size clothing. I wear size 15(16 US, 51 EU) shoes ffs

>> No.69983868
Quoted by: >>69983913

>width 63cm / shoulder width 56cm
How does this work?

>> No.69983913

Just be shaped like a pyramid, bro.

>> No.69984038
File: 3.97 MB, 2705x5083, jelx6docawha1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69984921

> 155cm
> 121lbs

I hope it's like a dress on me. I love wearing tshirts with fishnets and I wanna embrace the emoom.

>> No.69984276

Literally yes? Not obese, but definitely a bit fat.

>> No.69984290

if this isnt a larp what the fuck went wrong in your life to watch vtubers

>> No.69984351
Quoted by: >>69991376

I am 191cm and weigh 97kg. Tenma praised my physique. What the fuck is wrong with (you), you skinnyfat midget?

>> No.69984355

Fick off tourist

>> No.69984472
Quoted by: >>69984562


>> No.69984538
File: 838 KB, 1010x674, laughing fat manchild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69991376

if you dont wear quadruple X you are no man

loling @ all the emaciated homosexuals and third worlders ITT defending this merch failure

>> No.69984562

Drink your protein shake and have another roid injection.

>> No.69984656

Obvious choice is you put the shirt on a dakimakura and pretend it's mumei or your sex doll. Whatever floats your boat.

>> No.69984675

The shoulder width is too narrow for me.

>> No.69984683

Fit/tall people cant watch vtubers? The hell?

>> No.69984762
File: 80 KB, 225x381, 1688093455279173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69984881

Fat fucks.

>> No.69984881
Quoted by: >>69991376

>HIV positive manlet

>> No.69984921
File: 507 KB, 448x252, screen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70009833

pls be in Fairbanks

>> No.69985101
Quoted by: >>69991376

>can't order shit cause nothing fits.
Such is life. Not like lit's much better here. All the X and XL stuff is made for fat people - Not tall people.

>> No.69985403

"how hard is it"
>four different sizes instead of one size
>have to decide how many of each size to stock to attempt to not have too many/too little of a size
you answered your own question

>> No.69985616

Okay imagine this
Mooms one size fit all underwear
With a picture of mooms on the inside
With an optional silicon insert

>> No.69985727

>have to decide how many of each size to stock to attempt to not have too many/too little of a size
you get orders before printing so that one is less of an issue

Also I'm baffled how people can think this one is small, I am wearing Euro L and this one seems much bigger than that.

>> No.69985772
File: 191 KB, 500x500, 1654155619569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69986120

>31 is the price of a normal lunch

>> No.69985918

amerifat status?

>> No.69985998 [DELETED] 

I'm also autistic, have bipolar and ADHD. Physically I'm gifted, mentally god took a big old shit on me

>> No.69986018


>> No.69986019

>ITT 5'5'' manlets without enough money to eat lunch say why the biggest vtuber corpo in the world that basically prints money not having clothing size options makes sense

>> No.69986036

>hurr durr only fat ugly NEET losers watch veetoobers
where do you people come from?

>> No.69986066

Nigga this is something your average youtuber can manage just fine with their merchandise, I cannot believe for a minute a company the size of Hololive would have any problems managing the logistics. This is just plain lazyness.

>> No.69986120
Quoted by: >>69986947

Any decent restaurant is at least $25 which comes to about 30 with tip.

>> No.69986180

You dont even know how Hololive does merch. they're made to order. That's another reason why not having size options makes no sense because they can make exactly as many from each size ordered as needed. They want have any overstock or understocked sizes.

>> No.69986289
Quoted by: >>69991376

You have to remember the hololive audience isn’t smart and don’t know how to size their clothes. One size fits all is a benefit for the autism of her fans

>> No.69986384
Quoted by: >>69986424

>where do you people come from?
If idiots on this board could stop breaking containment for a second we wouldn't have such an influx of retards and tourists. How about that for an answer?

>> No.69986424

You aren't allowed to point this out because the trannies in global dickride Parrot and other containment-breaking e-celebs

>> No.69986663

As someone who's managed (alone) the supply of workwear and safety gear for more than a hundred truck drivers, I can tell you are completely clueless.
Ordering ONE (1) model of shirt in different sizes Is absolutely nothing and Holomems have an army of nannies at their disposal.

>> No.69986676

Good for them. As long as they stay in Global they can dickride whoever they want, I don't care

>> No.69986774

They killed Mumei with this goth shit. How could Hoomans accept this crap?

>> No.69986947
Quoted by: >>69987039

>25% tip

>> No.69987000
Quoted by: >>69987749

Yeah, if you're a woman.

>> No.69987039

Dumb mathlet faggot no wonder your country is third world and has no respect for the service industry

That’s a 20% tip

>> No.69987374


>> No.69987498

so based of cover and mumei to filter fat fucks

>> No.69987660
File: 15 KB, 870x79, 1708837603149830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP bros said it best

>> No.69987711

Well if you're a fitfag, don't you love wearing tight clothes so other fags can see your nipples poking through your shirt?

>> No.69987749

Ok fatty kek

>> No.69987787

Nobody cares about the opinion of arsonists and rapists.

>> No.69987807

Grim cope

>> No.69987968

why every white woman vtuber want looking like this

>> No.69987990

obese mutts overly btfo
>b-but i'm 6"4
>b-but i play american football
>b-but i'm 110kg of pure muscle mass skelly
and yet no one here gives a fuck because we watch girls pretend to be cartoon on the internet and you seethe because you can't buy a fucking tshirt lmao. Fat fucks always make fun of manlets but the second their ideal world collapse realizing most people aren't tall especially women they start to shit themselves like monkeys.

>> No.69988031
Quoted by: >>69988112

BASED hungry skeleton don't let any chads tell you what to believe

>> No.69988067

>t. 5'2 emaciated chink

>> No.69988112
File: 2.70 MB, 2481x3289, Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Head_of_a_skeleton_with_a_burning_cigarette_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bait or not i don't care i just spew my feelings

>> No.69988229
Quoted by: >>69991376

5'4'' 120 pound SEAs really going all out this thread

>> No.69988273

>JP "males"
>5'6 manlets built like 12yo girls that haven't hit their growth spurt
>too timid to even passingly glance at a female

Somehow, I don't quite care what these failed humans think about westerners.

>> No.69988547
Quoted by: >>69988691

>31 is the price of a normal lunch
>spends 30 on weeks worth of food
>could drop it to 25 if I skipped premade wraps I get occasionally
damn, I guess I have been living life wrong.

>> No.69988550
File: 497 KB, 900x900, 1706568833864203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread again

>> No.69988589
Quoted by: >>69991376

>the manlet uprising

>> No.69988597
File: 26 KB, 400x359, 1663802192534710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>63cm width
What the fuck that's fucking enormous, how fat are you faggots? I thought the complaint would be that one-size-fits-all is always too big for a normal person because the average American is 200 pounds and wider than they are tall. Truly a lost nation Jesus Christ

>> No.69988691

Normal home meals are cheaper but any restaurant is gonna cost that much

>> No.69988728
Quoted by: >>69989075

I actually dont even think thats the problem: its just long. I have the Laplus shirt and its pretty baggy. Nice shirt either way.

>> No.69988745
File: 345 KB, 1920x975, 1920px-Average_height_of_male_19-year-olds_by_country_in_2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69989402

Asians are fucking tiny, the average Japanese sizing just isn't compatible with an above average white man, or even just the average white man

>> No.69988784
Quoted by: >>69989059

whether its too big or too small is an almost equal issue, god forbid people want sizes so they can buy a shirt that FUCKING FITS

>> No.69989059

The shirts are just short, not that small.
Use Medium XT, and these are crop-tops.
Which I think is what most people struggle with when it comes to SEA sizes made for 5'2" humans.

>> No.69989075

The point is everyone is acting like this shit is japanese size or something but like brother how the fuck do you have a 126cm circumference that you can't fit into this shirt? The issue isn't japanese sizes at that point.

>> No.69989402
Quoted by: >>69989461

How do you have no data for Antartica? Wouldn't that be the one place where you have the most accurate data since the only people there are in science domes and whatnot?

>> No.69989412

>outlives you by 30 years

>> No.69989461
Quoted by: >>69989890

I imagine it's because there were no 19 year old males in Antarica during 2019.

>> No.69989530

>outlives me
>even though southern europeans outlive the japanese, and even several central european countries are effectively tied

You nip manlets are failed humans that were living in iron-age conditions before experiencing big, magnanimous gaijin cock. Embrace it already.

>> No.69989537

>declining population because too retarded to have sex

>> No.69989542

I like their proportions, it makes them fuckable in a skirt. Westerners look like shit in comparison in them.

>> No.69989608
File: 198 KB, 362x338, 1706755481330220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cover is making better material than actual sports leagues now after the fanatics bullshit in the MLB

>> No.69989748

What opposite world alternate dimension did you come from where retarded drama discussion happens in global instead of literally everywhere except global

>> No.69989856
Quoted by: >>69990016

I'm not fat, but still wouldn't fit in those, due to how wide shoulders I have. Japanese L is about 5 to 10 cm narrower than my regular t-shirt. It annoys me to no end, can't basically buy any t-shirt merch

>> No.69989890
File: 656 KB, 970x728, Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 10.07.10 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69989986

So you technically have the data, it's 0

>> No.69989986

True, instead of "No Data", it should say n/a

>> No.69990016
Quoted by: >>69990086

I literally can't move my arms in anything smaller than a 3xl because of how broad mine are. Hell, I usually wear a 4xl for comfort because it can be hard to find a Tall.

>> No.69990086

Unless you're severely deformed, you can't claim to not be fat and still need a 3-4xl
That is cope

>> No.69990201

I hated not being able to fit in to my oshi's clothes so I buckled down and have lost 100lbs. You have no excuse fatass get to work

>> No.69990263

Based, anon

>> No.69990675

I know that size system varies how the f even japs wear this? For comparison to my M size tshirt (L66cm, W50cm, SS45cm) this thing is enormus and I am 180cm 85kg

>> No.69990868

I like the shirt, is it on the Hololive Amazon store?

>> No.69991049

Obviously you don't go to the gym bc the trendy thing now is pump covers aka baggy clothes

>> No.69991114
Quoted by: >>69991376

It's called being 189cm you sub 170 manlet

>> No.69991141

why is Mumei a fatphobic

>> No.69991323

Asian /fit/ here.
Need Large size shit, my arms feel like they have blood pressure cuffs on otherwise.

>> No.69991376 [DELETED] 

eat less fatty

>> No.69991397

You are 5'4

>> No.69991499

Mumei catered to us, landwhale

>> No.69991517
Quoted by: >>69991548


>reply stack is taller than the poster themselves

>> No.69991522

>t-shirt shoulder width always ~56cm
>footwear is always 30cm or less
This discrimination must stop.

>> No.69991548

>obese cope
I'm six feet tall and you are going to die of heart failure

>> No.69991557

83cm length holy shit that's fucking long. Unless you plan to tuck in like how mumei's outfit goes you are looking at dress.

>> No.69991596
Quoted by: >>69991943

gymfags really looked at normal people with baggy clothes are started calling them pump covers

>> No.69991659
File: 86 KB, 589x905, 1677851095588531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must have this physic to wear Mumei's t-shirt

>> No.69991663

>those narrow shoulders
Now all the Nijisisters will be lusting after me... darned whores.

>> No.69991718

It's a big tshirt. Remember the width is measured from one side to the other flat not the total circumference.

>> No.69991744
Quoted by: >>70016753

The normal human adult male who doesn't inhale sugar and high fructose corn syrup physique?

>> No.69991879
Quoted by: >>69994973

How skinny do you have to be to be 6ft and wear anything smaller than large? Do you not have muscle?

>> No.69991883
File: 489 KB, 420x619, 1685804324056462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) firstly the shirt is made for girls hence the narrow shoulders

2) secondly the shirt should be tucked into the skirt or pants hence the long length

>> No.69991908

>shoulder width 56cm
where is the male version

>> No.69991933

>have to decide how many of each size to stock to attempt to not have too many/too little of a size
they're made to order, anon

>> No.69991943
File: 129 KB, 400x300, d0b3a4fd-06f9-4258-b231-eab844b6f89e_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69991972

>buy it
>if anyone asks why I'm wearing a girl's shirt, tell them I borrowed it from my girlfriend
I win.

>> No.69992463

Eat more skelly

>> No.69992716
Quoted by: >>69993413


My mistake. Did you know oat milk makes you impotent? Might want to cut it out of your diet along with the soimilk

>> No.69993413
Quoted by: >>69996170

I eat natural stuff, not whatever processed shit you've been trained to ingest
The fact that you equate being healthy with that says more about you than me

>> No.69993689
File: 31 KB, 586x523, images (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69993923

Femhoomans can't stop winning, Mumei loves us. I'll wear her giant shirt and tell people I stole it from my girlfriend

>> No.69993791

>5'5 wall in the background

>> No.69993890

She is clearly trying to get you to lose weight and take dieting/exercising seriously. Don't you want to be able to wear the shirt when she's streaming in her goth outfit? Gotta pump iron for the bird girl.

>> No.69993923
File: 83 KB, 941x722, 1708731909755087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69993978

Asians have no muscles, males and females have the same girly frames.

>> No.69994109

>don't want to disgust oshi with atness
>work out everyday
>eat healthy
>become fit
>oshi mocks of bald people
>kill self

>> No.69994153
Quoted by: >>69994335

Men filtered by the size. Noone who is 180+ and have muscles will fit in those.

>> No.69994210

Fat or a kid, one size fits all is not how clothes work anywhere in the world. How fucking cheap is cover?
That said, the only ones wearing this will be cute girls.

>> No.69994307
Quoted by: >>69994725

You guys have no idea about manly stuff, lol.

>> No.69994335

If the problem is actually muscles it doesn't matter if it's too small. A tight shirt looks fine pulled over a fit body

>> No.69994424
File: 450 KB, 1920x1244, seething femanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtuber watchers
>slapfight about masculinity

>> No.69994443
Quoted by: >>69994528


>> No.69994460

If you have complexes, then yes.

>> No.69994528

Gyms are disgusting, I have a weight rack at home

>> No.69994725

Whatever you say homo. I'm sure you enjoy the stench of other men's sweat surrounding you while you pump your irons in the gym.

>> No.69994750
Quoted by: >>69994981

When was the last time you went to a gym? Even the cheap ones are pretty hygienic nowadays.

>> No.69994924
Quoted by: >>69995879

Only the people insecure about themselves try to paint dudes exercising as homoerotic

>> No.69994973
Quoted by: >>69995267

I'm six feel tall and jacked, I have a six pack and can bench 400 eat
eat less fatty

>> No.69994981
File: 37 KB, 438x216, Screenshot 2024-02-25 9.53.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69995320

People sweat on machines and only clean it by wiping it off. That's like only wiping your ass with toilet paper instead of a bidet. Fucking gross

>> No.69994996

ITT: fat burgerclaps

>> No.69995138

you can even make it accurate to mumei's shirt instead of being all black

>> No.69995151

>ITT amerifats don't know the concept of lean muscles
Not everyone is a roider with testicles the size of a pea

>> No.69995213
Quoted by: >>70005116

How much you bench?

>> No.69995219

>priced like concert merch
at least its cotton instead of polyester that a lot of vtuber merch items are

>> No.69995267

You would've been more believable if you said 405 but of course you don't know standard plate increments

>> No.69995320

The gyms I go to have disinfectant wipes

>> No.69995326
Quoted by: >>69995606

>poorfag can't afford a good gym

You hate to see it folks. Do you at least give that noney to your oshi?

>> No.69995377

You sound like victim weight

>> No.69995462
File: 35 KB, 506x503, 8qtxt0px1q1c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69995518

>muh lean muscles

>> No.69995518

>has no idea what lean muscles are
Typical 400lb bariatric american

>> No.69995606

My home gym setup cost several thousand dollars and I can watch streams on a tv on my treadmill without embarrassing myself in public

>> No.69995785

Who cares how lean your muscles are if you don't have a lot of it

>> No.69995879

Only people insecure about themselves go to the gym in the first place.

>> No.69995930

fat cope

>> No.69996036
File: 186 KB, 736x962, ecb49076cc83c3e2aa07b068e1c348a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh lean muscles

>> No.69996170


Sure thing peewee. I'll help you get the lentils off the top shelf anytime.

>> No.69996376

Fat fucks should not be wearing emo/scene clothing anyway. You would have been laughed the fuck out school if you were fat and tried to fit in. If you can't fit into skinny jeans then fuck off.

>> No.69996883
File: 88 KB, 640x960, 286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69996943


>> No.69996894

You'd get folded like the twig you are if you laughed at anybody.

>> No.69996943
File: 421 KB, 933x570, 4564978.725_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69997392
Quoted by: >>69997821

>gets out of breath from walking to his van with a modified cab for fatasses
>thinks he could take on anyone in a fight
Americans are so delusional

>> No.69997523
Quoted by: >>69997718

Well, I hate this shit because im under weight

>> No.69997718
Quoted by: >>69997924

Fatasses at least have to work to fix themselves
You have no excuse

>> No.69997821
Quoted by: >>69997903

Have you ever seen a twig fight a fat person? Weight classes exist for a reason.

>> No.69997903

Have you ever seen a fat person try to chase someone? Literally just have to walk in a circle around you until you call an ambulance for yourself

>> No.69997924

Are you slow? You lardasses just gotta NOT eat. The opposite of "work". Skeletons have to reorient their whole life.

>> No.69998021

its not only that, one size fits all is almost always an XL. Only normies fit that. Most people who would be into chuubas are either whales or little skeletal waifs. It doesnt work for anybody.

>> No.69998142

Literally just eat

>> No.69998413
Quoted by: >>69998891

literally eat lmao

>> No.69998558
File: 62 KB, 220x280, next-time-dont-eat-a-salad-scout-tf2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69998789

>one size fits all
Moom in a nutshell

>> No.69998891

We aren't fat fucks so we can't just guzzle down melted cheese and jars of mayo.

>> No.69999010
Quoted by: >>70028166

Last time I "just eat" I ended up with cholesterol and 130 pounds.

>> No.69999561
File: 203 KB, 1200x1200, E4PeyDPVcAI3YpB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a shirt you supose to use over other clothes, so maybe is big enough to an american to use it.
I have gura's t shirt (XL) and i'm a 6'1'' fat ugly bastard.

>> No.69999746
Quoted by: >>70000647

Mumei is trying to give a hint. It's for your good. She cares more than doing it for money. Do it for your oshi. Aim for cardiovascular training, and higher reps with lesser weights. You can have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.69999853

Stop projecting your weird fantasies, people go to the gym for themselves.

>> No.69999937

Fatties doomed to hell

>> No.70000647
File: 19 KB, 400x400, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just cut down to japanese L size bro
no oshi is worth becoming a DYEL for

>> No.70003195

No im dutch, when were born we are already as tall as adult asians. Im fucking 2 metres tall and weigh 110 kg.
Whats up with faggots nowadays wearing their gfs clothes? Skinny jeans? Are you one of those retards with ripped jeans too?

>> No.70003399 [SPOILER] 

I hate the hurrdurr all vtuber anons must be fat premise so much. I probably don't get as many points for this as a femanon but my oshi keeps my morale up with going to gym and keeping fit and going on walks, I'm sure a fair few people here are fit...

>> No.70003559

If you work out for like three months, you too can be the same vtuber fan as always but with decent physique.

>> No.70003932
Quoted by: >>70004059

based japanese company. this is why Japanese culture are superior to Western nonsense. Stop normalizing the disease called obesity. You can be healthy, and being healthy is good. Why do you hate being healthy?

>> No.70004038 [DELETED] 

I bet it will fit her boyfriend Marcel nicely ;)

>> No.70004059

Fuck off tourist.

>> No.70004160


>> No.70004171

sorry but tenma praised my build. and i fit enough for this size. not like i will buy this hologarbage anyway

>> No.70004196
File: 961 KB, 1224x651, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70004335
Quoted by: >>70004608

this should be written on this board rule. no fatfuck allowed. if you want to be recognized by your oshi, post your build like that niga nene fan.

>> No.70004440
Quoted by: >>70004547

Maybe I'm measuring wrong, but this shirt doesn't even seem that small? Assuming you're below 25 BMI, male, and like 5'10", you'll be fucking swimming in this shirt.

>> No.70004454
Quoted by: >>70005249

It takes one glance a a convention crowd to know they're a majority overweight. Being in denial doesn't make it less true. Look at the crowd difference between JP at holofes and the fat westerners at connect the world.

>> No.70004547

>Assuming you're below 25 BMI, male, and like 5'10"
that's high standards for this place

>> No.70004608

Already have if you know where to look, I'm petite muscle mommy, short girls just have to work a bit harder for the build.

>> No.70004675

what was the point of mentioning your gender?

>> No.70004748
Quoted by: >>70004815

Femoids think it means they're automatically correct

>> No.70004773

Because I get assumed to be a twink and I don't want to get twinkanon's hopes up

>> No.70004815

stop talking like a faggot, go back

>> No.70004850
Quoted by: >>70004933

She wishes to be raped Inshallah

>> No.70004862
Quoted by: >>70013508

It's an American XL size. That's a good size for large non-obese people and baggy for everyone else. If you have a problem with that, lose weight. XL is a good size for me, and I'm a slightly overweight 6 ft 3 man with broad shoulders. Now it might be a little small for someone that's over 7 ft and a beefcake, but that is an outlier.

>> No.70004930

This is literally an American XL
If you can't fit into that, you are indeed obese and should lose weight

>> No.70004933
File: 112 KB, 1154x1030, FWEJ1p0UEAEVbg0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70009574

Something like that

>> No.70004940

they are aware only fat fucks watch hororaibu or niji

>> No.70005116

How much do you squat? What's your pronation lift?

>> No.70005216

I'm 6'7" moom! how the fuck I'm supposed to wear that??

>> No.70005249
File: 22 KB, 936x327, images (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70005372

because nip only eats KFC/burgers occasionally and only in special day. while most moot will eat them every 2 hours. can't blame them, there's no body shaming anymore, unlike 2000s era

>> No.70005372
Quoted by: >>70005973

>there's no body shaming anymore, unlike 2000s era
Fucking shame, too
Will be the ultimate downfall of western society
Fat people should be shamed and taxed by law

>> No.70005973

This happens in Japan. Your company gives you a yearly physical and if you are overweight the company pays a fine

>> No.70006323
File: 50 KB, 500x520, 1702514764251828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70010078

Hell yeah bro. Post body.

>> No.70006535

>proven to work
>more money for the state
>universal health and quality of life increase
Literal no reason not to

>> No.70006705
Quoted by: >>70006812

do you faggots not know what a tailor is? it's extremely cheap to get it taken in.

touch grass ffs.

>> No.70006812

>tailoring a t-shirt

>> No.70009574

Be at Connect the World 2, you bratty femhooman

>> No.70009833

Nigga you're probably one of 20 people in fairbanks who even know what a vtuber is

>> No.70009899
Quoted by: >>70009952

manlet or asian cope

>> No.70009936

How much does Cover have to pay for Mori then?

>> No.70009952

So can you still walk or do you have to jiggle in place for cardio

>> No.70010078
File: 65 KB, 570x760, 1616587380245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70013027
File: 358 KB, 1155x692, 1686534260445919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>83cm long
>2 feet 8-9 inches

>> No.70013219

>murrican "men" showing how fat and ugly they are
>also how dumb because they don't know this shirt is fuckhuge

>> No.70013391
File: 96 KB, 689x833, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even VSPO can make clothes merch in multiple sizes. What Hololive does is really fucking dumb.

>> No.70013460

Why don't you try?

>> No.70013508
Quoted by: >>70019593

>XL is a good size for me, and I'm a slightly overweight 6 ft 3 man with broad shoulders.

Yeah, you're a liar. Even when I was in middle school and 5'11, an XL? Not even close to loose fitting unless you below 140lbs. That's a damn t-shirt. Me now at 6'3 myself? Hell nah.

>> No.70015242

I can fit in the Gura shirt just fine but the Coco jacket constricts my wrist like a python. Wish that one had been bigger.

>> No.70016150
File: 901 KB, 786x617, 1704189463954647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.70016577


>> No.70016753
File: 86 KB, 292x281, 1675319254068983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you suck off Japanese men so much? Not even your average European looks like that.

>> No.70017878
File: 559 KB, 705x694, 1693200167703752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70018199

>You have no excuse fatass get to work
My excuse is that I'm neither a manlet nor a framelet and so an M would never fit me even if I went skelly mode.

>> No.70018526
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 1687284417215830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70020217

Imagine being a grown man and wearing shit that looks like it was made for edgy 13 year old girls.

>> No.70018708
Quoted by: >>70019641

>shoulder width 56cm
If you fit in this shirt unironically just start taking estrogen because it's over for you as a man.

>> No.70018918

Lost some weight fat ass

>> No.70019018

Anon, the girl's models are tiny. Ina's below 5' with heels and that's the one you stuck it over. None of them are above 6' or near the ~6'3 line that a reasonably tall man would be.

>> No.70019593

6 here i was comfortably fitting xl until around 200+ lbs
That said when i was in Asia the only shirt i bought that even fit was 4x and when i put it ontop of a normal american xl tshirt it was slightly smaller. Probably need a 5x shirt in asian size but that shit doesnt exist. I ended up giving away a bunch of shit that i stupidly bought in asian xl then finding it didnt fit later and was somewhere between a medium and large.

>> No.70019641
Quoted by: >>70020716

Say that again without crying, fatass

>> No.70019977

>you must be asian sized to wear this
Tell Yagoo to get euro sizes, we some tall lanky mfers here

>> No.70020046
Quoted by: >>70020407

these sizing are weird as hell
length 83cm? that's more than XXXL. but the rest are pretty normal XL.

>> No.70020195

He's probably a unicorn and so associates vtubers with his own kind of people.

>> No.70020217

buying it for my edgy 13 year old girlfriend

>> No.70020407
File: 107 KB, 480x411, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70020927

no it's not, it's Unisex

>> No.70020629

All the americans who are not fat are 2.5 meter lanklets. They won't fit in "ome size fits all" either.

>> No.70020716
Quoted by: >>70021058

Post phisique shoulderlet

>> No.70020904

Only cute girls are allowed to wear it.

>> No.70020927

oh, i guess that extra length is booba tax then?
that's good for fatbros, it'll get over your belly too!

anyway i brought it as a pretty damn average 6' person, since it's basically XL measurements. i hardly ever wear t-shirts but its subtle enough to be nice.
worse case scenario i'll give it to my niece, she'll like that design.

>> No.70020964

Bro I have big arms and chest, no way a Japanese L is fitting me
There's snug around the arms, then there's so tight that you rip the damn thing trying to take it off

>> No.70021058

you first fatfuck

>> No.70024688

So thats just a same shirt as mumeis but different print. Come on Cover, stop being lazy and give us different sizes

>> No.70027098

Is it actually that small? I converted the cm listings on it to freedom units and they don't make any sense. I have the Gura shirt posted by >>69999561
in L and it's way too big for me to even imagine wearing it. I'm a small skinny nerd and I really want the Moom shirt but won't bother if I can't actually wear it.

>> No.70028166

>I ended up with cholesterol
lmao retard
>he doesn't know

>> No.70028467

I thought holo one size fits all shirts were oversized. Main reason I'm hesitant to buy is because it looks either too long or too wide.

>> No.70029262

Holy shit the fatties are seething hard. Put down the tendies ham planet.

>> No.70029547

For comparison, a normal L sized t-shirt from Uniqlo is:
75cm length
60cm width
50cm shoulder width
49cm sleeve length
So sleeve length is shorter here, and will not look as long as it is on Fauna and Moom. No way it'll go down almost to your elbows. It's also long enough that you can't really wear it under something without needing to tuck it. As with all other t-shirts, it's best to just wear it at home, or hang it somewhere in your room for display if the size really doesn't suit you (read: too thin or too fat).

>> No.70031570

Non-manlets also can't fit in it.

>> No.70032146
Quoted by: >>70032682

>lose weight, whale
>fuck you, gain weight, skeletor
>lmao skinnies seething
>lmao fatties seething
>ad naseum
I love (hate) this site.

>> No.70032682

I blame the tourists those insults are rarely used here. Weight insults are weak they only work on women, incidentally women love to use them against other women catty bitches be like that.

>> No.70038265

Fauna is also selling a shirt

>> No.70038487

>A tight shirt looks fine pulled over a fit body
Yeah sure but what about comfort. and those of us who don't like to display how ripped we are.

>> No.70039829
File: 1.09 MB, 1746x1000, izurushirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70040209

One size fits all is just for women to act like it's a shirt a boyfriend or male would wear since they all want that. Marketing tricks the shirt isn't for you.

>> No.70040920

A medium to large shirt in men

>> No.70041355
File: 188 KB, 636x513, 1668274305375602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this shirt going to scare her younger audience? holoEN does plenty of kids segments and her shirt is a bit more than just a goofy skull

>> No.70041636

Looks like a discount Vic Rattlehead

>> No.70043963
File: 27 KB, 512x384, 1707105028833319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get in shape for my oshi
>Now can't comfortably wear her merch
